Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1903, p. 3

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IlastGase-Agoose should be l u cLnfu-1 1r scdfor ro ast ilnr it is 1aletahae a strong flaxor , wu'hc i-%oryndesirable. Vihen ray o t o operation singe, the biýrdeov pjin -feathers and wash. T1he goose nàeed1s, literally, a bath ili ot soap)- qud0s and a scrubbing, too, witb a, Liti L V iJ. lgotable brush. Thenalhci fil i J. s removn- the contentsof th(e l - side. Wbt coines next? \ash ~utB al aI turo of au d rnse in dlear, colci ixter, thent wipe just as dry as possible. Now the goose is ready forý4be stuff1ing anud truissing and sprinikliig vwitb saIt - anmd I enler. Thon put on a rnck jli a cdrirppig pan and lay six thiin Ss a PCýSiQne'a W sppx elowI-7. slices of fat sait pork ovcr the b re as t. l'ut in a vcry bot aven and TJ-1es11 ' amd no the sputterinig begins. A 1-pound wotnanc to tak 4; eg= goose wiil take about oie bour and lier vitali three-quarters for the roastîug, and short, tlii 3 it shouîrild b iiasted o' env 15 miro-iter; blessing, '~~ F à i w'th the fat in the pan, ronovîegloei, ~TTL ~ j I~* tLe pork, if you please, the last a yearuis fe ~~ ~ LI Pouir of the Couig. t od ~~ V~~, Apple sauce sîîouîci always accom- Tee ,~~~kT ATlrj pally roast goose. Thon garnish tPewod VIN.W Christmas gouse with stuffod apple- I lathy 'LFi3 eu surpirise andI&fewbits uf laurel.hîerest ~u nCbstnut St-,iling-To mnake the tpclm ~~ ~ ~ dressing, cool, ouc-haif tablespoontyil i - talosoon buterfiv miute; ~ denial o fiitely choppcd shallot wjth thre niecessity -- add one-founîh pound sansage etéaeli DR. t POTItiI Sauage irst frood froin their üont-18atr Ufceadîeidnc.Curhq.opoqeTînty id siaad coo ol, mfi:utes; uadd lanit vcas (jûgcilix i c nciliwranvll. 2ii~ 1 fn:y cboppod nmusbjrooniS amd al suh i DE, NTIS ilîu e C'11, 'Îlstut unci . Senson "\i: h vante Pri L C ONCSTE tS, D D S, Mono atadpporadadoePi god-send ft FtCa:-Of Big-shah M 'hl e E 1an -leat to boiiug -uitt, add one-biafencaurag( flo dor tet c fg O. 3eiiiu~Ie_____cup fresbl bread cruibs and 24 wholo rostful siE /rA E.MCLUGRImcooked Frencli chestnuts. This miav vent prac Etl Î,i'ter,SolicilHai id Coive' ar er O1ice - ho doue a day ia ad-vance, for it mte tocn takeyBhe, I.i g te. Bowma vieceds ta ho cold wben it ta put loto nourisii h Mete~ o ranai ea~j bl i ie, 4 lthe bird. This is an expeasive stuff j Everyi POFIT YOUNG, V. . , ing, but one wants to have Uhc hest sen-iptioni éryiFcj:cp ' 14)PSIrY'S BLOCK 0P0 ýon Chrstmnas(day. ils of wl %j ýiteT0o-irahll Et-tr aile, the e he wiib- Stuiffed Apples'cen Surprisýe--Cuit' nmbor, 'ri 3tiu a. nm. te 9 p . -Nîglit ùtalà aiand eut la eights ight appies, put experieni i lecileelly o rill ti- ied. î-iy in stew oa w iii oreo hf uit -unano bhe is a heaitity mother' No can. If the baby lias drained ity; if its care is a tax; if, ini a baby is a burden instead af a how cau sice 1 .jy it? Site but sie cannot feed it. She mnr it, but lias not tie strength te it, ia notiing mare beautiful ia the han a imealtiymynotiier and bier cbild . TPe madommna is the rearb of burman art. In lte 3tnength wvici art gives ta tue tothen and cimild tiiere is distinict )f sufferng aînd weakîtess as a yof rnotieriood. But %ow few nre ltere ta whin rotcroo ally an abidino- Îjay1 lanPai tsI a wivaitaît ces lier lass of oniithe buia f ber cl! To uffe ~warna Dr. Pi2ee's Fa- rescnîption conties as a veiita ble 1. It preparos lthe.nialler for caf trial, lranquilizes ber nenves, oes ber appetîte, and bnings bier ep. 't niakes the baby's ad- ýti_ ily painbaad ie i abundant sîrenghi 1 nurse and ton ciild. claiimnmade for tIFavorite Pre. " I is suppot ted by the tostinion- 7ves andti mthers, titausands in and covoning lanttoeir several ies the whole range of wonianly 4' CHPJUSTMAS SU!TGGE-STIONS, CIRTMSBX. Valuable Huints Aboutt Making Tt was aincictitly a custom ta car- Holiday Gifts. ry a box frorn door ta door for the It i alaysrater dffioîtta ro-collection af littie presents at Christ- pare aýaccept al ifts for 1the chuldi-ma". In an aid work entitied: "Tho par aceptUcgili,,forth chldttnAthenian. Oracle," it is stated tint, of a Suaday sho-gfspieasin, foî-meriy, it wxas a custom ta offot- attractive aid(! xps 1ivc -fuy a i.sfrtcsft falsist quaatity caI stick can dy of vartosass fornthengafey fail ships iato fhavons anid colon. Wrap eaih stick \etot ln oaot nha which a littie box wus alxenuder la netlicnes h tanpaen lieth! cuýstody of the priest, iluta, whiclh papr:thi l tagie t aden, n-tPesnlo-s put iuoncy or other valu- haîîdled, nqppeizinýg lokanda U, in ot-der ta secuire the prayens pruesre to car ert. Ot hof tue churich. At Christnmas these blue r redpaper niakewrap orsb-xes were opened ead ivre tbenne abot thre inchefs ie, aîitdcalled 'Christmias boxes.' la ot-det- Dr a Chriso-tasenimntta golId tiiot n-o person should omit tb-sr- paint. Put sevea itPecandv sticýks presents, the ouri-weî ecouraged togüthen sil enicircie thei~i h is ta bheg "box-mainey" of thior richer wrappe. iaeigbbors ta enable tbem ta add ta wraper.the priest's perquisites. Little boxes wîbcnan giîis namy ho w'rappod iin two papers, oceorOrSxtYas sarlet, the couter twebite; ne Sk,- tilt' papera longer on atiecd tna onî Mrs. Winsiow's Soothîag Syrup bias the other; seai the ol, onil, wtt been îîsrd by millions of motber-s for gather the lonertogthr,'le îih thoir rbildren while teerhing. If iis- scaletnibon clp te cdaaidfi-liturbed at nigit and brokea of your out., Thus îpre byare flOt rest by a sick cbild sulbering ead rr- aîiy casily atýtachod taa tobd~t ing wil pain' of Cttting Teetb send are made ornaienýitai. at once sud get a liottie of "iNrs. Wraî books ianht tissue paîîcr W insiow's Soothuîîg Sy rup" for ChÀl- and tic îith boliy 'ed baby nPm dren Teetbing. Tt îill relieve the tucking a sp rig of i d rr'tiijY:poor littie sulicreri- iîmediatoly. De- nndert-htito ot. Tie up b1ies in !pend uipoii it, mothors, there is no wbite, gathening the paper togetlhelln- i.'take about it. Tt cures Diarr- nI the ends, tyiug it w,-itb îibbon, ýhoea, regulatea the Staai,aýcb and anîd thon fringing Ithe ends.1 Bowels, cws Wind tolie, softrns the Little faîîcy boxesý, ma-de OhfbWhit- 1OCusrne dures Inflanimivioli, and man papor and deýcorted witb gold gis os tone ead enirgv ta the wbale paint ai-id rod ~ao colon paint, 11.11- svstotit. "Mns. Winslowx's Soatiîing cd mitbhoo1-me-de rndicamake an Syrup- foi- chiidnoýjtî t-rbngis plea- inexpensive anda]iwiYs ncccptatîle saut ta the taste an(1 is the p1'e- gift. seiption 0foruacof tue aldest and A setcf ishowlsn vaiyheîîîîed Est feurie siiasanid nunsos in and rnar(d'taieiydonc up sd ar-,tPel, ie SaesPrire 25 cents a canpned'ith ai aprorietosenti- bottle. Sold by al drutg ýists rit i iftnvdsised by tl> ' he throughou,ýthlie world. Posur -d bousekeoper. ask foi: "Mrs. Winslow's Sootbing Wes-ciiots made h squa 1s ahyrup. Turkishk toweilling wiib a croý'clmted - edge 0f paie inLe aiopr kzcîîiyr smli weil at a base-ar, e-oda-egiftsa-alit- SINGINý,,G INISECTS. tic girl can unake hnef Among the maturai curiosities af The "bain rereiver" is aiwe-ys odi- Jaîman aie its singiag iiusects. The ous, nevertbeiess roams jIInost prized ohftîmese titymynusicie-ms acorns ta be a nrsax adjunct of Ilsla black bi-etie naned "sisumiishi," the dressinîg burreaui. A bag made whirb meanas "isect beol." The of tttcked Fersirrn 1;tawîor Indie- li- sound that it emits re caiLles that of -u "Washed out "-that soon is b anad as wLrwIJ. ___ Muskoka Free Hospital for Cnup~e holds a position wmra,ýqliea by any- othej4, biood rnedieine ai a cure for ïjYSPltPSIÂ1 tLIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, IIEADACIIE, SALT RHEUM, ScR0FUrLA-, IIBARDcTBUTRN, MOUR STO11AC11, ÏDIZ71ZiNES, DR0Ps,, 1tmai, -'r, Boirelsa-Bio.Wc you rqieago bo nlon e canada. Port Arthur, SçtuIte.Ma rie, Ontari,'Saria, Windsor-i and East, s!ota Detroit and Pt, Huiron, MichI P,îffso, SIaclt Rock-, Susp. Bridge and NiagaraFaI, NY. ÀtIiÂND 'LflhtT-Single First Glass Fare fan tPe round trip. Ogod oigDec 24th and 251h, vaiid return- iîgntlDec. 27th ; aimag) ood goiog D;em. ilasIanîd .jan 1, vaiid returning 01)E .NDLINIT.-Sngle First Class an ana 'ne--Tliird for the rondc înip G od goiag Dec 28rd, 24th and 2!051h;,ahnDc. I801h. SUit, andj'la,. For Tickets nd aHi inrmaiappiy Station Agent. C. -". & T. Agenrtse CALIORNI-OREON XCURSION. Evev ny laute eir. single round trip ec-Ur,,sicns,;-,-i!Ltfie Ch-icago Union Pa rie nd 1North Wsen Line Through fiir tclass Puliman a n Ed Tounst seepig crs daihy ta -r ints in Cahiormia an Oreon. PersonaIl's tü Sam raecL"s Angeles and 1othr-Pac:iie COa1st poit,8eai 'tirPrdav dFfa. Lowe.,t rate s Sborteset tw on t1Pe, road, fineat, scnr.Forr mapq, ilsrtdorders ru ratÉes write B', .1H.BnierRa, Kin- St, Ttno-, Ont. 504tw. SE VER1ED -A ITZ3R. EniihmnCoanmts Sicdef Winn-iýpeg otl W.J1 laeanVisva. cern- rnitt'Id uieLIi e la a nos ci îVayL this cvený ling. A e spe neî q 91iýPà ,' ' ed a roaM in tbhe'Te uînseb 1Ilote,ati iAoaLis 1leg, ssoiî P eoa i lemy. Canly l" sing 'tIe !ki- h- reund it lta bis paketiadI\ i î-J bokon tic, bcd, bld 1 de-tb1Bi- cav-n 0f tobdy(aslae e 'Lu conr rom Laon ilwil t tic arri CoL-o n atteu nnenddnn P sunroeu rkdOn ra oaywrk in a ghass oi water cvery mnring and, yen wîi find that blotches anmd eruptians wuul i gve phare 10 cicar clean skia. Throw away i-li powder F u'fand rouge-pot-they ni-e çaun ten- feus of nature. Abbeys will cure constipation, the ecntiîy of a lear At ail Dnaggists 25c. anti lac. I-n ,accoruaccowitrn te Provisions --*' a~ 0 tC- hatr, cia trje futs hrs-' 'deiim~D wck ui- i m mais cf tPe notethcuy ae j1 gi-oea uiitiallbftigcr- puddingwas mede wIb eged90 oy pouatis, The ingredietîts iucîtîded A feu cars agO 1th-eewsamn mare than a bushol of eggs, J-90 ibs. steî puidding maede ini Soutb1wark,, cf suet, a like weigbt of raisins and tben a sîburban boraugi af London.' 500 paunda cf flour. The putding wns carried thtoîgb -hthe In 1858 the seid sillage suas con- streets in proceýssion, 1ede)y 9 nected witb civilize-tion by means af band, playing ai-trrae-teiy Oistrnas a railroad, anîd taý celebrate the event mnusic anîd popular tues. tPle peopie, reineibettigtil eold chan- -__ ton, thaught weli ta ba-ve a motîsten If tbe average i'an cuLdd do azi5 pudding as PattOf tPe festisitis. ýmuch work as lie tlîiaks ho can, thiiere The prcp1uaatleîs coat £45, tie in- wold ho lîttie dee-ad f tir laboi- gredients considerabiy more. sas iîmg mîailinery. r- ccIarw - C o GrÏ eàp ake I ave rmo fe>l"Tblts Sevn Mllon oxe &i',rat1 mnh. TisS ue -q

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