TEM,.4.0FRCAmvu, GUS TOWN AND COUNTY IT 2 T7119 WOnMfi AW1EEWARnS M AL.AJAà!ES, Editorm rpitr Nw BOWMANILLE ONT.'ARIO, WEDNESDÂY, DECEMBER2.193 VOLUMEXLXN.5 FOR VPý£LUE IN XMPýS QOOLDS 4î NOWHERE CFýN YOUBUY JY 411, Goods at better prices titan at our store. This year our stock consista of a fulli une of Ebony Goods. Brtsh, Comt-b and Mirror Cases, 4~Fancy Whisks, Shaviiig Mugs, Brutshes, Purses, Shaving Sets, Ciff and Collar Boxes, etc., etc., Solid Leathier Glove Boxes, S Handlierchief Cases, Watch Cases, Trinket Cases, Jewell Cases, each containing a eut glaces bottie of perfume. 4Î REMýEMiýBER-We baye the finest assorîmenl of 4ý The Drugg"st ând Oplician. t e NOTPý.-We are selling Golid Fitteti Spectacles for 82.50. 4 ~ At Big 20_Bookstore. 4ÎChristmnas Presents. <qOur, store is f ast putting on a hoi day ap- 4q pearance as daily arrivals of goods suited for &Q Crsra giving are passed into stock and put <qfavored positions oïl the different tables. <qJ!xperienced shoppers realize it is flot a bit too <iJ early to be on the look-out, and already miany <qchoice presents hiave b e e nl bouglit a nl d <qstored away for Christmas delivery to s ime for- <qtunate relati-ve or frîend. erO0tr collection embraces muclih Iit la, exclustve with ns in Pictares, Bricabrac, 1 oeks, Wb ' es and Hy'ini Books, ~'Ladies' and Gents Toilet Sets, AbmFine Siationery, <qDolls, Toys, etc., etc. Bowmanville. Dressi for which t] wanted 1hù 41 Better 41Currants,D 41Oranges,, L Buti SHighest Boi ultrry Wani id and Undressed Peuitry wanted-an3 the very Ilighest cash price wiii beF is week and two tons next. Fruit For Christmas ýfruit for the price nover sold lu To- New Raisins, New Figs, New Dates ar Lemons, Grapes, Nuts, etc. tter and Eggs, ail you have prîces paid. T. 4.}Çig 'manville. MODEL GR, 'MbM 4uu. cUb.et 051.a& àm..dd-W&5-W&,. 05. -,. Time, Effort Money Wîll be saved if yeu study Shorthand and Typewritllg -aIt Me - We have the exclusive right to teacb the famnous Gregg Short- hand in Toronto. We alko teaeh well ahl commercial subjecîs. Belter inyestiyate. Informtüion free. Wi!nter terni, Jan.4, 19.-04. WILLIAM BROOKS, ASSOciate Ps incipal. J. W. WE5TE3RVELT, Charterue AAcciintint, Principal, ted~ iy quanlity paid., Ton own. New 4 nd Prunes, to seil, ,OCERY, --41 Established 1889. The b3usiness Colle se DEPARTMENTS: 1-Commercial Training. 2--Shorlhand, Typewriting mad Graphophone. 3-Telegraph, Commercial anti Railway Work. 4-Civil Service Options. 5-Mathematies. 6-Languages :-Engllsh, Frenchi and German. Our rooms are Ihe'brightesî anti healthiesî, Studenîs nxay commence on any working, day of the year. J. FRITH JEFFERS, M.A., Presidenî, J. A,. T0(J$AW, TOWN COUNCIL. A Statntory meeting was held Dec. 151h. Preseul : Mayor James aud Councillors F. H. Mason, J. J. Mason, W. R. Clemens, L -Cornish, L. Morris and A. Luttrell. Minutes of last meet- ing were read and comfirued. Coun. F. H. Mason, Chairman of Finance. niresented. the report recnm- t'. = ., lat, svuwf... MCelu& U11, lumber. 1lhos Lyle, labor and teaming B. Dilling, labor ........... F M Souch, shevel ......... Gawker & Tait, oil.ghaaaes. oats Lewis Mý le, wagon ......... A Truil, hay., ............. Cawaier & Tait, supplies ... G T Charlton, labor ........ W Fishleigh, repaira, supplies.. Jas, Gale, advtg aud prinling W Dingman, itreet wateriug.. W Etiger, hsibor anti supplies.,ý Lowing If You ind itllard to DeoHde What To Buy For A - - - -X-flas Box Cali at Couch, Johnston& Cryderman's as they- have in stock a beaiitiful lot of goods suita.ble for that purpose. Gefeenfikpan nPnîZld ae dnkroîf Handkerchiefs-Hem Stthe Linen for Lad!e b' and both fin Linen and LSLWn. LADIES' FANCY COLLARtS-From 25( up te0 $.5 eaeh. MEIN'S TIES-The finest stock ever shewn in Iown. LADIES' and GENTS' GLÀOVES--In Kid and Mouha, both lined and nnined in ail qualilies. LINENS. Table Cloths and Napkins te matlgh, aise Tra.y Cohs, Doyles, Five O'clock Cleths, Ebtc. BLANKETS-Special value from 82.50 up te the finest goods made in Canada. Furs 0f Ail Kinds-Ladies' and Gent's Fur Ceals, ' ...aise Ruffs, Mufs and Gauntiels. Scotch Wrap Shawls, imporîed direct, frem 81.25 up te $6.00 each. Umbrellas, Ladies' and G ents', Imported speelally fer the Tai! ~ ~ ~ 30 - mimciui. .95 I ie 00Mý.Lý .!l 2. 95 58 8L 21 13 18 12 1 25 4 70 25 00 9 00 4 68 140 20 75 25 50 200 00 81237 69 Ona motion of Coun. F. H Mason, secentiet by Coun. Lultreli 8100 was veteti to Coun W. R. Clemeas as Chair. man of Roacts eud Streets on a division: Yeas: Luttrol, Morris, J. J. Mason, F. H. MIason. Nzay: L. Cornish. The Mayer aIse disappreved of the grant. On motion et Coun. J. J. Mason, secenteti by Coun. F. H. Mason, 850 was votedt 1 Coun. L. MJorris as Super- intentient ef Works on new Town Hall. The Clerk waa instructedti t notify Mr. S, Heal that the Town wilh net longer require the lanti leased freo the estate of which he la oxecutor., Capt. W. C. King was granleti a rebate of 82160 on personal preperty wronu-ly assesseti. REPORT ON ROÂDS AND S TREETS. Councillor W. R Clemeus. chairman et, Roatsanti Streets presentedti he report et that commîîtee lu substance as follows: We fount on hanti ai beginning of year broken atone $90, lumber 8t2 anti nails 83.25. Total 8105.25. Expendedi for laber 812SU.5, atone 8201.83, lumber $718.55, tile for culvents $218.78, nails $42.89, ceaI 815 80, crasher repaira 835, gravel 83.50, wagon $25, bey $9. sundries $6 05, atone 832 80 Total $2543.95 ' There are on hand:- Tile $160.87, wagon 825, atone $32 80, n ails 88. Total $221 67, making a net expentiture et 824272iforthe year 190'3 The sauin apportionedt oRoatis antiStreets was $2500. The atone lefttover troso 1902 waa placeti on station noati. We bong-ht, crushed anti plaeeti4M3 yards of stone besides. The lumbe3r was chlefiv useti on Libe-rt-.,aI. north, ilhe new ide walk toecemetery, covering- two bridges anti generel repaira to walks round towu We are sorry that because cf the un- expecteti expenditure et the electnic light bridge anti culverta in tewn the roati north of the Forks passing nI Bellmen's was not repaireti as intended1. For Ilfant,. an'i COlidrexi. The Kind You Have AIways Bougkt Bears the ,Signjature cf 14 7 4 4 ( TOWN FINANCES. At tle very earhiest opportunity we preseut to the electors of Bowmnaunvi1le a stâtemfent of the financial operaticons of Ibis municipalitv as centaine I in the officiai report of MIr. John Moorcraft, rreasurer, up te Dec. 15, 1903. Before going into the figures it is only fair te the membhers of the 'rewn Council to remind our readers that this Council did not assuma management of the affaira of tbis corporation titi Feb. 4 up to which lime they are in no sense responsible for expenditures made and liabilities incurred on behaif of the Town. A very consiloerablù amiunt of money lu the agregate Waa paid out lu the 81 dat a of 1903 that e!ipsed under control of the 1902 Councit Ar set eral meetings during this % e'ir accounts have Come lu for payment that sheuld have been settledp by former Councili. At the December meetings several bis turued up covering the N ears 1901 and ]q9)2. Withiouî going min.utel.vover the dclluquent bi!ls that have be3en present- ed, we shouldà thinik lhe-y wihl amouet to something- over $550. Some of the ordinary, expenditures made or incurrud by the previouis CoutII- c-il andi included i lu tbais which we shahi herein uzlihara: Roads anid Streels 812 38;;Plic iePropertv $10,24, Poer lRelief 884;, Police î,7-- 83; Printiug 862 25; Fire and Water4'8I.83; Cemeterv $89.50; Salaries $86; Sundries K)90(65; Debentures $1910,02; Local Improve- màent Debeuture ë,1471.61 Total $3926 81 for which amout Ibis year's taxes .vere'alrtadly mortgaged moa"tly ouj notes at i a 0 ntarlo Bank o n which interest had to be paidtilt11 the taxes came lu lb retire tbern. Add to Ibis, ameount said interest and the bis of former councils that have aine-e been paid andi here is upwards of four thons snd dollars for which thîs Council la lu Dio sense re8ponsible, Witb these explanations we shahl proceet t give a statement of the ex- penditurea lu every department up 10 Dec. 15 f or 19W3,and 1902 f or com pariso n, then weshalloffer some explanationsi fer some of the iucreases lu Ibis year'si expenditures. Here la the comparative statement of expenditures: moud iug payment' of tho foil accounts which was adopted: P Trebilcock, supplies ...8 McClellan & Co. ............ IRice & .o................ Dr J Colville, med. attendance IDr Potter, medical attendauce -Grant lo-Home for Aged.. Stateaman office, printing.... Freight aciA cartage ou 11e .... McClellan & Co.,............ W H Dustan, work on pipes... Bell Telephonme Co.......... Dr. Youu-g' iuspectiug herses.. John Gaud, tire dept.. _.... . 1Jas. Elhlott..... 1Rice & Ce, supplies.....,.... MeCiellan & Co.......... Win Eagar, boitsý for bridge .... John Gaud, repaira,.. .. ..... N MeDonald, atone and labor.. Chas Worden, atone ....... Rice & Co, supplies.......... W H Dustan, - ..... 8impson & Blair'8,ac't......... Rice & Co. supplies.......... MClIellan & Ce, coal........ L. Morris, sup. town hall ... W R Cleineus. grant... ý.... 1 W J Devîtt, tile........ _.... AcDcounts passed Dec. 7th. Durham Rtulber Co, hose.$ Ehectriu Li-lht Ce, repaira,. McClellan Z Co. lumber, ceaI., Electric Li-ghlt Ce, lampa, etc.. SamulC Hearle, Laborer.. James Elloît gasoline ._ Can Fire Englue Co, coupler.. Josiah Butson, labor,........ Wmn Edger. paintinw sprinkler Canada Fouudry Ce, wheela etc i Gutta Percha Bubber Ce, boots B Mitchell & Co, acid and soda.' R Treuouth, labor. materiaL.. W Edger, labo>r and pipe.. MNellan & Co, ceai ........ J Fletcher. constableont duty.. G D Fletcher, 1 los Jefferv, repaîriug ceaI. - - ýMcC'Iellan & Co, wood'anti ceai Clerks ac',t,advanice 10 indigents Cftwlker & Tait, g-ooda. Mrs Hill Eltectric Light Cocoutract, fire Si Cawker & Tralla, seeda_ ...... Canadian Sewer pipe Co,invoice 1 Freig-ht and carlage on stonA.. Clolrk's ac't, telegrama, express Re-barristers' court expenjses. - J osiah Butson, labor........ 12 55 3 75 2 94 4 50 8 50 100 o0 17 25 19 50 8 50 32 1 25 2 00 5 00 3 00 22 60 103 84 165 200 32 80 01 80 78 136 20 3 77 3 25 3 88 50 00 100 00 85 871 100 13 1 60 80 58i 7 85 5 25 45 36 16 00 21 00 14 30 24 O5 16 72 10 50 24 20 7 90 6 75 1 25 1 25 3 50 il 30 7 50 50 '39 75 3 08 50 75 22 71 9 190 82 012 Chargi"dagainst lands 19 75 Dýebeutures 6201.G2 SLocal Imp. Debenture 2207 45 1902. $2823.20 2513.60 962 84 l22 22 1316 66 506.88 800 00 1178.00 1149 97 2241 51 4193.3 00 2350 00a 118010 5,1850 14716 On roatis anti atreets e~253.62 leas was expendeti than lu 1902, aithough p os- sibly the roads neyer requireti more labor then wheu thev breke up hast sprlng. They were iu a terrible condi- tion and the extra labor turing Aprîl and May vias very great, anti the ex- p)euditure for atone anti crnshinz was immense, Then the bridges wene bati- Iy dama get by the freshets necessitating unusual expenditure, anti over $20) was paid ont for sewer pipe anti $32.80 for atone for next Spring's use. moal of thse pipe also being storeti for future use So that af ber the unusual expenditures. there is e necrease of 81258.62 ou the previons year's outlay which ne doubl ine-lutiet some extraordinary outlay 10e. It la but fair 10 say that the brek- en atone that was placeti ou the station noat in eanly Sprng was lef t over from the previons year. The Public Propertv accont shows an increase of 8142.06 but the new Fine Hall anti stable cost 81300 which is ln- cluded lu the total expendibure of $29M5.66. The Fire Hall anti lixtures are estimateti to be werth f rom 8400010o $5001) anti the towu now has the beat finle protection Il bas ever hati, so that no eue can justly compliuoe the extra onthsynder this heati. Some of the expentilture was eccasioneti aIse by the building operations anti ceusequent ne moval of t ,wn office3. Here again we deeso it fair 10 last year's council to aay Ibat ever 860u of the outlay of 32 518 60 was on Fonndry acceunt. The expeuditure te, date ou the newý -Town Hall- anti Public Librany la 87283. 13, but noue of the contrecîs are sebîheti ln full anti a more complote statement will be given later. The Poor Relief -statement must be exeedingly gratitying te ail l tizens, blainl a towu the size ef Bowmnville ,only 8-463.67 was spent for relief anti no tiesenving appeal was unheedeti. 0f Ibis amount $50 was for medlical attend - auce iu 1902 _which sihouttcl ave beeni paiti by 1902 Counceil Bers, then lsa! saviug of almnoat 8550 under the former year'a outlay. 0f thisa aount the Homo for the Ageti receiveti810le&s, than in 1902. We doubî if any other' olt town 0f the salcof Ibis one lu Outar- le cean presenî e belter sbowing, lu the Police Departiment an Increise ef 828 91 appears. Fine anti Water ýshows au increare of 81057 2-2. About $200 efthis is extra: coat of gasoline wehich we caninot ac- ceuni for. tnistalling Neptune metresi ceai. another 8-200. Ab)out 830 of th,5 prcvious yeer's salaries were paid. Over $10worth of hose wes beug-,ht. A, team ofethorses ceaI $375. ltep orîng a break lun pumping engine cosI $125 Painting anti repairinz water apninkier- $15. A new coupler $16, new bootsad mita $16, soma increase lu aalaries, net sonde by this ceuncil howeven, and! some outiay consequeut upon tkie changes madie, fuhly accouns fer the total increase. 1 An inerease Cemetery accolint et 845.70j was incuri e Iby repairing crib The succes ofyou cake depenids upon theè baking powder. Cheap baking pw der makes poor cake and a poorer cook. The wise 1 housewie uses a pu-re cream of tartar baking powder like Cleveland's. Pie resuit, - good, whole- some, digestible caýke eeC' tîie. Street watering and salres are pracLically same as last year. Under the head of Sundries there is a saving of $157 10, whjch represents law costs., Biut for a grant of $100 to the Chairman of Rloads and Streets and ?50 to Agricultural Society and $50 of un- necessary expenses incurred ,y the pro. vious counceil the outlay would net have exceeded 8500 altogether a large part of which la uncontrollable. The actual saving in this departmeut la very cou- siderable. The Printinz committee lias an ini. crease of $71.76 of which $70 75 was for the Town Hall by-law and the three extra elections for flhling vacaucies -iu the Council rat) the bll up cousiderably larger thaft it wou'd nrdinarily havo leen For Schools the grats are $145 lesa than lu 1902, but the Calunty Rate la $140 25 greaiter than last year. We have no control over this outlay. The Deb'inture and Local Improve- mnut demanda are 81015.27 gýreater than ast year but for this extra payment bhis Counel islain no seuse accounitable I efore this c(puncl came lufo power. IA tact that is net generaliy uniderstooti is that the 81471.64 paiti by hast vear's counei1 for Lo.ial Improvemeul Dehen- titre was raised lu 1901. H-ati the 190(2 council calleti up the necessary tex to meet the L. 1. tiebentutre thal feul due ou Jan. 2, 1903, iuýite ad of raisiug the monev at the Bank anti leating this; year's Council te levy the extra tex te meet the note, paiti ail outslaudinz accoiunîs anti aise provideti fer the deei cit of 8402.50 brought over f rom 1902 that this Council had i ase te tex the péop'e for,the rate hast y2ar would have been 26 milis iustead of 24. be that ratepayers bhoult in lual fairuesa take these aÎmeunts away froso the eixpendi.- bures of 1903 when criticisiug the operations of this Boardi. TAUNýT 0N. T)eeth has taken one ef our oldest setliers with but 11111e w-arý)nu in the person of Mr. Duncan Blair Hie re. ceived a blow froso the hantile et a wheelbarrow Friday weeir anti tedical aid was called. Hoe suff eri much ti11 midnlght when he seemeti mucb botter 1111 Monday he suddealy passeti away. Hie had, been a resideul of this place for over 20 vears his wife pre-tieceaseti 10 years ago. He wasa kinti fatber, a good neighbor anti anuprighl Christian anti he wilh be mueh misset inl the welks of life. lie leavea three sons andi six tiaughtera 10 mounuhis bs. lis reniains were luberreti et the Union Cemetery on Weduesday leet when a large number of friends and u.eighbona paid their last respe3cts, ahewiug the esbeem lu which he was heti ev.F. J Anderson officiateti. The family have the heartfelt aympathy of the cotmmuniitv lu their bereavement. Hoe was 78 jeara ef age. You know the inedicine that inakes pure, rich blood- Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your mother, grandmother, ail your folks, used it. They trustcd i i. Their doctors trusted it. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust it yourself. There Is health and strength !a it. -I 8I suffEAedt.rrlbly from ludlgeitlon ami thli 1blOod. 1 I foud Inorelief unti! 1 tok Ayer's Faeprll.Pur bottles porma. naty C Ured ;m'e." Mus. P. IF. R-HAIT, IMt. KisCoN. T. îpus a bottie. J .AYEUCfC)., Ald'In st or wl, Mass Rich Blood Ayer'sq PISlarecgently laxativ, Yya rtly aid £,C90 apvi Roada and Streets Public Property Town Hall Poor Relief Police Fire and water Cemetery Street Watering Salaries Sundries Printing Public ScI 001 llih School Christmas trade. CU CIIM JOUI NSTO &CRYDERMAN. †r 7W fl1' 71T 711' Vil' 711' 1908. $2569.58 295.5. 663 7283.13ý 463.67 1258 13 e3d88 552.58 800.00 1179.00 692.87 296 30 4813 00 ýL L"n