More of Witch laze !<Cream Is sold by us thaiT' any other lotion, Every one who uses it, Say it is "A Perfect 5kin Food" Have You U-sed it ? RODK ri I MITCHELL &CO, Phone 92. Chemists, Druggists and Optici Bowmanvill e EYES TESTED FREE M g A Chiace Stock, of, a IR re And The Follüwing Canned Goods: roJelled Tenderloin, Jellieci Veal, Lainb's Tongue, S Cambridge Sauce, Pork and l3eaus, Potted Beef, Tongue, and Uam, Potted Tongue, Pigs Feet, Veal -Loaf, Corned Beef, Jellied llocks and Jellied Veal. Also Balogna Sausage, Breakfast Bacon, Roled Bacon and White O Pudding. k ï DON'T READ THIS. O Every Day is B, a,,rgain Day O People's Fuel and * Lumber Depot. oWe are stili handling i3est Brands Canadian CemetsBrtliCuma Red Cedar and other good BrandsC edar and Pine Shingles, Pine and llemlock Lumber, Dressed anct Undressed, *Doors, Sasb, Blinda o o and.Mouldings. Fresh Mined Seranton Goal, Gannel Goal, Steam Goal, Charcoal, liard and Sof t Wood, Lung, Sawed and Split, Siabs, Edgings, Land Pla.-ter, Fine and Coarse O Sait in -barrels and sacks. We always aima to give the e* best value at reâsonable priees. llighest Cash Price S paid for Grain and Seeds Kin2g St East, Bowmanvi]le. 5 CHINAHALL GROCERf The Leading -roolery House of-the District Speolil Inpoi4qirs Direct from the Potmteries, at a miîsid', bIe savinC, 1au YOUI get the belleit. We have some nies .oods in Dinner Sets, put up to our ürde -, regular $15 a set, our uDrice $12 00 Also aspecial in Toilet Sets, at $2.25 and "$.00 Sone nice gocods in Stock Potteries that you can buy as much or as littie as you like, or reîj>ace any pieces you des-;re. Ail Kinds of Crockery to select from. Cati and See.1 à--INR -AI?1LKS owis the time to bmiyPne for, preserving. wilhv large shipments this week ýantd at close prîces. WeI OR Ose. Mn. and Ers. William Hockin, Les- kard, Vîmited R. Hockin. The twelve year aid daugliter of Mr. J. R. Quinney, Darllngton, ia very ill. Missn Ida Harris, dînghter of Mn. R. Harris, Cowanvlle, la dangerously fil. Rev. T. Dunlop, North Pankdmle,waa gileet aI Mn. R. Mornept'n. Ho preacb- ed ta the Sundmy School Sanday week wtb rnuch acceptance. Mrs. Win. Pattermon, Codardale, visîted ber daughter, Mrs. florb.Bart. .Mn, John Henderaon'a dagbtor, Clanko Union, ls serlouely litIwîth ty- phold foyer. Mn. and Mrm. Win. Stanton, Ennia- killon, viîsîted ber father, Me. A. Tam- blyn. Mn. and Mr@. Stewart, Dean of Gar- denblil, vlsited hon brotber, Mr, Herb Alexander. Mn.,R. R. Waddell bas returned frons Toronto University. Cornrnlsnors A.Â. Power and J.F. MoMillmu are attending Cnuntiem' Ceun- cil at Cobourg. Mn. Cbarles Barrett bas beers serons- ]y 111. Rav. W.C. WIckett preached lu the Mothodist churcb Sandmy evenlng. Mr. and Mns. David Stevens, of Fin- gerboard, are vistlng hen father, Mn. John Allun, Clarke 'Union. Mbsans, Cecil and Thomnas Walsh, sns ef Mn. Alex. Walsh, Perrytown, vîsited their uncie, Mn, D.F. Walsh. Mn. and Mrs. Moses Cewan, Cowan- ville, and Mn. und Mrs. John Henry, Slxth Lina, vlelted nt Mn. Ralph Stutt'e. Mn Wat. Johns'on, a niemben of the Tcronto police force, bas been vîlating at Mn. Ed. Morloti's. Contributions are belng freely made ln bebaif cf Mn. William'Brown, wbe euffened suais a evere lee by fine caus- ed by ligtnîng. Mr. and Mnm. William Bannait visit-1 ed at Mn. John Wintar's, O0haw, rc-j ceuily. Mra. Thomas Roantree, oft b a tewn je visit'ng thain. , "- Rev. J. A. MoKeen, BA.,1 is vii ing bis motben at Tmaaragouohe, Novaa Scotîsla d will attend theG@n'i Asemblyt cf the Proîbytenian ohunob, wbich con- t voes a a Halifax, N. S.,,. P Mn. William Kelly and daughlen-In-D lawi' Mn.è Leelie Kelly, Perrytown, have been vliîing Mr. D. F. Walsh. i Mn. and -Mi-a. -Roht . 1l'ster -have r-- tuîned frem in ltowell, wbere they ai-p tended the funeral of ber mother, Mrà. Gibson, who wîe lu han 9b year. a Orone Loélge A.F. & A. M., elected il their new officere Thursday evanlng. Actlog D.D.G.Mf., Mn. D. Burk Sirnp C son, accompanled by Bro. John Moor- h cnaf t, W. M., Jorusalom Lodge. Bow- r, manville, wana presant. J. J. Gilfillanm was chosen as W. M 1 and Messrs. Jos. tl Henry sud R. Coopet, as'S. W. snd J, W., reapeotlvaiy. Orono Epworkh League were favor- a ed wltis a visît frein Bowmauvilla Lea. gos lait Tuesday avenlng. In spIta cf unfavorable weather the attendance wasslarge. The pnegram whioh was given by the vliîng Leagne, wasP motexcellent. Bewînanvîlle Leegue V hae, wbat leaua exception te-day aesong t officers. Evidence bas been Lgiven of Ce great talent, and we trust Il may be pot egsaabetfffmae greai oower for gcoci. We sbould glaël. iy welcome Ibis League egaîn te Orono. TOW19 COUNCIL. Regular monthly meeting ; membens ail presente Mayor James presidlog. ýMinutes et lait meeting read and on [motion confimmed, Acomrnmuncation waa recelved frein Mrs. Oaborne, asking te bave, dng tax romu1itd, asj dog was deuil, Grauted, FremIN . MoDonald andl othens, ssk- lng assistance cf 15a. per rod towmrds building a wina fonce along Ibein prop- eîty. Granted,. A petition was pnesented frein a large numbner cf Bicycle rider aBking thal the pressut By-law ha amendeil so as te make the-heure frein 8 a. iM. te Il p me., instead et ý frein 7 a. n,, as at presont. On motion, the prayor of the polr on asgracel udtise By-law se amended. Mnr. E Weekes, Sc eithie Base Balil te, appliird for, a neduction for nent (Àf Hall and Piano for thoin late Coicert. Reduced te $8. Frein Base Balil and Foot Bail Clubs sud DuriacaRbbi C.sBand, ask- îc]i f-rredue ion fer rent of grounc, fr rece- t 241h ef May D.rmoutrnation.1 Thse ent wms on motion reduced te -$19 rir. Efdger, Chiet ai the MFine-Brig- acte, pregantetan ecrount tfnr$*5 fon 8ervflea rendensil mc the ira at New- ced". AltMen smie discussion lthe irat- ter was referredd b the Fine Coin, nuis power tlu actr. Tise Durhmis Rubhen Minut'g Ce. as ked tise towu for wator free, for use la thein manufacture, cisiming that they were employîug mono men mnd î'aR'ioJLZ ot more wages tian tise Byr!aw c lisiIe for, and had monoenisaunfeiilîed their contract wth thse îc,,n, Ou mo- ~I -on tise c nmmunica ion was laid on the table for furîher coursideratron A iýrgely sîgnad pe tition (I rnaiopmy- eýrs gaR preaonted, askingy that Mr. H ,Wetcaif, ho reInatated ne Nigisi 'ateis man. Moved by Cou, Tait, nec. by Cou, Morris, tisai the petition ho ne- ceioed sud fyled. Moved in amend- mont by Cerîn. Corisb,îec.'d by Cou. Ndesou, thet as Mn. Metesîf bas finallyý .0c )_ usei zd teIprform thîe duîs of N gtt Wtchusuand J&nîltor, as laid dïowîi ly BU-awof tiuisown, oxcep' h. ehovll g of suow nnýFide, there- foe we cou eut te replace, hu on ubese c niritiou'. Couiderable discussion followed, in whicis Coun'a. Tait, Morris, Clames' sud Lutrel opposed thelise endmnu, Maen wio tecok tise Pfloon, s 11) lyluils faivon. On.tise an-l- -ng put il was býuover Lied ou ¶YT.A'A the olltowt-ng division,: Y es-U ns 3utter n inWn a jMason,ClamonCrlis.Nys lNtlayo., deciared týiie amennicarz- CALll d i y Bell Telaphiü3 on . Ce, ofred te pl four telýephoneal lu tise Offices cf 8ucces o e yti ff3 & c o ttown officiais aI $10 eacb lu lieu 0t n _____________________________________________________________________ h n Prcp., pm-edeuîu rpert, s,îcn was ý#ken op, cause by clause sud deait wltls. A nequesite tinn a trea lu front cf Mr Luttraîl s, wae referred te Roada sud street, Coin, Lake Ontaria an Bay or Quinte Stamoa o., (Limiled.) COBOrPUi I'1GKPOR HnOPE-ROCHIESTER Wes da srvie ctnenccgMay 28tis. Lv.ý PorL- P. . pM Ar. Rche~ar, Y C 8.45 p.m (Cotr N St PaIul & Mile Ste) NOý(RTIJ BOUND Lv Sumril...9.151, ' ý 0,.rt 5-i ( Ont 2.30 - COonsvýýTh'u vth al Biwv.Baggaga eau he CIc!tokelte r,11 peints, and te suy sîrel dt aî,ep ilu rohateî, For funtisor informatfion apply te lJr E. E. IIRE, J. .JUY G. P. & F. Agent, Algent, Kin geton, On. Bowrmn ille. paylng the saxos on $1,400., Roforred to Pub. Prop. Cont. ta report on. A communIcatIon was received froin a company of raîlway prornoters, amking what the town woald do towardm hav- Ing connecitlon wlth the 0. P, R. at Burkton, or nme othor place. Re«er-, red ta Mayor to reply ta. A communication was afr6--received frons a cornpany who wlihed tae etab- 11mb a Wholesale Saddlery, endi aoklng what town would do by way of free building, water, exemption froin taxes, &a. Reforred ta Finance Coin. to re- port on. Frein a Canniage Manufacturer, -aiso asking towna ta guarantee bond for ten yearo, free wter, exemption from: tax- em, &0. ER-erred ta Fiance Coin, ta deal with. A nomber of Appeals were neceived froanc farinera regardlng aeseesment,and were roferred to'Court of Revision. A Report froin the Caretaker of Cein- etery, sbowed fivo Interments durlng paet mon lb. Received and fyled. Mr. Lyte, Clerk, proented report of arnount of monie pasalng through him bauds the piet montit. Recelved and fyIed. Court, Maion, Chairman of Finance Cern. preaented report, recommending payrnent of %ocountsi, ernountIng to $648.21, es follows: Pub. Property, $77.93, Towna Hall Building account $152,13, Fine Depant. $76 41, Cernetery $23.80, Prnutlng $5.40, Poor Relief 820.90, Roada and Streets $289.17, Contingent $4.47. Recelved and adopted. COUD. Magon al6o presf sîted the fol- lowIng Report- We, y(onr Fi1nance Cornnittee bog ta report theat, e bave lnspeited the books of the Durham Rubber Ce. In order te mee that thû stipulatIons cf tbe Bonuq By-law gn'anting thesid Cern- pany $6.000 are, belng oarried eub, asnd frrmin, bat In)foürfatIonire gathered, we irb estiotied thai ihé maid conditions are being complled wlth, and would reoim. moud, as they are entltled te $400 per annuin, as amoant being earned on, bo- nius, that tho Mayon end Clerk be ern- powered te endorse on morigage the am cf $2,40, ad issue a recoipitot the oald Com'pany fer saine $Mount,e belng earninge ou maid incrtgage for thbe past six yrarp, from Dllarcb lot 1878 te M1atch l19 1ý04. On moirion the Mayor was iiustrnctud, S if on socurlng legal advice, that saine t s'as al -tight, tu cmply -with- the- Re. - port ef the Comnpany. i Coup Olemnens reported verbally on a i complaint from Mr, Bannes, ne water n n bis cellan.S Cun Corn'sih movitd. seconded by f Connf Tait, that the Civie Holiday ho held on Mondsy, July l9th, as per a 'oquest frein the Durhamn Old Boys, b who proposed te mun an Excursion te ho Folis on fhat day. c The Mayer, w bootek the floor, t stnongly oppýoriod the motion and bhouRht thaet when a petition was pro-h ented froin the citzene a8king for I hat day that it vs a imurnougis te set.E He did net ho leve I umoring a few si Parties luicono who wanted I Il Why dil tbey raot write a corrunica- si ien te this CeuI nslextd cf te Indir lI v',Iduls imembers'.1.0 e boped fie COUn- ti ail wculd ne-, take any acotion et pro- nr unt. 1Couns. Msn Cornitb and Tait ti wore in favon cGf the motion, aud a thougbt that It would be nîce If the an- a angements coulsl hocarrled eut, es- peolally as the Durham Oîd Boys bsd c0 asisted atiLie opsnlng of our nea Town Hall. - The m't,r was tinaily laid over. b A coïmuication was rece!vod frein ti th Pub. Werks Depc.aHkîng for a9 free grant of nine >foot of land for a s drivewey ai the nertb end of the new9 Pest Office builng. Referred te Fi- p nance Commîlttee. ti Count. lorn'sh moved, sec by Courtp, Clemens, thst $100 te granted te the Cr Hame fer the aged. b The Mayor thonght that the Homoet Board shvuld furaisb a stitomer.t of teir receis ae-.nd expoaiditure te the Douneil. Ir waîF managed in a very lose nil unbusess like way. On motion eof Count Cornlah, the hl ilerk and Chrairman cf Finance tiem, hg er nSîn'u0ted ta procure ail docu- TI înîmir bolotiging te Ibis town and have w 1'm, pjlaceil ln the tewn vanît. M Coun Co4,nnus, Chairman ef Po or.. Reliet Coin., roported Ibree cases of Ci liphtheria lait month, necassltat ng Pi me expeuse on the Comiitice pi Ooun Tait, Chairmîn of Fire Coin, e] jresented report nocornreniding th ,e ,urchase of certain necessarles lu that St lpartmnn. Recel,.ed sud adopte-i. til coin Luune liairman ci: rb. -eo et the cemmittee basbeen te maints lu lise higis sta.,dard et excellence of previcus years, aud ovon te surpases tisaI stand&rd. Folle wing are thse arlista for thse occasion: Miss Haines, elecutionoist, and Miss Lazier,>sololat, Belleville ; Miss Powell, soprano aud Mr. 9,wen A. Smily, ententainer, To- rente. FIFTY' MILLION DOLLAR PROBLEM. The above tille is tise caption of an interestiulg pamphlet issued by tise Rs- songer departint of tise Grand Trunk Raiiwav Sý sien lu convection with the World's Fair aI St Louis, Apri 801h te Deceruber lel, 1904. Tbe puiblicatfon centaine a very compreheusive aud in lerestiug description cf tise Fair, given iu tise speech delivered by tise Hon. Richard Barlhiodtinlutise ieuse cf hep- reseucatives, Washington. '1 re inforý- matice contaiued in tise broclire willl teloit to iow te solve tise "50,0l 0, 00 Problon," and iselp '.ou te ,1e' ldo upon tise beA. wav 10 reacis St. Louis, the ceet, maur suggestions, suad a number of side tripsta ta c taken ou route. with thse price cl tickets, etc, Tise pamphlet is for free distribution, sud of te-tr Tise July designier contains drcin for making "Pilow ace" "l Gm- man Net Îaming" Ctok Embroid-1 ery " -Hai-pin Laec>"ýand paztterasilu- ralîgtise moth t up-to date ournsnerar met.Tiseshort atonecs this Imonts are veny intenostinig. Standard Pashion Co, 12 Vandam St New York City (U S.' ~Tti iE MASON Co. The poet'a exclamation;- "O L i f e! feel thee bounding in my veinas," la joyous one. Persoae that can rarelyc neyer make it. in honesty to themsolvei are among the most unfortunate, The do not livebut exiat; for to live impîliE more thantoe . To live lato be we, and strong-to arise feeling equal ta th rordinary duties of the day, and to retir flot overcome bv them-to feel lif boundng ln the veina, A medicine tba bas made thousanda of people, mon an, women. well and strong, lias accomr lished a great work, beatowing th richeat blesaings, and that medicinei Aood'sSsaparilla, The weak, run down, or debilitated, from any canai " ahnuidàot fai1 to take it. It builda uý I he 'wholale iter,changea existenc, into life,and makes, life more abourn ing. Wleare glad to say these word inisfavor ta the readers af ou columna, PORT HOPE. Mr. T. il Ambrose lias just reteivec from Toronto a new gasoline launcli,, Miss Murrayv, Cobourg, and Miss Scim nger, Toronto, visited Miss flattiE Merrifield... Mr. Harry White, Toron, to, la visiting bis father ex-Mayoi White... (,hief Douglas bas decide< to reside in Toronto, .... Mr. T borna Conant and Miss, Conant of "Buena Vista" Oshawa, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. N. Bail, Lake Shore Road Victoria Day .... The sudden death oc. curred in Port Hope May 21, of Mr. Joseph Cook of Port Perrv, father of Mrs. W. Brooks of Hope astreet. The romains were taken to Port Perry..,, Mr. F. M. Tamblyn,.Eli;zébethville, an active worker of the Mothodiat churci for the nast thirtyflive years, wa 1s pre- sented with a purse of money. A Severe Sufferer Tella How H-e Overcamo the Trouble. "Not cnlv do 1 net hositate to de- claro the benefit 1 have received from Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla, but 1 feel it ny duty to do se. " These are the words which Mr. Edward Lavoie, of St. Jerome, Que , lateiy addtressed to the editer of L'Avenir du, Nord, when -reIating the -story- et hîs--cure. Mr Lavoie la well known ln St. Jerome, Lnd what ho says carnies N% eight; a- nong those who know himi. For acon- siderablc lime ho was a great; sufferer from dyapepsia, ivhich caused severe teadaches, pains in the stomach and sometimes nausea. Semetimes ho feit as tlicugh he would suffocate ho weuld )ecoe dizzy, and experienced ringilg noises i the ears, Ris appetîte be- came poor, bis general healîli so bad that ho was almost impossible te work, anld- when the headaehes attacked bima ho had te quite work. For six mornths, he says, he suffered both physically and mntally more than can ho srnagined. Juring this timo ho took medicino fromt severai doctors, but forud no help., Uhen one day ho read of the cure of a imilar ca'e tbrough the use of Dr -Wil- lais' Pink Pills, and decided- -o tryv hem, Hie used the pilus for a couple of nonths, ard tbey have made him feel ike a new person Ho is no longer troubled with anv of the nid symptonq, and says ho can now go about bis work as though ho neyer had dyspepsia. frhe digestive organE-ike ah... 'rganis' of the body-get their strength and nourisý meut frein the blood. Dr. Williams*' Pink Pilla actually make new blood. This new blood strengtbens th stomaceh, stimiilates the liver, ne- guiates the bowela and sets the whole digesive system lu a healtby, vigorous state. Good blood is the true secret of goad health. That la why Dr Williams Pink Pille alwa37s brîng good health te those who use them. YCu eaugel these plus froma vour medicine dealer or by mail at 50e a box or six boxes for $2 Uaý by writing Th e Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont. HAYDt>N. Misa E. L. Rose, Enfield,spent SundaY ere. .. , Mn. Johinson very ably supplied àere Suuday afternoon .... Mr. Wm. rreWinmol With a slight injury last week. Heis improving alittie.. .. MkEs Iaud Creevper e~ home from Toronto - .C. W. Siemon retunned fromn Medicai ci0lege last week having successfullv asoed his second jecar exans .. . Four )upils are beiég sent up for the mtrance by Miss Mountjoy, The Teachers and officers of Haydon 3unday School have succeed ed la get- ng excellent talent for' terana La dies Ilose as advertised last week contin3- Also Chldren's Hose, at per pair, la Special value in Mcn's and Boy's Suits. 'i 35o 2k- A.ll sizes. E'Hvery weeklias its attractionis at this store. The -bargains- are for -y ou- bn-efit. - Don't missa them.- tLe We take Butter and Eggs or Grocers' Due Bills THE WGÀ 00. A-% Pedikar Steel Shingle. Q ........ Prce$.2 ersqaeo oe'hnde. qai O O etcieio esr.Cepa odsigfý; Peda'rPeoleOshwa MOOLWNEWO AID I wilI pay the hig-hest market price for any quantity of wool dehivered at mY place, lot 6, con. 7, Darlington, mile east of Tyrone. 20 tf. L. SKINNER, Ts rone. l avor w'th lise Àîbi ~Oîvr and are 2 rijlLg id 11)c.U 1,u at stautial trace itere'-- nei ow are tiso Sovereigtu -Shoes Thpv are mande in ail thse iat,-.-t styles saud uevzr'st cuis : .i alKd ana Pastur Leaeers Wu N eo evealHueS lu tis very Fi! rangecoarse Boots alwah s lu Stock Parler Silce Store. wm vil The undersigned la prepared to buy ai,. grades of wool at highest mark e3t prices; ýAlSO to manufacture wool for farmners te- order. Spinning, cardling, and weav- ing done as usual. Thank-ing ,friands- ance of the same. D. TA YLOR, liampton Woollen Millo, 9-m, Cail and See Wm, Fdger. If You arec hnkn about buying a new Bmg Uoad Waggon, Seýond -a;ï, ugy or a Cart. WTe v srebeauti'es n at the verlows riequl Repairing and Pitn L - --------- tended, to and work4- satis- f c tor, GCive me a trial, Wm dger, Bowmaanville, BOWMANVI LLE. 8eueral Véry A ttractive Bargczin Offorin,î7ep For This Wee/L A lot of Boy's and Men's Oapé, good quality and nice shapes. Regular 50c, yo ur choice ........ A feNy dozen Men's Summer U-nderwear., Shirts and Drawers, fnice quality, each, only............ Men's 50c, Braces for, per pair.............. Balies Bonnets and LPats, in musîju and silk Splendid assortment, upwards from.............. Extra good value in Ladies' Black ,Gloves, in taffeta and pure silk assorted lot, Your choice, this week only, per pair.... ... ..................... 1ued. ,n.., jun e .j g,, tut- I A bL1Si-~ e-- PIAQýQ 1 he a4rma 1 vt et 1 - ï-1 . 1 - 1 "--L 1 ý 1 niav be obf froui-auv of the Azent uý-Y mir iki a ulý 5#ý Éuý wýý -v- -r -L -L -1- -l