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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jan 1905, p. 2

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WiLyINI* S IR, EÂKilEiTT7SyiHr What Death Struggles H-ave WViaged Bo- ow.een TheiseTo Wha Chvet 0go a lot deeer yet bec- fore WCconec to the bottom of Ct." -0Oh, but J say,"ealdCejjIl, isý face dr1opping,"sreythlose dy-l cig Oflce wonl't go and solthe only deent chn-e of war atse ta tho're lhas been lforove0haf(acI. £~Wudbe a cieto rob ,us51 f Vo lt ýs hveit," said raiize c ve AsalA rcte ie aitramusei by Cucciî's beyish 1'Prabjie, but teo-nigt e ho vilibed h-1viould go avm:y. Ho t 1 iantedto teban eut of bte wvidov c.f hie zoom sudiîic atch bbe peaceful eglory et the sv{reading cousntry f aroun4,, and, tough ho scarcely r ovn'i it eveu te iieîf, ho vantei te tbink of Netta. 4 At ast Ceeil hogan te evince signe that lie hadti aiked1iieifofeut. ]Ho rose wi thu a ga w. t "Oit, hy bthe t'.y, elti eap," ho Dsaiti, "your roorne ounbte grouni e floor, isn't it? I1viish yotu'd lot nme 2ihave it for te night. Vin geIug te get 'ai)t cry Oarly te have a hast 2 scampor on rnly favorite old mare. 'lho oaly thing I've get agaunst our profession is that eue can nover get astridu -a dolent horse- except witeu t on bave. Theo Arniy catis have got the better cf us thora; it's the enîy thiog I eaîy 'eau. So T get ns mucit 'rldiug a-s I can nîten l'ut at homo; and I dcuu't vaut te vake up thte lieuse., Von don't stiud, de yeni?" "Not inatise least!" laugitet Braize. And se - ho look bis good-nîgit smýoke ieaning ou the silI of Cocil's L vindov; but bIs theugite of Notta viwere noue the less tender bocau ceti vins ludulging in theni lu the ber!-ý room of one from vihom site bad rarbod on terîts of eumnitg. 'I)ear îittle girl !- ho muriard 1 show vihat it can d.A ts e etr than testimenials, better than. argu- mient,.In oeayear, 1,800,000 people have accepted this offer. They have teld others vihat Licjuozone dues, and the others told others. The recsuit le that millions now use it. It Ie more viideIy employed than any medicine ever vias-more widely prescribed by the better physicians. And your ovin neighbors-wherever you are--can tell vou of people whom Liquozone bas cured. Not Mecine. Liquozoneie net made by com- pounding drogs, nor je there alcohel ln it. Its virtues are derived solely from gas-largely oxygen gas--by a proces requiring immense appaïratus and 14 days' time. This process bas, for more than 20 years, been the con- stant subject of scientifle and chem- ical research. The resultit j e liquid that doce vihat oxygen does. It is a nerve food and blood food-the most helpful thing -ln the world tu you. Its effects are ex- ilarating, vitallzing, purifying. Yet It is a germnicide so certain that wie publish on. every bottle an offer of1 $1,000 for a disease gerni that it cn.n- Till, pirit iad(eed is wj11iý1ihnbt ei .t hms irit Aewlig itîtj I the ilesIt is wa.Mate xv. lsitjewek, nd viethliak thlat Il. wipes e~~~~~~ut thie wreng. SucliÙa use of U! w ru.CTI' RSRPII Jess sidtiis wihlla heý founid Ithe (irs'swrd fatal te its savinig Thatrov smeims ures d'isease is a ifact that bas receuitly been called te the isipls asleep iii etsmac in- ltenït. Its real1 use is to make us attention of the public by a proinent sedof akefl ad vaetl His viv idly conlsc-ieus of the two great physician and college professer. lnsuie ugleton, them iis hMs trnte0f ores :a pposition !ilievcry mail, nervous diseases0 iresc sbs hun îly H eare both' its that vie ourselves may bring thoýe teria, titis physician giv\es instances vibere itiits nd itýs said, tvio forces inetonnou ofit wouien were put in a pheasant fraine et i,; lia, i mai wich.strvesý t trmendus oiîJic. id, viere made happy by falling ini love, 'Thre e tat a an ihili triesTisis l the true battie of life. A ndIicoeueewreuedfter ni)ward anl md thore le that which willing spirit, but %veak flesit! nerveus troubles-the weak, nervous sys- drvsdownvard," Chr ist did net What death struggles have waged tem toned and stimulated by littie Dr. start bis estimnate of hurnanity vilth betweert these tue! The higiter your Cupid-bêcame strong and vigorous, ai- wholeeale condernuation. Hie idea of ideals of right rise the more intense- most without thiir knowledge, Maniy a convrsin wa no tha yo rout tat trugle s wihinyou.Sats- onan is nerveus and irritable, feels drsg- convrsin vns et tat en tus tho stuggc i witin ou Sais-ged down and vioru eut, for ne reason that frst pulverize and thea reconstruct lied wilti a low level of lii e yeu do sbe can thilk cf. Sbeinay be ever se the vihole nature. Hlie idea vins te net feel the impyulse that niakes titis utucth i love, but Dr. Cupid fails te cure feel a] ong the whole character until struggle betw con the higiter and hier, lan iinety - fine per cent. of these he found-c somthing the divine could louer forces in yen, and that ie an cases it is the wouiauly organieni which ton,,ch or vieaken. thon holie rked evidenoe that your vihole spiritual requires attention; the weak hack, dizzy spelîs and black circles about the eyes, are vith that. Se ho deait viîth Na- nature je a Iow key. It leS only syniptenis. Go te the source cf the thaniel, wilththtes Roman Centurion. an evidence that yen think rneanly trouble and correct the irregularities, the wvith Zacchaeus, oven vith the thief of yourself and that je a long stop drains on the woinanly systeni and the on thc cross. Studv hie dealinge toviard beceming men. The mail ther synîptoins disappear. Se sure of it vihthese people and secbo how 0who thinke is the World'e Dispensary Medical Associa. 1',OBLY 0F IHIMSELF, tien, preprietora of Dr. Pierce's Favorite touicbed on their pessibilities or Prescription, that tbey cfer a $500 reward sollnething good in theza, and vierk- vI homi self-respect rises te hig for women who cannot be cured of leucor- ed ivith that. -tide, wil feel meest keealy this limi- rites, female weakness, prolapsus, or fal. It iasa gacins hun teeaytation of hie levier nature aad ivill ing 'of the wonxb. All tbey ask is a fair IL wis, graiou thig tosaymake the nmeet manful efforts te free and reasenable trial cf their inuaus of cure. titis: "Tite spirit je willing but the himieoif from the captive entangle lDr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets clear the Piesjewea . orit ave lar e nta r oat f the fiesh. A truc mar i. ili complexion and seesten the breath, they pit, e gea infogiees. Buti ask "le My spirit really villiag? s ceanse and regulate the stonuach, iver and itws1jr hi ht tws a tgebowels and produce permanent henefit aud lt insmor thn tut. Ethen Christ estimate a truc mensure do net re-set on tite systein. One is a juttigta sav. It gave credit te of me? Do I la my spirit level up gentie laxative.1 the gooffas eIa à-ts ,adnittiag the te th, devine definition of possibility 'Irhe Counnon Sense Medical Adviser"y ei.We got inito tithabit of-form- in me? Do I reach the dignity of is sent free, paper-bound, for 31 one-cent1 iiig ouur opinions aad judgimlents on- humanntr htCrs ueue stamps te psy custonms and mailing only tieyont of the vworst conditions. t? 'an Btesels the hrs ut horn Send 5ostamps for cleth-bound copy. V tlesed i th seu to hOm Address, World's Dispeusary, Buffalo, N.Y.1 Tl'ite Christ fairness toaches te totm-. such a gospeing of questions cones. Per the ivorst with the beet. Christ flore is a great stage of salvation noever preached that every oee muet te reach :"I in my lintrinsie self an furest bc cruehed to a jelly beoeolho groator, stronger, miore dominant - 4. ean be reshnped, reforauod, rocreated, titan ry lower, rncaner self. I as- f Sdyhie deainge witit People and pire te greater titings titan ray pas- t you %viil flad how ieho tok tite rougit siens. I arn capable of nebler Wcon- Pe ceI block of humais nature andi by the ceptions than ntiy luste. I arn lltted ~ v n e c action of divinitv upon it ho brouglit fer better thinge thaa zny selfisit-t out nese" Titis ie reaching eut toviard f TIE "FOffl DIVINE." tito divine, t hie je "cerning te your- *+*+ Jesus nover coadoaed or smootit- self" as Christ pute it la tite parable ed oveu' sin. No viords as ficry as of the prodigai son. Censcioneniese I. bhis againet evil. But ho did net of yonr true self, that spiritual self, luimp everytiig indiscriiniately, hoe which Christ digrdied by hiq rocognli- Senior Lieutenant Archie Braizo, R. anialyzed every mari. Amono- ail the tien, conseiousniess of the high pos-. N., viatched witih quliet a,muisaiie1it rubiish lie alviays fouad eemetbing sihilities in yen iili slip at hast the aniriýated courut'nauces of rhie that was virth eaying, "The spir- jutote ocnscionenese of tite nedod f î eng friend Sub-Lietonan-' Brasuber it le viuling," ho said, "utthe flesit dinyo o ri vith hole of sand bis sister Netta. le viak." A muan canuot ho as yourself, both lower and hîgitor, into 'I teli ye,' cried Netta, in a high- geod as hoeviants te he, becanse hie tite regien of Cod, which is Christ pîtcbtd voire efanager, "that, ie- lowe naure s to wak t kep manifest in the iesit. Any way that rmn" are every bit as brave as mn- laeier natre iste woakpirte kep en1 a openi uptiard and Godwardior, they would ho if titey only itad out.Ili lowr rl atreneed to thte botter villiugness of your spirititho dhiLnc e!" et. ite leviernoature f] de te h lie ite agfor yen te teelcome tte 'Andi I say goure taiking lnon- str ug he ed nt t o t m p r f i ico i ng tlb- od, the C hrist of the cou- fse se! " aid her brother, viit t h a l t highor spirit. That j is deîy VdifferIl- vrson0fweaîknessinto strength, frauXue s wbchsomt,,iunescharcterw- ont frorn imaginîug that thlvi er the 'Savieuir, viho le the spirit f ZOi tt junior navazl offlrer 'o nature je te o deryebrctevuîiost deteruplîtatien fer mon couijut 11g1 oven -1ifihyvirt hDo rcnet, hovio, mitak . iheright, thp truc, anti the beauiti- e e-xop l/ horteges a P (1,Citruet ý l 's, iesae's worik!' uneýanlng. fle 4d nemt èusee the1-4 i vore îo Cido It jiiqt as tveli, fer itleir nfihuleeF-e'cthand te j hv i ~ilo net aMate ±ersliI . tvn 'ry 1,idniht ii e ssister. "Lo, at Fluornco N1iht- 4t '%0~ ~W lo tvior d b é e en ou got lhomie ]lt Iiigitt." nga ý le i Carlotte tiordny, or wison vwi uakc aprveitof It and "elI, neli!" exciainuoti bher bs veer it vas-" ulse it as ai sot 0f absolution for bautd, "yeno m ()ten are slu cesi " Mal~e it Boadicen!" imurmnureti hec 'rogdoing. Wosay wvihecon el-tot. Before vie vere nmarried ) ou most oncipirc s rsof-coudemnation is did't caro bey late I got honte.-" "In the Frencht Ho olution!" finish-- led I"etta triuroîhtntiy. "Wei-en't they as r.o a nl brav:er titan ony.smani?': "One of Vie donc ladiesyu e tien iras a n p"replii Ce!, "an' 'N A the otiter had tite renrlç oe ity to stait a mari in hie bath-inde- ___ D D iýU A lucate creaturo! But titis allair vith 3~. I L~~ Iussia vil! buve te go titrough te **,,' ~,tle bitter ed, %vijtout auy vieman vo-r-na a ~>LarI1aIToujic ~ ~ varrior, tat 1'm prepared toe takeI EspecIa11y .Adapted to the De- "Oh,,nti are oad lssitr ri ni ngPowers of Oli Age. J -l'itarW~oun"er yen is do ter sure I1 ine e o t ofler In old age te mucous membranes bc-' te stal- e anyth¾in,,ou thte lctlta cç,,ne th!cý-icle and partîy lese their fSa b-Li etenant Brunuiber-or, je it function.AdmniraI Brainber?-wiillufiisit the af-- fair off hie on bat! But lýokklbere, Titis leade teipartial lose of ha Cài, cc 'ullî/l/ wti in ea sleehianti banste, ans viel as digestive dis- mCc l-, ,e fîîu jeiii ds? fi t u es P tub aees, noll th s y i t, 1î arn -villiig t e vager yen titat Peuacret h iiy ts speelfie lamionut that befo;,e teviarNvlihiciti 0prntÏi oitouail theo muceus membranies j origoff vwiitlt ussia is over na cff liebdit rsln pr ui. Oua ebetti:l viii convince anyone. Once a -f tised andtiirn becemes a life-.ieng '-. f 'Yu oudt1puy- tf yen lest!" utanobyvfnà ,da' I/vng an eriiteyetfu iscteit." i sta d-b vih ed nd oun. ~~1jW iem n aeJi'ethat; t's 1at of tleir 1 s ~eaÏO~za f~iidte tki'!e my bet," rn ti'smel- lolnsyu nn ~ -Ic j~k-o 1 ,u>-S, +fA-XtcP.-f~'-q. . kill germe in the, body without killing the tissues, too. Any drug that Mils germa ls a poison, and it cannot be taken internally. Medicinela almost helpiese in any germ disease. It le tItis fact that gives Liquozone Its vierth to humanity. And that worth le s0 great that, after testing the product for two years, through physicians and hospitals, vie paid $100,000 for the American rights. Germ Diseases. These are the knovin germ diseases. AU that medicine can do for these troubles ls to hel p Nature overceme the germa, anai sncb resuIts are indi- rect and uncertaîn. Liquoz one attaclie the germe, viherever they are. And when the germe which cause a disease are destroyed, the disease muet end, and forever. That le Inevitable. Asthma Abscess-Ânoemiz Brouebitis BlonS Poison Brightssuse Bowel Troubles Coughs-Colds Cousumption Colle-Croup CousLu tlon, Dysenery-tilarrhea lIadrisff-Drepsy flyspepsia Bezema-Erysipelas Tubercolosis Hay 5'ever-nflueusa Kiduey aiseases ,eucorrfiea Liser Troublas XMJaria-Neuralgin Mauy liaet Troubles Piles-Pueumonia Plesrlsy-Quinsy heunsatism Scrofia-SypsiIls Skin Diseases Stenachs'Troublas Tas-est Troubles lenve bis rocm. Ho ie sSitting sua- niug, iinsoîf on n verandait a couple, of tinys later, vusile Braize anti Net- ta watchet i itrnfrons nlittît dis-1 tance. -I do declar," saiti Netta, "titat,, viith all theso sticring ovoute at hoine, vie iave't epokieaof te chance of viar for tno viteletinys. Hovi do matters stanîd?" -' "Titore vili ho no viar" saiti Braize, poiutissg te a report of Mr. Balfours speech in a non-apaper ho lielti. Thon ho straineti ber te hie broebs. - Ne ovar, tiai-ing," ha vihispereti; "only ponce' "-London Aneviers, AFTER SEVENTEEN YEARS Kingston Prisener Pardened-OncJ; A Ki lgston, Ont., despabch cnt s. I Weeklý Globe,viith illus-trated paLrts ï 90 Mattitev Joncs, a bufe pclsone juet PaPly Mail anti Emprire 47 pardoneti froî th ie pcaitesîtinry bore, Weekly YMail and i impire 1.90- h"e sorveti 17 i cars, anti Lis itair is "oroato Dala-Nevvs ,200ý white. îHe stibh proteste hie înno- Weekly Wituesï 1.76 couceo0f te char-ge, of as-son oun The sVoaklv Sun 1.90 uhlicliho11 ans csictoti ut Sas-nia. f arming World 1.50 Aý0f bis capture, vhea FParmer's Adrvocata 2,50 At11k bit time1 , fe CI'(riotjan Guardian, hbal i1104free 2 Où ý cd bansa bad o LCc tonCun1-F vIleralti anti 'WeiT c Sr2.00 tyfames10e hý-lm ato tîdu npcmso(,1iuenbie if e bas kept up - ber cottage honte lu , lteCity, ;],s a aenly Micit., ovPoctiug eer-icar t t Ibr, Ite Nai n'ra_. ,i Brit$ ki3,. but hushanti ivulti ho pro et inmno ceutW présent i h ils-st t that vc- anti releasoti Joues une horstnla have -setticti our quarriettiae by I(iagston, andtispeut higecarly dage s-nefreno ul d o5o rscd 0 n mttnauile of the prisonsinlaviicifh',b te gun, cutlane.iT.Ou1jr aeta b as boca cosîfineti se ýlong. jIteroes n-o-o veil ativ5inen ilthe! - ho itay anti port, wbcre bbgfrecîsen]tbg '----4'- ---'.railo-Jif net, peritaps, oier bie pus- BRITAIN'S BIG WARSH-TIP, "Os o oaTn. In 1 5ï9 Bu-ake, eus haAtiarn'. cd there, -1aliet lto te lbt Wini Bo Capable of Desbroýyingiîanyv ijt tvoty-îite s4p antins Amybhing Aflent. !siteof b ateres ami vith. A Loncion (tespatch eage,-:-Thc 2000icathe tonatii Daiy Mail sns ita iqte ýuAtjimiraltg ye heu)ýire ictrye ni cptuceti is dciungattî (Apo 17,000itise combtlineti fIlets oef Fcau'-o anti or 18,0010 bons, uiii iicarriy'bon! Spain, 111,4seclting auexmi lesviich 12in) gci gun. lb viliiocapable 0f I Nebson vnete fimitaue nriu.Tit dostre iug aybitia nientos- yet!fbîslk wol bý itetrassui-e vas sijt,,teha-a-e desiuotilb ul Ie aitronatisideof ef hotu iitown into bte on, but e4I ho ablo e ro aebeicet oftif bte as agnia tteet b or ollhavs best oitugamr ieM i ce la 1719. ati nisot e!eîd foccisîg t it roeteimeate Anicaibtleis eeltsbt UBI AEET -- ---------*jstets.Tha,1 t lnt ebl ue INDIAT< -ONG-ESS. on--o to e hodrawn frnt rne' th î-sberpa onetin LuoIn 1 15 mis-,sions te Tihr- fhnea h ieiod ue ies-. anti Persia ,A.nneunced. S onta Sation 'vreli c if - uhte yejuhs bii, o'îaî/A' If yeu necdi Liquoi<zone, andi have nover tcried it, please send ne thla ceupon. We vilîl tjitan mail yeu an or- der on, a local druggist for a full- size ho ttle, and ii pay the drug. gist ouirselves fer lb. This la our frea gift, malde te cenvince you; to show. yen vhaýi, Liquoxene le, anti vhat it c do. jI Ticete yeureelf, please cept il; oda for ft places owiz no obligation wih atev-.". Liquozone coste 50V_ andi $1. CUT OUT THIS COUPON Ifer tiis effermnay nulappear agaýii. 1Pillut thîe blanks aud mail it 10 lite Liquait Ozonw Co.. 458-404 vWabasht Ave., Chicago, IMydiseaseis ..... ............... 1 have never tried Liqtuozou, bt f will Give full address-wvrite plaifly. Auy ph'rstlinor hospitai net zatsiLqoon tutu . be gladly suppied for ate. fshop'e, vitit a giît horso's fitad oves' mnent soldti iere. But tho ei eta tistics are eurprising. Titey show-, that more titan thirty-five thousanid ,herses, mules anti donkeye arc con- sumed ns footi la Pars-leovory year. IM. Decrout, a votefrloary, vite flrst ativocatoti hor seilesit as n diet, viii! ho itouored hy a statue te ho erocteti lii thte court1 arti of tite non' abat- toirs. NEW CL~U1BlSU RATES, ,ruaiu STATESMAIN vii!! hofurnjshed for 1905 la connection with the undernamned publicattous at thse prico stateti: Toron toDai'ty World, bal 19J4 îree, $3.50 r1oronto Daily Star, do do 2.00 Toronto Daily Globe , -4.75 We.fer te bbteo frt ottecfnkih gemFveaio Lqu n<J -andi give l fee '-hreeaetbes atidLqeeelk oteDu. vroe sicr aavio ch l. Anti Cie hve n xceýse fo xygn- e dat"L b ILOsess iat begIn wtsfvr-i alm Inatiennailvatarrls-nîiecutagionsOiseaset-a> 'pn vs u ilindiaet n-Ivagetaelieattý r, t aieo Lq o- jcenanie us ors or peiseucdbloo I aue nounce and falill!titis ofe.Our o-Toalebie ra an Lqe-0 0 cervlus ewig sy Linuozn adus. ialzr Peet basLbeau toe lt Liquczos-.LtseIf zone. , l is te cuir viayIbs-nate ."'opî1ssg " atnedr" e1o - 1 "A spit-firo Cocil calieti her; but -1 Cecilitati been as netiting te titis. loa vomn-tn vitit spirit. Heigho! 1 Surelg-eurely it conîd net ho! Titese vieit1I mere net 'so efufdetily honeet, fearlees ceesitaticosîtaineti peo<"only spirit; violence-anti eovardly Hoe knocîted bis jkic eout on tite ell, violence te ber ovin brotitor-surely andti thn tbo'srtf(iîlv retired Ite s-est site eeuld net havo been guslty of to dceam titat Netta bact ca.pturoti tithis nvifui decti! Admnirai Iiestt-cusky, anti ias gsv- Some laborers passiug on titQir ing bim n Pioceo f ber mmnd. anti nai' t6 nork viece regardsng huma that Cccil vine tidiiug about on board cucieuelg. .thte donc elti "Philom-el", on herse- "Mc. lramber bas met nitt an 'bacit? accident, '? hoe eplained hurriodly. "Carry hbia neteaderiy as yen eau te thse neareet cottage. l'mn geing Il. foc a dector." Ho n Woke il,,the nsoraing viti n Betneen thoaithtby carriedthebb poor impessionthat soîneono vas in tihe fbey te bte cottage, ani, iaviag onon. eeu hini safely bston d, Braizo -Titat -vou, Ceci]?" teenaleti aziîy. Irueheti off on the viage of theo yindi But the (d001-qlic1slg closedl, anti ne tonards bte neareettbovin, vIlee vPiY s xoî:chsnfed. dîvoît thetoenly doctor lunbte dis- rEpl teotnedsitino- front trict. "Exist, usutoet <raio. Ani, As ho sais hottougbt. Netta ha1 this om-l)trdBaz.A , suddenly gene mai- titat was tito turnln, ovor, ho indulged inlathe lux-oniy expianàtion. Of course, it uns ury of a nillmlOia a-,-. she ho vteiati corne into hiq zoom lan Wh" n Ito nwjke b intry sua vas i.thoenrly-boucs of bte nîeruing. "Site >dïoing irsj!,, -o ie loodtihbbcreesuvitt nas going te Fertsaîiouth te fui a glor. î:b1 s eLil cas lY; but BDizei sbip" The nords (if l ý lier letter foîr l- 'a 1rd d enloug4 of' bedani burne injte hi,, brain altee ýVýý-:,ý ice. Titat only adutittti0foýs -saii. '*Bini envol- intcýrpcotatio-. Site tat i dresseti ii i o'- g-taibio. I 5"P- bhr hrscoie nivâ o 1 [)ol "ba tse youu1g beg- uug te try r ee or ga cmep.wfîgin Iore le vins t d t e 0 ,-Le n t e m e a n o t e . - o f s t -; i te' r nýs t1h o1t1pp e . m ý 'Te brokýo open lthe esîvelope. \Ai ttieppeti eo as. He ofuni "l'i sioviî o vitthe vimonhercoceruing lanbte maitiing roem, arcn't ne bravo as ina, ho rend verv tired, vol-y colti, anti vos- falenti. -Fra'moff. te Fortem1outit te f ?lgitteuci. get n, ship, ant ifi I doa't sec aI! the "Oit,' Mr. Braize!" ehe saiti, ber fun I'm n Dutehi-nan. A non'orc, face floedlng witit beantiful erissn. has davinti for vernen; mon. as-ont -'Ot, Notta, Nctta!". hoenitiitehl- gosng te have thinge nll titeir ovu ng oi hciauî,atig.'igr wny nnylooger.proacitfuIl labno ber vionderful cee "F. S.-Wbat imakes yen enere 50 "Hon' vcouiti gosido lb?" abominably?" -"I-I don't ituon," sIte faltorti - 'Non', iviat tic diekene thoestitis -j wavinso angry; but I dida't renly men?"murinuei Braize. - 'Iangeti men tego. I vas brying be murs- if I eau suake iseati or bail of it!1 Eui- toc up courage te cerne bacir, anti dontly ut's meant for Ccci, aitlisleownunself lite ureng. I ani ai fror btai. spîritetilittle sister of itis.coviard, anti.4I mon' it-in these But us-at tioces lt ahi nîan? Any-, clotthes!'- Isov, it'e ometry botter. I'ti botter "'Vos; but Cecil?" he neket gi-ave- hurcy up and ti d Cocil. Feciape bg. - 'Ion eligo e kihi lîe'll be able te expiaisu." o vn rte? Hlaifansheur after ho founti Cecil. -"!tie't urudrtanti!" site saiti The galiauît sit-lieutenant tvas Iyiug simplg. ,ful lengti ou a counutry rond ut 'Ina nfou bioken viorde ho toîti ber sote tjetanice frein bis -,fatber's 0 iepiitl 'ibh aifnt bouse hie ace gitasty wuvitte vlitbtheCe. exýception o if rtio pjlace, ; s viel vn -'n i en ho oposueti Itiscîos ho stlntiviîtbloond, iviicli Uvas gueit- -ftiie,"ho saiti, Ntb tiet te lion i - "os, g S," Uit saiti. "Neta i S Altiongi allîcetettiînot ivtit bIlbie haIne of bis imare ie a fsîil,, (If bItedoer(iO , Brire ýVI'ine ! ae i eatrsu. But I rnn1,1st got mari uf acti:oni, antihoitastend otit bc.Oh ie orbo!I muet r1nninr"1 oo k noar by, soaket i ls ureIsint,!' spdng th ie bboot an-ny from bte ride back !ilii iececrae to hatsme. bei isitface. cher îjnself vbnbievorîtlgo The cobit vater cauti it e uvounidti aucy, 3.d ne ill se robe lab yongsna bs e ainammctr bt acei mme Silfficeit o cc"Halo. oI ehasi' hosaltisaintl-,-0,s ,o-z--z.lo-d

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