Right Is t1be Glad Response of UST our inany Oustomers who allow as to test their eyes. This last week we have been exceedingly busy in otir Optical Departînent, exarnining and fitting eyes and giving perfect satis- faction in ev'ery case. Tu every customer we guarantee perfect testing and fitting, by Our "GRé ADIJATE, OPTICIANS" whms' varied ex- perience always enab'es them to do competient work. If you are in doubt as to the condition of your eyes-Call and osee us-Eyes Tested Free Daily Bn'ODK isflITC-HELIL & CO61 ChenîssDruggists and Opticia ns. LPhone 92. Bowmanville. ,R Few Dinner Sots to clear out at a Bargain. 1i 97 piece Set, regular $10.O00 for 97 pieco Set, regular $12. 50 for 1 100 piece Set, regular $15,00 for 1 113 piece Sot, regular $17-00 for i -115 piece Set, regular $18.00 for 1 115 piecce Set, regu!ar $20.00 ior - - 7.50 - - 9.50 - 11-50 - - 13-50 - - 14-00 - - 15.00 FUJLL STOCK OF CROCKEBJY 1TILO'W PRICES. +FRESH FISH Fresh Sea Honrings. Fresh White Fish. Fresh Sea Salmon. Fresh ilalibuts, BOWYtJNV ILLE, 0J 1T. M The-up -to-Date Butcher Business has been establish- ed eGver 52 years and one of the third generation is now a partner ini the business. C. M. Cawker and his son Wesley have entered, into partnership and wiII carry on the business in their niew store, Victoria Building. They are determined not only to keep up thé standard of the old reliable business but if possible to exceed it. I beir motto wj11 be-: The best meats they can secure, out up to the best a.dvantage, sold at the most reasonable prices, delivered to customers in a dlean wmholesome manner. «You will find the lairgest variety of the best quality of ei kinds of tresh meats, cured meats, fancy hams and break- fast bacon, home rend ered lard in 3 lbpails, sausages, cook- ed hams, headcheese. tripe, etc., etc. Your patronage will be thanlfullyreceived. Wethank ail for past favors and ask for a continuance of same. NSB.AlIAccounts due C. M. Cawker are to be paid to the new firin. Grain Wante-d AT Caiedonia Milii Bowmanville. Highest prices paid for any quantity of Barley, Oats, etc., delivereci at above Mill. John ]Vacmkay Limited. ,$33,00 TO THE PACIFIC COAST. ,Via. the Chicago-Union Pacifie& North.Wesernl Lin(a hem Chicago daiîy duriug MrcI sud April, lu San Fran- clsao,LosAngeies, Portland, Seattle, Ta. cama Vancouver aud ether Pacifie Coast points. Very 10w rates ta He e, ButteSae, Oggden sud Sait La{e City. Correspandii)g low rates frem ali pe)ints Dai Iy and p erson ai .ý' counriucted excursion u lu Puiman tourist 'leepilng cars taSSan FIP1ancisca, Los Ango!es aud; Portland thruugl witbout change, . 1ý_ - - e'7 0fflfhAig..e f Teüders for School 9'HE Trustees 0of S. S. No. 9, Clarke, I.having deelde'd ta build a nw ,BRICK .SCHîOOL=HOUSE, eaUi for Tenders for saine. Thie plans 3aund spe3ecifications are to be seenïlat be rsieneof M. AND , 'IVS11RPE, Sec-T rusee1.lot.2,Cn 4, Cilarke. lAU tenders tebe iný by Mýarde-i'15t, 190ü4. Tae10owest or any Tender nlot nleessarily HEL? TOUR OHILD. Whou your chld-~whetr et it la a big chld or a lie baby-suifer. fron any of the miner aliments which cene tu ohildren, or la nervous or fidgety and1 doea't aleep veli, give 18, Baby'. Own Tableta. Tbii. mdicine je the quickest and eureat cure, and the safeat, because il i'i abooltely hariema. Il vil1 heip th. f eeble new boin babs as surely as the well greo chld. Mrs. F.D.Kirk, The Barony, N. B., ays: «1 have usad Baby'. Own Tablets vith most satisiso-1 tory results, and do net feel safe with- out them ini the hou se. I find Ihat one dose la unsually sufficient to cure the emaîl alimenta of the stomech and bowel." Jf you do not find the Tab- lots at your mediclna dealers write di- rect to The Dr. Williams' Medicine Oo., Brockville, Ont., and they wlll b. ent posî paid et 25 cents a box. Mr. John Cerveth i vsited recently in Port Hope. Mr. R. 0. McCullagli vas in the cily re- cently. Mr. Milton Pollard lias returned ta Bof. falo. N. Y. Mise Olive Bradley, Bowrnanville, ie visit- in- et Mr. Jevi Edwardew. îis. Henry and Mies Meson have ze- tnraed frorn Port Hopo. Mis. (RAy,) Tueker was called tu Belle- ville by the ilimess of lier mother. Mrs. Nickera Io vieiting lier 51.1er, Mis. John <Chester, Toronto. Mr. T.*.W. Jackson lias lied grippe- Mr. Thomes H. Doncaster, of the Daly House, Toronto, vislted hie parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Bellamy, on the Hun. ter faim. will move to Bewmanville. Mr. Fred Hill lias bouit tlie Misses Colville faim, la teke possession -April 1905. '1'he price was 86M0. Mr.HEerbert Renwick and Mis. Lockbart, atleuded the funeral of thie laIe Walter Riddell, Esq., et Cobourg. Mrs. (Dr.) Bigliem, Toronto, and sister. Mre. (Dr.) MoNaugliton, Newcastle, visited at Mi. Robt. Moment',. Miss Edilli Stevons baes beeu very ili with pneumonie and quinsy, et Hartney, Man. Mrs. John Miller, or.. i. irnvroving in helth. Mr. John Armstrong is home frem Chica- go, 1111. Mi. Will Buckley lias returned from Manvers, accompanied.by lits brotlier-in-law, Mr. Weaey Glenny. The following were recent guesîse t Mr. R. D1oon's : Mi. and Mrs. OC. Steples, Messrs. P. Long and iF. Staples, Mr. and Mis. David Noble, Mis L. Hall, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cobbledlck and Miss H. Morris, Clarke Union. A large leighing Perty, ini whicli were Mr, snd Mr- H. Hooper and faniily, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walter and family and a number from Le8kard, drove over toIE'rovi- dance and spent Wednesday eveing et Mr. Wellington Blewel's. Mr J. L. Bowe leases sliortly for Cal. gary, Ass., lieving eccepted tlie foremen slip of the Calgery Saddlery Co. Mis Rowe and deuglter viii follow Iater. cnsdmptian Curable! Good Blo0d, Makes the Lu ngs Strong and Expels Diseasel The tîme te cure consumption la not af 1er the lungs are hopelaadly involvcd and the douter hems givan you up. Con- sumption preys upon weakueme. Streugthle i the only measure of aafety. Do not let the blood become thîn and watery. That la open Invitation ta diseaie to take possession cf your sys- tomn. Dr. Wihiams' Pink Pilla are the beat boni and treuRth bulîdar knawn to miedicai science. The record of thie medicîne proves oonclusively Ihal taken wheu the symptoma cf consumption develop It buda op, tîcuglitena and invieorates the. patient tu a point whare the dieaee dlisappoara. Hera is a bit cf poaitive proof. Misa Blanche Du- rand, St. Edmond, Qa..,,asys:. "Whill eut beeting In Saptember, 1901, I gel MY feet wet and took, cold. 1 treated the cold In the usuel way, but the couizh a.emed ýo ding 10 me. ÂAaeV- eral menthe paaaaed by sud I was nlot gettlng better, 1 vent ta a dactor ln Jannary 1902, and lie ld me that MnY longs were afl'ct.d, and I waa ln con- sucmptlon. RelurninR home a friand lu whom 1 had mucli confidenoe troug- ly urged me te te taira Dr. William.e' Plik Pilla. 1 began taking the pilla and seau found tliey vere helping me. The cough grew loe. evere; my appe- tite lmproved sud my trsogth begen to raturn. I contInuad taking the pilla amey .convited of such effance.by any Justice of the Pea., havlng juria- diction, 0ou the evidence of on. or more witoasea. One haltlthe penalty shall go le tha informer or prosaculer aud the other half te theme Counties. Thare la uo licans, for paddliDng t.rred a "Provincial T.iceue." Bach county t A Bylav toa srnd By-lav Ne. 673 for- the appeintment of Tovun officaîs- mas passed, the By-lav being amended- ly making the salary oh the caretaker for lhe Pire Hall $55 in place )f $50. The Salvatian Army, vere ou motian, allDwad lb.h use of the Tovn Hall fer a Snndsy aternon meeting, for $5 00. Cane. Goruili rnoved that lh. ranI toi tha council châmber for the praeat f- tt an ah ternnoûn meetinq 9 ln asesuient, $4.35 ; J. Gale, prinlluig $5 ; MA. James, printlng, $24 ; J. ý Curtis estetO, graval, $6.40 ; IndigLenits -Janaut Wilson $5 ; J. Nobbe $5 ; Mia, Spiaula $4 ; Mim. Rasa $6 ; Mia. Lane $51 ; R. Brintori$3 ;M"s. Eoidga $3 ; W. Hoakan $2 50; E. Rice, kaeping O'Naii, s tramp hound badlyfrz, $18; Dr. Trebilok, atlending UO'NaiI. $10; N. C. Ruudîe, funersl axpeuaes oh O'Neib. 1810 ; A. Iioore, digging THE MASON Co.. ToWIq OOUNOIL. Btegular monlhly meeting- hald in tb, naw Coanil obamber. Membera al prenant axcapl Caunoillor Ciemenas; Vayar Jame;s pra.iding. iTho Mayor on takiug the chair, val- comed tâo membera ta 1h. new room.- The event hAd baun ookad forward te for emalime, aud ha vai pleaa§ed that they were nov ala te ait for th. firat lime in trio new chember. H.e was alse ploaed ta knov theît the generel op!n- ion expresardl by the majerity of aur citîzons vas that they ver, vaîl salis- figd wilh'what lied been dona. When the grende and fiuîahiug tanches lied hean put ou, 1he , urronwdings would be much pl,,asanter, and lie hopad that the business of the tawn wouid be con- ductedin su apleasant and harmonicas wv. ~ 2 Minutes ef lest meeting and speciel meetings îeed,and onumotion confirmed. A petilion vas rccelved from M Burk, asking béava taeut down a trea near bis prearisea, which ebstructed th. water frem îunling. Rafarred ta Roads and Streeta 0cm., withi power le act. 1 Prem tha Officiel Board of the Dis- ciples chutaI saking, that Ceunicîl have waggons and other Impie- meuta naw lying lu their shed re- movad. 1Z 'ý On motion of CeunicillersMaon and Tait, the malter wa,% referred te the Roadeansd Streeta Cern., lhey t e. Iliab thIaýs are erranged accordlng te terme ofoh ur agreement vith Ihat Bard. A comm unication frem the (Juder- wriaers Aaso'u re receut difficulty willi Pire Brigade, was ou motion rec.ived aud fylc i. -w Prom J. E. Tamblyn, cf MWingham, regardling taxes on a lot owned by hilm near the Drill Shed. Received and fyled. Frem A. B. Colville, Solicitor. oc- knewledging recaipt oh cepy ef Roea- lutien pe'ssed et laet meeting re Electrie Railway. Received and hyled. From Dr.Heakiu, aoknowledging re- ceipt of Resolution re preseutation cf bis Buat. Recelved and fyled. Fiom Salvallon Army, a3king for use cf Towno]Halt for a Sunday eh tai- noon meeting ou March 20th, the sui- versary of lhiu opening in Bowman- vilie. Laid oni table. A bill vas read f rom Moes., Pan. nnrgton & Brook for ranI of building aud coal, amonting te $40.25, vhlch vas on motion referrad ta Finance Gem., and If correct te bo pald. Aiso buis for Opera chairs, EJectric Lîglit fixturesanad inserting sae, amountinc, In ail te $1,518.90, vhich vere aisoei'eferred te Finance Gemn. ta baok iutoa nd If correct te psy as>me. Contu. Luttrell, Ch'n cf Pub. Prop. Cer., presaute4 report shoving cste- ment ai insu rance placed ou uew build- ing andi contents; aise reportiug pur. clese of desk for Cierk'a offioe,&o.,hrcm Mi. Frank Morris. Coun. J. J. Macon thonglit thet there vas e question as te whétnhar thie Council lied a rIghl ta purchase forni- tuic lu Ibis vey, as Mi. L. Morris a e member oh thia Couacil. Coun. Morris stated Ibet ther. was no conneot ion vhstever betvean hlm- self sud hae sin lu the transaction. The Mayor explaiuad that the goads voe.being ardoed fhem th. Mbanufac- turer tîreugli Mr. Prank Morris, son cf Ceunciller Morris. e7 Prom the Building Gem. sulmitting Tenders for ftting up LIbrary aud Reading Room, and recommendiug (bat the tentder of Mr. John Morris b. se oapted. Receivad sud adopted. From L Carnalih, Chirman of Poor Relief Cer., shoving atatament of expanditure for past monîli. Receivefi and adopted. Coun. J. J. Maman preaented report h rom Finance Cen. recommaudiag psy. ment cf accounts amonntiug te $639,- 75 as holiova: Pire DepI. $8067; Pub. Prop. $295 89; Poor Relief, $4128; Contingent, $8.52; Police, $12 63; Town Hall- Building, $90; Roada and Street@, $70.43; PFire Dept., $30.83; Prinling, $9,50. Coun. Tait, chaîrman ai th.ePiae DepI,., praaeutedl report f rom thal Cern. Recelved and adopbed. Caun. Macon prassenteid Report fram Concert Com. regardiug opening <(f the .New Town Rlail, and r.porled a net returu ai neaîly $200, to b. divided, oneýthIrd to Public Llbrsry and tva- Ihîrds ta Town funda. Ha moved thet the thanka of Ibis Council be teadared te ail vho toirpart lu the opaniog concertoansd le Dr. Hoakin for the twelve portraits of 1h. Mayor& preseal. ed by htim te le hung lu the Council CharnIer. The-Mayo---ta-e-&At M.4-I.W.A. Cocua. Corai askad lise ebairman of tle Public Proparty Coin. if lbe lova vas peylng for the sîreet hIghta, vhich ve b.d not lied for omre veeka. Cotin. Lutirell repliid Ibat as no acconut lied been yet preseoted, ha could net Bey. Cotin. Mason Intiaduced tb. pur. dhase oh s piano for the new Hall. A flrst-claesone ceâld le beuglit for $350, A gentleman lu tovu lied offaied to donabe $50 tevardx ibis abject sud another oe $25. The piano wculd pey for ilselfIin lime hy reut received f-r its use. ile rnved, second. ad by Goun. Luttieli, thet 1h. couincil purchae the piano, nov lu the Hall, wbicb waa loaned free by the Company fer tle openiug concarto. Mi. Deyman, Goimpany'a AgeDt, 'ex- plaiucd that the piano was ona oh the best made-& veinaI finish and vas veil worth the monay asked fer Il. The Campauywould guarantea Il for ten yaars and vould put uin oneo the hasstaoola vithIL11 The Mayur thonglit that s concert could le gotten up lu May and enougli reslized ta .early pay for 1h. piano. The motion cairied. The malter of precuriug door platea for the diffaient offices Iu the buildIng vss raferred te the Public Proparty Comn. te report on at anoîher meeting. Coun. Luttrali thouglit that tb. Clerli sbould le elIowad extra pay for t ahing asie ai 1h. Hall. It was a lot of extÎra worlooking altelaieh. haac.. and lie thouglit Ihat, ha should b. paid îlte semae salary le lied the leet yesr, vh!ch lied leen raducad. No action takèn andGoun. Lutirail gave notice b. veuld bring in a By-law ait uext meeting bey- iug Ibis abject ln viev. 01 ma'ion it vasi deeided la porches. 100 heat of new hase for tb. Pire Dept. et once, Counicil adjouruad. DARLINtGTON COtINOIL. Tow±e BAIL, HÂMxToN, Peb. 27, 1904. Council mat Ibis day purauent ta adjourornant, membera ail preseut, Reeve Browu prasiding. Minutas eh last maatîng read and on malien con- fiimad aud signad. Communications vare îacaived as follow-From W. Richard M. P P., as to proposed changes lu composition oh Ccnnty tjouneils-laid on table. Prom Alex Smit'i as te vhat Inducaments the Gounicil vill offai lu cousiderabion af hlm building 80 rode oh vire fana. along 1h. road-lald on table. Prom Wm- Little ('ierk oh Murray Towenship vitI copy ef resolution et Council lu hevor oh mahlag certain changes iu the composi- tion oh Caunty Conuis-laid on table, Promn J. E. Parevell, Secreary a!Gaoad Roada assoclatiiun, Whitby, respeatbng th. holding oh a couventiou-hyIed. Prom A. B. Colville, Campbeliford, re- @pecting application ta Dominion Par- larnant for tha incorporation oh The Campbellfoîd, Lake Ontario and West- ern Reilwsy 0Ca ., sud requasting' the passing oh s resolution by the Dsriing- ton Council heiorinz 1h. aama-Iaid on table..Prom D. MeLqran, Clark oh Nelseon, 'township, auclosiug cepy of patitian addresaed te lthe Local Lagis- Jetai. asking that the lie oh Muntil- pal Couneiliord ha exîauded te lwo yaars-leid on tabla. Notices ver. îacelvad oh applications 10 the Pa±lia- ment oh Canada ett the next session thareof for the Incorporation oh a rail- vay compauy under the namne oh "rba central Octaneo Coonlties RaIlway coin pany" and oh "The ampîdîtford, Lae Ontario aud Western Railvay Gem- pany," bol of vhich railîwys are pro- posad ta inn titrondli the township oh Darliigtou, thesasid not1cas beiug given lu compliance of Rui. 51 of the Houa. ai Germmo>ns, respacting applications ta Parliautent oh privata hilse-hyied. A numbar ef business circulais vera re- calvad sud fyled. On malion af Canna. McLaughlin sud Aunis, a reselution was passed In aver of ltha construction of s Railway (hrougli Darlinglan te le knovu as "The Campblbford, Lake Ontarioansd Western Rsilway" snd fc,.orbng lb.e !reuiatiou oh a pelillon for signature af ratepayars. On motoa oh Canna. Peacoa and Aunis s resolu- tion vaî passait la haaotoh C uily Connclle baing campozed ai Reeves sud Mayors, pî.ovided that a' vola ai the ratepevers oh lb. local"municipalibias should fiaet b. tairen for sud agaust, befaie comlong laboaparation. On mo- tion ah Conoe. ,Wight and Aunis, a qresolutian vwas paesed favoring the lima af Municipal Councîliora te la axtand- ed ta tva years and a pelition lu sc- cordance lberevlth was êigned bythe members aillhe Coucil ta la forward- ad la Mi. Ricksrd M. P. P. fer prosen- p ULv OHOT STOVE: PU LVOPOLIS" AND METAL CLEANER COMBINED The onby Patented Pelial in the World. eo Dust, No Durt, No Siuke, Na Smell. Contains ne benzine or cuher explosives.. PUINVO maires mare polisit and lests- longer than any other. PRIC 10c. AT ALL GROCERS T. 11. Knight, John MeýMurEry, CawkBr & Tait, Masan & Dale. J. B. Marryn. P. Trebiicock, Very special value in Stationery: Fine Note Paper 10c. per quire, Envelopes 5e. per- buneh. Linen Note, 15c. and 20c,, white and tinted. Boxes ohf g and Enveiopes, 10c, 15c, 20e. and up. The latest-Uemstiteh. Pads. Try the Ir!sh Linen. 1 have alfuil lin.. Books-The latest publi.. calions, I give yen rnauy oh the-ý regular 75c. bocks for 25o and 50c?,. A full ine oh 10 cent, populr as usual Oui wagons wiIl b. around books as soon as the roads are gaod eueugh. Kindly hold your stuif, scrap iran, etc., Ne soteta ac tili we cerne. Drap us a card anytime Nc soteto ac -if w. are ual soeuçnug.-h Two huni- Goa utbefrpeeî,aw dred tons eh scrap iran wanterl as soon (odsiabefrpestawyý as possible, on hand. WANTED-Gead, relbb-Jma warnted te travebl i Darlinglon. Aico Euh pIreParaition made for tle godi, .%oui)"" sour.d Herse, abouti11300WalPprtde )ba., fer p.ddling -wagon. Address Wl aprbae *JOHN GRIGG, P RyBLOK w # .-- . - 0 1 - :% ili 1 01 à' lm l ' 1 i - - . 1 ol q Coming riglit along ana so are the Spring Goods, Dry Good,ý Clothing, Carpets, Curtains etc., etc. We are selling some Winter Goods yet'.and selling theni very iow, but we are sellingý far more of the New Spring Goods. ezotton Aîdvanfcing Everybody, knows that ail Cotton Goods are ad- vancing in price. Ail goods purchased now mutst be sold at the advances, but we have a fairly large stock in most Uines which we are now selhing at old 'prices, which are in many cases less than pre'sent. manufacturers prices. These inclucie: Factory and White Cottonel Shaker Flannel, PiIlow Cotton, Sheeting and Sbirting, Prints,ý I3tuslins, Drills, Cottonades and several other lines,' We certainly advise ail oui' friends to BUY NOW te avoid paying the large advances which must follow later in the season. Gocers' due bis taken as cash. SPediar Steel 5hingle. S Price $2.25 per square, of one hundred. square feot covevingm measure. Cheap as wood shingles. Pedlar People, osh'awa, Ont. chargea for gravas for Coual and 0'Neil $3. Cnouacîl adieurned te Sýeturday, Me 2611 at 10 o'cbook a. M. H. ELU T, T. JR., Tp. Clerli. NoTx-Rumera hbsving beau c'rcnlat. ed tbat the Couneil paid Dr. Tilley the expenses lu couneatîca with services attanding Mis. Poaley sud ber daugli- ter during ate Illnsa, th. Connel wisîes to say 11mb shey neyer paid a cent of saad expeuses, sud Dr. Tilley informe them lIeaIl&Uacconuts for hi. servicea la tIa ssid connietion vas paid ln ful by Mi. Thomat Poey. CoMING AGAIN.. Over 30 Years on Road. Té the People of West Durham:- I wish ta tend er yau my learty tîcoks for &Il pat levers lunbusiness and soliciing your cenlinued patron- age for the future. We ara caming egain this spring witl a nov stock ah gooes, sueb bflues as Dry Goods, Grecer- les, Tinwaîe, Grauiteware, Cutiery and sudh as are aiways lu use iu your lames every day. We shall b. gbad te sel them ta you, if vou ueed them, et riglil prces and tae. uch things as w. are acnustamed ta handle in exchan;re for lbe geoda. Ivir LaLU F1 'M WAS c o 'l' 'Ar] Mr ýM 17M MI Mr ý , 'nq, -qm ý .v