m - è,A19 A m--m Um MNII.*IUU Il I I Cenuine WYiil be at Bincksteck on Vie first Menday of encis menti, at Orono- e ý_2nd M adaal day, ansd at New- - castie 15t V Wdnesday frorn 2 p. Offic:-T'ernIperaace St., Bowmian- villeaea of Rigglnbotiami's drug, DI2NTSTïRY Cj HARNDEN, L.D.S., Gauaeof Vie Royal Coibege of Dental Sur'geons, Ontario. 'Ofiic:-Opposite T. BIingltarns office, VITALIZED AIR. Do il Now-% -0f ail Szs the best mined in Arncrica, FLOU R. M4aCe by the Best Knownï Millers in Manitoba and Ontario FEED 0f every kind and description. -Brîtish Columbia Cedar 'rytble Ôld Reliale Firm Of JOHN GîILIETsu' & SON~, whilesa1e and retail dealers in Grain, Seeds, Flour, Co>al and British Golumabia S5econd to None. (ioos &heredpuomptly in al pts of the town, Largest Stock Prices the Lowest Jno. Gilbert &S8on King St. West. îeowmanville THE YoàgMn orWomalWn icbegm--apby orci-Englisi cou rse at iCANAIDA'S IGHEST GRADE j~isr f a goo-d start ini bus;1ies.,3 life. 0 Ccr Bookiet tls wbIy our students stai- i-tslariof$45 and îewaîld.s, c meni. Ge itThe proport4ion 4te 4tîe auîlt of stesveu puaspkil or squash, sweeten andi flavon tise same a when cggs are used. Doughsanuts-One up buttermili or goori sour mli, 1 ios'ei toapoon seoIn, hall cup sugar. flnvor witl uutmneg on emn or haif of ecdi. Seme prefer glugor or innarnen. Use fleur le muLe as seft as ma be oas- ui hadIer. Csit eut and ri y bn deep fat, Raisin Cu'ke-One up swect ii, bal rup butter, on other sbeiteniug, 9 clipsfiesîr, 1.-J-dupa raisins eut in balvos, 1 lexel teaspoon soda, bal teaspeen endi uait, elovos ansd cn- Cî'caims Coobýies--Osse cusp rreamn, 1 nup sugar, 1 teaspoou soda, a plnh s7ait, flavor %viths nnLtrneg or lemnon. Th,- arnmntof soda sheifi h vaiof accoî'ding 1y ho ie 01mncs o hi cneam. Flour Vo maie ns eo ft n rau he haîsideusi el il nti baike mrefiy. Spicor obosOoiifrpoc speeli.sosda diss)!oiv ii u1 rup !lot w-aVer, 2-3 dculor oneiu, 00 to- speois onri gi cs' ilsîanon and cloces. lsus nu for creans rookios. G in ger Sn]1aps,-T %, 0 Vespeous sodha, ttabiepoos bliiug water, five hahiespoums met lard, sait anti gingeî' Vo ts.Pot b iis a up nîiii il witl icase.Adr aneti- or nup ino 11e1dnc fleur te mix sIT. Bl ii. Alceeues ueri persîls iLin tisi-' ili dnti hers ie baiing pit. ctlr l ;'ca)elly RliNTS FOR HOME1 LIFE. Old brass wiich is muci tarnisbcd can be cieaned by rubbing witb a pieco of fiancil dipped lu warmn vine- gar, Marm sinogar wili aise ronsove paint stains from windlows. Shabby dark leather will look hue new if rubbed over witis itier lin- seed o11 or the welii ionen white of an egg mnixed wjtlî a littho black ik PlsI witi soft dusters until quito dry and glessy, In îraking hians toast stir a couple of eggs ila asaucepasu ln whiici an ounre of butter bas previeusly been sneited, Wlien tick Vhe mixture is te ho spread on bot buttered toast, xitb grat(,sl, cooked hiani sprinkled over the Volp. Bllic thicafistockingswii ns longer if 1irfore beUing we mn li1 r wasbed la ý a lthr oef wnrm soap nnd( water, tien r-insed teogi ace)Id; wring, tinin u t dy:denet rub seap on tliem. IV is advisable te Tausets are, in mv juugsug. thme most superior preparation of anvthlng in use to-day for constipation Tiev are sure in action arnd with De tendeney te nauseuste or gripe. For sale by ail drug-gists. BOG SLIDE IN IRELAND. Farm leus Inundated by Mev. -ing ilazrsis, A theupatrhi fnom Dublinu says:-'-A rniusssity is maporteri fnem Castle- reagh, Ibesr'eusmnon Couîuty, wcst oh Irelandinluw'bidl uuri pmeperty las beesi destro3 ec iui îsusy ives svei pia"ýed in dlanger. The beg ut Cloon- shievien sudden%- began Vto meve during tho nighV, md le ose Via n houn coverei- ais amenofmtinec Uato ns o uie w i b1 biI n Vo1Ss ho dy gouci.Ai tise foftrm- fiee feroi, in hivs, ieaiog nil thiir ms1jtteo is fhomîinlg fouie.relief e scribed ns npiig DID WELL -IN THE WVEST. Hans Neilson, a, Dane, Macle 2O' 000 arng A despatrli frîomss Wiipeg says:-- bans Neilsoii,. a Unnisli immrigr'ant, arrived lhere about iton pe(ars ago -' ou WYd--------------- '000, ssesdaywitb ~flfortune eh $20, a harm ùeus~ Wasiaula A inamnbeti weinun seldois, wnstes Weitis on ber bushanci tîsengis sise 0505 ssii Sho iîn~, ~ !t~ 4n5 e inithe ynrhsat are fai' otlf; buit, if IV neyer ceuses, rctenîlseî- thut-tIse Vaent eh iiuakiog a h---,me cmx 'a ours: undi even Vieugîsye del Oxi'l citlun asingle o i'oom, yeîîl nssîst net hury it, alldace ut it D1VIXANTLING DOCKYARD. Furniture and Fittiings at Halifax te bc Solci by Auction. A despaidli freii Iflifax says; A sequel Vo tIc orders front tise Adi- mliraitp te nlose tIe dociyari an on Tlinssdy In istrumotions te sel ut auction ail tic burnituro e i domipard, and ulso in the Aiinu bouse ansd Vie naval bospiti, Ail omdinary -naval ssfilandi -,ici ui lngstre ofl a peislihie uujtuî'e xvii by transport. AJi hIewenkuelswoI go bnci onnVmusastwliidi xvbi. l mail bon themu-,. Sue ty or eighty mon have bliou ',otaiuýed Vo straigîteis thsiigs up, an effort laviîsg leen marie te reVaal ah lecoul-d houl- izeri in Vils wny, bon the pliglît eh many of thIe mca luview of Si- John Fisher's auimuary actionsis a pihiahiae, ne. TakeOm LaivDrfO WlleTablets0 On efve:eaý SeveniA MiîonoxssML past 12 monthe. Thi s %V-aturebox,25c i DR. WVEAVER'S TREATMENT. WEAVEý,r'S7 SYRUP For Ilumors Sait Rhcum ScrOfuloils Swclings, etc. WEAVER'S CE RATE Cleanses he 5kïrm Beautifies the Complexion. derbned ethpe jrati on e pw MMMeh- 1 "M VUOAMN a ammun Lk- 1-[-Wlth 1- .,t. ". 1-ft f-, lfuroý w- ,-i M-1 ri i jw Littie Li*ver -'%ý?ilS. MJust Bear Signature oe se* EacS1mile Wrapper Below. ao~ynm ud as essy t keas augar. cýART ERS FR : ..- -îTuLE ËON BIli USNESS. PILL-.".nRr,;,STIPTYiON, ADVERTISING RATES. The Canadian Statesman la pubiished ývry Wednesclay aiorning at the officel 20 Statesinan Block, King Street, llowm, n nville, Ont., by M. A. James, Edtrand Proprietor. Subseription '515 1 per anuur, or $100 if pad strictly in advance. Advertising ies .,lnsent advetisirig, ten centsernue 2rs"t insertion; rive cent. per i,,.un ec subýsequent Insertion. (entrc atso app i ation. DENTISTRY. <Il C IONNYCAS'ILE, L.D.S., U. S-, JIleno. Graduate in Dfentistry of Toronýte TJniversity. Offce-Over Cen- trai Mill ýinery. Entrance first door wetof big 20, ]3owrnariviile. A., E. 1VILAJGIILIN. BarseSolicitor and Conveyancer. Ofic~-îakeyBIo ck, King Street, Bowrnanvile. iloney to boan at reason- aberates. 48-lyr. -ROBERT YOUJNG, V. S. -FIGE IN IORSEY'S BLOCK, p pos5~iN Town Hall Entrance, Where lie wiIl be found frorn 8 arn. te 1 po>t " Night rails at residence, direct- ly opposite Drill Shed. l'é-ly. AR U FAG(1,rJ LICENSES-M. A e.re~ ssus'of Marriage Lie- ense. itesîdenie: Cetre street. SIMPSON & BLAIR. D. 13, SIMPSON, K. C., CHAS P. flAR Barrsters, Solicitors, Notaries, 3tc., iorris Elobck, ne-stairs, King streeý' t, Jlowrnanville. Solicitors for th1e Ontario Bank. Private monceys boan'. 'd at1.owest rates. The'.ecet f on Lie dWalsh al stclins bfm waring Witnfr~BWAVLsSAEMN A nem. TiIli(OLpen(ilRoAig TUE NEAWN * 'ow to Overcome Waste. A laVeanspnc l egt ebagini ieteyu VsOd Il e LYI A4, e To "lKnow tkyself,'1 is te take advantage anYthing nededfer huslol ISC -sw hlm sliiver wiVh tiecced, o f lifc's secrets and eqoip onie'sï self with rnay ,be eterri pen zut onc(e dircctiy 1Ri S brew>Was searned, bis hai r was * an armer wlicb l11 succesfulli'resist the ie dîscex emry îs inad tîntt1ic suply gray, attack àjdisease in las exbauIste,. Mui anne 'l' iec has'frost ont lis tim beard *~ft*** ** ~ ***tic battie of life, would tins ho sveay; -~Tic old idea of fate Nover ontalnythiîg tint yo)u fnew ut patient trust bad touchre- bis SîELECTED RECIPES. > or "kismet," suad dg tisat a porson al-. i agreos withye if yeni want te face, Fruit Wafers.-Mix a cup encis of. ways dies wîen lis keep a 9g0(d coml]exion. Indigestion Wti soniethiig oe' itselr-ingac cieanod raisins, figs, dates and nuls tiecomne, l new is one of ticegeatet enmies e; f Vie Anci royal mien, -as 'run lis i ormr and force twicoVîrenugh a mient chop- exploded. Bvery skmn, and for sr eason ise simi)plor 113 Wmnpt a -jÏ0e,-rObc fret, VL ie per. Add a fcw draps of vanilla or meclianiswletl- tic food cao ts the boter IFrit, sten lomon juice, tien knead until well er aeî o o itîfir fresi or coolcdand grenilWlen dnwned another wiutry day, bI'eded n a ear dreged îthman, las a definîte clonfectionr's board, ell e eae amousît of wear vegtalîles sbesîldlho par't cf 1tIlle The tircd, old year Lad passodaway. ofertionc's lugatiick llss, Cn e ' and its life ean be dnily diet. leagtbened or O-ne of tiec;st rmdisfer ceci- The glad New Year came glefuly rounds witli tie top of a sait shah-aereedac rd-renes is te lay ut niglit a piece of doun, ci'orloo hîee-qonrter-lacis locs ing to tic came tînt le griveno It.cIfblacksfresb cucunibolp Qedab)out the pinces Wlth bis emn inadlsdy witind ak ifn, bollxasgmulte s- . cident or carees. they fî'eq,îent, n d in th e mning stal Oi'own. ga ad ar n inboe htuco ess dcstroys tise quantities of ithons xviilieý( fouind ded Freont Vite gaVes of VIe giowiag shoots of paraffine papes'. Nice lfs' works of tie watcb h rsoold bnte a obui nt Christmas. or thchumnan mecdlanism an end cornes o i( b rs- rat Cake Snowballs.-Makc any good te its usefuiness, but it las net actuaîîy ed up sand burnefi. I l is repleated Like n flash of hiv ing iglit ho passed, rsspcake bae IVla sah1 round, "lworn out." Man's system at tirnes gots 1feror tgstie il OI o hm 0 oorn usr ar sioolipatypiî. heso tse ruety ie thc wlieeis of thc watdli and bo got rni d of. songge stin t tiîkig ave risConse ute flYeede a littho cieaning and oiling te Do net soni isotatoos m!-,ore than a And words of greoting, le glanceri tho nfeanly s'nd;hace rnenlif asltoypt inlashape for lifc's lattice, .iue eeemetn im n aog ,yruil-c n-af e r, An imitation of naturels înethod of re'. excellentp tn e obeil p)otatee-s inl~e loe i l ilrylcer tion ice tie otier; pile ou a large storing waste of tissne and impoverish.1 O cnt planin is oyl her platter andi put sprigs of ned-brried, suent of thc blood and iiervous force is their skins, as mucb1- of tic neniorisl- Gladi was tiselt- eiart of tie bright, hloly between. u usedi wien yen taie anr alterative extract osent is tlrown away witb Ve pci. Younig year! Clieke Saad.Cu tu met feinofherbe and rmots, wlthout tic useo f alco- Peur off the wateIrins so n iiePo- a cld bollr-cbickeeamloto dio eu hol, like Dr. Pierces Golden Medical ,Dis'.tatees are rookefi, and seLt Vlem,ui- S nn e er ' en go a cld oild cickn ito ice Alas-covery. This vegetable suedicine I ceaxeesYas ' so go une, and allow hlf as ranch ceIeryj thc digestive fonctions and hlps inl ie oe' n u ie0 tcfc t lci, eut la sîn.albits, ns yen bave cnid,--assimilation of food, or ratier enables tue idry. Ticîs poo i lnddishLinusfor tie I inow bis story haeora 'twas tol.d, on, Mix and muisten xiti one part organe te take, from the food just thse table. 1 knew tisat uis pulse would bent vinegar and ths'ee parts calad oil, nutrimnent thie blood reqoimes. Grease --tains on maribie niuy ho more slowv, and ssean vtb sait and Ppper. Prof. J. 'i'augnay, of6i St. Peter Street, Que'. tiented la VIls irnnuner:-DîssOlx c a Prepame a mayonnaise dressing asbec, writes: "tI1hsd hcen iii for sorne trne with La Wu.tro 0ýido ocnrtcien it teuchued file wosld's groat fohow. Lst adiu~dso P-paî Grippe aud did net regain rny strengtlî. Witi. urere- bude ocntaeI îeart of iwee, follos: Ino a cilere soupplaein a wee)m ater uisicg Dr. Pierces Golden Mcd- lye inla iýo odwtr d brek ic 01 eleu eg. n Vlsical Discovery, 1 was able te be arocod ag ' t i lt fcl e'; diTint tic Spmin-timc's w'ar'mtl and bekte:okooe g.O hsuad 1 fouild that rny system was entirely free anlwlig nifuli5 sunmnmnfo 1w ors, oq".(ucezo six cm elgit drops ofh101110on from auy of the iad effecte of La Grippe. 1 cirtli-lsif of.ocitomake oatic Wees thaî uego f is Juire, and nith a silver fon stij' 00W keep s bottle of the 'Golden MedicauSn- îaste. Spreud a t1ilciýý layver ou the-îiitbus Wth a rotary motion,.IBegin atI covery 'on iand, aud, wiîen I catch colfi, hake a rgthus onc tepO laticsaad afew doses, wiich keeps nie io perfect healti. gi-Case stssin. otit reni les' 01 - Tînt ul'ti Autusn's -%'aith of fruit fOwc dropu tt ith e aOil, fi'st a As a bidder up of lest stresîgti andi vitality I oral duys, tiien boi'usl 01C. Ilnd ,graini, thicdros Sasnitia it e ton a«nd aitdisc eve youTiro Dis oîio' hsaneu . -ryce of the swithiiing walt uni" pni put on anctiior layer of tbofpaste. jAnd in. langer qca;i.es as te iti~ urie 1 ncet noesivur'Dhsc fr lodenaaecal d raceof h t ar win resun1ins wot0c-O oet : w-, 0fcae n te ol h, gi wt nog i eoD".Pierce'e Pleasaut Pellets, tic hast i the yeur go s i xiih laxative for old people. Tliey cure con. A WORD TO tOIES a enut t gror lno uc osuit Vie aste. stipation andi biionaness. 1ýhnWne a onwt t Liea salad-bowl w'îth cîisp letture- Too mnudl cannot ho sad,nganst ice nndý snr,w. lenVe.e, put in tie salade and cever f' -rnclu and inoxc-usaýble, habit, tu xiti ic tlc myonaseteaspeon m'nnanien, haîf cup ra sins. practlsed by inanynuseand sue Tien 1iiiy Lburt gmew snd, for tise Gus'isl with piccos of bnnd-boiiodj Wbesî,partly baked add nuotici' tiers, of frightecog c[idmeWn loto Sr'ofî years, egg and w ith stoîîed and hnived quart of siik Bake 3 or 4 leursobedfience. Lu giaduess tînt dame, and, depurtedi olives, We iLisc r'eanemy iialtes' it resesl Naturnlly, rlilrl ae 1ealoss; but in u brs, Fried Bolegna Snusnge.-Tliis f s'eustVe sr'paîator. Jofien wul inlutheir eamlyifnncy'tic But a visiais oee uay, Vo my spir'it miudl imiroved hy bcbng dipped first iaintoj bvo1I1 yýIs lu caciet crurubs. Ail tic slices 171ELPS [N TI-E KITCHEN. he imaiionlas licou e1pthe-mtenby was gi are te o c coed la -deep fat" and Tic stove xiii iot iaed te 1bc peiic vins snteilte tiei hb-i son I kîsFater inlewemeeuiy u thon llfted eut, Ne-rt put thora into isbed neol oten if it is carcflhi mb- xýviii get thicîniif tse nn laVe ise 'Tint ench bresî:b-lt ani; ...... Oour a sballew fr3 ing-paisnsnd scmaambi licd alter oaci ueni w iti nelxvsPnperistreet, or of nabg,(coss usanlu al heurts siould redoive, up heaten eggs witi thora, sefteued hotu cen Vie bauds; and dark clùset, and sI imeats of tisese l a muission t,-. finli a snmo,, ,ry Kidîsey Oniet-Chepp coii dock,- when'il is neccssamy te polilu it tise Who adr.t thlis nit hoc (ýIle isi ýPiug, te leave; cd kidney very fine, mai"' an emelet poli nul last loneir if tic binri- tîsut tic 1ittio , 05 hrculepitihtil Tii rkm was ai donse,ad tbeir msixtuîre witl tire cggs, tinee table-Ijiag is îuixod witl uîpetine or'cowns'ds, leevîng Vi tiiîsgstint Gdgv hi e speonfuls of miii, sait and Poperstrong cofinstedo ate Cudgv te nes r iedceavd ecnes n t. rit te seasen, Put eue teuspouful of Tic fahiawiag is n rehiial e reieossessc:d of a strong -onstitutions, es butter in a lying Pan; whlen it is fori' sukiisg baiing poîndei at bei-no:'tice foundutieus are laid fo r varialis MIS.ue A.lLT\lY moelteri tus'n lu tie mixture, cook Mix Wei tegetier six counces 0f tan-nrostobe ît vi uk ie xr-sîsMuE, S. P .i N siowly until a cut 15 forusori ouItarir acide cigit oencos bcst baksug anrutroubl sisery.iae h Bwanile nt tbe bottons; l inte ueantime, sprîn-i soda and oeequart of boit fleur; Nos or thsrat, iims îbdn hie over tie oînoblet the chopperi iid-1 thon sift five or*six tisucs tisrougl a 1Ncmove haen side rniseClaiii ne ud iopo prsiy lei fine sieve ansd kep aarudoey uet 1V medtcaped e NEW VidAi W OPUS TO CIPLS. l omielet ilu bulft11it te a lot pa-cevereri.1 er and serve at once., esonllc.aisgpwlrl an unseen fho, andtitise recstlui damk- Yen are sitting quiet, quietiy Sour Cronin Nut Caie.-Two eggs iîuasîod peatoos is oderflnid ness 0 ii e f55nder niWtbn u liyu sI ae eue cup granuiatcd sssgar, haif ai in mablsg tisont flufl3- and liglit, and terrer. Frein birti, chlcrea siulc n'a ana thee n-w one ns it cernes , i cup idIleacisocdt l sur crearn, twvecdupe Of'whon misig flour butter cakes teleacttsdthe insanixit-V n iuLof l 7nilt1ic jys zniscli Vie flous', suasume before iltlng, j 'bakina~lg powder sbouid never lho stir- eut igiit bumiula V,ý ie o&somos int a r lu teýeI dur tenspoonlul soda, oeelevel teaspeen mcd in unil jst before f n, sm Nvrsceld1a cýIllcifeboi. gnrC ; 191 adoh3sr oes un bnking powden, isindli sait. lIentxi iai a ie sabattes' muci igîter. aotiug ,,is, usý,eoernos iusnaniin for 1905.Yeu biese 305V tie eggs tili w'lites an-d yolis ar'e 'lo cheanu offe and teapets fli gentiy witi tiem atnd acstnahii s you did n'e î go int yen Wei bleaded, adri sogar; dissolve tiens wit,(>ýI coud atem; add te tus te tiat wiidh t1ieY br, ourlia aWili sake a gi-cntresa isiuthti soda lu dronin, stirring it tien into1 somoý baking soannd bail until tic scry dopessiug efr pnalrhi onsa oboteedyn'lb tise eggs and sugar; it into tIe. stain is î'csmsexed, tisa nse eut witi dren, and sm îesiensarenesos'nbler and usere unseIls;-, is Van iV xvus ixture Vie fleur, hakiag Iseuder cdean bot water, and plame la tic cutiî'eiy caictfind oÏIten proýicre at yoar. INoo a't do tis. DBe't nn sit aribet ch, -lielasunsie. Soda dampeuod and m-smeîspmsclnimituninxîake t1is i eoit o. Thiuk<, bope, Virce-layen cuire tins, Filliug-.-Onoi bed on wihia flassuel citi la excol- dwarled intellect, andcipmny y uhat3îws'st te, but-,,in~ cup pedan os' waiaut monts, lent for l'eepiîsg tic outside cf a tin- its pliace, niairo a lot of litVle irc- Bassan Sandwiches.-Aîssong fruit refice pot ad otier tinuaro briglit BAB'S B ATH. soises, ecrisoee of wiilsh i, ilu saudwirioný, banîsuna taies tise lend, and cdean. B i in bb1smîangaottîe tn emie1o 'ni i and tVotVils a slgit varictv man bej Tic best dressinsg for'huî'ns andileseiihvoadsio ed ae ol3O cis'c Vo, given by spvcading eacuî icngthise1 scalds is haking serin made laVe a ishudavadsietoi werglyu suice of fruit uitl uipped mearn paste witî vaseline, or a soit, on chest anti uer ut ieast beloe r Iesolve Vo tiisk a ittie Icis about ratIon spasingiy. lpon tVils sPrin-j unsaîteci grouse; andi if put on soon teppine ont of isis usiorning tub, This yourscif, and at littie moere 'of the1 hic shredded rconnut, pressing the cellugl i lil preveut blistcring. produices a heaitisfui gîew liesicles coeomts of etisers, latter ucli down witb a silven halle, Wlcu îîasbîng sith ht..d fi -tougleniug usa andi reîderiug lins Besoîx e te bc less quick ofspeechi Bostn bownbred ths teatd wll t renov th st i rmun cumlcdifar iess lhable Vo catch celci. Lndeed, nnd n'Ooe certain lu action Vian yen ho excellent saurepaus, n pioeoe ut icînon dip-iby tie time a baby is two om' Vîrco lave bee's, itl Apple asi;k Orange Jciiy.-Use an ped inlusuit and nubhed ever thec asontîs elci bis bath sheulci graduai- lOseslve, not te let ticesicke'i it1 equini number of appies and oranges thc stain xili genomuîîy provoefflec- ly hoe brongit te teeid iustend ef tise donsen of eas'iy enter yeuv heart and Wnuh Vie appies, zlire audci ore tuai. wariater se gonemliv used, ns tie n1ýe yen bitte" :and faitilt-find-ing. thons; put thins oxer tIe fire la Vie Ifîthe tables, biscuit board andf latter, in proportion te Its wîtisssi, Iesolvo Vo ronsides' tioerof youys ps'csemving kttie xvtl eneugi coiri rolling pin are scrubhed at lenst is wea?,ýening. own bouîseiied. 'lis-inldination ou waVen te coveî' tlem andi simmor once a woek xith a stmessg, hot penn- t-hie pari oh to, iany of nUs iS Vo ne- thons outil tiey ar& educcri te n uine suds tliey may ho kept svhite GIVINO- BABY MEDICINE Sorsve Our s iltiesndr our graves for puip. Peur tie applo puip jute a and cheanu and la ordrnte heep tirrcM ary those eutsile, andf Vils is alxrong. j3,113' Many pan utth «ouung motisers have diffirulty My de .r ,girls, yod mh, - tteî' lusîs ba, o tminon tc sce. lu' Vils conditions bave Vie places ign in iî abe otbeaei ns inidn agtîssdgn Monsuire theic ie, and toecach is plt mst used 1 amourithe table covered _irutng te reptodiy sp-nit IV r- Vos, man gali auhtie Iseri us-o of appie juice add onee of boilori or- wttes;maa, or iep small bumas te ange juice andi a pounci of sugar, and- set Vie pans aund hetties on,. Tiese eu.Weeoeisgsis at Iig nolualsi us hî'lht aîkeisanr ru bell tVora toetior, reving the dan cnsiîy ho icept eut of sight wîen midne I sbs utt l iebaîbs tsu n îîslrtlst întha ises, until alittle, cool- they renet lan- for yeu, wioii yenobld tise nouer ed upon a saucer, borins a jlliy. To ps'epane a uew iî'ou kettie fr hemS nýLIîjrntsnetoiL, Theon taie tic kttie off tic steve, use, MIiiit witîs petato pa ringr ig caiy tnsnmnelmgba olwi-eeilarslu a diei' t en osoIai let the jeiiy pnrtiy cool andi pour uwntem andi lot Vbern boill fer tsvo-owtbo edrin Vtlie ioîre. andf, 'us thse hlissitic i ît laVe ginsses. Wbess coiri seulit Vup bouis, tien wasî in lot soap suris, l. ince svieme love ansd chn i f û sIodic like any otiser preserve. wipe lhe inside of tie kettie îsrfert- Ab,6 otetlns ha )'ogt ly dry and rmb iV with a ittle lar-d. ASuperior Preparation. 9it are bshtalnthpssitieg n t WIEN EGGS ARE SCARCE. A geeri uuy ho keep tic lunîp bum'ss- -M.A .Kn rnietdu. Goti idess ev..ei-y eunehof)oie arl lu ain sqas aripuiipluor brglt s e blltinsw ith po gistoehBaxtur Springs, Kansas, sas s: givo yeîs sonise da3 a borne of your1 piev wtieut eggs, use bss mikiin utt aig as iî vs u IOt-'Chamberlaln'S Stomach anid 'Liter own Lt mny ceuse is the lieu'yeitr. suds. 4- 4-- Ifyubyahlf.on ktf Eby-BIalnas40c Ceylon tea and the, buy niletcce nmore you wiilfind(Jailltwenty exactly the samne, Its quaiity neyer varies. It hbas a reputa-> tion Vo maintain which cannot be samrificed Vo changes, in the tea market. Soid oniy in seaied iead packets-Biack, Mixed, and Green (for japan tea users), 25C. p 300., 40c-., 500., 6oc. or 8oc, per lb, FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING GROCERS could you-, sis? L've cerne a lo 'ng ..ways to-day and amntrdeegi ~ n~ t~3 lillltr's I'd bce riglit glad if you coiil i1eV m sure father and mothor vw ould noV4 .,wish me te. You mustg n n Callor, * don't you think it is Urn yu tat ecd? It is getting darkl u e/ and Dorothy haif rose iim het1rcai ~~S .in lber cagernestoeurge hedear turc of this mac. of hrsewa It was cariy ror ol f th1e Satur- growilg more than hif afaid day bofore New Vcair's day alsd for- .-Weil, I1suppose i s -0 t ethy Hunter was washing the break- start if I've, got te go'-" and ith. fast dinhes at tlie sink ln the f arrn- stranger rose waiyadbtoe hoeuse kitchen, wlica lier mether carne lis wera coat ti'git pbt his Chia, hurricdly in frorn the sitting-roomr, toe co eut tbe freezinig bos f tis wltis a fiuslicd, anxious face. sýtorrn. "Iwfar: is it tCDo te? -Oh, Derothy, dear," shc said, he added, tnrning ag.ain t Do-' "do you t hink yeu couid stay alone oti y, and take care of baby ail day and, -Two mniles. It's a geodwyst pcrhaps, ail night? Dencon Parsons svalIk uhen you are se tired, I. ï junt stopped te tell us that Aunt wish father and mother icruc homej1ý Kate lias failea and brekea lier arm, se you ccuid stay ler-e," anid tsu and she wants us te corne over as slie asked sol tly astlogihe er qnickly as Possible." aimost aslarned: "Haseyo ay "Why, ycs, of course I eau," Uer- csoiieyte pay fer your îLod(gîingwi otliy -cpiied promptii. "Yeu-lurry you get te Dutton?" riglît aiong and get rcndy; l'Il licat "It's a shame te iv e eli tlie scapstenie and hlep you get Mliss but-" tIic tagrbgnn st 'arted, and alter yeu'rc gene l'Il tlien liecogdan tm rdl finish the work." iembarrassmoîî ndtlie yptiei -I liate te icave yen, dauighter. It irllat dte cif xiii bc a iocoîly day for yen, and, "Oh, ves, 1 know!" in a pitv, tlieugli we shall try te cemie, of' toue. "Yen rnust 1lavehabd course, it may be just possible tliat luck," and tlien she went te daw ne canuot get home te night; it is er la tie bureau and tok eut nulle miles te Duabar, you kuow, and shabby, littie pockctbook iui lii l'un afrnid tiere is a storiu.ceming %7wcre two coins, a silver d:iie nud a on. Ycu arc sure yeu are net hlf dollar. afraid, Doretiy?" ý"lore, ta-ke tliis," she said, iayLàing "Afi'aid? Wby of course net. Yeu tlie larger iJiece loto lis had 1C] forget that I w'as 14 iast mouth, liaveý more anýd shallilont ned t; IV and uhut la thec world shouid i be wiii pay for a bcd and brakat o afrnid of, nnywa,,y?" andi Deretby yen, poolman. iaugiod at tlie theugît. T'lie straai1ger toul [tico- y n A lew momients ntrsic stodatlammn arwssail d pla, tlie windov witbte-er-i cle t' str iadDollyws ft tic baby efcic aî iini er arms, agaiaaoentnneeeokta and w atcbond lier -fatheL anl etierniglitvti nsolad ongsîiace g 'iven drive aay down Vihe suow-drifted tlicrnup anic netebc, r.au rend. Slie sniled-, briglitly as long: Mârs. Ilne eclc oe ircd aadil as tlicy rmindinigt, 1,but wlin chilled irm ic ýir lonig drve, e- a turm lu the road iid l ic sîcil sheotiy tlouhtit mgirîlie le fit just a bit line]y nfteL(r il,ad methle eb do er visiter,('I' nnld it uns net suipristng thnt ic did. se deeided te saY ntin about hlmt Therc w ere ne other bouses witliin fer that niiglit at iiitad cnet siglit, their nearest neigibor livcd cd liersoif witl ýi tclg tht se ad a mile nu ay, and, standing as it tlie baby lad beon ry osorai did upon a seldons-traxeled road, tlie Tic, next Monday rdigILit hiliwn Miuiter hiestead unas a dreary New year's ove, ns Do-rotiy- came la pince. resy and smiling frein ber mile and Iloweveci, iDretly did net spend a hall waik frem sqchoel, she was as- mudis timee meditating. She paused tenisied te tîod lier trmrp visiter in just long eneugli ut-tli wiad.ow .te tihe sittiing-roorn, witli baby b ellio note the few, big, slow-faliing flakes, perched cenfertabiy upon bis knee.' ndvance mcsscngrs cf the ceming "WhaV does iV meana?"sic nskod,, steîrm, and thon went about tiecbbe turmning frorn tie strangcer's iatughing lated bousehold tasks, Se unucli was face te ber îaotlier. I love te bc doue tint net until the ' It mnenus," replied the dee ec old dlock upen tiec mantel twang.ed tliat Deretiy remceired se wli the heur of thî'ce, did Dorotiy pause "that 1 arn your LUncie Pnr js for more than tie short rest whichbabclk from tie Klondike withi a pecký- she tool, while catieg lber simple et lined ulti geld, and uilliug aud dinner; thc, with Nellile in lier arnsanxieus te divide witb the go-nceus)i- she saak gî'atefiiliy inte the old- littie girl who would gîvo nimest 1,cr fashiened rocker by the sitting -rom nly cenit te n, poor, rseal wlndew, nnd ns, sho ginnc'ed eut was tra mp, " surpî'ised te sec how fast and forions -Anld Iltho e old lle holadlis the storin hud îlrewn. The snow tencd traigliqt te bis sisýter's m, wjs fnIlinig se benviiy that siecoculdi upon his arvifro)m tI fair inort.il, netL ov\ea sec the barnyard fence, and andr d ;i1inýg ber awnýy,an ben sho rernembered xith a sigli ef relii igedte goteu % w 0 ie that ber lather lad said the cheresdstn, pn usns matter, lad xvere ail donc, se that the stoCýsk decidcd to kptIc secretutilbi 1,onld ieed nio furtier attention un- retural. tii rnerning if hle sbeuld flt iturli "And' l'fi lanys ho gaid tn that niigit, did," hoe snid, holding ont bhis lianid As ý-lie sutt nd lilummied a, drou')sy1te Doretby, "becauso, by7 thismea littie tune ote tice baby, Derethy I1 1tound eut wbat a deair, kn-er, theuglit she beard tbo, gate lntch1 cd littie girl I havefer a nee ciick,and n moment lite oeone Doretiy bas grown very çwellI c knecked leudI~v at th(, dor, She quaintcd wlth UncleIary SfC hastily laid Nellie iu ber crib and that utermy Saturday, and miiany wont te open it, and there, te lier delightful tbings have coeeVo ler surprise, stoed a gi'at, beurded, throuigb bis kindness; and',sfic n'onj- reughlioeking stiang\-r. A tramp! dors' now liew she coutil ee,r fhaveý thiougli t tise, girl la disnmay tînt was togît bis veîceroligli am'd isarsi, net L-eiseoed by the rmnn's roqucat, or over bave takea ier splendjid, big- maein a boase voice, te bc aliow- hearted unle for a tmampjJ) cd te reine in and ,get warni beore golng fnrtlier la the, sterni, Dortly WNEE NTEWOS Ji-d been tauglit tiat hospitaiity is WNEÈ NTEWOS k( nest gracions virtue, 50 she as-iinFuda So rzdb sented- te the stranger'splea, and Mn od and Hunge rzdb drew a chair for bim close te tic od n lugr "'aiag fltilcHiitr am la- A despateli from Sauît Ste. Maile "Is't us iseR.uer mv? says: Ou Wedncsrlcy a ma îva fouund c1iîed the unuelcoic guest, after a wandering le tic woods about thrce moment or two, ns lho spread eut bis rou- lans t Viegratfulmiles froim he'e in a crazed <'ondition hsbiaze. d t he gaeflthrougi sufferirîg frorn cold and "lyes, si r. That' is my .ftier'1si longer. Ris namne is supposed te lbe îîae"rrplied Deîethy quietî, Grggrbu ntin c' ol'arc nuingbrsent yt 1Ieue ind, ast eL)where hocamefromor o "XXboe s oTi flk lvet is relativesar. Abouit a yer go ah ~ ~ bi goî wn îd ot0u in, own isîte tIwo(mds 25 mls n bae le"bujlit a log abnandr lived on wbhat V"orla oen Doroty bsitten ofceud Mk ii andid-gfrein tiic lie ant' msirtue udhow ber tibult is a1s ytunbete tel li parets ad enete rnde lir s1at-stoy o aceuniit 0f bis suffering.cý eVrasitnete ced. oroRssernate be a î ju1An fmsey lonig 1time thin IlleSilece w-ný1 ýs un-_________i boeand Dortiy bgan t tinkl it higis time tînt lier guest was> tak-1 Johin 1). Rockefeiier issa i)t ave ing ,lsdoprtue-- e1le -den1 gonbetcen$ -00-- lan S-