euGet the Best' IDon't buy cheap in- ferior drugs and medicines, no0 matter how cheap they may be. There is a saving that does flot save., It is the resuits, the' Wear, the Batisfaftion that you shou d pay foi, not quantity. These are qualiies that every L,,,ingle article in ouir stor'e muust have before we offei it to Our ýuStomers, IUvery- thing we seli nmust give Satisfaction' with a bigc S or we are glad to exchange it or pay back the price paid. ~ïDoesn't that make buying uere wortha while? SrtOtt & Jwrye The Druggists and Opticians. jour Stomach indigestion, flatulence, biliousness, dyspepsia anti other forms- of stomacli trouble quickly relie ved and cured with. Stott & Jury's Dyspopsia 1 Tablets A dose after eatiniŽ' in- ~creases a flow of the à Iges- tive ('iices- and stirnulates digestion., They tone Up the stomach and do away with the iii ýeff eets of over ,aatrng. Our Dyspepsia tablets contain the best possible cornbination of remedies for al stomacli trouble. (0One dose wiII prove'it) Truss- *-Wc guarantee every truss that we fit to be comfortable, ta give absolulte sat sfaction. We promise that iA wilI be durable, that it xiII hold the rupture perfectly. We are experts on fitiing trasses and have a hune cI theo inest trusses m--ade. Ameurican Silver Trusses,' H ard Rabbe,),r Trusses,' Elastie Trusses wiih Frenchi Pads., Get our prices. Private Boom for fitting. No charge for con- srmLtaki. S5tott & Jury, The Druggists.and Opticians. I OACfit[ - KIDNn' bood punfying M SYSItI am o. awar thIR% fs~Unlo f iA. Ticy P"oal.y ours bioed huwMr, skia dims. es ha 401i0, baokaohe, drOP17. gravel, nisu- roo~ ut1anialrldney and unlnary troubleg, iiyertorpor coous.- AND Paton-aud cive alok, and wo-ou aDow OPe.aL&"Dr. BLOODB Kid.-Z 4~ found inatIle la ou aoi ngood a-flj Yars th-& bo a. ufred tram bankacie, sy, ud vOr trouble, wîh bleu ota8pII. d itang, but th«* çumaar.ien y ensd 1 r04 garhybtte idtrno aboîtie. 3 for $1.25,è 01, ~ <orby -ae.The Dr. ZIna BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 8, 1904 Vi-sitors recenitly are ioud in praise o the town's beauty.1f r Bowmianville Base Bail team piay# a Peterboro Saturday. Miss Florence M. Beilman je hom, fromn Hamilton for.-vacation. Mrs. Fred Osborne, Winnipeg, Man. lvisiting hier mother Mrs, S. Wright Mr. Thos. Robbins, Hampton, ha 7returned fromn visiting his son' at' Mal Mrs. Frailklatchi, Kemptville, i visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. R. W James, 1Kin-g st, Mr. D. B. Simpson, K. C., and Mis Simpson attended the Burke-Wilke rweddinz in Toront4' Saturday. t Sunday June 26th wilI be children'i Day in Trinity Ohurch. The Sundai School wiil render the evening service r Mrs. Alex. MeMillan wiil pleasi accept our best thanks for the first bon quet this season of lovely fiowers toi oar office desk. Mrs. (Rev.) A. J.. Strike, Lindsay was presented with a china set by th( Ladies' Aid of Queen St. MethoCisi church in that town. Mrs. (Rev ) Tonkin and hier mother LMrs (Rev.) Williams, leave for Manito ba in a f ew days, where they will spenc the summer,-Pickering News. Bowmanville Foot Bail team wil play their semi-finai game at Bridge north nexi Saturday. Bridgenortl 1play here the foilowing Saturday. .Mr. and Mrs. D. H-eddon and -Mastei RLoy, Solina. and Mr. Chas. Knight Wick, were gaests ai Mrs, Thos Hardy's, Whitby, on Victoria Day. The twelfth - anual convention o. the Clarke Sundav School Associationi will bc heid in the VIethodist churcli Newcastle, on Friday, Jane l7th, coin mencing ai 10 a. M. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rodgers and Mrs John Bragg, Hamilton, have returnec home after a most enajoyable visit witl their scores of friends in Darlington Clarke and Whitby. Rev. W. R. Wood, B.A., a graduat( of Knox Coilege, wili be inducted w~ pasior of Dunbarion- Presbyteriai Churcli Jane 15. Rev. H1. Muurce, B A , is biiled to preach the sermon. While Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Gieger and 3Miss Buby Thompson, Cobourg wert driving, the horse became frighitened and ran away tbrowing the ladies oui Mrls. Geiger rez-eived considerabit mIn ry. Mr. John, Medlanld, wife and son Woodstock, and Me, Chas. P. Medland, Chicago, 111., are home caiied hore b3 the death of their sisier. Miss Mînnih Medland. Mrs. L. VanCamp bas returned fran Rochester, N Y.. briragîng lier on]3 sister, Mrs. Robt Bell, with hier to spenc the -sunimer heoe Mrs. VanCamp ù visitinZ>her daughter, Mrs. McKenzie, near Columbui. Rev. R. S Laidiaw, a recent graq, tnate of Knox Coliege , Toron-to., wil supply the pulpit ai St, Paul's, Churci during the absence af the pastor-, 1ev 1.Muriroe. B, A., who is enjoving o morth's hoiidaNs, 11ev. G. W. Dewef, Toronto, was lu, tawn last week and was shown througt ithe new Town Hall and Publie Lib rary bv trie May,ýor. Hea con siders il ;s spleudid structureýr. Bro. Dewey is ver ,popular as a lecturer., Mr James Hastings,Hamiitoà, Grand Organ)izer, Ancient Order of United Workmen, is in town in the interest o] the Order. He is desirous of meeting aillsoung men who are looking for a cheap and good iife insurance. This paper is pestered with requesit for free notices of tâta, that and the other thing. The last request ie for a free advt. for an excursion. We did not invest $5000 in the publishing buiiness for the advantage of dead beats. A very large number of friends symp. athize with Mr. John Mediand and family in their bereavement occasioned hv the death' ýihis Youngest daugu ter Miss Minnie l4ho died Monday after. noon aller a few weeks' illness, 11ev, S. L. Tucker, BA., B D.. preached 1in the Methodist Churcli Sun- day, speaking on the analysis oi Christ- 1ian Character in the morning and the -Rainbow Virtues" la the evening. Bath sermons were fine expositions of the Truili and wgre well received by the congregation who wili be pleased to hear this rising young nman again Reva C. B. Jefferv and Rev. W. Jolliffe assisted, in the devotional exorcises. Mr. Wm. G. Found, booking clerk or the London and SouthwestE rn RIilway, tiolsworthy, Devon, Eneiand, was guesAt 0Af Mayor James o n Mndtay . H Grand rrunk Railwav Svstem. RAILWAN T131E TABLE, BOWMANVILLE SvTTONq. OGon EÀsT. COING WIET ma,u.......9 R2as. m. Express ...5.15 a. M. .ixd . Se,6 P.M. 1Pasenger-.1 42 p. M, Local... 649 P.m. 1 Mlxed..- 7 41 ixpress.. 10 24 p.m. Tickets ta ce,,aln points sold in accordance vith spceial lAiday rates announceclin another alumnn wilI not be honoreS on trains Nos. 1 or STOTT - aY.-Tç~wa-.êgentz I I flears the l he KiflilYeui lavt Aiways Bîîghi Signature Peaus te ,qhKindlll v e IiIAlwaYS BOUght NATURE'S CURE FOR CHILDREN. Soothinig Medicine%, opiates and strong druge should be neyer be given -to little chiidren, any doctor will tell )f you this. Baby's Own Tablets shoui4 be used because tliay cannot harfithe smaloest, weak est infant. These ablets Lt instantly relieve and promptly cure a]l stomacli and bowel troubles, break up se colde, prevent croup, destroy worms. and allay the irritation accompanylng the cutting of,-teeth. Thousande cf Ymothors'say they are the beat' nedicine in the world; one of these, Mrs. Rl SSculland, Calabogie, Ont.. writes :-"* have tried many remedies for children, but Baby's own ro blets te the best1 is have evor usod. 1 have beau giving thomn occasional)v to mv chiid since hi was six monthe oid. Thev have aiways ;s kopi him well, and li j a big healthy ýs baby. " Ail medicine dealers seli thos. tablets or you can get them post paid 1aI 25 cents a box by writing 10 J)r. Wil- liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Horse wanted. Seu advt. a Great choiceofa chldren's and ladies' runderwear at The Mason Co's. Young man, if you want te look swoll order your suit of J. 'r. Mollon. Seo advt. t Thýe walls of the new oost office and custome house are up-it's a handsomé building. Gel yaur children'es hooS and lippers 1for the anniversaries ai Foley's., Large assortmnent. ICougha. colds. floarseness. and otiier throat aliments are quickiy reliered by Cresolene tablets. ten cents per box. AU druggists Revý. W. S. Wright, Newcastle, rp.eached in the Pre3byterian chiurch Sunday. Bev. IH. Munroe preacheda Newcastle and Newtouville. Miller's Compound Iron Pille, ouly ,f25 cents for 50 doses. Sold by Stt & Jury, druggists. The, Mason Ca.ý are selling a yerv pretty and ligit Panama bat for men's sumoer wear aI 75 cents oaci. Aiso some nice linen bats for 40c. and 50c. Mental and plis sical vigar foilow the huse af Miller's Campound Iran Pille. iSold by Stott & Jury, druggiets. Song Service will lie rendered b-v the 6Choir af Trinily Churcli assisted by asome former members ou Sunday aeun ring dune i9th, Puiblic cordially invited. J.mported bii>,k and blue worstods, fanci tweeds and catchy stripe sui made up lu a very stylisi manner witl ebest of linnings and trimminge. Prices 1$7.00,$tOu0,812 00 and$18 50 at lie West End Hanse. a WiIl be found an excellent remedy for sickhltad ache. Carter's Little Liver Plille. Thousande of letters from -people wha bave used them prove Ibis ladt Tr>' thein e The office ai the Bowmauvillc Electri< Ligit Ca, Ltd , Temperance St., wiil bc aopen oaci marning from ten ta twelve yo'clock. Tho -e requiiring lamp fixtures j or work donc wlll please eall. If sick headaclie is misery, liah a Cartcr's Litltie Liver Pills if tbey will pasitively cure il ? People wha lbave u.ecd them speak frankly af iheir worth. 1They are emnali and easy ta take. à The many friênds af Mrs, S, Basker- ville, wia -resîces wti lier daug-htcj Mrs John Curtis, sïmpathiza with her inhlerserions accident. Whie getting iout aiflied Friday nighltich fainted and 1fecl lireaking ber leit hip. The break î« s a vcry serions anc anti causes intense ,suffering. Y Canerai Insnrance Agencv Best af *Stock and Mutuai Coys-Tariff and 1 Non-Tariff. Real Estate bouglit and 1Soid, Lake Ontario Navigation Ca. 1 Agoncy, -Office Phone No. 50,ý Resid- once Phone No. 102. HARRY CANN, Capt.'W C Frank and Mr Charles Snowdon, Mapie Grove, representatives 8 of the District Epworth League, visitec the League h#aro Monday evenlng. 1CaDt Frank gave a very heipful talk on 1"The Christian'e Rest" and Mr.Snowden sonz l"Al1's çlear up abave,"1with a short introduction, was muci enjoved Bey. Mr. Crosslev led a short cn-secration service. Nexi Mondav evening Miss Ethel Y Kin and lier pupils give a musical evening, THE Jov or LiviNGc-Il is only the, lieaiihy who find a roal jav in life. Weaa.z, nervauq, Ian guid and discaurag- ed People find new hope and energi' in .the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. .With nowrich bllod 'caursîng Ilirough lie veine and the tlilîlai now n enve :farce sent tingling~ alang the norve fibres, the joy of living roîun s and 1diseaso and weakuoss disappear. The sone:r sermon given Sunday niglit week liv Rv D. O Crosslev wae intens- eiy enjoyed by the very largo congrega- lion. Il was a good sermon and tie singing was good 100. A male quartet ,-Mesrs, Kuiglit, Higginliotliam, Charles and Wesley Alia-sang splend- idlv and wil libe heard with deight azain The 25 youne misses imade a Poultry eupplieLs at Murdoch. Cawker & Tait sol! the best Churu. 8e6 the Wire Cates at Murdochi e. T. H. Kaiglit wants your butter and 6gg8. Beet prices paid. New enliscribene continue ta caîde la. '17a STATESMIAN is liooming. Leave your' orde" LerField and Gardon Seede witi I dacII's. Ti-i STATESMAN le Worthî any o thon two local papere -auhnv 81 a year. Cali and heur F. C Pethick 's ncw $20 Edison Phonagrapli. It's a dandy. New enliecribons la TuSTATESMAN continue ta came in -65e to, Dec. 31. You can ahways lie sure of getbing finsl clase !ce cream aI Luttrell's, Try il. A fulilineoaifCaaiong Bras' celebrat- ed G. B. Ciocolales just arnivod at Tod's. Now is lhe time to leave van,- 1a-nlrn Use Any Flour You lke There are scores of different brancis of iflour, each. commended by its manu- facturers and preferred by its-,friends becausc of some peculiar quality. With Cleveland's Baking Powvder there 'is successful cookery with any and every brand -of flour. The house- keeper can take her choice. Buy your four and baking powder separatly- neyer mixed together in. the so called prepared or quick flours. ............ & Cryîîenman's, CuîJîso ID IOUSE AND 2 ACRES LANDFO .11.Sale -Brick bouse coniaining 10 r(oume,0 Luttrelh's Ice Cncam Parlor le now iIAiNs-At Asbri Coti age, Eawcnanvilie, liard and sofi water, gaod barxi-room loi fon apea. Cali anîd try aur Ice Cream made Jýe 4tli, Gcorge Cale Iais, agd 59 years, borses-twa acré~s land on whlcli are ail by aur now procees.i MEnLIAN-Ia Bowmanoille, Janie 6th of fruit trees. Appiy ta JouaIq P,XsOjjiw, llb. Minnie , yourgîsi daughier o!f11Mr. dcliT ,deS- ty Si.,liOwmaalvîl. 21w Seeuis havi gan(â Oui il Mundloph'tilanS, agedboyeas Fimerai service on Sunday veny faet a-, i e bas a large variety aor t utata.,oi' Cucia ~i Hill and E;-,-i'age Cora. hSâ olia, June .,'rThoAlSa jRE lDENtCE FORzSALÈýTh8 is St iu'Dnerpaycrdb i ly daugliter of Samuel and Mary Sha' trio ge, l torey brick eýidono emea St.~~~~~~~~~ VtsDnc rail cudbyjagêd 20 yeaîs. Funeral Tlioisiay ai 21)-m- ta St.j,Howmanle(ocpdbM.JesReg Milleî's Compouuad Iran Pille .SolId ly Eldad Churcli. wti1 -T acrenot!lana and sevorýalgo ritie Stoît & Jury, druggists. ,s1XfHpln sPab r eialicî~n ileliiï o PETIC--n op, Jueis, ho b ueS, 8cash. Applyfurp.nticulniiLaM n.Qla Ladies' Bain proof coate, the fincSt beaveditseofMi. S. B.Pethick,agec[52yevars. amuvte liV)LoUîs AY[JLz.744 e stock ever shown lu tawn at Couch, IIÂvzS-Atlot3ll.con.7, Whiby, laie Ii îîIlc' tt-! Jolinstan & Cr.xderman's, William Marwood Bayes, onl> son aiofMr. a.d -_______________ len's Rats, the lalet Engiisb and mantios. isad7BJH ze o ,M DC M Amenican Styles opened out ta day aI FEASPa-At Whltby, May 29, .. arolS d EXCUR8IOýN TO GUELPHI. Farmers' Iastiîu,-te Excursion-Sauth SOntario and West Durham, TuosdaN '0 dune 28. Particutlars Inter, 28-hf Sundav dune 12 'will ho Children's e Day at Providence ,At 2 30 and 7 p. m. y. Rev. H. A. Strîke, Lindsay, a' former 1popular pastor, will preaci Special je being preparod liy choir an< echolars'aI scbool. Allun Bras, quartet are oxpocled ta asse. Collection far Sechool funds. ].NEW YORK ANÏD RETURN. Only $9.00 to' New York and returli r ou Lebigli ValleyEB B. Grand Excur- esian dune 28rd. Tickets gaod 15 days Good on -Black Diamond Express." For particulars cs.ll an or address Robt. cS. Lewis, Passenzer Agent, L. V. R.,10 e King St., East, Éast, Toronto. S Cawker & Tait seil beel butter for Ife per lb, e Trv Murdoch'sý, bIonds of Teas and iCoffees, Trv a a ai ohonie made bread at Luttrel 's. Darlingtoiî andCakelrefrsa Sec advt ,r West Elnd Han'se foolwejar îs, stylish dependahle and law prictid, Miller's G&rip owcr Cure. Sold livy Stott & Jury,drgit a Sec ticlirgi ht lu The Masai Co'e advertisomeuý.t this wceký- fSece Murdocli 4iD e snew quarters, oue Idoor West ai U$Thc(ý Carniage siop. A fuIl lino of Ggang Bras' ceilirated G.B. Chocolates jast arrived ai Tod's. Did von see the splendid men's uîider- wear for 25ets oaci at The Mason Co's. Seo the summor shirts, ies, cahiers, limraces hase and undorwear at M, Mayer'e. Bich, red lilood la produced by Mil- lor's Compound lron Pilles. Sold by tSales &Jury, drugg ists. Saeof Seeds have' been -large ai 1Murdocli's, a fcw bage Coma for Sale syet and Tumnip Beed arriving. tLace Curtains, linudrede of pairs. in the newest desigas, imparted direct at Couch, Jobaston & Cryderman's. Cawker & Tait ask ahi ladies ta ex- amine their new Washing Machine, Its ahi rigit and makes wasb day- easy. Ladies, you al eianld take the trial oller ai TIIE IlouiJSEKEpEii-6 mantlîe for 30 cents, or THE STATESMAN boa for 50c. Na Worm Medicie acte so nicehv' as Miller's Worm Powder'sz no physie ne- quired, Sold hy Stoti & Jury, drug- gisîs. An elegant stock ai Voiles, Crepe de chenos and ladies' enitings ofil kinde jast opened at Candi>. Joinston & Cry., dermnn's, Seoe that you gel lie Elepnhant Bmaiid Floar Paint, made ta walk on, drieâ liard la eighl lioune. For bale loahy by J.- B. Marlyn. M. Mayer lias a full lne ai elraw liats in Children's, Moe-is andBos'Aieoaa full lino of- childron's tami-o-slianîers and Scotch caps 1 A very smant ne* range ai men's nockwear, colomed shirts, fauicy wash veste and fancy hoiery in stock at West End Bouse. Juet received froux John Crossley & Sons, several bales of Tapestry, Brassols and Axmineter Carpete at Coucli, John- stan & Cryderman's.' Barr -v Cana, Generai Insurance Agent, Fire, Lufe, Accident, Plate Gla8s, and Steaux Baller Insurance. office Phono No. 50, Beeldo nce Plione No, 102. You'll woar sonithing now at lie anniversary such as-now .giaves, white waists, fancy ue(ckwear, summer corsets, flue hosiery, fancv boîte, a new muslia dreFs Tny lie Weat End Bouse for Good Values. Annual meeting ai West Durhiam Farmor's Insliture wililibe hold in the Roi ai Tempiarrs' Hall. Bowmanville, on Satarday dune il et 2 p.m. Executive1 officers ta meot at I o'cýIock sharp. Big wages for agýents. Men' and womea make handeomîe wages selling aur householdfspociaiJes. Everv familyi neede them.. A tborougihly hegitimate business liaI you caui start la witiout a cent of capital. G, Marsiail & Co., London, Ont, ~ear ~ ..~#Ie Kind ViI liste flways ogt $ 5,00~A 1 BOOMSOLII) nrieksemi-ehed bouse in PrkdleTornto-as bo waer eating; eoud blldstaleor wo oodboueson back o! lt. ADECIED ARQÂS. T -"d up an estte.i~'r frter artenlrsappiy ta MLRDOH &CL>, 14Lawor Bildng, Toron- DONALD 0.G. 1,GALBRAITHI. Barrister, Solle Itor, Notary Public, etc. Of- lcee opposite J, B. Martyn's store, King St., Bowmanville. 22-tf. IL IERVANT WANTED or emra Kbousework at one. IApply to MR,, (Xlw, HAzTzLwOOD, Elgin 14t., qinaVll, 04. 1 ,ersonocith a ae Smoan-ra ser, oriais lord 1 EU 15 Al5.'.5Y ULAL. s<Q OT. year, BlETTE-Iu Tisonburg, May 21,Marlon Blette, youngest danghîei of Mi, S îsd Blette, aged 10 years., JEROMsE-In Sani Franeiscýo, Cal , May 1trb, James Lîncoin Jerome, ^ged 39 yeais, son cfi Mi. N. A. Jerome, formerly 0f Orono, G02LDMEDALIS'r af Trlty Un- p Sieîsiiy, Torontuo lFourî ynsa sAtb.endîu Phician and Surgeon at t I M ., C arfie iiept. Ptsburg, Ks. Office aad Itesideuce next Door ta Ex-Mayur Mitchelils, Elgin St. TolephançXo, 108 SPEO IÂL SA.L E Fol? 10 Days,, To effectually introduce our super-b stock of highaleIass Curtains. We will sel! until June 1 lth Our Regular $6.00 Curta ins- for 5.00 di'c di4.50 di. I4.00 id di tg 3.50 c"9 " 3.00 and 3.25 2.75 'd Lower Grades- from 30ce pair Upt -$5.00. 4.25. 3.75. 3.45. 2.95. 2.55. 2 35. o 2.00. Grocl-.ers'. Due Bis Taken. S ,e W , Next door to Standard Banik, BowmanvilIe. * FeldGarden: d+ t S>eeds. Wo ask your attejtioa ta a uli lineofo field and, garden f t S eds4, carefully seleched, examnine quality And coinpare * prices. WiD think iA will pay you to use aur seeds. * Dinner and Breakfast Sets. +î *You will7be wanting samething la tbis Une ai ter hou~e * leaning time. Don't farget that we carry the larÈest + *and best assarîmnent in Chinawarce. Our Gracery departiment is camp lete. Butter anld * Eggs wanted.+ BowmanvPIîee BORN. IlIAWL LOST-A dney shawh 'was Lii TSLL-n Bwmaviie.Jun la, t MisMa lst lietween Bowmanvilie and Com'tce LUTTELL111Bowmnvile.Jun 2nd tuMr.May22. Finder please leave rat -r' iÂTE5SÂt< and airs. Davis Luttreil, a daugliter. offieuor aiCoutticePF0. BmiiRi, GALEs, Court- BG'FtîRELL-In flaWManViiie, luDe 11h, tb Mr. !Ce.- -W. and Mrs, Herbert Bottreil, a daughter.,--à> AîIMS TR NO In Orona, May 27tb, ta Mr and FARM FOR SALE-Il c under,,dgneýd mis, C G, Armnstrong, a soi.r,& otters for sale several farinslîe in bu- Fox-IliNewcastle, May 2th, teMr. and Mrs. 'lhips of Clarke and Darlingian r1ni .1g1'2 John Fox, a soli, 50 acres ta 400 icres Terni easýy. Fo pttc NoRTECOTE-Iu Oslîava, May 8ual, the wife cf vili'i pl bW .Alu, o 0,Bwia Jas. Northcote, of a son.,2.i nAiaaY-lu O0SbaWa, May S31st, the wlfe of i PASITURE FOR C T E1bv Rat ry Baiisy, 0f a son. . good pasture, wateîed by goo)d s JOaaaW-tu I3aldur, Mai., May 151h, ta Sircreek, lfor a ny oumberofai Cattie,-li 6, co and Mis. F. J. 10110w, a daugeter. Dsîlington. Fr*ics $3 faîyearlnigs ,$4 for 2-ysar;- PRING-III Bawmanville, at the resirence of. aid> foi tu4e £eriSoa. R. Q. SHOT orie hier mother, Mrs AIum, fj Mr. and Mis. Priog 2-w Torouto, s% daughier. iL NG OR S E-r~ ..Dbuildiîîgtha11 bas bee,i seSfor stable nan MAIHID.driving hous,ý Dimei ions: 15x24. WI i.e sold cheý-p Appiy Lta W. H.LWlwams, LLcr- EDW'Ahîs-TAYLOca lu Oshawa, May 20tb. ty Si., or box 134 lawuianvlle, on. Dr. Calville, by n ev. Robert BariisPb.B, George Edwi.rds iiowmansilc. 24-i,. and Mary E , daughler of Joli Taylor, bao! -of Oshawa. 11OUSE AND LOT FOR, SALE- CH1API-OODE-At Oklahoma City, May Jlhuî beautifuîly situateddrwelllng on con. C21iiliSophia La mIe, daugghier of i James Dlvîsioii and Wellington Streets. Bowmanville, Gie Ogdeu ahd Mr. Thiomas Chapple, Biïling, nriow'occoud yHryC atw epesl Montâia. leave orEdînoiiton soon. As h hlgat BURKE-WILREs-At St.Slimon s Chorcli, business and Stock. Particularna .t T ' Toronto, Jane 4. by Rev. Provasi Maeklem PlMOTO GxALEaY. 1ii assisteS by Rev, Edwýard Cayley, John Edrmnd ~O£AC FO SL-Bik ol Warren Burke aid 'Pearl Roberta, youngest -0PA EFUSL Brc Slaughteî cf tbelaie IRobert Wlikes, Tarouta " age of eleven roouîs,t n irst classrear PASCOE \tICDaNÂAn At Cobacouk, June lst, liard and sof t water,lten fruit tees, grape vns by thie bride's fa ther. Miss Eli'a M., daglter of raspbeîry Ladies, and 1 acre of laid. sttuaoe,.'.i tiav. T. Gý McDon ald, CoLc conk , and Mr..J, an the narîli aide of Churcl i I, east o! Or taî,ia Pascee.of the flrm of Pasc'e lirothiers, u'ereb si Bowmanville. For teîms applyto J. ifxnar ails, Oakwoad. fALEXANDER. au premnifes. -f Now is the lime ta gel a Woodyatt Lawn Mower liefore stocks are liroken, aise akes, Hocs, Siavels, Spados, &c, J. B . Manlyn. New is lie timo ta pravide yauref with a ighl summor hat lu felt or slraw. M. Mave r hasa full lino and ail pricos. Give hlm a Cal. Notwilhstanding t hoe advance i n cotton s, yo an a luy -our white cottans, Shirting, Cottonades and fiaunelettes aI old pnice4 ai Couci, Joinston & Cryderman 's Until H. C. Tait disposes of hie bouse and lot and business ho wlll lie f ound aI the aId stand, turning oui firsl dlase Photos, Cali earlv. 18 3w. A groat many fonces offened for sale b~ thoe e io]y one "Ideal", P. Mlîrdoch isag0ilfan il, BaFe BaIl Goods-we are Spalding'e azent for tuis district and carry a full lino of their beet goads. Speciai pnices ta clubs, J. B. riartn, A Eew and cliaice7aoi o Ladies' Spiing Coats and au olegant lat af Capes for middle aged and elderlv ladies ah Candi, Jolns.,n & Crydeiman'e. General In1surance Agency, Real Estate liandied. Maney ta Loan. Office in New Town lBail Phono No. 50, Residoace No, 102, BÂîIiIy CANN. T homo is naîhing that will malte yûil5 bohase looki botter tisa a gaod coal ai Elephanl 1ai. We stock a fll range of calons, aliea Elephant lead, ail, glass, etc. J. B. M1arlyn. Intouding breeders ai liglit hanses siould cee the bandeame hanse, liarry Wilks, jr., at lie i3ennett Hanse, Bow- manville, Saiurday noon. Seo pedi gree and terme ia another colnmn. Il Now IS TBF TIME TO PUT IN TOUJR COAT. For spot cash daring tie nianti ai dune we will furnisb FnESti--MINED, CLEAN- SCREENED SCRAN'ION COAL, ail sizes, aI 86 00 per Ion aI the harbor or $6.50 per ton dclivered teanay part ai the towu MLcDLELLAN & CO ., King Sc., East, Bowmaus.ille. Tailiori, your owu clthinl you like, is done in firet- cla8s manuer-second ta no olier sbop iu town-by J. T. Allen, thse ohd reliablo and fashionable talon and cutter, Horeey's Block- He lias a- reputaion for goad fils. Prices are alwaNse riglit. Country orders givea sanie carefaI attention as town one, Suite may lie erdered irom samplos. 12-If. lason