TERMS :-1.O(> Fe AnnumOuR TOWN AND COUeTY FST TE WORLD AFTERWARDS. 1M. A. JAME OPrpitr BOWMÂNVILLE9 ONTÂRIO",ý W NESDÂY, MAT 18. 1904VOUELN21 In Advance COME TO BOWUANlVILLE. COMING ANNIVERSARIES. t ROYAL ARCANUM COUNCIL. gent's impopureinetoUsWr ~~1bi,~~Ub ~~~ -- I ~shîp'sq addeswsOf othb.tfle We hear of several pepewishlîg to Tyrone ..................a2. SÇESU GRAND COUNCIL MEETING minta pehswehv er o eitberlocate in tbf s tl or to spend Bae inUdn ___M 22LNA any a da edt'hat every cottagýe and rummor Enniskillen_......a 21 and 24, JN THE WHIOLE ORDnER-MAJOR SNEL- Gran e'rH(J n1goe h ouse, but one at P'ort 1; mavi is Salem ......................May 21 OBR, GOVENOR OT CUNLTI' GAS Cobourg, acaain rn ie engaged1, and moeTrnoPeople Solina ..................Ma 2 *GADEET-EASEVELYERregent, N aer ooto rn wish to come here. liee as been Providence ........ ........June 12. A RESIDENr 01 BOW1ANVILLE. orator, C.Cp mn rokvle .~consiea! os bn ing ere this Enfld ...................tie 12 13,lce;pigan eet ila month too. This iýs suha bealthy Ebenezer ............1... June 12.13. Ry oot;gadertrLra town, wih excellnt sebols and cm Ml G u 1920 Grand Council for the Province off Lee, amloclmtin grd fortable churches, su 4jo lass of Ci ape 7oe...........Ontario, Royal Arcanum, was beld in teseJXiikoTrno zen an ineevsneahgly moral LECTURE FRIDAY XIGIIT St. George's Hall, Toronto, May il acclamation rn hpan .A town, that peopleair to live here. -wen4suodatcuniswrreCottam, bodn1rn gie .D SThere is an openiîng ere now for a Elis, or Va pnrensee ajounrfbwsppd. H, J Sn. T dozen more dwellings that Vol aet Bowmanville people will bave ay Coresen rae d M jor il JaSeeagmode, ,Trno rn dn .M fror$7 tot!O n ie , mo Fl. Capîtalists opportunîty Friday night to hear an oouxdifg ce, for h .go't madeu an ode arnero, Hmlo;gad~nEC buildings either a nael T he in o wntb Portuelo e e u et o lTe gowtbî off the Order nas suprerne rp ecttvsL m n L s and tbat citizens may properly under- been phenomenal the past twoyears, the ilarniltor; Y.I~,P .Trno CÂNÂDAN ED1OB~ stand tbe question in wbich Troronto, pre.etmmesipbigcoeuo alternates, .Dwly rsot -- Hamiton aadother wstern twns are800,000. The Onitarlo Grard Council Jarneý B.MciopLnn cama H a it n pd ot e e te nt wrs a e num bers 8667. T otal in rea ,.4rlast ye r Off m m itt e : F n nelo n P p j. ThCanadiin Preasscioto coin- shvowing seomuch iuterest, Mayor James was about 80,000, showin- the popul. L1,011J s V . oeOtaa S prisïng the leadig- nwaprmen in in ited Mr. J. A. Culverwell C. E., Qý Ontario and the QbePrvnePes angn-ictrofTeCtalO-arity'of the Societv Pastiegent M. A. state of 1reJmsB cilp 1Janes,member of committeonAppeasLno. rel, .i.Seesn e Association are now, -reveU;ling l the tarlo Power Co., Peterboro, to address mîd Grievances o! Gran iCoincil, and ronto; suppl , Mjri .Sego a e Open d u t a very un ie To O delectations afforded,, by the -World's a metn insut tbeConcl CamerFn Fairat St. Louis. TheylfToot b a ngt Mr. Culverwell bas abocti atst Refn os O iBlle , epreen Cobnrg grn968teaesBad *~-Special Pullman train offï ýsevea coa)ches 601I lilgbtviews-by which be illtis,. atîe o! Bowmrian"i rBlle Couci Ao 96 on , rno ae aitn «and diner Saturdayv mniin1 via Grand rates bis lecture. Everybuisineq.9 man eei tedne r ael a htKnsrn 1 1 9 ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~Trunk and Centri ini alwî.ndalntrte ciie n irted. tbe bonoroff uniuating the Grand Ilamîlton ilhv h 96ssin e s ~ ~ .j~ -- ~~ uu-~~ j,~ f Secretarv wbi %-a) e lectect b z acclamat-SniaiOwnondasakefo *~Uk i ~ 4v,,jj ives of the maijerltv sýccom'PanY the The lecture is given under tarni ausice ~~~members. Mr. J. D MDndD.P.A, off the Mayor andCuilndsfr. ohongti onart oB hri4 coe., it. .[~~~~' ~~~ Toronto, and Mr. H., R.- Charltonl Mont- Be tbere promptl at 8 .m Tepesneo!M oh reid r7N eal, and representatives o! the -Illinois Deputy Supremeî- Rezent, off The Star, A opietaybnut a e Central Ry. will. chap-eronje the pat.ST. JOHN'S NEWRCTQR INDUCTED. Montreal, added greal totep-see yPrnoAcnast h And an -Elegant Iot of Capes for Spring #n ttePi hywl hb uree ure o! the Fe-t-ion. Re. assisted by Supremnetprenaio ndtth ýý1 ..Deputv Grand Regenit Geo. W. Liddell ofcr n eoxso rn oni Sait the Ieside Inn" located on the 'Il 'W ~ 1 d'~y grounds. Over 200 ournalists and The services in connetbtion with the of Mon treal, as Supreme Guide installed in St. G601 Ii n u~ayee. 23 m er w a a d w ate o dtheir wives'are in the Cýàaaian partv. Induction o! Rev. William E. Carroll, the newlv e'ected officerys t tha close ing, prerfO .1orbPetRgtR.J '1I1~~~~~ "~~~~ Aside from the sociali 'eatuires the visi B A , as Rector off Darlington, and and Made a nouiing spee. B:h wene Gud ititDpt rn eet t e -t e t S o k of La1e ' S yls Eanto St. Louis Io aan por)tant one as the Parisb pr.eFt off St Jcbn's church took given a very cordil» c~to h euwa h eyba n h World's Press Parîlainenit wilbe held place, Friday nigbt in eaid cburch. Proof Coats ever showen in tow n in ail e over by Sir ilngh iliaRidofLnMillbroo. "Anrchdeacon o! Peterboro, _____ of o n ilbeatne yohan performed the induction ceremony, the Gualities, al1sor, a ver- fine assortmn t ,,fnwsae nefo aloe the keys of the cbuch being delivered b. 11 willbeilusession there durlng ressA Rev. C. IL Mansh, Lindtsav, Rural Dean 1ladies9' SiIk- and W te Muslin Blouses al M,1q1AD hr sitepay adRv week whicb opene-1 Moindav, qr.ad !DbasidteparsadRv J_ ~Mrs. M. A. James hadI il arrýangemrents.J 11, Taîboct, Oshawa, ilular Dean of in ji ~~ma e u-- completed for joiningthe Prs exur IEaý1st York, rend the lessons. Rev * sien to St. Louis but 'iS amnes is Edwmi Daniel, M. A,, Rector off St. tsý eized by a violent a'tc f rbcwmta J olhn's churcli, Port Hope, -was also SSty es on Tuesday wbich Mad Jtnc.sayt present. The Anchdeacou's sermon g Scancel the trip. Mr. J. P. McConneL, from the words '-Little children keýýp Business Manager o!f To-ron!t0 Satuna yourselves from Idols" was an exceý- Nigbt, and wiffe had ar ri uged to partie- lent exposition o! tnuth andin cl@sing 4 ipate la the excursio.n too, but ou Fni bis sermon hie gava words o! kindly L J ~day morning Mrs MoConne1 died very advice to the congregation regardlnz suddedlii o! heart diseaseý a few mainutes their duty to their new Rector. A very - RYJL alter ber b îsband et for thec offiçe. pleasant social hour was einjoyed at the Z i'l 'A.,1 1 - _1_1ýclose wben choice refreshments were NEWOASTLE~~~ served la the school room by the ladies MJO .JNLRVE M.AM.W.lÂ,PSTGND ER~ Gui nld. Bev. Mr. Carroll comes to this GAJRN H.G, -:f'.nOVEb, OM. T., MR.TO. towvn under very pleasing conditions RADEGN,(OUG NT 7ye Mn. Wm ieardba bnr sîufering and we trust bis pastorate here May be The chnelucnttto vr o itenarv aidmsclsletoswr ~~~~~~~ fom-l sciatic. very pleasant and success! ut.Th cnanv g l aw decýýidud on h e roatxeln.Tesece eeasvr ~ r .RckrM .P.Cserg rul aî ceaei ofo Grand [te nt Selgo to boul th. uhejvd hefnto a oe ~~~~M in bi coal sbheds. TAa toahsbdiaeofce naGurte granud snuesadavt !apeit Mile'sGrp m~3eeyre SldbyOn ate acri mnea. soId by Stott & aWt.P G . oh ii seons in nGadCuclanodrdtbsn Stott & Jurydruggists. Juy, dnuggists.Apnil itado! May. Several minor to the. commte.Thnootobeh BETHIESDA. Mrs Frank Ben-ett is iitn ber ne oeasmdentht)pslrndeev sister la New York state, NOCLELLA14 & co's LATEST chnge ee lmdeo h pro osa rendeee hihpasefrtei fot off Grand Secretary L man Lee. b aetevstoftedhgtspes. MR. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~rbe Theo-Tre Order gent cery stron ta.Tedyde ensa RIAS ratcei a coddPoica rb toi the o Treetonhgntrcaenrs.Ja. m EdtoiefWenedahARI VLS Gratcreitwasacorddrrovncal haronfam t fsb unaOrgeanrinzerr asuona, - rgBrzownary oow oHammilon oroot anbisuiesesnspomien 4~~4 ~~ ~ -witbout so mucb as asking leave they Mrs. Walter Renwick, Port Hope, Just received at East End fon bis gond services the past vean, andbuiesadposiotlmn pnted tbemsclves on the stncam. If tbey recentiy visited Mrs. Lockhant. Fuel and Lumber Depot: bis re-engagement v, as strongly recom- Suitabie mmraswrna nhm rn1u ab adktbcy would not bave got it. This is a Mrs. Wm, Toms was la Toronto re- One Catr Fnesb Manufactured mended. or off the lt Mchron rn 0 g e,40CSabbath obsenving -commumty and if csntîy visitin ber son H1enbrt. "Star" Cernent, (best Canadian ms unexpected and:'unusual cin- Truste e, 1.m~oad .B usn *flfllPi r. mreo this deseration 0f To.Mfatpnbsdani-Bad)Ams Grand ChinLnnwobv S p inheFKK. Lond's Day tbe namnes will ho pub- Mn. rts oft ucasdanm rn. cume'tance occurred lu the e!ectîon. de ic h atGadCucl --I lisbed1 SAiTTl off beef cattie la Toronto recently.OsCrArclua at Major I. J Snelgrove wbo bas most Mr. Geo. P. Rickard, nepresented Ï (200 lb. Sackti.) ably and satisfactorilv filledl the o0ieo meig ~~~~ ~~Newcastle Methodist cburch at District Oas Car British Columbia Red Cedar Grand Ilegent wvas thie only ones numin- The GrandCu~i sfruaei l'bl prin Toni 'tvicb wll rd ~ 3 Yrs of E zema meeting tn Bowmanvîillel Shingles. (xxx and xx) -ated for the en»uing term off two years baving forGrnScrtyschac-. 9 u fyou require a reliable SpigTnc hc ilrd ï r .o c e a The weak, fluttering beart becomes Two Cargoes Fresb Mined Coalý (Dry He was thus re-elected by acclamation- able and wotybteraMn ma youi off that steepy îjired feeling, we recommend Burdock ~ .~stnong and regular when Miîîer's Coin- and Clean.) an honon we believe neyer before con- Lee, barristi adslctr aîtn l- Vsed Sol bys Alosvrlcr ubr ahad ferred-to oecupy tbe Grand Regent's The GrandCucmsoe hi p -,nd 11spail Compound for that purpose. 9-. pound Iront Pis are usdSl Y As eea asLmeLt nchair for four consecutive yena. The preciation o i evcsb eeetn d aui SarnapIlutrtinar heaa Stott & Jury, dnuggists. 1Shingles, ail grades. applause that greeted the declaration him Suprem ersnaie Te It is made from the best medical plants and nrgs S AnteIlutainotere Mrs. W. Wagstaff and dangbter Ail ta ho sol d ait Right Prices for Cas h o! bis re-election by J udge MacWatt, Grand TreaunM.J .Hcsn kiiown to Mie medical profession for tlie purpose o! btood 4s markable power of Dr. miens have retunnedfrom Linsay. Cati and ses us; it is always apleasiire actîng Vice Regent, mjas indubitable Toronto,wbwa loreetdly Ohase'e iteta Millen's Worm PowC.ers are the best to show goods and quote pnices. evidence o! the Major's popularity. acclamationndvtdaicrae f Purifying. cure for eoztems.. laxa medieil2e for cbtîdren; as nice as _MOCLELLAN & CO., During the aftsrnoon Mayor Urqu- salary, isl ofhbatnwa0me Itha aspcii atin n h Kdnys Lvr nd à . naccouni o! nlany vain efforts to cure sugar. Sold by Stott &Jury, druggists King St. East, Bowmanville. 19.4w. hart was introduced by Past Grand popular f1ran fies h nee It as seciie cton n te idnysLier lldFrczenaandrtv amoi cr andt th Ich' Mrs Fed osvea aa dugherW.___Ray__ agetdW Ry ad udg MaWat 0 th Odorarepefecly af lath Or many d&elae 'hidisale ýî~rab1e. got so mingtoa. welcome to the visiting Ancanians. Us Delegatest tednefonnih. 1LBý1,-)d ed Ch11-eeks, With i thq'e Vhý hve used D)r. Chase's O11t- tuisialyapaddo e I ood mmi, fo~~~~~~~~ý. thiprationi soon bringu reuief Pale cheeks ravidly becomo rosy when Tflie town le 10 view the biggest Deon- vsetuiatcvaplu nr- boriug toin ee ~hw-.H Âreprducd y r. orans IonTone abets lV romn ttci anid thoiousely cures tbe dis- Miller's Compound Iron Pis, ar tkn, ration beld bore for some ysarî, on MAY Jolly GodFellow Th rand, Re- Hcwsoýn. Ar rdcdbyD.Nra'sIo oi rMM ýe $5;lv$li, ýibesl smeeooth and 50 doses 25 cents. Sold by Stott & JuryAporn fsotsbsbena.tnig i Gooian i. Thnen G i' uso;Cbur-ot uk . 5)tablets for 250 <> n.1re in app~ç druggists.rs f pot hn en r Oneyu eaa, be' On. Mr. Bimon Baekervlle fell off the rangod to oeenpy the whole day, cmeamns 8OLINA.HREROTS uteptfhiàindisdl, sable fa tihî~ stable Muigtefn n a ena 10 a. m.; a procession, hosded by a band as cue fr e~r'faa of alu l nle suffering with a lame back, wîll lesve the town for the grounds, wbeu M c Drm i ~ ~<&~ Otoaswit ouMgods WOHrk 11 L.-ague Blaleai meet ce, Theeivll abb 9ath 2 80o an iv~ ermons are o h esno!1 s!lo M e D emciwits _* arat gîVi -ý Ctzg, sesoilnrtn l Are you making $2150.00 a yean ? It la the opening ge of the DarlingtlnEda Te l Sabct hol as niersaryO Sat TiE ARCEIeprebe i. Dr'ggiL and Opiin c mlvletomc prgise fer 1 Yï4b ïsurd aý1hcz"ý is being-dou witha Ourl hoIS hedi asaue Sallems Onnt th unavi ported Clydsaesainwilere forgis anu r twenty years and h$d ber treated by~ pleasent. respectable aad perman.dyMa 9at 20ad7pmsrmn ae o ~~ ~tl4ree doctors, though th*y ai fledýý ti ul me. G. Marsball & Co., Loindon, Ont. Vieloro, Mr. Bon Worry, Preaident cf the wilI be preached by Bey. Geo. Dewey, Tuesday, My1,wl ev i w Dr. Ohirment has cujed pic completcly Arbor Day was duly observed bv Lengue, will pitoh the finui ball. Toronto. Musie. will ho Iurnished by tleHmpnndro'dt Jh qp ~ aD Çae Ontont ad cslighe m sin otale Hha ___ ne ofr thecl Be,' German.ie ab. Jas. iundn Soninfd is rni 10e; irn an ad0e tr, chl.John R.eey rnolds a nagte T.. Mr my. bbîrnh srfl ___________________________________________________Law will ho at Soliîîa representing the fo on A SPECIALTY. Can Conrespoadlence College for the rmglgt aoo o is etB fr.w4 w~W WF~Ty~UU'PU~ ~ next tbree weeks. Youag Mon and Ointmnts jdmdcnsddn eduI J. Art Jef"'rs M. A. Ayer's Pîlle. Ayer's PWom . ý1 -en shul nt fail to, Seo hi.i 1 began glvlgei Ho' aspxl -~~owe i.'MU MM î J.nihJlesMAP!s -Commercial subjects This medicîn]asdtesnsbha.a 1. ~~~ ~ î AX'. J 11I.Pd Ayer's Pffis. Kcep sayi-gCemity ArcltrIýo-eelg Lâa sicei ,MGiWeiok n t ~~~~~~~~this over and ovraanûrwig oshl The~-- oelroeyJ.*,ouaw, SeCetary. Th1etlaaie ,ara,, Science, Poultry Raising, Cattlefl ds3aaarU - O~ I ~H ~~S lE Jauging etce App' H. E L aw Solina,1flo ~~~__ ~~~~~~BELLE VILLE, ONT. Want your moustache Or beard l MorCan. 'orsodneCollege, wili rïd yt !I~rdelym .