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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Nov 1903, p. 2

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Cenuine Little PLivlie Il.î Muet Boar Signature of Seo Pac.Simlla Wrapper Blow. Yeyamail &ma iu as CARTERs FoueliîEsà FORt TOMPID Lt VER. --LjL FOR~ CONSTIPATIONI. FOR SALLOVI $KIN. FUR THE COMPLEXION CURE SI0K HEADACHE. (Cergregalicral lint ch, Itaimanvijie. 25-6 m DE NT1»TRY. G C BONNYCASTLE, 1, D 8,O D Hn 012& t t L eîîi-try of Tno-ta Universiiy OFiCE-Ôver Centra% liMlllu-.ery. htitrace lfrEt doar west af Big 10, Basemanvïlle oqkn iiter, Solicjîor muS Canveyaneer OffIe- Bteakleîr-Block El g iti et, Raemai-vili. dor Oey ta bcan At; eamoiable rate?. 48-yr, EOIIEIT 1OUNG, V. 8. 0 FF'ICE IN HORSEY'S BLOCK.0OPPOSI J'ite Tao-n Hall Eutratîce, -ahe e ho wseihîb3 (mu d tn-m #a. M. ta 9 PM. Nigîit CI ei at retîdet ce, trecily oppa-Ite DrilShedi. 17-17 M ABIIAGE LICE'JýIE3-M. A JA FuI~er af Marriage Licenges &~idtscet c.toe treet ISJDPSON & BLAIR. y'. I SIMPSON, Q. C-, CHAS. P. BLAIR! Fam titteuosSilcions, Notambset, oMri cf tk, upttaine, lfirg St-eet, Rawrmanville 101(oIr,m for tte Oitiaila Bank. Private mi, 1 ey F hi aed at lotiest x atet W il ho ant Backitock on tise first monaday ef each montis. at tirons 2urt Mondair aIl day, and at Newcastle lot Wednesday from 2 p m. OFFucmE.-Temperance St., Bowman villerear of Hlgginbotbam's drug store DENTI STRY1 0. HARNDEN, L.D.S& Oraeuate of tl'e Ro' al Coliege of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. Cl'IClU-Orposite T Bîngiiiam's office VITALIZED AIR. W ANTED-Several persons of char- oenaeter amd good iepntatîiotneschstate <a' ithis county reqoired) ta rept eaent and advertise aid estmbhiblhed wealthy budeiess haonse 0f ld duclal tanding. Salary $2i.00 woly wth expenses additiaùal, alilPayable in Cash direct each Wedineýday tram head offices. Harseaud carrnage furnished 'when, tiecesaary. References. Enclose self address- d eavetape. Colanial, 33j Dearbara Street, Chicaga, I l. i The OId Relîable P\emedy for Spa -vIns., Ring9bOne5, SPlilts, Curbs ad ilfa1rn f Lamaeness. Thet ue ai a siiugie botle may double tise seiliîug price ai your horse.' GooD FOR EVER.YTHIING. DR .3a J, KEtNDiALL CO.. D-a 5s - CtsNe. 5. .., a no. t111- b- '. ring Yonr Kendotis SPipav cure tor Some tir', t1 use iroint t,,ete unii-eu botes a s-k dand td iu .. 'c-xîtieu ensfor Spavins. FSweeney, ui's end ait Cals andS Swetuîngs. i ha', î,". uînnd t1eclsa Lup o- Yoor .Treats . .îte tII.- and hs its -* "ours s-ri- irt,n Ht W.LAIRD. Thtauaad len ca ipari eusuattY good or ami pLrtor emut s fralil ms ute. Put e $1 ;sifer $- At a l ut forni meri ttusn tm luina c0,nat Ai aur dîuggiot for '0 ndm11 n SpamiS Cure, auto A Tteattt ntise th lr'.e," the book free, oi addreia DR. B.J. KENDALL CO,ENOSBURG FALLS, VT. STRONO AND VIGOROUS. Every Organ of the Body Tonedr up and invigorat-ed by Mr. P. W. Moyera, King St. 1C., Berlin, Onut.,sasys : Il uftared tor five yt.ars ,wis palpitation, sisortnesa o! breatis, -3leeplessuess anti pain la thse Seant, but oe box of Miîburn'e Hes.nt and Nerva Pille oompleteiy remo'mdail tisese dis- tressing symptama. I have net isnffered mince taking thaus, sud noie sleep -weil andi feul atrusng ant i-egratîs."' Milburn 'a Hearât andi Nerva Pilla cure r.hi diaesarinbtg fi-cm inak htart, mora put nur tisans, or -îatery biocti., j NVOTES AND COAIME1VTS. The tact ta ra oth-Tucker rih I in *. 'vas returning fromn a visit of in- IIWH I1I~IfI~~: spection to the industrial eolany ~lUIl UUJIIJUJ.. founded by the Salvatian Armny at x Train pupils to Compara the pre- sent wifh 'the pas't, Teacher must be abive te ail gaing on outside af sehool and be, conversant wx ith eut- t cnt events. We mnlst ail be politi- dlans ta a certain extent. Freeman Fiort Amiity, Coforado, when death '. EVMISS ELEANOR LOVINA ' \ .'u 1ouy15atpotîSpand polittes i rsn overtook lier, and that Colonel ï4oRS, NilD N, - a few minues enth itory." onSted lad te:oeno fthscoovm11POrtant evejîts in present llistory was also fatalby, lnjured in the rail- a aýo* *eaa i (lusea oyfidmti i yu puils eading it). We are maLeIqg way accident, wiîî naturaîîy attract q lrtlcwiîhasteHsoyecyd~yadti eri publie interest ta thse coloni 'ing say s iltory is PlîiIosopîy tencuîî Ktsbee a rtlid rate., Wa with "The Irish Land 1Bi11 ledi i ri- plans af this great orgarrizatioan. bY examPles9 uinBls-Cifneli*ýFsa When the public thinks of the Sab'Va- Anetîter sitys "History is man-p)ic- 0buien Bbs"Th lsk Bnbe as irea Palic," "Tse Alsha Bundaî bin tion Army it is apt ta tUis ou011.VaOfturng as Ceog'raphy Is eaîth-dctur- aîtdtl- nîvG T P'fir ito(ad- the canging cymbais and drus sand îg0Wittîeeeesrerta(ad thse little groupa of lassies that CeceitS says -11istoîy is the witnes's toflC's Irishs Policy The PI1lepeal oi of the timies, thee Jîght of trutis, the Mrs, Anders--n, ap ninet Corn laws uilder Cobden o î&2. îght, these etand gs minerisre-eet semBut mtsor of lisr. Thi grapUl t tîs hns)clety VwoMan of Jacksonville, anid building of C. P. l. iiitiss plsee tingsand pray t ri stflt sonutlui-,trc Lite.-aThonzgrait umawit a uis l au lsOv of the evaagebizing efforts of the llue. Fia., daughter of ftcorV.dr of wTipe culrelrlet eents lu' ia "anadian tcajy To kilaw what History is artswcr Des et as Teacher" airc good. iSe'. c commence rm. Tegetwrofteanythe qUestion why teacis it ? Why Teeaebtfww sada BUa-Y lessoti without nps, pic- !il fecding and FsheltCriug- the unfor- teaeh 1ItistorI,. (1) For tha sake Of Ter r utfww etadturcs. charts af al l iît. Connect tonate and in pros iding haines for the Information imparteci, a m'ani01. mothers who have not at times en- 1-istory, Geography aod Chroulogy the poot- and ncedy ils nat so appar- woman ai culture augist ta kuOrr dured agonies and such pain as only alway s. Tran pupils ta constantly ont t. the pblic ee. liistory wel, tliat is ta ev.ents women know of. 1 wish such wcomen refer ta the inap. intcig a nttthpulce.,in thei r causes. connections and re- knew thse value of Lydia E. bati rauteicatt p111nsa TheeIdutia olneshvebensot, ie atsae ius xeyhamns Vogetabe Compound. It atedwthrltiepsiosf ThecInusralCoone hve eis1s heresar fus .r is a remarisable medicine, cliferent tu thse armies on thse B. B. ,shomiii.g fondd nth (nie Satsbytie cio tamay tiîatural advantages or dit-adiantages, foude i th Uitd tats y he Teaci llltory for the intoîlectunlcionfot ter 1 ever knew and ta aitiier party. Soma h'esooî.sare Sabvatian Arrny, the prinicipal anc0 culture it gi-ves in observation, culti- tharoughly reilable. bast tatiglt eîîtiiely as a Gcagraphy bcbng At Amity, Colorado, wliere vating iniagiic.ation, training thse (041 have iteen cases wihere women lessol .g h a f1S.-31 there arc 300 rcidents, ail lacated mniInry. dcoe oryaawthu emn n Rs .-arai ve'1- - ai eacl arss wits eholso Tt, cutivates the rea.qaning facuîty, beuefit who were Cumed in leas than pib g t ap and borate the place .c.,l ritnil farnswith choololise, th barefaÀthrs neumonthsou anerrcr Vege-a andtakdescribeeg- tnddeserbecnt o can c ectede ch urches aîîd an orplianage, The alysi .g. Our judgineîîts are exercis- table Compound, -while other.s w ho theeth roboy a Aîîit reresntsthepar Cd bou tbc rghtor ron cibu-were chronic and incurable came out rath tilo ritionitya pasnts he partice abti itherns. r on o -Cured, happy, and in perfect heaith Iiead for the pîîpibs andencourage tialfrutio ofatpcn ltioy atemn a ti selageg icît.aiter a thorougîs treatment with thbs them ta rend books af fiction, bocks Sali ation Armiy seeks ta be lndis Tt u is ateme f al trgo aiaing, medicine. 1 have never used it myseif. af poetr-y, etc., bcnriu-g on tihe his- tise roboniation suncorh (* t- saicaso mrltriig without gaining gi-eat benefit. A toril; farts. Sîîrciy a subject oif 50 acrs f rrgaed fo 10,00trainirg by examplesuas Cobui-. few daotes restores my %trength and nsuchý importance sociallyÎ inîtellect- of irigtedgaveraniect tlands bus, Jobn EbLut, Cartier, Wolfe. Tise pttadtoe pteetr ulyad M-alysol citr ta bc sabd on lang-tine payrsents to sbet ty tet isfats of hma. y, symtem. Your medicîne lias been tried esting. XVisaie net patriotircuoucygil worty por ersils Ivtl-iiitheHiso'ry Ceats fithlu ali Ttand found true, heuce I fully endorse berause we do nat kiiow enaugis ai îîet fw yar tie Hitti tats egets a lioaitisy spiiit aofisuiiibit3'. jt."- Mas. R. A. AuNEusoN, 225 Wa.%h- aur aivi great men, ai aur country. ilex fe yeas te UitedStaes t rocogizes thse gooducas aîîd great- in ton St., JaAuksonville, Fla.-$ooo llead ta cias at limes saine sivid go-'. aiment w'llb speiîd îîearly $16.- issof athor balds. It supplies a f@..Olet if originiemse of Usffl tsairalprouln enu~,i-decito ia exu, Kepn 000l,000 for irrigation purpases, But motive for diig. dnenss csntot b PlodJca historie sýcrap-book. Hidstory menus irrigated land withiot settbers js Tiso study of Iflstor. teaclîca ra- 'The eXPerlencO fand teQstiMOny patriotism. We wnnt punlis ta vabuetess, and It is thti plan af Coin- triatLra. Vo sec nisat men and of some of the most notcd women know, and fie able ta teilTt is wamen have done and suffercd and of Amerlca go to provebçyondfoteugîagîe sod'y at. mander Booth-Tuckçer ta use a par- w'a ce-uelvc ta do aur sare. a questlin, that Lydi E1 nk- Tis is ha treso hs tien oft tis land inl reieviag tise Thse two great purposes in teac'cIrng ham's Veetable Compound wifl oalyyisust hr atounsy ahsea congestiont af tise larger cities and Historýy are "Te inter-et the Itupils correct ai IWsuc trouble at oncearIlydnyehnhirantîy Mssi,ýi . evarsa renderiag same oai a ur depenîdent in Histary and thts ta induce them by remo-dng the cause, and re- wlldr nanadnMisstmlyP. Weaver' ta rend and ta bîing about a deep Storîng the organ& to a healthY Fwor on aethdiihsry la gaad classs el-supporting, a proposition itr tl Hsoical readîtsg. dno aic dto.Fai'irietst iisscsbas enibdyig tis lan haingbee Nn we ont t o he uýý,,Lo11 -----as '"Daulac deft Ormeaux." Show enîbdyig tIis lan îavng bau ow w ecte t tie qu'-tantlîc tisat Canada isas mati now ai submfitted ta thse Secretary of State. "ROW teacich Hligtory ?" Teas h quainted witis main points so- as flot wieih sue tony justly ho praud. Heip Thse army has already showa what it tluraughis tterest. Like teacher, isa ta hurdeti pubils with utimportaat t uie auasweî- the challenge fraîn rauuil dooa hisdiectonby tscoln-yourself. Croate d'entsanaid as Hlstory ila astrange aur fîlends art-osatise bar-der ta Austali aa Sostisa lktn forhi'oryisy eadagbymixiture ai tiese imple and tise <iffi- "Name soute af aur great men." les la Englanld, Atst-iiaand g.thBegian itissimp-le it 0.cuit, ail parts canîtot bc taught ta pakatiaaitseBit in mire Ait ica. Enach. settier is given a Plat "Trutis em-b)ouied iii a taie isalb anter every cbass; so teacher mnust decide ils extent, Canaxia's reliation ta It. af frein ten ta tweaty acres, a hansle in at lowiy doo-s." Ta miy pupls oril niat tatc, ach t a criscias.- Taise adîzaîtage of Empli-e Day and farmng ool,.; a erseor O-,Pi aintise first aind second classes lIrend Teacis ciaracteristic farts oui ,dt Arbour Day, etc. t avlase a pro- aud oulty. Tat hcl Olon atstot les. - Ti-,en 1 have tisait' tei1 me tailany h liiied in at eisure. I'ie- gramme oi suitable sebectiena, and~~~~~~ pabr. Ta io in thtie story bu answer ta severai ques- paie tise natter thoroghiy, especial- Tais about extent af Cantada, cani- Ainity lias been a great imdustrial tions or ta ane. NOW tise t-xt 13,rognate events wiich throw addl mrerdiai impaortantce, aur gos et-tment, sllccess Is.sisowu by tise tact that tse tory day 1 asiclfor tha former story tiaisal îight oi tise ssbject andi ciotise freedoni, and resout-ces. first settler discharged ls indebtati- andti t Is surpnli-lng how thi>se litile tise dry bonles nf n text book witis Teacis Civicq because erlucation folks oave$900 lurd tLscea yearsan picturesque realty. Every sisouicb prepare citizens fac tiese tate. ness o $"0 i tht-biness ti s e staîy la about Christopiser teanier inust ha a schobar, Have Do yauc pîîpibs know tiseir represent- Columbus or Chsamplinnor ai toîtie saîetising gleaned frtrmsoute at&ide v n ieaoalbuein thse we rend about animais or platnts an for e tel y bes .son. F até.Doino riaet ? aînd rau they nus compliments af roaloty revealed 1 Jgîve tiscm tise idea tisat tisis is Be iîîterested iin thpit- readuîîg. Sug- cerltileaiinqsis theysvesaes-o for aur admiration. Tisat la wisy, tîseir Uistory leason. 0f course t he(Y -gest boosks far tiseii and discuS, ail tise worid avec, tien willi flnd efaioy tisis lesson. Theso try day thseil with til""',. Pemember tise a oSheiOi.ofnins.T lastdyngtieis tise iappiest o aial lise wek. Now anatetU~isa îso- -) Speii. a ieOcii fnmt. I an rmlnsuyn hwethee lsetr tesu fain be"Tisa k y(1)adds itîterest. Montreiti (Mont isapioa ati roittie iîds ntrTtsestdyiîdbtag P,, nterest in PaRyai). Iroquais freonIra (1 hase cahegrams tîtat hverecently been IiiStory in earucst tl'ey have the tise subjet raler tîsan in coveiisg sald it) quais fise. Hur fron t excisanged between Sic Thomas Lip- nîast Ploasamit anticipations regard- a arge ai-ca ofnmore inîformuation. - Hure" nseairing -siockhend, a isame ton, Tea King andi Yacht King, and in'g t, for tisey at-e already deiighted TaisrmtfctflIssnsdi- mwitli tories théy have bearnedti ta niti tise subject ands fresisen andgîntim teicas William o! Prîtasia, 0-erna n liUer- tell a Etory fnirby ivel', arc acquit- - quicken ol-t knowý,Iedge. He shotîld Saine hisýtoticrit eacduîîgs ai-c "Pas- ar. T aets h-it some time ago et i thumauy fats ini Can'adianiHie- tIssu set dawn oit a slieet of parer savges li Plge, Clacca, MHue tise saille idea lioppeti simubtaneous- tory at least, and it waubd nw take tise points that uiss be taught. Sots xasc a'mu Mci ly litotis heas O tia tw peon-a very long- roui-se of titasaýoite tearch- (Teaniera arc rcaily coxnpclbed tae lr yCnn e.lecY syt the Fas of mpiiuithe tisapte iiîg taeampleteIy dispe tise pleis- tnnis thse bessomi hefere caniing t ar yCnnD leet.ý ho wald afer a ip t tiseauttiet-iss assaoriated with HiStaî-Y Ibis clats). Now ise conOïders tise Brgtietuyaistc-it î- he oul ofer CU tethewiner ýtoLitî.bject from thse ciid's point oi view gante cannettian iiti tisa stîîdy ai ai taaslnti ychtraetise Just haro IIigi t t-a-y rend Park- aînd scisîs ta ii-rover sonîethiag in lan-guage by i Readinsg foi' tise ilas'- mîan'asUittory, "W iti tise Eanly1 tise cliid's partictîlai knowledge1 well writtcu Ilistory. -- conest to c btwen ral achsVoyageiîiS-' y (oi-r. -Tl cEu-'ly tistougis wbicus thse ucîvmay ha ap- sailcd iii ceai wetlier acrOas tise Saxontu tlaies iii Scott s Ivanihae." perceis cd. Do utot expect pupîils ta ic pars e. g. 'This- Caîsada ai ceai aceaa. But as itlilaîspened Sir Tise first 1-listory Lesamîs fer theise-lîteîpret an tîtskliown !)ot ttî1esa ours," 'Tise Battle cf tise tii, Thonmas, wisa îeigîs it a court less p'r Os~ futrslsltiag tise puptibu wji tlsey cati do so through il lçnownî'Ts l'.tgec' iege abut wit aiqott, a a ny-ans et uîudeîstnsdbng Ilbsîaî-y poast ryt eamts otsi By usjiîg tise rouir as subjerts hededabut it eiqutt. aîuad iîttisristiiig tliiibegitu et home ppls tisîrytubencoumi ddufonheaifcompositian., Occasionaly tel able ta ni aise bis itinoiuiiiccet toana~d Hansc listory. To maGe riear paiils lievury beit g n tse adtîbeion-tiese tory ai a battle or a bue, or ai tise wanld first. tise scope and mneaniisg bave a littie g. "Tise Tabit-nun on Cru-sades. bîpattteettaytrpis taIs, bas-oencclicu tell saisie littie "m i-e"oit Romntai <2tqiù,rt. ita oui- ery test style, e'.eîî mter Eîneua' ibbaaîirs depl g'îe'-evetît. Pet-lapa aî lv a fec-weeincl- Wolfe in Candad andltCils','rn ltaý,, isey' are failtiar- itlliit. Tt tNll Emeo. ilai a eýP,, teresteti. lit otîters perisa)s, ail tiehe ust, Hrwadts sae h an iaspiraîbioîs tatlenito la îîenbb cd, but ottof respect for iîs royal xvoalid more ititerested. Wlaisb a Kýitsgs]zýey" an Noi~anan Tinmcs. atiytlbimsg ieil. brother le bîebd lis owit Plan iadeep Uia'-ory ? "A bocoksof ducats wtichiis Plints ai îbrasai by Chat bes iDates ai-c te be leam-îed as facts au-c secret tubl it reached tise irldinf itluience thse worid." Sangster. Tise Crei elea ng- Iearned , iso îdp-ieî- Tni Tennis isy takiîîg advaîta-e aio souse l"'fisc-Th Lamtding ai tise Pib- important dates; arcuraiely as tic- tiscougis a ldiplomatie bak." Thisetoccuîrrence, tebinterest tise Plpj *grînîs, '-isy lrs. lstos, etc. dates cof.Iuliiis Cacu-ar. 'fisc-fust began tise citbegrai.s. "Aiti'c youl, rond work, isba is tIse Iathi master'? Train biopiba te, study e'ents tin e- Chis ian l it-t-ot. Magna ('lirtu, mssy ticar William," tnid tha frst amie. Whosa pptott rou,- n to iercassaît as-Chsatucer, Tise Peicimition, etc. -permîit nie, nuy deateThomtas,' said iriai ate lis duties ? Wliat 5is t ' squeuesq. 'reat every es mît utiter . C'ltis ate tise nmaginatibrîu .1las - pay, etc. Tax coîlectar, whisacoai tise iloi lgauds: Catuses, Pensote 1119 pupibsia ike na rd picture af tisemîet. Neyer, neyer, ny tii'ncects tise tan? Whoapap'oints tisae-Insanointe,. E nsPsis ii ui cie sBedsptf(bre Williiini," mas tise espansc. 'T'hom- taný_ colcector, etc. Use a hlIaida ret-me-'iate, PeLt.J, Cromiîclb's expulsiati0cf tise as wvon filillagntainity, aîud \Vill- aict inomu t mae.cbcar th'e abject Show cause iaîsdieffert in evat-vilit- am, Cat-raiu 0oe-SensSa un lasacepedtise îîis ihegeoiorc-ifishe- iiray or tise cause ai tise staine, not alo)e ofa, general up-- Bahisie, etc. nialus ccpîtiebctioîî. risiag, axar perisaps but of sroy For an crdittary -isttri lesecis otcmiiug tise cap. Uc-ar Sir Thriioi- Before ain clerctlon hiai-e a ballot in social change, csecy rcilgious ni'.e - ITisane sisanîil bce introduct4ion as' graciotnsivards ais hoie ariluîces schtOol anti lasve titispupiis svote. muent.* E et-y Art oi Parliament. short anti pertinenut. tise fart: -KnIuotrîng tisa emparer Teai-intisenite esteenu tise pîi'.i'ege ,.v,,ery Peculiai ity cf character, e. g.. 2 A niarrative by tise teacliî't- in toak suris ia grent iîtcrest in an ofai ng. ' Wm Ill., sullert, i-ua irions. Wisy ? i-i,1mpie, appraîîninte latî:guage îtive, Tendu by biograp-hicai toie. (early siii-rounýdimigs, etc.) sbtis entisusint-in. Duriîîg this nrra- ac-an rare anti seeiie t ta i-ve Sot bas beeîi saidti hat "Ilistorý- is thse George 1II. stohsoruless, self-tu il i. tia îraw ribigransanti iusitiaps. bis iseart on givilg a cup for 1904," blography ai a nation." WC are causc-rasuîits ýte the-s 3 0t S i3 te-petitios O cf this hsy ycuî ise says, 1"1 cault scarreiy do besmlot SO Iriterestet inla nnatîin as 'ilu ii-ibl tisepupilsliti iaoling for causes pupils etiser isnuirset- to trivial giv mmi ue imacoaiidîdîîl Biegraoisy cepi-esetts anti trncing out effects that it wiil qutestiouns or taeuOle lai9e aise. 1 than retire ant ihii teca ct-tlirent UIsttaiy at tise timne tise mai berome ar fixeti habit suis thitet 4 Treat second part liGe the' lii-'t. Ije' Se, evidentby kceanly desired, a lveti. Ligisten Euglislt Hi-tory by examinte itîto andsti neigis evemy esetît 5 Place a grua tirîîmuîsauy (ni tisa course ai action ieb, I anm sure, teanlllîrg I)cgr,"apbY af "Aifreti," jwl-irlistouches t-hein lite. Kcep in B. B- Drilasti revieî tis auo ai nsy frienis in Amîsrira wîîunit-, "Magna Chata," utu1der Siepisen mmnd aîîvays tisai education la not mai-y aistise B. 13. andt alter ts ne- desinî. i wî ue get an.Linîgtoii. Fi1st araia t .de b.-ia 1îin e1, bt1ia bit.e-mva-iai . l ters'ais lt-om DPi-cdets. ler- 11biii ~ ~ ~ l~ u -1 bi11g sis ,ny quiestion sncb c-vs it or aic-ueic-i istaiors-ayl tise CO-ussof Par'is, Ocnnsionaiiy f ~ l~ ~~I~a eelot ,CornsLait s."hnngtt- i e""ule r. te- indulges inu a Havania cigaretteô i' 01, aP. eU m, Nu.SflýN_. sa. lort i]tIîhe- agîsto4jjnts iinoraantirva ocf Otii-c-lHisudireil Ass tiise two, againt the",Cn..and gise t a cispupîil n folcd-iii anti ise wib iritea n irture af the BITS 0F INFORMATION. esant, Auïsuers may ho reati aloui. Taise a trip ttimglit tntaiola slit- Nubs of Knowledge W->,bých ,It ing places cf IHistorien lmteîest, Wouid be Well to Know. ibroughis ndit, tis'auguî France. Pequmir j' ac nyli val-y renita- Tisa Population ai tise earth tdoub- tion. -AId.e haste slow-bt. Do liai les itself ln 260 yeara. try ta get avec a great deai. Pi'- Aibout 200 touts ai refuse are swept s'ieur, raxicw, cisview. Eîstea-var ta off London streets tiaiby. imterai-t tise puîpisIsn itise maîter Tisa Scilly Islandis produca yenriy leanet. Be interastauf youu'aeif. 700 tans, oi flairera fac paciume-mas- Neyer fai-got tise mina bject in ittg. teat-ing H'istary is ta bring about It is estimaiti tisat Amarinan a deep interestinl Hisiorinal Pend- travebiars auuumliy apeitd $l,000,- iug. 000,000 iu Europe. IVera noter do our rnS w-cl Fiva aunces and a habi oi grapes uibesa wa tisink u c ais do botter ta- ara reçàuirat tainiaise oue glass of mnorîow, goot iune. -4-- Tise finest sisops bu a Chinesa city DEVOSÉIR, CRUM. are those devotedti this sale of DEVO SHlE CRAM. cofins. What is bnown as D)evansisire Tise only European country irnicis crisalu la a species of pasteurizeti bas a iower tiaath-cate tisan Eng- crento andi is mîade ns fellors:- land i Norway. -Tise mtou musi ha taken direct Ih la sabi tisai iomen critoluals fron tisa cow anti straine inbta tise have barger banda anti feat tisan av- P-nus bn tise usuai way. Ih shoubti erage iranien, set ln a cool dniry, anti1 I elese Tise Sigisesi shot-tower lu tise for aut af tisis cool apartmenî iroriti is ai Villacis, iu Austrabia. many a gooti iouseifil lias failedti t The faIl is 249 fi. tur out tise genuine artile. G-aa{b, Tise public buildings of Eunglnnd soire pana miuai ha useti, as tisey abona are valuea t a suin appi'onci- h-ave ta bear constant isenijiig. ing $1,250,000,000. Tisera is an abjectionible plan iu A dealer bn artificial limiba asti- sanieeasinaismeats ai ieaving the Mates tisai 300,000 Englishmnen have niluintise sheds for a tinse afier lest ana or bath legs. it is drawn n t eUcroi. Draitei In a Chicago isospital tise sk ia ii os cni tomatie irotosurh is tousilu usai irag iuwbeen successfuiby gratteti a.1 trit oui a goat i fasor, as tise is tisa hand ofai patient. suie te have bec-n more or becs taai- King George, ai Greene bas !):cd his ing of milk unile standing abouiti. saloon raiuirny canniage b/i a Just nowi mny Devoninuts nilk eut France ai a cost ai $150.000. iin tise open field, anti if tise coxrs are A isundreti yearsa go tise aveorage qlliet the plan Sas is ndvantngr's, cisest nmensura of man ns recordedtint for tisera is no taintiag of milS tablons' books iras 36 in., usai it is tisera. -38 la. "This nequires tisetoast caca, la- Gais are liceuseti in Berlini, Ger- tietid, tuera is natiig else bu tha rnauy, anti every can la ta city ixisle procesa hbut an mare tyra couiti uust mear n metal badge heaciag a mianagc. As soon as the mi l s uîmbai. coîti, or, say, 'about nineý or tîrebve Bauîyan mress are reniat-kable for houns aCier brotiglit tcoîu tiseroi, tise tact that thteir buranches,;tiroop tise pans are litedti thte firis, lu demi ta tise grotnti anti taite noot big nainies the-re are iris arue iîon as souirate stems. as De'.onshbine ttassespeciabur matis Ergbaîîd's oldesi organ la lu for tisa pirpase. Tisa stasVes ,so Brnsisuny Stret (etîCognegatiotnil mtadle, Sent mater linsvhicis a num- Cusurcli, Jslittgt an. It iras buibtinii hem.o ainius tnay ho set s50a ta i1660 foc Westtimister Abey. saa a iaautity et milS sriîîslit- Puring the prosemut noîiury 40Ë) île trouble. 1,1 rnale is e 1buma livs, $1 25,000,000, anti 200 kitchen range tiers iuty, tise paasîips have iset sbot, Iafruitîrss ai- ai mnilS beiuîg set in vesseis of bail- lents to fusd tise Nanibu Pole, ,ingwate, orth, ans ay b se cihtantiYar'd autiîaritias report ong iai ear, angtie.pan ay bcase tisai34,000 people i wree hst la Loný tise ab]ject is lis scabti tise ibikantidonmat tsar, cat iiuelsthe saute tc, do ht prelusutiy anti exnntîy. Ih nuisber in the pneceeting yeai-. 'thuonît reacît t-tcS a tcnpenittune PDruing tise hast isuustieri yens tisa Ila- cautses - lth' emnto tW Bible Sas iscea tiaussiatien m more sraat n I s iovemititthan 350 lInuguages, trichinh inie- suracen saty aigii s'snue sufin inis afthe hunsan rare ean rend. c-;theti h mnay be reunoveti bac-1,ta he isa dins'uvto get caiti. Wiset raid, - h is, c1l'tiam is taisen off ni cotiveisi- HOW'S TIS? -eca.andti tiis niotted crean, mi-ileis la ightiy, i-a iigisly astecmneti. W le u lnrt olr l$r lu rab-b ieaibot- tue Msikla isall fisc muy case aof('atarri thtiarnnot bce cured by bt ter befn. Coi-tweutty-four isouns onrHa,,'$ Catarriscurne. en tisirty--six, befcîe scaîthuld."- F. J. CFîENEY & CO - Pro ps, Toietia, 0. esc-nWe, tise uiisderîguicd, haie known P. J. iTor.î's Dairysau. Chetieiy for tise Iasii uusd helieve buts "But why do you go tramiping through the country like this?" ask- ed the philanthropie lady. ,well, mumn, the truth la," replied tho tramnp, "I".c heard that these 'ere Pullian-cars is rathcr sLuly." I t is a cau.1OlI1ug fart t t hose ulcuer who are ugly that it is anly tho 'e men who have ' ever doue enyt.hinrg who are reaflly- ire to loak at. <Great meni aiýe ugIy inieui.-T'earson's Wýek. 'y. Worry Nyon't cure a caugh, When yen find a caugh holding on -when everything else has faîled-try CUre Th. Long Tankc 1't is guarantecd to cure. Try a bottlc- if it doesn't cote yen we'Il refund your îuuncy. Prices 25C., 50C. andi $1.0 S. ( \' YVL-Is & CO. sua iiimn'ialytibo t caryout aiy obigalutions matde by tisair lirrn. WAt.tiNs, ItîzeAIN& lIARVNul hle8ahm Iarug- giats, Toledto, t). Hall's CaleraisCt-re la taken icicruusliy, jct. Ing direcily opoen tise hIaod a-nii tuîctoa aurftieS aftie systetu. Prit-e 75c. pr- ttite. Seiti by tii t5rgzliea. TesmImouulals fre. Ral' Family Plilaraie tis est. "MLýymube Gusîstonî mines (laiase - aîîw bis iîîg S'i're"îdr-d.I sil'a- -dot.".. ..I supps'e t-be s Got a ttc-w - i lk petticonit." 'lie fîsmeigmî paptibatian ai the Brit- is Isi t-is mîrtrbeis 198,,000. Ger inaîs hueit fit-at place lut pois. of nuiiiîrs, liai-ius secondsri, lnc-thIiri. Siaistira shoîw tisai liii'stninug tinîbev ofet Cani.(ia equais usut ai tIse ent ire continrunt aifEuroupe, andst u -îennly double fluai cf tise Vîst(i, Paisa SIcyt-1 iaribtssatre bcgnil,ý, raCm- paubedti t iasîs tthei- lîntt- atter tteiuting a t-tttemem icaefr itiflg on antiahen. Tsev musit-n.aise t-tc alyisicisbe pI-sterlnns Near Malcolmu, West Austrabia. aL gobti îmine is wonked lîy a iamuiy of faf licr, muotiscu -, nti sani eb-Si x, anti is giviîmg oui galt aItishe rata ai $75,000 jper anatîtî. Alrc : "I't's qîi te a t-errai, but I iras mat-lied basti 'eek te Pick Gay 1" 'lndbec1b I I aouulî has fisouigbf ou'ti be tise lais- -touÏi, iL ilre usorit teuS-tcs thitti. -' iji -"Bath ef my grnuudt-nretitis an my N-i irs.Olcat'.'si-a si ailIlapti stUF it i -' oîîsi i' a n Xetisdit-!i tts- Range. Without an abundance of pure fresh air ln the oven whatever is cooked therein is distasteful and unhealthy. Meats ar e pecially suscep-' tible to impurities while being roasted-their rich flavor is retained only when the oven is pure. Aerated Ovens Breath Fresh Air. By an ingenious arrangement applied only te the Souvenir, fresh air is made to circulate freely and everything impure, including odors fram cooking food is driven ýut et the oven and up the chimney-not into the room. The Aerated prineiple is the only one that actually ventilates the oven. G'urney, 0T-IldenCo Limlted, Hamnilton Toronto Mentreal Winnipeg RICE & CO., Sole Agents

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