cars G New i iq1 Raýzors aud lSci-ssors. Sil r nves adForks. Niki lated ea Kettles. Fine Egls Tabl)e CutlerY. Tea, Desse-t and T,-able Spoons. Ladies Companions, Pen Kniveý Nie-kle Plated Tea and Coff ee Pc Carvers in Cases and Breadl Kni 1 lockey Skates an d Sticks in gre Our stuck neyer wa your careful ins 'pleasure t SNew Designs. 4Î Op po s ite Ontario Bank. as s,) compie spection. Iti .o show Our Ou Dipar flan i ~i kept for your especial benefit. H1e certainly knows bis business. lie wi11 do your repairing neatly and promptly. SzTravellers' Samples of Harness îleÏ>-We have a feW sets 0f liglit single harnoss ecarried by ou~r travellers for a short tline which we are offering at a. bargain. The polish is rubbed a trifle but they will wear just as long :3 as new sets. SBInkets and Robes We have a very full une of these goods.God - Jute, Kersey, Kersey lined and woollen blan.. kets. Also a good stock of- woollen and Gait Robes. We carry a heavy stock of alI kinds of barness and horse goods and can suit you. ThoBron &mairtyll larlloss Go L BOUNSALL BLOCK BOWMANVILLE.-- ______________________________________________________________________________________________ t )ts. ves. -at variety. te. We invite is always a goods. Lowest Prices. s Phone 66. West .nJiouse The caadian Statesmaiu BOWMA.NVILLE. DEC. 28, 1904.1 -Mesors. McMilian and Powers, Couties' Co)uncillors, both strongly adVocat(ed separation of Durb h m counity front Northumbjerland at nomination meeting. Wïll they please take the necessary action t) accoýmplish the greatly deired conunummatiofl 1 Politicallyth;e Toronto Telegrain is Tory, if it is anytingu. It said e3ditorial- Iy in a recen t issue "i 'he best service that Mr. Ji. L Borden cani render the Conservative party is to stay in retire- ment until hib own province calîs 1dm back to public life, or until it is made clear and manifesi that the Opposition must fali back on Mr. Borden in default of a better leader. Mr. Borden is the uuanimous choies cf bis political enemies for the lsadersihip of the Conservative party. A strong leader is neyer popuflar with bis political eneniies The advisers who are trsing to force Mr Borden back into a position to wbicb lie was neyer called by the rank and file of the party are Mr. Borden's fiatterers rather th&n friends to the Conservati, e cause TOWN MUNICIPAL ELECTIOINS.4' The unexp ected has happenel. Election by acclam2.-ition of next year's town counicil waq probablbe, but the scene bas chan.ged. Mr. A. Tait pledg- ed is word witb Mr. J. J Mason be- fore the latter announced bis candida- tutre for Mayor that lie would flot, rua foir the office. Contrary to tbat pledge- he isý a candidate3. We have no besita- tion in saying that Mr Mason bas the past two yearsbeen an active and use- fuI councillor and we liope to see him elected Maý or next Mondav. l'or councillors tbere is an excellent cboice Vs desire 10 ses NIr. Jollow and %Ir. Brock, of the new men, Mr Cornish anai Mr. Morris, of the present council, and Mr. F. Il. Mason of the 1903 council elected, and if tbe electors see fit to include the present Mayor in their list bie will feel bonored. The other tbree men are wortliv of confid- ence, but having personallv solicited Messrs. Brock and JoIlow to become tandidates and baving worked barmon- iously witb the others in couticil we bave confidence in tbem and desire to see tbem eected Mr. Clemens bas been a faitbful councillor, but lie ex- pressed to u3 some weeks ago a deter- nlnation to retire and we solicited Mr Brock to take bis place, bence we must stand by Mr Brock. THE TOWN HALL SCARE. Tbursdaynigýt.t 11bSobool closing exercises were field in the Opera Bouse when 1500 to 2000 persons crowded into tbhe auditorium whicb is seated for 700. Every aisle and corner was packed like a sardine box. The Mayor onreaching the platform, sseing the crowded mass of bumanity, at once had visions of the Cicago bolocaust, and at once warned Principal Gilfillan of the danger, andi bow tbe Statuts j go3vering audiences in public buildings was violated' m this instance b- allowing peopis to crowd the aisles, and vrqtested that lie would not be responsible for an) thing that right bappen in consequ-enice As soon atshbeknew Mýr. D. B. impso)n, K C., was to be obirman, b e reeated ithe warning- to bim, also protesing-as heïAd of tbecoroa nagainist belng bleld Its Many Friends atlnd Patrons New Vear Gifts January Saile. Perhaps there is on'your list some friends Remmant Sale, Dre ss Goocis Sale, Linen, Salee, whomn you have overlooked in the way of gif t Clothing Sale, Foot wear Sale, Underwear Kale givinag'at Xmas Time. Our store will stili remain Blanket Sale, Lace Sale, Overcoat Sale, in holiday attire this wesek andi will seil at Reduced Glove, Mitt Sale, Fur Sale. Dress Skirt Sale, Prices ail fancy goods. Raîca ae u ot Sale, Crockery Sale. SThe West End House Annual January Sale starts on January 2nd with sweeping reductions on many uines throughout the store. * JfIN MCMURTRY, Read -Advertis2ment- Carefully each- week- During ýJanuary- Sale.- BOWMTitANVIL LE, Wishes