There is health and strength in every draugh7t of por Bry NELLIE Eut. WÂTs. it bG! 'vlen ý)u ouicto . e a e e ofenyour face au i i teglit teha ANI INVAIïLUel0'lL ETO N1c A ToArýnto Lady Cannot Sa nough in Prais'e1 of îron,-ox Tablets. February 9, 1903. A take pcsr in giving youy mytstmnilrhich 1 thn bt littietohat I have receied froÉlte use of your Iron-ox Tablets. 1 can- Thse Gransi Trwonk Rall'vay System are in rece3iptom th'l anadian COum- mitieof Argernea aeiije oneotlen wjth rh-F fda Oan,,rescf tise Chambersu oi Commerce oft he EVlrpire, that was held in àMni r,,al las' August, a c-ony of thse resolution adapieci by thse 0 ma- diAuCoemmltteof A-rsngcmeaisa' eeslrrg hold 13t4 Nov,, 1903. Accýmpany!ug tîI3sh colutien wIIB a pe son'i se te Mr. cha M. Hays 88scod V:c -Prcldent and Ganeral Msinqgser, from r,, Arthur J. Hudgson Chiairmars of Commuttes, which reazis. as follows: w -.4 -Aime- ity of lNew York. But it was net urrfecl fise leusessirus re tiisi lore th -ta« d1)î rer ti"e lst 15 years, aîîd believ hm te uer a ta. the knowýeage of thee-re-t di hentorabile ail hssîires3 t1iiqaictioiis T eotWo!,i'r 'IeCity et Ott a a dcudtesrnen naie ..O U ale sto carry cetainy oeeîsgatdojeS o?'hs cmodti ,rat'at romain ofisefamil, Their lina: -tht obtlisrd by 4ythe -delrgat-sewr- uipYthsacemeaieile -- - L --1 ùimilar show beld at Ottawa'. Te 9ýIhaSbe ioffr yen semesehiug cs -bs j I tcf tr--, atilIsr. 11Vasae ps tyng business iii Zr.,oreB taigret A LAaerg tv-id te OUr as geed?-" Because hV th Ckst ail audienclwas -tart S-i e- that day, tse whee1e1otry, a1id hýt tie Relwsy a sbie,5 tse mng w fietonw ii besco bhis interest te o - uesti sgle! Iorusthae ead Pthat oieîevai sp urgn cter se ,v wned- Sea I opanlees he gv is npevdn patcl ere s LXn"U OOI-A [cs. Wbch sheuHd ld avubn -a1 îe rî d1 tetie0d1edieas f ig iesrt-1eAtie lul" ln, tnpra onprvîr sdeer-e1 emnsrtin ecur rspct I Whih - arPfI tra ug=utwer iHrrwh s ej'e-egrIelia vae, e tiueo!al gtdu rcdefedognd akeigyie A nat'p-iu1mto-a MWA me____elpureief im aeam-i hin i4uiy-n y? biaiig iteseaa sec adcfulry auseletue jstise prciae b ts0M - e Isari a~ hii iL k u ys t ig iemr grt o e eld prno s- frThl a-e- la l Tha o n e wiI e l trt d ihiV atael eMsg s y B v iRl Lalle' iav'-te, a sc btcs snFer and thse soog !od Cent induiýcesfcft 'a eleedtem GO.HARILISortey. nu b îIewrlinai dîî lstns.- titeie a1 air> u,îccve e-!eI1 twenty -four1iic h es long, same as 3 Write for particolars and new cataloguie and self rneasuriisg card of late5t fashices. Mesy tfnded e eulu re.iun N. . itsth se1 cî),gcîg cows. Kae aisiss wi's fic brigade No. l1-Feorosdines-y caiýss idnss a beiîosesdwthta iseîe istinctiojn in sum- 1I:s by far ths e tdla i anedicine knownl. tise dry 0 iaPei-l sestise 1lips erous,s counters wits tisefliames. A No. 2-For speclal cases-lO dogreca fti-anct raoyfcdsinger.<loreniormore youig W(lîsen ferni stronger-three dollars per box. hr Ij-%aes-ask your druggist for Cook. robed ia pus-est whito. thýe brigade, elertilig one of ties Cotton Root Compound. Take no other With tactful symnpatsy-, scarcely aisumbjes- as captain. Tishey drill with as ail pills, mixtures and limitations are iwerd was spokeis durissg thse heme- t te tewn brigade appliances, and as-e riangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 as-e soid ald we-d e&ive. It was only wheiî thse capable of renderiîg ,ussistance te £~' I ~ b show »nb Ait san-d is tbe a Sstss uiut O 500 Appeiep o? B wl'-rs whîhsllmi- ieerr ae t xeis litt.Ogs aIî, ie - cons:ipated? Togu catdsin f ratialva u eth gi lTac isie itigsefsr Head ache? I's ypur Iiver!o elroisce _________________ Ayer's Pîlis aeliver piaf Tiep-r is nicîsiia e 10.CA iC, rnne ls 1n-7-i1 b-bv e I T rýot e h~D vegetable.; oriis îe. Ts ras ae s hs' rtos s__________-fititf ' naubi cr r - -- -T Cmpny eniriei hortat li mde n~~ ie-' ad wthtie jmpng abauIfIbrwnrr~hbac? ae ha a ceny as pasibe n tse e n a a. veio hu~lis-aes -~~~~~~~~~~PI abou Une.Ban~ ~-ts tmnalteyrssnakereg- Y-, laipuls, like tise ar, ail 0 peOrI gaa