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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Nov 1903, p. 5

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An O ptician of' Expe rience.1 In our oxperioneo fitting glasses for oCher dealers in some of the largest towns and citles in Ontario ,we have found many cases where peoples oyes have boon seriously injured by woaring specotacles fit- led by those who did flot roalize ~edanger connected with sup ply- iflg glassos not eorrectl3- fitted. You rufl no such risk aI our Optical Parlors. Yen get ourFp Grand Trr- , '~ iwav Svstem. RÂILWAY TIE TABLE. BOWVMANVITLLE STATION.ý GoAS ÂT. GOING WM'sT mail.... 9 2a. M. I Express ... -6.15a. M, 1 &Xpress ..10 18 14 tLocal, ...... 757 q' Mîxed.... 8 36 p.M. Paosengr-l 42 P. MI Local.... 649 pan. IMixed. . 7 41 Express ...Il 20 p.m. STOTF & JuRy. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 17, 1903. Foley's for farm boots. Servant wantcd-sec advt. M1r. S. H. Levnolds has returned from bis triD te the North-West. 111gb hSehool Commencement Exer- isos Dec. 22nd. Ke the date free. Boy wanted to leaIL- printing at STATESMAN OFFICE. Personal applica- tion preferred., Mr. James W. Barnett, Brooklil, has purchascd the Geo. Liddic farm of 100 acres cast of the village for $7,203. Mrs. Wm. Webster and son, George, Oshawa, visited hen motherMrs. W. L. Keý s, and other friends y esterday . Mr. Fred R. Folcy has a veny attract- ive shoc window. He carrnes good lines and always displays them welJ, Miss- Maude Elliott left y esterday morning for Cranbrook. B. C,. where she intends te romain for some time, Conghs, colds, hoarsenes, and other thraat ailments are auickly relieved liv flrisolenie 1 ai'. Cold weather is comaing. Prepare Dov your want a Moa or wvood Heater DON N Iegantly for it bv getting" one of thode fur coats or Range mt the right price? If so Cali OFF FOR MOTY st styles or a lovelv caperine or ruff at Mayer's. on F. M. Souch. quai- XC For Y'ou Iellows that do a lot of d ri viug .John-RSIcNand teaming the West End House have -Joh- EX URSi I% a big range 0f coats, mitts, caps, sox TAIT & Co are off for the tlîe very to TO R O N TO and rubbers and heavy underwear that L rhws ad fo flen the very to TO lRONTO~~will wear and keepth cold out a10lw- Nothwstad orffte Coueh, est prices.I Foley's for rubbers. Heifer estray-seo advt. Excursion b Toronto, Nov. '20, Mr. W. C. Cole is recovering nicely from bis servere siekness, Comfortable bouse shoes at Foley's. $1. 85 to end of 1904 for STATESUAN and WEIii&LT GLOBE. 1New fruits and canned goods arrive daily at Cawker & Tait's. A chance for the ladies ! About a dozen neat natty lines of Collars at The Mason Ua's Blankets, Comforters and Sheetings, first qualities at lowest pnices at Me- Mutrv's. The newcst and most Neck. wear for ladies is at The Mason Co's. From 25e up. Ladies' Sable Itufts, the finest qualitvY that moncy cau buy at Couch, Johnsten & Cryderman's, Freeland keeps a fine lot of frames for cula rgements. Other styles and sizes made to order., A Lot of New Carpets and New Lace Curtains just opencd out at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. The very la test l u Wedding station- ers and Wedding cake boxes at THE STATESMAN Office. Miss Dora and Master Milton Staple- ton, Newcastle, have becu visîting their uncle, Mr. W. W. Henderson. F. M. Souch bas a full lino (%i Hard- ware, Guns, Ammunition, i-ors3 Blan- kets, Robes, etc., at close pricos. New ready-to-wear suits and over coats imade up in the fashionable stvles Notices of Brh, rîgsand Deaths 50 cent@; Insertion free whon mai.- riage licences are obtained or funeral notices printeri at tibis office. MORTON-In Clarke, Nov. rto Mrs. j. W. Morton. a daughter. IIýAT.LOWELL-In larine, Nov. îoth, to Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Hallowell, a sn FRIsE-At Coluombes, on Nov. 4th. the wife of Mr. Ed. Frise, of a daugliter. Fresh Qysters at Ca wker & Tî Ladies' and Misýses' coats ei designed pretf m and late a: oub, cbato &Crydermsj Ladies' Fur Lined 1Capes lu a! ties, iiiain and broche, a, Ilou ston & Cr3 derman. Ladies' tailor-mad '$kîrîiis in t latest StOals jusI cii dat Jolinston & Crvdeinnau,-. Just opened out aOohor shivr those elegantly ies coats-the mosn stylisb «arment market-at Couch, Jhstn& man's. TL( ,, tvoîtohv conuucî vvîà, îh hiefi nirta ing witti gre-at rrxý.,v re nton Ilow walit fto1,'treprE onIbe delegation Ibidý wil vi Thomas Shaugbnessv. REXALL MOSE E These Dyes wiil dvo Wool, Silk, Jute or Mfixcd odaluon 1 bey are the latest and m ilOst ib Dyes in the world. Try a pi Ail colors at A. L. Nichels' store Station Time Col Porne ........... 6 34 a.m. Grafton............ .48 (2obourg ...........7.00 PortHOPe ..........7.15 Newtonville ........7 80 Good for one day only: Newcastle......... 7.46 a.m. Bowmanville ....... 7 57 d DarlingtOn .........8.06 69 Oshawa Junction ,... .9I WhÎtbv Junction .. .. 828 Pickering .........8.45' CHILDREN HALF FARE. Ra te $2.05 2.05 2.05 1.90 1.75 $1,45 1380 1.25 1.10 1.10 1.10 THE MOST NUTRITIOUS, inPSSdgOCO 1 A chance 10 buy Funs at wholcsale prices will be offoreci by The Mason Co. during the flrst week in Deceraber. They are receiving a large consignment of Fur Garments from one of the best factonieq in Canada and iwlil have them on sale for one week onIv. Sec advt. days will make photos at a large recluction. This is no fake but gen- SBREAKFAST .*COFFEES SBACONO'o e a er sCofe.Tissor Thos ae ev&. always recognized this Iact -. cd a backwand appetite with the sweî flavorcd delicieus- ness of our kind arceflot at ail likely te forget it. They will net nced te be reminded and has donc its Lvel best te gel the highcst grades that can be bought. Tr y oun Ceffce and judge fo.r 3otirs'elf. )Ment of S' Ramn- kt ln tho Cryden- doc and esnted iisit Sir Cotton me bath Dproved ýckage -FRIDAY, NOV. 2th-. The annual excursion bv Gý T. R. of the Ladies' Aid Soeiety 'of Stý Paul's Preshvtprin Church, Bowmauville, ivili take plaee ca l'ritlarv, Nov. 20. by Local Train oui v. The train time and rte aire

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