t<eao to Catarrh==Catarrh Leads to Consumption.1 Rock Island, Ill, says r mt f frm >rlcnd fPruafer, Mise Lillia, of Illinois, etaxted eul exaetiy lu 1h15 way. Purtunately, ai tooa course of Poruna betoro lt voeu too latù. She had cauigh t several Colds, then a congh de-yelopecl. 8h. took ail pute it, 'II Sickenced at the sightot them.'t ln f our weks P1erunâo hadct urod her of lier catarrh and her system wasenotiroly rid of it. This is prhat Peruna la doing ail the w-hile. Not a day, and probably flot an hour, passes but some one bas a simila* exporience with Peruna. Tho tire-t -tep toward eonsumption la cs.tching cold. Tho noxtatep laafalunrs ta cure it promptly., The third stop la the development of eatarïh, vhloh grad- aly bocounes chronie. The fourt.h stop, 1h. catarrh begins 10 spr.ad frm lt. head ta the Ibrost. Tho Dith tp, IJie cat.arrh spreadii Io the bronc-hial tubes and lungs. It thon becomes cousumpe ion !il its lirst stage- At any time durlng the progrese of the catarrh, tram . tirst enset of th.e oU tolis final settiomont la the iringi;, Pe- runa can b. relled upan ta stop the dis e,%se. It cures entirely. Xren aftor consumaption has bocome thorough1ly devoloped, many cases have found la 'rna a permanent cure. Aftet1h.>' havýve boon-given up by physicians to dle af coaumpîlon Perana bas curod them0 W. Lave hundrods of toutiinonlaU that deelare these.1facts ln lhe mast oulsiclanguage. U. B9. Senator John M. Thurston, from, NeObraika, writeq th. followîrIg be framm ahington, 1. C., under âdat. of April 6,19M1. IIhave Used Peruna aM variOns limes ourlas the pasI y.ar or Ivo -vllh mesi Hope; Rose E.X Wimblees, Baltimore; E1!v1 J. Wlckett, Bowmallvile. Mr. Geo. W. Bunton, Wetcome; Carleton K Fotheningham. Cavanville; StaceoIR. Gandier, Port Hope; Charles R Gumnmow, Cobourg-; Thos. W. Hat- ligon, Plainville; Alex H. Lord, Graf t- on; Kennetli K. Pearce, Welcome; Raymond T. Richards, Codington; John J. Staples, Bethanv. Certificates were granted forone year- to the folowiug. Stanley E Burnham, Port Hope; Thos W. Davideon.. Cam borne. New lifoe fr aquarter. Miller'eCom- pound Iron Pille. Sold by Stett & Jury, druggists. ______ HIAYDON. Mr. Sherwood Rundle lias returned from viiting[friende lu-Western Ont- ario. . . - Mrs. W. Broad and Mre. R SIemonu, Sr,, ar(, poorly., - Mre. Caddy 15 epnding holidays in Bowmanvile.. _ -. -Mr. and Mrs. John Siemon enter.1 tained a nàurber of friende ou their weddtng day.ý - .Visitors-Mr and 3Mrs W. H. Banburv, ]Bowmnanvillü; 1Mr, 3no Broad, Misse3 Ethel and Sybil Broad, Detroit; Mr. W. Broad aud son, Morris; Mr. and Mrs H1. J. Siemon,, and Miss Greta, Mis ate MeNeil. Misses Maud and Annie Creeper. Toronto; Mises Miaule Squair, Peterboro, with ber aunt Mrs. R. A. Ashtoin; Mr. Jas. Mc- Neil lias returned from Toronto. SEV12RIUCOu) IN TIEECHEST-"&My fourteen-year-old boy hiad a very severe colé lu the chest las, winiter and 1 reàtty 1 rom us ia dUountry trien4e, who are giving hlm a real Food timeý WC shall reproduce. as much of hie letter as willl intereet Our readers. 0f course, allow- ance muet be made for the "'observat- ions" as they are not writteui for the presse. He wrîtesfrom MNerrifield Farmi, Bridgeruiie. Devon, Dec. 7.-The weather lias been mild with occasional showers for several days, but ramn and mud have -no terrors for a Devonshire farm baud. Ile plods througti the mud as a school boy wades through a pooi in the road. 1 visited Holsn orthy market lant week aod was intensely interested in sewing how it was carried on. To me it seem- ed like a lively trade between farmere, anddealers. Farm produce of various kinds was offered and found generally rendl buyers-apples, fowl, butter, eqggs, littie pigs alive, dreesed meate, etc. Yeterday I visited the cattie market at Stratton where about 75 Devons were put up at 'auction and nearly ail sold. Few cattie other than Devons are seon here. Bore are a few of the prices obtained: Prices of cattie, sold to-day : Good ealu 1 mnug old 42s; Good cow and caif £20 10s; average cow £16 109; good fat steer £21 10a fairly good steer £15 10s; earling steer good £12 6s; yearling steer fair £8; bull caif 5 monthe old and regiitered £M; emait Young caif 22e 6d; good fat cow £15; large fat cow £16; March iambe of 1904 averaged 3su. Farm produce at Holsworthy market was setting as flollow8: eggs 7 for l8; butter per lb 15d; geetse 1ifd; turkeys 12*d; ducke 8idî fowls 7ýd, cireseed pork 5ti; apples per peck le 10 le 6d1; potatoos 5se for 120 lbs. Stone takes the place uto cedar and other ie ods in various wavs here; fur inetainerggte poste are storte; culverts are etc ae; fences around farm yards and often arcand farm dwellings and cottages are stone and walke and approaches to buildings are stone Ami seakiug of Stone the-roada-ara- i IRE IMASON Cû.) ROWMAN II1ICr 't Âi.CW 1 CUI Graetin q. Bo'ngPIIIU,Dried Apples, &c 1lb. hieghest price wihl bol paid for gond, fat wehldre -ed stock drv-p-ioked , with wings I set and Wead on and undrawn ait the. amn oad stand-Temp)eran ,ce St. seouth nf Standard Bank. Bowmanvitle. 1780 JAMES MAcCONNACHIE. n - Q -" expensive, Threshing te doue on rainy te.For six monthe "0bane l daye, 20o bushéis being a fair days' D. B. Saits, Pea Coats, IJisters, at Big Suap3. We have relf either b 'y3 dociors' prescriptions or work. Stxaw is usually bouud af 1er them in-men's aud boy's, al. sizes. other medicines.- My husbagd gai me threshiug as it e valuable. Sbeep are Dr. Ohaseee Neklrvo Food, which lias re extensiveiy raisect and mauy fine colts vitalized mv ne-rves ani given me full are seeîî. Coltse, .ouag caitle and sneep e poe 1tevtlzdparts 1 amrn f rn outail winter ini most farine, hein g Qjun,~vKQO( eironz and ,riFfflow9thbanksta thie -httered by the bedgeeaud LtsuSiy a » q av greai ~~~,, mndcm.a-lnvo hed. laver-v ro..-S. we .e r (LI LLIA elL Publigcl Noti*ced!Z, Attention ils called to the fact that the Ogilvie Flour Milis Company, mited, mnakers of Royal Househiold Flour, have for some time past been producin.g flour in a vastly improved and purified form by the aid ôf electricity, and having secured control of ail the basic patents relating thereto, take titis'oppor- tuuity of advising the public that any unauthior.. hbed users' of the electrical flour purifyig processes will be prosecuted. Tjhe Ogilvie Flour Milis Comipany, intd are the only inillers in Canada whôse foôur is purîfied by the electrie process.