KourjpTk Depachs Frc o unofiialteegraifrni eaquates isaix pat a e beenarriinfc dtMukde,,sx s ii',ndestoadIlr M JpaJor netimo epastf Thtth usian Ic ilanderin-cici As oonas Ithe baý _y is practicable is no in aposiIo ta begin fen Jpnssiege tra'-in will land, and ar ii ascsiai tLia- ag ro xetiot Afthurl iwhiile the th1Il rd / onov, ha laitArlihurIlis, pr-L copsnndapeciall11, organiied;Lflý, ing ~caly bi ieedauJthattheeney couai wil coapeatewith the irst ~i e adanc ii-t tha Rssian maincorpsin anindvnnccon Mukden. poiton ~ he licfis ins oai The Il' rcsponidointisays regardîng comuictin bi herfurther o lic aînea Dlythat it \Vas eraios eei llelytaboconfne 1tirty hours aiilter the fight beore taarcrce raowing tae th e ,Japanese weýlre in ai position tc, dage atedig Peexpasui' îouyte tw.Dnring the inter- tir c inmun"li(ic)[os i Northen a aîicb peilld. Such ur- Coro. Reort recix c reardiglapan ocamutants ns were ableý iheaciee~ens i PeCosaksta elPaages-e,, :d injunks ta shwthtfic R u11sýiiis are already Chefoa. The lclChinese officiais adopiag ggîe S SIiotc ticsosuth alloxxed the jal. which contained ai iaiCbeg.Moreuox\elth- grr-about 200 rcntthraatsl, ta be farced iiia PrLArthur estardta bc land until teJpaeoarrixed and barrasiiîgtPe asiesO. Thecsigoresitorcd derteJail birds had the pratracted.ectd t b The ior gaiîgbv±ausly embodies T OTFY18BN abat Pe ussin censar xislies to bec eptht teLna rxe ~îaauned an itma aram no frmaMosnsat-i sitisttceLo d Th ;t caclese ire tulh, btili a lrn- ' xIIii be fort iedaiîîsItte gco~t ctcn caîistnt ith s otrcntgee aiasgirspcie rcpots ccodiîg t whch Pe e- 'IlxpeSe. TPeo he-a i ýSieegi %vasl eopaig o n b the farce malydetne or this purpaset, andii senth1 Cii ouraatkn taroliva forhercoidýerable number will Par Aithu o centea iversiaii in h oae for thc' saine pui, s favo aifisgarisai. Tis arc, îom ronstadt and other fîrslt-claxsý ac~odiagsa ho 1ow-lîxxug crre- fotreses. Cen. JIourapatkia's ifa- podet i1te Laondon Daily la il sistenco a manth ago tbat it proba- cnitai14,000 artillery, cavairy l.wudb cesayt croii ;ind,] itlzl , .under Gen, itaiken-iiram directly attempting ta sax e berýIg, wiolîo bt Liaa-Yang vith Waf- Plort Arýithur and the Liao-Tluug Pro- angi i- asliis immditeobjectiveo- naory ý\-prodiuccd anilnns4.,,y pain-, fatth prpsoof attaclcing Ien. fol eiect la courit circles. lti id Okîsma.thtitlie C-rm at firstinsed ta buil (j - Tlîam criic cihme and in Paris il i-, e the epeine i si!ch acoýn- car in te opinio that tP danger-tnce, and it was ayale ctie aus inacolix re i likcly a lod taiaîîs frainienKoopki d lete ori. . tlkaegw ;'htt Ile mperarwou]d ag 1citaac- Accrdiig a nvies romTie- ress;ion has Peen inteniiified bl)\-Cou. Tsi, fantw bre lîi Rusia nixe aollpa;tki1ifr1 e insistec p ment is, also reparted, t1Ie Japanese on tue iîîecessuîy for providfing ho-J are nat cancernid oaxer il, feeling trnes for a retreat north exen 5 cei tat the Russians 'are unable ta Piilriîîgdawn a sutllcient force to ar s1ab raeffective, and epciai ' lly as il PRISONERS IN SIBERIA. would leave thei apea t.aua attack onithe flank froua the soia. Advices received at St. Petersborg i\en iethe Japlaiîesaem-ýatians by m irai mTa'misk, Wlestern Siber, !wc\,en Kiichiuan ad Pl'art Arihur ia, repart the arrivai the eof a dle- ar sreuîd xth te csoia se- tuchnent a Jpof eprsnescon- crc. Sci fw reportsasb ceaie sisring ofai .tenti,ix s cnd 18 iar i)ocet t ic ,doîngs s ýiiuîcctheo mca, tIle maiLjariti ai wbaMo are >ýsaii-l Iltte i auhn il bai ased ors. Ail wrein, gaod healthjjJ. TIre onrua IorSupposition. affiuerS w"Iesnt ath Ocr' TPeTako curcpoae ofaithe Club), x;hile iltemaweeqatrd LoudonDaiy Tlegapb dicustng LI,- rdigschlool, Foad nllaw)ý- the ceueiîaustosk m ix cd -i ia the ance a engutd P fesc xîutuo lnt iil o comlshd caiy Wrinnhave reached LaiPel I i ha l cansbtitute ail niorltni Biait oatoc xceestele-i f audw Ili ex o, uscesiial stands ga sttionsfor communication 1 Gen. ourapatkin i ukd(en, acossthtL body oi water. Kii,ori ilria w iii ho unabla ,ta ataurli ' eal.TUE CZARiS OPDFîES. il is asuxedircai uaaoffcial re- Thie Paris Petit Journaill bs a des- part ait(e'IrIx i rapsthaten.atcb i m mSt. Peters5bUrg stating Japa isstil sedingoui Ibe Ce. tht te Czar bas i ;ulIn i der in- Cira wi 1-1b gi cu anwaeixeniing structiiug Cen. Stoessel, in the eveat dci ' iil 1 a i eo.iKuraki, wbo isnîsnofaithe capture ai thc fartress by the of Gu. uroi, ilois lsoJapanese, ta blaw up the fortifica-I bell ex ced îa Pc reccix iîg a, considrx- tiaus, the bars and the înast im- pll roportion ai the reiuifarcemcais Portant buildings. -lhe fiect, the (fo. Krok's pealius ontnuetaCzar orders, miust maire the grcatest bu cmpltel~ bddun efort cxen ta the extent oi iskitng MUKUEN. partial destruction, ta eut its way 01,7 OM I Ol <ut ta reacb Viadivostock. Tth most TP t.Ptersburg correspondent aif,îonaoaccount be surmendererl. tP Fei 'aisien sai s thartPe Ja- Accarding ta the reports ai the pa eiii, e withdrawrn the ir attack- ebiof navani canstructor ut Part Ar- iug ar sut distatnce beva,-nd Lino- tPur, the repairs, au the Retivizan 1 g.Tbluax uoxdurtbier ta xiil be complcted ila amwci,.or txvo. tue iorh-estex dxmlor* the pur- The CzareviLch xill bc eay or ser- pos e oerappngih IsieJn leit xvice In a few days. T'e'Il,, on xxin. Cen Kuraiaîlîî tats that tPhe Pallaabas becucmpcad n exr~ bingappers t Pc aingwuîisheias been reiustatla sevice brît a asis forlarg meinocccentJitis beliex cd thalt tPcoilreore in ira itai MuirdliPtors roreniia aiy denatacr usa lÎco NREST IM RUSSIA. C-IN. KL'S AEMY. Th-ousan-,ds ai Political Arrests Are TeL'ondn'[lvTelagrapr Jîlixtte Reported. a S. Ptrsburg despaicli, sayng A Lna opti a -h ti e e.Nr>tIis naw bsiysuper-Sadadprilîts frhrstateme--- ,,1, isntP l di i athir dJapan- coucemuning thexe. unreiat7da- o-',ai iîy aI Takahu. , iivisions itation thraugbi iui a. The writ fret tfPr 0 sux it xill taretPhea-inca;t pr tis' s axe lit îe tlnc t tixore D. n n ard J. c-Ri i ptb tAue' uJTuleiwau rrmeicbluas~ l~ei ltinly ht ï m-u n Pc.' Pe usetic ieîx-hante 15-~uuu or ileeneîPecue s er g J cacloi!aur' s slas, many a!ius are ire hio naps itle h 'àbrelr ,"d eigIl lu the oci- cap'0oo. Ceeadaoed a lng arcfa!pi u eritery ta P e Pndabndnty 11undreds ad tasn eo ngmnIAPE FOR ICS and naenilPaef, IUndh Wbfie Ibis org cî f elsd BLTS ANPI) DL. Jtoo buiiry for t;Seswtril si 5Ii ca.Rlsadgr sinali staîclci, ndi l i ntILs tPe ]psare sot n iiît m y iniik ai caw's pstveionfI x-1 perimrents withî tîm-,culpet tPe 1aF Pqi itea iaco o vLd consin Experimen Sttio t trt1felsilnecessacy taIoax c i l a veriy "akeili weth ivig."ils value fat' p l,-x ireIIcwfg Lnigf ncefan5 xst Thn.PeaI~th~BIor!~ f~s~~ esuits: Disie~d&omch tru~s'f~ 1. TPat xxtb is mi-ac ho hec) .I', ast1edo, iheflnaîflalite aceuidu ia breede of sv. te, o c icp, mn -emos il ai ng, efficaey ai ;6 pourida I eatucii iiselut a girdle lint ticg ta ha o grain feede. cdaainyi lt i hi'wt og itberl- cesy l xit: ~LL 81949'per acre. Pipoîrfx mmade, ao' il rs cthr 2.TuaI cape lis aIIe ra ef u o ti Pae uany pr--ed drn xidfocr groxic igsenag aodclx'r b-e S0 t Pc abî(nrcli 5' of nedlr ty yoacs, and_e are recag- pasture, th'ep e djlpti tt 'p cna ee icd'hnd o P bau icgmalle ounte0,xl, g 1001I snxaiî max ai10cnt. f tîtese * S Est saferuard Agu1inst nBil g 1tvou's At ac .sand 1peuuds ai gain a 3or puuslcsfouudcîueîîs lîmpîmata P't tPe figure The mastsatisiaaccy evi lance of tPe grainititan wans Iruic P islimewCxcroaibmuildinîg ,l grdie 15 THIE AMATEUR NURSE. 1univecslestoerû la whicib EEILCiIAM'fl led upen clox'rr pmt, gu-o-lativ siinaiilied. 'OîhI:,waisc xithsisdcielyte g FlLLS arehld is fau-ndl mt -acttn4tha~îe 3 'litIpigs mmar îc thifyl, hve ' disbal eemeuîiid uit ofte t tus s eiddl tn g Inaldel bcharYeuil,;nllian, an toi.apptits, md mie arrs- a~ hrmarttai i iritivvt it ~ te tnind nurse, there are tboc I -i r<inn culgcoalet, frouslxvlîosfis asmuies-'ho tike Care a fla'~ Eusy uCaephtram a-cr îet octat cstc.[lu eaixsedfriend ttiggli e(er Pre3paredacl bz"hau.ü leo: 1 pledcnjuae_ fommd e ut Pc buc tccvlxi, 1e-d1,ev erywui, eretYn Wiusou'î ai ilîness, frai whcIaapýing eougb 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~'Ii ',ls, rle, sud i ,linxib0flrandthnwe iuclst fmire si,tmlis. narytatyrboid anJdtPee re so many Amr-as. Lau bmî, a foui ou grali(a:cue il' 1- 11qtu >içae a patfct cmictale andt ?~ icItPicgodcep:fpn~ 'e imt nx-out aum secaitrube t-ePense, j ilýý,, asnataxe. A pro'0moy Ir~r ~ ted sur chxîpet gccnleedlacwafsrd oaa; Ib shrt - eisted smpi at ,t itilsesiuio'et Sali l e lîrî e sd aorhotr tik e tio ta miL about thire à*ibuus as allen 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ clet . ,.s osbe aIitlm iic I 6.TPa cxcryferuic aibog la TP'faarit gidleis idaru ac onîmiuWho are dJcoutedIy kitd anJ ý Wiceain sbouid plntaebomtspang Pek andgredr,'itcdta a<uk o c sîrahi eldi cf rap adjinlicg pmhiiuxrb fai, w-.idtiî t ia r an. ud himungi patienuny apanoe L31'ElA ' f'Co TI.P-E.-,rd, and lîmavide hrsl xiba ,exv tl ere ar'e aany -fIll- for Iil. A pretty 0 apoeteacxc aal yards ofi miovabie feao t ropecyiy mode ,is about faut-marbe w' ie, inmc mhyuetl l'uudeîtmîctla1eiîgP i te bd tPe cape tafo adsow s and the bacir, tire eilr Poeing sirred îhree -I P is lcf o r n niosi xreuxî<c[ xix iaxe o a)imgpmgs. lmeson thecenre, ..aiid.g ie rettedlb cled uopn, say, ta1)ac veun trcs n caieaoui or a ume mber ai ibe fiiysudey sot cîuix tteicxI atPs it r7. Tliat cape sioahd hoc-sown fron eacb side, fasecningi faut x#!th tPe""[i, and lapaîIt ta facilitate tPse shfu'ing aifcaochl'd cillering, ,u'nder ttPirmi is a hut ntOl us tu Ibii P xx lu1 s W.',F.»M,-,tPe greucd and cumihivalion citier eacb bo-kil am doyefou'falein.Tîte silk btgulard nmeabeus ai youc iamuily Sparran. Thicý:iî l rieto t'acsix'e groxx'him bes ib,ýeîtebaoff. lss alnijdiipens xPe heranicanla-gic4n, aced you ausii's mdr gard te lais uPe piotv liiianfi . 'TPîe PageshouiJ ntI haturned sur cring in lfront i,,l' i )I,icmie ouî P g-tIig t-texr Plant as grl lcos xfb nay 1un- lup)n cape pailî-Ime until tPe plants wtmsmblm r' r iigte Cý,la ctl u' ic 'nmaIlt eut folios aetlemet tl-cxohoilaucteeîm inries bhoî'es 'Tint talieLta or cr 0-cîete di1ÏILEot02 sk k %VeeaPei a lceand ltee IlPigP, and tma tlyshouid ha pre- ~aestqlecoetrte ld edauxax' ai draperies, ca!r- Cata woJIlor'ajphemano ud niche vented iratî ratiîgwhile in tPe daw'Iî litae -tdi e cloJs e Pt- elpets 'aid citrtains blinI wil ii ua txutweIiir çret intelligentlmajue field. go oi b W n ral ie-Ma -"h; put euxay uselesbrir-a-hrac PS ut Pc Vthosaiehobas read 9. Thut rape us cila nsaîisfacîary i1 o ou Pls n rauape-ani upolstered fumnihure; -and cdean il ciland uimdesands it, ,oxelnta fred a-bec led anice, xx'Pen itl'iSrie- t r-b rePct ethdaotalbos aepetfe the digesling oaILS mx ,gixes good cucul ta Pave uny !li awoi ght .gain P hpoiîmed bacîr laid iu picats, ficncri white leancucains et tire evîdence ai urepassi'ip 'xm'Pe an- made in bogs, thouiil i bals beI taicriuig, icni albout four unches fa windows, a fea- jars for flr.w'rs, an 1 gels fear ta hiread.' fou nd i hat tiroy xviii juist about th ce tr ha ,half l etir oi t n t he a y h n l e t a S C e ' l Buit v',rareSuare tit iftuWCxwant imaiain tiiemselvees xitimauî less si a-Pohre ifxas mt ypainleu not ru abidmng place for diý,sas ta. iin O,-get-nus. etagoad sized serceen, theuuh thmse utî:ion Inure 1a fiaont. and set on with stali but- i ydcnhs laya la tPhswe ntst îuroud honxithPEE!;V-ENTTION 0F POAO~ tocs. al' -tiu miis e ai bis saili s, a arare nl ea-No one sPouiJ cet' plantafield af backlrouicochmetcd ncal edding pcct~ossresat; s hiexuatu hlding putatues tvitPouî first soýakiiig the teperiîug ta a Sinîgle txidîhlitii In, Wtia om md a1 ada capacityaite aI meice(',l'le su-ad iiIu ursxesbiîaos-Md inPrstrheibou, ad a ir aJ isiufea , cx!toa ,au alen- xx'i',tt asre ri.c- ui ..eouiho16aure a aali) E-eniltP ga-n. ieit addtin mibartiL hoaJpana nr ite i iu im evlpuiit iittceu sc plerepnc vireaie eycla'mîî gruo î~PiIi.i a ao ianu'" uicnia ou itu s i opeîislc io itxlbcItrace in s c i i ste eIsi t car iÂr uye ceaqiciiyaud raxr-nely ufla Pc~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ iseaulrg i cbm c<lnie ateOa Adlax idea îre-xi eir lmilsrtstti, îte TPePetorlaiar i P uhe uvr f te ubu' Peexpns i sailu'bham oaisid our s'hi'uyu aI,1_: laessihî a te mpuîureciaa treremîd s'îc.IltP tcae hu uihixex't cpîald yî'rei pou, u nra, l on Piri irceirr tu cîcP~îmj-l cudmuon i sed e plnte upa 1ai ice temet il ai' uJ ikey taPol gemîs - li to<'u15 j ,a5î il us ordehy drx a di uttetelor crolu pbaductun. lam Paon î ofmmitureisreiprooo. Weer9 nilrss slppoiS, thoe ueu' uIt theiu's i tOc xxac1 ld a roi y gi îg stiý' ' cr xlih lolweJ lt arI i P n ciîic -u eils1u x hage. ton as ncOs5mi"Ila kep ck-erybai 'iserui f xmmlrte cing a softheis a lasmnieal ax sit iiibai bone u e lu t P's ifîfea rd ie . Iben tît l)ge !,îs1a,ii c ,Ieid- -cuc"I iitrli irnohi'ixdaxs lr t li cap h a tc g aln ai analcn o cw asbocbeing nd e g md Plduui , fW c ig i xxII ci!otabia tri jgILu i t fut bbc igut e lP, i a îii hidiiuictng an aasrig rel the importnce of keeortily hLol'ideint[de 1-rsh rtst ium atPlnPina- n a state a in cpihtaluuima-tte .ccli enbrmnce. InPoa' ýIlhîhy il otice ie n'urdaorkunitufro cd.har ire admisiuî ad teruprlisoflon ii,'x i Once cry ifkeh b ihse atsreofl-meaist ie. a'qatofsuainla lterlaondi pu n-I au ospcih'waut-x h age tir e hre'srpeddI tire firTeetcet fappîi r '-'-'p t i a rahboa x edîg idcas tlîng1il ho-d tir'e laa ei utc x lx tîcî eau tu itli enIcon. Il aed iapLllil irl ie i fr cuufmgibntt te and'y inoituia leai ire oeairir-uieuufa ou utîet reegil i) ati tPeseaon FTs I iiINiS huPeain soumolndte teogina t-i hie in eau egaconm iio nporrs e. is en'1:ogi (i i1 ;-.àmr tre nyhebacwhlahars IL lalxaa o gllhof atlafo amade ils -;euîandiodng fx oleiraî'e la gui ax Oc iouuc1 fieda iteinmteitthwfigia uteThisln piated t in auJ foraJndlx nauingwa sI stateh'sir 'e~ T iaI i w-c xac. il, uets 1. o u ur ilyttife lounr-t a i gllthge lio secleu a aiiugbt xx'dionai sph o loi urnî ndal sf1 i a epIbl ittatie luaUtv rai rc ell lhlcdt r-at J fou' xxshiapte tîîrsesbuds ai PLe amin. S h OUlI.ofIr, wlFEleR r ta n n l~iiva 1,asa ourortime saalthug rtl e thu oheva orelsetuîdtne mP s-pana rn oseunl wrÈ Wel oive mpbr piiaias ix e i i sahippi- judonapPig oawatial o- om xere thume a sl a cn tgion te t han xx eteinl',if a-e iitai ote ictu in osulIl.,Bi'uleauxunxtnî' co-fotreg lexe um tmy ao i- d see. Il Ohnt heulb' lo'aieJ xvitiî lite ~ ~ ;i ditncin Imîtt xvie' a'sit in 61pou0ls inu Lsum tL, hteair urrsqc i <'msbTIoajlc P1 vl acotmd.ca boro'utioterf Sol thle uo'la on u lci frxIbliit ci32gaons nulvlec rcl0rne\iOa5iiiuta pnu r lugu bhavn* Tirego ail;-at - 7uref11i.nd .,.,,4, o , with ltîik ILere eibmp;,eid tienta luad hf'ra ulyca routv ta fiet ieiscusalc ta lbîp îtt isceel lxtuiii oi î'5. Timu limu id confiAls oai S x'îctium.s.ýe or sîîaeos Petwconou limelsaliIpai-aai tic isIi enuIý l pasi tirecclui t j eljnlledStales -tmeriles Issu tîte sîauîldei semîti ta-aliers fo nlemy aIl se re f am lie te e l op1P st andm' Pu arîeut P mc cicWio-t r coîm F lte tute c side ceatn o d, nçt aoeiy s ti p etaonandlî i pl~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ýý iiom xmeî larssh i iir a ieicritis ss Ib- -,i)ces.i iefrut A -iehcnarie, buotexea fhge-irs e fce-as eoa Vlile tx nd~iî. tircom, ca- u olnuulactts mîuiinglon xutunwalx' ccxx c(,ivrmy l ime n stPe a, tsediftaroix rfstla fart sudiu pansccasil sîîk blir li heh IhcceauJtîue elix imgtheIdU'aite n ortaitent ex thLthe S icghaîg.der aîmeam exncesmuelupitntt kcu'ir)nsd isencu mc 1e n te Thsi lietxofip'addeumes tirensl u bcdfi lu',ý ei', j$2 ia relcldeimoiî lm ia xvatî' Ii el cuml alen îa daht ris- egnir fa ex cl fuirtimmia, siux' xxitL tî i eglhe _laicg4 n lass IP meaui tid e rsA dn tl - 11einamc nîa pu me , n buittie rmots Jo nt p bensupp tai c îxni ra ii. ýC Ait - -. -I 11-- 1 . Il - airaI1et Iucyo nal use is cacc i t ceee dtnaicd, buttPe pîesuin oslaiginise iesd hîteuî usei Wtiautiîauîg a<ced a pan qunttie aibb colaxinbodmile lihic acnJeep awie p ties c c afi5in P a-athi astg.aJebeePa hdtuacmeariPr l a- iesa Ii -ae uJ'îuxaar t Witc tPe sou is bt ouictibor ar ioaicg a Lopirat on îr ceie isa tuxai mlx Iuelcuire disirsli,'! foc ccry cauudler3abiu tire regLar Ugumo i tP drariaicin bt&ps'u tr or ipugho.~imt ass w-alc curse ar estblulmeu lo- lie ~4 J l uurîstir maisuuelui ls mscac t tir et Seh-amde men ud epe re to "ixeindvidui uira assscesbat Thos cousesIl pison 4r moulem.hi lu aiIht-iei s a ed u~hrig oai crlcas;i'rctyaeheqfSoull Buvnuu 5i els ppd ft' irebetie i! il. ý anid thecit ta('bcd ta sa c ta by alasdo use thea,11. But as ta inj- fa thte toflet ofhemuu ns be i1eriafmed for iea, uJshul ne', erte neglected. For. this pr pose a little waýdaisefid ab sorbent Cotton so l he uslej, anJ then txmown awxay, eoýr mater bmne W'lhen the baby bias itsbah P umooîli sliuld as p araiof' ou- line, Pc weshe xer gctly itha pledgrt ai1cotten wet a aslto ai borcle 9acid, or,,nyother -mIld clisiniectiuîg liquf J.ý if the1r littia"' gun's are soft n pnyadbed iug, d.abbling tlucîn ihtiotfa mymrh mwilil hlp tia The resý1sue L;1ahIbi:s cmeis t sainerasnIatmlsthcaeu adrlt use b is ol-ms cuuas ly miter each îclnmlta Pamîniol gerîns intntyci t f tPeý 1autbis of ail aiÈ ls, aen tPe!L( PltbUiiest, and baie, lth1ougb th01ey haeno tecth, arena ecepti-on ta) Ibs ule. If their înaxtbsau' not the constank reecei tem»uh andcasuetytepasgtbug the sy steni, aioefll, fi;ni ixg M- crobeis In illncss a saxalhltsufrng are allen ereatl9 agma aed by pacchiug ai tPe lips auJ tangue91l, 11(l il le cxarble ta teIl 1t Petouble is. TPe imîîouts i hee itlepa tients sboxîld Pc cownntt efeae anuJ kept moisI. This cun h done ,vfthl glyreriue and watec, an.d fa ulneny cases urbere constantdrnn' is fa'ide y tPe phyisicien inucih sufiiCîLg can be avoided by keeping,ý the mIo4t1î moisI and coîforta-ble hy saune sncb simpliens. Great gea- tieness rmust bu' observeà in thlis tailet aifie mutbfer thf bay' Inlucoas mebrneisxeytedraf eesily eia!d ac ifiliiume ulceration amiy fioo. - t' Coîmpanion. ORGANIZED CARP, EVS Admission of the Wiie cai the Pro-- prietor ai a Big Store. A deýspAcb froniCiag 5 In tPe amî'est aifticte aaa tPe police h elfee be- hve beu tPe ispto aianagnzeind of car be'sxbs epeain lix recuityemhaecs P mil rondis neamly $1,000,O000.'Ibe; olic set, that teaa vieti ha int hi wl vo us cnie xvealtby by !is u'sighrs, 'vas 5solliagé eutly Stolen gauis lin a bfg tor xxbicb be bah ,beeuî operating tac a numbet' aif-x ars. Wilhen Pono-avan was arrestcd tPe police say tHat le coaiessr'd tabhax iîg recefx d soie goads front' tPe car thieves duming tire iu5t fitocît years. A NEW STEEL PROCESS. Expected to Greatly Reduescost Steell ndiran mca tbmauigbout tPe world' x'xIiiPL utcstr a bua semg erisaexemetlapac tihel practd anwp'cs o mainoce e, x'îib b e il,,livsxxi fratuvre dure e cas ai matu;nS ruin e pt'ecess whic rvofonizedý District Tufs ook A ulespalfcxfroxi lgima ay Oit -lune 9 ta contingenti (icft unen bers ai bý tPe ortbxvestMaitdPl ice xxiii levx-c bre for îsamsBy gaieg Py w a i Moxîca. rb'yar gaiug tae, eghu tecnign snt up tee at er i avî. Peen iou1nd imtthrex ala îxx eît,-omach the IDr..Lobrîs.niFu id tira nernas !oefl fermants ;uuuîuic johea. an and paire- atee'arb auJ rai are tPe e .eaiu. nervai. m mîuuleta- fncreases tPeucasr u- plyuo ah-elur aqiu lil am q'ait aisr fot'mihio Any fe ea eb1' Staît & Jcîu'u-