- v f te prove te yen tise merits cf VitoTonie Vite Tonic la especially pro. pareti for ail diseuses relating te: Thse The Tise Tise Thse The Stomacli Lungs Liver Boweis Kidiiïeys Nerves. Il strikes at tie root cf tise dis ease by srengthening and healing bbe tisaue or celis cf wisich tise isumn body la fornîed. The ireakest stoniacis can relain il because it la composed of herba, barks and fruits pro- pared in accordance miha special formule kuowu ouiyte bise manufacturera. «'Tl-*o work to- ather." Our Spcilal Offer good frr 4 days only A $1 bottle forOC We mnake this geiierous offer because we want you who are sick to get well, and we know that Vito Tonic will cure you- children and aduits alike. Vito Tonic is a food for the nerve tissue. It increases your appetite and builds up your constitution. t will give back te you the energy you have lest. t is a preparation that cures permnanently. Cut eut the coupon below and take it to the druggist whose na.me appears at the bottom ofI this advertisement. CeuiPon Please sel he bearer m .... .......................~. oneé $r.oo bot/le of Vite Tonie for Soc. an d charge thse viser Soc. to Outr account. Tho Vito Remedy Co, Niagara Falls, Cantada. R.Ç WSITcIIEL ON1AAï T AYLE To the El1ectors of Durhlam CGuty Damoncill' s con- ,ubnatl forte quality k and easoableprices of '~ .~its rcos tns The siame -cî i x rcie D Arector cf Burealu Seaof De- elopment GENTLEMEN:-Tbe Liberal Associa- tion cf the Count y of Durham lias honored me with the nomination to bc the Reform candidate for the Riding in the coming élection and I have accept ed the nomination with great pride. In deing eI arn acting with the enlire approval and concurrince o! Mr. Robt. Beith whe lias se worthely represented the WeCst Riding of the Couuty for the last 13 years and te whom the nomina- tien for the ceming Parliament was offered in June last. Mr. Beith is un- fertunately flot as rebust as lie once was and wishes te retire or I shouid nover have bcen willing te effet m.ýsolf lu hus place as a candidate f o r your suffrages. In the yery short time uow remaining before élection day i' is impossible for me te become, acqua.inted with, or te meet, more than a comparativel y small number of the electors of a great Riding and I therefoe take this means of stating briefly soune cf the considor- atiens which. I think sheuld influence yvour choiceof a representative. 1 have ne nersonal dlaims1 that eau ho urzed. 1 have even the misfortunle that I do net live la thse Coanty b ut when L. remember loinl the flot distant past Dusrham henored with its confid- ence and sentte Parliament Fsuch men as thé Hon Edward Blake and the Hon E. B. Wood tbough eac1i was at first a stranger te the County I arn mede bolti te hope that my residence out.,ide the Riding may net seaiî n ur eyes an objectiou in superable. The practical question for décision at the preserit lime is simolv whetber or net the Geveu-nment of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his collea<_nes, is worthy cf your continued confidence. Many reasens presenit themsolves for answering that itla1. 1: is led by a dÀstinguishedt stateaman who bas done more toward xnaking Canada a nation and more te make the namçi of this country known and heîsered througb- out the werld than anv cter man new living Ne breath cf siander et scandai bas evor assailed bis naine. Hoe is a leaner te lis preud cf and whomn it lsau lioner te follow. His Government tas, deserved, weli of Canada. During the last eight years il bas se admini.qtéred the affairq cf Ibis country tisaI eeh a r has been marked by lncreaâing. prcgress and prosperity. The tariff' bas bee3n revlsed and'te-ad. justed se that whi.le it stifi affords adequate protection te eut bues' and industrious manufactureýr& il mîîerially reduces the burden cf taxation upon the consumer and makes entîrelv trec cf duty many cf the staple commodities which may bo termed the necessaries cf âf e. A substantial preference lias been given te Great Britain. We bave bv practieal legislation shown ourrelves te ho an intégral portion cf the empire, free and indàependent, able te assume eut f ull share ian sresponsibilitles ane, at the saine timo properly preferriug te make out purchases and te finti eut in'arkets ameng peopleeof eut ewn nation and race. The result lias demonstrated that whilo ln the last few -,earb, eut Britishs imperte bave doubled eut ex- ports have aise largely increased. In mess.utes taken te premote the de- velepinent e! tte country and o3pecial IV the opening up andi settlement of NortIýera Ontario andi of the great Noth-est he Governmeut has liett TtcIntrclenal ai wa las been exenedleMentreal, imiprevemenitsi in the St. Lawrre-nce Canal s',stern have been presse t tean earlier complotion Substantial prog-ress has been made in thse construction cf thse Trent Vallev Canal tli now the question cf wliat eut- lot tisat canal shall have, w1betber int3,, Lake Ontario o eto the Bay of Quinte bas corne te ocof spécial andimeae importance te thse people of this Ceunty I the besî intetests net; enly of tbio CeunIr but o! the Province andi cf ihe country at large I*his question cf the outlet for tbe Trent Canal is one that de'serves the most careful consideration Lu my opinion it cannet te settieti satis- faclorily witbout a comparative survey te deteîinine the relative ex pense and adrantag-es'of ttheidifferent routes and sucli a comparative survey, I wiil, if elecleti, mak e ever ï effort te securo. 1.sbceatntruction of a new lino cf Raîiway acres the continent and one wliolly. upon Canadian sou lias been undertaken Tte agreement under which Ibis second gréat national tigh- way ls te ho built secures to the country the atlvantaoees of the roati witteu: im- deszoioied, eur industries enicoruaged andth te welfare and prosperity of thse e.iuntrv' ypromoteti andi subsîantially;1 Increaseti. 1 ar n l entire accord with thse polici of tise Goverument as it bas been de-, velopeti durîng the past elgis voars. As a supporter cf the Gos erninent anti as itq humnblestnember 1 effet myseit as a candidate for your votes andi bag to subscrîbo mî,solt, Your obetieut servant, A B AYLESWORTH. DIED 0F HICCOUGHS. Fate of Clergyman of Methiodist Episcopal Church. A Greenwich, Conn., despatcli sai s:I The 11ev. Dr. Galen A. Spencet, a clergymtan o! the Methodist Episcopal Church, (lies here at his hornte ia Ohurcli strect on lednestiny night, after an illness o! ordy a few tinys. lie was seventy-tlsree years oid. lie hati net helti any regular charge for several y cars, but hati trcqunatly prear-hed hein in Congregational andi Presbyterian as wel as Mtïds churches. Dr. Spencer was taken with hic- ceuglis last Thurstiay, andi when home 'endies were u.nnvaiiag to check theins Dr. W.ý L. Griswolti stas A Torontoe despaîch says: Mr. summeneti. Ail known medicai Thomans Gibson, o! the Ontario menus wore tt4ed uusuccessfuliy un- Bureau of Mtes, h.îs issueti a state- tii Priday afternoon, whien tisePa- ment showfng thse new golti mines ia tient appenreti relieveti for a test' peration in Ontario, as foloss:- heurs,, aftet- whichi the trouble return- The Littîle Master, Big M-aster, Laur- cd wlth nsach greater violence. entian, Xolcan!c. Wîeatis, lt A council o! plîyslciusts derýideti Sun- Standard and Giant, iu the north- day evenlug tîmat an operation iras settnprine h rvne U imnperative, as ;thejr diagnosis o! the iwerr ine ithpi dstct isj case w s tliat Mr. Spencer sas su- isge beiugd etmin eint i an t a s turing from. Internai complications 1 stasnp ittilislabeiu1g put in.A ule that coiid te relieveti in neý othiei- Lake foui-uinsare ýworing:- TUe1 way. The eperation resultuti suc Baden Poweill, !Eldorado, Grure anti cesstfuliy foc, a tinte, but on Tuestiat Pioneer Islandi. Thse l3aden Powenl tise hiccoughs relurueti ant i wth thent mine bas a 5-stnntp miii under con- came death. struction, and i li be tunniîtg ut tise - cati of the montis. At Dryden thetu LUNCHEB WITH TH1E KING. are tw,î mlis-the Redeemni- anti the Ideal., A;th" former a 10-stamp milii Offcers of American Warships ut w-hi be ready ilit two or three meut s. Bucking-ham Palace. The outlook for thse millsis Isen- A. London- despaîcîs says: King Ed- ceuragiag, but ne estiasate cati bu irarti, on Thtirsday, enturtainerl ut matie o! the pro7bable outpuît, us the luacheen ut Buckinghant Palace the ittdustrtî',la practscal1ly inu'an experi-1 officers ef the American irarsisipa s os mental stage ise concerns, hom-. ut Graveseîtd, the guests lnciuding ever, represenýt a very large aniouint leur-Adiatla Jesvell,Comm'ading'o!faitl the Eurepean squatren of tbeNot Atlantic fleet; Captain Celby. o! tihe NEW YORK SHOPLIF fER. cruiser Olympia; Lieuts. W'atts anti Jeivell. adels on the staff!o! Admirai Mustard Pet' SiiHtis Jeweli: Ami.bassador Chioute, Secre- a lMonkey Wrunch. tary White, anti Captain "Stocktoýn, A NewrYc epti ns This tienasalattýUaýàCefethtcAte ia , ,. ~ , Enbassy. Admnirai Lord Walter Kerr, i'irst Sea Lord of the îAdmrl ai- ty, Captain Prince L-ouis o Biatten-, beî'g, Director of N'aval Int*ilgnce, anti Sir Thomas Lipton, vcre incluti- ed in tihe luncheon party, îvhich was private and informiai. A NEGRO'S REVENGE. Shoots the Man WXho Struck H ir ,With a Shovel. A North Portai, Assa., despatch saLxs: A negro naînet D. G-usty de- iiberately shot anti killeti Waltei G-ates a fest itiles Irom Portai, North Dakota, on Thtrsdazy. Thte parties quarreilkti and Gates stru.ck the n gro with a shovel. The negro ran halL a mile, got a rifle andi shot Gateýs, kl ing hlm in.5tantly. .ALMOSI SIXTY MILLIONS. A WVinIpe;g dsac as r 0. FowhsIýr, secretary o! the ýorIT;- (est GrinlelerAssociai-on, où Tursd(ýyiy torningjssuýied the annuai fali crop of the association. The average yieldf of wheat for Manitoba anti the 'erritories is givon as 17' bushels putr acre. This, with an acre- age of 4,4(>lI, aJes the total yield of wheat 5~9,855,190 bushels. Shy]ock was the man who wvantcd a pound of human flesh. '" 'e are rnany Shylocks r.ow, the convales- cent, the consumptive, the sickly child, the paie young xvoman, ail want iniman flesh and. they can get it-take- ScottqsF i in Scottý's Emulsion is flesh and blood, boue a'nd muscle. I t f eeds the nerves, strengthens the digestive organs, and thcy fecd the whole body. For nearly thirty years Scott's Emulsion has been the great giver of human flesh. WC wiIl send you' a couple of Younces f reo' S ýCOT O&. hma ta what te police say uney mutin t1 the skirt o! Mai-y Kelly, 30 ycural oid, arresteti on Wedncsday iu a, -Third avenue departmcntal store for shIopiftig:- One pair black stockings, 2 utustacti pots, 1 Vitcher, 1 bottlu celogne, 1 pair tiraweîs, I pince o! sillk, 4 glass- es, 4I saucurs, 1 Utusis, 2 comiss, 1 deli, 1 box shonbiacking, 1 bottie gilue, 4 sidecotuls, 2 pieces silk, 5 pairs slockiags, 3 liatpins, 1 beok. 2 relis tape, 1 vase, 1 niea]klýey- wreurbl. Heurs o! laugliter filet the East Onîe liuasred anti Twenty-sixth street police station as article after article wus prodîsceti like, rabboits frinta miagicians basket. When tise moman mas acresteti shu4. denounceti ber urrest as an outrage.1 Wotnen slioppers gatîereti about anti calledtihte policemnan a bard Ihencteti oaiFront Gyan-.igtsoSou'ctbwariiý Ps Obiterateti. A PhýaI Jou'Ig,' ietisn says: Gea. ronli is staIff, anti tise rear celu miýn e! the Jiritish eîxpedi- tien returming to Influa fremi iassa, are snowboundl here. The roat sentis- was'd front Gyangtse te titis place is eblteraleti.It; is impossible te say whna nu aittnce eau be imadie. Tise expedition crossiLt Tanga Puss on Moîîday at itt a blizzard. Seventy- tir e nuf cliexbnusted. When the treopis eiitrimfc(lt niglit tho bliz- zard mas stili rngiitgan tsto mca dicti. SIX NEARLY STAIIVED. They Were Pî,cked Up on Tire Deselate Islantds. A des-patcis front Northt Sydney, C. B., sa:-U1al! starveti anti suffer- lîîg ii-iiesei rntIthu cotti fer sosr- crut vu,4ïs, the eleIvea survis ors of tieuk t eamer Viing bave beeniip icei)p fonttiredesoln+e la- 1at. of t cus;o! LI'abratier byý th, tu'ogas i îomnas, whlch ha(!i bedspatecd t fethir relief. Wistx he issa toe esueti their condtio wa tieperte.The vikinIg musircekei u Sag Hlok rosaed Prisoners Pass TIrountg City RIT. REV. CHAS. S SMLTH, D D, Bisnoior OPaMEArRIOAN EPr1SOOPÂL CCîrunc1NiiSourn ArnicA. Niany et eut eider ecizinns wili te- member the subjeet ef the fcllowing sketch wbcn ho liveti here with bis parents. Ie is one o! tte man y Bo w- manville boys who have worked thoir way le tbe tep. Rt.-1Rev. Chsarles Spencer Smnith, whis succeotis Bishop L. J Coppin as thse resident Bishop ef bhc African Method Isî Epîscocal Churcin iiSontis Africa, iras bora lu Coiborne, Match 161h, 1852 lu early life lie attendeti ebhool lu Beir- inanville, Canada, Asitie frem this ho la practicaiiy a self-made man. Nov. omber, 1869, lio teck up the vocation et a achool tbachot. Theugli baptisoti by a miisier of the Anglican churcb ln Canada, lio eatly inelinedt t Methedism andtinl August, 1872, iras licenseti as a local preacher in tte Methodist churcli lie servedt tirecars, 1874-1876, as a member cf tise Huse ut RepresontatIves et te-Legisiature of ttc State ef Alab- ama August, 1882, lie. founded tte Sunday Scbool Union cf thse African Metisodist Episcopai Chutai, anti froim that thrne until May, 1900. iras !ts sec- rtary anti treasuror. In additio)n te his dutica as sctotaty anti treaturcr, ho editeti and publisbcd ail the SundaT; scisool literature in use by ttc A.,M. E eturcli.lie was a delegate te thse recoud andt hirti Mettetilst Ecumencial conferences. Seplembet Sth, 1894, he cailed trom Liverpool for a tour et the West and SE'uthwest ceas t cf Africa, tle terminal point be-ng St. Paul De Loanda. Januaty,1896, homatdacîuise o! the West ladiels, wihi included a visit te Haiti, San Domingo and Cuba. In May, 1900, thoiras ciecteti one et the Ilistop8 o! île A. M. E. Churet by thc Genei-al Couference inu :BF.ion at Columbus, Ohio, anti ias appeinteti te lise supervision of tise 121h Epirepal district, which includeti the Ontario, Noya Scella, Bermuda, Mlali, San Dom- l-ge, Windwatd Islands. Britiali Gulana, andtihîe Cuban cenferexîce. At tise cicre o f the third Melliodis: Ecumeuical couference, London, Englanti, Septem- ber, 1901, le visîted Sefilianti Hull as euee!fthse speakers I tc piatfotm meetIings belti aIt tese places. Bishcp Smith'a parents irere bora in Canada anti bis tler, Netemiat Heutv Smnith, iras tte commissary rergeaut of a elcreti regimeuittat was engageti i li âlvMjtsty'a service during ttc Mackenuzie robeilion ef 1837 Lu 1893 Mts. Lucy Thurman , tte Bishop's oldesî sister, whblas for 125 years been pro- înincnlly ceninected iutste Waman's Christian Tempers nce Union, vlsiled Englanti as tte sf ecial gueat cf Lady Sornerset. Ttc issbp is theauanIsr o! an interesting bock on "-Glimpaca cf Atrica. Wost anti Sontis-ucat Coast" Ttc werk is prefusoly illustraîed. Decembor, 1903, bbc hishep iront te Haiti as a special messenger te bear the groeoinga ant ,i eltalions cof bis Churet toe e epublice! RHaîiion ttc centon niai cf ils independenco, wtlcht tek place January laI, 190L.ButI few men have sîadiedth Ce tace question frein as breati a stantipoint as bas Bisbop Smnith., lie lias stutiiet lb net only in Ameries, tut taq extendeti bis observations le Ilaiti, San Domingo anti Liberia-the tree Negro Republies of ttc world, aise le West*ani Seuttirest Coast of Africa Ttc bisheop isi a man cf color anti Is an ad3mixtuircocf Indian), So -rsiat Atre&nbloti Bstop 'Sinith wmli brîng- lzbWwok lu oittZfrtdAl;iotýse &e c om p1i sm ent s o!f 1et i ant iifieait thba t dliaracterîze coseVatietemLpo-ý, Ment, log0 nt;v1iZ experience ln affai:rs of etaret anti state anti astute kïno'rledge of men andt Iings. DD1TîER DI T Y INBYRCAE How Dedti's Kidney Pilla Baniali Pain in the Bach. Cureti Mrs. Jas Murphy anti Evetye BIse Ste Ilecommendeti Them To Rîvrn GAGNOSI, Que , Oct. 24,- (Spectai) -Neoeoînplainit is se common among iromon as Pain in-the-Back. Lt ia a safe estimaIs Ihat haifthtie iee in Canada are afflieo t it lFor tisat reason evory evidlence that there la a sure anti complete cure la existence i lisankfuily recoivoti Anti there laý abundant evitience that Doiti's Kde Pilla la just sueli a cure.Tiisditrc culti furniali a dozen cureci, but o i eougis for an example Tiseueis ibf Mrs. Murphy.Ste fruys: iwtt a pain in My back I teck îs eue box cf Dedti's Kidney PuIs anti 1 hasve nover been troublet i ts the pain since. 1I aise recemmenieti Dodd's Kidnev aPillate t'Aer pý eople.wbae c-A ri51~ E5 a If en ve cotrate an bluddisease Yeu are nover safeunuies tihe VIrs o I omt orathr"+.t, 1 Giccoututouignu or In the mouth, hair failingront, ac1iung 1paiszi1 ies tu k, sure o blotcheS ou the body eyes red and eniart, dys-i pop";,st uCh, naiwloîg-ndcîo f the secoudary stage. Don't nii your stetwt hoDý f,, -,truatnuent-xnsrcary and potasi-which oouly sup.' prsetheemt-u o tn nyto break out agaiti wlts happy iii dout estic lf.Dou'1 t e acks experiolsut ou you. Our New Metbod Trcêt-,,,ent le gnraateed to cure yen. Our guarantees are back Cd ave nds that the disease wili neyer returo.Ttoadsf ~iattents haebes aiready cured by eur New Mstltod Treatusent ' Mr, e. A. C. vrites. "lYour reniedies have donc e iore go>d than fRot Springs and ail the doctors and medicines 1 had pre- v iotaslytried, 1 have mot feit any of those Pains or seesu auy nlicerz or b!otches for vver seven years aud tlie outward symp>toms of the loathesoinî dissase have sntirely dlsappeared. ,my baU has gruwn in f uily agala and l aui married aud appy." CONSULTAT90M PREZ. BOCKtS FRPR. WRITE FOR QUESTION BLANMIj FORHOU ~RA?5NT CU!SQUAANTEcJ01 l'O FV.25 VEARSINUOSTROIT. Metropolitan Soap Ù0., ToronL.to, Coan. Parlor or Bedroom, Diningr Room or Kitchen Furnished Free.' In faet every room ln any home canbe furnished eompletely without additional charge if coupons are saved from the wrappers of Its a borax soap whieh does the xotwr with the least effort and sells 6 Bars for 25c. A catalogue willI be sent on application, postage paid, iilustrating a wide range of premifims from a ,à piano to a sewing machine, from a brass bedstead to a kitchen range, and froni a. parlor suite to a washing machine. Write for" the catalogue Which explains al particulars. Ad'dress DON'T READ THIS, Every Day is Bargain Day 5 At the - People's Fuel and 0 Lumber De:ýpot.* * We are still handling Best Brandeh Canadian. Ceient, Bitih ClumiaRed Cedar and. ot1her good B3rand5 Cedar and PieSigls iean lmok *e and Mudns Fresh Mined Seranton Coal, Cne Coal, Stean, CaCharcoal, Liard and Sof t Wood, Long, Sawed and Split, Slabs, Edgings, Land Plaater, Fine and Coarse O bcst vlu t esUbe rcs ighest Cs re * paîd for Grain and Seeds. 0 ~~~King St. East, Bwavle DRANK DOSE, FEZL DEAD. 1Fort William Drugglst Fatal Itistaku. 1atie A tiespateis front Fert William i says s-N ormau1-. Mc Lseat i e the flitwo! N. IL. Marinae anti Co.. drugglsts, on W ednesday tiroppeti deati aftet- talkiîg a drinîk o!fsvbat seas sopposedti te hobrot-no-seitzec. H-e wsa just about te lente for luýcis, uîiremai:rked that ho ti net !feCI mIlantid utta 1.s trîi eirr. lie tient to the case anuoe u a littie phial, solti feir 10 cets, anti aupposedti t con, tain. ,uedo)se o! tise compauii. lie tiranlk it. saidti te is clerk tisat, i tastedti -uier stransgedropîsetifaims;! înug te the fleor, ai-ud after a fue gasps wsas tinat i, tis every sî uip-1 tom-,- ofi ,nnanidci)os-,ic, ri. T'PSu-i -Nigh4ly in chains. w iii be oai intestigatiOts, ns Ibis is A esîi, t thfe Leudoîs Tintes BanditsOrganizing Ain unstuýrtiby rn mrs an iselated hlmance o! front i ntsa saYsIsaiý a report bas 1 Part o! Province. peisoning untier ,pt-cciseiy s;imuilur Unen recit d t" tLSeffeet tiatthme1 A tspatchfrontShaneisi sys circutastaiices. ,Saropies Of tto tas becarn ci -io!s it icfssr-,Knen Accriigto e mcii lulcust hie' roeset are bensg senteToî-, ln, tise nuster subra et Odess. tisenefeSoci(ce io aîtt i iseet o asis osu o! hebumk re bc-ig guard- xetmîpart o! the roii e 1 conveysu opri so'n" rsin a ains pa s ts o bjeet m isi îtg a rvt ii 0 - 1 Tu Ue m r r eeeis t% l g ets cWni thsout isect sr vnn.Te o n tirprso h rvnel icsei-$lS0Of nuly ar bisgtaupott rm Ie ecl aîi t sbesveitia;;cs ai'ti fr adtinPowys.e rscaeTrn PHIILADELFH-IA'S OFFER, Will Take Our St. Louis Displuy Entiru or in :Part. A désatet front Ottaswasy Tise Canadias exhibits u St.Loui have been thorougsiy appt ec1t),!b tise people of tise UnitedStte.Thse latest evidesce oft! is conteýs 1freia Phbilaicî!ephia. The Ma r orfet tat ,citlbsmit' eteDprael beets etb«Liem ot p ar.seuleJ) pictionisIa, atiass is; heCai A mnan's sîtgh lies lu lier kucumetige o! a uýsn ckc bon wbatet ys t-11Ilk iY O CalIl eett7 udblut cure for nb su"r",ýd eve y ,ý'ý,AtI. Ler 0f itiA Ce- àan!zo-rcs ave;'r; suD1 ted 11.*esit%, 1 y m L-- n"- i: