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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Dec 1903, p. 4

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ÇROWN BRILLIÂNT& The leaders in Eegane, Effieieney and Economy made in twosize, wîth and wthout oven. Examine it before you buy your heater at ___W. M. DUST n'N'S. The Up-To-Date Butchers'. Ilave received over 100 Turkeys, '~~ Duek s and Geese for their Xnsas trade. C. M. Cawker & Son'a Xmai ~Ld splay wlll be the largest anid hes ever exhibited in Bowmnanville. They will have besides their large display of Cattie, Lambs, Pork and Veal over 100 Turkeys, Ducks and Geese. A 1 full supply of Fearman's Breakfast Bacon and Smoked Hams. Bologna ri Sausage, Frankford Sausages, Lard, Head-cheese and tripe, Home-made Pork Sausage, sweet Picklcdflams and Bacon, cured Tongue, Corn Beef, home-rendeied Lard, home-cooked Ham and Tongues. Before purehasing your Christmas dinner eall al C, M. Cawker & Son's and inspeet the quality and prices. Satisfaction is guaranted. Cash pal 1for b ides, Tallow, Sheep Skins, Turkeys,' etc, ln fact we bny for cash. Wishingjrou the compliments of the season. G. ~.CRA-W}j&SnE& SOSq BowmANviL. CHINA HA'L'L GBOCEBRYl Christmias Goods In Great Varieties. Get your supply here and you will get satisfaction. Brazil nuts, Almonds, Filberts, Table Raisins, Floridai oagsMexican oranges, Valen cia oranges, California oranges. Large stock of confcctioleryN,: 31b, good Mixtures for 25e ; 21b elhoice Cream Mixture1 for 25e; and other limes equally Lowx. Fresh New Fruits for Christmas cooking: Raisins, Currants, Peels, Shelledf Nuts, Extracts etc. Fine Stock of, Coffees and Teas. Cbritmas ià Rapidly drawing near and those who inake an early Choice in our Croekery department will get best selection, Large Stock and Low prices. Here are a few Helpful suggestions: Salad dishes at 25c, 50--~, 75c, $1.00, etc. Also a fine selection of Japaneze Salad and Fruit dishes at $1.25, $1.75,0, $2.50, $3.00, etc. Bread and Butter Plates $1.00,$*1.25, $1.50 up to$4.001 doz. Shaving Vug.s 1,5c, 25c, 40c,, etc. New China Tea Sets 36 pieces at $4.00. These are a snap. China Tea Sets 44 pieces from $5.00 up. Cups and Saucers 10e, 15e, 25c, 35e 50c, etc. Japanese tnup and Saucer 15e, 25c, 35e, 40c, 50c up. The best value we ever had. Toilet Sets $1 40 up. Dinner Sets $5.00 up. Vases froma 10e tu $4 00 Jardineres 25c, 50c, 75c, $1 00 up ILamps of ail kincis, Poultry of ail kinds Wanted for Christ- mas trade. Produce Taken. Mr-À@"~C A- -aqb Theocianadian Statesmau i BOWMÂNYILLE, DFIC. 23, 1903. THE SEASON'S GREETINGS. Tihe Editors cf Tua, STASEsMAN jein in hearty fraternal greetings te ail editors whose jeurnalistic productions have agûorded us pleasure during 1903. Thse Editon of this journal bas rece'ived very manv kiud wends fromn his bretbren cf the Press, counI>' and Provincial the past year ton whieh hie oxtends. his mest sincere thanlts. We wish for our neaders, patrons andi frionds everywhere a pleasant and nserry Christraastide. To our corespondents eue andl ail who have helped te inake1 this papen interesting te its man>' rend- ens at home and away trom thein Home.1 land of Durhama, ma>' you have a Merr' Chiistmans and man>' cf thera THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS., Nominations for offices et maver and six couneillons wili be iseld next Moudavi at 7.80 o'clock Ver>' littie intereet has e far been manifested in the muni1 elpal elections. tOpine eers qulte general that as te psnt town ceunicillore have had only a part cf a year in office that the>' should be given another yeam. Tho>' have had an excoptionalky iard terra, tee, and the building oerations ever which they have had contrel are net cerapleted. It would be 'unwisdem te place a new set cf men lu charge whc are unacquainted with the terras and conditione. This le sound and pmatical reasaning, and1,, speaking ouI>' o! the councillors,, ws dubi er> much if six men more competent te carrv on the work can ho feund te accept office. Tewn business has nover lu laIs years been mûrs cars- tully and ecoaomicaliy carried on than1 during this councii's terra The state. ment of town financei made in other coluranstlile week le one that should flnd faver with the, ratep-iyers. The m. trbere have dons their vory beet te serve the best lutereet of the municipal- ity. That Itheir efforts have met ' with -general approvalisl conceded because flot much adverse criticism lias boon afened te what lias been doe. It.ceuid net be expectsd that aIl would b. pleas- ed. Seras people are chrcnic fault finders. The murmunings cf thora are dikeganded, They are persous Pl very llmlted influence. Kncwing that the i six counicillors cf Ibis Sear's Board have worked faithfully and deserve a renew- ai &f.confiuence for another terra, at. - bau, ws express the wish that thev mn>' hob retanned by acclamation next Mon , dav sveniug. The>' have hnd a meet arducus torm. full et work and raucb rver>' Important businee6 te transact, se tisai manv special meetings have bean Lhfeld. Néxex >seheuid ho an sagier on eunl several respects. They deserve a seoend terra and while soe of thora iare eomewhat indifferent about ne-ele tien, the electers cane-de btter than - returu them ail. Persoualv,1On accoeptiug- the office of 1 ayon mest Feltruary, manY cisozns 1nssured us. that we were faci ng a tacli Ltisai would requIns the exorcise of oeti Very beet flaancial and business abilitv 1We k tiew thu task would ho a bard an d l ail IIikelihood a thankiese eue. Now *that tbe vear le drawing to, a clore, ws _feol greadxy relievsd ot anxioiy, and ex ceeA-inl7thahnkfU that with the faithK. fui and able assistance ot our cilsagueR ws bave beau able te gsi througb with se rauch more business than wae ex- .pected wben we nssumeoffice without making au>' vsry seriens blunders. The buqiness of the vean bas beau cera- plstsd and all debts paid se tam, as it was passible te de, se Ibat next. yean'a cOuncil whoever its members may ho winl etrequins e ped limeinvostig. have neakn'wied e easwligt serve another year if the lector, are satisfied- We have tried ta serve the peeple te the beel ef oun abilit>', giving fan moe auxieus Ihoaght te cerpora- tou attairs than te eur own business. But if the>' thmnk an>' other man eau ho cf grenIer service te the tewn fer 1904 than wecan, we shahl gracetuilly give _AfCStOhn_ RveroeLhslxr or more terras, except the laie Mn. Gai- braith wio resiguod office ewing te iLi hoaltb. We sbould like te ses the building eperations under wa-y com- plsted and the towu tidisd up- again before netiring, if we could cheese, but we mepeat that if it 1e the will et the electors that tho> p noter another man for their Chiot Magistrats we shahl gr.acefl>' e ow te their decisiou. GRAND MEAT DISPLAY., Greatly praied b>' ail who saw- it was the exhibition ef Christmas mente made by C. M.Cawker & bn. Frnmthe fat- tid caîf te the 11111e pig fer noasting, lu. cluding thse Seutbdown ewo ilu the wiudow, everything was prime and gond enough fer, any epicune Neanly 200 fine turkoys filhlo'd utise diepla>'. A fluor leokiug ment ehep thie tcwn bas nover kuown. À geet sau>' citizeus called to congratulate the firma on the excellence cf Iheir Christmas exhibitien et cheice meate. DARLINGTON ELECTIONS. Municipal maltons lun Darlington are oxtreraely q met, the present Ceuncil having rendened suchs efficient service that the general opinion is that thene sbould be ne change now. It has been the custora iu Darîragton for many y>rars as obtainsin other. mnicipalities tbat wheu a man has attained te the head cf the Council Ise ho ailowed te lsold tIsat distinguisbed position for at least twa >'ars. Mn. Irwin Brown, the presnt Reeve has hocu a ver>' painstakiug ad efficient officer and as fam us we can beamu wili net heoepposed b>' aurcf the presont Counicil We beliove il le bis desine le -bold tise position for another yean and thon givo way te copie etf bis colleagues We understaud that ho bas womked veri harmoniou1y w;fith biscoun-Aciliuing t1he present yeai. We can testif>' ta h Council ot i903 are-aIl gaod, oconomical, capable, business men and have lookecd sharpiy miter tise iniereste ef the municiP- ality, kee»ing taxes down; sud we Ibink if-ul gîtI. . - EVern-yVbecy rerem er EL concert in ehurieh Xînas Dec 251h --- mies Clara V. Hla3 ns, Peadter, MiSs Norah Lazier, solet bies Ida Adames, pianist, Belleville, A lun Bros., Bowman- ville, wil give the programe Tl'le Ton- ente. World saýs. "Miss Hlavues is gifted with a mnagnetic voies and sie eniuel- aIes witb rare dlistincîneosi " Mise Phenie Colacoît sueceede Mviss Fraser aseo -ganiet et the cburcbi. ... Vis itons: Mrî. G. H. Jardine, Brandon, Mlan., and AlbertAshten, Oshawa, with frionds; NMese s. William iudsvBran- don, Mau., and Sain Simapsen, Mrls. Man., af ton four y sans' absence, are hors ton the iutr Curtltoe ta Mn. Johin Pooley and bride (use Miss Bella Scot» who wiil reside lu Iheir home roceutly puncbassdý frera Mn. Jne. Colwill. Pains la fte Iaok for Twenty Yoars Od oel cam ,to trust in Dr. Chas' Ld-ujlâvu Pur"for wheo ail other tact. ats ai tiI cicm"e accus te go e ctg ,the . .d pr, and proupl afr ,lds anfd cue. Mn. DAviD Mîsm.aa, (armer, Port Robin. son, W.Uaud County, Ontarioe wutes:-Il wish to #tMe to you that 1 had apainlin y back nd le orvr twenty yars At Limes 1 could not turn over in bcd, 1 vas se! bafly amcd up. I bcd cramps inumy (cet and legs, and my hands were so entioty uselema that I could s-carcely lift anythfng. .Kldney disca-re was, no doubt, the caue of ail ny suiïcring, and sometimes thse urinary trouble wouid be &o badl that I would have te get up fve or six times during thse night. For. tunatl!>, I begaan ising Dr. Chas's Kiducy-. ILiver PîUs, and they curcd me completely. 1 ama 79 Years old, and q4ite well now, but, till occasionally use thest puis ta kcep my systera in good order. Several persons t whom I have recomnmended Dr. Cbame'sr Kid- ney- Liver Pills havýe bee-n equally bone.6ted." Dr. Cha's Kidney-Liver PilUs, the cmfori of eli age. riwpla tadose, 25 cents abox, &L fMrs. Geoj. Bý' l and brother Ephraim Whithv eudfr acil.x'Gre Th Harmnony thaer coui n r i!ayod,Dae. lyine ai aMr. rthurDave , i eci held(bgo M l hil;i ave ed froruthie No-fth Wes-t to spend the wù)tcr Fli. HI.FiROST, t th lei r pa e t .. John D vattend ed aitmeetilg ocf tueiI..eLe,f Insur-are Co A. E. rMeLA.UGxLIN~, - -r. * - ~at Columnbus. ...MNr. Robt. Atii(w i. gues of1 is i.J liGl aut Mrs B. G4 Cars, pçit....Mr.Wlqe H.J 5. -~ ~MeRobert, isg~oing te Nuw Ontario. 'IV. J. S. iÈI0KA.RD, f ~ î-~. . ~For ai information regzarding Terme, Prograras, etc., addrese - . ~r~w~ ~ îr~~ F. H. FROST, M. A., Manager, (I1IIHÇ I~AII'tIBIII'~ 45-6 mos. Bowmianvill0, Onw Tise hoidy easoni- is here md cverybýody le thinkin- about Xm AS BOXE~S 9 a We have a fluil lineocf Christmas Candles, Chocolates and Bon-Bons. Also a full lins cf Nuts, Oranges, Lemaons and Grapes. Great variety of Chrisamas Cakes, Cookies cf al 'Cutters!.1 Cutters!! Now is the time to have your Cutter Paknted, Repaired a n d ý-r ei until sleighing tizue. Repairing o f a 11I kinds PERSONAL. Miss Mmllii. Hor, Norwood, le home for holidars. Mm.r R. t4ilbert. Tweed, visited friends htre receutly. Mise Sautie Hatchiason, Madcc, le home for holidays. Mir. ary MeKowan, Uranbrook, B 0., is visiting hie mother Mr. Bert Curtis, Torento. le visiting hiî tather. Mr Joka Curtis Rev J. F. Chapmamu, Victoria Univer- s.ty, Toronto, spent Sunda>' in town. Mr. Isaac Tabb & Son report a tield cf 107 bushels of Clover seed off 25 acres. Mr. Jesse Hunt is spending Xmas at Brantford 'w'Uh Mr. and Mrs. John Prower. Mr. Chas. H-ag-gith, Rochester, N. Y., was bere last week attending hie moth- er's fanerai. Mr. and lire. T. H. E11suor. Sceeso tady, N. Y., are viïitlngZ hie father, Mr. 'Wm. Ellenor. Messrs. Poe and Jas. Hock, f orra. enl*v of tbi; towii are siow living in Ed- menton, N. W. T Mrs. J. G. Henry,. Miss Ina and Mster Tom H-eur, have gene te Los Angeles, Cjal., for a visit. Mise Uoehfort, Grenfeli. N W.T.. who le en route to Enzland, le vlsiting Mis Kate Murdoch, Beacousfield. Mr. John Foster, and Mme. Foster, Orono. attended thn funeral cfthe late Miss Marv Carr in Port Hope Tuesday. Mr. H. W. Laird, formerly- editor .ao the Cobourg Seutinel Star, is the new iMayorocfReg-ina. He will make agocd one. Mr. W. H. Greenwood and daughters and Mi11ss BeatrieTara-blyn. Torontp, are hc1ifdaý ing at their father's, Mr. WI W. Tamblvn Mr. Geo. Sanderîon. Colborne, well- known here. bas been appointed bailifi cf theffeventis Division Court ef the nited counties. Mr John W. Fletcher, wife and son. Wesley, Toledo, Ohio, atter 15 çears' absence x %isited hig mother recentIV and other relatives in town. Mir. and Mme, W. W. Tamblyn eturn- ed home Saturday frora Ingersoll where Mir. Tamblyn bas been very'ii witli pueumonia. He la recoverlng nicely. Mir. and Mre. Bojie and Miss Boyle, San Francisco, Cal., mho have bhees vle-iting 14r. a.itirs Joseph Bittain "llughiendon" for îseasmenthe have reta rned home Mises E. BQacoole amssted bv- IJisq Gsertruèie Owkw entmrtained her San- dav Sehool clasQ W'eduesday evening- Atten tea au excellent progarm of msusic was t iveu b>' tke young ladiLesud a very plcesant tiras was onjoyed. Mr M M. Feuwick, M A.. Toronto formerl>' bsad-matsr cf Bowmanville Higzh School, has been nppointed te a similar position lu Sanît Ste Marie. He iq; an) excllent teacher. and the Soo, Board i. to ho eonzratulated on their Wise choies. T Y RONE Recont Visitors-M'rs. Thos Hiodgson at Mnr. Thos. Gardiner's; Thos. Iools,, Britis-,h Columbia, at bie, brotiier's Mr Jas.Pelvs Mr. Thos, Creeýper, 'rerr onte Juiictien, at Wr. Jas Curtis.... Mises Mlaud Curtwj and Zillah Mlc- aig-dn-. Centrai-- BusineSs-Cllege, To rnto. are hoidaitg at berne, .. Mrs. Margaret Wnltensi bas roturned froia an extonded vîsit wîth her child-ý nei lu Grand Rapids, Michig-an. acccmp- auied by tMr. Orton Bond whe là visiting tnend,; bere . ... We welcomo tet our vif- lage Mr. Albent Mertin and tariv, Hamrten, wha have movod luto Mr. Richard Brnne's property .... Rovs. F. J. Anderson Hampton, and Tbos. Snowden, Enniskillon. prescbod Wesley bi-cenutenan-y sermons here Sun&ay.... At the close cf the meeting in the, church Fridav eveiug Re,,. L. S Wîlst 0oubebalf ef the 'Trustee Board, made a short address and 11ev, D. 0 Crossiey presentedt Miss Florence Fras, er, oganist, with a handsome gold watch and cliain with epai clep. Mr. A. Il. Brent made a very suitable reply en bohalf cf Miss Fraser who wasmc XInas Presents lu Great Array for Boys, Girls, m~en1, Voinn or For the Hfome., Xnias is rig-)ht Upon us and that -beautiful cuis(,,om of rememaberin,& friends. G 1 F T Mo0r e cornes k-M around and w say "What shaffl I giveY" We s IIII . Pwo0Ul1d suggest something n s e - f full and beautifril. Dainty Xmlas Gits, F ur Ruffs. Dole e up-5 O'elock Tea Covers rc i n Sbe Stone Martin, Opss1 Sup-'Center Pices 2.5e up-Sideboard Covers T'hibet and Coney just the present your S50e upj--Tab'e Covers $1.25 up-Tale Nap- friend w-111 lize and appreciate, $2. to $25. Skins 1.00 doz up. Men's fluffler& and Gloires,. Xmas Furs at Closest Prices. Muffiers either shaped or in sqaares in BoysClohin asXma Gits.plain v' faney patterns, good value and Lag y ndFn Cislyo Fny~~ styr1ish muffiers 25e to $1.50. LaréstandFin,4tDipla ofFany Jý,n1- GLOVES and MITTS in mocha or kid, kereief luI'~in.neat fitters and will wcar in tans or greys, For W liried or wool linied 50c pr to $2.25, Purses, Kid Gloves, Umibrellas, Fanicv FOR THE HOME. Wairts, Dress G-,oods, Ribbon5, Neckiwear, FUr Dne SGauntlets, Dress Skirts, Fine Footearj, lîbou',e 'Vases, Jardineres«, Te-i Sets, Dne SSlippers, Silk MWaists, Fur Caperines. l'ou Sets, Sa]lid Dishes, Cups and Saucers, Cake wilL be surprised at thie splendid showing of Baskets.' Fancy Lamps, Blankets, Table suitable presents for woman. Spreýads, Caimforters and Curtains. For tien.Great Displayof Japanese Ware. llandkerehiets,Umbrell as,Faincy Suspend- Visit our Grocery Department bU1ers, Shirts, Cardigan Jackets, Overshoes fo Nts, CanisOage n for Naiey Veats and buse Coatsa. Links, Overcoats, Reefers, Suits, Fur Co- Riinnybukorbx WIIAT MEN LIRE. NECKWI2AR. A. n eat-presents,-hoewily -us- 1s aJboy Neckwear with four different shape ties, you payf[or the ties not for the box $1.75 Smnart Xrnas Neckwear 25o and 50c each. 4/4John 1vIoglrtry WiŽ116es You Ait A Very ý Mierry Christmias. Bring AU Your Poultry, Butter and Eggs to MeMurtry's, llighest Price. ........................... S naci lffl ) i ý týýriZc- -1

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