Mr and Mis. W. F. Dale spent Christmnas at Brooklin. Miss Aileen V. Keys visit6d friands in Oshawa. over Suinday. Miss Marion MeDougaîl is spending the bolidays at Cobourg. Miss Carrne Martyn Il visiting rel- atives in Rochester, N. Y. Rev. H1. W Foley South Dummer, is visiting his father Mr. Win. Foloy. M'r. Geo. Weeks attended the hockey match Friday evenin g at Port Hope. Dr. and Mrg W EI. Tilles spent Christmas with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. N. S Young, Toronto, 3Pen he hlidays with Mr. R. Dumas. miss E. À Alun. M. A., i8 spendinig her bolidays at hier home in Sunder- land. Dr J. C. Mitchell. Toronto, was la town Monday guest of Mr. Jacob Pol- play of lieats and Poultry. Uiily*.Mr. and Nirs Frank Bambridg, De thre Tureys ereuinsold. 'rley' Kalb, Ill., are vsiting bis motheýr rs. thre Tukey wee iS. Thompson, New Park,, and iniends 1ia . f.. nn -»Ipvç n rn Ih« lad relatives around Tyrone1 About 65 friendu and relatives met at Mr. Thos. Pascoe's, Bolira, Chiristna, to witness the marriage of his daughter, Adeine Elva and Mr. Hlerbert Tink The groom entered the roomn accom- panied by bis cousin, Mr. W. Tiniz, Col- umblus. The bride entered leaniag on her father's arm, and Miss Maggie Pascoe acoompanied hier es bridesmnaid. M rs. W. R. Courtice played IIThe Golden Morning of Love." Rev. F j. Anderson made them man and wife, after wb)ich Mnr Ellis Pascoe pla.%ed Mende'ssohn's IlWedding Mai-ch." The bride Iooked charming in a cream silk waist witth lace trimming- and býue zibeline skirt ani carried a bouquet of white carnations The bridesmaid was dressed in a similar [gown and carried Pink carnations. The w1tU whtmain UUrLuuuI,. ""'a e'o drosa was eeam louisene silk ias, trizmne with appflique n on. The oulr atzend4ant ltWC I AE Af--lacddy 8uccea;o: to - Q-TT-DT3 & CC0. BOWV.qm Iv 1L LE, ONJRO Wight, pýrincipal fthe Business College. The~~~ crmnwaperformed in the pre. sence of their immediate friends by Rev. Rural Dean Ker. Among the valuab!e presents were a very cnoice si.lver pu- ing dish from the St. George's choir, o which Miss Fee was a member; a dainty china berry set from ber pupils at the Central school, and a beautiful arm chair and a bread and butter plate frm the, Business College students Mr. andN.Mrs. Wright left on the afternoon train for, festoonied witll ed and white, meeting the pendant lamp. in the centre Th e tables were tastefully decorated wlth Pink and white roses and chrysantheýmums, smilax and ferns, and presented a lovely spectacle. Active and energetîce waiters yîed with ecach other in the numerous and varied viands and edib les. The vounz couple, amid sbowers of rîce and good wishies for their future pros- perity and h app)inesýs, took the evening train at Newcastle for their honeymoon Big 20 Bookstore., 45-6 mos. .y-A. IU11 Bowmanvi Cutters! Cutters!!t Annie L. Asuu> ins Tornto .. .. Court it Archer 1. O. F. annuai cio fToronto, officers Ibis (Wednesday) eveing...Iliit 1M Rev. Dr. MeDougall, 'the celebratedSteen North West, Misioary, id xpce Mto r osI *tue, Misses Mary witi UvioViu aec..,.. .,.-.-,,'-viabte at home; Mr and Wallace Stainton, coUSIns of the id Mrs J Ashton, Th rdeetîd h alo eMAw nb I ' 1904 A. Greater Sucess, 'e r iL 'idge, DeKalbhe rd nee h pro enn n For Infants anur Ch1Rdexi. Wshn oean ala r and Mr& W E the arm of her uncle aud the ceremouy Wsigoead41 happyan .ý,nouh tvrq took place bonfflth an arch of white Jaco h id o aeAlwayS BoUght pr.--perous New year. ' âlr itndMrW hlIy and flowens. Thohou-.awas prot i TherK w I I T' AHavei I hîv1 Martin's; r_ .k t- " - 1y% " I u r Aý NX~. -.o Mi- WmBd dg iis siiape.