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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1904, p. 7

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Sorgo Tender pumid Soak the bands or fret on retirlng Inaà BtroDg, hot, creamy lather of Cuticura Boap. Dry and anoint freely with nuti'. cura Ointment, the great akincure and purest of emolients. Wear on the hands during the niglit old, icose gloves, and bandage the fret lglitly in old, soft eotton or lilen. For red, rongliand chapped hands, dry, llssured, îtching, feverish palms, with brittie, shapeless msalls and panful finger ends, or sore, tender, iliflamcd or itching feet, this trcatment le imply wonderful, fs'e.. quenitly curing la a single application. Complete local and constltutional treatuient for every humour of the skin, scalp and blood, withlo ss of hair, inny now be lied of druggisto. Bathýe wltli bot watcr and Cticura Soap, to clense the surface of crusts and ceaies, arid sfcý1Ln the thickened cuticle. Dry, wisliout bard rubhiug, and apply Cuti'. cura Ointment freely, te allay itching, Irrltation and inflammation, antd soothe and heal, and iastly, take the Cuticura IlceolVent PIl to cool and cleanse the 'blood. This treatment affords Instant relief, permits rest andi sleep lu the severes t forms of Eczema andi other ltching, burning andi scaly humours, and points to a speedy, permanent andi e-conomical cure of torturing, disfIgur.. inlg humours, from pimples to serofula,' from infancy to age, when ail otint' xemcdies and the best physicians fail. Cutlcur&Sl,90vent, S!Quîd and i the fote of Cioeolio' Voatec i PIB,, Caicerna 0ntn.nt and cuiteus Be oop are sold throughout the world. fleOt 9 London, 27 Charte:. .Ioua 84. PQis, 5 Rue de la !,.; Autrlia.R. Taýsa ec , 0 j;Boton, 137 columbue Ave. PrioeDrug 4ý C a fo SOietPcre Ener. iumour.". Are a sure anti permanent cure for al Xidney and Bladder Troubles. BACKACHE eAs the flrst sîgu of Kidney Trouble. Dont negiect it l'Check it in time!1 Serions trouble stili follow if yen don't. Cure your Backaohe by taklng DOAN'S KIDNEY PrlILLS. whîch deposits inîay be made anti itherawa by mail as convem.- entiy as if your owfl post office vere our office. Senti for it. You wlll finti it lnteresticg. <Formerly Tic Canada Peinranent anti WVestera Canada Mortgage Corporation> TrORONTO STREET, TORONTO CAN YOU NAME IvIJIM? There 15 e nan in 0cr tta nwbe thinka lie's stoîstrous aise, anti whea there la an arguinent, le's iglit lere te actvise. But stben there's labo r te ýho dconc. tibisma witl i ille se ble.nti, looka u'iser y et ai-d shakos bis hcad ho neyer lentis a hanti. Wood'~Phosphodine, c The Grat E ngliab Remey a Id, wll estab. --lishoti andrellablehir X OTEIS ANVD CGOMMENTS' 110w to Î 1p youleGil The extermination of the 'Arnienian j Ij people proceeds at a rcpid rat~e, thanks to the coniplicity cof Europe in the crimes of the occupant of the soîperial 1' iosk on.the Bosphoriis. Ac- cording to official information recl-~ \, ed by -tho I'French Foreigli Office, the rcnl"nat: of the unfortunate race in- Iaiigthe iiountaiaous region cf ias n la Asiea Mincer that escapeti tihe knife of the Kurd la 1896 has been deliveï'ed os or to butchery bby the Ottoman soldiery; as a despatch slys, -tise action of the Turks linsZ been s5We'Pifg," and "the wvork of extermiat ing the Armienians inu the mecuntaillous districts cf Sassur Pas been accomllied.," This aews can- net lie aaid te lbe uncxpected, for at '" (/ iutervals durirg the winter jutpst despatches have appeared ia the Fur- The auxions iother cf the famuily offerte epeaispapers concerilng lihe lîepase- imes carnies the whole hurdea cf lespon.. tiens cf the, Turhlali cuthes'itics tea ihiity seaffer as tihe houle medicatica cf put an cand, once for al te Arinen cbulsln aliments of the girls or boys aie concerned. The cost cf the doctor's visits Psun discontent witlistlîeir barbarcus are very often tee great for consideration. piittng ante Dr. R. V. Pierce, cf IBuffalo, N. Y., fer asenians thein.clves. Fate bas t.Cclî in,- uical advse, whichisl gi'.en re. Cor'. ngainst the \Arrnnians on ail sides. respondence is held strictly confidential, Tjvided boc twec Russia, Turke'i and zOORENCAD FOR VWON.EN I ersla, la the ]art naineti country WHO C.XNSOT BE CURED. clone have tbey recels ed fair and liacliet up by over a thid cf a century of resoarliable snd aniforni cures, a record sy mpathetic trentmcont. The politi- encl as ne ethet reînedy for the dseas-es cal conditions, howsever, la Persia, and wcaknessess pecler te wcmren ever ad isrltos oteohr twc Pierces Favorite Prescription now feel countries, bave prcvented it f u illy warranteti in offering te pay $500 ln aiding lit nay way the persecutei- A r- legaliuoeîey cf flic Unitedi States, for any icase cf ILeucorrhea, Feniale Weakëness, Pro. menions arrosa its bordera. Aban-1 lapses, or Pa llîng cf Wombl whlclî thiey 1calinot cure-. Ail tliey askis 1 a fair and doed entlrely, by Europe, thieY have1 reasonahie trial cf their means cf cure. bren _given cver, lll'e aheco, te the WORLD's DîaSPE.SAIIv MEnîcmn Asso- CIATION, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y. slvughter. ale Dr.iee's Pleasant Pellets insteadi of any other laxative. Thei Sultan kîîows well witb whli ___________________ lie bas ta e dcl. An attenspt at ac- tiv e plissiaak intervention ini hebfoîf cfIîo not niivays stay wbCfl' rbey are the Armnians or tihe other races putý A sterns 'nav cauc' ii ii to nader lis oppressive sway would ha shift their position, acher cuti cil, the signal for the su-spenlsion etofpaýý- cri h îay tear thons l _ose lieut then' Me'nt on cil bis p-ecuniary obligations anchlors ai set them adr'lt la thse te lus Etiropana creditors. ý That ta sec. TI;en it is lcit te cihance ube- the xihip wbicli le holds over theni tber tliey will le discoe ed ati de- and their Covemanents, ati it is a stroîcti or wbetlier t hey will cause sacre effective wcapen than ali tlie the de struction of sonse innsocnt anti canion ini the fors oe, a' ar danlli peaceabl e.-goiilg ail anger. The I es or the Mausers ia tlie bands of amine that can le discb.arged oniy bis soldiers, Ru,,sia is, of course, whenin l contact ivitisan electrir bat- the las cunte allwihthe Arinc- tery oeushsore, eitlior autoinvtucaily ýnins an wttîra toi' syaspatliy or' or at tlie tosîdliof an operator, la aid. Thse sixt;ý millions cf dollars uaually jeat las effectiv e la tin'e cf of Armcîiiaiu. churcli property in the star, anti certainly it is muccl more pocket c ,f thse Iussian Goverrne t deirabieý to dccl with wlien pare lbas are a guarantee te tlie Sultan tbat îat lengîli corne. Lle« mLIr$niterILierenzLCe S bIEu- S15 witli silateser hli ansdo lu Asr- iunenia; ind there is ne danger liat >ccvI of the C eteramlents of Weseirn I Europe stili intervene. Thi0 anme rcascns thnt hlot thein bcck in 1896 aire lholdiag tliem back nios, and y-ili -oithîue te lîcld tlsem ibacis uni; ise useorai sense of Europe is îc'ally aw- kenid. As for the leaders cf th e Ar- unenlan people, tîsey baie long silice lest cli illusionsa abouit the fate of I loIr nationî. A fesv yeau s ago there isas la the inonastery etof J1tcmiadzla in the Trans-CaucasuLs, a painting ly an Aî'nenia artiat cf an Aruaenia.n cliurcli standing solitary la a great gi'ascyard whlie ia appeasetiao single gras estono w ýitI is inscription te tise nemrory cf tise article la tIse Treat-y of Ber lin guoranteeinig tho livesancsd lhert- of thse Aricenian peOople. War lias manv iispllenî-ents cf ter- rible destructi enleas. But wben wiri la oves' nuit peace la establiliet, ter- pedoes and cannonîand rifies, tll t heur gua-cotton aîsd ssaokelî as pow- der, beceme again, sas e for semac diaceaccidenît, larmiesa lan the lienda etftîsirnasteus. the wacriou's. Tbe contact mine' is an exception. Set out, te do its worlaý i its oua goedl tinse. it Uluows of tdirg i-raties ci termssof peace. Thle great cauapaigîi cf nation agaisat nation mst le fol- lowcd hy a 1111le canîpalgo of thse victer cgaiast the mnies lefore tisere la real saalcty again npîon t1,e sec. An exceptienally large use of con- tact mine's lias leen miade by the IRussians tiuring tlie presesit war. Ad- mirai Alc-iefancosunceti eariy in Fehrtsary tisat, lie lad cdtiie e-. tire MIlicliuriasicoasi, iiudîoLI'1g e- ery spot t wiîsrl landiiigs msigliî possibly hoe efected. That boas t la te ho takeii, of cous s, witii aucis Ieserv ation, b t stili tle act r- msains that ncoitler any Jal- anese se-au slip cor- in -cl.-ient essel rais now ap5 rcls noy Ma-omsport stiisut tasiiggrat oas f de- struction. iblostaup erviitise w:,r-citeritI bcd pi îced 50555 200 miines iii tie ýPort Artli.r harber. 1h corriddsi 'l~ xureparatiHhasheon stithis iltise ssly chant cf tise mise f (e~ r,. lrescribedtianti used "5 over10 Ycars. AUldrug. feitise ln Isspcssesaed. An- istein lie Dorinunnr l fCanada seli sud c-o hi-îriisss tilsr de recommentiiehin b ce ahl itesutît e lcl .Bïejare andi Afteî'. tihe pnly aedicîc ine -rydývi itt kiotithatczirtsaasticussices thr' 'i cîesi liscerareti. givos aniversal satisfaction.l pron3ptly sud ermnaruenÉly cures al forma etfiNerroui Wetk.: r a .a iest-Ioe tont lias nemi ]rruusaiamrSj ateornlîcS', .tapotsîimi b"eussumîk aitile trnig toclse-us'tise sud i a ffects cf abuse or imcesses; tisa excessibe1o useç et Tobacco, Opium or Sffeulas, l heiianisonat t ,aîust ci lie msines tîcni.' anti Brie Warsr, ai[ of whiieis ad te lnfirmity, InsrlaityCaosurmptiea anti an Early Grava. 1Il s ei cîrie ütisai e,,jsi tise InRs- 1r>i2 ise ïr package or !x or-$5. Onie wii 1 plmsemt un mtre. Midîi promupty on re's- ianS 5liui.i z'5 t eut to einulose lie 2rd )orpany, Wc'rds I'ioS5iscrî(io ts sîmi n - TJMELY SUGGESTIONS. inl tihe succulent stte, shocîti lieuct ati carefulîs' cured for use lanstintar, Octs anti peas cut when l ine silk, maie tise most valuehie fotiter. After freat there aholuii h an chue- dance cf recta anti ensilage to drcw frem until tinte teortIhe spricg feeti again. Do net let the beys ruish tise cows, uer tlie doge cliase thi i. For ninlg bordeaux, the incîhot c bell! If ne t, do net put il off c aeggeS'teti by M. B. Walteo f tise single day. Tlie scutidcf ac ltisla Unitedi Staes icpaxrmeat of agricul- greal protection freai vicionîs degs. turc lis vcry satisfactory. A rougli platto rsîs res buil om a aide hli, on wiliî sere tIse herrels cent-iniag tlie WORTH BIGC- FORTUNES. stock solutions et lune anti sulpicte, andti os hall-baeos isavig short Friceless Autograplis That Repose Plcs ef gartica bose attaccti te ini London Safes. tle bettorns. Te mnake tise hon- Soîn of tise fmestatnctimost valu- dcccx, a stock solution of for 'peuntis chie collections cf culegrapis ilusthe limle ires Put intôonccchait-barrai, sterîtilie ln no bs presacrPlaces adtihie solution et six petintis s501tien the sctes et olti ostabllslied phate la tise tlier; isctb a'eu'e flled blankiag firasa, the signatures la ques- tttssao'h eu taloe ien hiag ltîser ls ire foriet ra- Th'1e spray carl a'as tisea larked cp ceipta tor moncy or tisose mnatinl ab tise loer u'stie et tise pllttcrm anti sîecial beeks for guidance anti pur'. tihe tste dilute msixtures run eut poses et cemparlsen et tie benka lin tlireugb itise strciner linoe ijumap question. larrel tbu'ougls tise Ipitres ci isose, By Ina mt leact tu-o cases lu Lontion tis ine-sus tise lins" anti saipîur arc tisese autegraplîs are alseiutely prico- dilitcd, tioreughîrl axefalie h- less, fou' tboy oxtr'nti hci for necrly lisg rnis into ticba, , atiduset rouî- I200 vecrs, acuthhcy comprise speci- hioindtorapicîly te nlakc a gect menssofethIe b,-ndstvriting ofet sery asixtUr'-. IFader' tiese- conditions a British mainarui dtsing tisel lime, of liglit flcctderît Jerrîfitate las oisitei nîny torcign potenates, andtiof nar- tisat tili net settle ri -pidly. Il the ) y ci ery distinguislied manrirliother solutionsa sre tee cenrentr,;ateti inailn sar, commerce, stclesmasliip or isrcught togetlier erai net sufilci- eut. Fer purpeses et ceuiparison est- cutly ussixeti. tIsa p(B'cipitsýte is ceai-s- on uew these oldtimaie laa uto- er ant i isavier -ati is iikeiv te settle greplis arc saiti te haeabsolutLely lu- ihllîsa lsusue s , vitlibcd me ialuahie, for il unust le recellecteti sits - tîat tlie sigaurs are bbe very Uniesa fou-vsrcu'y pooti i-asons, the 1privaeeanti, so te say, hall-markei Prprtnien etfbulse tesuiphale gis ca autegrapha of tîcis' wrlters, leving ain s t iuectiensÉsîculId Pc uset.I f cItai-cd tte basecret marks linest listali2a heur posuis eh oflie tesix eau' te the wstruandti te sbati; pouada et aulpliato la-nacti, the te- ccd alec saiereensforeries in tic liag-e islailaitte o buret The gen- stcy et aulegrapis are efferot noir, oral tesîdncri, hlestai or. is te use, these otf"uî fedti'lrtings arc as msore lune. 'Tisalasuatiýýesirable fer prenions as stbec tley stoere matie, te 1rirreiroas 'isa. t is îLe lisse parti- ebvicte Peck tergeries, ins tintes long cita that are liiely te clog tise nez-ps. sica, se the sacre limet uset tise imoea Only quile recently c snalcl traties- Hialle tise nozzies arc te clogguag. ma cf Portsmouths lippeneti te look Secontiiy, the more lime usedth îe tirougli a lot etfstiat lie lied clwcys more casily the mixture is stasîcti off. beca tolti by lus parants stes olti 1cm- Thirdly, ittla the suiplato tial is ber. Tliis tratiesinan's great-grand- effectiv e la killiusg tise spores anti pro- tather lied leen a puî'ser on varions ventiiig tise bleuk rot. British star vessels tiuuing tic Nepo- T'ise lime is etid siiuspis' b ceunt- leonic a'arscosc of the slips oet aidi cract sufflcieatîy tise peisoneus ac- hoe seiveti hcvissg luglit et Trafalgar tion efthlie suipliate se tisat il will stith is bliseit aboard as puî'ser. Most 1net aIseo inu-e tise fliage. The nias of theelti bunuler ilaquestion stas lu ia' ing bordeaux is te urake tire teunti te relata te this ancestor, andi sulpsato asa destuructives as possible tri ameug il store scores et nereiptsa anti lte ttinguss itîreut aise lciuîg injuri- other documents stritten by Nelson, oeus 10 tise Ilees o f tlb Planta. If.' Ccliingwooti ant i nany 011cr naval smore lrne ila atdedti ln la necessarY 'brocs oetIhoeo tiys. One particclar fer tuis puî'poae, the toxic action ofj batçis cf lts elt luashor stas seiti tise sulpîcte nmvy le se fanrsteekenet I withina c tes weeis cf ils discoery ht it iwuili not kili ail th i agons ton £50. la one acceunt booki elône spores andutr'ot as steli as ether trou- wease se aa uerps o- hIcs iaay toliost. tie greateat inleî'esh ati value. MAS'NT it been your exp erie nee tisat a ciseap wlieel costs more intise end than a good one? A wheel to wear well and give satisfac- tory service must te bit riglit, and of the, riglit material. Thse Is nianufactured of tested steel by automatic mach-~ inery* The new Hygienic Cushion Frame îs the latest thing in bicycledom-It makes ail roads smooth roads. Write for the Silver Rihbon boit Canada Cycle & MotArG, LIMITED Head Offlce and Factory. Toronto Junct;on CANADIAN HE.rADQUARTERS FOR AUTOMOBI qES.ý 1-1115 TAE.FRANK 31VARRETT ACQUITTED. P L O T T O K L I . u E C A R . D e n e t a t t e u s p t l e s o r k y eu r h r s - Wcs to e ShaSina Whie Revtewing ing the pîest ssi day in ii ftting more Founti Insane. boots ai sec hest it lacIs, anti sec Trops.howu ufitted yucie o fr Initier et- A despalcis front(ICalgary acys: A dcsîîatris Voii Berlin sa-s s:-Tie fort, The sillcrnug iluoseti stili 1Franik erît l yug Frn1 Býre-laueu' Zeiltung pulsmbes tle aU- ceu-se lte lieuse te loGe la condition uian stito kulleti bis Irother et Can- .iae'ooeihitontksceiatrasam legeti titails cf c plot against tlie and inemi ous euingy, stieili till hoc atmone lasi Wcduestay, sica acquitteti bat hl, particularly if titslsis J2een lf citeCa r 1ýa . hl el lost o.on tise îfla oh iîsanity. Tieos idaco e..aiepreonrgeti, and tiil ase uget the li suas rovicssîug troopa a St oc tiat neoI-arts et the hau'ness a-as siuaiilau'letntagisoîs aI thisn- tenaturel roeludy. Thbis is quici_1ly le l'e te rsbuî'g. Accou-dig te tise n,4,1- risafe tise horse, cu(! that the bita arc usanipeiuiuyt-cl, xcpje*pogîlotreufaetiicoi palier, tise Minisher ofti13e Imtîerial ncet tin, iî sp tee tiglisl la tie menti. tisai usdicalidenîcce tics gis on ton o sater beleore usiag thistoîel, wliid 1-luseliolti seecrtî'dthe oc ofutaehjVariety eh feet is ofetgreet import- tise defesice, and atscs tmnnimus. Thoe saliult iehaappîmeti lriskiy. lanlts la stand ith ie icioity cf tise Cza's lance, jurY sîcre eut hec uninutes. Mf-rrett wsthelerelaxation ta toiloacti lV/ tribune. Tisese pris ilcgeti posons Tic 1say sisesîtibho cîl or cleppeti, ailibc sent to the esylnia. \VHY MEN DIE.pemtcorcîaleicutonl incîndeti Mile. Merescliowsky, 20 ard aosIchtat iengh ri lias boen saidti bat test men die matieacciive instecta e s of ss anti ycars citi, daugbter of a vol-1 dis- rationi sseousîti ho îeuand mîi ed stitis RELATIONS BROKEN OFF. ef elti cge, ati tint alinost ail fî5'cr telicieus sease cf vîges' cnd attam-, tinguislietipbh idais anti' Privy lis. sous die eh tiiaappeinita, pensonai, ila is proctuceti. Councilon.- Sha a-na a student et Tise giting hati shoult ester hob ac ilRcl masdrt mental, ci' hcdily to11, er accident. flot ater is steccsariy poet l îlhe St. Petersburg Uivhersity, -mIcro stlisinle osec tisaieacis horse lias Vatican. andaaoisiî iasonlusscv lcs letc uineci, nt t site felltsnclcr the influence efthtie ne- lits requiret iallowanre. One hiorse on suddncy. Tecoammoexprssinstîsaulate ticeJpores 10 catst off thi s elitiocists. Ouuing te te oppon- nsay iseet a uitIle mose, anti enotherl A desipati front Paris scys: Tic "choket istt rage," has littie oxag- ftymtra hc iih ilews tunity affordeti 1er ton getbing ne as a littie lesa, te îcep hics in pu'epen Ceunceil ot Ministers assemisîct lis ex- gcs'aîioa la it, for oven tiongli net alagnale anti caisse pinaylcs or blacli- t h Car aie ns selclrite ilI eclîl asndiconidition. Th iti n- rediaysaseso irt esudtiealy fatal, strung passions shoen- ieatia. babsfollowect by a tiasl lia~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maetnau ceseiîe ms iajnc ala o hat ota-rssden île actioto e ho licane- on liteStreag-botii e ototeisddb of ceiti sater, hlie-e u, teri -o, Ibut ber sti'auge dereaicîsr et- cd andsti o died ti O nce. ltietetsf'pospcct gintyeung, iveak maiealivo llonger Iliaustic tisanes are net stiiuaclatsct l rrcau- erce h ttnýj fofimelals, waler tower isl. U n President Loubct'as isit 10 Roile, streng, for tic slrong use thib tract, anti promalure itninkîcas anti ssliccauseti betr cnrcst. A bm ài teai1îe Perpuoisitc rdeti cîîeîuthsorerajli etM. EIasard, strenogth, andtihlesteak haie isene te lo ieac h iaieiaîytl was tounti couceaiet i umrmlier cdock asîscessfui feeder anti iansiien. Ansbar-sdcr ehfIFranre 10 lie Veti- use-Clie latter taie rare of licinsolves -lest. Steaauiinglefcanitsct areninm oaissigeintate he aarlien 'astrm brant ahnicoly cmn. This pnaciically assonesthelise Ioniser do col. As il hais iti altisougli appaetly heneticial ah the fier tato lais -ot kuoanbut il la tun- slL, stlti c plat or sgo f ai classeýs 1O h oysoi swt h idadtne ssr eb olwdb cs-l derabeodthti site sas coademsin e u n Scaturntay c;glsb, os the hlorses 1tise Asishassatior's recal isteiriinter- thetir' leo; tie slreîsg aie cpi hetilacati eus to the comssrlexiui ucles simli.u'et tse ollstîg dy upt tise dipilomatie ucictions hetton lsreak, or, luke tle raustle, rua; theo counlenactei in tliis stny. De cot neglect bIse lumnporrl FacanthVtin.Wmls cf sit i ticunanor. or rîl Faîss ani Ib Vatrais stak huri out. The inferien aniutai, Te spenge lie lace andti irent wstr of slt n th mager.1 _ + _ hiluslire tenperate lis'es, have gen- Iciot aler itmmediatelybisoeageiîsg j INFLUX 0F IlMMlIGRAnlTS. Ssuccssfuilihorse feetilng is an art 1 THREE PORTS OFENED I erally ter015 eedtrn f ers ut lie otise coltiait' l alrmoat te atisisoulti ho studieti ly cli stbeTins île borse ives tsteîty-fivse ycana invite tcig e celti, lut hy sî ste- 50,000 Haste Alreatiy Gone to hie iaheIorses. Tti cueuct o more China Opens Ports on Shcn-Tung bhe ex tilteesu letaeabony, île lion macicaily feliosting ile lot ster West This Seasca. ttnsipyhirsiî îef_,ehsla bu ict.tihe eg ten or Ito, anti Inisk friction (net ice sigonous î<tii. Tieaiil cfthie successful lic raîbit gt, shc guiaea pix six on tihs face), te tissnes Peoene tiinn ldesîarsfosMntlIel acta: loenerentons tiestery lite et tic ans- Adsccs nrPun îy A or seron. Thc isusubers are 10cr pro- ad tiasKia growsa ealtiy, cuti able Tl'ieo i-ualof immigrantsis mb Cana-mi iec sfoadatpy.ipe il edici soluitbcsilyiy suoti on print h ieteaia ae otrw ofaliioiis h dantgtnueond iccolieu- to the cls ~ ~ at tpy. Wedsuday ocsato tihecommersce of~pr o ieiîi i amtltae ehri f l cpîiis dc~I cpnsssibl,,cchaveg hofielti for lise îtohelegrost it s bull aise. But ama, of tiay muscles of thebeloti vessela ho- seasecltnt, uninseparate Irci acy WaliElndClu na ci i aliiashnals, ta eue tisai soldons conses couac tibvelopeti thneîli active use, wilhveesre h oinnîs e othscstoci. If siticoins or s1eeiSian-Tutig peniîssuln. u tmp e sav5erage. He ouigit ho lire antiare tininn otileccipîouîsptiy, se, Isiter uli isasencai. cd tiefou-atiicn nce- isndreti yoars, ccccrdung tlethe ltaIlisehcaseacy te colds ati acre lIzts c Siic -\Iidq lnr ier sflhon ec hnny e atone ts cci-. 0 min gr-lua1 ntsbundgtisessiIon tîsocolt deligîtsabaIe __physielogicel law, fer fsve lunes tîven- direct la greatlydcf-ieases-- Yeui's tonr Ie CundnsWs eeorvlling ciao le clase esenylbiog ïty 'are onso iundr'd; but husteati etCompanien. lsudetsouh5omcu.bsientiat ilararait et hici. It may la tiat, be scarceîy renrîses an averAage-RO1T fide hogh71otels o. aa-fe oo s, u tl ichs1 ieof fourtines Ithe gresticgperioti.Th ready clbeut 50,000 issmigrntîsbasvoe animanîs lia clinsos. t- reasea la boiti-sssan ia net enly g suie te the Wesas.,isiile at senson's theo mort innegular ndati uoat lite- lLy ebservations haveo led aie te lie- second uns about 100,000. Astice DAIIIY WSDOM. perate, Pbt he tostIniboriocs ant ihoue ihat oaa cf the imoat commets season is just about bal cicr ,tise jTiie dinymnc acî lifiat wlse- iand-stnktsg cf clu auimats.file is prL-dis<poa-Iîîg causes ot c large per oehhciala expecitishai Iat a's ne- tien lie lias ted bis coisa hssugh ticSheo mn lstays îhe inioslsirritable. andti ier entoul f lie siseases that are amtý morsi ivillt horîee lîsasuhlckwste a equaloti ho- mtntoc fer pr-odcctions. ws hewh rtenasea le Idioe, ibougi vo camii in tise nose ana tirent is asso- forme île tide oftIras ci bogies ho If ted mîseîy anti mdl ho stili net wvanted a pound of human net telul rlat antaaiasal secrebly feolsý, ciatoti, if usot largeuy due, te unric ac- slackeus. Tise great majcniiy cf lie hava e maltlait hlftiese usmon for lIaIL, mono tItan ay cher animutal, id on otet'xic inflsuence lrotefusl- insmîgs'ants are oftBritishlirlin. thoam le ecquire sbengtî te maie a flesb. There a r le ma ny ma ciseislies mraîl l e Iei it stanui ty digestion, rrites Dr. L. C. Clisse. Mlost cf thinsare a ll s'îpplieti iitis rolura in tise dtiy. anti consumes Iltaeut n aîle Lire, Ve c nsue i ohesnitroeneess aluniy-bantic, lar'ge proportionîare fiappjily everyycar ste sec ewier cf lcsno. he onas-i ir eflctions. fow a o uhnet h u îrî'sctsral faraseès. thie olti, aipîeti, rattîiag-boucs Cent, the consumptive, th-e tetoxomir stcie tisaIteîoa-s is quisse tiairymon. W ion a mani is olighton- .IO AE.sfiin opeiiaectr-ilLt ___________________ d le nover dccc il, anti lia muii e Sîckly child, the pai.e youug. Untiern nany condtiotncs lot mater lacis ch tie aiccosa anti glandulas' anligilenati or ha srops ont ot sighh. woman, al vant human flesh ia one et thisimot POient r'entiin striclures coflise unperî'ir t'cs Do on atc cid asiy? -le simjply sarvea eut-se eser!agenîts tli au ccii lie oîycti, anti Maay et the incipient cases usai pl Doc li cosi an on Tr Gie tseuscai teoting c iyunti and they eau get it-take etîsa, stressiîselietl thac- te us fou' îscctssent wsocî ti gai st,1 Dostecl agoTy 1gra-i'in latisa asraîng aci e-ýt iigit s l mls .cousiuases asene thian ir'ugs. 'mIsntli tis'ugs or' sus7gical lnberfe-es, as wulli, cciilie Iasînnes ara lxur- t' E uso.But liheie usamsy ethe hiiega poster- by correction oet e,eocie anti lent.Scot's L~' ~fiiu for ge00i, is aluse May prosvo tI-bygieaic hifluences. Plant oir fr stancîy ati chad- imulsson îs fuesum jurionis, anti produierenssuits qsîhhe _________________ lancaetfeod for theo ole yeaan. As and blood, boue and muscle, opposite te mIsai t as isîtendect. -LiO n much feeod as possiblo shuilieI ied teurheotegtes Tic affect et Warnsuor modenahly Taz WORSTIIDP. grown outhIe fanai anti aay lack-It liot,,nrvs streghn o aer applieti te tlt' surface cf Mter Piles have existed for a ln Th ugTnc sioulti ha purcisaseti.] elie it- reil- ts rasad itli odids atecerie tloti-vesasela tinse and passed throughdleen theedThetivengraTonandthey ai cw wl pay backI hie ouluayun- dgsiv ati tisasses cf t' a ki ant i stelying stages, the. suffering is itnepi teret th vey net d!ý- eedthe hol bod.'ogicnis tle lcoaia rolaxeti, and te achîng, throbbîng, tumors formfleà Il cures the meet stubborn kind Earl li 'rymanaxi day. eed the wol body.loe o 1r lsth e P eiog t115c actural to burating with black blooti. Listaceira or Luiy, sieult go a For nearly thirty years bosse. Thes bleoti soppiy cof tIshereis Syumptomuslntilcating other tobe of co-hs nd clds.i'-theus imueli liscreasic, andtihcpres ar'e May appeair to a thoroughly PilQ-âickr If conglisnticude.succession of aucculent focton ticScott's Emulsion lhas been the oeei lieeîiebd a es esn ofi os' uyo, cows. oea.I h niebd isbe esI Fln~tin tse sningla îye, isonpeas re a givr ofhuma fieh. limeisti tsa aîtohpissuccsmnt'sed Ta lewhenHem'o the tis oni your moaey wili be refunded. i5intesri'i s nIe,,, ra ieofhmnfeh hsato rdcs iakt Itrateulablt Fecw, anti oas owi nsturcosien il iu scune dchanges laib 1e distu'iîîsiticn of tish neei h ny bou Pl ue Pcilletiii bost e a cf bloti, and Ticroîssitesable plionaof bringe the recuits that base matie ieý milet, mids lI st!jig W ili senti you acouple of this Lli latj kri reut tc hstei Prices 26c, 60c. and 81.00 sixi tics brnsopntlithetca eniy i I iicretems subr astee cer pianeti a drlla eîti ua ouces tie i ti5 cti belugît clseitteicce eantene asuda bodeti uarat- t S .WELLS & CO, roasictiIclirc tcisfod ufae.I cuEarot tiksli"that effeet goes with ae ackrg 'panboti. ' Toronto, Ontanlil>w ,i hootic resc1î(D ____________________ od nd$ro; i 1,0 tTIPI j xîîua i got ae tt I ot islu o b m anvillte hY tig t & Jz.

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