~~ Go~~pe1 ow eTeryreture' VWeenwan'of tée vroli fcoe ir rau' 4b ail go as nmmunre,5butthat and moi mrefwuter un, Htilet y , IUrr~ od' chldrn s aothr, e oi'Store. Theeune e apkinsand7 III parjmt of the work uèthlinuauiyb- tides, and twl.ntu1nn u Iwovwy "WUS crne or s indl nin one of altie rein o kdl' Ac UIIII "a ue ~~mslnais5 algo adl mfitonr.* st 'esv thé'. 'hme and thouglita generous ogt c mas% mwaiptd ,fi to d0uraar fpreachlg Uth jepîg inlut eH et , amotur cf e' A.NEW SORY. cou~el el u as untheir 0V.fl." lan un d eu elo crash; cinw and * ~~ Th i~gs to il-es b hiauabu oltaPe tneloup teadosribe the0 I uppose wtatnlanut o! tue qU estion,"mle n-1raPlat woederful carpet hel. "O OU m nttoi me tant sa">-id u e e ;tic l î But t bst cfil, j i l uihat happy t'h0Cose higa v.ere shppe jPot as* "es, i aunasers te May il la," r-lîttle otler's eyew, !ay lu wlaitshu they Wei' " pqirod mr.s m. ('iaoi , l V.ier ton Leon "Bt s tetuste ery oce ( f te rp e ittlg uptory wstusgul t nifln g ca'ý, ýnnot lie !el P' e s e' do tPe nxlui lir lu a loug, -'ompant bun l unseuherseif snutytugl i i shattin ngm iathpy ee ngl raptiaprtyd Il Mire jij plietiune, Brn, lu ansuoapeoeiscAn;, guiy, iyt'syendtinem a gift (a0yanti a u ut t1r!Sycru- tou. Yo kon e ia pauntinomiyl ythe naine, seemein ha uti ntijuteont t!Wt was1v 13 a bforme yiu wednaeqyto meet Swme-in ing foi fume cchuyltre ne uix' lunCatotot m bsti, iged!, cous user signature 0? énhero fou r ada niputhmil ladoligfor hm. Lut us lay to "Tu. C ý wll' Bile am order. Yo r CàCusuteacîuo ptihooar WiN lu thSnd ul anil thgssus El gter11h- amafi of a tp tthai'ltes, , at u it -frtht-e do.trroanrea anti huggeC est m. Thoe c ye t cui bct;yeakoweery "o or c,,a hmi"neiedca la" wct oel i0""e ecx- socity epenis n hapreiden laLet's make the xamints cnn"- caml Ol hn falti cosnopmators, ut ynjs: y eti one" i* S * > odng iongh forus alm ;tiatour t thueex c e, rda l-tn s- mins Now Year's Me. Ont on a de", waiHe I ns cowMAIav'gandi TuyAma c m memboeti tSurifUneucinq't 'e10iu Lwese rle Y verefe uPntitindgeby'-'dfosc.In un con un =gMon e0tliay wceitin'reaci henms- whnsti acre-ns m"lesnotlecl lain n- 'i oealeo nd cd simlenr or Cliritiuma e N ut rseetiontHe ile om,!, lE11iuan. Oh tiarlok)ttfs F~~~ pac~~~ i -0 t l hlgs ansi si lped tneulaily. iWoodieu h Ateartlisoitust S l fi o i' u n 1 a m e u l t i - f i t h e p .p i n t i b l e n s p ýý e f o y S d o n u m c t r i t t ' i m o n g ' n u o %S. Carawolls prn-y ch"Ml,5nee ý sr-acterneases oc er l 'tsy mre -Tsmfoad tia nuinîimoi acaile lu sl.e c1ti*can,!jainth TPe c nusudal, fsa rewo!aingicleua- ho a ~ s-~'~-~' "haeosa%'toe.eLils-g uine ot iauncg bsldo-'laen VoP Uneruoa sal rvfo hnsus Vng asy ci5 ~ - aitabe fi' aglI. Ioîv hiltia sni0,r reinguLt ce oten lw ii tM iun e w lonsdti p 1 ile nema ti ronii 1,the luttie nltte do noni I n-toch , out oN iglit tlItu mlo I P oul idn't ïi s nîr ti ceta psef I7gcecucrl tmblosunric 2-6nilie to e p t hese u rpn ir<ni,,lduuncu sii tile cmu-le "oMsCle (e!lisr. Cas sncily eas glier (d t DENTîTEX. it noulati lshMorenpquoi-1had unvena foi' dys luhioy! il antIcip- Ià eask isa iltnstac'1 Cd donvu ~CBO)4qYCASLELD8DD~ onopiate te glie wncb islagl>teourltIen c!'itun ernta . It Ias a555o h Fu'anig cen10r 5 p~nsscic(-r' fTnra't') fl cltyl enaie pastosp-«u 0w !o i dor vit f Bg n. Eirss, ill l i eu Pun ha-le 'atu ati1- i leu isihont P, lbutMtic ii- . i l us h itintpr ie McLÂUfiLX1 - - ,iaryla mpefor blis ue S. Wi sn ld'-eon bravo, ant Imma' o'o l-dsl ufic L'ginvg nhlis Eusu M om mi o w». o o -ltý Wkud li îe an iis 11,tafi m sir thei , 'Jr iatysppycf m- tii se o ch gnd Ab"ae A>t Icav t s Swidmw e elys o fleur, and ms , a f suar miat inro t ' Uf. Tleyfit is-coîiafrdlp t tos ec-yccl bc ï 1(IIG~ enscfdiîe rutteait'tbstel atet aI sci weih !pretaethon vanti u! nulo oser ECXIlIT lreuy gciysupy. c1 bwrukuiutosomesi 0,1 itA.ay<S qliai] Estrancy l. -is -" ' -i!,bc sus eîs~s tssn-s. oap abls, t inake r-m for hdsatn-enateauoindlt aiHJT' -v iss-o c vwm Mmms Lcw- % 5A1nul ecobo1rateEaSti laie < 'Rcsldcce Cen -esîrci ani1e "amies mles e lppersfoi-w! nil h sc stoýjjmC en N",i an s »J' ui, ntiT EC IS ED MCO L bias ne useing ai ýrLey cnira lassuurce as thero sisouitie te- ceaLDT O U1IPO . EsR, -Miy dsi At iO eh heu nco -r-roeL ,ot- ,~ tblu e-ofa teaio r - aSAc cVn~teeoiig irn nnefs ? e iy tc is~u Scilier Net leussc Msu, w i nas r. ý ij1iilater's ci elu hng ThleefuLauncouce, vaa!ciel Demcrnlnr epurtriemn i-a0-l,,eOn H Ç,,a ~ ~ -- - aeui a ic, dla prut id laugion wlth Imm, re-p î+ r le, black Mdc niflefa f1 romans-c lu isealsile, Ianti o!fox taîl ani ilgas l horeici vr ter, thun tt - --oftlieacdartaicilu ouri en!aios soîiany be remom1ýbereti hneer ly h r Oui' secismaele on tise iglicýt ani Il cuuit kvla in flicru l-t, moatpoitbe CAKES ù012 lILE:. Diseovery That s'tay -Oventual'iY AbohlihDairy. A despaf ch ifin Bndoný saym: Thse inventera e!a metti bywhlcl considerubie suec-u 1 nty)o ieve that flicir dacîî- nl net oaiy aboillihtIe î01 agese tlie clary, but u'l e.1ua1y d anay nifh theo tiry It!if by! are coident, thut lm, ht lic day e! liquit i mut laover. epeno hase trieti te obd ikbfr bavue cîpieyed tee loir a temea turc lu ýthela leur o!fcopsn f fasatsugura, antei!loseuno haefuilct. But L'y lcua-a- ictrprocss lithoe t ut l 'wvlnikoti round pelishoti cyllntiers kepli ut a florce lieut by steain, anti comea' oflfn luafc.w accouda un theo form o! aL cotnun reansy nhife shootl,l Liv l ief unitvb ThIsis 1sredue-cl te po ce"atiniliecoprss 1 te cates nutani ofîn t 7 k tmis, nt te m~kc on s'Vi '- vsuceIf l onlynecesaryte eiti lic el oa-Cl. Te3-caiaut t i