only the II, i, I) f f, ty in tl ture that ii Jý 1011v, ig-, 0 ýJ ýL n- li u Ilo, 1 lip 10r n ýý1l foi ut zlre you t;'iiviiig at any- io, rfiust comrnon syrn q î :lý, î ptoms of Kidney trouble It is frequently one of riatures very fir t ay.s some one, -Is Paul a výA Mere nie -le lis i-nore 1,; iil: niedicine is re uired. hyge lecturer?" 1 *eue than that, but he docs not tliink it ZL pills 7 11,zlineys. b rieath his dignitv, after ýll0cîn9 , the whéoping ý-"u vision of God, to tell the crew and '0 J ý'ýeY banish at once and for all time every trace andrian J_ the pasýscrigcrs of t1ýo SKIRTS. 'ù ci But it 1 corn ship to look aff ýi physical o >s ------ Âlïsî r, ir, 6 boxes for ýe,2.50r, or hrect from for, 40 cents There are tw -lima, DîpL1ý n- cessities. Be does iýIlt think it ir- quite deCLý,iite, style r igious to gathcr the Jý,,nn and the a poillid. lin skirts this season, and which one G1ý11r. Ils A B001Y 70 ASTHreATICS oomed siiip together pý,,.à ý_,p 12:% and chooses for use shoi-ild bc sludied out ýtýÊd and renledy for the die wonien of the d with careful thouglit as to týýc individ- and say: "M(ýýL, :,ou are to bc cIl ý,,causetbeýtti: strongl- overtl lie bronchýal týbFs 'ûvErýV L_!ýîng prolonged and i tins ual figure. Cne style revives the savéd, but Cod will r(,.ý>r do his ground or un., as you - ýlý rý-,ýuî chronic bïoneî eady to do our, floulliced skirt s4irred round the hips, relief frein cougII5 or inftai-id c DeserîptlY8ý part unlesis we ace r wish, and can be seeüred in ta bc used olily (ni soft, thin materi- ýLîdý Novi to-morrow are going to a.. >1ý LEE-CllG, MILES & Cl).. 1651 NotreLlame st., >Jfomireal, 9 L'i et f v to land, but there is to bt no other forin-so that you ais, and worn by the thin wonian who 13 P ý) J - is biiý*lt on the ranirod pattern. The g b'gslý"(irairi lapon Our physical resour- canne be inistalien in it. CC 1ýý Oth r is the elose-fitting Skirt with d;ssolved in the mouth are L ces. Some of us are now e-omPlf--te- FOU SALE BY ALL LEADIMk ýL.U ik liateria L J, ;lit back, foi Ermer. i _ls and ly fagged out. Me liave-not had a Ï coughs and irritation of thý 'the stouter figure. Lengthwise tucks 00 ci - meal for nearly two weeks. Let ai 1 plfats afford. the rLcces5ýary out- Antl*septîc loc a boit. ell 1 gthe .oks go and prc1,«ý.are the illost Courage Insnired by the Example, of Some 1 riourisËing thl-n Jet Pet or a big dress pattern and justify dinner thev Cali: the bill the dressirraker enlarges U's by turns gather in the cabins, old in 1 il Man Strong, in Faîth and young alike, and eut a gco:d, cause there is -o much work 0 cv- right. But witi! care RILINT GE ViATTLE IN Bq 1 erything this ye,,arý- in v.,ashing will hearty rel.)aSt. We necd faith for the seul; ve also noed, meat for -IhÎ This fad for shirring is net lilkely oftell losc thcir pretty if p LIVE STOCK CONDITIONS IN to outiivc the, seasoiiý It is, of course jtlic waistl; are guolI i ý 'vell. (1,,nLered to Act of die 1 v r- low in bis way. Paul was not a body- Some people think the inost 'orfi, of Canada, in tlie ycar One 'NI G v worth recol ait ï1ý i, ists lia a SPRI OF 1904. quite impracticable en lieil y fabrics, il mole 1 mere taunter, a sneorer, a ridiculer, al drainatie episode of Paul's life, wa-, i in 19and Nine ilu'tidred and Faur, and really becomes none but siender are Of a sOliÉl C010r, Win. Baily, of Toronto, at 1.ý, thal a1izýern -lie was not one of,-hLn lie stood pon Mars bill es. Sti suds corilaining 1 Agriculture, Ottaw;_ t se Cattie Pýre in Pair Condition and f'9',ïï artaieni, o opbers; -iptible fellows who argued with the Greek philos, J- i p ý,_ni, il tiley are î«L c'ieýLr wil tel !ýe11 col- alwa- conter A very dresýey ton crepe de ebine or Cleni pink"païc bine or :ýr- Whade ;yS sta;Ld around wlien anythiliglotliers when he picaded forhi life Fev Losses Have Los ý,1igeleS, Cal., 1 -1 told youibefore Agrippa. I haà a skirt -,viCh,,gro,,ips of narrow wrong and say, tlhink the most Occurred, ýd(,ý; v..,Ith dialiLond dye for cotton, image 1 goes pýýr-üendir-ul,%-l tucks on front and sidüF i),' Witt Ta So Pie was net one of those mis-'impressive drarnatic incident was ,r aLuý ýhey will look like waists. It :,le following text»- According to an official report re- With the nlatnrial shirred betýve(,u fo 'erable comforters of Job who 'Ire when he was standin, Lipon the ceived by the Live Stock Commission- ýfodr inches below the belt. Tho hack: lis iiot to -take 111-un opart Ac I ý -_. ', à - cd' ý, 1 il they were ail about as licaling to the ble ing rocking, heaving cleck ' f a vessel Of gOciýi er, Ottawa, 1h-ýtish Columbia range was quite full and shirred to the thQv are very inuch. trirnilied, heart as a poultice of col PePP- l whose hull was gradually filling witil pth. it Was nuLde up Over ÎÏ0 ý,)lloweà the sea '? In ' caitle went ino wiliter quarters so the work is very quickly done, and EODlfj qna Il 01ý .1 ler or stinging rettles would lie to a water and tcllirig the passengers and bovs' faded waists iiia'y bc reilewed ir ni,-Lýýtiiýlied facilities for ý l vcry fair c, ,dition, feed in the late pink tafeta. A tucked box pleat took Bronchial Tul mangled arni caught in 'a press, But the crcw to cet and look aftcr their en 'manimoth liners, Stillillier ha-, ý,.ýg been -very good o,,ý,,ing the centre of the back and front of 1the sanie lna-Illier. ýI, _-,ýaLtiiig palaces carry ýPnuI was like aI good physician who bodies, as God vrould surely save COIDS, BRO: to the hee', Iinq. the waist, with the goods shirred in of thousands of cornes to an overworked man and ý them on the morrow. NESS, etc, qi says : -Aly fricild, 1 told von if you The winl ýýp to February was Pach side to form a yoke, the full- LO and fro , across the 1 did not hicid up you would have a Dcr-ý TRIAL AND ADVEýRSITY. very fi il aliter this to ness being drawil Linder a bodice beIL JAPAr-TESE DAIIIIES. edy know-L ýýith a 1-leiise of security addedl e aicý -ild, but luas, à 1 believe that in m-ging men tating cough 1 vous breakdown. tl,,,;s break- 1 te the end of the rouges were coý,- of tan taffcta. The sieeves ivei-L shir- ilow They Are Brougbt Up in the -le the maxiiiiula of corafort, we lit down ha s corne. T1wrefore 1 want I corne to Christ we make a n1iSËftkýe cred ýuiih (';ýep snow, in Most red at the top to continue the yok-e Flowery I-Ç-ý'ngdoi:n. at ilight, a tic think of the diseoiliforts atten- ,tions nulch heavier snow fall stop it at one you n.ow to trust --LL,, &I, what 1 ý when we do not frarkly state the sec effect and shirred again more nail dant upon the occan vo,-, ýt .ýý,es of half 1 tell vou to do, aýI,'I ý 1.en wili, ILardships alid difficulties of the Chris- than bas be,ýý known for ly--two or three rows-înto ,, decp Judging by Western Japanose v centzl),,, But thougii the con- ýmake vou well.- Paul in the sanieitian life. Tllere are, as every experi-, I-lay was comparatively short ail cufï of folds Of silk and the lîlatet-ial, babies have a bard tiiiie; yet, there ditions of sea travel Il so vastly I USED FOR ,gentle wav as the good physician ý enced Christian knows, sacrifices that through the range country; there was left Open on the outer edge. A lace are no healthier children in the worid. improved in recent years that a jour- ý - 1 ,stands before those helpless voyagers illust bc Malle, privations t1lat must no old hay on band itnd a good deýal frill was set within, With this 90wil The 'l'apariese, baýwy is dressed and ]lave used D neý, across the, Atlantic or up the and Mediterraneari is no longer ail Linder- says : "Friends, 1 told yau not lie endured, struggles that must bc of the 1,903 crop had been danlaged will bc, wOrn a liat Of lace 11-latchillg undresseci in a frigid temperature in I pINE SYRUP foi takinlg te lie dreaded there are still to loose Crete. I told , you fought. It is bcLter that we acLnow- with the Il surniller rains. it exactly in color, ai-id trimmed with winter, and in sumiller no carc is that if we tried to rnolle f-ýorric dur- ledge the fact, as Christ did when Spealking geierallv, 41je Cattle are the tiniest of pink rosebuds. taken to protect its tender little eyes for the' past eigi-. iliany traditions of the sea which ing this winter equinoctiît_1 ý-)u would men came to hini offering thellisclvos in fair coridit'on and fëw losse's have Accordion pleated skirts are fash- froln th(- full glare of the sun. In ful success. I fil time Il,),; not inateriallv cliangod. If regret it. But now thaý, (ilis harm as his disciples, Il we fail to tell Occurred; tif' sl", -stock silfîetcd Most jionable a-ain and have the advant- winter the siliail, head is covered with cough or cold but ou have traveled lunch upon the lias come to you 1 want you te, obey thclu they milst, expcct trial and per- and it inay lie ý,lir-oted that in age thalt cheap riaterlal can lie a worsted cap of the brîghtost and )J. J'I' E4 il , t oro'HI, ý,,u imst know that there are commands, and 1 promise, by the haps ad-ý,ersity in following Clirist sequence t lie cqlf crop will be Con- -ro - swor h, us sailors who dislike te, represent, that there 1 they will 'colisider that they have ý below, tively made up in that way. 1-1, gayest design and color. Tho black PRICE God whorn. 1 i tile a-\,llrageý triniming is rcquireld, but stit(-hc-d llaîr is cut in ail sorts of fantastic ýIxry or as they cali thein, ' S life, been deceived and will bc di,,,-,! i1run' ' il is no dOubt that in certain silk bands are sometimes seen. With ýways, Just liL-e the hair of the J'apan- pilots,- in their Ever 1 shall bc no loss of loi man' T ere but of the Ship.', bince the recreant Toua'h was thel led and discouraged when tli,ý,, eu- 'Sections of the country, more espEýci- lace collar and cuffs, or those of s1liir-, ese dolis imported into this coLintry, cousi3 of a M(,diterrarl,ý- ri c., clone, be- i CAT AND M-OITSE. coi-nter trouble. As Paul tolà ally on the Thollipsç , 1 red chiffon, the effect ILS stylishly - Th,- bables of tlle lower classes are cý use lie, would persist in going to 1 *1 t is a conteniptible characteristic ý men thaf they -,-,ould have to hattle business is toci rauch of a spccuiation sim1ýle. generally narried on the back of thc kÀrts es th Tarshish when God toid, hiLa to go te, Ito tell a man his faults and keep with the waves and lie in danger of to bc lipalthy, If the past winter hud s are popular, but inother or littie sister:, soinetim What the UTrec] Nftievell, there have beeil sailors WI-10 itelling thera, nierely to glory in his death on that rocky coast before beeri of a siiiiilar character te, the thll- pleýats arc wider thanJast yeýar. isinall brother is obil-ed to bc t' c in a Fre very large proportion ITho, newest modef for shirt WoList ui-irse-maid. The kilnono is inadu Fifteen persom believe the prosence of a mînister up- i misery, even as a fiendish cat might thev reached safety, sa we sholild previous one, on their ship means head winds and teaSe and tantalize a little mouse i tell men that the way to heavenly of the, stock of that section would skirts bas eiglit gares with a scaln extra large at the back, with a poch- ý Suranlonel storilis ai-id disasters and misfor- and yet not kill it. It is a, contcm- joys is often hard end toilsorne. have bLert wiped out. ýdown the cer1re of the front. This et or sufficient size te hold the baby, 1 francs in conii(-Ic lunes. This prejudice against carry- ptible thing for o, man to cOnle Christto-day, like Paul, promises his seain is opened and pressed; then whose round hcad reaches the bach of like flic prejudice around wlien your little child lies foi]ùwers not peace, TIIE' DAY IS PAST al which füllow( ing a minister, but rtruggle and Istitehed on each side a _quarter of the neck of the person who ils car- Orpse or the! coid in death British vessel and say so- inch . froin the first searn, and rying it. It is not- an unconunon arrying a c 'rivation; not case and coinfczt, but when it is sol to go into winter ý1oJ1 France, last No startinz of a voyage on a I, presseci again. In eacl-i sidc of the sight to sec chilliren who are baxcly ag' 'Fridav, ý d-so, 1, arn sorry your baby 's storn, and sifflering and triais and with 1-3 or 1-4 of a ton of hay per uvas laden with lias hi t1i) gradmilly getting less aiUl idiellad, but 1 knew she would die. ri tha" sno-li lfront are three tucks stitched flot, to old enougli to tod(ile bLrdewýd with a misery. But in the end, lile Paul, lleafi, per year, the relaso the inhabitant less sailors have become better knew it whcn you. called in Pr. Big-, I Christ assures you of salvation. Aye, or no snow, by the tinlcý JanuarY ýthc k-riees; below that point they are sniall brother or sister sleeping peacc- -mon s ago dose as your physician. Ele il J i broached the educai ýýd. Only a few th . TS i more than Paul o1fereà to the ship- Iconies thýre lis practically ýnO fued prcssed in but riot stit-ched; the tucks fully on their backs. At first one shore, and !il - k-illp moi-(- patients tban lie ever ýwrec1,ed sailors and passengers left on the lower ranges. In this front and te- experts te sec the child stagger and groat liner set out from our Shores of turn, away froin the lasting some do for the Holy Lard carrying aniong cures. I told you so. 1 __ __ . -1 If v bad only follcvý,ecl my ýthc_ Alexandrian corn'ship, Chrisit Of-ýsection a great area of the r6éently wu;ýd flic side seam where thelle is an fall bûneath the weight, but apparent- at the bungholc her passengers several hurdred nain so- , ou ly, nonc of its rro-,-.ým(nt-3 are imped- revellers stove isters oi the gospel. a advice -vour bah ýfers to you spiritwal. redLiirition for ý leasod i Li will 'Lie ïý%reeLi in during i117; Uriling Pleat On each side of the But til oldeý ý 1 ý y would. bc alive te- jtime and for eternit.y. Men and wo - Ithe ne-,,t -vc- or tvý-o and it will tic the cages sititcýli(,'! like the ýec1, and iL plays wîth the other Ch','I-, casks and ladleç tinics the sailors would look with ch:iý, Can lie bring the child to , 1àý'again? It is Li, rnean, conteilipti- ý "'on, are von ready to face sufferJng î of these The back lias a (l - iii-turneci dren as unconc %ý-r;,(1ly, as if it were pails. verly distrilstful eyes illion anY man Llnd sacrifice in the rl of Jesli; rM1ýLS' -nt each sido, sti i abou t inot loptiled wiiýý another inem- inight, cross ble art in, a man to come to you, af- cour,,ýc toji, The more in cierical garb who L' -, lber or th-- farrAlv. their gangp1alik. The rnutterings in ter a filiancial disaster, ai-id Say : !l Christ? Art, you willing to believe isorne tirl,, t,.^) recover way down, beyond vvý'1 ýh arc i pails, but used Illin-L ai-id trust in hirn, even in crises Iless th(, ar vely LaýI-Orable-_ !four tucks ou each side, al-o stýtchcd At Nagasaki, artiorg, the wornen as drinking cul the forecastle werc loud and deep if -Weil, jolies, -,von were caliglit, were w -e sees turous woman 1 two or more inissionaries happeried you? just as 1 eýýpccted. Ahai lieu your life seems a hopeless ship- Beef 13 l i, in In il-; anii fi-on-, balf way devin. The si-irt i,ý îrcî coillors who coal the ahips, one ck', ely to bc graceful in hall, more any who ary babis on the!, backs drink, wilh the -to île enrolled at flic sanie tinie on von would iiot take my ad\,Ice,"Iwre ý 1 prelýeLlt iri,;î I î i lis net liki lný the ship's passenger list. ývhen, in fact, the man never gave 1 -COURAGE , CHRISTIAN BRO- j better 1ýi3' ý,ear, if as high. if these pleats and tucks are not in this way. The inothcrs iwork ail in and was drab, stitel , cd iro-ý thon orie-fourth of the. day in the rain or the s(in or the barLly in tillac t PAUL IN TIIE STOR-Lýl. you aiiy advice or offered any sensi-l THER. lHorses ai,,, in Lýcod deinand and the - - For davs the ble plan, by which yoii could get out But why should net the pasF4ýý1lgers ýl heavier ho1l-ýl,' viz., thosp weigilirig length of the skirt. Where the snow, and thec baby seenis ilidifferent ,asily of your ibreaterled danger. But, 1 from 1150 il:?. lire realizin- good stiteliin-, S on every tuck and te everything. The top of its head nien,, wonien uni Superstition, however, is net ënsilY land crew of the Alexandrian corn 1 - 1 cradieatud. This prejudice against tllough it is a mean and a contemp- prices, of this class 0 to p cat .-U -týi i lor's tac%" or crow 's fliot ý&1one is visible, çvhile the niovements state of wild di millisterial passengers bas survived tible act te, ridicule the misfortunesý them a ile is worku m in the avocations çver( prophetic words of l'uni literally Ithq Coast arId ji:or,ý of re d in lienvy silk to stay the of the mother do not sec 'y nýOstly from pl eat and give a pretty fuit hindered, and she accomplisf for centuries. Yet in the scelle of of othýers for the joy you have in ing bred su. if a ý least les cattle died of my text we lave an instance of its seeing other people suffý-r, it is justi- corne truc? When the mighty ship i likc the skirt is made, the- tucks ýaS'm-Uc1l work as the men. lwant of attenti( being overcome. Ilere is Paul, a fiable to plend ivith thein to accept ý struck tlie beacli what hanpened? Kamloops i'Iýe district South 01 Shirt condition of thi Paul turned te the brawn rth. ut the present y arnied 1 there, and P.[ a deplorable. landsnien, a prisoner and a raisl,ýio-n- vour advice tri their trouble by. re- finie ilion, iiiý;lil,, in B. C. titan they atioliq. SAVED HER BABY. Minding them that your former ad- men about him and said, "I.eap into It is not avery dressillaker auýr, so wilining the confidence of the 1 Il 'are in the 11ý (', l 4 West, Illor this vice would have saved thelu from the surf and swim for your li-,es, 1 - crew that they heed his warniiigs and. tell yoii finit one silk drop skirt may Incident in Ail English. Zoological And these, stout limbed meil flung I Ina,'71'ýet tle li ýiýii-r horses and ponies 11, . increasing num- fi do dutv for several goiviis if instead Park. follow lits suggestionls. It was, too, igetting into the trouble. thenisches into the secthing waters ihave been in 1 in Li crisis when nautical Skill laS In ordL-,r to crect a iransioli. it ils 1 1 1 Of being hiiný with one slýýiiýt it is plit The hippopottiiius"îs not generally .4 s wn and swarri on until et, last their feet bers. jieeded that they listened to laini. often necessoiry to tear do and The Can-e,,ýý, il Pacific R. 'R. have 1. on kt separate band. One skirt MCý- crûdited with grcat intullectual pow- For Infant There was a storiii raging of unus- clear away the walls of an il fain- touched the shore and they made ready to rese ýgiven fo1ýowin,-; figures of Ship- thils lie worn with a tailor sildt, with er. but it seeras froin the following liai, viOleaceý The dreaded hurricane ily hornestead. But no man bas a ue thcir stril.gglillý flic in calice. euroclydon was lashing right friends. Somë of the wornen, beilil nients fi-OnL i nints ou the ain fine lthe cluirch dreFs and also with a mus- incident that sonnewhere in thatITbe Kind You 1 st En or niousselinc the-y to tel down or destroy an.ý-- I during the 1. 1 ý)08. TO Coa- de Soie for the nlass of flesh and fat resides a, brain the -Nle(liteiranean into fury. Therc licher 'i in al, probability straliped to SI i 1 thing Luiless he cari erect a In ý points: Ilor, 140; caffle 9,484; !lLouse. It is even possible through a prompt to act when ilecessity de- "ears the was darkness eveil at inidday; ail its place. The, most OË were Ilited by the hcaving billows 1 cul of hooks and eyes, to shorten illands. For se-veral weeks the won- Signature of ýh,-,, 2.013; illiet,, 400, To points 1 llYst reckoning lost, ail balle given uP- ail social reroriners is tlie destrue- and sivelit upon the rocks, where they ; - . cat a' drop ski rt so it can bc worn with der of an Eriglish, zoolo- were rescued. -Some of the nien inay i'32"Ït of Lnggiý,,ý Horses, 1,7229, 'l'heu the 275 persons on board turn- tive iconoclast who bas nothing to a lvalkili, ý,Mrt as Weil as with. a J,ýýrk v,ýý a baby hiPPoPotanius cd te, this littie Jewisb iiiissionary offe have coule îlshore clinging to boards 1 tic, 130. for guidance and encouragement. ýr us in the i-Aace of the illstitu- ai-id brokeii gunwales. At times ft From ý,,iurcs ,vill bc noticed ltritit,-d Plenty of rufflés or \-Iiich was (iuy Fawkes bc- tiolis lie would tear down. We know in pleatingsý are required on the drop cýl11se ifs biriýidoy fell upoli the flfthl CARTS IMPE They, 1ý our social ÉY the coirpýý 0ýýl3lv snlall trode. had begun, the -voyage against 'stem is imperfect but sýLe""Ld as though they illust bc wash- i_ -Coast, ý1çitb il,, s1drit now-o-days to hold out th skirts ci -'\Tovernber. his advice. They might lie preuidic- cd off, but sonichow they arc at last horses with The Young hippoptamus ' wasl ln France eve we would net have it liiendeci by an cv- -as a preacher and a Northwest, ii iý11'ng the slilpments wli;ch are CLIt te flave us Lunch o Imarket cart, 1mý cd against him anarchist. whio, like the leaders of ail landed. So in the end of time 'olden ýer- wear much betier tiian about the size of a bacon pig, of a. prisoner, but theY listencId to hilli the Frenoh revolution of 1793, would and in the beginninýg of eternity ail by the elo'v i ;il i and froin G p1cafý,ý_- ý-:ld get more bo'dy and pinkisli slate-color, and as playful as highway. frapro whcn lie addressed thein, bidding commence by dý,n-iolisching the g,,d Christians Shall lie safely brouglit to net given in h , ýt1Iove figures, pro- a kitten. lt was only three days tyres axe tell il theni bc of good cheer. "And when -ether. It is easy the heavenly shores, through stress bably 2ý8, 1 1 1tot ses were exporteýd lest jlast1Oný2 1- if a, liarrow dress bra"d old when, as the superintenderit Of four-,tvheeled vel ho land thus spok-en lie took bread and the, evil fol, y c,,,jV (in fo protect the hein. cilough to bc a ccnsorious critic. It and storni and peril, it iriay bel but the "zoo" was watiching the little the rear axle is and gave thanks to (1od !il preserice is not so easy a motter to furnish a still s'va. Yes, we will lie thereý 'We THE PR0FýýED LECISLATIO',11 J'àfany sucli have pinked ruches fellow's antics, lit dived te the bot- er than tlle for of thein al], and when lie had broken better for tbat which vou deridc. , Shall ail bc there. Courage, Chris- as a finish to the ruffle. tain and did not rise. Ttic growii the rear whecls ThLn were the which was llu in W-O'iSIY for by an inch outside it he began to eat. V. tian brother. Pear not the pe;rils of iliainials never remain vnder water ail of good cheer, and they also took reiliember mariy years ago, as ail , Itlie recent iiý,, ,stoý !i: convention in ABOUT SEJIRT WA-r-'z',TS. (-Ji longer than thrce minutes; so the front wheel. Soule ineat." imaginative boy, 1 rend tbat strange, trie passage. ý -Though the, waters Ottawa to aý,s>ss ail lio"es 'coraing niu waggoris have pl Wh- S_ iveird, horrible story called -Caesarls t1hereof rôar and lie troubled, though - CarLa,7ýI ý<ln, qther coulitries at Te strengthen wcali: spots in a as time. went on and no baby reap- highway looks i y wicre the crew and the Pa Il followed i the niountairis shake w"th the swelling ý'ntO maist of sill, or ivoolen mateil peared the superintendent bccaine _f thi. efirn qhin Coluran. In fascination 1 11, - __ - 1 1 -1 - -V il vaine of noi less thar $75) per -e __-,ý -'l i ", 12 1*111 Pd ý had. been at wo