COBOURG. Bu ai 0%1 will meet Since the death of Police Magistrate41MH M A SN G o the home of Dumble Judge Ketehum bas been act who are in- inz as Local Magter and may probably ~ ~ ~ IAAh~I cannot readil again. Vîe bave aise a IIime etL 1tiarOi ac n el îè Soft Wood and Coal, G'aarcoal, Dressed and Undressed afe Lumber, Shiiigles, Doors, Sash, Mou1diDgs,ý, Sait land 09 Plaster. Quality rigit, prices reasonable.Ifb We seli Scranton Coal. ,i KING STY., EAST, BOWMAN VILLE. ire """ in IS a Sawp have MIe ead '.Neil has returnedfroma a tý in -h Sons Of Tlemperanice " Sieverali g~We orfosesa ie~dT usaD c 0 After Jaruary Ist, 1904. PRICE $I.ý5o Nurnbers. moîsviit~ at Cobourg, with Ler coini, fromn hrpurpose atteutdi. the Gýrandi -e toadour )torej, r3dietdTu of ,his 1);~~Dvision i'Ot.hawn iext Tuesday,, antli 1c tow ' ou stre Ne ubcihr gtblac o vh e ar frece, including maignîficent Mrs - WmEeyor.Wdesa...i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ïiiij l _ __i _t on e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __eM ,ýe tr i nc a a n qý w o eS N C P O F R U B R NORWAY PINEpu RWDcures ougamen Truc.prvce25 and ~cuormoey bta afew permoLs have not 'I~OWEMV~ ORS 0 ail pat lo 193 ~et nd we rleally iec frorn diilanworadits Dr. L Co & i dla çp s hsxtnh pi p iý t Kieýaii( ý0irerel'ef j wb. ie J8~ile n i n e nos -lr<n t ndgorgtreatmient, V:itel at ir. H M.Thos. Coi-an bouglit a very proiris~ ng yong two ye-er old general purpose coltj f r(gu'Mr. lusso CobbIedlck, foi wliiCfte paid à handuômwe~i Mr. Jnio. Arnot, Tauniton,; Mn Johnc I Mclch Bwa oM. 3ej Powel at Oshawa' Miss Fanny Rynodsit Oshawa; M1r. fxrank CamnPbeli at Port. Perry; àM.s Li1ýly MCiilioch hLlioe frein Torti'J1to ..Everyb9dy is t-,kiing the LeStadvantagd of oj~o e~j~ erathe -,The KilîdVe'U HavsAiways Boug!i ofnaur BOWNANVILLE. The Ontario Banjji, Bow- maniville, wvill conltinue to ecietaxes unetil Dec. 15 S. J. Williams, Hampton,.Nov. so, 19Q3. ýle .Mc ý bears jhàiý