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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1904, p. 3

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A- à A Y J u U U Whoop1ý g C54 gl, Crct,ýp 01&inded at St. Pete rcý and waýkRudyarcI Kipling, not Lieut. 2-- b a b 1 True. enriedy, thut really crený.eî1 Simla,. CPESOLENE 18 A coorli l'Il' ASTHMATICS One could pay no greater tribute to iq a long established and standard remedy for the diseasea indicatell. Yt ili .... .. ---------- ...... a- i than to make the long CUMS because the air recder2d stronglyantiseptic is el over the d1seased surýi-cll,3 unbroken journey frola Calcutta to D()CÏýS BLOWN Mail frein Tokio zi 1hat after of the bronc'iiial tubes with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treqtr1,ný ý1 Ur. Th of a consùmptive tendency, or suff erers froni chronic bronchitis, find It ils at St. Petorsbur, 1 brief intet-n-i:ss a Sinil a. After there one has a i oise il !lie c',cspatch of ne,,v understajjdL,ýg of -arouud Jalo" rel.ef frorn côtighs or inflânied conditions of the throat. Descriptive booklet frae. th, I, large for,-es O'f trooý,ý; and huge quan -ai Alexieff lias infornied "ices at Pelliti's" and -under the À LEE-iluNG, -MILES lit Co.. 1651 Notre Dame Mt., Moistreal, canaalai- i Russians have tities of has commonced tIýit the deodars,- and lias inastered such fin- i I)Ilo,,-,,i up the dooks and piers ai Thousands of men and, tous pressive looking vTords as -jimpan- it is assunicd, if the report Of annnunition have been leav'ng iiies," "lýhitriiagars" and "slilkar- Cresolene dissolved in the mouth are effé1c1,vý_ a7ý,i. sala for is correctý that the sacrifice of works l-,obe, duriiig the la5t; fe-%v days. The ris.- writes an Ameýicari Correspoil- couglis and irritation of the ýVhi(Iý cost Russia millions of roubles 1 lrIOYIýLls are working night and day. dont. 1'-ý !ý1àdc foi- the purpose of render- 1 Untilwe arriveci at Xalka tfie only ake rich, red blood that giveý An ,ýb-e,,ptk- Tablets ler a box. ALI di as the Government inter- inorc difficult a Japancse L-ýInd ng ATTACK JAP C7-'£JZIIISO on w, Fz, Dalry or its use as a base b M pale cheeks, strength to weak bc FOIT T CENTIPEDES. Petails of an by Russian t in our health. At difflerent sta- I C o s i c 1. at .rjý1I, _ý,1, tiens trial Eur, 1 -s 0 1 7-, - isian girls in white ýîN energy to tired nerves. They cleai 1 nos(lay morning ;It swooped clown on cor wrists ta Teasted on Cargo of Bones and eM TI-JE CI-IA,".-ýEI iTokio. The Rusidar- uý,,valry make sure w e were carrying no 111vigorate you-give the perfect -ni ated. Had te, be Fui The Si. Petersburg correspordont ý ed 200 men, 'and ti), Ir ý!Ltqc!ý The celerity of the Euras- -le regularity that of the London Daily Express slys ' spirited 'an, though, was nothIng to the ex- and wholeson A Philadolphia, dospatch ssays: T'ho Tilie Jiqi-,,,-,e" garrison re- itali'-ai-i barlý Amiat MeiQth arrived in learn froin oinciai sources thut. sisted sfoutlý, , ýý7 succueded in Pert liandling '10 e by the voung health. port Monday with a cargo of bones. so fal. Jroiri blowilig Ut) tincir war- driving- off eiieniy, Lator jap- doctor who wIent clown the rolvs of ships, which would be donc only at ajleso reinforcements arrived ýro,_,, p hand over harid, Why liot try? Wfieil the' batelles vverc lifted, and N DIABh1TESý -tst extrernity, the garrison I Ping-yang. It ils leviden il t tl made to unload the cargo DIET 1 the Very IL > ike a sý the sailors d'scovered that a horde of S 1 uitable dict is considere, at Port *.,\-rthur is engagcd in cIear-ýRussian cavalrynien vVere sont south In India it takes a man and a FÎftv Iron-ox 'rablets, in an aîtrac tarantulas and cciitiv-edes were d as lu'- ing ti-,e entrance of the liarbor, Ivil Mi 1*01' tac purpose of harassing t'ho Ja pocket'case, 25 cents at drugzists, or Pre- portant a factor in the treatment of, was in wolran to do almost overythir, g, on pareil to ghie battie. Tho sailors diaoetes as is the acliumisti- _ojýc or less> corapictely blociced pariese flarhis and liries of account of the sacredress of () ur sex. -on receipt of price. 'rhe Iroý-ox'Rei bý- the storc-ladon sbiiDs sent in by cation. T'l,ýis bas been a greaL belon to the arlued tlieiýr.,solý-es with long, strong drugs. The fact bas bccn fer some the Japancsé for that, purposcý. hall caste women who are ernliloye-d boros, but th(, fight was against toý time recognizr-ýd by the inedIcal pro- 1 1ý 1__ tasl, is one of extveliic difîi- PLOTTErdS. by the Covernirent when a j%ý,avy odds. The foc was too minier- fession, saý-s the Medico.1 ý,cor(,1, V for Une nierchautrren ï-c fill- 0':'ý. 'ýs fast as one, tarantula was that abstÈnei c, i cui ail articles of The Russi, ri has dis- wOman onters illto anY matter. It lie -fed i ed ýý0îý -'ý_one, concrete, and Conspiracy to indeed affords almI the caly stand- food which ma\ convoi of Vilic(i anothor tooli: its place, In the ]lie one inay follow thý trail of, fasllion in order to renioi ýý tiýc ob- i blov; up foi'Ll'UsEý,3 1ýýji1 n1ilitary deý la the uiifortunatc E urasian Las. 15,J Llli not a few of the si wore glucose, causes a 1-narkcd e. ,ýreýase ni sont able file. in the logis, and wer.i saved the quantity - of glucose in, i ilhlbetic divers Iiav(ý 1), il ý)oLS With dy;ý uli ill ,ýt3,-s a Vienna, At 11ýaIîra, wliere the railicoad secni-, o0l', ' 1-1 Iý't diill-"j.ig apparii ýt.- i,, bore i cd to l- Naturally Lord and Lady Curzon il rious bites by the sea bootls; patient's urine, and in ýýjýe t 1espatch. The vec.-Il gtt,ý-nl at le tirod climbing, we took Il, in i lici 1 or ;, i,ý, dy- p arc, the Centres of all this gayety lonpLs for sililla. l'lie torga is tiiey worc. Those sailors who werc tends to ail illiprovenient, iiL 1ýe con- Cr,)nStadt lis nov-be!i(,.ved to have dition of the naimi. charges in efiecti,,,, posidons. '0 wheelod cart with Lord Curzon's part is official. iji file hold of the bark soon bocar 1-aujority of those brou the worlc of this band and not tW canvas rhý_, divers have bt-,-î :,I l"ork for,ý ancso. A plot against the co-,ýer. fi lias no springs, but it is 'l'lie r; - ý-ý i-, ý, of Jap, Socially, lie is net Iikec1ý ,usýcd tri dealing death, a il oth- afIlicied with sevoral days, atid, l)liU1ý ,n the lif f M. de FI,,' jýýe Russiau so -well bahinced that if is easy. worren complain that alter dinner 1. e 0 of ti:ýý crew took their places. But Sir James Sav:, i-, of Birmingham latest reports, ha-, clear-, iding. There are sciais for only seated on a sofa, lie sends for thos, not get rid of their tonal- the -British ý,I Journal, Minister of the-, IlI,ýi,,-iOr, lias also 1 t ied the chamicl Io adii-iý the passage 1 been cliscovered. Another plot fou", aiffl these sit two by two, back lie desires to talk to to bc broliglit It was determined to points out tha-t un"i ý';,, rescalchen of torpedo-boat against the file of the Czar bas been to back. to him. No other Vîceroy ever put Uli týie tarani and centipedes by of, Messe two- years it was the confessed by an accomplice. who re- The mail tonga was full. A youug on such lugs. therapeutic rule to wft";liold pota- GREAT BATTI E -il ask the hold. This wais; ac- E CTED -%,-cd a reward of 100,000 doubles Englishillan approached OffciallY, sisal, lie is, not lîked. lIe donc with sucess. tooý in spccharine diaboý,, Of the grea coi nie an researches lied Iiiiii to conclude that t moveiiiýýit which Gen, for its revelation. cd if I would taIýe a tonga with him. lias had the vice-regal lodge put in potatocs, far frorn J,,--îf Xur.oki is supposed ',j lie directing 1 "Perbaps 1 can get a thirij, and it telephonic ý,ommunication with the gainst -Yang, the only news l 'E IZOOPS. will lie cheaper,- lie said. - asty 1, f,,. od in a. Liao CZAR REVIEW-1) T1 offices-, and lias a m form a Useful , id He got a third, a higli officer sources. Mu ýIlho coilles froin Russiali 1 way of calling theàu u1j about 10 a. gl,,,,-cosuria, and that Pre capable el' 1 Emperor Nicholas, who was necom- 1 this is two or Ithree days chi, Lad n j,,d by tile Empress and several ýýo1ne rajah's houseliold., hi d ni. This obliges the tinfortunate in- of being substitutcd fur ordinary o il, sa whoaten bread In daily prop is apparently based on information of the Grand 1-lukes and a brilliant t w - ith '(he driver, and the English- cumbent to bc on band or take ortions and 1. sat with our feet braced nigýgiiig. Nobody lever heard of bc- sufficient to niftiritain tWI affinientary frein. the natives. The position in ý staff, reviewed 50,000 troops on the man the neghbc,,ihood of ýýew-Cli-,vang ing at onë's' office at such an hour. ratio-that is to say, in tho prý)IDor 111 Champ de Mars, St. Petersburg, on agabist the taillicard with the plain r The St. Éctersbur 9 Corres- li Wedncsday morning. A, great con- of India spread out before us. The vicele-regal, lodge dominates the tion of two and or,ýý-haIf to thr(ý,,e of obscui e. - ngffi pondent of the London Si ndard re- 1 course viewed the brilliant spectacle. ffliere the E sh go there are fine town. It is at one ena Of -th potatoes for 0 e ridge ne of bro,,id. Messe a 1, found that ports that the Japanese are about As each regimont marchoci past his cadis. ]il tiniesýof stress the natives and includes the prospect of the Those pilis eure te, Occupy that place. re put on to publie improvenients. snowy range of the Ilimalayas, orders arising from -the soldiers shouted, -Good a tatoes in quantitics of from. 1000 Hajestý. This serves two purposes; the En to 1500 grains caused, roughly, from According te, the N(ýw-Cl,.wtiig Cor- health, your Majesty.- A grand 9- which is the priUe of Simla. As a' Ilerves or watery blc reiýpordent of the Daliýý Mail, nuri2cr- jish are opposed to charity in India chai , Lon, Skip Beats, Th u !ne -9 pounds to 3 pourids avoirdupois ý -go of ended the- review. part of the JandscaPe with the vice- i ous bodies of Russian cavalry and and the country is iniproved. Dizziness, Weak or P diminution of the glycosuriýt,, quick The Iniperial rýa.1-ty ý,vâs accorded a Tiincq of stress are frequent, and regal banner flying it lias castellated Nervousness, sieepi relief of thirst, and general iiiiprove- infantry have beeii clisposed in the hearty receptïo'ii by the People. Scats effect. This is lest on nearer view. eu M 1 . inity of the town for the juirpose the ronds superb. Every breal; is re- General Debility,&nÈ yie r.nent in the patient.", The reaison for! on balconies overlockirg the revielni The entrace to the grouiids is o 1 paired imme-diately by the hill 1 They are a true hi J: à this bencficial action of potatocs in J of harassing, of not arricsting, the' il y 1 g,.,,i,,l sold loi, e25, The money noininally barred by a guard of pane -)eol)le. and the feeding of diabetic persons isl, riverland ro-vonilit el th, Ja ýs^, iývlII be devoted to 11,.e Red Cross. Silchs, gigantic fellows resplendent in blood enrichoi Tre, nature of the country is favor- It was interesting to sec a la'cly, renewîng all the vv ý7' a according to lUnss-, beca.u,ý, the red and gold. A further le- the rîms of lier cars festooneà with tissues of the body t able to such ail object, wlileh, if si. jý 'l coaches the spftelous lawn. Il s"Its contairied- fii out-,toýes kt e chief- rings, lier face lialf obscured crO hoalth. Price 50c. JL ly tho-ze of potash, and pol ýý h ex- cessful, will give Cen. K(-)uropatk-in E C CENTRIC W--"- DIAKERS. were t1wo lancers, natives mormted' le . r 1 ts a retarding influence on L;ký1 pro- time te streiigth,,n his position at by nose rings and bangles with j et all druggiîitâ. Liao-Yang. Reports from various jevi-elry disposeci on lier arms a nif on big bay eliarges-"horses" scelus Testator Warited His Skin Convert- ' too unimpressive a word. Th Bear Signature of, gress of diabc,',ýs. nuarters refer to the fortifications at ankles. scated bv the roadside - ey Sir Jarites ýaw--i.- states -ýl-,at bis dashed away, followed by Lord Cur- as being very formidable. ed Irito Druinheads. breaking stones with vigor arid pre- Cashiriere that own in during- tric 9 clsion. zon driving lits wife, with bis red Mally licavy glins Coirni-and ih(ý rail- Therc have been litui- will 1ý ý,_crs TLese Mll people are Mo- fro.m Canada. past two is conrirrmi.tory of liveried syce behiiid. 1 liftmrnedq-ýs. largor in person and Both the beef aý. more ecceritric il, i '- -l :,ý ', V!ýý Mosse's conclusions, and ho goes on 1 v;ay. With v of marner and car- Ail the Covernilient servants arc best lit the East. to dCcIarý that in Ilis opinion thei C Tl Oban banker, in - I MEN- D. coltr_ýst with +i,. clad in reil flamiel gawrs girf arourd. --ri by the 21ahomn Wrappcr Beiew. beiielicial results of Mosse's discov- 1 wili shortly Coire t,-if 1 1- Il jer- 1 - 1 A St. Petersburg report represents Sorville, weak bodleci inhabltants of with yellow and gold. The vice-regal whose prosperous cry and teaching as te, the use of ation of the Edînburgh C,,ýrt (ý1 '3es- tlie rlains. livery lias the crown in c 01 d eal- slopes while tve ad nTý ýlný petatocs as a food ni diabetes might the appearance of a Jýpancse tor- sion. says the Westminster Ue. pedo boat in the rolidistcad of Pi, Il il, Mr. jqaccaig it y __ r Tile road climbs tliro-ugh layer el- broidery, amid much golki lace, on -,voulici about well bc carried much further in the ma U ter layer of the foothills of the --hawls. dietetics of diabctics, thari in nieroly da, on the iiortl--east coast of Corea, loft instructions in his will th:ýý, gl- ... As fil a, tcreperat ala-% as for a. 'distance of fîftyýeight We were fortumite in seeltig Lady FOR DI' the froc ailowance of properly cooli Lis -)eing inore important than was gantic statues, of himself, his bro Curzon, at Lieut.-Col. Rund cWs lec.- 7 'l 1 in il 0 q, This is acconiplislieili -,vith ý_14 atoes fil a dietary. The Ivritér ut fr't bolio'c'l. lt says that traus- sud sisters, a round ozen Olten necessary. pot, thers a d in tWel7ý7e relays of horses, fine fellows turc. She F119 BILJU; all, sliould bc placed on the sumillit -WOre a (love ColOrel copie tires built V-ÎiLM proposes that the therapeutic diffi-, ports, acompanied by torpdo b.ats, have ari-lý,ed lhcr(ýý. Th i s S sup- 1 1, op t in perfect condition, cautéring gown wiLh a large hat covercil with holes in the Watts of a great tower lie lia-ci comniencod ac ail vio culty as to the prohibition of ordin s gayly ail, the mouiitain slopes as ]il s d lots, looking Foniewhat Usually hall the posed te, inclicaLe a landi arýv bread for a, diabetie niay bc met u1g ""ai' to, buil'd on Battery 'Hill, near Obtr=- ýif on the level. delicate but very handsome. Fole CON dvintageously V, Iadivoýtock. overybody is out. a - by making bread, each statue to cost net less than £1,- It was a wonderful ride, tbe sun The vice-regal party is frequeiitly so near one roi C klos, and biscuits for diabeties by Ailother report says it is doubtful 1000. shining brilliantly anil beautiful in evidence, procelleci alivays by the rose - Fe a ývhethcr the v(-ýse1s arc transports or hedge into using the "Ilour" of properly cooked w& A inuch more whinisical testator ÎC encs unfolcling at every turn. Te galloping lancers, pennants flying. niust zigzag iiian potatoes instead of the flour cl rshipsý £1,000 ilills convey nosense of the tropies. My own riksha liait to get graiti. Sawyer's dietary for diabe- was a Mr. Sanborii, who Icft . Out illto to reach them, ar aýà tics is as follows : -àfay eat btitcher's UINEJLST AT HARBIN, ito Pi-of. Agassiz to have 1 Th (1 buttreFsed slopes are covered the ranci for them. je-ývelry and stuffs. 1 converted into ýtwo drumllei ýv;it1i velvetv grass. , The Viceroy and lhe Lieutenant- India is the par GURE SMCK HEADACHE. meut of ail kirds, excepting liver, Mail advices receivéd in London tç%,o of -his belles into drunisticks, and The deep fertile va]le,ýs are terrac- axe theQnlv persolis allow- lish iiiiddle clas ADVERTISING RATES. pork, hum, balcon, poultry, ganie, state that the condition of affairs at the halance of his fortune to his cd with corrifiolds, cactus crowns the ed to drive at'Sinila. 'l'ho rebt of nearly as possible potatoes stoalned in their Harbin is not reassuring. The Chin- friend Mr. Sinipson, on condiLion that nt the -!des of the roaà the world rides or goes in rickshaws. tocratie ideas at Fishe oysters, crabs, lobsters, ani- cse, hitherto peaceflil, ave' displaying 1 The Canadian Statesinan ils published a L ii ou overy 17th of -Tulle ho should re- to keep us frorn falling lklowri hill, The amiable wife af a chaplain tel, lea-ving a card at Cvery mal soups, not thickeried excopting1grc Wednesday niorning at the olbee lsolence and are saved from ýl on-, of flic Scotch regiments-the 26 , Statesoian 13lock, King Street, by potatoes, inutton broth, beef-tea.ýpunishment at the bauds of exasper- Pa'r to tholfoot of Bimker Hill, and, 'and thon gives way to the wild will recelve a car( Bowinanville Ont., by M. jarnes, i as the qua rose, "boat on th-, drum toucli-ilie-not, leur o'clochs, and the C ordon Higlilanciers, in fact-liad gardon parties. l Editor and' Proprietor. cri tion Bran and potato bread or biscuits, i ated ýýussjans Orly by the Russian kee iimP-ýori weed, nhich in every Coun- not been able te, iiiidei-siana WhY any tore - dby Lord Cur butter The chief cause of $1.50 per annuin, or ";1.06ýýlif Ppaid potato cakes, eggs, creanl, try greet one like an old friend. _-ýtrict1y in advance. Advertising rates, cheese, greens, watercress, inustard i ý)ni; _'iý int is the raising cl' i ýýc, price pý-)dlc.' e, t traveller should have visited sueli ail great fo.Vinality. Lransient advertising, ten cents per lino, i, 'Mr. Stow loft a suai of riionev The halt, in the journey lis made a out of the way place as Manila. and cress, lettuce, i-,ut,,,, of dak-bun-alowat Solen, hall way The centre of interest at Sifilla is insertion; five cents per line each mine C. -,ývherewith to a e jelly or custard, The Russians are to _nt jý lot. the library. Tt serves as Silula's ins rtion. Contract rates on up. Tiero -ýve pald elght anuas FIGTITING ation. May net eat alvy hi ýL, l 1 1; j i s -, ý1 , l"I' [rose, are thoir S(f*1 1 1 (il-El p';: ý ,ýsp a picture of a viper stinging the privilege, and six annas for af- casino. 1.1ere are always rows of Il s 1,011(,fq but thoso niade .1 ý brai, a,,l-Ik pioý 11to, and thàt they lire ready rise ici ji - ,ctol"", As a per.petual warli- ternoon tea-28 cen 1 ts of our In oile of the ha DR. L. POTTEIL sugar, asparagus, broccol ciýý ut i- insurrection with little Lir ging. against the sin of ingratitude. money. Iic1ýshaws drawn up and scores of ý i The Engligh seem to 1,nve thought Ji'nPitIrlies chattering like magples, of ý Williani the,ý Oflice and rcsidence Chiirch St., op-, flower, carrots., parsnips, French, It was a i-ich brow'r who bequoath- of everythiiig. These groups of wolren, civiliails, oflicerslipendence of the Posite Trinity Co&gýegationa1 Church, beans, peas. turnips, nrrow root,,I WA__r1ýTS BAVTISM OV FIRE. cd £30,000 to his ih-ulghter 01, cou- dition that on ijhe bil-th of lier first belong ici, the Coverrinient, and t1ile excllangifýg gossip, and ail that sort Spanish ships were 25-6 ir, macraoni, vice, ýago, tapioca, 1l'r-ý The -Akssociated Press at Si. Pcters- Cary man may re;st for so joli, as The w of inovement cliaracteristic Of a Zuyder Zoo. I child site should, foi £2,000 te, a DEKTISTRY. inicelli, Pastry, potaiol hurg learns from the Iligliest source L week at a rupee a kia'y. town of leisure aad social functions.- on horseback o-%i cakes, puddings, fruit, fresh and fi, specil:ed hospital, £1,000 cil the tacked thom. Thi (1. C. 1130 -c Emperor Js excoedingly au- ý , But wiiatever the tinie lie ellects to At i.he moment an art exhibition NXYCASTLE, L.D.S., D.D. hirth of the seconid iand so on S', 110110. served. xious to go to th", front. TO ]lis stay lie must record fil a l)ook tiie was in progress. It was English only battle i il w' re ý y by zirithr.,ý,etieý,l ýil- -ici Graduatc in Dentistry of ri initil taie moulent lie arrived and the moment and amateur, but carried cri with used directly again Toronto Unîversity. Oflice:-Over Coli- Ma;y drink watcr, lekâ, cofice, soda- injimates Coli 1 he has spokeii 1 trial M illincry. F:ntrance first door water, claret, hock, spiriLs ;ind on.the subicct, but he vealizes exliai:s,, lie loft, and the suais lie paid for his the (.iiglItY Of the Royal Acadeniy. other combats we 20 Bowinanville, ter, unsweetened; 1jiLter ate, %-(_,,rYýthat conditions of snai, dornand his 'f 'ý dney Dickenson &-60,000 Conifovtis. la tbis way tce Govern- At the library are net offly the 1 troops on the ke j sparingly; milk, ver.-, sparingly to his vddomý, who aF rs te, hich leaves there cail il t e ýçt A. E. MeLATJGHLIIT. 1 h-l,'e nient, presence ut hoinc. --ci I licil(ýs-s it 1 y a caxeý books, but the ilances, au il ne Ion one occasion' tl MMae net drir.1, cocoa, cholate i of coi1_ý,1, ý_L ii-,i Iiiiii a bad tii,ýi(, l1iring bis lifo, taker, keeps track of lis proiits. week the war gaine was t' 1 i is llow a l 91voll 0 lie play- to have worn skat -P,;tî,rister, Solicitoi- and conveyancer, champagne, porter, stout, honi ai, 0 l'h e f e-I that lie -,ýTil.1 follow i: ý- e_-,ý lition tbat she should spend IrSt vliew of Siiii;a lis enchant- ed thOre. Cillce:-Blclýkley B10cký Kine Stre npic f on cond Austerlitz was pa il, lý; lit, TA", il ]lt. ïý! \ý tflout a pieu- ' ' 7' < 11, ý - - ý5- - ' ý ' -1 ' -- - 1 tF-1 --W7 nu cbcýj no food whiel, the persor, 0 pop-aen of 0n(ý of t.-ýc chàrrns cf Si il lla is the at all. l'pi t , l,ýr 1 à, coms the Bazar of iLe Yýu-É,g VSm- ni1ý ý ý: , ii ;1 ni! V -'l ill iýs riot in hedg(5i. Thiacritly, ruld T l 'M's vie Atian Assodation Chi Thui- OGPyp. Roses- grow wxj ter. _ chase ï ipiùcg fakine pu". On caW icads are drapcl m itii jjj0sý 'Scy LYru Y to be shootingouft ttii,,,e2 1 itud il, ilici aniolig trý(-ý ,, ]d 110w- 11 pas a o]. Crcý ý-, 1,-t1(ý],v îtýàr w si ci a, "n p A M" 'il ýiý i (capot, of c% -q % e"c is m wýiý ý,li lý' 111U 111S. et gays Piao ilý- a, un 1" tc- pepU,11 W MI a los . m bw* ýf n"d ami lois in cyllytows CSMWI umssmwq 10 Ci ,n) cjlý, on- ýpvLc Md lacatoc.! cousit INSMA wsn, AJI iýý pie, la 1LU w1why. Wu Lam mmi eams inus fwjý1 mâya

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