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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Nov 1903, p. 6

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Neglect a ceagI suad cantract Ic esumtpion. The Lung Ton-ic 1 ce' ce caonsumptin-' but dont leaî'e il l toîu ix Try il îsam. Your cson"'y blsd if îà do:-cnt banefit you. Prices 25C., 60C., au-ut tt.O0) S. C. WELL3 , C, T.rotoC-. LtR-syl N.". 2 "'Diamond Hall"-Ryrie 13ros.-Toronto, is one of the largest retail jceiry stores in the world,.' rrom lits n'agciflcent stock cofDia.. i-onds. JeelyS vare, Leather God.etc., you rnay slect with Llarau ced saticýfacton- at your A requet xiii bring to your door-free cf cost-our handsoimely iilwistrated new catalogue. Ready for deliv- ery Nov. x5th. The great' magnitude of our business permilts of our sel!- ing at rnaney-saving' prices. 'gr retui-n youener ionhfuill h.. out question if on receipi- of articles erderrd yen arc net perfectly satis.. lied. JEWELEQ5l 118. 120, 122 eand 124. Yonfje Si, Taronto An Eta or'd,Ùinary Offer! Electrie Beits in the Reach of Ail. We Arc SeII'ng< the Best Eletrie Beit in the World at a Priee within the Reach of the Poorest Sull'erer. The Prof. Morse'.s Eiectric Belt [with suspensory for- rnen's or ladies' attach. ment] ie guarantoed ta possess more power, mare current, btter qualty and finish than any other Electric -3elt made iregard leés of prcice THE PROF. MORSE'S ýBELT ie a sure cure for Nervous Weakness,Liver,1 Kidnovand Stomach Complaint, Rheu-1 Inatism, LaineBRCk, Pains or Aches lnu 9il pR-ts Of the lad. Wear the beit whilo ou sieep and in Lhe morning 3 oui wMl feel years younger than wlten on went to bod 1Beware ot tho)so who asik vou to pav froin $loti) $20 for an Electrie 1.t3elt rn& haîf s0 good as the Prof.Mr 'sBoit whieh wO Fil for uniy 85'Wehave only one price We do it ask von $10 tirst and ifl'Vou do not bwi, try and oeil .ou the saine boit nt an'. od prico. OUR HONESI OFFER-It %ou do net care to send us the $5 wo wili send You one of! nur Polts to your neareat express office, C. 0. D., $5- with privil- etge of axarnination; if satistactor-y,pav th e xpreoq agent $5 and express charg1 os and the Boit. If nat as ropresentedE you need not pav ono cent If you rendf cash wiffî or1er w@ Propav theoïstaoe.i WE ARE NIANUFACT1hRERS of &Ht kinds of Electrieai Appliancos. Writet us for our book giving' prices and ful particulars. IL is sent freo Do no, buv a Beit until you see the Prof. Momoes. Write at oneo. Addross The F. E. Karn Co., 132 Victoria St,* Toronto, Canada. 2 Formerlv T he Canada Permanen t and Weatern'Canada Mrgage Corpar ation. Toronto Street, Torolit. SAVINOS DEPARTMENT. $Iand cpwards received On de- $1posit. Inturet paid or 3 I10/ componnded halt-yearly at - / _ $1and upwacds roceived for wtli hall yýearly coupons attaci- A0 ed for nterest ah ......... &/ Sonadeyur address for aur balklet 5A3/INGMONEY BY MAIL. Pl-d-up Cavît,lja,6.000,000.00I Re~erv Fend, 1,600,00000 linlestei Fuscds 23.600,,000.00 ,~ T I I I I Ai tle Michigan expec'iaica station ý,'sts were raide ly planiag scede oO vliheat, oatns, flax, cocui, lcrley, dayv- ër, peas and buckwlcntat,( dificeîm lei rcaccgiag froai hall aucichcîta a foot. Thc hlghesi po'r'cstgn 0 gerination for wcnf]lax, coca anid clovec' wae ai a dplof ai, inmch; foranstiacdes fac pane, PUTTTl'G UP BUTTER, Ia cliurning, the butterý ougl1tt le takec as soon as it reaýcheýs il granular state of minute w,-hea graia-sized bodies, lecause tiien tl Washing of h. le donc all hm ni effcctnally. 1Big lumps arc witli di ficulty waslîcd, and, wiili iidiliirei washiag. casian ij efoiriinu'orubou thce butteai'ud le a fruitfal source( racccidity wlien the jars arc openec 11- fact, aîîy lad tache ai' peculiaril in the pc'odacc becoînes nînel mta procîoujcd duriîcg the period, cf 1: icîg iii jars, Pure water is ab9golutt 1Y esseatial iin ah waslîiîg af utc] sils, as wcll as in washucîg af th -butter. Saitiiig chould le dune ah iho ýrat af anc oucnce ta tIsa pounfi, and( ina bc warked icîta lutter icn worýkia, ouitlijhheriailk. Afier a tura e0 t-V to ndai' île orkcr îhe iluth- rnay t a ~dîaniage la put !by ý-fo su'xcral liaurs whcilo thc suit, mvhic] slîauld le of the lest, disent'. ces, ai toc' 'vîicli île final' working nîay b TIti ne'ct maveaiecît is ta di il h jars f ull ta near th(cricîî, sa-y Witl cin onie-ai'wo indeýs, zand dli upnoith spaca ivitl sait. Coi ering the.î"c.n Pletes the worli, aad ih nay lbe don, With Pither parchlcacc-t, or air-iigl paper., Store away la a cool pclue undfinl a purc aiiosplere. Inu1oper iag tice jars, take oui as mach but ter' as is requircd, and caver ce cuaicîder over with s'clt and keep oui ai jar as fac as passible-. Tlic but ter takec i ont for 77ue îccay toa'nd i ant-go e be ut la aiaaii scîsal labdies aad lbe sak iiiwt ai about sixty-fivede'ccfoser aI hours, ,nd then le icide i;si;îtu na apte. Tîsus hiv ili prci e0o very diffui'eat quality from odnr pattod buttae', and bc idecd quýitc passable l'or almnosi aîîy use. A: ta thc kiîid af jar's, na particular shade le called for sa long as îley are well glazad. A little sali might leb put on the~ boitns, probably, to advantagc, but the whale iside ue: le quite dry, esde tc sitsp'nî' 1îcreon wille begîn at i ae,ta d(1is ,sali, "tai.mgîtca s seau tasie Inter an. HIOTRSE NOTES. Tlandie Iorses geaily but firmly. Fced colts suificioahly ta kecp Ilîteîîî growiag., Whea warkiag, keep île ba1iai îlet maneinui cder thi cllr 1h is sireîîgil prcdîcijcg fod tat lrood cîcares need aiidl ccc fattnng. Tt le the jerkiiig and straining ibat injur'es the horse aad cnot île ctead-y puliag. Suiphur and sweet ail mnixed toaa thia salie will le pi'avcd excecllenit for scr'atches. - Ii jecasiue takeep a horse in a good condition ilcan ta straîghteit hlm up afier he bas lest hlîihealil,. The horse business is a sure ad pr'ofitable occe, provided the riglît kind af animale are caised. A gaad pedigree alwaye adds inch ta- the value ai a horse for any pur'- pose' Ta raieing draft hoccos, a bîcefi ebhould leclihosea wiih a view ta producing île anc kind ai-id ia ailier. Straag habite are tcanscmissible. and the praper traiaincg of the trot- ting sire je ail imapor'tant. The imast clear profit lanliandlicîg good horses lies in the fact ilai you have i'aised ihein yaurself. Work sicould la as maderate as possible during the jniddle of île day thcaugl île liai weaibec of the Poor lialiere or Irîdces have ai- waî s beca the cause af horses ac- quiring îhe habit af breakiag basa. To laton a hlorsa that le 11;d. boun.d, glit eiay a talospmonful 0fi îile faiieainfg mxue-aipee l ouinice, crado aiiany T ouiace, cul- pl 3ounrces. A sale Icose may le lazy, lut it ýwll icot do ta say ihat all iazy horses ara safe and tcusivy. WTIE Y F01R PTGS. Cood swcei wlicy makes a great feed for' grawîng pige, provided ih le baianced with ailier feeds. With 1h should le led ucididlngeor scame food riclinlaprotein. Ta ihis respect it diffars fromn skiai aiilk. The nu- tritive ration is mumd wider la wbcy h( tt- h( w( if. ni ul 0j d, t3, TE y je- n- Île te ly ig Dr er Dr ,h J- De le le l- le it it y 0 )f y 0 s r 0 ýt Whil thre s cosidrabe difer a rornne oiciteland ti ciilor seccn Wlile iîe'c s cnstarlsl diier fOyeîers Steivatiin hId' irn liquid:t: eauccicisîac'c la succession before ce aiof lision s us thîe ktivisu3bil- I-G î'jtiejnanepecially are focndioa! they feucît anc ta pai foras the mac- iîy ai gricîtiag grain loi'coine farcii ilsec prepaiet inici is wiie, siruin -1ciaga cercnoccy. When T hîcard of aniaisl, , le penenally cecededtih îe litîid ta tacsici e piaces of shei ibis ITocacîdîedti tthîe ticsia ad ilat itîpays tc grinti forithe dnic'y addtti eIcoysiers acîd geîsty sicaîner ccincfoi'ansassuredti ld niltcy.J lard. A cow givicîg a large flow of unil cbout hall 0f thIe lqaiti las Tlhero'llab no nmor'etelayati mn- îîiik îei de ail lier eîîargy ho secrete 1 chaulaoaatid.,Scusan generotîsiy wit iinge ic our big caravansearies siai- île inik 'andti t digest the large bsutterc pepper ands salI anti pouc' aveu' ply bacause na incccistec cals le faunci aissauni of feet wîiclî cîtuet le uset incali duies cf hî'and, dut lsin andti t îe île kust." lai' tînt puî'pese. fi lefor tiîs Idelicctely Iraiieti. W orcestarshire reasc imcpoc'tant ta make île pro- snauci-' or hoîînto caîchup ehouitiane Lord Lyvaten, wha visiteti CanadaI cees aoftdigestions as easy antI rupit coinpany tîse disb. recectly mitii a party ofciM.P.'s-, telle as possile. A k'oad gc'icszkc'myîIV it l. t-r.hllri rosr san iîserecuing' siary af hic dimcy-I s uitalle poewer ta c'îsail. shaîuld le iollows :-Drain, r'oll ic infla cracluer age "atrose île lerring-ponti." -j"T Pari of the eqîipcaaai of every wall 'lest dbi, ic leatea egg nixel wi th rvei l hrlé e ani ao a, ttai nîyicns.nlittîti.)mill acsd seasoccel mih ep- arrvd i hrote ot ao ________ anti far'I-lira, witlî tan shillings Ii îny îiockei. +--1 eraiidsait and aganîrallinhatîe Like n ytiung fbal T1ianita îl-te lest 1,VOMAN MATLCATRMIER. j cracLierndcîîtfry a 'tclicaia lrowîc oakiota 1and ti îycci tîcca tîce tisys. i lotis sites je lot lai liefdtrippicîge latcll usIogit n Miss Grace Puilijîs, of W crat, ai-d buttec' equcal parts. Drtiin anti hntebilwsbouh om Wayie Cnist, Nîv crkbas îleserve wiîs celid-eîaivor chowv-chow lad cna mcney to a py h, and T1iras disticcttii f -heîîg tise 011Y ivoman If sînli pourc'tîe cîsters inta crack-tunaict. ATpaeiîeclr ecail-caruieri h e State af New r ec' duel, seacocimir. w-il, moit inlta le .piut fifty cents lintmy lanul, whis- Yack. Slîe is nliecîc n Yanus aIt scnanl fiat cakes iviitîvaw or thece Periag, 'l guasseycu'Il iraus a lad, andt es'cry im'ck-tny sIc ites tmm.acty- cysiars lacacîs, tip1 inta tise egg ol i man.' h loigeti avec a stable, f ve tuile's uj hill anti tow'cî aie, itlicen ua île cracher' anti fry., andti ai sork ha île uîîaning ai ic nit Isa-hmlen 3IMiss 1hhlîi, 'ade Piu'kiedOti -tur-c Chois' île lar-driving n a c-iagn. nhc c lu-r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ij diiofas'-nsaînefosfrtspups. Ptae tîoveaiuî'ous career as a stewaurd anti pc"iccan 5C1lire ici their ouicilincuotr anti a smah i ohrberthe aloaî'd leb a îsaî Bîutler'eneîctise 'xciteccent irashaice qîlite ucsprcecdenad . Sbohîti Jtpet cece of buttai'. Sinimer a fcmv sliuily l ic fume cf Percy Vernon. ha le able , to rite 1er tii'Cjty-fli uvuebuhlpum niiite, Ien, cilshîeuct on Jsrselnck, but i w'as take ontthil a skimniar ioa'n dicl, 11ain afc'aiti, eaj'," sai thtie fuir foui-ctmicpossible irithi îe c'egulatiusn Take of tiîeic'ra lh quar eougî ta il ta ti ylafilinta cnail-carî-leî"s lag. Miss Iphilips is coi-cc ilii. -Put ;a layer cf cycteus gr,'ia scs alahloîtn intoa d-) ovr a ewtraxîs yucr affection toime" ' -ou hhlly cdîcateti, as i-ral as caurag- wI catnia,'aep tîsl strexv as'aîtaelaîr eas ibusicessdie1)clie ,,- ,,cf innmon, andi irleemcanq e Mril,"si.îe ui pepper, ai cavr îvih tiora a' hcec P a -Saicciatyouth. "You migici ecala To prove to you tbaii D>. sues ilcacc, tioî chers tili ail it -own-lcuîcae see-say 10 par ceai. Clcacse's Ointmetila acertain 'usti. 1-'rcseIot lquci' atti nanti it wouldn't shake muc tnsinncy anti absolute cure foi- eaeh c ai n-'e-eat. anti very orai I lhclng, îcp megar (tInit is If yau arceuts es. b-eding and pratruidlnrpiles. ntrokingOe! 10oyscers) sal ei ly ý-' S iel,îerse'c tI,, mnacreahave gutaateeti Il. ec ' aseat i pour oser th' avyster tse bank)ý, hropesedti t Yenu ls timonials linhe ýdaily presa anti ak yourr.cgh- Thovîaay l seti11oîle ecod alght?" If,,ly--"Mes; metd 1.proisscet bocswlctteythinkolit.Touran usaialtday ke aîrmniyld fnt uel.6ea oabutr ccaligbut x 1 epsne ecîcyhcs"D"Bd le asic yauî mIl (feaiers orEc»m8om,BÀ 00&., Toiron le, un ence lc.lahrspiisn'" "a'lt Dr~'Ohase'trOlntment o jnyiianaiî, ~ r~6~?~t cdrso a-yj it c.Oui th, îlot ihidi defiles île. clea ýy whîite page ai a letiger, lait yen catic e scateh ouithue peisecîs laitidefile ils 51- blood ti. hi eorcatiser tIsai yau ccratel l-caeuc , andt ircritaion grawe ivacu '-wiiI ecclnemv aitempi ho reliera it ie TIare is aally onie tiing ha de ln u snlc case, and tt il te ealireiy cleanse il, ýe blootifrein île lnfeciing poison. y People mvbo hava suffered Icom dis g eassc cusd by impure bloati, or bloc< ,r pcccaacag, lare founti in Dr. Pierce'ý rGoldenuMetiical Discovry a certainc an( lr endacing cure. L otions simd linimentl h~ cnay ailevisie, bscitlîey cansai care- f-The diceace le lusthce Ilooti, andthîe dur menuet le in the lcetiaiea. Il Goltier Medicai Discorery"Ilacadicaies iconi il biodth fe ituspuriies anti peisons wxuici ebreed anti feeti disease. Il increesesthc actcu'îiy ef fhe blaod-malriag glands, cnt se 60 crecces tisa supply of pure, dicL fblccd, iwhiiel, ncurishliîug ccii rgan, ebuitish~p île ihole ladyjus lealîli a t Istrengili. e Thie cides effeci 'ed ly IlGoldecn Medical L- Tiscvery"Ilai-cPsitiv'e anti permanent. lu h maay casaseoftuise, such nsecezemia teaec, p i-ples, erupthouis anti cleuîma 11cim, an efiecisal cure las blean ouadinj -Dcý Pierce'e sGolden MeiliDiscoey, fil',r ai al , ier iniedicinesand menas iaul f Smaiai'sa dealer tempheti ly the j)arecIsofils paidi ly las eriterioac inedciae silloffer tle carsteuster a cul- stitut,, lus lac faiu"Golden sMetilcl Dis- cavery ' iiiag t lie ha kuseitae b "j isi e aot.î iiec leutliinig galii by iradiing oune hicug -for acceller wiie le aniy 11jusi as zgeoti." The 15 cvecy- h hiîsg te ciel: ini iraticg theia O iscovrcy Il 7 wili a wrrits record of dures for c cul' stiliue ilil stiicsg baut heuncipporteti cîcaii fan inicresîti dueleri- bal4ntl. -If yaou are scel s'u iraîsithablecureti. TiLat'e w,,l'yvoeit anI "Golden Medical Lieca;'ery" Iland ti uîetlielsec. 1 Thare le saoalcahisthecc le Diccov- edy," anti ii is eatirely free fricmopiam, jcocaine, anud cahli er narcotice. er eSUFFEREB IH017fI iý Willjmusiiowa, v,1-rces - "t cesîder yeuse 'tglide i-ifce ettis ealh.Whic j i-ie setiwest, tii-cc ycrc cg , gt pa-on- -ih poison iry. ie poceuc i-tIiid t mylooti andthîe lo-eiIcufred cneet wl ld lte waris. 1 Ihongi 1t,-àuld go czazy. t rouit de nothi)ug but kcrath. 1 woeald ge te s'eep scrati-liitiig, w-ouiC cyck" up inetfee merniîîg andcid uisecf scratinug. 1 scatcueid for cigluicîios l'.std il no e ciccfor 'Golden ticical Dnucceveiy' I wouid bescri-t 'hingvet. I triud differcutkScets of ncedirjîce, tii-d ditferent docuors, lut a h ie relief tii v cani h gtrc imc scte make incy peck- eut.ligimlcr. M uthelI e iga taking tii. Pi-ice', Goldien e 'rcîlDctsiy ok four liottici witlsout cucy elief Kepine la t. 1il t Io 1- in ahi o-f feslcig vuhl msiue c ieqadi ilai ifei-l fl, ic îuue l a rger tow,% idýzýusce would lice li-ee chsaftbefere i-licwinid."I 1Iwo LzifEFIT FAROiW DOOTOR& IlFor about one year anti a 1db MY face wan very hcdly, li-eken ouf," Ilwrite Mica Cari-le Ad 'l nsi, of 1umi West Mai-n Street, Battlecree, Mil an I c piet a gi-caltii-ai af mouey witlc doclors ancti for different kiaids of medicine, lut -eeitine lienefit. At lait 1 reat caie of ycur aideriisece ins aa per, eatdcistaine ttlee aI Deoctor Pierceas Golden Medical Diuacvery. Lfor1I lid takzen oe uleftethis nmeidjeju 1I-- noicec a cliinge, anti-ali-r takcagi-line bolles 1 was iiulirely cari-d. I cau weli i-idom- mnenti Dr. Perces Golden Mtiedicai Iiscovery to any anc simiiarly aflicteid."1 FRite. On reccipi ai stampe la defray expense an 1customis anti mailing enly, Nve wili send Dr. Picrce'c Ccaicccn Sense Medical Atifiser, cascaining ceeS pagée. Thils bokmviii prove a constantl frienti anti mise counselor ho every i-an ansd moman. Itdosas mihîhe gi-oct anti grave qui-sions af humait adigici anti repreductieus ha plainc Egliel. Senti 31 one-isi c tamps for bock ila papler colvers, or '50 aaipe le inclatIi h¶ia Atidres D1). 1R. V. Pi-erce, Buffalo, N.VY mnelieid butter <praviauely peppere and salted if necossacy) ihea ro * wcll in cracker' dusi and broil an, finle foldîng mvn'e Iroier. Tam fr( qnentfy. Foui' Or liva minutes wi wfth fewlits of lutter an tiser Griis if yen choosce wili lemon. GoI Stew'-Allow ýtan mediun sized Om siers 'or encl persan. Eu B AINTY FRUIT DESSERZTS, niove lits ef sîcîl, strajîs, pu thi 'liquid on te 'bail with the sa Tiire re o essrtscmore temp - quatity of mater ai if aiukik lepr- JIng- rjsa11u inî loseltInide af larref eaut it in a seacrate d1151 frit. "l elomigrecipes cnay ýVîeu ,the liquid beilleskiiad*d t cuggest ellas. a strs and bail net lonîger than fis Orange Cenc:Malte a cusiard 0a injutes. Tl înifk le nsed ndd fia, 1 Pi. svetnîi, T 1large tahlaspoon wmil hIte butter, pepper mid sali ani Co.rissiarch, 1 egge and 1 îîp sugar . serve ai aocce. Tecu iake 41 geod, sWaet oracnges Peel, ciii faAîîd prinkie with su- T'ITE CAIE 0OF THIE TE ETIT. ngar. Ponc ' cnsîari- over île oranges. o Srnte h usAt t't Coiar ail with a îc'osting matie of the o Siecghcc hI ueAi e Wiitas aita eggs, acîd bram'n Ii tise calens brushlithe gumes witl warn 'h sais. iVatej' and n a lit teaspoociful c ticcture cf myrrh, buving oaa-hl e Appjle Cisaîrloîte : Paie aid quarter ounce ai borax. dissolîed in foul t. S large apls. Place ii siewiai Ounces cf thetincinre. Diisoli e on( a j xii .T auj) sugai', a litile leisoc inicclOuate of borax in a puni ai beiliri, le andtitrae hableep)oons cf myter. Stew matci'. Bafora iî is colid add ana- ail tîgeiler uniili colt, aîîd stir lise hall teasîioa 0of spirits of canijiha 8- jani, Li a didli witli elices ai anti houle for use. A talleepoonful dsponge cakte, joiati togailer iitl <of, ills amixture itil an eqîual quais ivwhite frosiig. Pouir the stemmed ap- tt-liv c tejsid waier, apjslicd daisY td Isie avec ihis. Coxci' iit.I frostiîsg wl'tl a otbuhprsve an tg iicude fioi he mihite af an cvii. bemautifses tscî thl, ejirsras tan Craniser' Bluccnacîge : Siew anc tartan-me atilesion and arresis de- Oe quart of cracîherrias in anc pi. of cay. Tt ulsa shitejîs île teetîs and wnter. Swcetea miihli 2 Cuis sugar. iîcduces lîealtly actionîai the gains. Whtn ceoketi sirain aft j-dca, bhiig h o a bail, tsen s irii'ic a iisickeiicig TIHE PLAGUJE., madnue by disseli ng ti'.va ilespliis coicitarch 'in a litile wai'r. Cook Has Nhever Gained, a Footisokd h ]for sevi'il îiiiteii, thec. ,our julta Aiong Civilized Pi-optes. " moitIs andtilai ceai. Serve , ili I ci iipped arcuai. 'fhic j e na aie lî ctsiidseases iî Iltause m TilJlly-:Stew hall' kiomyi ta man. Tho OIdT 'estament dozen 1laîjge ae s ecI tî., icn co intauean accoiia i ai Icasi aise sweateicad ciaerfor aou 0 îuîeuîasvt ntfata-l apiteaca a Utes. TIen,,ome aîîd ceilngtliwise.dies wbc upuc tahete- Lay ia a glass disli, accd peuir avec bubonja plague, and mhicI cwas sceai- coie glass of raid curracît jeily. Wlip icîgit' sîcceat by infectati mie. Afier anc cul) creain, acnd place iighlcy aver thic epideinice of tIse iuiddle agee, îlhe jally balaie secriing. ecsding withh e greai plague ic Prunse Pndding: Taka anc dozen Leondan,.icn 1665, tIse diseuse was laige prunses, and udt aucugîs v.ater scidoca eard aofis Euraope, andtinl- ta hall' roser tîseca. Sueten withl teadti Ilixubelicved by ta * 2-3 ccp stîgar. Sieîv until tecclerlhaie tieti ott; but for- centuries it etîccî set neide ta cool. Wlei cool, hîcid its a',n ici Central Adýa, and 1 seau, aicti cjccp prunes fise, crack 1 fircîci leî'e w as carrie inic 1894 ta -selesanct grisd keeueliý ho a pacte. 1t-lengkong. Tlcisce it sprcud ta 'I'lîi. adde1lthue prucnes wilîl gimell ndia, w'lere its ravages mmccc ai anc tîI1scatu fuorohfigs. le thtu nie so leaiful as taoexcite tîce bar-, w iLes ai tc'eeggs untîlis l',ancd 1cor, cf île cii jiird iorit. -cicr hgc ilijta dlhoppîd pinices. Sinco thant tisse thue dsuaselas Ira- iiakisn ii ciccc orl15nmcnutes. Seri e quaýntly, tlreaticd te invado île %vi h plaiicG! hjc creann. I chies of Europe anti Ancerica; lbii Piseupile Crei a : Take a dan of aldccugl tîceelhasve een localizeid piùeuprileandctistrn i ftua mica ha- apidaiirs of cufticicai ccéveity te te a heu i. 'Seak .1,lb. gelqth IIlcwcauseappraliecsion, ne an- the ivasi thîsis ctîl dissolieti. leut thsa ceasi of Mexico sartce menthe aga, mbiles oif tisece eggs ha a stitï froth, ilcu' Isagîce bas îcoveî' renhly gacned add hw'e tullspoca as ceg r acnd thc a foiolt i uîaîg ivilizeti îeples. gelati ci. W hisk llglitly acîd mix icn W an île dise-se mias first chai-ied thaejicsapplc. by moderns sdiaucîidc inetho ds, it ivus ApjikisiSoui fio : Pt coeit. ailk l ivd tsiosl asnd ale is n, deible huiler and lapice on tîl cudents chai-ad miii isaîs île ndeii- fira Bel ti-e alîespcec iciai'ble distinction af a susceptibiity ta a creaiaîi-id lic-t 'Icur tablesîsoecs ta plaigne; acîd it i-uc ilciglit tînat bast floucr cîto it. Gradiîally pourî' myhsaale dectruîctioi i tîce rats the hoai ail Oic ibis, cii ig cois- wault put du sendti thteadiseuse. htinuiiy, hisei ccok fer abolit-.he", Uisuoultediy they ara île mesi rani- imiutes. Saîîîm xIiith h cîble -1moccly lcfýchdad 0f ail aicîcials, spoons :ugnr. !Reaiova froinicdcc fice ia-ixl the 1ncast iikaiy tacarry a nd sur lit île o1ks f fursi'Cpge.S. Iihce geî'nsfirncîc ana partofItise aned set aîmuy te coel. Wlaic miacIdtio anfietîsr;but rcent IcInvesti- - ceol, cirii' leliglitly ticemhites 1gatiha n h lenlglong lusshemy:)n hai ni the eg&,-- hîatea ta a cliii froil. dhîcecies, herses dags, date, andj i Iithe c leîtccîoelan curtiîcîsUsatd-i uerly w aimias lisvicng la contact tiîîg disîs m'.-hiapriccis, ssin1icla iitîs naisare etîulîy susceptible ta wi'tilsiclgar udpoui' osai' liemitl'e thIedicoase. imitai', un-I luke ii os an foc' m Tfhs fuctci alicates île nroisiem fminuutes. Sarive wi11h creai sauce. 0of reehridtiig île sjsreati af plugue oni land; but h rermais truc tisai FOR W'HTTE I-iAN'DS. ratsara îîracthcully île anly Car- aaili s steftesni ieîs cf infection on shipboard. an tîiî-oi'e ilen c oighs work las . laîgue athacks cbiefly the natives itioca cilicse lre 1h promails. This ha lie don(, it is mel,i passile, htio lo rI t 'cs icîate iimnuîy pîut cri glosas. Pi-es ehion ls e atcr'Sntdeo ly l ihuî Cdure, andt as nioc.îng cohîs tus cn thie %vliihe races, bsut railcer ta the lartislise etics tîeagriuei iispi'otactise inflences af scap andi i tisli 1e aicitieta fc'as passible jSa long as plague provails la île i l isicovaici' cot livli Posil Eust il will douhtîes le braugisi te i-eau' gives for dirty wcrc, 50 i'romuime ta urne ta tjIcelsacirs ai aise mach be preparet fer anç's haccdsEurp n ieia u elfc leiîîg soînethîmies very taudIs soileti. Euruscai Ainai-ca; ut an ivinget W%1iii his is île case, doî'i go toa"asifil enpouain lis îî rk poî iuei iri-l sda, sons:unider tha sanitarircondiiaons pc-e- aîsd pn uhft iai- oult c'oîapivaient iciNorili Xmericn anti narîl- tandea btrenid forly.tîsteaod ricîls se crisanti wster'cîEurope, ivocilt lave iueliuca re a il taiti culso cîtlihf le four, cxcii sholcît ganuîa hem- tiseliaie,lardtiorhcilîîandlî the i to-iporac'y icaot iIn île craîvdati for- tueh l ui, t a e i w ali te t hoau -s igu seihîccicenhe of aur large cities. accd a pieu'e cf fincsinhi arai iva- toc'. T4ilca nnel mmloinols Clenl jEOTYEL CHAPLAINS. tisen i acîti boui iijuiriicg tIc sucs is ansài'a. Ti i-s lir ý' ertban s'aai nofia ltel îvill le conapiete n, i-ailcîiush lcfoir eryUse, anti, iuitlaut a lailî11 ! laejsi il csad cegilacly, a niiîiusli wilI beho as taaiit,-The first lid dmelhp- fenîsi aliostif'inon cntirely supocr- llale ,thc 11ev. Frank 1Heary Bur-. fous. TInt is an hlig o lec e- Ididli, an assistant jastor af the Fîrsi cîîeiîecefor tIse use of a rusîfh MapùistClsurch. Ha Is rigli an île rougisens t'l.e fingec' tils andsti ails jspîot foi' dlristcnuîsgs w'oddiags, or andt Iakes thsaii mare liable ta be-z fuisrals. This is loir it came coice colledti îan tisy neeti le. about. "A feiv iecl<s aga," saiti Cîcaplais Bucick, -n pai' cacme hec'e THE HUTTOIN-DIXON ANTIOTE FOR ALCOH-OL ANý,D DRUG ADDICTIONS. A FIGH-CLASS_ 'HYSICAL HOME TREATMENT This treatîient lias been publiciy endorsed before th~e Congres Bishops and at FathQr latthews' Anniversaries ; aiso by Clergymen fcoýi their pulpits, infiuential public Journals. an-d by officiais of 'few oeance, Soceiees ofail! denamninatiens ln neariy every qtairter of the Globe. 1Among the distingished persons who have Investigated the Hutttoi- Dixon treatient and who have allowed their names to be used as patr1oi.ns Tiua DowAGER DUCHESC OP INEWCASTLE, 'l'IIs COUNTE5çS ;op Daaa,-,Bii Tin LADY ]h.DUNI)'rALBIOrc, TirsLADY IIU.EBRTOP F EA 'Lin LADY PxnTua If oN Nls. DuGmoRm~, 'iia, MmzQuis 0opIBUTE AND OTJIEI 1'OMINENT PPOPLEi The Illton DIXo'î Antidote quielziy c' d pt'rmai.eacly rümoves ail de8ire c reed frar haw rdrinu r dm&rc ef aiy Snd. i-yen inthe' nst'îlvaji'eed cases lIii, wsrrauled tobt el,-y Vegi-t1)Içi, free fram sarci- îles cd alia .lallv bailc.Oa ecrildatbpo-tantke Tbere ci-e lo d,?Prescîî -Ilj eetc l nille useaeof Ibisu aedieine. Oic fthe contrai-y, tiie aystemr,d- bi)itcitetlfroc-ilte eiCe ci' e use cf cîtoxicanisorai-ugs. la 11cm ongiv ulyblt âupand thi te t restored tthii e rrne orullor.. miextally anîd physiclly, ma h-fore ie babit wac ceruriuI N typoderl me ipjedticîca ued. The ti*' ataîebt lias hît.n thoroughly ýested and the reýultIvcee for by the tallawing weil-l îoiwîî clergymen : - 11ev. J A. royDnter, lICv. M. Mcrlîîtu, 1?'v. M Gaugliren. il-ev. Patter GaIlleey, 11ev. Fa tlir rio e R1ev F,iflcer i aln eV. M.,'1a3 loi', Re v. J Fpl gger 11v. A M4. Cev iîry U v.Ecticer St. Fîtagerall, E v.Palier l i li an 1ev. Feler Gi- aý-Ue, P, .B.L. lgeci, 1e. ttJ r iey,1ev. jais. U. Huxoâ.. 1 nia.A1DDREtS -JOHN ý'J . DIXON1, 5WILLCO)crS Si E TIR TOTAlt ii'.eiu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ UM ,iaWaaiei5iiZ0e0 Ir, Ir ne Dr ey dl su% fourinuiesfo'an anl, u11111Can hîcdl; ai feru krh tia, - inchies. Cla- er eniriy iiieti Ivîec île tcptl iras gî'catcr ilan tic haches. Saine, plante 0f oats, corn anti jîas ap- peareti cricse grelucitienijcthe ' tpli of çre. icsg xmas aightcinicîes anut GRIINDINtI F' B This woffld be a 'c1earier, -rgtr ïwrld if every housekeeper used It -fpI~ -your petuiMDvi sy U. efforts;,Subtrat-f raniy rca c j ta your life.yur aes Made cniy by THE N. K.FAR NKCM N, Chicago, lNew York, Boston. Mnre! Witliout an ahi ndcince of pure fresh air lu the çven whatever je çooked tereinisedietasteful axd unhealthy. Meats, are specially-uscep- tible to iinpurities wul flaver le retaineâ anly whtn the ov en is pure. Aerated Ovens ?Breath Fresh Air. By an ingenlous arrangement applied only to the Souvenir, fresh air le made ta circulate freely and everything impure, iucluding adore from cooking food is driven out of the aveub and up the chimney--not into the roomn. The Aerated principle ie the only one that actually ventilatcis the aven. Hamilton Toronto Montreal Winnipege: RICE & CO., Sole Agenits LITTLE LOOKING-GLXýSSI1ES, obtain tiisresultitnacmartv In the m irrore af to-day the ight 1 not refl e a tr eilga ge, cu s d t le roflected by a laY er ai siix <r Or an 'lj efetaru jcm( i aralga.m af tin, but a proportion o f lot powA-ble toutak tem %ýite light je lost iin tlecîîrocess nireflec- flat. tion, and the image je less lminous ' ar emdm"sl e than the original. The valiie of a lat- I as wa u fot b b ging myh looking glass je nuuaP estintated, by "la ol ltb egigil the thickness of tlhe glass, icecause breafi fromn doorta door if 1 colild the t hicker i L ic h stronger it us but jrocure employaient at my pr'o- be. But speaking scientificaily tlîick fcss'ion." "Poor muan," replied the glasee are defecîfie, hi-cause the good naoman, as she handed out a. outlines af the image reflected arce, -"what le yur profession?"-"11 lesscelearly defined. There are reaî anm an air-ship pilot, niadani. ly tliree refiections, and coiiéenitl ' [liree images, in every glass aiiiror- "110w are you gettiag on with oae from the upper surface oif the your music?" 'Well, af course, it glass, thc second frocu tbe, lowar wouldn't bc prop-er for me ta com- surface, and tlhe tjird fromthe me-pliifieft myseif, but saine af the, tallc laycr ut the bael. An ideal neighbors hav.e told me that they cirror le one w itlc a pec fccllb Tflat, lia-ve stayed awakc at night for hýourSa t c it 'id re- ll le)' ie ve 'e nd

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