w- .1 The canUfm tiÎ ttesmail 0. J. HUGHSQN, Orono, Auctioneer, for the Conty, of Durlimn Sales promptly attaudad to and upon reasonabie terms. Direct tale poine communication on P)r. Tucker's Lina and thiro' the Dr. with Bell line. 37-6m. liq"it Now COAL Of aIl Sizes, the best mined ln America. FLOU R. Mad.e by the Best Known Millers in Manitoba and Ontario FEED Qij every kind and description. British Columbia Cedar Shingles. Try the Old Reliable Firm Of Jomix GLLBERT & SoN, wholesale and retail dealers in G3rain,' Seeds, Flour, Coal'and B3ritish Columbia Shingles. Second to, None. Qood00s delivered promptly in ail parts of the town. Largest Stock Priees the Lowest J no. G îb1rb & So n mlig 8t. W"". zowmauville, WhOoping Cough, Croup, Broncitïs Cough, Crip, Asthma, Diphtheria Orosolesie is a boon to Asthmatice CRESOtENR ln a long .,tabllIsed and standard remedy 1-1 1tr-and t,nt.t t nr..d e 1,.end t've tn-1-e:., o ulee- r in ch-,nil bmw hitis, d laaaVdjiate nlief frùti, cOughs or inlianced odinso the thirot. "'apo Cresoteno 18 aod by drnggl0ts or set pr tt l pald on recelpt of prioe. C A tape creolne Out- ft Si 11ding a . btleatof ronee$150. 5-ad for . tree lllustted booket 1., IG VILES CO., Ltd., w.ssouu utVU&atnLAVJus Oy Vu once back when hie manfniiy, fearlessiy andà jusciy took the stand hae did inu blaaf of bis native country ? Woe it possible to eleet him by acclamation, it would be noth ing more than hae daservas, and anv constituency in the Dominion shouid lha proud to thus honor hlm. Buit ln the Dending election, if hae is oIpposed. ho should bcelaected by snch a substantial maJority that the worl wilI learu that the peopis of Canada are wiiiing to lay asida for once -thair politicai differencas that they may honor and mark their appreciation of the statasnian who so nobiy stood up for their rights ln the high tribunal of tha British Empira. The loud and universal acclaimi of praise that greeted Mr. Ayleswort from tha Libaral and Consarvative papars, and citizans of avary class, irraspective of political bias, on raceipt of thd iiaws of his brava defeace of Canada't rights. and especially on his ratura fromi England, when Toronto's hast citizens of avary ciass and craald, unitad to do hlm honor, wiil pass for idia and tran- siant sentiment, if the country spurns hlmn in this alection. How -magnan- imons an overture, how gracions au act it would ba if Durham Conservativas wouid in this particular instance offer ta unite to lift this, elaction contest in our good county ont of the common ievel of poiitics by aliowing this one questi'on to determina ou~r choice of representative What a gracafua], patrioic and generous act it would lie, too, on the part of Coi. H.LAX Ward to withdraw in favor of hiR legai friands of thirty years' standing, and advise ail of bis supporters to unite lu thus, bonor- ing the distinguishad King 's Caunsel who assayad so much for our common country. Ample scope is afforded in over 200 other constituancies to fight out and decide the important issues of this campaign. If we ara sincare in our expressions of love for our country hara is a grand opportunity ta do Canada as a whole a magnanimious service, for no trua Canadian should be found ln the Dominion to offer opposition to Mr. A3 lesworth at this particular election. But if no such honor is to ha accorded the great pubiicist and statasman and the case must ba decided bv the elect- orata at the poilis on Thureday Nov. Brd proximo. wa trust that thora wiii hae such a large vota ln Mr. Avlesworth's favor as will show ta this country and the whole worid that we do appraciata his dafense of our rights and daiight to honor "the man who dares" on prin- ciple and in righteousness. to do his duty boldly. Taking a more 8elfish and a pure e local view af the situation, there is Poam reason why Col Ward might retira ln favor of Hon A. B, Aylesworth If ha would place the interests of bis county beford bis owu iuterests, lha wonld help1 to send Mr. Ayiesworth to parliament that thara may lia securad to Durham ,out tha Trent Valley Canal otit whch wod land almost at our doors, wood, lumber, oreanad othar produets seznriug ta East Durham such an ex- pend hure of money and snch permanent publie works of great practical ntility as eau ever and only corne to Durhamn by the construction of this important waterway lor commerce via Port Hope. This ls the only'way that Col. Ward can hope to help ecure this great hoon' to bis owu towu. iier'is Kidnev and Bladder lPille are exprassly for weak kdos bladder, pain in back, tc. Sold Jy Stott & Jury. Hou A. B. Ayiasworth received a m'ignIficajt covation at Orono, Wednes- day nighlt when hai made bis, first ap- pearanc<e in Clarke township. The platform- was fronited with a profusion of palins. plants and flowers. Buntinz huug lai profusion acroýss tha auditoruni; a large portrait of Sir Wilfrid Laurier hung bahînd the platform. Mottoas painted by a local artist were in evid Durhama Rubber Co. hand. David Mcrrison, conductor, preceded Hou. Mr Avlesworth and partv from Bow- manvilie ana delighted the Oronaites with their magie. Mr. William Rickard, M. P, P , was chairm an. The large gailery was filad by ladies and soverai were saated la the aud- itorum. Every arrangement was made for whie.h the consmittea received weli merited praise. Mr. George A. Aylasworth was first introduced and talkad lnterostingly for haif an hour., Mr. E. C. S. Huycke, K. C , Cobourg spoke for over an hour holding the cosest attention. Hon Mr. Aylesworth rose to speak, at 9 40 and recaîved a rousing weicoma, Little Glad3 s Richards prasented bumi witb a bouquet. Wa must conzratulate the people of Orono and Clarke on turning ont in sncb large niumbers. He was dalighted ta tiee so mauy vaterans present Ha considered Dur- ham the finest connty in Canada and told his audience why hae prefarred to rapresant it. lie was frequentl.v ap- plaudad duriug his address and at the close stappad'down frons the platform and shook bauds with the peeple lu a most frieDdly tashion The meeting was declared to be ona of the hast political mreetings held lu Orono la year~ A rtEsalutioii, imoved by James Huater. seconded by Geo Pollard, and un- conidnceinthe Liurier Goverament, bearty approveýd (of theý G. T. P.. and piedged to use evarv honorable menus ta oaiact LHan. A,B1. Aylsoll Sor, Thropt zknd Co'ughis A simpIe, effective and sýafe romedy for ail throut irritat ions S fou d 'n Tie obine the rrncdlvieof Cresolere.with Pri~ op rti es 01si iP pery el.1 , je ll-ice, egç &Puutý» Duchess Satin .......*-.U. 0.61.25 pr yd wç Eleavy Moire Velour ...... ..$1.50 per yd SYou'll say they are good values if you Blanketing Cloth in Navy anci inspect them. Cardinal 52 in. wide, pure wool and heavy. Per yd ........ Ponular Cïolored, Imitation White Bear Fabrics F 52 in. wide extra close pile, rieli and Silks and Sa-tins elsye yr j, panees atff25e and 30c. Brfiih at y Brown and Grey oCiir l lt, per following eharning sh ades: Cream Wtilte, p -r yard....... ................. 20 SBIaek, Cardinal, Searlet, Turquoise, Rose, - Canary, Pale Blue, Navy and Deep lue, White Lamb Ruifs for Children, SBrown, Pale, Pink and Deep Pink, Mauve, 365 in. 25c.; 45 in. 35c; 54 in 50c. imita- Nule Green, Rece da, Moss Green, Lemon tion F'ar Gauntiets in Black, Grey and Sand Orange, Fawns and Greys. Cardinal. ~JohnlMcYMue-rtry.1 FTo cu # ça CONin One Day L w bYý PROGRESS 0F THE OADIPAIGN. f AUCTION SALES. EasDuramLiberils are working THuàsDAY, Nov. lth, Mr William liE aes urham eth eeti f Courtice, will saithe whoia of his likan beavars ta secure thete.,ctnon of lion A B Aylaswortb. Visitors ta Fram 0to Ieman0t, Be.. n t- Port Hope tell us that nover ta the hist. urav, Oto his2Oth Boena Frnt orv of thaelidnz bas organization beau Drien hs ilh ag sale of first class stock. L A. W. so compieto and nover were workers TOLE. auetionieer. more enthusinstie. Rigbt la bis own town they expect to heat Col. Ward bv TUESDAY, Nov 15thh. Mrs Philip Tyler, 150 to 200 votes. and iu Hope township will seli ou Lot 17, Con 2 Kingston bv 275 te 300. Where hast known Col. Iload Darlington, the whole of ber Ward wiii get his smnallest vote, West valn..bio Fanm Stock, Imiplaments, Durbam workers are aiso wide awake etc. Seo Buis. L. A. %V. TaL, and tbe outlook is eucouraging s0 far as auctioniear. reports have comae in. Bowmanville FRIDÂY Nov. 25th, Pearu & MeIntyvra, Libera's are lookinc for a good major- will sali on Lot 21 ,Can 9, Darlington, ity. LNr. A% eswarth had splendid meat- about 10 acres of good standing Tim- inzs ail round the north townships and ber, Pmne and bardwood in 1 and j returned Saturday night la excellent acre lots, to suit purchasars. L A. spirits Tne butter ha becomes known W. TOLE, anctioneer. the more popularbhabecomas. Liberals in avery part of the county shonld work TE ta wia and then success l stue. They neyer had a bottercandidate Y ugM no o a Who invests in a Business, Shorthand,J 'y- Telegraphy or Enghish ourse at EU& ~RI~ CANADA'S I4IGIET GRDE Balance of this season's stock will be sold cheap: Top B ggy, s sure of a good start in business life. i o ugOur Bookiet tells why our studeýrnîs 1 Road WVagon, start at salaries of $45 and upwards. 1 Farm Wagon, a month. Get it. The epiigand painting of aIl kinds pomptly attended to. 1: BQwmuvIle. MITE TOONT The iiarmony Maie Quartette. P. H.F'ROST, A. E. MoLAUGHLIN, H. J. KNIGHT, W. J. S. RIlcILARD. Fer ail information regarding Terras, Programs, etc , address il. . EBOSTîlJ. A., Manager, 45.6 mrpBiwmanviIe, Ont ALLAN LUNE LIVERPOOL AND LONDOX UEIUIY ROYAL MAIL STEAMERSz, F'roln Mzbntreal Baoan............. da ct 2 Ir5 a , Bavrian ............. , No.4,9. Ma.n ...........18, 9.0 a m Fi! sitCadn-t1 and upwards, accordiug tû steamer: Sec one. Oabtn, LIverpoot ac, zIjLauj- donderry $d0Oand $35u(, Landa)u 50extra Third 'Cos, superioraco oatn,1,ta "Liv-erpool. Derry, Belfast, Gagw odn Titrogtige ikets to South Africa,' NE% YORK TO LGO MOTELTo -iLASGOW DRC Cota than .Tnrsay ov sDaýy ight; lppiytes ir! A JAMES, Blood Poison iBringa Bons, sait Rheum, Eczema and Serofula, gc B0e00m WEAVER 13C es them Perma9tcr C... Ltd SYRUMUL YRUIO a a S p Cures them permanently. EDavls Lawrenoe Co., Ltd., Montreal. arleRs10hfUnU1 Màntly ...[!of the Lyreat riertii countrv be8idee-l-.' Ur -P p -LL -HI-f