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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Dec 1903, p. 1

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~.1 ~ f 1996-d iA 1;r AL, Ana( N-#à( Il ý-ý ttem an* TERMS t-81.00 PzU ANNuE. OUR TOWN A"» ODUNTT MOT; TMWOui» AmEZW&EDB.- M. A. JAMES, EditorndPopitr In Ad vance. BOWMANVILLE, ONTAR109 WEDNIESDÂY, DECEMBER 30, 1903 VOLUM N.i * COUCI JOHiNSTiON & CRYDERMAN w ish£ ail their frienuds *# * throughout West: Durham A Briglit and Prosporoas* New Yoar. *Gouch, Johnston*0 & uryuerman. I EV. IRL R. RICK'S 1904 ALMANAC. TOWN BECTIONS Millinery Business I- We sincerely hope the electors who have been put te the expense and trouble For SaWo.,an election as the resuit of the herse. For of four or five persons (some of -ho are now tboroughly ashamed of The lending millllnery business in their folIy), will turn out to the poils next ,Monday and elect the six Counicillors of Bowmanville la offered for sale on e 190.3 azain for 1904- They are equally as' termis. oud openîng. for a woman good men as the others neminated, and with somte capital. Apply at once. having se many contracts urtcompleted, Goingto British ColumbWa. rs. W. shold be returned te complete the public DINGAN, owmavill. -work newv under way. It is dangerous to DINGMN, Bwmanvlle.swap herses crussing a stream. Personally, having- given our best ser- BOY WANTED. vice to the town's interest for 1903, we cannot afford time at this very busy sea- A guod boy wishing te rise in the son te canvas the electors. world and te learn printing and general DALN ONEETNS newspaper wo.rk wilI find asplendid ALNT E CIOS opeumng a at nE bTArEsMAN omce. Every graduate frein this uffice, se far as we knlow. ii3 making freni $2.50 te 85 per dav in responsible positions. No better chance off ered in town tu-day fer an, intuelligeut industrîins youth of 14 years or older. To the right boy a splendid chance will be given;. Apply, at unce to M.L A. JAMEs, Publisher, Bowmaniville. CoId weather is comningz. Prepare for it bv gotting une of thosie far coats or a luvelv caponine or ruff a% Mayer's. CHRISTMAS VISITORS. Mr. Eber G. Foley, Seafortb, at hume. Dr. Geo. E. Gilfillani, Uxbridge, at home* Mis3 Floronce Sinclair, Toronto, at home. Miss Ethel Reynolds, Toronto, at bomne. M r. Et!. Pattinson, Hamilton, at home Miss Fannie M. Ellënor, Mlillnroo,, at home. Dr. Garnet M. Trewin, Celllpgwoud, at home Mr. and MIrs W. J. Colwil, Teronto, at bis mother's. .Mr. Chas, Bask-erville, Rkochoster, with bis M-other. Mr. James Pearson at bis unle's, Mnr. Geo. Poarson 's. ,Mr. and Mrs. John McGill, Toronto, at Mrs. R. Windatt's. Dr. J. S. Somors, Toronto, s.t his fatbor's, Mr. John Somers'. Mrs. W. A Hanes, Toronto, at ber f athor's, Mr. John Babeock. Mr E. Galbr aith and daugàter Lillie, Brauttord, at Mr. Geo. Vancue's Mr. H-arry Cherry, Schenectady,, N.'y. at bis meothor's, Cherry Cottage, Messrs. Aloi. Beith. and Clarence Meatb, Winnipeg, Man., at ho neo. The township will have ain eleetien next MondayV, Mr, John Crumb bas resigned, se that Mr, Law is the only new candidate for Concillor. Ail members ut the p)resent Coiineil are candidates for 190i. It la a mistake te spend $75 te 8100 on an election. The electors were well satisfied witb th i Ceuncil and sbuuld elect everv man if theni for uext year. Go tu the poils, ratopayers. and show thein that tbe3y have your confidence. Recwe Brownj bas promised te retire af t or next year, thon tbere will bo a chance fer a new conseciller. WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION. A man is net alwavsi a homo comnpan- ion for a weman but The Wuman's Home Companion ia ever faitbfnl and true to naine. Ladies, have yen even seon a copy of this desorvedly popular woman's magazine? YenI cannot well afford toiss the tbousands ef good thinzs that will appear froni lime te lime in ils colunins, 31.00 a -eatr, 10 cents a cepy. Thousandsofe subs,ýribers bave said that the Wuman's Homo Companion ip neow the baudsomest, cho)icest, brigbt est, most practical and the beet woman 's magazine publishet! in America. The number ef subscribers is rapidly ln- creasing, attesting the true monfts ut this great Woman's Magazine. The groat pepularity ot the Woman 's Home Companion is sbuwn by the tact ltati h is now taken in Four Hnndned Thonsand Homes, whieb are made bappier and brigbter by its visits eacb menth. There will be a wealtb of unique and special foatures for the coming year tbat will excel. and stand withenut a parallel in magazine-malng. If yo knlew now wbat the pages of the Wom.- an's Homne Cumpanion for the coming year will givo you, vou would not only subsenibe at once, but would induce your f ienda to join yen, su that they right enj v this bost of good things 1 Vate for 1903 Ceuncîl. DARLIxEGTON ýTow-Nsnî -Reeve-1. , Brown, D. Montgomery. Couincillors- Alex. Wighit, J. WV. McLatighlin, Levi Annis, R. Pascoe, W. L Law, John Crumb. Mr. Crumb bas declined. CARTWRIGHT TowasHip - Reeve - G. L. McLaugblan (acclamation) Ceoun. cillons -Robt Tbompson, Robt Jobb, Jas. Byers, Thos. Wood, Toddl Brucel Gibson Hoocy CLAREKI- TowNsRiPý - Reeve-R. Mo- ment, John Hughes Counciliors-Hugit Gibson, Geo Cooper. John Stewart, jas Staîker, Thomas Mottai, lobei Lowery, V' lk y f* T) C_ P 1T THE NOMINATIONS. About 5() persons attended nommiia CtiOn On Monday night It was ge1ner. al81Y 4experted the members of the 1 91), fcoulneil would bc re-elected by acclam- Sation and the ex pense of an election tsaved, but "for a joke" we were told fother nominations wvere madle fit is 5Most regrettable that men will lend 1theînelves to such tomfoolery as nomi- nating respectable citizons "for a jo)ke." Il is disrespectful and unjust to men to place them where their names are pub- lished broadcast and next week when (ileetions are aninounced their friends, neDt seng their naines among the siuc- Sces8ful onles, consider the.y were de- feated 1, it any wonder that respect. able eltizens refuse to ho candidates when sucb horsoplay is carried on at nomn-dations? flore are the candidates nominatedl: MAYOR Candidate Proposer Seconder Il. A. jantes Jas Deyman J~ N MeDougai J J1 Mason Rarry Rice W Mrio àJohn Perey A WlllamB A Tait Rf R Loscomnbe A Tait A iam COUNCILLORS L. Cernis J N McDougail Jas Deymanxi J. J. Umaon Jas Deymian J N MeDougýaîl P. Mf. flason F B Wbitlng M A James A. Lattreli J J Mason A Tait W. R. Cleaiens F IH M ason Fred R Heal L. Mlorris A Luttreli J J Mai'on IT Burden A Tait A Williamns *Johnt Perey L A W' Tole Jas Gale IR Worilî Jas G'ale L A W Tolei 'J J eff ery L A W Tole j as Gale ,A Tait J asGa-eIf, W CKjnge *W C RInig A Tait A Williams11 A Barber A Taitt W C R ing 'T H Spry A Tait A4 Willtams R il Hsuley A Tait J J Mason 'S C H 1111cr W C Riug J Gibsonl Name8 ln blaek face type are mremnbers of the present counicil. Tho-3e wiLh a 1 have been lit former couacils. Mr. John J. Mason has- declined to Le a candidate for NIa3 or ilhi- yoar also Mr. R.R. Loscombe. Uapt. King, R. H. Hamlev, F. H. blason, J.- PercV, R. Worîhl, S Cý. Hillier and T. H. Spry have ,îidri4wn as candidates for counicillor. NI A, James and Jno. Pocrcy are the candidates for Mavor. £ Thle more home ba- king you do, the more you will appreciate Cleveland's Baking Powder. %ýUsig it !i your ôis- cuit and cake, you need flot be an expert cook to get good resuits. , It neyer fails when used as directed. IIIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT. The commencement exercises of Bowmaniville High Sehool wdre held ini the leetnre-room of the Aethodist chiurch Tuesdïayeùveniing and were go largely attended that every available seat was filed with several standing. Mr. J B. Fairbairn, of the Board, presidled in bisý affable, manner. Thea High-f Shool Glee Cl uuder direetibn of Mlr. F. H. Frýosi, B A., opened the programn with a chlorus 'Hail to thie Land". Sevral other selections were renDcered dutriDg the pro-gram in ex- CelIlnt voice. Mr. Jas. Giltillan, B. A Pricipa, ae a report of the school. Rer.H.M ro B. A , pastor of St, Paul's churcb. gave the address of the evnng mpbiasizing ,two important points in the lile of a suicce,sul scholar -workz and eitbusiasmn During the evening splendid exhibitions of Club1 swinging wdre gvnbv the junici cgirlq. Phyvsical culture exercises by tb girls and club) swi g nI h the s;enio- girsailuner hedirection of MisE. A Allin, M. A., whose thorough anc skillul traininz was verv evident in ber pupils. Mr. D. B Simps-on, K C , made a very excellent address previous te presenting the cortificates and diplomas to the Matriculation. Junior and il

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