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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1904, p. 5

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Our Imported Ujomtbs Are vastly Eupamior in1 quality to the ordinary Combs on the market. To advertise them wve wl ï,iakc the folio winig sweepinig re- duetions up to Junie t. C)0C. Comïb s for - 40c. 25c. " " - - 1e 15C. "l- oc. 5c. "4"9 2for 5e. Don't miss Ihis chance. No such bargains wane eyar offered in Bowxnanvilebefore. S to0%t t &.Jury, The Druggists -and Opticians. Irre s tis tib ly B ,eneficial. If diseasa is lurking in your system afler the long and trying .winler and you have nlot sufficient vigor 10 throw il off Iry unr Slom- aeh and Liver Tonie. Diseuse bas get f0 leave when this toule enters the system. Ils mild stinulatn nioating in- fluence je irrasistible.' Even a injgleboîe on25 ets) will conîvince yen as tlu its gdllàuina menit. Othars hava tnried il, aid hava -become entbusiastie If you feel run down, if your liver le sluge- fyu yt neads toning up, if you have haad- aches, if yeu feel dufl, sbupid and languici, our Stomucli and Liver Tonie wili de yen goed.I-1f neot ve wil return yottr rney. Stot &Jury, Th7e Druggists and Opticians. Spectacle Fittinig is a Science. I1, requines skiIl which years Of exparience alonae can giva. ilundrede in this section aise in many of the sargest towns aiid -zllies of Ontfarie arco wearing spec- tacles ftted by us and any one of them bhave the priviioege cf nebunî.-' ~ting their glassan and getting bssctk eývery cent paid us if glasses. are not satisfacîory. -Wa will sali you a pair on the sama tenms. Stott & tJwiye The Draggisîs and Opticia îs. DR. PILCfl[R'S - KIDN[Y IAB[[TS y1g blood punit, kidneys . lv SYS1tMbowes, and aWay th. b] FIlON acld and al f R (Ma poisons and tics. They p II[AD cure bloed1 skin disons, îo ache, bac: dropsy, grav, mattam, ai:' OT and urinayt Ilivtorpoî, and womos PUJRI"Y beeof lite. J. Williaz TUE graph o-pora Xop ,16 sa' PitelieÈs 13 Bl.OOD idney Tab the only thi, tennd ini th.u. or lve yeari don. aMW good and thoy corri marvolous tn their rapi4 al 1 suffred frei ba 9=y ad iCven trouble,'m eta" e &nd stength, it Cý oo î tinely gont botter and 09LWay a lotl1e. 3 for d~u~ltaor y mi.Tii,1 Patenhomo le 10 bave a naw talephone eystem ltae council haviug passed a bv- law granling a 1-ear franchise tee Canadian Machina OuCo,of wbich Mn. F. Lbleta "bi D. McKay, sou-iu-law o! Mn. Thomuas. reon el t Sitenn, Bowmanville, le Zonerai mana Êyng o- gar. bodytho The Rifle Association baC a venyan- v«RU thusiastie meet ng un Muuday nighl 3À 0cM' r week,. The foliowting werae lactd bIsýieo officers: Captain-W. C. King. Treas. %U other -Geo. J. Rowe. Sac --J. A. McCtllan 1impluq- Cern-il. D. Davideon, W. C King. G. podlily J. Rewe. humera, The District Convention o! t6e Metho. is. he4- iel Woman's Missionary SocietY will 'Vkah,, eha eld at Newîonville un Tuesday, Il'ide May 3let, aI 10 80 a m. Mise Siflon.,,ne- troublea, turnadi missionary frona Japan, is ex- S. coeî pected lu 6e presant and address the oIk. meeting both aftannoon and evening. mon. The young men of the Epworth ianov League are proparing aMock Palia-. - This wil ha a dietinclly novai enter- te,&- tainmenî and wiil ba lookad furwand lu ,~,p~ ith rnuch anticipation Morrison'e "Dr. Orcestra Wilfurnieh Ibe music fon lI'or nig ug hvo Compare the cloths, the liniug, the Pit tour sewing, the trimminge, the pnice and tli'ît fo 201h Century gamments with eus- md goe~ tom tailoring.yuu'Il easily uuderstand _W1cla, why se many'gents are wearing tbis wiîh oi, band. Fon sala in Bowrnanville oniy O, aud h eMMrtrv, 16e Men's Oulftfer 5~ager Suite ,and Raincoate $10 Up, r *i.~GI The lateet book on ItasebaIl le issued Dm. zit bni Itiehard K.o, Publistier, Frank- lin Square, New York City, and il le written and cornpiled by nu less an Sautboriîy ou thea great n jational game Iban John J. McGraw, Cataiin anC Manager o! Ihe Naw York Taam. Nat- ional League. Ask for N4o. i, o! Fox's Lihnary. Sent lu any addrese uipon ma- ________ceipt of savon two cent postage" stamwps, 9 Brooks had!ý We have flot seen the' equal o! it eluce on any one farm. BeaS the ,qJ1 II Iind Nu Haelivays OYSBoGà Signature 4 ý of Bears tii. Ihe Krnd Nos lisse Always Bought Sf Signature 1 cf^beys,,and young men in Ibis to'% n. Cmplaite ara becoring ý mnmemous, and nol without cause, of tha way lu which a portion of the voungaer elemenî o! the communitv deporl thameelvs- Oshawa Vindieato'r. 10 -,%- Zr C>iîd]LaMAIa&-flii. i 1 1 Grand rrunk Railwav Svstem. R.AILWAY TIME TABLE. BOWMANVILLE STATION. (.oie ISÂST. GoJUsoWz-ýSr Mail..... 9, Express -.... 5.1,5 a. M 5axprru...-. 1"'1" Local-.... .757 Mixed ... 36 p.M. Passengoený1 42 p.m Local ... 6 49p.m. Mlxed.... 7 41 Express ...10 24 p.m. 1Ticketsto certainpolnis soId lu acerdance with s)pecialiliday mates anflnounced ini another columnu will net bu hTonored On trains Nos. 1 or 4. STO)TI & JURyn. Town Agents BOWMANVIL.E, MAY 25, 1904. HÏorse wan)tedl Seo advî. Pansy Plants fo'r sale. Applv S& J. Jackman. Sethe Ideal î ce ývat Mardoeh'e befere buying. Mies Kate Taylor, Toronto, la gutes o! Mies Normia Couch. Miss Edith Pbilp. Coibonne, is visiting at Mn. C. L, Munson'e., .. Miss Ethel H. Mollon, Toronto, was home for Victoria Day, Ed itor and Mrs. S. Cutteli, Ornn, ware lu town Satunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Colwell, Toronto, are gueste o! bis mothar. Misses Violette and Pearl Osborne, Toronto, spent 241h at home., T17 e tcwn, was full of peupla Saturday and marchante did big tradae. Mn. S. 11, Jeffary, teachen, Toronto, spent Sunday with hie mother. Mr. and Mrs B. Bnittain. Stralford, are guesîs of Mies E. MeCletlan. Mr. JHerbert Ridge and Mr. EC. Jolvnstou T6oento,spl3nt Snnday hans. Mr, and Mrs. W, Hl Wiliiai-ns are visitiug lier brethen at Richmond 11111. MissFlonence BaIlle, Toronto, svent Sunday witb ber sistar Mme. T. H. Sinte. Mr. and cMrs. Geo). Beacoek, Myrtle, spant Sun-m-day aI bis f ather'e Mn John Mn,, W. F. Allen alttoudod the funaral cf the laIe Anchie Wood aI Millbrook lasI waek. Mns. Theodene Fishiaigh. Oshawa, 7scaent S-u-nday aI -hanfbe', rrei llamley's Mise Johnston, Chicago. 111,, vieited bier brother Mn. J a ine s Johnslcn,Church St, rcantly Mns. Geo. Biokaîl, Oshawa, and Miss Katia Buxton, Toronto, are guesîs et Mn. R. fiIlamlev's. Mr. and Mme. A N. Mitchell, Toronîn, were guests of han fatber Dr. W,1 E. Tillav ever ?-;uiu'ay. Mn r lnrv BannaIt, Toronto, is vel iug his daughter Mre. F. J. Manung and negainiug health. Mnr. Pater Smith, represeuting The Lincoln Papan Mille Company, Merriton, gava us a eau Tbursday. The W. T C. U. will meet luibish Methodiel Primarv Class roem naxt Monday utth1e -usual heur. courezs, todsa, I1oarsenesa. ,znd otlscr tbrust alments are qu.-icly rlaTc y Cresole ne tabict a. ten cent-& per box. Ail druggists Bev- cf Quinte Contoence of the Maedist cbnrch wiil meot lu Petarboro WVtýnusdaY dune lut lu Tuesday dune 7th. Mn. D P Re, B. A., Toronto, ne- pncsantad Nationatl Sutai Assoc- , ation. was lu towu las w0ek, intereei3t- ing oun citizens lun te gcd wonk. 1Soug service lunlte Methodiet church Sunda ' evening. The pastor, Rev. D. O. Croeslay wil be assisted by Sunday Scbol eholans and a mals quartaI. The Batîla Oreek Record received from Mn, R. B. Andrew contains a photo of lte compensating organ to be used lu the Educational tuilding at the Wenld's Fair, St. Louis, Mo. William Ovene. a farmar and respect- ad residant of Newtonville aged 80 sears wae tound dead May 20. Ha was su'bject te tainting spolIe and whila cros- sing a emaîl crack feli ou bis face.' Coun lies' Ceuncil le summoned te meel ia spacial session aI Cibeurg ou LM orday 5l!av 30t6 fon transaction oýý important tsiness, not stated. Il muet be very lupontaut as the Jiiua meeting wil e 1-etin i a lew weeks agai .- Coiborne epress. Colo.nel Pugmire will couducl special; ýor,,icaqn 16e S. A. Barnache cn atus2- d1-y and Sundav Mlax28 asid)29 On Saudshe will give a sketch o! hie lite an rajj -vels ntitled "0,0 ie !byadan e. Tha t ollowýiug West Durham ber7s wacsucceseful aI lIte primary M.D 1. , exame of Tninitv University. In dýase Second Mesrs. Norman J Heallie and Cy rus W Siemon were succestul and il) clase Third, Mn. C. A. Laugmaid is the lucky one frein lIte ceunty. Nfcholls' annual Bargain Day MaY, 2ilrd. Cawker & Tait seli best butter for llc per lb, Try Murdoch's >ds of Teas and Coffees. 25c.-Shaving Muge 10c. May 28rd at Nicholls'. Darlington and Clarke farms for sale. See advt 87 boxes Axle Grease regular 5c each for 2 for 5c. May 23rd at Nicholîs'. See Murdoch in bis pewquarters, one door West of Haines 1-afiiage shop. A fuî!tline of Ganong Bros ' clebrated G. B. Chocolates just arrived at Tod'e. Seo the summer shirts, tics, colle rs, braces. hase and underwear at M. Mayer's. Every farmeor sbould see or write E C. Beman about the Tubular Cream Sep- arator. See advt. Lace Curtains, hundrede of pairs. in the newest designs, imported direct at Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman'e. Cawker & Tait ask ail ladies ta ex- amine their new Washing Machine. Its ail rigbt and makes wash day easy. Mr. and Mrs John à. Hancock and and Miss Cooper, Newtonville, were gueste of Mrs. L. Patereon Saturday. 11ev. H., Munro, M,A ý,preached in the Presbx tenian cburch, Oshawa, Suiidav.1 Rev. jas. Badges, B A., preached lu St, Paul's. An elegant stock of Voiles, Crepe de chenes and ladies' suitings of ail kinds juet opened at Couch, Johnston & Cry- derman's. See that you get the Etevhant Brand Floor Paint, made ta walk on, dries bard iu ight hours. For tale only by J. B. Martyn. Steamer North King~ makes bier firet trip ta Rochester Saturday, May 28th, leaving Cobourg at 1.30 p in., and Port Hope at 2 30 p. M. Mayer bas a full lino cf straw bats in Children's, Men's and Boys' Also a full lino cf children's tam-o-shanters and Scotch caps Until H., C. Tait disposes of hie 1,ouse and lot and business hie will be focund at the old stand, turning out tIrst class Photos, Cali early. 1.18 3w. Juet reoeived from John Crossley &_ Sons. sevaral bales of Tapestry, Bruseels 1and AxInster Carpete at Couch, John- ston & Crvderman's, Base BaIl Goods-we are Spaldinpg'l aLyent for district and carry a fuit lime of their best zoode. Special prices to clubs, J. B. Martyn. Intanding breedars of ligbt horses sbould sec the handeome horse, Harr * Wîlks, jr., at tue tdenuett linnea, Bow. manvilla, Saturday néon. See pedi gree and termis lu another columu. Harrv Caun, General Insurance Agent, Fire, Lit eý Accident, Plate Glass. and Steain Bolier Ineurance, Office Phone No. 50, Residence Phone No. 102. Ensigu H. C. Banks, ollicer of the Bowmanville corps je a deleg-ate to the International Convention cf thei Salvat- ion Army ta e beld at London, Eng. land, lu Julie. If y cur child is pale, peavish and docs net thrive, a dose cf Miller's Wormn Powdars oeccasionally will cure. Sold by Stott & Ju iry, druggists. SIIINGLUS FOR SALE-We bave a quantity No 1 and 2 Blrîtish Columbia shi*n.loes for sale. You aiql kuow the supnir qaltycf heeshngesJOHN~ GILBERT & SON., 19-tf. Thore is nolhing ha wllmake your bouse look better tItan a- good coat et Elephaut l'amintWa stock a full range cf colors, ali.o Elephant lead, ail, glass, etc. J. B. Martvn. G suerai Insurance Agencv Beet cf Stock and Mutuai Covs,-Taniff and Non-Tariff. Real Estate bought and Sold, Lake Ontario Navigation Co. Agency. Office Phone No. 50, Resid- ance Phone No. 102, HARRY CAssE Whitby watar and ligbt commissioners have appointed Mr. R. M. Saxby, late manager cf the Bowmanville electrie llght plant, as superintendeut cf the water works and., electric plant at W'hitby '1 h o Wcman's Mssiouarvy Souiety hald 16cm anniiual quilting bee at the Metho- di-,t i'lrecll ,,Frida s' afternoon. Tea was servcd by members cf the Mvission Baud afuer which 11ev D. O. t'rossle.y called the mIeeting tao rder and Miss Mininie MI. Martins on behalf cf the members, read an addres tb Mrs R. M. Saxby, their former hi gh1v esteamed pralident wboileleaviug -town. The best wishes cf every member cof the Baud followl Mrs. Saxby to ber new home. Vary succeQsful services were beld in Charlotte St. Methodiet cburch, Peter. horo, Sundav-and M,.oîîday week, 11ev. W. J. Jollitfe, pastor, and 11ev, D O, Crcssley, Bowmanvïlie, preached on Sunday to large congregations. A collection of $800 was askad to dlean off the remaiuing debt on the chunch sudý 1 6e congregatidu îaspcnded with $1080. Cawker & Tait salI 16e beet Churn. See the WinaGaes, Murdoch e 5e buve a Lantern'Globe May 23rd at Nicholls'. 25e box Toilet Soýap 15c. May 23rd at NichoIls' Trv a loaf of home made bread aI Luttrell'e. Bargrains ight up 10 the minute Mav 29rd at Nic.holls'. Women's [ntituta meeting post- ponded for Ibis week. T. H, Knigbt wante your butter and eggs. Beet pnices paid. Leave youïr ori4n er fField and Garden Seede wiLý,iMirdoch's. Trnii STATESMAN is worth any othar two local papers-only $1 a Sear. Special Sale of Wash Go0ods aI The Mason Co'e this week. Seo advt. Cail aud hear F. C, Pethick'e new $20 Edison Phonograpb. It's a dandy. New subsenibers 10 TuE STÂTECMAN continue 10 core ne u-C5e 10 Dec. 31. 144 Botîles Sboe dressing regular 10e. eacb, for 5c, aach May 28rd aI N ichoils'. You can always ba sure, of getting first clasea ice ceam at Luttnall's. Try lb. A9ýA GREAT NAP-27 lbs Fine Raw Sugar for Oua Dollar at MeMur- try's. By an accident 10 our big pinting prestbe adition of this paper wae de- layad last week. Seede have gone out aI Murdoch's vanv fast and lie bas a large vaniety of bill and Ensilage Corn. Thealiason Ce. bava a naw cutter, sec advt. If youwant a nawsuit and a perfect fit give tbem ycur order. Men's Rats, lte lateet English and tAmenican Stylas opened eut 10 day ai Couch, Jobuston & Cr-: danman'e. t Now lte t ime te gel a Woodyatl Lawn Mowar Itefore stocks are brokan, alen Rakes, Flocs, Shevels, Spadas,&c J. B. Martyn, 3 Now lte t ime te provide yoursif with, a lighl summer bat lu fait or etraw. M. Mavenr bas a fulilfina and ail prices, tGive hlm a eall. 3 Nolwilbtanding t he advance i n collons, y ou eau buy .ycur white cottons, F-Shirtierg, otu s dfanlte at old pricas aI Couch, Jobuston & Crydemman'e Mrs. (Capt. )Crawforî, Master Harry Crawford, less Ettie Gilbtert and lss Rubv Unago, Toronto, were holiday gueste of Mrs R. Crago. A new and choice lot cf Ladies' Spring Coats and an eleZant lot cf Capes foi middle aged and elderlv ladies at Couch, Jounston & Crydermau's, Ganerai Insurance Agency, Real Estate bandled. Money te Loan, Office lu New Town Hall Phone Ne. 50, Rasideoce No. 102, HAR CANN. 3 Oshawa muet 6e a wicked place when week 8 ttcr week the local papers flud it neceqssry to denounce publiclv the row- dvism, thieving, vandalism, trespassing, etc. Sec the naw things and buy while they are fresh. Prctt wasb fabnice in veilcu, cnambrays,uelins, merenized goods, prints aud' fancy open wonls affects at McMurtry's Hon, Jouhu Dryden -anýd Prof G. E. Day, farru Supei nleude ut cf Ontario Agicultural Clae aiou dune lOtIt for Engiand Thev will purcýhase thon- cugh brcdStck f,-;us._..Cole farmi and May vieil emak Thie office bas biad agreal rush of wcrk for soi-ne waaks. buit our staff bas striven te tunn out ail wr according te promise. Tn STATESMnAN bas aiec Itad a boom lu subscrîip.tions. XVa are giving this paper for 50f cents te new subscribers te end cf l1904. Heartiesl congratulations to Mn. Donald G, M. Galbraith who bas passed the final exame of the Law Society of »Ontario and le now a full fiedged lawyar, Mn. Galbraith will now taka full charge of the law business of bis late fatber's office. Sea card lu another columu. Mr. E. R Bounsalcf Bounsali's Marbîs Wcnks was at Orono last week placing a fins mau unîcut in the family p'lot oet11n, Ezra Hall ýý Lu Ie cemcterY cf car neigbboning vil!;,% Our neigh- bore appneccate good woîk ;ýanid aeaai- wa',s sutre cfgattiug i-, omMn. cun- sali. W11110 "HE STATES- A, 18 illaC witb te greatest picasure rîdiuL- elmos weky the honore won yBwmnii boý s and the gced won;k îE_ nR oing evcrywber e tbey aafond,rîi J he lca papars of 616cr nearby town?âre(3x- Iposiug 1he baýd c hnulaCbdear- acter cf their 1;î,nTnl ams have amdl 00 Tahlorîing, veur own clohin vn lke le done lu finst clase manuner--sacond 10 no oCher bop initou-yJ.,T. Allen, lte oid reliable and ahonbetaller and cutter, Horeey's Bloc)ýk -Ha bas a reputation for good fils. Pnices are ,alwaý s ighl. Countmy orders given same caraful attention as rowu ones. Poultry Ruptlies'at Murdoch, THE TAkm A goee to press Mon- day thie week. The Alexander cottage, Church-it , 1e Offered for sale. See advt. New subseribere continue zo corne in, THE STATESMAN iS boomning. A full line of Ganong Bros' celebrat. ed G. B. Chocolates just arrived at Tod'e. "The lleart of Texas Il a firstclass Play. Opera bouse, May 26th, Watch for bille. M A. James le Government issuer of Marriage, Licenses for Durham Countv. New life for aquarter. Millet 'Com- pound Iron Pille. Sold byStoti & Jury, druggists. 1For the beet values and the beet choice of--Men's or Ladies' rain-coate go to The Mason CO'e. Now ie the time to leave vour order for your Spring Suit at Couch,Johnston & Crynerman'e, Luttrell's Ice Cream Parlor is now open. Call and try our Ice Cream made by our nejw procees. Ladies' Rain Proof coats, the finest stock ever shown in town at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman'e. The famous ehoe for ~ women newest Spring styles at Fred R. Foley's. Counties Councl le called for general business May 30 The councillore muet flot forget to place responsibility for that April Fool trip where it belongs A numb3r of friende of Mrs. Jacob Neade took tea with her Monday even- ing week in honor of her 9th birthday. A very pleaiant social hour was spent, The Guelph llerald, containe thie notie of Miss Hattie Kelly, the accomp. lished daughter of Mr. Chas Kelly, formerly of Bowinanville: "Mise Kelly le L-nown as a brilliant pianist, a fine organist, an expert on the mandolin, a splendid singer, a euperb accompanist aud a g ,ood teacher. With such acoomp- Ilshinen s as these there le little wonder that the piano recitai given by her pupiîe at the Opera Flouse on Friday eveniug shouldl have been the unqualifled success it wRss" -W-HOOPIMGCOUGi- *'In the sprng of 1901 mv children had whoopitig oough," says Mrs. D. W. Capps, cf Capps, Ala. "I used Chamb- erlain's Cough Remnedv with the -most satisfactorv results. I thînk this iq the beet remnedy 1 have ever seen for whoop- ing eough " This remedy keepe the cought loose, lessens the, severity and frequencv of the coughing speis and couinteracts any tendonc.y toward pneu- monla. For sale by ail druggists. BORN,. JoNEsq-At Reti eat Dairy Farm, May 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Joness, a datighter. Coucn-ln Newcastle, May 14th, to Mrn and Mr-s Harry Ooueb, a daughter. PEnn-In Ne'wcas tle, Ma.y 15, te Mr, and Mrs. Wrn. Peri in, jr., a soni. MAUNDE-Ih Lindsay, May 7tb, to Mr. and Leslie S. Maunder, a son. 'IAeNmEs-In Clarke, May 185h, to Mr. and Surs. Thomas Harniess, a son. LAmi3EBT-Ifl Osbawa, May 12tb, the wife of Fred W. Lambert, of a danghter. GLAitE-In Oshawa,May 1ththe wife of Ai. fred Clarke, of a son, BALLANTYNE,--To Darlirgton, May tb, te Mr, and \Irs. Ballantyne, a daugliter. MAUIED. COLWELL--STANToN-At the Iiectory, ]Sow. mnaiivïlle, May lSth, by Rcv. W. E. Carroll, B. A, Alfred Thomnas CoIwell and Nelie Maud Stanton, both cf Brighiton. WALaR-Naýwson-In N,'w York, May ï6th, at the residence of the bride's brother. Dr. Jas. A, Ne'ýsom, Thomas Willoughby Walker, M. ID., of lidgetown, Ont. and Jean Mathegon. daugbter of te llate Samuel Newsom, Orono, WFISRY-PENFOTND-At the residence of the bride's father, Maple Shade, Ebenezer, on May 18, by Rev. Joseph Ward. MA.. B.D., Mr. Wil- liam Charles Werry, Solina, and Miss hi. Josephine, eldest daugbter of Mr. Joseph Pen- foundDarlington). DIEU. Vraso)-At Toronto, May litb, John Vinson, aged 70 years. KîVELI-At 1558 Malil St., Buffilo, N.Y., May, 105h , Mýary Grace Hobbs, heloved wife of Jamiles Kieiaged 55 years. Daugeter of Mrs, Thos, His, BowmanvsIle. -A111,N TTO flOTIIEÎ8 N 77 ei al ýïaie of kris $3.00 Sst'for $3.50 Skrts for Sa400 Si;îts for $5,00 Skirî, for --;.0 s. for These -~ ~( 1~ - .. $250. - 3.00. 3.2s'. îîew thib season, miade up iin theý tyles, andi Taulor madi Over ioo Skirts to Choose Fi-r? Tne bý Suriiig oat 14 Nvext Do ný,jrd I, dowi mu.- Field nUgarden Seeds. j We ask your attention to a f ulllne of field ngre + S)eeds, carefully eelected, examine quality ndomý r 4 * prîces. WVe thinkic L wiIl pay you to use ,oUr seeda1. * Dinner and Brelakfast Sets. 4 * You will be wanting something in this line af ter hlouse- * cieanîng time. Don't forget that we carry thej.argese 4 * and best assortmentin Chinaware. Our Grocery department is complete. Butter and+ Egswanted. 4 * k~ýer T i, *4à+ Ir-OUSF AND LOT FOR SALE- .r Fhat bcantifuily siuated dwelling on cor. Division and Wellngto'n Streeta, Bawmanville. aaow occupind by Harry 0. Tait who expeets te leave for Edmonîton soon. Aise tse Phetograla businîess and Stock. Particulara at T A iTS' PHIOTO GÀrLoaRY. C OTTAGE FOR SALE-Brickz Cot- %Sage or cieven rooms,i n uirsS class repair, hard and soi t %ater, cen fruit trces, grap vines. raspberry busbes, and 1 gacre of lanr.sttnated on tbe north side of Chnrch st , east of Ontario si, Bowmanville, For termus apply to J. FSAaîes ALEXANDER, onf reises. 1 t. B.J.Hazlewood, M. D. eC.M. BO0WlxiANVILLE. 4 OINT. G0 OLD MEBALIS r of Tninity liUn. ivrity, Toronto; Four y ears Aitending Physician and Surgeon atiSMt. Carumel Hiospital, Plttsburg, Ks. Office and lefflenee next fluor to, Ex-Mayor Mitcbeli's, Elgîn S&. Telepoee Ne. 118 If yen bave a child Ihist le sickly, frelful, nerveus. noîtliasautIiizllt, o'r or suftans trcm ans 'stomuscb or Itowal troubles et anc- sirt, gi Babv~s Own Tablets. Drn.bu utra of Ibis- inudicine-it le uprantei,_t! celai ne opiabe orn7 ,,-inful Cru. Gio l. Tablette th( 6 sik chOC and watcb he ; quickrelief ,an-Crapid restorion health î' ci strength. Tbousands cf mothans ans usîng this miedivine ton tbeir 11111e eues. and tbey aIl praise it. Wbal strenger evideuce can yen want? Mrs. Dý A. AMcDainîuid, Sandringhain, Ont . eays: "Baby's Own TablaIs cer- tainly fill aill1he cdaim yen make for 16cm su fan as my expenienca gees. I coneidartbem a perfect medicina for ehîdren and alwass keep them lunlte bouse," Yen eau gel lthe Tablate from any dealer lu medicine, on if yon, write Thte Dr. Williams Medicios Ou., Brook- ville, Ont., tbcy wilt send you a box by mail post paid for 25 cents S ERVANT WANTED-1 or general heusewerk at once, Apply to MRA. (Dr. HAZLEWOOD, Elgin St., Bowmanvllle, 20-tf. DONALD G. 31. GALBRAITIR. flarrister,Socuiior. Notary Public, etc. Of- fice opposite J. B. Martyn's store, King St., Bowmanviile. 22-tf, BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Varreeted eaola Tuenday FLouR, f 00 bo.......$. 2 3OteU$270 WHEAT, Faîl, bush .... 0 0o il 93 if 1Sprnn........ û00" O 90 fi IRedileifa ...-... 090 0 95 Il Goosea .... 000" 070 BARLET, VI bush, No. 1 .. .040" O 00 ifil 2 ... 040 0 40 Il fiî ...000W 0 38 SI1 1Twyu rowed 00"W(040 0.vrS, white 't.......... O 30 0 O31 RY ... ...0 00" 050 BUOIWHBAT "........... O0 0" O50 PlIAS, Blackeye, VI bush.. 0 O0"0 O000 fiCanadian Beauties O0O t' O 60 t' Mummay i' O 00 'tî O00 n Smah 'i O 601)t' O 060 ' Bie 'ih O0 00 60 CLOVER SEED ...........5 50 Ù' f O TiMO-TSifY ShID......O00 'eOCI 00 Rtrim hst table.t,. li O00 W'o: 14 P sido z............000"UI n(; 14 POrÀEOS, e bsh......O0 J i"eo !50 L'ARM FORSALE--T'hounde nd .. offers for sale several ferme Ji50 I e sIips of Clark e anCd Darling ten irni rom 50 acres to 400 ecres Teri,0 ae.asy. P ate uasapyto W. F. Allen, Ibox 40,Iwmu ville. 2.5 ETO Vv A WANE D- Genrl p .1..L , ae vryi,5 to delve'. Su, gond Drover. O5 îu~~Fss lw vide, Sitr. TT U EAND 1)2 A C Iis , bAN FO LA 'ale -Brick bouse enallgi bar, ccd soit water, good bamn-roolu ir fourl borses-twco cres land on Whielaiares k 1n'd l of frî atc os. Appiy t tt Pusaïoo , Llb erty St .Bowmanvalle. 2-w DWESIDENCE FOR SALE-Ti fine StBommaivile,(oecnpled by Mr. Juis 1, onia L with jacre of lanclan C several aoodfrm ereesý A ver 'y desrable lbeation ,Wili Oeil cij)fer, cash> AppîF for alars b Ms W>tloc B 0Winanlvîlle o..f Me-s,>)Louî,e.x UiX, 7 Wos 61et St , Chicagoi1 .1.0-O tI, TOWN OF BOWMAN VILLE-,ý TREASURER5S SALE 0F LANDS FOR TAiXES, TOWN OF II0WMANVILLE, COIJNTY, 0F DULIHAM9 l0 WrIl By virtua cf a wairant, te me Ciractad, by the May,-,r cf the iPoWr of mauville under the ceai cf the said Corposfation, cearing date the 121h May AUD, 1934, ciminanding me 10 Ievy on lande henainaf tarn eütion'1 said lande Rving and being inilte said TÉowu et Bowmauville anC Itaîn-ýg pi% lands) ah a'rneart; of taxes en sae togethen with ail lawful cd ther' hersbv zive notice t'îat unless the arreans anC costs ha seenen pu, i 1 S SATURDAY the 27tb lay of AUGUST A.D. 1904, aI lthe heur cf lwcï o'c the atlern on. at the Ceunceil Cbamber in the Town RaIl in the Town ofj mauville pro ceed 10 sel by public action sea nuch etflIta said lauds?, as m suflielent le diseoîg ý t arneans cf Taxas aï ous Bow- t (ail le lý Description Lot Block' Street Are Txs o@: ' tal Part of .............,..... 232 (I King $ 14 i 2 6 44 66 9 ........ 48 A King 25 86 48-l ........2 10 King 28359 41 800 14 ft. Fro-tage wes' pari of il T King 1 4 344 i.8 12, 18 2 Church 3/5 17 52 3829 J081 Wes't part of .... ......... 4 8 Queen l 84 68 646 I. 1 7 34 Concession 1 70 10 13 104 3 Town Treasurer*,s Office, J. S. MOOHORA Bowmanville, May 12, 1904. 2l-18w, T Î' ur0 le

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