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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1904, p. 7

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LTHA DU!f~Jh f Es anrnot give. I. the sirtul ,O1 1V111 IREL!IIN 1) * 0f that rigliteous father and of that saintly mother (Who, perhaps, have There ils more drawn-o )_Ï tFurnishes Just That Which theý passed to their blesseti reward) we -power Giv. aught glîmpses of visions, vison i one pound of Eby=Ban]3< II11 1 which revealeti sonsethiog of the di- 40 cent h o reih-r\rb.'XX,18. beekea us heavenward. \Ve have no ai e heeseemis to be in the fer f erihigbecause'-we have 11I LS cf a Ee 7tl (,,gxd r u ieng+on't be w it o t M rs R y l a t e tl~ro gh c a dfinif, fi&d rutie visons hich lead ns on ard oaci-~ rpice alter he realizes h w xuh m n day nîater day andi week after week uPward to thai "building of (led, sothing which saps anti rebs 1f a ouene atew t hnseer ": 't+ saves. Myers' RoyalScect of that which is best antd noblest i~nali h haes"Ceyion tes tha,-n in any other tea,, THE SEPARATE COAT. cebxs-ascar fdntrtu- it. Certain]v those whe lead such sold at 50 cents a pound-and a, EI A style w hîch may be traceti direct-(1h heips the sheep to get ailtego]oto h a ir iife h x e, s ce d l i n te, e m e es , A G 0 T T T O I G .is p u re , h a t f lnv g r t n y t e th e D ir e cto ire m o d es is th e fo od th ey e a t- k e e p s th e m a a n e i h heihul nîortn Tu uint old stl ea eparate coat, xvhîch is growiag itlanVeinr their du'stenSoietycLadiesanrti their hoi-- TEA. It lbas stood the test o! greater laver daily.On acceunit of j, pot is one whosepul._e expensîve grain.heweeetin ont f variety, perha1.s te waat ofthtspp 11-"1 stmls iiee h as teture Galleries. years and is recognized as th 'nt ~ ù eUaiity fis beauty is beiag ohnliett nsr atagethe stal. he icauvcd in the nmost delightful ways abn rt-mains-. It i. gera]l admtit- Tattooing as a social craze ia Lon- sadr efrrc n o standard tes fory ragc doahdnpoor a.e.u by the leadinig modistes.(iO, s or aadmutton for marketangrwpeddoo s lk.Wthfn trln ivral occasions, even the sinmpiest ain,,, j f you wapt your Blocks to w!ne edthat on(, f the dan.gers, of ouir don shows ne sigas of nbating, says aîe.! mountigs and any moo-efect, are se elegant that they do 1 Wel at the least expense for food-us age is thïal in eue large use of Ina- tuie Express. T:-lre are few 5iCv FOR SALE ]IY ALL LEADINýQ ram n, we selll h for net iokquite a ght4 aessml chiniery wxe outrseixes are lable te ha-ý leaders who do net bear tome speci- GRO a aWie gae cC'Ecns-te nnRfte xesv Myers' RoyaCtteSce Cone teeinacbiaelike. mea ef the tattooer's art on their Mcîotistepegewn l ot the eWitfrit'fOYe We have littie regard for wuhat is'skia, if il be only a bee or a butter- ~ pi h hr u iutae ole nIleSok. tknewn techanicaîly as the ' ,,isieaary! fiy on the shoulder.anietorrayttestgatiufu.t'fre uponahe,"krbutd what ower rnallyrstdisandkeefis t'sfree imprac" btichale net h is vieionrv Often, however, the design 15 far Odngb almasl'ongerl,. bodices with deep gird- vyr oa Sp ec , hi mXcilnthis vsiiaymore impesing. A fiery-tniled dra- MIJRDEROTJS MANOUEVRES ,, prompt and satisfactory les ntiaarowovnilestarever side. Successful men are ail more Or geen adorns the back of a well-known Sprhsn. Sn o ~ tnig \ aejlmksu a i aaFls n.&NY lest visienary. In faci, there is per- 1society womaa, andi a pink chrysan- Shani iht heeIVeuhv c cag. . o te these bosmotre el eivey thn haps ne other qulity se o~ela themnum, with green steni andi leaves, Ben.-ld do plaids and brentitail velvets, A eatly essential te success as that fa- tla layt'fieastllyear, duriag the tessimpie l a n /edn plirt basthea culty whchenale e tk rafi tienuilMegtho!aofuness Ben jledrn h sirts-u YcEB O . r luelnd gren pltaid wthea aheadti foreean ocast the Crests and coats-of-arms are the militarv manoeuvres held at Grs-D)IAMONOBRLLS.bodie tire ihade it future. lYherc there is ne vision we favorite desig ns for te m ent. w rdcnr, Gernany, twe soltiiers vereI M N A L -1 O n e o n o t m t t ef o tT I I , A e t o i ) fal. Fashionable people naturaîîy prefer le ybles huhel b- M, aontet top aaed ottiybactheafrntTH.XI TAgnBwavle There is, perhaps, ne' etten exam- xluie eiusrnt aie hoaauition haci een serveti eut; ~ 18~14n nitime i~ lc ai PIe of tue pewer of vision than that have their family armis tntooetion whle a siniar incident took place a 'et f ac lidévrehieeatn fat dinpae tefcu ro ssistnce te fllewu his the a e s ae wtht its tai l a its killiîag o ui- in ca, aenti e ua igs n ed rvr f lc ai h ut1ridr900actth s S m ti g oft e Ln s en u with fine sefdpieelkplradatthbriis Abuegteu0fvryen e- vision antimake it mnoutli-symbolical of eternity-whicliîhenmrtly ' embroîderet i wth bine anti green 51 sigaslasmrt sirecm The number of fatal accidents ian3 REALTO HE ORIl. twiaes round the wrist et Mrt. Cora- teAstinmneurt hthve __7rench knots. A touch of ced is broidereti or trimmet i wth lace. As Japan, whicffygar gtt eEALcuareti throughis est the use 0f an imi-ure tathae atdedti t the stock, tiny satin rote- -il is vea-y expensive to buy oaee ajniihate a iÂ7ellabercti te gala bis visionaanîd . Since the war, Japanýese designsotatie bhull, mteoftusted retii- GEAbEAudOsUN leiin t hebccf hireoac wma heishad wthte eei h4, labord to realze IL We onder hav been exbuorsilarithpspmateriationbeingtsmmad-oftockingsredalrindyteoranmentedsmthesto ki237almilesoro!mwelI, maeale4237rmile popular, blettiUN.og-pnper he ed rondsedlacehile Whoisin iswitgthedeeronetis, hby h e a b r e i e c n l ' z i . e o a d r a v h c a e x t n o d i a r l ya n t- g m - e x t i n - p p e t h a t c a n i - -f o r m i n g t h e c o l a r . w, o u l d d o W e l J t e p u r c h a s e t h e p l a i n 2 5 3 3 m l e0 f t e l r i sw h c that su a, glenieus vision stltould anti ladies well kaown la society have lict, evon wheai propelleti by n smanîl on lVelted by Magnified Rays'o! Coînpleting the toilette is a tinrlks'1 dsinani2raithmtebr 7a3y19,0000 ptcaer n- have remiLain-etise long unseeni. The the Japanese fiag on their arais. chnrg-ý of powder, a very ugly wound Sunliit. gren benerahat witha uldebrintOlieriicgry 1t95,s0re0aan reasoti .is apparent. Thbe worlif's "But tatteeiag ais at beautifying when fireti at close quarters, must iulgt re eVrtnwihawd rm w iig lyan 11F th brighît! visions are eseîved as ne- the face as well. The introduction be coasiticrable; but the actual fig- The pyrhiliophor, or suni machine Ilturneti anti indeitteti at the sites The wenn who bas naIteculiar lik-. Siarnese Menam swl steNl nei » t back, se that the ront scoops ing fr velvet neeti n t esitateto te antithe C ng o an eu c n ri e n wand8te persistent anti painstaking, o! carmine oven n thin lip quite utres, it is s-art.ely uec,ssar-yto enc the iunventien of Fatuher AI. A. G-i gracefully evea' the face. The onlyivstl itehm'brttelgthe fouBnkkfthtKrn effet-t anti te diligen anti ntîrlng rc- altrs tue aspect ! thc fce. Pal j tio i, aremaetaforhcemin .umonPloHimaueseapyungsPo ugucsenniest, ria ai g lustn onstre oscoq 'e' pluai- this te son, fo it is sure to be pule antibcstpor-te Petc aburce search. complexions cari ho tiotet. The coi- Inanddition t t twenty-eight b nlat tucceedeti at the Wonit't Fair in j age af blue anti greent, arrangeti at alan foir the next tix menhsntn d wChemurpl It is a mnistakçe te tiîin-,.that ahl or is ahsoluteiy permanent, andt quite one regiment, wlme dieti front ex- genea-at ing more than seven tîousant the left side. wihnsregcrant 0f n legertoInScoul emîete it uetn iîgeran viios av aleay ec hamlss" austion duriamg the mnrch freai degrcesosfeboat (Fahrenheit). lu Koreae tue imofitee fronte seaanti î-alizcd. There are stili -Pnincess Chimay lbas a wliolc art Tilisch te Arad, ini 1900, anti the' The suai.machine wat brought hy PALE TINTS FOR GOWNS. speiod s The reta 0f the pitu. e- ostu wolste discover andti te 0f designs tattoocti ou ber explsi on of a tbrnpriol sheli durino' te-n eto adCalîtain Ernciose The weaan who follou-t cloely the Chiffon anti liberty are the rnost aortîwnrti, sehtwthn n f Bî tisons thma tiise wbch are armus. A few ecks a e, îven she was th Xaeviertidery ma oeuvrefuttXaiRrodalIcit, o! te RoyanArtof treet o! te fashoui fitis heacîf gacefu, paon thenmtthehow , Eng- weeks tue Jatanese can tr nspor ulfdin,lg th erasolves la our day anti marricti agaîn, she atideti n poppy te Zboî-ow, li Galidia, la the jîreseace lery of Portugal, fromu Lisb on te 1agana this yenr cenfroateti with the lish velvet the nîott durable, anti, o! men anti nntos0 a yri geuîriion the wortd lbas neyer seen. ber collection o!ftiesigns, anti obliter- o! General Prince Windischgratm, theS.Luis in April. Fer amore than lquestion of light gewus. Detpite course, there is the plain voîvet l'roin Fusan nia h a oWj.A 1 mse whe are cntching glinipses o!* ateti the rame e! n former hushantt. following car, whei twtue ergeants u mnh VIa enl rct h ailnî anvl0 oos bc a aynluonigoitefre sbttahusb e tham tcacli geniuses ,or' wi' hetnttooer's studio sth rvexere killet, anti a lieutenant ant i ~x jfemontsut.i o n e ih n rko! ssheown aia a te sat of's snrt qu lis fromuaJaparoundd as hthlatterers t E', i thev arceli reality thiaicers, oT inanyaromance. Numibers of pe-gunuc'c steaiously iajurcd, furtber in-! h ihGaeadFostyBldfbrchr remnple itd Iasofeudeoeove whb aunin Wehr.It is thîts that thev atake pic ecoma te have a irogort- omte stances ceulti ho recalletiof tte per- Imîg. pcaly fowic, i'ftci-moiatti itingstymle.A aieay effethesblc enet- wiylasoondh jctbe r Lno 'Csio nspiraveinetplytiaug otlier object tattoocti over n fermer ils 0f the Austrian manoeuvres-i ln the pretence of Viscomeai lt e e ci thtforbch w 111 oil ach i t- maistye.A ae aog te eetWyalnijure aasleigcr Vwesienrt' lataes. ereldthatbateteir ountepnrti the PertuguceeAmbassador aidtoilettes. These cloths have n ing vaguenets to the Inventer. The anti Paris te hoaiasc hn tY Part la the worlt's ittent They Oftea getiesomo designs are chesea duning the evolutiemis o! the French Contmissioee-Geaenal te the Exposi- cbnrm which is peculiarly their own, bnia ils lineti with grape coloreti vol- ard Korea, an,sx oi h er have ledti he fatanous xarrioa-s t àMds' edfrisacwt 92aîtiIîtfantry Regimreait, ut Cler- Fila dh is and xvhich makes them proof ngninst vet antices h bnllanlycoord ane-rote, mont Ferrant, last yenr, when ueatlr Hmaaya made as frtlyge, long bloc ostrich ans h oen trit n ns ronitorthe pel avef te rTlaty oing is painerTe esig oe alcrtigs v hei tan expeiaient oit Tuest-ay. Despite the the constant changes of the styles, plumetsxvave over the left site, part o! the Mik mie ils frnt th len o te atoongif pines. hedeig mrebl atigswreue hnson was pnrtly bititen hy n fog, more un orange is useti veî-y much NVe can niray deoatri Mîost gf 'd oes la ne> of ts sketchet in hiank with n neeàile Mretngnustprnpthn a- 7~,000 degrceetof Fahrenheit hn mh 'lit gewns, but only a teuch lot o ue cboicest bits of litera-- capable of making tbirty punctures lots are the cavalny chtarges that1 Were, ohtaiaet, Iron melteti anti mang- ilsnequiroti bore anti there in con- THE YOUTH'IS COM-ýPANION N- ÇWnti te EhanoatMaaly Th ture. They have advantced the world a second. A machine with eight almiost invnniably forina stniking nesîn wns about te mielt, wilteu the aectien with toein octher trimming. _ 1905. locoinotive ruaiL sl rouJfat amîti uplifted the Church. Our tahl neetiles tion apphies the colons. fbaVure of foreiga miîitary evolu-,sua assutdtaly obseuneti byBlue anti Inventer are alto cembined ti simossbl.oven te ersaom, nt fon Bict e a was by ve~~ry effectively, ospocially where zJeuain buildings, otan grentbrltges, oua- atar- - - . insofn.ltth uum !cloutis. Father Iina ails more teeaecobesoso evr pn- asmgl aacahtemayat ---m--înyn i We1. it th amtrrizeers pen- a sitlecitag in thhma wandlas.t î4aeny, carr nvenotionagc macf DOh-'B SNITV, 1900, tuo Belgian rcgilacuts-the ,tha:n tatisfiet with the retuits. lIerearoulestsoteA rothe MoaîietnMca ' ny u lns mgemaso ) N' E ESTV. 2at Lancers andi the lst C aides- secs a way, dean teo npplying Vthe ma-1nri- îge it ot !t, t.thia mn- Cvman attracins fothle Youtiipoeteiln wh -mnfea hr t a- inaî commmuicationm by lati We frequeathy tee unfertunate in- hurlet theaiseivos at each otbci- ut chine to ininstrial ccounit. The bronttil velvets refernedti teyean. Unwique ils 1u bohtehuto ni 1son, first existet in mint as vi- sace !Oxiee estivonos, î»Farciennocs,andttithe "hat' wat net Aii rm nîy neetn e- ahove are smarnt ulikofor catine A socles ofaticles plaunedti n- wAtm Mineor trae-i il aaa sions 0f future possibillty. The oh -'faniiesi wbich the rmother or one teuntea/ in tinte, tepeaceful evelu- tifie deductions whichf subsequent sisat eaae etTegeltenesl secai lAsfnyfie m ie, - g t Jectivec ealig is variably precetiet by o!fltme chilireais al lithe lime quiv- lo br very appoanunce cf a;daily expeimenîs confirmidFatber juiatg !ti aeia sta llese!ncaiaswoio u'c-maplateau, b arsMutis the subjective ideal. J enng fromu the pain imflicteti bystme most wnruike onceuintea'. I Hiaacyn mado tiefellowing ne eesnt eu s heri nhretchte t i so o mreinsuhsistedict- ndtheChi Chrsts vsin f uivrsl bot-'pecfeclly innocent remank matie by a A largo numbher of mou wcre un- discovoies:- net. To t esetirabiiity ccmon tiste lf te! Nc Foîsbfe Yoong where Abm'nhamrnit 'tNnv enhooti was o! ail visions the mest brother or a sister, ou- one o! the horsei, anaît he ambulance officens 'Fiast-The bonI of! be sun is abso- tms ihy.Tetn ie1eFrir, "The îSanitatien. o! thmewhc otapeaeiniByo spî u 1dti an ti glori us. W e a r a e t .h d t ýtt n e a g ei o t h g l . T e dark sd o a m r, .w e e N hî c ai eza c u leuaing. -mîor-eanui mou-e of il, but prns a eatn o a ot numbcî' o! luVely o! electrie engini. the question 19 that it is ahanosl too Farm,."Tli Ftutre of Anneican imaeef elcIatBgdwer - 111usants of people are out o! sit- broken armus, anti ibs. One ma,Second-TIc inlensity o! Uie ruys oegnimaogenay xur ntofee oto, "o WainMueMoo Wo do net hegia toteappreciate i 'Plleg-nt orru-- nar -Wearrand -nl-RCoscon," ruieti, to KomvoMorte yet. Ho who crushes antdirobs the unations, and cannol keep good placet indeot, wat remnoveti with n ghastly thal. rm-hmce the sonr radiation it co bas ouiy the one tailor matie, on lime Farru,- etc. Hru-lRs poon caîtuot by puttiug atemey >« whouî they get Ibena, because o! this lance-wouat in the forehonti. IFor- veny much bigher than thut o! the broatitail is bartihythefanrc to Seven tonial stories anti 250 shoat o h esa guineti inte institution,,. hewever weaknets. Mamiy a goti business c aeya ar as ahs ceuntr'y as eiectric arc. cos for ils dvlpret Broud t- esbYthems aone o geet, catch evenan glimpte of man lias been kept bnck, or even Coacerned, no similar occurrence bas Third-The suai machine disclosestiil is prettiest lu brewa antitai-k puia' Auncican writers cf liction wili -CHAMBERLA1N'OG E~Y rineb i bikestot f appeneti; the noarest apprcach te a finwec otstheltr n-btoraetinhdefbavfr' THE 11E UTIFUL NVISION rintbtberqribnssteVaeef-accident !ohapececopenhieecng n-blcoiacetinshtehe ove. toaipartof the conteunts o! the new fonce, or Vo î'esent a fancieti slighl. Long Valleyut hapenIng ,in 1t0,ergy which boîts between the bout In la ght grcy anti blue iltees flot volumne for 1905. wihCrs aintebohrod er smany a clergyman, wec du- în e, Adaht a10,o! the suna nuithtetstars. wNo one wnohe is acquathinted IwithNo oeits wbich 1Ho came on oarîh te estuh icaltdanti. able, who is sosensitive wwean wehlt th bne amutter 9whiveuat the pofanîce Polior t.illuttrateti Anuounceaient te- go ult li h n h c - t a e i s fn lm ore th n oeuesection of the Que ca ' îe tirecîîytheaprsncipabo -ays o! thof Th e t pu rty o Ch m rl n' i an utti whie c h s t e hm a ve in s fîa l that h o cannot keep a living long. B ays ell into a iitc , an ti a um- tsun ute l ctr ic er g é ysf t eV E L V E T 'FO R C O A T S . c mpani n s new volum e for 1905 g Re m edv. L t uten y c r o d anicmit osmtaainiihu' rom bis tistorteti viowpoinl, ýsOme ber of 1catuallies ensuetisnitoeeteeeg. wl csn esai oisO ugh ]ee. on.n. saI eafu tiast haebrtha'rr iserinltehhucnisai Avey haiurinitntt-tht hi i tc e>rthstn acin Vlvt ons it lcerobsenemvrohobetsit smpeeopesnd ut«rp ffctal ndpemaenly the widw 's tours anti the labocer's ways huating hi-saying or lbink- bpeiî nBigoaodre tFuther R--imaînyn b las erecteti. The the. quintessence o! elegunco. ayIeperlayatiesfcbtreesthedsaesrmrsu- naî m'uchua upte he ~ey cr 0 mg unkinti thlngs, on throwing Ont Nancy, la 1897, whea severai squat- frttre oebsl u hnati neewocn twhois bn ady ithlie- To fo atyabsnibn utiosn ts The ngcure pncrupo. L sas eti aloti aniisnnig o h eou citii eV ofhints anti suggestions calculatedteVo nons cf Russant came into collision, ai.uetecaIbsonnfthn hn-owornyr'suic-ponlTh creerro.Wopngoghe e bo gis niheu n l o- ljaesiuiitcee !îecnre ni nadto etoei !tesel! the smarntest of! utIle cents foi'rCm inrcic f0 i h sÙa agerous w o hi emd l [sn ton gain.o reTheesarch amuahewlas t i subanc r ale ie scn te ai . whe 'an h bsiinuethmi teeeso tecn reoersn adibonwrekno d everon te CS p RS I, bouse wear eut o! nommants o! vel- 0f T'ho Com',.anion for the î'emaiaing It centaine neopimo ehrham bae is îuomey honestîx anaît 1gatien roeswowrekokovr ne OTO I. vol 'or elegattbrocadeti satin thal wechs of 1904, aise The Coipanion sustncad' k erifl ni ibra no meller Marty school touchons are greut tuf- ma ws killeti, another bat bis amy bave unin bab foronsciful andvei-eens nmeenest.fRe- skuli fracturet, and severul but legs Wht SmeBriih Intiutinsiie fer muny sentons "CarnaAtionsý" Calemitar boa'10 entl ea ayast dut t eas xvhen the lune comtes te rentier an frr rmovrsniieus. R htSoeBiih Intttos st. Imîteei, stme cf the mest hliegraphiet in txvehve coleî-s anti Pheasant te takelhnalo h tcceit of bis stewardshlp. Visiis marks o! parents, or uitIle bits o! or arais breken; but Ihese cavuîm'y Pay for Ventilation. exclusive motels tiuspîayecu in the goit. TIe Vouths Conîpanion 144 facts are taken nu cusdrîe tl of a, camei stanadiang beore the -gossmp wiciîar'e 1eprelet V 11m, bluntiers were us nething whea cern- Thun good 'air, like geoti wnler, is ultr-smnrt sheps suggest this Berkley Street, Boston, Mass. net surprising ta epel eeg n(eàtie's oye or ofl Diveos cnîîtng te make thcm fbcd as if people were Paredtot two mortienous changes per- becoaiiag an exjîensive cemmotity theught, in spile o! iheir ciegance. l - + - 'ands.d as Weillsat oo semti Abrahnam antiLaunsneeti net sticking pins in t hem, rmetapuîocicully petratet la tle German mnoeauvres seerus Vo ho apparent, Juting Iromu POINTS TO 1REMEaiBER. RUSSIA SPENDTRIFT. Vary hily nivr e r trulhina. tpeakiiig, alulimhe ime . Writers, au,~- 0f1897, andtihVe Austnian ma-te expeixe entintng ppuances Tho-re aire a few genenal biaIs which RSI SEDH F. wiiling te take ayohratrhvn Reiinfuriuhes ms highen idJ(enîs, thors, and ti olcipeople wiVh artistic oeuvres of VIe fohiowing ycar. limaI are new bcing inistalIetcfinta4n'veny womenuwoit tedoWeil Vo ne- once 'used la. Frsl b iru«ss bmetesour s-yiapathies, oplifts our îme-aetamouially very sen- On VIhe f'irs.t-maeationet occasion nîmaber of business lcs publie, member ia cemnecion wiîî this e o !Sbra aut _______ iintiis, gives us inspiration anaî sitive, 10,000 Irooplrs, lot, It is sait, by buildings, libraî-ies, etc., sayýs the ar's fushions. ThyacîeascasldHsSbtn. stmcngtb, iii our dcili efforts, four-....-.t he Kaisce- hiarseif, descemdet upon ýWater anti Gas Rvofo Loirten. pruncipies o! the nmodes. An lipor- 'M ldmrYvknof h o aishes jusIttuat w'hch tVI,,w-oril SIETPîth~MR.e opposing inbaaalry andaîtllery- The olt idito about lime air beiag frc tant lad as in cenneclion wilb thiatMn di1 etkiofli o îCal i til iue ipy mon wtt se groat un impetus thul iîîso îeitmervsc. Tewaîsls, thut is, the laboral f a f-o!ee of!tlime arliesl Sihemian nîiing îeoking ut a nn, hlerl t.e The aecont tiscovery o! oucaino, a when tle bugle cail o! "Ra4411 soui wl onne ar eelpdi'h pdrmtr pou enfui anuestimetie, is leeket tapon ted foucteen tend hontes antinaine' cest of ventilation la soeverni notable fisceeoe aVesioymatea'- uas anthenMuovilewEmplietiiicfo ssae ynbre, 77suohrsielfetimhI, ah 'onitmnxemopce pbuilinigs liiiGreat Bitain was rober- li.bass rosiro l get ndvdnis larVed Muscevit Emprsi iewita !lm ao n wiilmak posibe eeraion whch n lme ieli. ed te lna c aper recentiy rend before nt spciiy n iersoudrsbs c'n fa aetbis akupV. J'n brusil. "o lin usin e wl aetssbeisetonsplac nIh fed.1andtihVe aost imexpensivo laces are see-iYasps l ts otcleunliness, ncyenqusin o J i h nî'î ewe e placeow-_+ ursnueu.taansfermedtobalmosl indescribu- mafias bave been lime tepie of dn-r ukngtefC.Ter sn esa tient remanas coasciotîs turing ils Nothing wounts anfeelinag mi,,li suppiiet i wth 9,050,000 cubic foot of Voladîmna lei i- uin inu imRi a itina agewyaan h 3acsoe usatody te ofchirse, upsepairts -one uhnîbr iag66 leto oer pe yeurw 1,- Siik cropo de chine mvistt are net oniy te go thaounh n foi-lune of cloaa job o!fla i aoa br aoeftesbdy te pimhi I ii appie 000,000 cad66horefootpr In pr , immeti grontly wiVI fiat silk mue- 5,000,000 roubles, w'hicli e initertet bo. AniolIcnstbîivoy are___ insenaisibleFrucitne pytinu.a Vie uo cl21 bu lecon0ce0line ,.,,o . ouuuo.the Wuaolt.mOuntaauî, fl- conta in, aa iscexcmsiveiy woman',s tonic on T he foll-itîlig c-oss-oxamnatintiayeans "are aow onjoying gooti italli lowot n lipesar rnmntyticemiso eanumuio Teont tio'ctts u m th e m a r k t- it a s s o It m o r e a g e y il a w kl s e i v d il u a c u n i n ce n l : a a o f c r e o u l e i e etan di d a t e ( o n a r n l v i u g a I P lth eo n k - e t w it b i t i e l mg t f u l f s h i c a . l i c o u a i i lîg ' t a c h a n i n w i a t V e e n a-tohm a IV t th ps tid fa etuythnan thrCaddae(o ri a Puk-oeeparlicularly tninty pair o! gney spr,,d, f alling lanlimefoi-ai of asilesi-a flio, .Leihr's om medicine for womnc. Clsl(owttss-fo a osîmto lr-g h ls-fvlet l napitnn)R' c-J- --i Alleother compountis intandet fornwemen mtaProu' îlt lihe pist'atx- stele six Anhi FuIi. -Ae sioit caadaî ho icaldnciget upheen le cumc-cuntyiot only areMatie with alcolmol, or- alIcohol l a aof! te 'r iîîudhIc-hiefs?" is-. ahb,- 287 Enmirald St. Nm-htline uuyevien-cal o! upigma n - fho! -gney -siih gnuze, here 1 ni- -cat-!2 îlesletil.stangcuet, lag oapun-îsaicohol injures -te Whniise -'Wýyb, caujse Lie5 eere Ramilton, Ont., smys. Ui: esek ! t te el- po r eionscol out. thee tet pices _____bu_ sot ine Jts ii!ý invs.'h ittrdcruleoftetitat w'e e umîti'«I niai nelonger Irtobleti iVit dO,-- lows imngeti ycW in effligy hast nigît, are filet lantith lace stitchet. The 4--mtvstoctsso thimhat bloot are bnankea by alcolel. Ahh sticb oa . ib7i,a.Look iu (lit-ni fi- enisofstipotioit. Icannit ipaise Anti-Pifll u el-othIso. i. mriir sbeuiodn Exponlence utu'ifly ceaies l a man Biceding omr-SuppatigPes Dro . iounts Ihe Sno le ts ani. amie ,itc-x tlv the ane s ule. 1e ig h.'isinlipe nns. No nim ing is prt- a bci' ie isn't in L position te ise it. ,A gtam'aît(e ies ih <'tb pa9. Dr. ?ier111c e'Pleasant Pwelleta in ioat -"îot.oeesqlthn I h*ens tea:"et fe Oc. A il1 e,,ver rgu e - witim others iif u tïienfoir g ey ian p ors, but tIlese S im-"Do yo o her M atiltu mn - go e iiarig a aîut' inu e Gt tmct ie nt is a.ýc Fbowclon, 'olTsi he uîursîcm g.1hoirN YOU -d ,c w* et1r , mUt attrtc i-m rî.m amle ! alne n w raisin ." gens br C nad, 'ISSUE NO . 45,1-04, croýs st sîaps ver tîle islethose se tc ite S;Igig.'î jLimiî'ted, tT aganu al, O t

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