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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Dec 1903, p. 8

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Saota Gc&s'bigStock. la S" This Kind Annual Giver is certa.inly storing up ricli Gifts for everybody thl-is year. Business E has started early and our carefully selected and arranged stock is f ast disappearing with happy faces beaming with joy at the satisfaction they receive at 1Ui~thelP Cornetr Ph1farrna . __ W e have tihe finest goods at prices that suit everybody. Goods of E Quality, Goods that seil themuselves. STo ail o ur kind Friends and Patrons, old and new, may the day be pleasantE thre dinner good, the Turk-eyý doue to a turn, thre pudding hot, with thre Eright kid of sauice. M.,ay you receive as gifts thre thingsyou E - nost desiîe and may thae day be as it shouli thre mnost enjoyabie of ail the year. SEy 7e tsed FREE. Ciremiat, Druggists & Opticians. «M SPhono 2, esne Boy in Service. Bowmaniville. E DARLII\ QTON. S'The Base LUne Suuday Sehool will hI old their Xmas ent(artainment on ~AI ,,. .U hursday evening Dec 121h at 7.80 p f"1 . A program of songs, recitations, UNUM Mu ilis dialogues. etc.ý by the scholars nted wiii hob6given, Every parent, and vitd o hlpbtheir presence A. Miss Anderson, Toionto, ishome for Caled o n i ta M i 11lhrstmas hlhad MI Cr.sîmas h -oday .., a BoWmanvilIe.SI Mrs. McNaughton receutly. S'The G.N.W. Telegraph Co. have 4l~ SI'dispeused with their town office. Highst rice pad fo an quatit or Mr. Arthur Rowland bas passed bis Ri.gestprics pid fr ay quntiy ofSI'exam. aI the School of Pharmacy. 4~Barley, Oats, etc., delivered at above Mil],SI Miller's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by 4Ç~ SI'Stott & Jury, druggists, Miss Winuui Eilbeck. School Domestic 4(I' Science, Toronto, la home for holidays 4Jfý 4. 'i r' I New lite for a quarter. Miller's Com- ,'~II IDIl MI C~LIa.Pound rou Pis. Sold by Stot& Jury, yI'drnggists. S'Mrs. H. N. Joy, and twa children, eSI' Hamilton, N.D., are visiting her brother Lunite ~ Mr. 0. Sot e Miler's Compound rou Pis, only ý25 I'cents for 50 doses. Sold by Stott & k.Jury, drnggists. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anderson, Novan, Mnskoka, are visiting at ber dauahter's ____________________________________________________Mrs. Geo Joli. _______________________________ Mr. M. J. GýibsOn, Bowmanrilie, callafi on luIs ad! frjeians .... Mssvina Rosa is spending e ba BOWMANVILLE, DEC. -23, 1903. ha'iedahome taytemb...rhur but ,n b as solS bis driver forza good round surn. The farmens oaiibis naeighbarhaocd shippad anoiher XM & %.S MBLAT S. cýarîcad ai peas tu Pelerbona at ramunaraire prucas this tbeingbb ird cousigimaut-.Mn. Alax Smithii sbippinz bis grain 10 Hogg sud Lytle, Marip-s stalioný..--.Rc-v. J. E. Howson, Mn. Alex Hume. au usual. bas secur- Tyronepreacluad ery acceptabiy here Sunday. ad a' grand assarîmeual of Xmuae Meats. A-i,,ng tbe dlsýplay are the fîoig 4i tw yu r aid D irham becifers, bnad and fid by Jas. ciIa Dirlinglon. 2>, 1 vo yasýr old Dirhatuaser,3s and ancj 6 înouhs aid Dvrham cal! tram S Wu-od a& son, Dalingtoii. 7ShropRhire L bs rajm J ohn Cougdon, Dar'lu.gtouý. 6 Chester Whilte ioga, fr)m Nl Sýnuth, Darlinglans. The ,3exhib4iton vwill ha ready for in- sa"'u on auSaturday W-c. l9tb. Thanýwkine My numgrous oustomers SOLI NA. Miss Jlonnie Hudson. Graveniihiurst, is visiiing Mns. T. Baker- Rer. L. S. Wight B. A., Tynone, paua at EldadS Suuday last wib mucb accaptatw;e ..--.Msss. Ilbasnsd Jack- son, Lonig Sanît, visiteS aï Mr. Wn. aylor',. - _ Mr. John fis kar t, hme frio Guelph Agri. eultonal Clag. nsd IMr5. 1LT. Pascaa visiteS afai Haptan racanttly. .....Miss Lizzie Rlilll& iscn lecn-lelo I Division Tuesday ni g inaxt .... .MIrs. Drayton,1 t, visiting h ansistens. ...-Mr, aud Mn,. John Hall, EiiS , visitaS frianids banc. Pr-oipt relief in ick head ache, diii. zinoas, n1ausea, constîpa3tion, pain lu the ide guarauleih4 taghoe sing Carîer's Little Liver Pis. One a dose. Small pice. Sinal dose. '.-mail pili. SHAW'S SOHOOL. for their klnd patronage lu the past, 1 Mrs. Wili Bragg and Mna. lHerbert W. Jeweil ans necoverng froin Ibein iii- wtsh ans and ail a Merry Xmas and a inosa. ... Mr. Will Oka, Port Hope, Happy Neow Year. ALEX. HUME. neceutily Nisitc d aI Mn J as. G Rickard's *Mn. Tiros. Ciemence and Robent Clem- Ministera, Lawyers, Teachers, and once, Kilbv, visited f riends horsecent- others whose occupaition givea but litle ly. . .. Mnr. Richard Fosten wluolbas beeu exercise,should uqe Carters i4ttle Liver aiing la getîiog boler.. .. Mn W, J. S. Pilla for lorpid linon and bilionanesa. Rickard visited az...K-iiby Suuday weak- one !s a dose. Try thom, .-Mn. Cb.ts, Penifouud is Ioarning the __________ hrdware busiuezïs with Hics &. Ca., Bowmanville. . . Mn.Ga. P. Rickard la NEiSTLETON. slowly nscuvoing fro ni injuries rectived Mn.Robnt ud issEmm Jakso. ~ by a fali.. . .Mn. H. G. Martin. B.A.. Nrs sRevistmghai sises mJcs. H. rrw Forest, la vistiug nt Mn. J G. Rickard's eaid mrns. llat S Failt, anS otufi- .-ja.-.T-h hr. iaseteb otoi land AJbert I aurn, former residents, îuow ai Sbaw's School Friday aflemnooni wasaa lVlCberv, , ara ranaw-ing aId acquaint- declded sneceas. The 8ý 5 pupils seated î.Sea batre-Mu.icla fairs ar.e assumiug.a I1-el apet.Suval nanw candidaiata in, oua piatfarm rendored a choice programn ,the munîüI ipalfilf-Su with the Lacý,l of reading-s, iecilalions, dialouges, 4D ticsv bay- iiiawludeatian fan mn icipal cOuia1ý-sooInoqa ~ilnwsua xet iayîms..Mt o os tros q lotttes aud chomuses ChnsiasIna Oruims 'Ja -- A lea. sowngabilty and goodtaing ~an ~qJeplce i ta esdane i r rott The pupls were asaiaîed1 by sevenal ex- 8Iilan1ea, ils uuted jil, hlly wad pupîlsand by au address by wht Mn Gea. Nasb'itt. The upItia l ut ev. J C Wilsoni, Newcastlee. Miss bVi i ,IYled Iby URe. Mr. Purgess,, B-1-any.Flamenco Riek-ard, asten of Ibie toRcher, "f [ 0-01tý vI1itMr ed y is Banlambk,'was accompanliat.A moal pleasîn)g Toicut whla r. redWiisu ssita part of tihe pngam -was the presenta lion taoach ýh;'ild a! a book, candies,, A. -«::e nuls and orang ýea for wbiî-h lhey suitably sera 1w .~t nustees in a vote o! Ibanika moved b J~saaune ~Master Wiliîe Hauuuuh Secouded by cf ~ asterFred Bra N. M. J. M. Cab- bledick, secre arv- troa suner, officiated 90 ffl p r - X -Il- as Chairman and di(d bis part romnak- ~sar tue .lhiKini ViihaleAINV3 Bigitably Weilt. iAg-od jîsýpreseula lion o! Signature ~'the parents and finds o!fliseseto 1were prosent aud wene exeodingl wl Mi lsn's Worm Powders curel ail aili- monta of cildren like magic. Sold by Stott & Jury, dnuggi.sts. Mns. Fike, s., died aI bier grand- daughter's Mrs. Geo. Warmington, Dec. 17th, aged 92. 1 Muiones Worm Powders are'a wonden- fui miedicine for alIments o! childnen Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mrs. Ernest Rinch bas net unned fnom a plean3ant visit wltb ber aunt Mrs. M. L. Angail, Oshawa. Ladies and gentleman wbo take Mii- ler's Campound 1,-ou Puis always grow younger lu appoarance and, spirits. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mn. William Grass bas neturned tram Suiphun Sprngs, N.Y., wbens ho bas noceived mach benefit. Ladies!I Take Milen's Compound Iran PIl if you would have nice, dlean, complexions. Soid by Stott & Jury, dnuggista. 1Mn, Fernando Penrin debanned ansi fonty hsad o! catIle for Mr. D J. Gib- sou. Mn. Perrin lu past seven years bas dehorned 4078 cattia. Are free fromiail crude and irritat- ing matter. Concentrated medicine only. Carter's Little Liver Pille. Very amaîl; vsny easy ta take; fia pain; no griping; no purging. Trv them. Mn. Murdoch Cameron died at bis isten's. Mns. Dicksou, fromt paralysis Dec. 14 aged 76 yeara. Tbe intermeut took place ta Bowmanville Cemetery. wilh Ron. W- J Wrigbit couducting the services. Riesosns, H1erbent and James witb thoir sister, were present tram Sauina, and the Misses Dickson tram Toronto. PIEaPLE OP TRIS PLACE-Thons are people lu eveny town and village o! Ibis country wha hava bean-urei-d e! itching blsedinz and protruding piles by the use o! Dr. Chase'& Ointmeut. Ask jour frieuda about Ibis great preparation, lhey ca u llyou o! its great sootbing, heaIing and autiseptic powens More reputable people bave endoraod Dr. Chase*s Ointment than any preparation yoni can mention. Newcastle Lodge S O.E., B.S., New oflicers are:-Presideut, Ena. J. W. ;radIey; Vice Pros,, A. Coiwiil; Past Presinient. W. A. Gihaunz Chaplain, John Sawlks;Secretary, Gso. Wanming- ton; Treasurer, John Uglaý; 1 G, Jnph Panon, .(",as GMme! lot Committeemtan. W. G. Byaus, 2nd Comn. Samuel Perrin. SCAWNv 1PEOLE-People gnow tim, scnawny, pale and wsak when the blaod la tIm and walelay -What la ueeded ta rouind off the ang-les and f111 ont the fornm, la ual fat but bealtbv imuscular tissue. By enriehinig the bload anud ln- >Mrs. Gorlie bas reýturned home to New York after visiting hier sis ier, Nrs. Wesley Oke . . .. Mr'. Andrew Sharpe recently refused $165. for a121 ïear old colt. This look8 like good times for1 amers. . ...Haýving bought a larg e 'quantity of the best Amerfraxs oilnefore the, recent, advance, wc, wlll continue 10 Bell it a 5.per1 gai ..ote.. .Mr. j P. Le-sk ba3 one of the filticstyearling coults we have seen . .. .Mr.1 and Mrs. Jno J. Gibson. (town), i enewed oid19 acq ati;ILtlcehler e F]Àday. -. Mr. 0. L. Byers_, visi ced ai Mr. C J. Mountjoy)vsý.. .Miss vaI Crookshanks is guoest Of Miss Ida fiockin.,.. Mr. C.W.Wiimslta very valoable borse recently.... R1ev. T. Snowden exchanged pulpits wuth Rev. L. S. Wight, Tyrone, Sunday. . . . ise Edith Riggs bas been r. fga efr the uth year at Zion sebool. . . .To our many friands and patrons we wvisb toextenidthc compliments of the Besson and 10 tender our Lbanks for the ve 0la g in e ase in patro nbaee tecoraed us dnig h s er "" .wblcbhas been far in ad- anet. any I.-tu past-W. M. Wotten.... Tho an»iver.ary if he Preshyterian churcli will bc eid as follows;On unday Dee. 27 Sermons wll be preaelied ,at 1().30 a. m and 7 1). M. 11ev. J. B. McLaren, 1BA, Columbus. wiil take theeein service anS Blacekstock< choit wll coinduct the service of praise, Liberal collections requested. Tbe Annuai Soiree wili be ld on. New Years day, Friday. Jan lst, when the ladies or the corugregation wili serve tes f rom 5 1p i, after wbicb a program wl be rendered eonsisiing ofsngn by Mliss Carnie Beacoc-k anS the(- Beacock famnily; readingzs by Dr Cross, Oshawa; Addresses by ltevs Hnugh Munro, B A, Bowmnanville anS Thos Snowd'en, Eunskillen, *Ticlkets 257,e; chlidren iSec Public DEAFNESS CÂNNOT BE CURED bî local applications as tbey e:annïot reach'r the d Beasen Ipcriiof, tbe car. There is only one way to cure dieafness, and thaýt is b y constýitu tional remrediesq. Deafniess i causeýd by anl inj flamed condition of the mucous lining cf ihc, Eustachian Ttibe. When Ibis tube is inflauncd ,you have a rurnbling sonnd of imperfectbear- un,t ,andlwben 't is entirelv c]osed, Deafnesa la th eut, andS ness the Inflammation can be taken Ont and Ibis tube restored taits normal condition, beanniig will be dastroyed forever; trinle cases ouI of ten aroecaused by Catarrh, whicbi is uoibing but an inflanued condition of thc mucous senfa1es;. We wlll gi-va One H1undred Dollars for aiuy case of Deafness (caused by eatarrhýthat cannot bcecuredl by 115115 Catarrh Cure. Send for cir- F. J. CUEINEY & Co., Toledo, O Sula i byDruis-its. 75e! lHall'i Faiiiy Pills ara ibe beut DIAMOND DIEI Word Competition. LIST 01" THE PRIZE WINNERS j The Wells & Richardson Co. , Limited, bave much pleasure in announcing the resuit of the great Diamond Dye Com-> petition which openeýd on November 28. The ladies of Canada are to be congrat- ulated on their efforts Even the un- succesaful competitors deserve praise for their exiýe1lent work, and the thons- aiids ot ladies from Halifax, N.S , ln the East, to Victoria, B.C., in the West, who hailed the coolpetition with delight wiil probabl 'y bave another chance to make themnselves stili better acquaintedi with their Dictionaries. Some papers were go deserVing of recognition that five extra prizes of one dollar each were added, mnaking in ai seventeen cash prîzes. The foiiowing1 ladies are the prize winners:-1 laI $10.00-Msiss H. Moore, 460 Seign- eurs St,, Montreal, P.Q. 2nd 8$;.00-iMrs. S. Casey, Wyoming, Ont 8rd $4.00-Mrël. d'Albenat, 12 d'lsraei Place, Mlontre&j, P.Q. 4th $2.00-Miss S. 11, Lan-str th,j Sussex, N.B. 5th 3.0Ms Kate Gallagher,1 Brockville, Ont.4 6th ~.OMs H. Milîcan, Frederic-1 ton, N. B.1 7th $91 00-MNrs. Allan Turner, Brcck. ville, Out. 8th 11.00-Miss Pearl Cooper, 4,P3 Pic- cadilly St., London,;Opt. 9th $1.(,O-Mrs A. J. Gordîhorpe, Saltford, Ont, lOth $1.00-Miss C. B. Chapmian, Bromte, P.Q. 1 1 0 10-Mrs. .BneBn Bonnets, P. Q. 1'2th Si 00-Mlrs. Frank P. Çava-e, I12 Anglesea Sq., Ottawa, Ont. 11 Jh $1 00-Miss Alice Creeper, 981 111gbi Parke Ave., Toronto, Ont. 1 - e -. Unnîstîmas sermons oy îMa pas or, Rev. D. 0 Crosslev, and Christmas music by the choir lu the Methodiat Cbunch Sunday. Ws ans sole agents for and carry a full line of Turnbull's clebrate t un- abinkable Underwuar. Conch, J ohn- atu& Cr) derm an.ý The pound social aI the Home for the Aged Wýednesday evening was well aI- tended and a gooaly store o! good thinga taken for the oid people. I'" hristmias anound the world and lu the heart" wili be the theme of Rev. B. H. Hayden. M. A., Sunday evening Special Christmas music. China Parlons-Second faonr. Don't forget 10 vusit il. It will pay iritendiug purchasens to ses the assortment we carry. Cawker aud Tait. We have a large assortmneut of Dolîs -dressed and nndnessed-black and wvhite-from le 10 1$. Coa and asle ton vourself Rt the GRAND CENTRAL. $1950 made by ans man last vear seiiing aur goods always lu use. hanuse-1 hoildnecessities flot fadeq or luxuriea.1 No dulseason. Write G. Marshall&[ Ca. Landau. Ont. -Rev. J. H. Ttirubuli, pastor of 1Bank St. Preabyleriait church, Ottawa, re- eived 21 new membera lotobis chunch aI the last communion service. Mr fnienda bore are pleased ta bear o! bis success. Splendid value-nine3 Ladies' As- trachan Coats juat lu aI the West End Hanse, ta ho aold aI closest pnices. Beat o! curîs sud fusIlinings. ThesCoata have gat ta ho sold before Xmas. Do't buy unleas yon çhiuk youi are gotling a bangain. We will scud you free for 1904 THEI TORONTo DAiLY, STAR cf yen wili pay your own subacription ta end of 1904, and scuid us twa new subscnibens fan THE SI'ATES31AN for 1 904 aud $2, just think -a daily paper f ree fanra wboie ycar for a few minutes' wonk I Mr. and' Mrs. Henni Lane. -Bast Whitby, formerir of Eufield, celebrated lte 501h auniversany of thein wedding an Dec. 1(41u Thresous, îwo daughters and eigbteen grandeilîdren assisted lu tho coiebralion. Nine a! the grand- cbildren wene baptised the same aen- iug by Rev. R Burns, their pastar. Annuai entertalument and Xmas Ires at Saivation Arm *y barracks Wednesday Dec 23rd. Yan have lte piviiege of putlin g gifts an the Tree for fienda Lange atteudanice la expected. Christ- mas War Crn'v surpasses anv previons holiday issus wilh au excellent aupple- ment "The Comforting Saviaur." Pnico 10c. SNo ni or present for TTTVfhJT~fatherý,emother or ;tbe SLIPP R ebilidren, than 'a prelty pair of lippers. We have a fine assortmeut. Fred R. Foley. A GooD INvESTMENT CLOSE AT HaOME. -It 16 interbsting ta kuow that the Star o! the East Gold Mine, located at Kaladar, Frontenac County, bas been thoroughly examined by the beat authonitis luAunerica lu the intereats of invosting parties and bave declared il ta be ans of the nichest goid mines they have meen. Anyane wishing ful panticulars sbould write t0 E. J. Cooper Smith. M. E , Star of the East Gald Mînunîg Office, Peterbona. lmmediatuuly, as the priceofo the shares, are riing rapidly --advt. The sa ng -service under the auaspiceî o! Trnity Sunclay Schoal an Sunday ovening was very successal The school ronderad some suitabie Christmas sangs; aânaodnress of welcomne was given by Missq Ida Pîvu; uecitatians by Edra Taylor, Gertrude Hrom and Clanrk Tay-1 lor; dialogue by Ethel Freeland aud Hazel Willcx; and solos by Belle Mur- doif and Winnie NIorris. Tb& lecture on 1-udia giron by nI. Sircar, the con- verted Hlindoo, was thorougbiy enjayed by al. Mr,Sircar ik a veny able speaker. A pleasiug piano necital was giesu at the home afi Miss Taiublvn, Stna aflernoon when au interesting pro gram was presonted by bitr pupils. The girls penformned their parts nîcelv witb much tredit ta themsîves and thein teacher. The fallowing took part: TUE -m AS-"ON Co. 1 RINK 10 RENI The Skating Rilk ou CbuncbStroot wiIl ho rented. Faot-rmaand pantieu- lana apply la J. R. FINKLE, Bowmanville. MAPLE GROVE. Mn. anS Mrs. Jas. Wood, Simcae, arc visittn friaendcs blene. --..Cc ugn-atulabiouis ta massrà. Albent Joncs sund Narmian Brazdlay an racently taklng a wtfa ascIi.... .Mr. anS Mms haa Snawdan sud Miss Shiirley anS Mnr. S. Cale ara sndini, Chisimnas wibb MnI. anS Mn,. D H Cote. raionS>... -Mr John Curtis passeS away ou Satnndiay eveining. The famlly biave the symipathy oa i bbc ueghiohrbôdiiitheir barcaivemnent. HAMPTON. The thauk-affcning serviees oftbbcMthaodist ch)uIch on Sunday were a greaýt suceceisRat- L S Wight, B A, Tyrnn,preasobad rry accept- able sermnons Sunudy 4The lecture Mauday avantngby Rer Gao W Dewey, Tnouto, wvSs v'ery langaly abbandec apd imuch auijoyad by al Rer, Dewey antSD 4O Crosslay sang ,duels sudi thb, Hampton Quartette also sang selections ah] bcbngrmuch apraciataS Pracaadis about$10. Ouw Dec 151h eMn S J Williains, callactor for Dan- lington, baS co.llecteSavenr116.00 ai the bown- sbi1,p taxes laariug legs tlhan 81,000 to calladt Ha expacta ta have e-very dtollar lu bafane the Ncw Year MR. HUME~S XMAS MEATS, Penhapa lunDo lown lu Canada are citizefla fnmniahed withbeboler meats Ihan the peopleofo Bowmanvills. Thiai was a remank we heard wbeu inspect- ingi; Alex Rume'o magnificont oxhibit o! Christmas meats, vers' baste! ully decoraledi and splendidîv drosssd. As! mnay ho jad-ed tram the list of feedons, the diaplay ahowed a verv bigb g ýrade of beef, park, lamb, and f owi. Gresil credit la duo Mn. Hume for bis exhibit ion Ail who are fond o! boad cheese sbouid try Hurne's. Il is the igmht f avor. Linen table cloths, and table napkins. Chenie curtains and table covers. Lace curtains, gioves and lioisery, etc., -etc. For Girls, A pretty han.dkerchief, silk or muslin, sorne very nice silk eues at 25 cts Fancy nee.kwear. Boas, toques. clouds, etc. Grey Iamb ruffs, mitts ana caps, Winter coats. Ribbons, rings, stick pins. iNapkins rings, brooches. Fancy aprons, ect.. ect. LOCAL AND OTLTRWISE. A full line of Home-made Candy at Tod 's. A fuliliUne ot G. B. GhOC01ate3 jUSt arrived at Tod's, Oranges, Lemoixe. Malaga Grapes, a full lino at Tod's. Heady-to-wear bats at bargain prices at Miss Smnith's. Thousarnis of Handkerchiefs for Xmas at the Mason Cos. See ttne Bargains in chlldren's Head- wear at Miss Smith's, Just buv a fur ruif at the West End House and she will ho pleased. Cali at 'Miss Smjith's for good values ln trimmed Milinery. T. IL Knight wants your butter and eggs. Best prices paid. iFresh fruit for Christmas jQst lfn Rt T. B. Knig-ht's, Mlodel Grocery. Christimas Cakes-a large stock and excellent quaiity at Tod's. Try one. Raglanette Overeoats for boys and men; ail sizes and best values Rt the The very latest lu Wedding station- ers and Wedding- cake boxes at TuE STATESMAN office. A pair of Queen Quality shoes makes a flice Chribtmaï pressent, Fred R. Foley. Soie Agent. Miss Ada Crdermian,Mount Pleasant, Hampton, visîted ber cousin Miss Eva Cryderman last week. T. H. Knight is paying highest prices for poultry, drewed and undressed. Ton wanteîibtis week. Ladies' tailor-mad.e Sklrts in the very latest styles just receiyed at Couch, Johuston & CrvdAerman. Weddiîngs ar#e plentiful during the festive seasoii Mr. Thos. Tod bas filled orders for eight Wedding Cakes. Cold weathex" is coming. Prepare for it bv getting one of thoýe, fur coats or a lovelv cýaperine or ruif at Mayer's. A horse belonging to W. J. Martyn's liverv was killed Tuesday night by col- liding with one driven by Mr. S., H. Reynolds. For Women. Fancy silk neckwear, new- est styles. Fancy, plain, linen ad m usli n handkerchiefs. Fancy, plain and initial silk handkerchiefs. Furs galore, ruifs, muifs, caperines, fur-iined capes, etc. Kid GIloves, al color*j, blac and white. Fancy wool shawls. Teneriffe c'entropiece and doileys, Al wool and flannel blouse goocis. A nice good dtress length, Fancy silks and plain -silks for, waists.- Applique pillom shams and table covers. The latest in protection collars, a novelline at bOc. Ladies Coats, collars an d P>eak-caps, shirts. " Underwear, fleece-lined, al woand~ ilnil For Boys. Brownie su i1ts. Norfolk sUits. Overcoats, Raglan3, etc. TMes. Reefers. Suspend ers. Watches and Chains. Sweaters, ete., ect. We bave the best range of general Dry Goods and Cloth- ing ever shown in -Bowmanville, and aie anxious to have yl)u inspect it. Cali if you do noit intEnd to buy. Our prices a the very lowest for the valu-~ Butter, Eggs or Cooers' Due Bis taken as al THE MÂSON CÔ CHRISTMvAS and NEW IBAR. HOLIDAY RATES TERIIITORY.-Between ail stations in Canada. Port Arthun, Sanîlt Ste. Marie, Ontario. Sarnia, Windsor' and East, aiso 10 Detroit and Pt. Huron, Michi, Buffalo, Wack Rock, Susp. Bridge and Niagara Falls, N. Y. RATE AND) LINtT.-Single First Ciass Fane for the round trip. Good going Dec 24th and 251h, valid return- ing untit Dec. 27thb; also good going Dec. Bist and Jan, lst, valid returning until Jan. 4th, 1904. RATE AND LIMJT.-Single Final Class Fane ana One-Third for the round trip Good going Dec -28rd 1 241h and 251h , also ou Dec. 301h. Slst, and Jan. lst,;valid retunuuing until Jan. 5th, 1904. For Tickets and ail information appiy W. WOODS, ..Station Agent., STOTT & JUR, C. P. & T. Agents. Notice To Creditofs. In The Matter of the Est ate of MARIA GLEMENCE, late of the Township of Das-inglon in the Countl,' <f Dur.. hani. deceased. -ý,TOTICE L;~ HEREBY GIVEN pur- ' %nuant 10 Ruiri-ecS Statutes of-Ontbario, 1997, chapier 129, bluat ait parsons haviug edaims ainbthe astate of the abave namned Maria tlemc, deeeased, wha ficS on or about bhe 5th day of September, 190.1, in the Township ai Dariingtan, are hereby required an or betore the ]XIh 1,ay af January, 1904, ta senS b)y poBI prpaid or Saivýer bo H. F. Hunier, Sol icitor for WILIM I ICKARD, the executor ai bbc last Will and Testament of teesaîi d eccefl, a staitemient lu writiug vendeSe under oathf showing tlieir .chrisliau aund surnames, address- as anS Sescnriptious, full particulars of their diaini mosud bbcnature of bbe serîty or securities (if any) hbadlSoyiteuL n lurespect thereof. ANU OTICE ls IFU1TIIRR HEIEIBY[ GIVEN that after te saiS i9th DAY OF JANLJARY, 190, The saiSi expeutor will proceed ta Slisti ibote thie a-ssaI, of tha aesiate oIf thc saiS dace-ased amang ibe parties antilleS tIiereto. hinieregard anly ta tbe edaimas oi wicb N'otice shallt bave beau gi-van as aboya required. ANI) bbc saiS cecuior shall ual be lhable Ion an-vj dlaimi or for the siS assaI, or any part HAYDON. WeSSlng halls are ringing lu bbc near ricin- "bY. .Miss E. L. RoBeBnSeld. toak tbeLeae tap.ýie re reicently. ... Mr. C. VW. Sleman, Ton.U" auto Medical Collage, is home for vacation.. Dr. B, C. Ifundie, Toronto,, us risiliing at bonia. Miss E. A. Campbell is borne fromn Florence. Nexi year sbewill beachi in Deu.eroubo Public Scbool,.. - Miss Janie HuSsoni, iý vigitlng at Solina. Jno. Gilbert & Son Wholesale and- Retail Dealers ini Grain, 13eeds, Flour and Goal. FLOU R, Manitoba, Hungarian, Patent and Strong Bakers Flour, at speeial prices. OQAL. 'We have ail sizes and kinds of the very best coal that la brought int Canada, at right prices. ALSOICIIARCOAL,, We solieit your patronase for anyý of the above. Jno. Gilbert & So, King St. West, Bownianville Grea-t Holiday Display Po TREBILCOGKASI Everything la special and suitable for Xmas and New Year. Christmas Carda and Ca1exidars, Gif t Books in attractive bui4.. ilugs. Sec my spec;Ilon e dollar Poesa Bibles, Prayer booksanad Hüý books. Fancy Boxes of dit wniting paper and envelopes.-. F'ramed Pietures, a surprise at 35c and another a t 81.00. Fancy Cups and Satucers, vases and Ornamen-ts. Douas, Toys BOWMAPNVI LLE. .11î wlat shah I1 buy and wliere s4ah I1 buy best? We give a partial liât of sultable goods we seli, and If you do not see wliat 6vou want in ttie ligt. call and ineý,et oui' e1oice new stock, containing ton tîmes as 1-many articles as tl4is liât. gioves, etc. Suspenders, cuifs. For Men. Chrîsty's soft and stiff hatS, Silk handkerchiefs. Linen handkerchiefs. Ties by the hundreds, black white and plain colors and plain. Silk muflers, Borne beauties Fur caps, ail kinds. An ordered suit. A ready-made suit or over- coat. A fuir coat, A good umbrella. Gloves, kik, mocha, wfool. lined, buckskin. ringwood 1 1 1 -1 t- -t

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