£ r- Wkst81.00 Per -Anniim. Ouit TowN ANI) COUNTY.ýjIRST; WARDS. M. A. JAMES & SON, Proprietors. BOWMANVILLE, ONTÂRJOe ,Y, DECENIBER 21, 1904. VOLUME L No. 52 ~'o Not Forget That a useful present is always apprecîated. GbubJohr2ston &ctydlétmn Are showinig a lovely lot of New 'Goods IMAI P RE 8 E N Fotr Lsdies. Our assortment comp)risý Manicure Sets, Brush anrci Sets, Glove Cases, Ilan-,d] Cases, llandmirreors, Jwl Dressing Cases, Boniiet Hlair Brushes, 2itomizer-s, Pe Pressing Combs, Chamois ROADS AND STREETS. WHSRE TIUE t3.201.72 SPENT rBY THE COýNMMSSIONUR AND COMMITTEZ WENT. MRicli. Jarvis, Rond Comamissioner, and Coiuncillor W. R. Clemens, Chair- mian of Roads and Streets, presented irepýorts of work doue on Roads and ýStreets ap to Dec. 15, at the Counceil meeting- Thursday niglit. As the ex- penditture bas been inucli larger than the aippropiriation owing to unforseen work that became necessary afterwards, we puib3lih the reports in full, as we desire that citizens shall see exactly hoi their jmoney bas been used. Following isthe report: CH(,IAIRýMAN'S REPORT. 1 To 1 l1, Worsh ip t.ýe Mayor and Town 1 GENTrLEMEN: We, your Roads and Str-ets committee beg tosbrittbex- peniiture on Roads and Streetis account, for thle ear 1904, as follows: Put on the following streets:- on Mr 1 TOWN MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Bellman's road 65 loads, Silver st 28,1 Lowe 10, Scugog 12, Stanlev's hli 8, Quieter canlpaign for municipal elec- Division 15, Concession 10, King 15, tiens bas seldom been known bere. We repairing other streets 61l-Total 226 bave not heard of a single aspirant. loads. Takinz- this to indicate a general satis- Grading of streets :- King from faction with the present councillors and Libertv te Division,' Queen from Ontario the service they -have rendered to tihe to Division, Ontario from Queen to îown. we cannot suggest a better policy Churcli, Cotton's roadt one haif mile, tban to continue tbern in office for an- E. Bellman's road one mile, Electric other terni. We can testif v to their ligbt rond from bridge toMunday 's road. honest endeavors to do tbeir duty and' Streets where ditcbes bave been to conduct the affairs of the town to ttie cleaned and earth removed: King from beet of their judgment and we think Liberty to Division, Brownfrom Queen they bave succeede 1 verv well. Tneay to King, Division from King to Lowe, deserve the confidence of the citizens also a number of other streets for another vear and uuless better or -Nbýw Crossings as follows :-20 cross. more capable men can be found, we ings 12 feet long ef good plne piank; 3, hope to see týem returned by acclama. cosgs 16 feet long of good oak piank. t!on as a recognition of th6ir good offices. On KÇing Street 5, Queen 8, Brown 21. Couneillor Luttreil has exnIressed hi& Liberty 5. MalIorç,'s 1, Scugog 1. Chpurcb determination to retire for the egrt. 3, Beach Ave,1, Hunt L. Division 1, table reason that bis wife is iiier Total 28. No of wood culverts 2;3 No. 1de'icate health. A narne thatlis ee of cernent culverts 5, Total 23. - . f re-ceived with very genrIal-q, indleed wu wood Bridges 2, Warf road 1,,Munday's aav Say, unlrnioalptne i tha 1, Total '2 d Mr. Lewis Jolio escee h e Advance. VOLUIF, L No. 59,