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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jan 1905, p. 1

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OUR TiOWNAN;D UOUrTVij-ýFRST; TlAi WORLD APFTRRWÂ1R»S. M. A. JAMES & SON. Pronriatoy~. JJUWMANVILLI% ONTARIJO, WEM;4-1SDAY, JANU CARY 4) 95 ïTh ird Off o romn this ate Couch, Johnston & Cryderman will g.One Third off the price of ail Ladies' and Child- re-n's ClIoth Coats, Soutelines will be soild at' exactiy H1AIF PRICE. Reirember these are alnwgos not one 01C garnient amo-ng t1hem.) IClas be mad i 'ttne price of ail M-en's and Bo-ys' (vercoats, cield bnot forget that our (Overcoats were ecpinlygo ,t1et ei ih Fur Ruifs anci Mufs at Redti-ec1 P ri (ýcs ê ui uï' Good 0eýooks Bakizig Powdor J! gives better r-;su1ts powders eosting 5 times as nh he Peugs s 0tiiOpiciao J. W. cRMD Bowmanvillee Miss Elsie Gliders s È iin in To- is witb ber motber MçsÊ abîgtn Miss Carrne Brimnacom' '. 'I ornto, il, Walter Patterson Pt* te Mrs. T. Mountjov. jr., ie visitîlng t u- lto .... Mr Mlton J. qWo"::-w elected trustee.-.Mrs Thos. ; aonfeil on Ryaa, Toronto, visited pa urents me- centlv. ..-..11ev. Mr. Rd i ,Newton- ville, ocnupied the puipýit nmeSunday, and dclii ered a vy t. uhtnan powerful;, The CSrer ShoG Store 1LIEUT,-COL. N. F. BMaeNACETAN. The Canadian Military Gazette for December contains amang its ps5rsonal sketches off prominent îjersonages the following- reference to our popular Counties Clerk and Treasurer, Lient- Colonel Neil F. MacNachtan, whose great efficiency as a Militariy comamand- er la known and recognized throu.-hout the Dominion of Canada,- Lieut -Col. N. F. MacNacbtan com manding the 14th (.Midland) Field Bat tery with headquarters a! Cobourg is to be beartly congratulated on the success off that Battery which heads the lis! la thd general efficienci- retuma off Can- adian Field Batteries for 1904. Colonel MacNachtan ils an enthusiastic Militia man and an efficient officer. For thirt.y- four years betias faitbfnllv tserved his country la the ramks off the mrilitia, de vating his time mainly to the artillery brandi off the service. He probablv knows more than any other artillerv officer in Canada about the techaical !tics off that branch, being, la fac!, the' anthor oni quite a valuable treatise on the subject, entitled "A guide for Field Artillemy" issued this year. LaI am Colonel rMacNachtan ils a vorker ifrom start to finish A peep into bis tenit at 1-idnight. or even lIcaer, woudmos likelv discover hlm poutring oveIr the iatest edition off Fild rtillemy Tralu-1 ing" or la-, in- iplan,-s witb one or miore off bis of1icers ftor the morrow,'s diril >i. Col. MaCNacbtp a 1 eieverlu uifor gun la3 bis sccssl lîgiis due to the fac! that hej personaliy in- structs bis la',ers COnsequently he takes bis post as batterv commander a! tbe ranging lank with asupreme degree of confidence in bis gunners, knowingi that bis shelis wilI burst precisel.y. a! the given ranges. HAMPTON. Mr. W. IL. Moore and Mrs. F.T. Allia to an oy ster supper Thursda y evening ...Fridav eveninig the Methodists'met to celebrate the removal off the church debt Epworth League furnished un excellent programn, an interesting feat- ure beîng a short sketch of 80 years' history ot the church since it was erect- ed. ('omplimentary letters from these former pastors ot the church were read: Rev. fi. B Ilowe, Wassagawyea; 11ev J WhitIock, Toronto-, Rev. Geo Brown, Trrntoý, 11ev. S Salton), Lonjdon:- Rev. E. E ttowar.d VWEvt Huntingdon; Rev H. hoasSadhustand Rev W Jolffe Bwma'il'~ Pastor F. J. DAR LILN GTQ N. At the closing exereises ot S S. No. 1 the scholarà prePented their t(!îeahr, Miss Conîter with a beautifutl gold plated picture fr8me and a handkerchitýf and glove box. Miiss Coulter was a general f a.qorite and good teacher wbVi bere and her rtasignation is miucb reg rette( bv aI I Mr MeMaster, Peterboro ba benen gaged aad takes charg-e of our school this week. TYRORXE. Holiday vi8itors:-Mliss Ida E Adams, Belleville, Mrs G. Hl. Jardine, Bo»- manville, Mr. Stanely Jardine, Toron- to, wîth frieadti; Mrs. A. Wîborn and Mis.3 Della W', bora. Cou.rtice, at Mr W. Moore's;,2Mis3 E. M. W'erry and Miss Mary Hooper, Torontc', a! hom-e; Mr1 and.Mrs A. W. Clemens reýently visi!-' ed ber parents Mr aLd Mrs Charles Dawson, iMontreal; MN Mltonà. Werry and fm3t peii!,Xm-as ' hldas writh her motter Mri. %VWm. Me'ughn Obawa .. .... impath-i- is extended tO Mr aud Nirs F. N. Farrellii tbjedeath off their infaqnt son Llo, d o(n YMondayl De. 6t. .. rA W. Cdessucý-1 ceddM.Peter Werry a ,s Tmuteei' the interior f the Bcnnett Hlouse since1 mine bos! Lehmann came into possessioni W~e could not realPze that sncb extensive alterations could be made in so short ai time New window-curtains, new paperi on the walls, new car pets, fresh paint. aud new electrie lights bave wrougbt wonders. About 10 o'dlock we e1ropped la the other night and ffound the hotl:6 as quiet as any private bouse in town. Mrs. Lehmnn was entertaining her father, Mr. Sweet off Toronto, iaE handsomely ffurnished parlor and the publie sitting rooms were well lighted, warm nd bmlike for telTl r Mm th'6 hou"e as a Public hotise should !eo gontucted. pca teto wili be give tothetble , so tt ýfarmers and travellýers will be well pleased, with the bouse in every n)articular. MAPLE GROVE. MIr. W. J. Jcffrcy and chlre iave rcturned fromn a wcek's visit VIti . L andi Mrs, Mark, Mundawy at Waun. li~r and Mrls Vm node and chiJl- ren spcent New Vear at Toronto at r . B .j Gay's. .Mr. Alfred Crumbni spert Xraat hone. .. Congrat",' i(o D t CARD 0F THANKS. LADIEs AND GUUneEN: 1 take this means off retuni ng my bearties!thak to you for theý support you g-ave me ini my ir! onts!fo Concllr.Wishig i-o ai te cmplmets ffthe Season, Iorf arnv YW.r truiORIE REFORM IRALLY. A meeting la the interest of the Re- formn Candidate for West Durham, Mr, Wmr.q.Rickard, Ex-Mý,.P., will be beld ia the Reform Com tRooDms, over TiiE STATESMANofie on Friday eveingý1 January th, a! S o'e!clc. jAUlLbrl are, requested to ha present, By ordeor. A. BEITru, Vc-Peie CARD OF THANKS. I desire to sIncerely tbiarik!'the eetovs who voted ffor me Moud a v, Jshah do my utmost to deservo the ofiec again reposed la me 11Iad 1 knýowu beffore nominationda that so many citizens as bave toldme sosace desiredl me to stand forNMa) nr this yeam, Iso! baqve beena candidate for r-lcin Itisa a reat satisfaction to me affteu two years lu that office to leamn tito my conduct'is 50 generall.y approved. For the many congratulationsjiýendlered' me personally andbyetrIeun my bes!tbanks M. A. JAME~S, SOLINA GENERAL S -'ORk, Jlaving completed repairs o011nmy store, 1 take this oppýortunity to thank nîymany cuzStomrs ýfor theàrihes patronage i the pas! aad soici! a coni- plesur tohav ¶ou eaU ai; the FaraierSt General Store, Solitna, wlie-re we 1wo try to give gwood value for your xinoney. I wish my mahiy cýutomersa and friends, ail the Compliments off the Season. B. G.SE a, 1-3,V. GnrlMPrchant., A GOOD COUNCIL. JI~J~ ~LOS h 'JrIJWA, Ont. u -the -'oniislsti Ihrn ItL ndsI i~rdayJan-.i; h at Oshawa. jOn -,h(-,Main Corners. Ayer>s Pills gr.atly a;id the Cherr'report io teColi\ett Pectoral #n breakIns UP aM Ia £ si ân VOtTTM1, LT Noe i --r -r 1 it 91 1-ý -L -r -L-1 M. A. JAUES & SON,, Proprietors. Vorumz LI No. 1 IL 1 Jan. 3, 1905.

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