_______________________________________ M - - t HAVE -YOU BEEN A CUSTOMER Î0f ours this year ? If we have been deseiving j of your patronage may we ask for a continu- ance of the saine this comaing year ? If you have ncyer purchased E Drugs and Toilet Aricles 0f us, we feel certain you have missed some- thing by not doing so. Every article soldt by us is the best obotainable and our prices iire the lowest, quahity secona to none, Thanking youJ for your patronage for- 19ýý3 we wmould solicit Syour continuance for tbe ensuing year. We wish you ail a Happy New Year. iB5M MITCHE[LL & CVO., SPhone 192. Druggist and Optician. Bowmanville. Bighest prices paid for any quantîty of 4~Barley, Oats, etc., delivereci at above Miii. Limitedi. DOWMANVILLE, DEC. 30, 1903. Mr. PE Osbore atteded thewiter Fair at Guelph... 'Mr. and Mrs. 1-IGay recenutly visitedj their son Mr. B. J. Gay Toroto.. ._ Members of the W. M.S ga"o a very inter'esting program lu the atE-ï'cnezer rcnh.,..heTrustees o!f Mt. Grswell lha-ve engaged Miss DEAF!NESS ÇANIÎOT BE CIJREDf. by lc1applentions as they eatut eaeh thie clisetselpcitlOn of tiie ear, Therc is only one way to cure 4ansandt iat l by COlkStit - tionalreeie.Deâf1ne5sSis ecaused iby an in llaiïed conition oS the mneosusi iig of the Eustachian Tub. Wben 1this tube je inlamed 'you lave a rnmblingsoundof llu'perfect Lbear- ing, aud when 1516 eititrIelvcosed, Deafiiess L, theresitandunlse heinmmtion can be taqken ntan this tbe restored to is normal condition,1hearing wi[lbe destroyed forever; ine cases out of ten, are caused by Oatarrh, swbictt ý i lnilg but an inflamed conidition of tule ilus uk96s. We xiii give One Bndtred DDilars for any cýase ,of Ieaftisus bycdbYarrhnVlitbcannet, ;jveed ~by HallFs ath'itrCure. Send for cir- Tl. J. C[IEEY & 00. , Toiedo, O Solo byi)lrngists 75e HPi a ymlly PuiS are ttue best Mr. Jas Stainton is visiting his fat'her'sMr Thos. Stintlýon, He is reco-vering from n ut'ttack, of appen- dic:itis and lias 'been in Winnipeg 1-Iosptal for twýO Months.Mr. J. W. IBrooks capred tmwo first prizes on lis t-eam at BOoM in anti Oshawa faire. Thev aro ha-d to 'beat!.M r. Robert vainesti borne froinithe W et. lHe bas spenêt he sunmer in Mlanitoba, the Territories d British Columbial ,.-Mr. Athu,,r Baker intends tak1in- an course at- the British Americani 13uýsineLis College, To"ronto'.. .. Rev. T. Snowden. Enniekillen), preaches a1t daSunday., . Theýre will 1)e a basket social at the Divilsion F1ridaYr nil-,hlt, Jatn. $h. pca services atl E'lad comrmencing Sundýav Jan. lthý IlyMr-NMcDouga11, issioniary of tie*1Noth VWest wil! t utMission any lneàstng at Ziýouen 'I hur.sda.yevin Jan~, 7:1..,. Mns J. G. Lang-maid sold 15 ta.rkeý s for $0... Recent visitons - Mis Nellie !le ys, Toronito, at M,'r. T. .?aa-ce's; Mn. Robt. Arnout land sMn, Nprtý Daota< it XMr. Levi Arnot's; Mr. Ya s. More, 1Haîýdon, unt Mrs. EF(i. Paicl's; Mr. (',eo) Notîcoît, O. A. C., C-1t-elx-hr at home; -Mr, John Stott at ¶IootoMr- andi Mrs. Robt Scott andi M - B G. St!ens ,1ornto; Mr VetsCowiiofBehess, i r. John ýat M.Thos, euak';Mr. ltse ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. At île "Xmas boat" ententuilumeat givenata Cougtice Wednesdav eveniulg, Dec. 28rd, the Clairmnan Mnr. A. J. Cou;tice, asketi Mies Bickie, teadher, te take a chair on the platforrn antiMn., R. E. Otboru eidth îe folowing ati- MISS A. M. BICKLE,- Lparulng with mnch regret of yonr intendeti tieparture from our midts, yonr feliow.workers in tbe Master's service at Ebenezer Sabbath Sehool cannot Sink of allowingyon to go from ns witbout in some tangibue fonm expresstng car appreciation of the valuabue services yon bave so eheerfully anti willtngly nendere tS our soiety. Not oniy wil you bc remembered as tbe organi 7er and first ssuperintendent of our Homýe Dpatinent, biit also for the excellent &bltCare, fitbfl1ess fanti Patience yon b1ave dCiplaiyet iIn pnepartng anti training, tbe sebhool fon ibeir annual festiveocsos We, abrfr.seinyen to aeceeptihlbs emalu garMe wth sx dollars iogeiben wiib sevenicen olars from tilc sebolars anti ratepayers oýf School Section,.No. 8, Darlington, who unani- mnonsly join in expresstng ibhein admiration of tric fajituinees ant- iuntiing energies yon bave exerciseti for thc inteileceial, moral andtipari. otie Awelfare of our eomuniýity, wtibthe tiesire and pray er tibat Gotispeetd iani abundant eniceese may atedyen tbrouigh afilyour fture ife. Wishtnig you a mnrr*y Chistimas anti ven many bappy -N ew Yeans. Si gnedt on bebaîf fofte officers anti teacbere ,,f E oeezer Sabb)athb Sebool sud trustees of Sehool Secýtion, No. 8, Dalingtin, Truistees: .J CouaRîcit, S. S. BRýOOKs, Jos. A H OU1 S.S. CommUitie: R.E.0snoxtmc, AJ.COTSRTICE. MNiss Bickie was takea conipietely bOy surprise but matie a very eitable neply thankiug al for thibmmaiin kintin esses antçi fer their beautiful gif t. LESKARD. Sclool dlote i Fida.j Doc. 1811 anti on Monday -Mn. W. J. Inc, leadher, ne- sumîet i i work la île Di'ug Store witl R M. Mitchell & Co., Bowmanviloe. We wish im îlhe sueccesthai he las lald la taching. Duing bis tbree years lu this place net eue com plaint bas been iodged wjth trubtees on leadher. P-asseti evors' pupil ut Sehool promotion anti Dprmet Exanis. Paseetid tînc Enrau~ ppil enl yar.twio veuns t wîcbtley beadedth îlelibt. One excep-îouialdsuccese wae tho fact thlat le aiwdail pupiis t0o write anti al Cusei ecbieur. Fritiay alternjooni theo pupfls lad a short program on whicî tbey acquittedtiliemselvee switb mach eneit.MnW. J. icia was asketi te C01m-e !onwand when the following ad t rcs wus reat i byBertha eruini ilcicom.pau.iet by a beautiful g(,Id watcb pres;3e te bv Evu Allen. The tebon tilen 1made ,a suitable neplv !oileweli ) shortadese in whicb Mess. Dave v antiWhitetpôke o1w the ChancI anti Sundiir School apprcc ateti bis services. a I ENFlELDo ViLiitors: Miss White, Âsbburu; Misses (Gnzy, Tornto; Miss May Mecullo2h, NcwrarkEti Mn C R Campbeii, Buffalo; Mdr anti Mrsa k Stephenson, . Osawa; Mn.sE Milison anti 0hi1 ti reEntklien; Mr C L Mackey anti famnil>', Kînsale; Mn Levi Niddeny ai Owen Soundi; Mr John Dyen ut Vittoi... The Obhristis tree andi entertalument was weill atentiet anti a t;uccese f1nancially. The ehiltiren were aellghl. cd wtb the nre. ntn from Sauta Clans. ..A goodly number (f reti tickets came ibis way from vatons 1aistains. Among the su cees- fui exhibitors wenc Mess Thos Hail, James S3tank3, John Ormiston, Geo Cochrane ,.. -..Mr Alex Smith solt isie piriied driiver for SO Aot5 inviteti guesie spent a rnernJ eveningiMn Arthur Ormiton-s lasi ay night. TYRONE. Xmas visitons - Mn. anti Mrs. Frank Bambritige, DeKal, Illinois ; Mn. Bert iMeLaughlin, Mr. anti Mrs Ceciu Bran- ton, Mies Lou Wilbur, Oshawa; Mis Cora Scott, Toronto ; MisL. Catie, Salem. ..Mn. A. W. Annis spent liolitiays with frientis in Dravton anti Kincardine anti Miss May Saundere with friende ln Stoufville anti Ux. bridge,...Sorrowing fnientis have the uympathy o! the communit>' in their berenvemnent by the death o! Mrs. Jos. Hawkey, Dec. 25th, after a liugering illes.ý,. .1v, J. E. Howson spent Xmas at lome ln Nonwoot.... At close of Sanuay School Dec, 27th, Mise Catie, Salemi, who was present by invitation wua presenteti by the choir anti num- ber o! youag people witl a Ladies Com- panion anti Portfolio as a slight tolten o! appreciation o! hor cheerful services as assistant leader o! the choir anti organiet la Sua1-dny Svlool anti League. Mn. Arthun Brent iu a neat speech spoke very highly o! the wiilingness at ail trnes o! Miss Cade to help ta the service of eong. Mise Ethel Curtis matie tle presentation a! ton whicb Mn. Milton WVenry, Superlutentient of the SuntiayScboel, replied on behlf of ýMis Catie.. .. Peenless Xmas weather anti gooti sleighing affortieti al l e pivilege o! atteuding tle Epwortl League con- cert Fnitiay evening. Rurely if ever huis a better entertaiament been pre- sentedt t a Tyrone audience than that neudened by ths'ee Belleville artiste, Mies Clara V. Haynes, reatier, Mise Lazier, soloist, anti Mise Itia Aduime, pianist. They with Allia Bros, Bow- manville, ga.ve us indeeti an A. 1. concert. Great thinge wene expecteti o! MieslHavnes Who came te us se high- ly recommeutiet by the Toonto anti local press anti sufficient praise te say] we wore net disappointeti as she ceptur- anti heltithein undivitietiatteintiuii tbrouglout. Miss Laitier huis matie an ,inipession by h e r firet appearauce =11% will assure lt'r a necaiut sorte future date as île ful lieouse wuie un- animous ln its favorable opinion of ber power e! senng. While Miss Adams, 50 well known hore was warnily greeteti by former fiontis who wlil be alwavs pleaseti te welcoie lien, Proceetis $47. NEWCASTLE. Miile's Grip Powtiens Cure, Solti by Stoit & Jury, tiuggiste. Mn. Jas. Philp, sr., visiteti Cobourg New lil!e for a quarter. Miller's Cern- pountI hon Pille. Sold by Stot & Jury, Mise Vida Sctt le home tnornLindsay for vacation. Mile's CompoundtI on Pille, oniy 25 cents for 50 doses. Solti by Stotti & Jury, drugglsts. Misses Wilmot visiteti their sisten, Mns. Metcalfe, Fort Hope._ _Mi e Worm Powders cure ail aili- ments of chiltin like magi . SoYti by Stoit & Jury, druggists. Mr. Arthur Toms bas gone te Ayr wlere he las securetiva positionu. Millens Worm Powders arela wonder- fu almedicine for alimente o! chiltiren. Soiti by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mn anti Mne. Foikinglonine, Ottawa, spent Xmuis witl Mn. Jas Philp. Ladies! Take M4ilier's Compounti mron Pille if yen wonid have nice, dlean, complexions. Solti by Stott_& Jury, druggists., Mr. Wm Rlckard, M1. P. P., atidrees- eti the Libenal Club,Torouto, lest week. Ladies anti -entleman who take Mi- ie' Compoundi Iron Pille always grow younger in appearance anti spirite. Solti by Stott & Jury, drug-,gists. Messrs. Walter Douglas, Buffalo, anti Thomas, Toonto, wene home for cbistmeas. Wly doa'.li)-en try Carter's Littho Liver Pille? Tley are a positive cure for sick leaduiche, anti ail the ilus pro.- dluced by disondoeoti Iver. Only' eue pili a dose. r4n. anti Mrs. TIcs. Gibson clebratoti île 4lst unniversary et thein wetiting dlay mec. 2z5. Derangeuet o! the liver, with con- stipation, injures the complexion, la duce pimples,'sallow skia. Remove île cause by neiag Carter's Little Liver Pis. One a dose. Tny them. Mies Muligan las neturneti trou 'eravenburst, wlere she las been sta>'. iag witb Mns. Houer. The action o! Carten'e Little Liver Pis le pleasant. milti anti naturai.1 TIen eenitly stinuiate the liven. and regulace the bowels, but do net purge. Tley are sure te pîeaee. Try ibenu. Mess Fiera Galbraith, Bowrnunville, antid s Ed.th Burnhami, Cobourg, visitetivJrs. D). J Gib)son. ONLy OýNE Dr. Chase-Tlhore le enly nue Dr. L'haseofo! Ieceit Boek faîe- Only eue Dr. Chase who le kaown te tle wonld ov er because o! the g-reat pro- siculption-s ho gave tLe mankzii HIis portrait antid gaueA W. Chase, M. D,.-ane on every box et lis r emne- duoes. Irnîtators de not tiare te repro- duce tnoso. 'rîey are île guaranîee whicb proecte you againet frauti Be sure îles' are onaîle box you buy. Thurda 'y morning a tneight train rait off tbe truick just wost o! île station andi causeti a dlas' in traflic for a short STARLIN REELÂIoN-Itfreque-lt- iyý happons,- that poopIe suier forer ors kongthe c(auIse of ibelu' baclacbe-ýS achiuiinibanti otber bodly suffenings, sntden leu tnuth is ne-vealeci to thein Week of Frayer. The following ln the program for lthe week cf prayer l owinll-ana> 4-7 . bMeada>' eve-Cingregational charoh; speakor Roi'. B H liajdeu. tiabjeo- Prayer for apir l1ual duseernet e diseo,.. et right bookce sud literatare; the religlouse value, of right beoka and literalure, and ttaparenis and infinontial managera mMay ospecially bave ight vision on %bigS mb- Tçteada>' ev-Diseiple ebturolu; speker Bei'. H Mdunro. Subjeet, prayer for the Christian Vi@w 0f eauliuoen, %bat it May prevail with isohool boards, legielalora, and ail havius ho do wit h moulding the Ihongbi o! youth or more advanoed lite. Wednesdal eve--Preshyterian ehuRroh; speaker Bei'. D O0(irosole>'. Buboo- Prayer toi snob Christian obarasier and lite s halh be ahIrachlve, plesant in the home, bonored ia business relation.s ed helpini teho manhly. ,Flrayer c&lao for Eohools and i al institutions of learning and benevelenoe. Thuroda>' ove -Methodiui ohurch; Bible Society' prou rami, eonduoted b>' Presidenl à Glifillan,. and isort addressss by BRey. Wm Jolliffe and Bi'. j Fmndilaier, a te- iurned mïissionar>' trom India, who cornes to speak for theCngeinlse for a lime. DARLIIIGTON OOUNCIL. Towy HAHmrrON,, Dxc. 15,0U Statutor>' meeting, inembers ail pre- sent, Reevo Brown preaidlng. Minutes of laet meeing reati anti on -notlon onfirmeti. Dr. Tilloy reportedti hah the account for attendance andi medi- aIne in tle Pooley case lied boen paid iu full. Fyleti. Coun. Wightu reported that h he a completeti the parcluase of over an acre o! landi frota Dr. Reli for imupplytnig graveI for tle suni of $100, andi that a conveyance had been taken for tle sanie. keport adoptedi A pe- cullar letter was preseated bÏy W. L- Law, bigned by hiniseif aud others. Laid on table. W. Creeper, health lu- spector, gave a verbal report for the year whlch was satiafactor>'. Reeve Brown pald Treasunet $4 for tituber sold te J. Pooley, anti $2.50 for timber silti to J. Suowtien. Coletor Willlamse report,3d lIai lie ad colleoteti aud pai into the Oatarlo Bank op tb tle present time $16,261.20 taxes for the carren.t year, anti was coxuplmenteti on hi. good work. Levi Reattoîre complalued that the fence paëd-d acrosa the noati by A. Haves anti R. Hall lad not been removeti, anti nequesteti that, steps le lakea to have thé efoe remjovedi The Glerk was authorisedtetowrIte the par- îles to reunove tle obstruction. A com- munication was receiveti froni J. Riche- by, Clerk of iClarke, ackuowledglug necelpi o! mouey sent as balance due Clarke on work done on bouudany fle. Fyleti. On motion the Reeve was authoniseti to grant onders on the ire&s- urer Eas folow:-E. Hlasinugs, plauk,1 '21o, J. 1. Wakely, movlnig grader, $1. R. El1. Hamley, tule, 61.25. IL.Elîlot jir., spikes, 81 50. do, postage aud wteIonery, 8$15 60. J. Batan, coder, anti lunuber $2 £5. T. Snowden. grav- e], $15.8- J Hall, bal. on spile durv- ing $1ý'5. ILR. ýLoaoombe, convoyana- lng, $5. I. L. Brown, Reeve, Oouncil services $60., Coun. A. Wght, Coun- cil services $ FE0 Levi Anuls, do, $50. J. W. McLanghln, do, ý$50. R. Pas- cee, do, $50. W. Creeper, healh in- speotor, $11. W. Creeper, service as jauito ri $25.ý L. H. Reid, gravel pi, $100. H. Elliott jr., salar>' $75.j Board of! Health services, $16. R. S. Ha-m1yn deebnre-20)~ ¶, 8185.72. E. J. Clarke, contract on tle Liw noati, $200. do, maklng culvert, 86. Trustees for tle several Sections,1 rates anti grants amonnting to 89460.87. (Joncil then adjournedte bmeet on Saturtiay Dec. 26tb, ai 10 o'ciock a. ni. Townshlp Clenk. ORONO. Miss5 Kate Lonsley, Trafalgar, ia visitiug lier aunu, Mrs. A. Tamblyn. Miss Minnia Callentier, Fort Hope, le vlsiting at Mr. Wes. Tlornton'o. MUr Frank Peste atiended tIe funerai of bis f ather et Bowmianvi lie. 1 Mis. Julia moment is home troain utario Ladies Colege, Whithy. Mr. Etison Keat, Belleville, visiteti lis mother, Who Is very iii. Mn. anti Mn.. Brati. Bowen, Toionto, are Visitialis i motber, Mrs. Boweu. Mn,. GeO. Musgrove is stillon ndtj ber btd. Our eteemaed tow"ns,, Mr.,WWn, Bat. tsn, la ou thée mnt. Mr, Wallece Spronie, Toronto, la visiting Staiker Bros. Mr. and Mro. Thornion sud'daugliter Aunie, were in Peterboro visiting lies mothbr Who is very il]. Mr,. Tho)s. Doncaster bas reiuneti trom London, where sIe las been ioiitIng ber dangîten, Mn,. F. Hoa>kin. Mnr. Attur Magnire attendedth îe wed- ding o! lie couin), Mr, George Dobson. ou Christmas day. Mr. Alex MecNeil andt hree sons have returneti home from Maultoba. Mrs.. -McbeChney. Cowanvilie, broke han ight arm nt the wrist. Rer. Fletcher Chapia B. A.. preadhed lu Ille Mtodschunch Sabbath, MNI. Pranik Awde boaves shortly for But- fao, Ou buisiness conuecteti wiil SIat ageucy oÀth île . S, Pension Departuient. Mn. W. C, Sanudens, brother-in-iaw ci M'r. J.- G. Roney o! Our town, las been üleCtedE Oavor o! Iooe Jew. Milton, te youngest on etofDr. M-. M. Tueker, feu doIrwn eslar sud broke his collar . C, 'lub ton,, an o1d Orano bo)y, hmas Tet the Kar Co., %Wootisto)ck, sud wîll go-) to Lietowel aS thue beginning 0o! îhe 'Var as geerhet'om iaaer (o! thIMorris. Field, Ro'gers CotuP-anîy. 0roao Ldge A. 0. 13. , ,haûvi ee1ýtti tle fall4èwînig ffiCens:-P. M. W.. R. Fos. t.on ; Mi. IV., T.~ J, Sharpe ; Foremnan Baty, ole, . Hetidon, So)lina, Thos. Hall.,Enfield,iW, JHayerait, Brooklu, -are, among -the prize--winners « -Brook- lin Christmas fair. The latter made a yery fipe display of dressed meats. What some people tbink andi sav about The Mason Co's Clothing: , 1With- out a doubt-better value than we hati in Toronto at sanie price " Another party say3 'II have tried. other stores in the town but when I compared with overcoat at the sanie price my brother had froni the Mason Co . I decidedte t return." Stili another "IMy experience with The Mason ùo's ClothinZ is that I -et more wear andi a better fit than I get froin any other store " Mr. Elmer J. Belhnman's, drug store, CAl1ingwood, was the scene of a lterriflc acetyline gas explosion Thursdav evening. The building is a massive andi toliti stracture (À brick aund storne and the shoek was feUt throughout, in bis store bottles were broken and thrown in beaps, a partition was nioved some inches, a plate glass window was shattereti andi the offices above w ere somewhat disarrangeti No one was injureti but the damage te stock will be about $200. Services in the Metbodist churcli Sun- day'savored largely of Christmas. The sermons by the pastor, 14ev. D. 0. Crosslev were particularlv suiteti to the day andi the musical services by the choir were very appropriate. Miss Ethel Y. Kinig sang verv sweetly "Just for To-day"' at the morning servic~e and is requesteti to sing it again next Su' - day eI ening. Miss Lithie M Crossle-y, King, andi Mrs. C. A. Cawker, sang solos in the evening that were highly appreciated. The authenis by the choir were Rlso well rendereti. Next Sundav 14ev. D. 0. Crossle >y's sermons will be suitable for the New Year. In the evenng a special Song 'ser'vice wlll be coduted, the musi-al selections belng especially gooti. Strangers walcomne. The Choir of St. John's Church, Bow- manville, on Christmas mnorning after the service presenteti 14vIR. Seaborn, Rector, with an address and a handsome Mlorrischair of quarter cut oak. The address was reati bv Ms Victoria Tam- blyn and the presenýrtation mnadeby Mr. Alex. Luttreli, Jr The Rector being taken comp'etely by surprise was at first unable to finti words to respond but regairiin- bis compo ,sure verN cordiallv andi graciously thanked the donors for their thoughtful and practicai gift. Last night bis parishioners after the Christmas tree entertainment, presented Rev. Mr. Seaborn with a parse of money, Dr. Bonn% castle making the presenta- tion in a neat address, to whieh rocip- iont suitably replied R1ev Mr. Seaboru zoes to St. Mark's church, Toronto Juinction, followed by tbegoodwishes of ail our citizens. and Croup The inere menion of these ali- ments suggests Dr. Chases' Syrup of Linseed and Turpontia. as the mesS neliable sud most aatisfactory treatmeat. Mn. John J. Beuson, Brookholm@ Grey Co., Ont., writes : "W'e have used Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpeutine for out children when suffering with croup, coughs and colds and find it a splendid medicine for ail throat and lung trouble-s." LUN-SEED AND 23 cents a boule, famniy size (tirti-elmes as muit>b' 60 cents, St al dealers, or Edm-anson. THEMASO(N Gon BOWMANVILL.E LOCAL AND OT1ILRWISE. A fullllune o! Home-matie Canti>'ai Ted 's. Trimmeti Haie ver>' aleap ai Mrs. Dinguan 'e. Oranges, Louons, Malaga Grapes, a full line ai Tod's. A full lino o! G. B. Chocelates just arniveti ai Toti's. Sec the Bargains in chiltiren's Heati- wear ai Misa Suitl'e. Houe-matie Peant Crisp Satnrdav oniy loc. per lb ut Toti's. Cail ai Miss Smutlefer goi vaines la tnummeti Miilineny. T. H. Kaight wants your butter anti eggs. Besi pnices pauid. Reatiy-io-wear hate ai bargain pnices ai Miss Smith's. Home-matie Pauai8up Satuana only 10e per lb. ai Tod's, Tniniredti as seliig veny dlieap ai Mrs Dingmaa's. Businesri offeneti for. sale. See adtiv. Ladies' talon-madi5klrts iun île veny latest styles just receiveti aS Concu, Joînston & Crvdermaa. New reatiy-io-wear suite- anti . over ceaie matie up la the fashlonabie styles uit Coudh, Joaneton & Cnydenuan's. Pea Jackets. D. B. Suite, Fan Ceaie, Ovorcoats etc. ai slashiug netinciione before iaking stock ai The Masea Ce. A prayen service wili bel bld ntio auspices o! W. C. T. U 'mon Taesday Jain. 5ti la isciples, clur;cb ai 10.30 a mn anti 3 p.uu.Public condiaily la- yiWei. We are sole agents for anti carr y a fuli' lino o!, Turabull's celebnate 1 un- sîninkable Uuderwear. Coudh, John- sien & Crytierman. At the Christmas fuir ai Myrile Thos, Hall, Enfielti, A. Ayre anti R Sulley, Conice. w J. Ilascrafi, Brookla, were Succestul competitons, The Pantiora Range las a strikluglv lianisome appearance anti is outireiy differe nt ln design trou amy otber etove. For sale ouiyv by 31. B. M-artyn. Coudh, Johnston & (Jrydermnnih ave mest openeti ont a let o! Ladies' Ceaie wbicl they get at a bargain andti tey wililo elI eu off ai f ully eue'third beiow ti value. $19,0 madie by 'eemuanlasi vear eelling our goode always la use. leuse- blId ncessities net fatis or luxunies. No dm11season. Write G. Marshall & Ce. bondon. Ont. We their regular havealso" some, prices. Suits left. We will continue to siaught- er these until ail are gone. Ail Grocery DNe Bills taken as casb. Now is the time for Bargains. TE M ASON Co0 HAYDON.11 Congratulations tb Eues Ashton aud bride..- Famiiy gatherings were held Xniasa aWm.ý Biroad's, Thos Goodian.'B, Thos Asbton1s. Wm Trewin's aud Rd Siemo's....Holicay visitera- Herbert SIe-mon. wife and daughter Greta, To- ronto, at Jno Slemon's; William Bread andi dangbters Lena aud Violet, Toronto. at bis fath- erls; Thos Hooe andi wife, J J Goodman andi wife. Toronto,wilI Trick and i wfe, Oshawa, at Thos Goodman's; miss Kate meNeil, "oronto, ai borne. .. .Tbe congregation wene delgb-ted i wtb the Christmas sermon by Rev. L. S, Wigbt Sun- day; music was provided by H-aydon Quartei. Great sympathy 18 feit for Joseph Eawkey aud family,Tyrone, ini Ieir sad bereavement. A 28-TON CHRISTMAS BOX. The Christmas Farmer'e Atvocate anti Home Magazine, of London, Ont. anti with its beautiful cover anti con- tents stands in the very firbt rank in re- gard both tomnatter anti illustrations. As usual. it is an exponent of the higli- est type o! Canadian arnt, being illus- trateti by over 100 photogravures. anti reproductions of painîings by eminent Canadian artists; while it centaine over GO especiallyv-written, articles, iail of ex- ceptional menit. For its publication 281I tons o! paper wene requireti. For the homne life, as well as for our agricuit. ural and live-stock intenests, the Far- mner 's Ativocate continues to render the very beet kinti of service No fanmer shouldi do without it. $1.50 a year. J no. Gilbert-& Son Wholesale and ]Retail Dealers in Grain, Seeds, Flour>anti oal1, FLOU R. Manitoba, Hungarian, Patent anti Strong Bakers Flour, at speeial prices. COAL. 'We have ail sizes anti kintis o!- the very best coul that is brought into Canada, at right prices. ALSO CUIARCOAL. We solicit your patronage for any o! the above. Jno. Gilbert & Son, King st. West. I3owvmanville- CBRISTMÂS anid NEW YEARI HOLIDAY RATES TERItlT'ORY.-B-etweenz ail stations in Canada. Port Arthur, Sanît Ste. Marie, Ontario, Sarnia, Windsor anti East, also to Detroit and Pt. Hutron, Mich l3nff aie, Black Rock, Susp. Bridge anti Niagara Falîs,, N. Y. ]RATE A.NJ illiT.-SinglIe First Class Fare for 11hevround trip. Good geing D)ec 24th anti 2Mbh, valid returu- ing until Decc. 27th ; alto gooti going Dec. lllst antiJanu. :,valiti returning until Jain. 4th, 19£01. Class Fare anti Pnie-T hird for the round trip. Good going Dec. 23rd, 24th anti 05th, also on Dc. 8th, 31,14, anti Jan. saldretttriig until Jan, .Sth, 1904, For Tickets anti ail inaformation aPPly China Parlors-Seeond floor. Don forge: to vîsit it. It will pay intendin,- purchasers to see the assortment weP carry. Cawker anti Tait. Everything is special and suitable for New Year. News Years Cards andi Calendars,. Gif t Books in attraetive binti- ings. See My specia;,l on e dollar Poets. Bibles, Prayer bookça andi Hymuyi books, Faney Boxes of dainty writing paper Andi envelopeS. Frameti Piet-ares, a surprise at 35e, and another a t 81J00. Fancy Caps andi Saucers, vasee and Ornainents. Dolîs, Toys and games. Give U s ACaill Just West of mu, ?is' Fur~- niture Store. Notice To reditorsb. In Thekilatter o the Estate qi' MARIA CLEMENCE, late of the Towniship of Darlingfo'n in t ount' afDur'. harn, deceased. XTOTICE 1.3UER ,LN sant to Itevîsi citapter 129iSat ail againi tcesate coS th tlem'lence, dcaswh 5tb dlay of Sepiemn)ber, t) D'arElngbton, areheireby the ]XII dday of Januig'r lust Wtll anti Testamei al statement ilu rtinî sbowlugteirebita AND NOTICE S11-FUIZTH GI1VEN tOut ater tOc saiti I9th DAY 0F JANUAI T! esaid c eeetor wil proce-t t aýSZlets olibe est-ýateo , tloc said I Agent, 1 . Wish ail their Patrons a Pro.. per- ous andia a Happy New Yeai-.and beg to remind them that the timne has come'to,-learoff Winter Goods before ourilannual -stocktaking. Blankets. Fur ,Coats. Pea Coats. Fur s of ail kinde. Overcoats and Manties, D. B. Suits for Men and Boys. Ail of there Uines willbe eut down toaclear.. Some thin ,,s at 1 1 1