Mfuzt Bear Signature of Seo Facsimile Wrapper Below, Toey Oman au&it as oaer, ~ TEI<FOR RIEAÂCL 7_ FOR BILIOIISHEïs. Sv FOR TORPID LIVERW PLL FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION CURE SI01< IEADA0HE. ADVERTISING RATES. The Canadian Statesman is publi hed every Wednesday morning at the officel 26 Statesman lock, King Street, i3owmanville, Ont., by M. A. James. Iditor and Proprietor. Subscription $.0per annum, or $100 if paid strictly ini advance. Advertising rntes, transient advcitising. ten cents per e,ne, llrst insertion Ive cents per Un0e each subsequutinsertion. Contract rates on applitt. DENTISTRY. . B IONNYCASTLE, L.D.S., D. S.,ilno. Graduate in Dentistry of Toronto University. Offce:-Over Cen- rai Millinery. Entrance first door wIest nI Big 20, 1iowmanvile. A. E. MCLAUJGH-LIN. B)jarri-ster, Selicitor and Cenveyancer. Offce-.Bîeakley Block, King Street, I3owmianville. Mioney te loan at reason- able rates. 48-lyr. ROBERT yOTJNG, V. S-. 0 FICEIN HIS YS BO , 'P Opposite Town Hall Entrance, where he will lie found from 8 arn. te 9 Pin1. Night calls at residence, direct- ]Y opposite Drill Shed. 17-ly-, M ARRIAGfI: LICENSES-M, A. James, Issuer of Marriage Lic- enises. Iesidence: Centre street. SIM4PSON & BLAIR. D. B. SIMPSON, K., C., CHTAS P. B3LAIR, l3arrihiters, Solicitors, Notaries. etc.,M4orris Block, n-stairs, King Stret, Bowmanville. Slcios for th ' Ontario Bank. Private moneys boan- ede at low -est rates. DENTISTS. Will lie at Illackstock on the first Monday of each mnonth, at Orono 2nd Monday, ail day, and at New- castle, lst Wednesday froin 2 p.m., Office-Temperance St., 13owman- ville, rear of Riginbotham's drug store. D"N T JSTRY 0. HARNDEN, L.D.S.,_ Gi aduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. Offce:-012Opsite T. Bingham's office. VITALIZED AIR, COAL 0f ail Sizes, the best mined in America. FLOU R. Made by the Best Known Millers in Manitoba and Ontario FEED 0f every kind and description. British Columbia Cedar 1-larry-I hear Tom is going te leave 'off dIriaking and marry a heir- ess. Dick- That's jusi. the way facts get twistôd. Hoe is geing te keep on drinkiag and Usarriy a saake charmer. The man who thtnks a geod deal of Lits wife shoulid nt atteînpt te renceal his tboughts ,when-a- n is anewttiher. To prove wto yn Uචjp Crhases Ointment is a certains and abslule cure for eack and every form ef itchinm, bleedlngand protruding plies, ~~~hs ~ ýuv onotcueshv uarsnteed it. Soeetep. lrn n~s b(li daiypres; nd ask yenr ne_Jh' sc-ors htte tini 0f t, Yen can aieit and çet jourmne ack if not curcd. 60c a box, ail ffl deal rsor MNSON.BATES & Ce., Toronto. NVOTES ANDCOMNSI ountil wo read ViscoinatTru r'ac couaint oftienin lie National lRe- view. Il is tic nanse et a little sert living ta leur panisues et a cerner et, tic Weald ef Sussex. Fanmera jen stxnstner, copse cutters tn sytater, tbeyý have a religion and i1f eeoft hem eowa, unafbecole h le world andi uaknown te il. Wb il is tihe engin eft tic naise "Col.elers?" Nobody Laews. Net long ago 'Mr. Ancfrew Lang, ra-! lier ingeustiiouisly thoin saccessfully, trieti toexoplaia toteirrnines as nielz-names gîivea te certain clans and, deflatly aopteti by tlsemn. "('o1e- lors" isasuppoedto le hoa sic'nsme.1 A Pari. of oneeofetthe Co'eoler pariai-ý os was once knowa as "Cokkeg," but' lie naime lias long heen ebsoete. i Blueits "Bictk ns--ry of Sorts" calîs' lhe Cokelens "lýoglers,"' andi asserîs, willieist any autheity, tint "they are sald tot hase a book et Cople, prohahly in imitation of the Mor- meins" There ta ne snchbhoeký. The Wor "Cicers" is net more than Cilty yeau'-s elt, yet n etysaologit lcee throsv liglit on il. Some rural joker seoma te base fixed Ibis eccenîrir tille upen lie Cekelers, ot'lsrwise known, aince tliy are absoiuîtely indepeadeat, as the Bepemdots. John Strgood, sheemakçer, xit)h a gi. for pre.aching, cmsofi-oat Lon-ý don te Loxtord tan 1850. Four os' fi ve vîll.îges's used te, meet aI hua cot- tage Sundaya, andi probahly en weekdays, and ho1ý1 a service. By 1861 enosug ofethtie neiglitoring ferm- era and laherers, wer' e flesvers et Sirgooti le tir tie wratlsofethle pariali higwiga, who ses-j d wsvninga on hir. Seen (hoes'epeal efthlie Con- sentinle Art nmade headln hein ias'm- iess. Brasnchies of the aew sert svore estahiisliedinta he snrreuadiag sil- lages.' When Surgood dlied ie 1885 there were 2,000 persons oet ha r- liiotn. JViaroîsat Tumeour does net ik the Cokeler rreed clear te ns. Itlita "et a proneuinref antinomian type, huili. np upen a nuoshýer et texîs, tak- on oui.oet their context, andti tis renderod capable et any interpreta-, lien thati. nay ho pnt up"on hem." Tic Cokelers do net use ticLi-' Prayer. Tbey belti, curiouaiy enough, tlint il id tee short, andi waa mneant oaiy as a model. Ther liasve neo min- isters, properly se raiied. Thse affaira et oaci chapel are managoti by eliders, or "ai alwarls," cl'ene frouaî nd by tlie ceaigregalien. Largo perlIons et Bible baxts .ai-c memnoris'ed and read, and rensttîste a geed deal ef-thle, ciapel service, At Iti ed oe til cri memiher prennhes, if tic Spirit moyca hiim. Tiey 1it,-e neo sarriago ser- vice -and de net encourage marr iage. Vet lhey frowîs upon immertalily. Tiey mcrely insisl, atter tie manner et the as-oira, tisaI lie higlios' ife is non 1isteni. wili isarriago. Vol lhey maariy. 'Tie sert lives hy dia- regardling one et ils tenets, la hheir aversion te ensusemens, te dancing and muslr net religioifs, evea le flow- oers in1 a reom, tioy are of tic nar- rowest Puritanisua. They are lienesi., indusîrioisa, clone litving tolks anti lise on gond terres w illi heir nrigis- hors, and lie day efthIeir persecu- lion hy village rowdiea bas long Pasi.. Held the Secret of Lite and Deails. Recent experimoîsîs conducteti by moqt ensineal scientiste, prove liaI ligi taa gi-cal rernedial agent; il je essealialiy Natusre's agent. Ilrnay ho citier sua- light or electrie ligit, but il bas a de- cideti effect in ielping nature le basîîsh diacase anti restore boalti. Otier arien- tifie nmca bave proveti thal oxygen elec- tifies tic heart anti mn proleng life. Ttc people on lis erts are-susceptible to serne iaws wiici gevera plant lite, A plant canetioh e successfully grown in tic dan, Aiman is seidornisealtiy aisidstroag wbe lives ini tic demi or ia sunleas renis. Atteî ail, Naturels ways ai-a foti le he b lie hest. Nature's sernedies ai-e aisî'ays best for eradicatiag tisease, anti y hyIis wc miean a niedicine matie etf oots simd herba. Tisey are assirnilaleti in lie stomaci anti taien up hy tic blooti and are, tieretore, lie mnost petent mneana which can bheutm- pleyed fer lie rcgaining et lest health. Dr-. R. V. Pierre, consulting physicias te tise Iavalids' Helel anti Surgirai Instittele, at Buffalo, N. Y., jenrnany years et exten- sive pi-actie, fon t the couiti pin hie faiti te an alterative ext-ac t o certain plants anti roots for tic cure et aill looti diseases, This lie calleti Dr. Pierrels Golden Mediral Discovery. Contaiamag rne alcobol ner rnarrotins, cnitirely vegetable, Ibis I"Disnovery"Ilemakes irihreti ileet aed bsna pewertnl tissue-builtier, glvbag tic tiret business as or womnan rcneweti sîrengti anti icaiti. Raptdly growing acheol girls anti beys oflen show inspoverisheti blood -by thc piiiipies or beils wisich appear on face or ceci. To cradicate lie poison; froniticheblooti, anti feedth le beart, lunga and sternach on pure blond, nntluing t; se gond as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medicai Diacevery, Don't aibow tie dealer te in-tilt yenr in- telligetice iy cfferiag hi; owa blooti remi- edy te yen insteatiofethIis well known pieparatton et Dr. Pierce's. Tee chances te o'ne he wili anhatitute a cieap compoundi iaviug n large perceatageofet scotei ta il. Dr. Pierce's Pelletsaraie tiche et toi- lie boweia, Use Ilseni wbti lie "Discevery,* îG'AMPIBELLFORD BRIDGE OPENED. JTise uew steel bu id >0 over lhe river Trerit aICampbe1.trsd, te relace lise euie coudemneti ha Engineers James Mci)oug-all and William Murdoch et Toroneto, was opened for public travol oIn Wednesday aflerneen et fast weelc Afte toihie arrivai cf lise 3 15 train lie follewing members efthtie CeunîTes;' Coueil andi ohicials wsere di iven loes bridge, viz: John Miller E-q., Wardon and Messrs T. W. Tweedle, T_ J, Naj- loi-, W. Prickworli, E. TerriT, rT. B Carlaw, D. C. Matliews, T Davidsen, iLt-Col. MeLean H H. Walker, S. E Feragusi m, J oh n Kennedy, Tises. Baker, Auson Taylor, HI F. Hollanti, Celuttos' Solicitor, anti Ntil F MacNacilon Countdes Clerk:TiseWardon atidresset thlie fellewiug question te Mr. James iM-D sugai, (2. E ,wiso was acompautcd b'. lie conîracer, Robert Wcddell, E'.q.: "Ras tise bridge been completeti antiî,, il i-cady le ho openeti for traffic?"IlTo wbiels lie engie or replied, -Tsebridge bas heen completed on loi-ms efth1e contraot ant is ready fer tr".ffic IlThse Wardcu tison, in the narne oetRis Maj- caet% tise Ring, and on beisalf of tise Ceuncil (E thle Uniteti Counties et Norths- umber!anti anti Durhacm. declaredtheti bridge open fer traffic. Tise banniera weu e rerneveti anthie procession moveti osCi- thé bridge am-ideI a larpe concourso o! lieo citizens. whsen imraedtately atter- Jwardb large numbers etfvoisiclos cresacti anti recrosaedth le ncw structure. Ie tise, evcning Mi- Weddell, contractor entertained about 6b at a b;umptucu,.e banquet. A Superior Preparalien. Mr'. A. R. Race a prornineut dtmg- git oft Baxtar Spi-ings, Kansas, sa, s: Charnberlaiu's Stornaci anti Liver Tablets si-e, in m%. judging, tise most suporier prep)aration etfaux i-bing le use te day for constipation Thex- are sure iu action anti wiîi ne tcndency te nauseate or giTpe. For sale by ai druggists. A PROGRESSIVE POLICY. During tise Fodral olecrios. campaign we iseard usucis aboutlise Gi-anti hrusîk Pacifie Rafiwa- pi-ij -et cf tne Dominion Çlns errnt. ut me have n -t hearduso murs about the ')utante Geveinmeuî's Inl tie firs attiys ef thle sent, stores, , railwav enterpnises Wisen flion G. W lie joint proporty et lic local mcmn- Rosa carne power Tie luaugunaleti a bers, but open te outsiders aise, polirs et dex-eopmeut 'sud pro, res svce clabisiti i-bn le capea Iwhihbas hbeen uretti- aub,,tuutiallv wereestblihed whentheehaelscarrieti ont PaSSitZ over ils applical wcrc teusadeti. These stores have on te tise longer setîloti ai-oas efthle growvrnlie obig shopa. "Te use a pi-ovice, il mas be p9inîe eut, as tise Yaiceisa," saas Viaceusit 'î'nour i Peterboro Examner sava ltiaItistaI "thcy hav'e 'lîoggcd' lic wh oiete policenbas heeu appli' t witis splendid raesucces VIitnesa lise cfnstructio)n et of tic place." Tiese sloi-es anc rue lie emicaminzue Raihwax-, a lruly by a aecrGtnry anti tour trusaleca,1 developeinent nailwaî. wilr brings te anti aay Coieles- cea ho a sharehoiti- , oen<elts rei tc or. Toy pe hig ivideda, nti Onstarilte ie bunor ef aving the er. huy ay ig dvidndsan tI'irt prex-incial owîsed anti cocstruecd moal of tise savings oethle Cekoelers' rail way linoe on tie continent, busît by go inte Iheas. 'I'iese people arc; tise i eOources iviichitis ceimtruction thrifty anti ieep nw'ay freni tie --nk, gk-tbe n alal -puiThi building eft tis lino is given an "pb."- The farnera anouîfihem enengetie impetus ttesesettlement an-i seil lhier butter, milk, eggs aidstio iopesuing Up so! a spiendidly fertle ai-en otra tic localatoirca, se tînt, tan et and inleNos-ther Ontaio. Iuconý- heu liitei fei, îey ssa hosat inualian etftMe atvancepo icv et Mn thei liite fied, heyniaybe adRoss. naI hast sees on et tise Ledishalure te bave attainedti ttxresusly dit- provisionuvas madie fer cxtellduil -tise fruit ati fragile thieg, nguicnlus-aî Ine te tise Abitibi river Pntt ultir o tl, ceopesatea. Io co-nnect with lise Grasuitr'iuni In their nombinalion et tiitIati religion the Cekebers auggcaft seme miore famnilier type- et "littie reli- gions." We luke te thinkiofet Iem,' ta tie Snni-ey laces et cveiag. "Drtviag tanuvagons tote liu-hapei, andticimssling a sort ef paii, mii lie mon hoing dresset intedan cloties anti alilichewomen inebhackdresses witi poke bonsua, asienint stmt- Inn te lioae worn by lie Seivation Army lasaies." A "uitIle religion" ie a littie coreer, but sntficieat le ilacîf. There ani-onaoy such la bingiani., WITH A RESERVATION. -I suppose," saiti the physician ho lie arodfer, "tbat you sxonld thirowv physir te cdoga?" ".Not geod dega," lie ocher i-e-1i turneti, graveiy. If il weren't for them psislakes a great înausy mon would nover te isoard ot. Estabishsed z87- Whoopîng Cough, Crotup, Bronoh'it'îs Cough, Crîp, Asthnta, iphtlierla Crosoleno is a boonta t Asthsnitie CREfLris'. 5. s long eobIsiishîuiandstansdard rceîiy for tht disams inudcted. It c.res bossu- the a'.e - - I sntiseptie 5,carred over thse u:-sssd - j'ýý fois ithei loi. 5,1So ewth nvcry Soc- , g i,!î f pr oxid on t nst St.oscoT.hoqi of a conmoxo tivû tonden-cy, r so J,.. i nch, on50bros.î.i iai i-i i co e tom c sor5. ,Me i th toc o'ra 5 5 fîtonar i. 52 t a of 1 tV, isielr i sde~ u- incre iUke to the A. n, U W. f . t raîipsym -ot et tise Éim net f asen-i ce onuS lte e Ala h.- ý lesS i -c.Alia, tisajL quq for $2ào00avist epdove-, SAs',,xs mArs OLIN a, àe.. IMItD Týhe dllet Mrs.'MaFtryCmn [)aringon, eoes rom ouirmidst a irul Chrstia womn, w@selite and e8 e i ndac(_quaintances who ursve er he as oralaEngland ,ieoteT,1ber 9th, 18t ndwsle eldest daugite e is Tt Mr and %Mrs. Dor- rant hrlyiuthe thrtesetthe last cenury sh cane ithberp1sre3nts te '~andawboToct d on tbe .ib on- Cession e Drlng ,-wvliihat tisat date was bulsprsysttled, a slgit dvanre trom pone lite,, in wbicb shne fRitiFuiL!v, adcuaeuhsustained ier pirt. lU tho couýrse et years shu' hecame uniîed Ta rrigewiti -Mr Stephen Cerone ondeo f tise Tate 'phen fand MryCI mens, sr., who were aise lsedwo a numeiîouQ famiTY,torsn a d six daugbte-s wPre bora te, tem and traiîîing etths, swite and motter, if mna 'v hosaid ef e "ieloeked Weil te .fie was s cifberbonseýisold," -Ber christ- tan nxarnplejj,inîlustry and porseve.rance wmre ernarnrsîsoetfber lire and charact;ýr 'lier eblidren rseup, and caT ber blessed," Tirnlofetfamilv gev- craiment rcgisdreligion Ta thse borne, tsmilv prayýer and thse word of Ged. 0f ber esl2hristian lite, she bore testimxiy etid beceming converted nt the earlv Agee ten vears, ansd she contined la tisce,:,race ot Gcd tne re- mainer of ber lie, The wr;ter wbo was ber paster fer seven ýars bears tesîtiriquv te bePr puactuaIily in attend- ance on tho enaý(ks et grace and ber un- wavering attachr!.int te the bouse et God. '0f tisese me-ýcns et grace sh- used ta rernark, ' [ ncd 'em ail.'l On tie 2ý7ti et Septeobe!ýr 1872, sine suftcred the bass et her b&l 'd usband, sbe bore tisa ra erevretwitls Christian i-csi1,nRtTnn and suýihmi!ssion te the Divine wtii On a chng fe residence she i-e- rneved fi-cm the Tocahity et the home- qtead, andresided for a tir n th ie town <lf Bawr nvnîile, and Tater 1v'itb a datigiser afndson-!n-faw in tie townshiv et Sca.rburo Wbîle frorn tisnce pas ing a virit ta ber eldest daugbter and son i ' -Taw (.Mr. and Mrs. Oliver ai t i-cen- liants) she was seized with the aiffiction wich terminale-i ber earthl' lire, and paýseed awaây ln Peace and yet triumph with'îhe noIe et vietory as ber dying testimenv, October 9îi, 1901 11cr re mains we-e brougist te tise iomastead and rested awbihe, when a tuneral service wai beId betere proceedinte t tbe Bewmanv-lle Cemeterv,, wben the, were deoesited b< tise sideofe her bus- band wbo predercased ber thTrt y twe vears siece. "Blessed are thse dead whlci die in the Lord." Four seins an-d tisree daugisters survive(thre ed augbî ers deceased) te meure the biss ot a Tovinz. devoted and Chriistian motter. W. JOLL1FJEý Citizens have net banded into this office cf late very many news itemns We always welcorne local news, and for conveoienice et townspeople bave a leIler box Ta tise front deor et TsiEi STATESMAN office. It doos net mattcr if vou are a suba,,criber or net, Send us thse ncNý a-ver, îhing fit te prinI. Ameng 1-apanese, conitipat'o. Is airnost "'tu. it wouid te eqnallvunki. in Canada if every- hr',dv used \i-ite Laxative Fruit Plls', Natures remètir, cemposed ef berbs, barksz and truits. R. Ai Mitchell & Ceý druzgisls, keeps tisem Tn stock; price 2.5 cents.; The Christrnas number et Canadian God llousekeeping is an' unueýualîyv tteod one. Everx, article contains sug- gestions for tise Cbritmas eeasrsn. Be- sides tise numerous reading artices are recipes and househeiti suggeotions tisaI every heusekeeper wil be interested iu. If vou do net know this magazine send 10e. for a sample cepv Orders for year. T1. subseriptiens rakên at '!HE STATES- MAS offiCe $100 aýe lu tbeDecember number et Sunset Magazine. WallsieeW. Everett writes et wiuttsr taurin.- iu California, stowinp iow automobiîig Ibere Ts as eijo. able in Januarv as fit le elsewbere tn dune Other tentures eft tus number are 'Peools et Caiifornia," bv M,-yL Chenov; "Msrketrng on theoYukon," b, Sa muel Iluhbbrd, Jr,, and "Out oethtie Dead West."aà narrative et advenîure by WiII Irwia. 8end 10 cents for a sampi'e cop.v te, Sunset, 4 Montgomery St.. Sais Francisco, Cal. Net long atro a main who was alwaýs cross aad tired arrived hoan smilin- ju-) full,; te expiained te uis deligiîed %vire that his hiver trouble was curtil et hast tbrotigi Vito Laxative Fruit Pilla a m Mitchelh & Ce - drug-giaîs, keeps th ineaT stoca; price 25 cents. Tise Christrna&s"Cauadian Magazine" witt its handseîae cever and ils rnag nificeîîî illustratiens la aomethil]g9te h proîsd et, seeiug:that ever tfeat ure et il la - made tn Canad-t " G.Mercar Adamn gi"es some rerniniscepnces ef Professer Goldwin Sinith's advenîtet I-ANDLE MILK WITIH CARL. With doctoîs, goverament oeflicera aud plilaathropts watchisîg lie Smiii supp)lies oethle coun~try, lie probabilities arc ail ta favorofetan uareetariaated product tor table use. But titese ageuita are net as yet con- crinafitheinseivs omaucîs with tic rasv inaterialtus'asshic'lbustter andircese fatares O. The resuit is tisai. ohul lie bistteci'and cheese makers and mnaay of those wie f urnisi raw sup- plies, as weil as consumnera, suffer ho- cause ef te nai'elessness oetoe eor tsve farinera wjso soul dirty and peor mnilli te tIse rannfactuî'ers. Il seea le ho te vain tiat mon 1woai-e nkiag a business auccesa et selling miiik gi' e thoir experience foi' tie- guidance et other sellera. I.tai ia vains liaI lie tactory people i-e- menstrato nnidtat huyora discrimin- aIe against butter made from mmlii frein a large aunsier et tai-ms, ouly on- or 1w-o et which supply a, poor qnalsly. l seema icat Io imposs- hiele uaire lhe oflender 1change bis waya, and ho goes on tielivoî'iag a miii out et uhich Iiast-cîas butter cannot he sîsade. T'r s thie uido variation lierc ta fa markol piies et creamery butter, hocause oethIis tact, bust ticheibamne ta etea laid aI lie wroiîg door. Ilta snet lie cream- ery man's tault but lie tai-mer'a. Iansense cases tic fariner celier deux ors bis miiik proisptly nor laies lie pains te keep il ns untaintefi as ha otigbt, yet lue experts le Set ite higîsa price for bis butter. No ameunaIofetiminig secaiste impresa somre mu i-hnullrs w-i ttce tact tlitI-,a)article of hua-n tfood ili absorb ocors se readuly as milký. The taiit, sireser, ta very easily detercd and no arlîdrcial means et rernoiesig il l"avea tiseeuh isîltact. Pasteuri-es oni-steriltu-ers rover up or destreîr lie "cowy" o doua an"i tIns ors, huit trca ted milk has ntethle delicato tias'or ofet bil iih tador- le-a eand uncontamirsaîed, nor la il se digestitble. Ia orrler le gel dlean ailk, net ealy sieuld tac cow stable he cdean and swet-abeai. ninty-aiae eut et esery hîsndred are net-se Ihat tise hîeath anti blood and tissses efthle cew shah l o eafterted hy bati edors, but tic uilker sholi be in perfect healti, feedas sould ho sweet an-d froc fren i must, aintiail water tanks cloe a ad troc freni gi-con liîae and si.reng ecois, Stables are new whilewasfbed qîuicir- or andi mîsch more odfetvcly witli spray pîlinjs than wtti a brusi, anmi whitewash ib, et couîrse, the ulliapeat disinfectarnt Inown. A hashel et un- aIskilimne will maie lhirty gallons et svitewasiî,Tic lime -ahoîld. be iised befooe il fa air-alaicti. I shoulti ho flloroughly alaclrcd with water, issd vhlcfieh odif a spuray ta %tssed. sti-aiaodti troimsg! , e lcdr-ean or dlot.'Theic silkei- ahoulti he dlean lu persan, waya, anti pertectly ieaithy, if net, ho mnay tirow off germa et diseuse te breathing ou' cougiing. If bts hi-catQi taconleni- înated witi tohacce, lheiik cannot, cnlirely ecampe contamination, -andi il bis banda ,tre soiied tic mil1î mrus-t ho dirly. VIGOR IN COWS. T. H. KNIGHT, Agent, Bownmanville. DON'T READ THIS. Every Day is Bargain Day. At the People's Fuel and0 Lumber TDePo0t We are stili handling Best Brande Canadian Cemi'nts, British Columbia Red Cedar and other good Brands Cedar and Pine Shingles, Pine and Remlock S Limber, Dressed andc Undressed, Doors, Sash, Blinds and Mouldings. ý Fî'esh Minea Scranton Coal, Cannel Coal, Steam S Coal, Charcoal, Bard andc Soft Wood, Long, Sawed and S Split ,S]abs, Edgings, Land I'laster, Fine aud Coarse S SUIÎdtln barrels and sacks.- We always aim to give the best value ai. reasonable prices. Highest Cash Price S paid for Grain and Seedg. King 8t. East, Bowmanvi] le. The Cane Oliver T Titis is the elenment that produces endiurance under great stî'ain et aay sort,-ta the race hor-se under the strain of terrifie speed, te the miich io (0 snder the sdrain ofet nesmens production. flîsder the strain of a severe clîmate it is called hardissess. 'The proseare ni' abse-nce ef this oie- ment ts esp ecially manifesti. n the grewth aad development efthtie young ofthtie difïreut hieeds. Observe the calves eft tso diflerent bîeeds 0 f ~ Write for Our spe the one (bey live ani grew without special care os' attention; et the other AlA ~~~I they perish if they do net have CANADIAN O~L.IVERI the best et rare. The difference is 184IS a St. James simnly in ceastitutional viger or vi-s tai terce born in the calves efthtie eneand net bora tn the calvs oft35'~ the other. Tihe difference continues J____ thî'ough tie lives et these animais. It may net be maniîest se ceasptcuoîusly lits value as food censists chiefly ta la the aftrlife, yet it aftects ail uits muscilage aad bypocarbonates. Vet their relations te, tieir food, cai'c and hoe values the fiuit as feod for stock protection, Ia uhat dees it censist? at $5 per ton, wvhich is about twice It is ,, secret toî'co hiddea ta the as nich. as it îs usualini1 this couîntry1 race, in the breed and ta the animal, te aliov us tihe feeding valise 'eofa1 Peihaps it rnaybe called the vital ýton et mnangels. No exPeiicced feed- tem.nerament. The his et the Mol- o r, we imagine, wouid give hait as stein-Friesian breca possess this vital mach as $5 for a ton et appies te terce or temperament more stu ,ýnly use as food fer cattie, The inalysis thanany other imprevect dat-v breýýd. given in the article is as foilows: The breeders in Holstein and Fries- Water, 85 per cent.; hitî'egesons sat- landi have always avoided in-aa'l ta ter, (0.40; fiats, 0.20; extracts net ait- breeling. Ia preef that this breed regenouis, 12.50; cellulose, 1.50, 0f basmnaatinei bih sanard etcourse, it is stated that a geod vital terce we peint te its use ti- deal et dlry food, including con.centrat- most every climate. including that et cd nitroegenoas feel-ing stulis, sýheuld Northern Russie, nearly ni) te the h Oed- with the fruit, Wîti oticuike, Aî'rttc Circie. Hci' e inmr.citt lie says,, alples have a tooding svalue as hardy as Car' native rattie, Its equivalent te ltht ofiangels or car- rais es are reised without dtfficulty. rots. Apple puip, the esidue of Taksae frein theii' damns at three, days rider-iniaîîing, is recommended for on- old and reoasonably ted on sk-iiumilki silage. As snnch of the water bas and a littie nil aseai th(-y grow .hike tleea extrartel, the pei'centage et nu- weeds. Given plenty et food, neoniat- t-tv esiumi îr rae ter if mauch et, it is roughage, they a intis puip titan ta fresit apples. M. develop rapidiy. The heifers -usually Blin calis attention te the importance drop theis' (aives et about two years et pnlping et minciîsg apples for' old and henceforward are prolitable st0c'l, if Orsly te avotd tise daager et te their ewners. seetofthesa, being sw'nilowed whole. It wouid be interestiag te sea the APPLES FOR CATTLE. resuits et dense comsparative feeding expertînents wtth eqîsal weîghts et Wtth thon amids et bushels et ap- Japies and asangels, foi' ether fends pies wasted Vearly ta the orchards et being the saine,7 ntahticattening et tbis country, the toibowiag freni the cattie and sheeu. Frensch scientîsi., M. Henri Bia te the Journal d'Agriculture Pratiqie re- gardiag the use et apes- as -food for She-' Thanik goedaess, bie hada't cattie irtîll horcad with interest. M. the cheek to ktss me." lie-' Yeu Blin admits that the appie is weak mean, yen hadn't the tace te tempi. ta nilrogcneus constituents, and that hîii ~~-7 'chlen yen Besson lie foodth ti Myers' Royal Poultry spîce, Just thtuik 'ciat il eeas te bav'e le ions layieg reguinnly ail wiatcr -wi'en eggs briag tlir beal pi-icca. Thsat's wiat Myers' Royal Poultry Spîce tees for lie ciickena. Il'a iici in nitregeneus malter-supplies l lie coustituenîs liaI compose lhc egg sud gives more lsstag internal heat. Il niakes bleus lay-and tissures fertile eggs for setling. Il'; woaderf ui for unakiîig young puliets early layera-for fatîeuiag chickens, ducks"uu and turkeys-and for raising plusnp, slrossg, vigorous poullry. If yoa want te, make money out of your -"ciken yard" feeti - i. Myers' Royal Poultry Spice, Il's net a food-but a reiish. ï, - ~ Niagara Flsi.,Onît.and N.Y. adian. ypewriter The Standard Writer Agents Wanted. acial off er. TYPE WRITER CO, SSt., Montreal. WILL RIJN FUJLL TUITVE. Drop in Price of R'aw i Viaý,terial Besiefits Cotton Comp1janies. A 'despatch frmoin tralm ays Foi' thefitrst tiasotatw yersth Ion-ding cetten cma4t u I a the IXtcrchants' t'ottrn Cmpny te Dominions ('01tou Cornpany, and thýe fonetreai Cot ton Cornpanvý, have dle- cidod to place their iniiis on f nil timie, and it is certain thait the var- ious Plants wiillho run to their full capacity for nsany months to comne. Thisactions is'due alîaost untirely to the big decliio in the price ýof raw Cotton. 'i5hle oiinheld b, the o)ffi- ciais of the leadiîsg cotton cm-ao is that 'there is not likely to iho any decline in tihe iaished cottons, ns cents-arts have ail bora asade foi' the Spring trade. FEAR STORKIS LOST. Il. B. Co's.- Steamer Now Sevenity- Nine Days Out. 2£ despatch trom London savs:- Lloyd's take n gleomry view et the tUl-iseni Bay Comipany's steamier Stork, aow sevîsty-aine days ont, 13ifty guineas per cent. is bcîng rpatd te re-insure her. Besides £70,.000 aerth of durs the vessel caor'iîod abou-t tweaty ef a crew, undý er Cap't Ferdant, aa'd several passcners Th Sterk replaced tihe I a t-y auhc was lest 1,ast yens wth£4.(- worth ot turs. C e Cri ~n Twu mys, I SevenMTlhioaboxessoldinpaH2monl~. O sxg ture, A~' ns'o~'C; 52' ~ - 'J III -%ll