ImIIl&AJa ho ip fNo doubt you eau recail the feeling of relief that came Sover you last year when yoar Xmas shopping wa s ail over. Eyery special frieud remembered lu some littie way. If y ou have neyer tried early shopping before for Xmas you Bhould try ît this year. You. get a better variety to select from and the best bargains are al'ways snatched up by the S early lards."? OOur shel'res. conuters and show cases are ail fitted *with the morit desirable class of useful and beautifili Xmas 0s * good&--choice articles that cannot fail to please yen aud 5 gîve lasting pleasure to your friends. We are anxious that Sy ou should see our stock before the best, is picked out by Sthose who have learued the advautages of eariypurchases. That is the reason, we send you this special invitation. Do 4 fot stay away because you do nov want anythiug in our 4 une. It will -ive us genuiue pleasure to show you the 4 goods whether you purchase or uot and if you should sce * anything you want set aside for Xmas we will be glad te We doubt if there is a town in Canada where yenu a fiud as fine a collection of Perfumes and flair Bruishes and 0 owing to the f act that we buy iu large quantities for our 4 four stores (Bowmanville, Oshawa, Collingwood, Liudsay) 0 we can save youi fully 25 per cent. S We will be open every night frorn now tili after Xmas until 9 o'clock. STOIT & J'URY 5 The Druggisüs auid Opticins, Bowmanville. Z14 y cases Celulloid, Burnt Wood, etc, ail -at psices you neyer heard of before. 'Cali early if yen want bargains. Stott &'Jury< Ebony GoodIs We imaport these goods direct ~and can save yeu over 25 per cent ~on all lues. Cail and inspect our Stott &J*i Razors, Strops, and Shaving Mugs, Ail Nice For Ximas Presents, Our stock in these liner, is verv complete. We sell the "King Cutter" which is recognized to bc the best Razor made. Every oe gul uarauteed. Sitott &Jury Style in Spectacl'es To some people ail Spectacles1 look-alike. It's notrse with__us. Accurate Spectacle fitting is ourt -specialty. When we fit Spectacles we fit the features as well as the -eyes. We also fit the pocket of the .earefutfbnysr. -Wed improve your ~appearance if tbis le possible. We BOWMANVILLE, DEC. i, 1903. Feley's for farm boots. jServant wanied-see advt. Last week was wiater in sarneeit. Saiurday was a live business day in towu. shoppors buy Christmas presents early. Mr. ichard Pester, ex-councillor, le indleposed. Mrs. Thos. Hloar bias returned from a visit with triende lu Toronto. Everybody 'attend Thankoffering services lu Methodist churcli Sunday. Higli Seheol Commencement Exer- cises, Dec. 22nd. --Keep the date free. Mr. R. Calvin, M. P t Frontenac, Wae3 guest of Mr. Robt. Beilli, M. P., Mon- day. Reiemb Ibte musical evening at Mr.R Freeland'e, Beecli Ave., Tues- day evening. Boy wanled te learu printing ai STATESUAN OFFICE. Fersonal applica. lion preferred., Mrs M. Cryderman, Bosch Ave, bas two or Iliree furnisbed. reeme, furnace beated te rent. IMr. Richard Osborne, town lins, is dlown wiih typbeid foyer. We hope for a epeedy recevery. Couglis, colds, hoarseness. 5andailier Ibroat afilients are quickly relieved by Cresolene tabiets. ten cents per box. &il druggigts February next will be a monili wilb- oui a full meon-an ecdurence wbich takes place every nineieenth sear. Attend the musical evening undor the auspices of Trinilv Ladies' Aid. Tues- day ovening, ai Mre. R Freeland's, Beecli Ave. Mr. Robi. Beith, M. P., lefi ,Monday nighl for Chicago Herse Show, where ho te exhibitirg "Smyleti Performer", bis fine Hackney stallion. -Councillor ~ .Mason,-repreaenting the Town Council, an& Mr P. C. Trebilcock, reprssenting tbe Board et Trado. were in Montreal yeslerday1 with the delegalion froni these, frontier lowns baving an interview wiib Sir Thoasbauhness-y. I'Ées[deCn -oTUthdë C.P. R. t Foley's for rubbers. Peanuit Crisp 10e pper lb. aI Tod'e. Do jo.ur want a ceai or wood Heater or Range at the ight pries? If se cal, on F. M. Souceh, Ladies' Fur Lined Capes in ail quali- ties. vlain eaud brocýhe, at Coli, John- sten & Cryderman. The verv latest in Wsdding station- ors and '.eddtnz cake boxes at THE STA.ETsSUMAN offies. 1 flotter estray-seO advt. Willing workers' annuai sale Dec. 10, Ovsters in bulk or by the plate at Tod'e. Se3o the Pandora Range at J. B. Mart.yu', Raglan ,World's Fair" will be held en Dec. 2-3r 1 . $1.85 to end of 1904 for STÂTESMAN and WMLELY GLOBE. Remember The Mason Ce's Big Fur Sale ail tbis week. 1Try Tod's bomne-made Peanut Crisp and M4aple Cream. Sait lq very scarce. A car- load just arrived at J. B Martyn'e. Everything that is made te keep the cold eut sold at McMurtry's. Herse blankets, rubber covars, and, robes sold at West End flouse. Cali and hear F. C, Pethick's new $20 Edison Pbonograph. It's a dandy. (dents'a.nd ladies' furs ai wholesale prices this week only at The M ason Co's. Ladies' Sable Ruffs, the finest quality that money can buy at Couch, Johinsten & Cryderman's Freeland keeps a fine lot of trames for enlargements. Other styles and sizes made te order. A Lot of New Carpets and New Lace Curtains just opened out, M Couch,_ Johnston & Cryderman's. If s'eu want the latest, best and band- somest range made gel a Pandora. For sale enly by J B. Martyn. F. M. Souch lias a tull line «t Hard- ware, Gunas, Amnmunition_ klors 3 Bian- kets, Robes, etc,, at close prices.. New ready-to-wear suits and over ceats made up in the fashionable styles at Couch, Jornuston & Cryderman's. Ladies' Fur Coats in Astrachan, Bok- hiaran and Persian Lamib ai Coucti, Jolinsion & Cryderman's. AIl kinds of furs repaired and made te look a'lmost as gned as new by M, %layer, the Furrier. Bring along jour, work. Buvyenor Tebaceco and Cizars at Len. Botirell'ti, nexi door to J. B. Mariyn's.ý Nothing but the besi brande kept in stock. J. B, Martyn desires te inforni the public that heelias a tinsmith now and ail orders requiring bis services will be, premptlîs attended te. Readv-lo.wear blouses 5OCte 4.0 Dress Skirts 83 00 te 87.00 at MeMur-' try's. And the best ef ail they fit and give perfect satisfaction. Select vour furs early.Yuwilbv a muchibetter choice. 'M. Maycr, the Furrier, bas afine display. Caîl and examine Kanl.Krack rubbers won't crack- Dainty. Mode rubbers won't let the water in. Sold enly by McM-urtry's.iu Bowmanville. Our Over Ceaieai 87.50 at 810.0 and $12 5W and, we -believo, -the -besi value in Canada. Coec, Johnston & Cryderman. Let-us expIain the latest impreve- mente in the Pandora te you, especially the oven. This steve is sold onlv by J B. Martyn. Poor blanketsstire net cbeap at any pries. Vi8't the West End flouse and ses fer veurReit the finest blankels made in Canada. If il is a dinner set yen are leoking for go straight te Cawker & Tait's. Thes' carry the larg-eet and best stock lu We st Durham Wo are sole agents rer and carry a full UinsetofTurnbull'e celebrate.l un- shrinkable Underwear. Coucli, John- smen & Cryderman. Ho for Xmas! 'Cawker & Tait have groceries for the million, the newest and besi the- markets afferd. Corne early before the rush. China Parlers-Second fleor. Den't forget te vieil it. Il will pay intending purchasers te see the assertmnent we carry. Cawker and trait.. A great chance te buy fur$, men's Buffalo Coats. and other Fur ceats, usuially s.old ai 825.00. and good value at that, at thissale oulv 817.25ý - T-be-Pandora Range-bas a strikinglv handsome appearance and le entirely different in. design frem any other, store. Fer sale enly by J B. Martyn. If you do net beliove thai Cawker & cash, thus enabling us to seil at prices that defy competition. ison on the following : Raisins Ourrani Lemon Peel Ls Orange P( Mince Meat We' ask a compar- Almaonds Bel Molasses Uitron Peel Walnut s NotiQea of B~h.uia~aa4Dah 50 oenlta; InFortion rowen a- riage leenees are ob)talil od or funerai l BOIRN. WAR1-In IlâMptonI, YNv 2to te r. anld Mrs. W. L. Ward, a d[aughter. SMALE-Au 53,4Sherb.cirne st.. Toronto, Nov. 27th, the wifë of Dr, F. J. sinale, Uf a soli. PERcy-In Bowmanville, Nov. 26 to0 , Mms John Perey, a son, BRANTON-111 BOwm*nvillie, Nov. 26tb, the wîfe of Ur. Harry Branton, of,,a daughter. HUxcaâ-Ât "Âàvgatn," Cobourg, Nov. 24th, the wife of Edward C. S. Huycke, K. C., of a daughter CRU£&-In Osbawa, Nov. 22nd, the wife of Thos. Cruse, of a pion. TÂMPLN-in OftwaGNv.h. tlie w1fke of John Tampffn, of a dauLhter. FIELD-At "Siunnyuide"ý Cobourg., Nov. 24, the wife cf Fredleriek F ied, of ja dau9ghter. IREHDE,)R--QIUICK--Ii OSilaWâ. NOV. 28th by Uev. J. J. Raýe, Mr. Fr ed, Rehider and MNiés Clare, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. Q1lck, both of Bowmanvîllc, WINTR-CÂvwRvsy-InOshwaNov. 24, by Rev. J. Rodges. at thek Presbyterlanma N,ýp C. A. Winter, of Riebmiond 11111, to Annie B. Clatworthy, of Whit-by. WýVoo-TucwRx,-At the residenve of NMr, Arthur J. IIoney, :3 ïShanoni Street, Toronto, hi Rey. Gilbert Agarf, B. A., pastor of M'est- mnoreland Church, Nov.5M. Speneer Wood of Newtonville and Miss Enama Tucker, daugh. ter of Mr. Thos. Tueker, Leskard. CLAKE-GýA7,TZ-At tha ethds hr Nov. l9th. by Rev. Leo. Ciaetz, D. D., MIr. Iluigh Clarke, formerly of Cobotirg, and Miss Cetrd L. Gaetz,daughiter of tkï f<itngcegmn hoth0f Red Deýer, N. W. T. We (Jan Handie Ail Your Butter, Eggs, Bough Dressed and Dressed Poultry. We want your tradle. If you are flot already a custorner begin now. eawker "ad Taim %t9 I BOWMANITIL LE. ~U~,J ~ mums~,,samum TOBU nomm an k The Cot Tent o Fine Coat l ias ever beeftshw Don't Miss Seeing Our Chinïa Departiment. Good Place to Select Christrna,,s Presenits. Its arriiu low Xmas Stoals TJpoll US iBut we have flot forgotten your needs for the festive season., We have the largest and best selected stock of Groceries in town which have been bought for spot Now it would flot be a bad idea at ai foi' you to buy everything y ou need for Xmas at this store, Then you would be sur-e of purity, sure of getting onlyth highest grades and there woald net be a cent extra for you to pay either, OUIED BARRETT-111N ewcastle, Nov. 25th, Mrs. JaS. Barrett. aged 6(;(,years. BRAnLN-SadIeolIn 1Purt Ho pe, XNov. 25t1h, John W. Bradley of Toronto, u is 868rd year. FAia-On Nov. 2th, at Mlllhrook, Anmi Me- Camus, heloved wife of William Fair. Esqj., aged 70 years. Dowso-In lakNv 24th RalIph Dowson in hie Sth y ear. BAtai-lu1 BoWmnanllale, Nov. 24th, IMIinie M., daughter of Mr. Iliebard Harris, Clarke, aged 36 years HOPERia-111 Ohawaý, Nov. 218t, Mary reliet of the lata ichard Hopper, aged 10W years, 7 months and 27 daky.. HowtrL-At Whlltihy, Nov. 24th, Sarah Anme, relct ort th,, late BenlryHo Weil, aged 78 years. DEÂBOR-II Bdsovlle, iigaý9In, Ont.,, 19. Patience Drewv, reliut of the 1ate Henry Dearboru, agea 84 years, formerly 0 f Oshawa. NmDnnYY- Mrs. Niddery, heloved wife 0frBd. Niddery, aughter of ira ."a. Goodmnan, of . sha, died ai ber home in Hlartniey, Man., WILBUR-In Collingwood, at the residence of M&r. W. A. Tom, sarath, relief of the late George Wilbur., Coueagd78 years. Funerai Thursda-y ut 2 30 froi L. M orris ' iTdertaking Booms. b Bowmanyillve emeLry. Read This Owiug te the great succesin Bewmanville of Prof. O'Brient the Greatest Phirenologist a n d Scieutific Palmiet ini Canada from iToronto, will 'te request of sgeveral ofhie patrons extend his vieil bers unLtil! Wedntesday .eXt, Dec. 9th when lie gees te Oehawa. Motbors shouald nçt miss bring- iug their chidren te hlm as this Le the last chance. Rememiber there ie only ene Prof, O'Brien. Patronized by th,3 elite from every part of the world -ecal and see their auýog- raphs. - Locating Diseases a- specialty. A photo read free to pattrons. Children' liaf pree. Ileu rs-10f.0to - BALMrORAL H TT(EL- +.-x-aj4-na e me iarges- i-ý -1-