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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Nov 1903, p. 4

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OROWN BRILLIANT6 The leaders in Elegance, Efficieney and Economy made in two sizes, with and wlthout oven. Examine it before you buy your heater at W. 1-i DUSTPýN'S. China ail Gro;ey TOILET STS Regular Price $450, now Selling at ..........................................$ . 5p315 Just placed in stock 16 sets that are good value at $4.50 but for a few days I wiII offer them at $3.50. If you want a Toilet Set, don't miss this. GROCERIE I want your Grocery trade, Give me a trial order if you are not a regular costomer Pouttry, Eggs, Butter Wanted Successor to O ~ G-& cO) Cali at the Up to* Date But- Scher's and see what kinti of meat - we senti out to you, either from1 >the store or in our peddling waggons. You wiil get the same kind. of meat off the wag- Sgon as 3 u get at the store ~$' Y< ~No two grades handicti by us, only one'end that is the béest we _can buy. We know what we are dloing and buy our cattie a- Sheati se we can gc t the best andi bave our pick. We have eleven choice cattle bouglit for Xmas froim the very best feeders in the country and those we know understand how to feed cattie, for we have had cattie frorn them before and know what we are saying We have: 2 froin T. Jack~son, Providence; 1 rm x Crago, Prov- idence; ý3 früm S, V Hloar, I}ethesda; 2 from J. H. Werry, .Bethesda; 9Lfi-on-,\\ u Werry, Solina; 1frorn J. Ayre. The above cattie are flot onily a credit to the kreeders andi feeders but te, our country. Those cattie wîilIl ot lie shippeti away but wiil be ini our shop for our own trade. We a]so have a cheice lot of 1arnbs, or.e nianmmeth lamb under seven months weighing neàrly two huiidred, fed. by J. Ayre. Aise six7 heifers and steers, feti by Wm. Bennett, Clarke; and four choice heifers anti steers feti by T. Baker, C. C., Solina; f9r our presciit trade. Ce M. f OAWKER77SONS Hon. John A. Davison, Provincial **~ *ê~**4 4ê Treauer of Manitoba. died at Neep- * .awa, Nov. l4th. aged 51 years. Edct for Bnes1Is., Rv ýFoerMcAmmond, Perth, who Dyou understandi Iookkeep- resigned from the Methodist Churcb, i ng? Are you a master of Com- has been called to and accepted the mnercial Arthînetic? Is your Peu. pat of the Douglas Park Method- mansip erfct Dayou know chrc,h in Chicago. the principles of Commercial Law?* IAre you an adept at Business COAL! COAL! ! OAL! il Correspendence? If flot, it wil pay lyou to spend your spare time, this winter in taking a course by* The best is none too good for you. Ïby mail. For particulars of these We are handling nothing but the bdsst and other courses aidress, SCRANTON GOAL this season. Cal CANADIAN CORRESPONDENCE and see us. COLLEGE, Limited. MaGrLuL.a &CGo. 40-46 King St. W., Toronto, Ont.* The peo le'a Fuel & . Lumber depo t, uling St., Esst, BOWMAUvule D. J. Ginsosa, President H. C. bOAn, Secretary. TO ENLARGE 5'DIAMOND HALL" Ryrlo Bros, Purchaso Building lu Rear of Present Store. Messrs. RH'vrie Bros. bave just conciud- ed a purchase of the properis' ou Ade. i 'ide Street west, immediately lu rear o! their prosont promises, on the corner o! Yonge avd Adelaide 8treets. The building ou this propert-y la at present occupied by the Map and Sebool Supply Company, aud le to be vacated bv them ou Jan. lat, wben Messs Ryrie Bros. will tboroughly overbaul the building and it to their present establishment, This will give them somo' 10,00o square feet for show-z ooms, exactlyi dubling their preseut -round faonrI apace, and la to be utilized largely for the extension o! their fine china, art goodsansd optical departmeuts. The firaI floor la 10 be added to their mail order departmneut, which bas grown qo rapidly during the st few yeara as to mako the încrcaaod space a neeasity. The upper floor will bo devoted to manu!acturing, aud will ho furnished with, the moat improve I appliauces. Wheu completed this will make1 'Di.s- moud fHall," with perhapa one New York exception, the largeat sud beat equipped jewelry establishment ou the continent. LOCAL AND OThF.RWISE. Ail kinds o! furs repaired and made to look almoat as good as new by M Mayer, the Fumrier. Bring along yonr work. New nockwear, good to wear dresa gloves, mufflerg, nnderwear, heavy sox, wiuter caps ail for the men at iow figures at West End bouse, We have lu stock a nice lineofo Stoves-Ranges, Parlor Cooksansd Eleaters. Wouid like to give yen prices, which wili ho found very noderato. J. B. Martyu The romains o! Mrs, John Saudo, Washburu Island, wbo died suddenIv, early Suuday moruiug Nov 8th fnom beart disoase. were brouglit bore Wed. nesday aud interred in Bowmanville cemetery. Ros'. D. O. Oreasies officiat- ung. Many old fnieuds attended ti-le funeral, deceased having iived for evenal years niear Providence aud was highiv respected. .- f fi MADAME BONVINI O'BÏRIEN rima Donna Soprano fromt Milan, taly, azid principal concerts in~ Europe -ho had the bonor o! singing before 'owned heads o! Europe, wbo will sunder a choice selection o! Itallan, îish aud Enghish songa. Admission to lfrav expeuses 15e aud 25e onl.v. Don't Liss this great treat. For partieulars tud programs, aee cireul4rgg The Ganadiail statesinan BOWMANVILLE. N',OV. 17, 1908.1 Some people do inot sufficiently rccog- nize, perhaps, how great an influence for the preservation ot that spirit of locai self-government which is the foundation of our institutions, the country press has been and is to-day It is unquestionablyi a power. And it holds this power andj retains this influence because of the sturdy ho-uesty of the country editor. The country press is the ideal of indepen- dence. It is as a rule unpurchaseabe and incorruptible. M7Te recently refused te, accept from a prorninent New York advertising agency the largest foreign adveetisement ever offered to THE STATESMAN in our ex- perience, because its object was to favor bettine: on races Since doing SQ we find a worthy example in the London [Eng- land] Daily News, one of the best news- papers in that great city, which has excluded from its columns the news of racing and betting contests and adver- tisemetnts of alsoholic liquors It is use less for any firm attempting to promote gambling schemes of any kind ln THE STATESMAN. DISGRACEFUL JOURNALISM. We are hearily ashamed of tho con- duet of The Mail and Empire, The W%ýorldî and The Telegram of Toronto for the deptbs Of meanness to whieh they sank last week to render assistance to a man in Toronto to carry out wbat had on the face of bis action ail the ear-xnarks o! blac'kmail o! prominent Lberals. This L-otoriety hunter made an affidavit impicatin- Hon. J. R. Stratton, Mr. E. F B. 'Johnston, and the Ontario Governiment with the Cro9sin Piano Comnpany. Emphatie denials have been made by the gentle- man named and Mr. Crossin bas sînce caused the arrest of the man for theft The flare beadings, unlimited' space and prominence given te the affidavit and the laudation o! the alleged black- mailer as; a citizenuof 20 years'standing, mari o! a fairilv. a former acquairetance of Hon Mr. Stratton (whibieh d3nies) and other efforts to, convey the !Impres- sion that hlai a man to ho belîeved is exceediugly discredfitable to provincial journals of their importance. Bad as was tbe act of publicity o! the affidavit, almost every important statement of which bas been emphaticallv denied. the mild wa 'v lu whîeh these journals refer to the statements of the Provincial Seeretary and Barrister Johnston and the obscure position given their denials shows how loath they are to give publicity to the truth in vindication of the character o! the ceentlemeu assailed. FARMERS' INSTITUTE. The regular meetinzs o! West Dur. ham Farmers' Institute will be held as follows- Tuesday,,Nov, 24, Bowmanville, H. T. of T. Hall, at 2; Courtice, Sons' Hall, 7 890 p.m. Wednesdav, Nov. 25, Orono, Town halýl, 2 p m;' Newcastle, Town Hall, 7.30 p.m. The speakers for the above meetings will lio: Major James Shepherd. Queen- ston], and Mr. ChasE. Shearer, Vittoria.1 Subjects announced ou bis,1 Wednesday, -Dec. 3, Town Hall,8 Blackstoek. at 2 p m. and 7 30 p.m Mr.t T. G. Rayuor, B K .A. Rosebaîl, and Miss ýAgnes Smith, Hamilton. The latter wîll speak especiallý to the ladies.c Members and the public generaIlst are requested to attend and take part in free and full discussion that thet meetings mas' be belpful to ail . As thet speakers are al experîeuced persons aüd thoroughly acquainted with theirr subjeets profitable meetings May be ex- pected.r DISTRiGT NEWS. Mr. Alex ,Ja~ckson has beeu appointe d PoliceNMestrate of Lindsa y Mr. rt Richardson, Columbus, bas gonc to on a business trip. The Far x.uers' Co-operative Harxeting Machine Co. have decided to locate ui Whituy. Mr. and M<rs. M. S. Fraser, Brandon, Man., are visiting Dr. L. B. Powers, Port Hope.. Ton bo"S ln Cobourg appeared bef ore Police Magistrate Dumble for H.allow- et'en prauks. Mrs. 'Mary R. Retallck, rouiet o! the Samuel Me1tho-raîl, Lindsay, died Nov. 7 aged76 ýear7s. Mr, Hieb-ard Müoor, Brookiu, lbat the point of one of his fitigers by getting if caugbt lu a oog-wheel. Amie LablWiborte, an empIoý ee of Kennedy DvsCo'as aw mille at Liud- say,was kilied bY a circular saw Nov.tI, A Dominion Organ bas beau purchas. ed for the bouse of Refuge at Whitbv.- $50 was coutvibutod by the Ontario Ladies Colgttwards the purebase, Tbe'anniv,,ersarv at Nestleton,Nov. 8, was a dceidofi succoas. Ros'. W. B. Tuekor, Orotno. preached good sermons and those-wl offering exueeded the Board's reqnost. Rev. E. B Lauceley, Port Hope, preached auniversarv sermans iu Dan- das Centre Mothoditt Church. London, Nov. 8. Thle thankoffering placed on the plaes amiounted to $5,700. Someaite yeara ago Mrs. Gold, wife of Rev. Matthew Gold, retired Baptist minster, Whitby, is said to have inberited somea$M,000, and- tili a few daý s siuce w,,as supposed to be well off. But it la nowý commoniy rep'orted that sue is some $*17,0OiO lu debt. aud bas made an assignment. AmoDg lber creditors are mnia 'o! the prominent citizeus o! Wbitby and the amounts borrowed rage from $100 up to S3,000. On Nov. 7 th James Newtou, aired 6, aud Maria, aged 7, childreu of Mr. Isaac Fs lits, who livas about two milek3 south of Pont ' poûl, wont ont to'tho stable to do soma ligbt chores. It was about 9 o'elock in the evening and the cbildren, had a lanteru with them. Through soma uuknown cause the lanteru oxploded and set fire to, material lu the barn The little boy -.was unable to escape front the flamos aud was burned to de-ath. In trying to save hlm bis si.-ter was so badi l burnea that she died siruce. RAILROAD ý'MEN GET- SURE RELIEF They Use Dodd's Kiduey Pis for the Troubles Brought on by Their Work Thes Profit by tbe Experionce and Ad- vice o! Mr. Lew Dake, of the Dake House, St. Thomas-Dodd's Kidney Pilla Cured Hlm St. Thomas, Ont, Nov. 16 (Special).- Mr. L Dake, tbe welI-known proprietor o! the Dake H1onset here and onie o! the Most pop)u:ir ,aen in this railroad centre, icomplotely cured of Backacbo and Kidue ,Diseuse o! fi, e eairs standing and be bas no hesitation lu stating that the cure was effocted by Dodd's Kidney Pilla. "Yes," Mr. Dake saî S speaking of bis cure, "I am perfectly satisfied that the two or tbree boxes of Dodd's Kidnoy Pilla cured me, as I bave not been troubled by my Kidneî s sinco I took thema. "I had been troubled witb my R-'i- neysand pains lu my back for ovor five s ears and notbing 1 used gave me any relief tilI I took tbe adviee o! a friend aud tried Dodd's Kiduey Pilla. 1 ad- vise ail my fnionda to try tliem."l Many of the railroad mon bave taken Mr. Dake's advice and areusing Dodd 's Kiduey Plls, This workla ,partieularly bard on the Kid neye and they find DoddI's Kidnoy Pilla bring them sure relief. Phrienology& Palni1;itryr àrf ) 'ren Canda' Gratet roLogs n your Cutter Painteti,1 Repaireti'a n d. Storeti1 until sleighing time, Repairing o f a 11 - kintis promptly attendedti t anti work satisfactory. Give me a trial. Wm. Eudger, Morris' Carniage Works, Bowmaurvihle. ALSIKE WANTED Farmors havingAisik e to soul would do weil to cali ou J. B. MARTYN, BOW. manville, before soiling. P. TlREBILOOO,"K fias special linos just received in STATIOiNERY-Note Papes' in boxes, pads and by the quire, rare vaine. 10e a quire. Envelopes 5e a buneh. FANCV GOODS-Just the thing for Wedding, Birthday or any special gif t. Prices right. BOOKS-The latest p ublica. tions. You can get many o! the copyright 75e books for 60-,tnud 25e eacb. Mark Guy Pearse's b;, '-s at 25e and 50e. Sec my ten i.ent Street & Smith collection. BIBLES and HYMK BOOKS-Full assortment. FOUNTAIN PEN for 75c, verv good. Better at $1.00 and Up. Now ia the time to buy WALL PAPER. I give you bargains. My special- $1,00 framed oul chromo is a mary-el o! eýheapness and beauty'at the Newr Stand, Just West of Morris' Fur- Initure Store. 1 Any Store For: Dry Goods. -~~eThis store For Good Dress Goods. Wemake it a'po*nt to cgive you a littie more for your money than Syou expe et in our Dress Gooasdepartment. We make firm long frienïds- with our poliey-Small profits, man-y sales. Dress Go'o;ds For Winter Wear, 4ee n, h heavy suiting àns in na ry ry ,f wn r w , d r 50 inch, plain, heavy, suiting elotis,, fine finish, aiso plain grounds wihsnowfiake effeet; in greys, fawn,4, browns, greens and navy shades. k~ A first class fabrie for tbe meney. Per yd Soc. 56inh heavy. pure xvool homespun cloths in grcy, brown anîd heather mixture, regtilar price 75e per yti, Now per yd .58C. 50o Dress Goods For Evening Wear. 46 unehes wide in llmiriettas, Serges and Granite cloths in the folio wing beautiful shades-iight and deep pink, pale blue, corn, cream,' white, nuie green, rose and mauve extra good dress gootis for the money. Per yd Soc. Colored Silks. Finest Finish anti best of colorings in our silks. Every yar d im- Sporteti from largest silk ho use in the world. Taff etas 75e p er yd. Louis- ines 75o per yti. British 50c per yti. Cream Cortiet Silk 50e per yd. 27 inch Japanese Taffeta 50c per yti. 21 inch, 25e anti 30c per yd. We have these silks in ail popular shaties that are pleasing. C-ream Vestiags 38 inches witie, 35e per yd. White Faùey Vestings 25c, 35e and 40e per yti. Sweil Gootis For Waists -27 inch Silk Crepe De Chene in Black and White. Per yd 75c. Tooke's Waists. Faney eolored and black anti white printeti cotton Waists, all sizes at present, gooti fitters, neatly mnade, eaeh 50o and 75e. Plain white vesting waists, heavy raiseu effeet vesting Waists, silk stitehing, Tookes Brand $2.50 te $4.00. Keep The Uold Out Wants, etGLOVES anti IITTS, -Blak woi mitts, media, astrachan gaunt- ltblack wool gloves, cashmere gloves, mocha gloves, crein anat plain 'I mode coloreti gloves, ringwooti anti golf gloves at lowest prices, HOSIEIIY-In heaivy or metiium weight, ribbeti or plain, he-Se Sthat wiil wear anti won't turn green. Ail Prices Underwear-lEXtr-a well finisheti vests qnd crawers te match at S25e«, 40e, 50e, 60c,- 75e anti$1. 00 per garaient. INMGHT ROBES Neatly matie anti trimmeti 60e, $1.00, $1,25,Jl5 - Bowmanville. Finest Quality Purs. We Want Your Produce. 2O0th Century Clothing- Austin Climie. nepbew of Mr. W. Climie, editor of the Listowel Banner, was instantly killed at Selma,Alabama, by acetyline gas. Bears the e The Kild Yu Iave Aays Bought signature Bears the The,~Il Kir," Yeu Have Aways Bought Signatuire B S S and SH T Hk ýN D It wiil pay you te get infor- mation ref2 artiing the YfI. C. A BIg., 1 TORONTO, ONT.ý If you are interesteti in the work of a high grade Business S c ho o 1. Catalogue Free. W. B ROOAuK S,1 Associate -Principal. J. Wf. WESTERV'TE LTmi Chartered Accountant. Principal. The Harmony Male Quartette. F. H.FROST, A. E. MeLALJGLLIN, H. J. KNIGIIT, W. J. S. RICRARD. For ail information rogarding Terms, Programs, etc , address F. H. FROST, B. A., Manager, 45-6 mos Bowananvilbe, Ont. Cutters! Cutters!! Now is the time te have

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