Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1903, p. 2

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pulith l tAlioude HEMlFC~OM N Pies, or hemorrh oid-,,iae amail tumors, aonL. beý-lr wAh p uce lw OO R CPE .irbh form isand ais u',t theorifice of tise Irectum. They are cI ýd yaulagi t su j ittIe is kn1own of is!is cout ych- heealitBow etypta oae f ap- infiased condition cf thevelu,I ic iihare fr h emuc.Orkcli ofspcil ir-dY pesuel ise-iotosu of aL pan, iVery nomerous l in oinc t he isnd.ofteniu. rtsisdiot Rig~SCtnat esnwt umgor Piles frequeurly n.ttsel1, ooe uigtec-foute wiig f tie11o):n, AI soas oute i iniaitnthn Pu l alaer ciIpectant perioti or ier ,Chutbri. WC nait iis 't t 5 vcrs - Cnit l, nt cntne il pn ef IL,Uties se profuse ýai, to0 cause death. tise ilntiing ej JII ulis Cuesr ts Âuehyi wifh eeaa.Protrmsdsug piles zare the niot reedoi mily Ceuisoin c ilk pt Msrcu ~ osnnon 'ako--Tw ugg, 2- ~ eeaue miS cesî~oly bli'vd tht a urgcal enisn, ati teir rdiury hver mare cli operatien ih the only mneaus cf cure. clii7-Pie,~ni~dp s1)- iUu sat)l g:a wtr u i t xturd April - - mrit:, fk taposiskn o-Any form cof piles causes d readful suffer iilgug ry ccsin tcydauk 'afeuet r C- îie, cpe flotus-, " T (fyu use1 en acceunt cf th tciiss nd s ud isauîg wi-,ch tlqo uae r baly o 4Cu-lbie. ~u aaso ard i tasposi ssuce c con ccompauy theus. Oue cao Lscarcely wl t o ppo.A. rioc use et tis itMt kind .times, aud during tihe nghwhen tisho e ye r fictte isikthmirritable Subi' hickor Nut Cake.--ul~e ~ cup gts immmi, suffeing is intiense .ast urrsoe Tie cna, ....roi; lttr, 1upSweet mut, 3 rups Dr. Chas's Oiutlnenusthe, ýoly absolue ow rgentlychangoi thomod Seteser - . Sptiofle, 4 eggs, 3 teaspoeuc bakin sund guiarate-1 -cuire orevery or 0f' ils colvig ft1ise Br Iitous .' uch hat Na 41i5'i s ase u e ripu ikoynis inui It bas a record of cures nnarlleed i ie Wa sfiiwsinlrouce i to tise Octobar- ,,-.-~ Opsi curruts anudtraisins, molet inu heur. lustary cffni dicin. 6o0enssao, tail cuty bytulttciaie t6vember Topaz Bnkclu eue wisolo cakedealers, or Edmrarson,BaesuCefmngstitsrueulrssd No 4sorc~ $,5 aito Sla.Ou eu alcu~ Toronte. TOrgtec'z ynu aaatiiain nu~ro.Aienut scr am jte, - Tasuaio lage oîcipotaoce cîsp nut mx luthc crtan suipiature cf Dr.A.W. Cists il ieavn fbs oun 4hs i97' lurnSSi tc che la itisis witte fii. Puistoî l mo treei bock autisor, aie ao viy atiç ih ie utiaio ocis nut ( ings Aut Vary liii ipriesare îlima, tihe vyclks 0f 3 hsii boiled eggls, son- ýl>lîIA an t s t le lU r riCw ctalogrue, seaiy su î ai anI pepper andti *t,'- - -- blivd tati a ,nown at au No. ,t.Wnteoacopy. kspon mstri,1tt2 tabiospýrocs utlts hyla eaaetfrme'l oit ebs scctB-tn ~v~F B2~S eeas ad ig ,iftviIegar. pour turthý. Do rnet lot ilb botit c t0) an. eu!etrcl,,fruwild applos. >EWEL25 Iis oe pttosat:ifi. lMit udw 1 eorebuis Io sxi Vis a siett ybcconquiler- 118, ~ ~' iltsou ncctsaajp-r ,<i. i rs, nu citrutiat b1isir fea-sis. -Tise gonR&t.0orori~o ~ Potute SlaitDs-esîngAîdn li- wyto10 ilan iiiS hen 5brtg i ti ingrtea gg acuwibbtiwe; trf t ts iti uoîi Ia aceîtsyug-n sait OI a r, reas ad sit t maePir. itte mt ppporasst ~molt,-usl-n-g-ce -Aave; wri0~bhs ws tie gnoml blte citis rerast-lpi teratnui1t ij rlctele fr. F111 tiseCcentre mmr nakng lnrsteil o e o rdi~ O'for Jamaticup trawbrrlesogetîer AId Is-~sjbasebeen scueoped. out wtani iegct ctcseati n nlrî -tx- cheofIO ieof grO i t nI tiscy haIIesu itot ie e paseto e utsî,Iai eces, miore-iafit sablcspoossýfui cf buit-anirntaIbselqor anmeprouortiu asfor fi crer bercao àtablespoonîcl i c il alit-OD-IE EAS til eahof, i, Wr~ Pe u lmomi iait n it îttise cieesu Seme eîybot brekfut ati mpper. 0f bossrc Ogg ' up'Aotteneri nisIgele xcelen srrei titi soperbistite ntitirnt o goa lu the Wrda aPiewibhin t1lo '-i'u r. Cook uitlthîi1with ligciop lfuo uioîetnaî utligeqntiiscfuet er eeach 0f tli Porebt Si!fferer. bw cruas. caen. Tse liait ws lettofo -- Wsfles-The eîlolug a nuexcel- bue'tt d ue, Mi-etue hs utbkn ptii ierhus buttr e b-> tals,,itl o u- si letrdsefrmufls etthse br s alsoiflc lur n oe er osofii t bite A oîs f er gg utl remy idtba pntc"Y'>it ai t (01C'irtetet, otIftsenintcult1oth rour ttiseiWhoie cempnuy,'. --o F OR srinbrughîassievo. - Beat the jbottom of an îînisg tisis, tison a u lysu uncaceuon ts of thetesegge utiil CUiastifi, lavs'of tise çirawn butter ass i l ise rd, blîir oly sutefos i, csg - t~~~~~oit thesu jute tise bnte' si bie isin tisis ilUsasîsr. ovis-tise top lfaii eiggasisy r ie kn at once iii a u-eii-gs-oastrt it fil irOu. prinkia i-crs' olr issnitcruissanuid fulus The Prof. osesEltictrie Bait [wit T Litte Vauillia Cakes.-lts c ýe ca)kes bo-.RMN NBIAN sxspen8ory fer 'meuhor ladtes' atcacit. are ýdaisîty pumq isios. Creaut On' 1Cheese ruay aise tic sers et teitishd rtanfrs meutiis garaateedt~ psses mor cup tiga meiis eso-iuif up c butrirýe. F111 a bakiiig itisit -itis aiter- jTs iase'i power, rlucri m t e tir-',I!atiose-isîf -B UC 55 te A. J) i10, aniiltise ite cnrreut hable qualt- unitalues-îatelycup cmisute loyers cf cool,îit saiteit rire ai j, ,J ~ ~ s~ .-- finish than aiîy Eloctrice t made imil'i-and nutee unit o np' ouno, nlelof- I wUZ1C15 orel nw aCaaaa oly Lqla zn. A SOc. Boule of Licruozorie and Chie 14 fQ Yrni to Tr-~ Liqozoe-.-liuidorygen -is the on1ly, p-rod!u-t that eau kili germa iinthe bd ît iS e to AIAeriCa, and millions who nCeed i dom -tLknowv of it. F or that reaso- i we ujake titis rensarkable offi-r. We wiîl bu i Lte first bottie aud give ft to yen if you nIeed it. We wIll do it wîllingly, gladîyl , to convince yoda once sud for- ever thlat Liquozonedoes kili germs. W,-e 1Faid $100,000 fo)r tie riglitsto taIquezone for Ainerica. V/e tested titis p-oi7ct for years in the usobtdflci gn diseases; tite: we bouglit these riglits for te hîghest pricc ever paidfo a scientific discovery. Weý paid that price because Liquozoxse does what aliltse skill in te world 1n not do. wýItliou it. Any drug that klis genis a poison te you snd it caiinnt be take» internally. The best physicien, the world over, einploy Liquozoneaoe for germn-troibes ; and auiyphsca who doesn.'t jis aluxoat ielpIeýs 1 sulay gEcra iceaseC L'ýIqUOzone i s sinsply liquid oz-ygen-nio drug, n sîoholuit.It isbite discovery, of Pauli, 1112 grent Germu chensist, who, pet2o years ou lb. His object wassto get SncI anl excess of oxýYgen iauStapl told the rtuLta bo eefre frosu thef r afllegiauce.- TEIE COMING 0OF THE SAXXONîS. After'the dpa nie fthe lions- ans, wild tribe-s front bbc f 'ar North ithe ies nd Sot- ave the PcBr-, tons iie pea),ýce. Itis gcne-,ýrally be- lieied that t the cqes of Vorti- gem a ritsitchii, leuiet and Iostwo ledrsi Jutish baunds fros Julan, Cine to thoir aid, aint astd u rhngbacit the ni]ortheru iuvacr. otil the naines cof tbe - JI'tish leders eanu herse, and we Wý]li rtain a nmousorsal iu thesu lui the staýndard of Kent, which is a hre The country was socis peopled with Angles, Saxons anda J utes, -ebcs of the great Ton- tuerace te whi-ých thoCermnsbe- lonu. wo helti the mdlo of FPurone lueii syebae oriiasiec o iquozon doo bst.h ie sis ar au~~~~~n cie f$,c o eUs ht ftrau nettkli. etoxgei a mur'sraîs bou l terver souce fyuiaiy Is 'o etaae x0-bii ,c ruiisg, tii xcs cixye-is verhlierofma animl is eadlU to ege ae usatte goos. Thnsearetseioonenidsss Aitrs-at ssce eud e ieetobe iseterhe-p Nare ove 'rome i gens GoitreGoutia 'r.LbCuiel wil dîe as ha aein l lver-,1 ,lcal thoresLs f ueor pnlsoned bleodV'C 1 in nerv os debiltty Istoure Setýs fora vt 0f ue- t eWdl iquozne, n hve ey tried tplse nd us We willthecr al yu a orero or oa drnggist f1e or a f uli> -sîzfbttesu fo i sy offrnr druicst poi uase-lsforit. LIs i .ou ....g.... nd. to..vice~ ' what itcan do.lufjusiet yusef pleae aceptit t-day fo lb laceiyo hIqoooueourtradenark ussue-now appears Al few, at the first aigu of a colti, will allay ail liroat iinsatiou-take aw-ty hoarseuiess- check the inflamilation- utreugthen bte iungs isard off the congli. Ail tise healiug,soothing, curative properties of Canadian S ruce Gum-cotbiecl'wili aromatics. Plensant to, tae., 25 cts. L ttle. i'mo ---isnctîsî. St - fiiet lm-ou- ying-1- Qebo Ip-mno, r îe is- ui 1'i r o rtipt- 'uUso,'-,siss' Lie rue'eue1,j 1ucîssi as 'Il"!y» as i osstni-et titu c idt'aortove-Yr--s--ss-e-lx "mr inl ucin fin bs r-,rO meueheu-tss.garcuI spr0-. l iu. A sîssOs ut isosir .1 Puir-J. - - - - - - - -- srom Messin-si.

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