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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1905, p. 3

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l'il -s i a- t e-m 'io, ca ti cun ni asuatxccsiN lx t~ uaauatA DcOîate anad Adranent 'ciy applicat ion o0!-uucirlfs iau,- (As A.ipI3 at t-a gr'-at I.iiral Cox'rxuu miuidntisug CI-1h'i iejossarI1îs' . Atir udrauxc-i policua0o1 erluca- matî'ssoff iS t i lrrtai s'a tiona n a tgninauiire. - 2. 1 uci :tn tffofiraliuan. ho J sure f rotpu'oblic.e i.Apuitio lrion.c ril Rl to ( .F-P' Tir- tIe vnics baxiiesoff tise 'FSratxxisn f'ih s mias la urauo Lbo'atbn--r, rnîîma hutiti'ps amiti pre tory isasx)odtto,shouit honssoii- ci n-n - piprootl bnlr îai.iî ia at 'ill a saiais ixt ~) t55i 8. rovsîie, coauiisrct f roi- I a u' tn-ui inenfslmi- xishrtIreop-îectîun asuricpaliuos i il uixxrti offColtuijziioi nasl <1Ilu-iea N i hefolliors ýInn- table 1 offdOu- parisats to dot-f -ducatioa: csi pt-r puluil foi'a Public SrL'ob lloc.tsoa in tic hlitied Staies_.................. $20,291 ('on per pit1foi' a Public Sdn-al d Fuctioa ii la (o... 21.63 ('estI-ar puiil foi-' a Public Scnoati Edrîcatien in Mas- satlutetis----------.......--------87.76 Cus peu- lînlil fcor a Public Sciseol Etaiucam n-,latcli- gzn .a- .............- ......-......... 18.68 ('est pî's pili for n Ptîblirc Sc1nool Eiducatio n laNov ..........--------------. 897 ;culal niWnhe,(90 witLPtt4G aRMEs 1TOHE L pIHE E 1L vE s Systematîo Educat-tonUnoer Hon - John Dryden. Tsüeouos Gti, ofh et Si atlg ONTA IO ORE T R~ E VE OLIC T LENlD J ~À A U1NCH OF TORY BLUNI)ËRS ___________________ 0~f the Iost Govornîflot 4loncoîrnins Ontario Oppostioaleodo;Osiuio I ~Agriculture. -The MlWitakcs e -i tey The ost rogý-,esi'v-- ecor of he C)SS ']Tire Lberai Govarament createti tisa Hereare esome o! thle bluntiers o Departaient o! Agriculture which ha,,- tise Tory Part y e! ont karie tuaring tise Governrnent4 beewn atliinsteret by ý,successful farm- last fewyar: Ona'i Ists _______________fi bas mtean uqalleisucces, a Tie fght rigîrt. - e! th~~~~ofîLis ;impuitant P,1plaritaa in spite Ts iltaaia nai î h Con.eiato r h~eStig pîtLrArereoft'H-e clas. ppsiio a d iarte aloppoiînt- Cron Dniin s oret eserv~es. Tbe1ýy Ae s olos :-n it upnei$31, n Ariu- et fMister i 1ictcnat Fntenneud d ntn 000Ac-res-; NGo-th Shorc Lake sil- tr n10.Mnse !Arlture. err,4;!,000 Ares; Temaganîi, r>,776,000 Acresi; 1fmî.sîssga Agilturexlic 172d'Ston I5 llvi,1,920,000 Ars lgnunPark, 1,101,0(0 Acres; i li assnel -e 208, e opposition te 4esta,ýblhseto Rodeu ar, ~,O0Aces Tta, ,27,000 Acres. 49Arelu'iani1TrlutrlScîrool of Practica:l Science. cl oa xlSocieties siace 1872. Opposition te aiding coienizatica Out o a ttal 1xpeniture ef charactex' into the eider parts of the it iras assisteaJL tn 'vw Own~ilinsl evOtre $l1~,i)1,82 rine 187 in Otanlo Provnce. ulr~ireîsa, ho-, Sirep atiSun Opposition te iseiping tise re-estab- ovr$9,OOOOhave been rettiractielcct-epîaceîeom nidos 'lrEBekees nisimnat of the Se00 Industies~ te tfie people.rm Ou tf his total ex.peatitureo! Thi.st1x sonihotaken te re- Etîoeia AscainandtIi ls tirrougis n gunraîsîe cof interest on $ Ï3,91-8 7 269 rince 1874 tise fol-, t due ise consumpien off intexîcating OtreEpriotlinos uigabns loigsas ngs efnnytbuliurt reetts ale o tsef îiep Ooi i(îpostion te the succession duties s otbutluetie'for thea relief liqcrýS onSutiysantiduig pro- I l19crido h otsces ta a-xion ior for the improveamont hibitt'ti heurs, andt tesectire 1twise ost fiArclunlCollinaAinerica Opstint aîonent off o-q1i cois ry vîgesous enfoncement e! tise liceasa r"'thran tteudaisce off 728 uring tise oresti'y oflicer. àIlCaý-l_ .............$20,042,769.61 laws, te encourage anti make Pffective yeas' 1908. Serenty pet' cent,* o! isa Opposition te tise appoiîstireirt e! Teî'eîto University, - tise adoptionr off the local option pro- graduatos, so fat' ns tracedarîe en- Oppoionetee re aptîte fiegat.......60000 iin f ie eis cat uhgaget inlaagnicettur.e.Opoiintth pitne f grant, .......... ..... 16«0j)o ýl,9,,,s o theLîTese Acad h TeCohle-e lias, carniet on an ex- 1aPros incial Municipal Auditor. htcuiasanti ciari- other chanlges as a-e nmore fully settosl-eslîsffliarifoinex Opstoneaponretofa i........... .......3,965l,775.11, forth in tise fntîng o! tiseConven- t peilax es o gi n eegex oiton o alusissine f M»aintenaîrce ci Asy-tien. eiet.goradcmisoe. lunis antPiblela woft-Public Jrt- t11, Traveling dlisries ue 'seat tînougît Opposition to tIse bill te taxý cor- stttes........ 20,583,648.01 That tise get failities siseuld ls î~raefrsiea mr.prtos Surlustitriu~behoafferdet iianiaicipalties te)yai Tiret dairysccob ave ben s, (ppositicon te atnsost every pro- 187.......,...........3a38,77a1 te owxérîsiip of ail fricijseso! n tabilished, attoneti 1tissfai' by 2,240 posai of tise Liserai Gexerarent for Disriutoncf ien-a 3,99.0p77l7Aarc7 ff ii ~~Ž pnsn.-'thse advaircement ai1 building up o! mats wtor li-htor ranporatin w-ti- IiftesrFit Exxerlart i Sa-O tiwise te place in power tire Ilefunts lati rap'o-s- ii lie mnidpaliy. racica 1ý,î,ýl in îcinl îut ~ Pryo! Bluadeî'ers? thse Partsy ofî isetfn........... ...... 539,CY14,76 in-bs ee siiî. ga btructionists?i Agiclaîe i arts..4,971,99ý5.54WIITEYAS A LIUIITNING.CIIANGE Vlubi-h'ietngiae-eeiub1 Imirto... .. ...... 987,767180 bRIT iht dcrrcî îel i p bUID FCLNIAINADMN Atimnistt[-ieon off jus-aualy.Istiuetan-BULIGO LNIIO ADM- . ....... ..... 10,96 ,39 .24ING ROADS. tid c...........0,6,39.2in-tr otP«Iitcv Suit for ltcilet sîipsbi so aluable lian- an ull1ity te- 1,1,c.2 iutoane Iaîugoo le Catche .saittstgiutuand aruni- -Tii(, toG (lornrcue,,t Iz'icy o! Opeannd .....y...re131,1727 r r'ngBre sof Ppîsiar Opinio- cipai.) Up New Ontario. Cololrai.ois rodis...... 8,694,247.79 Differoixt Plaeforms iXtlYoet Eic- lT etuht 98 Parsiners' anti 52 1lieLbîa oonin x nal Mujni ipal d1rainage ...1,221,117.35 tiOns. Wcacî'- l iisutes, 127,Ô000 attentat ri iras alwuGs epi tis otfrOntario FBwasnp )drainage... ......2ý38,405.09 Tise Tory Oppcsitioir o! Onta'ie 8,17 risr'inlu as1903 4. n hefoerot River, labo- antibritdge lias showa li 's iepayfeýr leader- Tt pridcti clioap as-cny for, tule piic' y e! ensin- iup tise nds 1 1,k........ ...... ........ 1, 150, 965.4 7 siiîranti Gveranmeat tring al its dralinage bk),%, iet..i sIl ,nascf o1e'zaion ant Nat Jll k ic isé- l te -y siiionl. riug ronds. In thie reards t-hey parsssiceirs-try "ht' tIe eaonrry i i m < taiiilixPiees' laria ta have kitp pce itl htie goetso! 1885.................113,22.41 stîi la Oppson hala7 yier DiJ'strict, vhich hias beenthe Province, as the oflleaing figures Public9"519, rrg1-co 0-Tisaeis iserno ih tn-i o-a nobo uce.-wiîî ndicate: Eaructiion eirtn ,1 51.0Tiau apt ion Treisea bcox nt cxx'e ro -Mlles o!fîîew ronds-built, 1872-1894 Ileais atiisaluen L isa a"y wtlutstability, tuscet in 1896 amoeuntei te inclsive,5,822 anc sice 884 1,459,097.92 Wtbout a settietiandet ostiaraous 000 and inla19Cý3 $65,500,000. iCt5~~b2 TVotal e!oi e r ........ $95,000,00() poliey. h is nansîtdcless ship. h.tiras rsîsteti in teveiopiag a (Milof 'advrarag et 13iituin sa At one time thcy eppesetflice ap- profitable trede %vith other Provin- Mesxicti, 16,494.urng am LIBEIVAL PLATFORM SUNIMARIZeD. POintmi-nt Off a Miiste'r ef Edura- ces la pui'e met stock.,(eanlavn--e1ff,004ll4. tTn tlires set apaît $7,00te nid (eryaeaeo 0 ie. The oa 111h tie]Ros (oven- l'Y Wrc PPOed'tobuilding tesrigar-beet ndstry.23Briges.bitdrn an eid TuePiakaon Viici ii, lo~ <ovon-Normal Sciosces t Ottawa, 1cnticn Tt starteti the asost successful Pan- i3Totl expîdtr n b. tbi nin a1oli eIa icor. aTi laaslon rs' Pair in -Anrica-tlie Live Stock wrs 389 10 Jl'ist-Esiction Th~ 0553opposet tise estsrblisis. Showi at Guielpis. xvis la$ge879,7'tO bat n otise Tl'bal iný soli"' system of the îpro-,axent cf a Sciscol OFf Pra"tl"al IL i.',ass-autin-lairnîxtrsain- ail lli ag îîil u vinco iný al l is tepartnets shonît Science, 'ir y iin n eurn epr many suistantial retsîraderato tes have l iers tis7v 'ose practicai coures hcy eonce opposeat tit' appointmeirt îîg~atig ~ ~ people froîn tise surplus revenue tînt, off stutiy mulýid rîîecially fit tihe 0of faMintiten cf 'Agricultuîre anti a Otnoaonaag iarec ietisaas to the able, antieconcinxcal 3-uts ! 'raïa kr griei 1rat iitnofEisciox iif p1 Mi Iestc etmiuanxagemeint off the Provincec,lias ai- antidusîia uitis, antmisa' tise 'l'isolb.ecedtactIe"oieQilftretst oisxttnni pcuît, rt i wîs lnaceiet i Lbrl ue tise n-crucial upport ef tue Luiisia Grtelof.t h !a e :i-a iU'Qrolîrpot ,t ary red'uannerai ule ofîeAna itu, Cciloge lp'aas ha. Theo iRoiea o '-. tl.Whte nl i 't hr 1pss y tie ue ant, ie u the fae T'oai n- -f rii ency4wal'lf Theiltlun- raiiays b bp- -'h-O'1 l'ust cfl icctioa Nw litaiesttiinxîitli899;an grr-ltur of cis.---- .---ar su nn-y $.20,0 ,a i'Bi ate Tia veyforx ffbior ni Tiyhaef'tuaet tiiyite'iubo'Lgltdia i au ha-,nvran suc oftron iciwulihv rasnt'ryt trespnt iai rni Tsa ea s ofb îsslob;le a matr. op îx< tsoxn.t draet aoducf oaaannts sia nipbi That tire sauetity cf îlecyba llot SRIKIN iNANiAL FACTS Co The tty ra ris xv. Iluoflter moib- Tsefiomii rwts ocii, rn ,kvX srit hr e p" (icteocio it antiof On ar o s Th s ,cilgc Ircff-as r cacry aaisttisec>ticandctrai Tearas Whs a4rlinist, iitu ftu tts ottc,19 t 9, niîie 's l i TDisaif thery itu gsouii crtst pýre unant.a110t1t 'cixîîr B, 1) rnir liich ire Am iiti h s sadpbi its u'gnistios mtîsut oîstiemn- lis Mal ridla 910 -txeOn-lors itirais min7 Lxi t a~'trt a] Suu'tiuy ius ufOntarcos Tiir th e siirvu ty Aof srcth at i îacs a ie bl TIIG FN n IL FYAC Jt ie- b utie lra s . 1t ct idor ap n efloinitngBarrs.............. 218s, fro axaticîdbe r. ous ntcta."fodtaand xoa aTus leapns------2155y thnesaaiwat the'poi'tions iAuct'Fs Mnei iuxos'Oairo's tens ec 'ue rl't 189-ta9 o ]aaomn,0incsive,.......5,237 89 taatonmn aediananci lepoIsitra ite T hiac aBuron offputeLAoc tsofc9(ras-o ltCeupniea- 167,900 14th tiseram prîrotto'asotîer ni-preermrtbumretsl, orlre'ito, (taexPen-il), antiber i-p t--o aiay(Oi -rat ey r idpetîholc co-ierainric efe-11ra0xîtî ao lgsa iAcasst: --------5442 fts orunit-xeion -Ilo! Otscn1ma-Th'is e ainie 'I'icg axaL: -The On-ie û S tnrrit asùoix reilai dutrcý i E'alxres Ccrjasi---2,.1.7 'Fit îr G'~numei lalwy rcx cLai Goenuaîpu-yla t iser-icadecnnraybe ilc-,l et 0-os ay stestalias. managt.hci'nuof u-- a 'n Ca Copnies ..............$ 41391.61 TakPacife nif anne- m in cesbave eonWia lyhaIet i. aa ýthse, ryvicia o iiway Ai- Co ans a.........------------.... 7,552.05 Ti.>l,10,ims in' atitra androfof ir betetarcsri fordtosAcftiprpse.A frts ~île fTerp oi.p...s.. 6,58146o 'Then sitesron tiretGoverameat Il ail- i l mul IreasaIt:....t.......a135a237.8 w 1y a l a oprtioGadnsrni acfeshîxelti cp s l3mirewnl ei e n. ts .do opo rLae A sciis inoo Crer t I aiîapiscnCo tpnties. .... 286,520.00 cc ie ' suveceti netiincplxtfo fi ornefit otlen i al iar poiic one.ira b'as Af lt l-uin ' an o! tise Proince. 'Fis intere a atr -nuiyoutsfur-ui'Atat tsc c i bîa8a88 fbOi-Tnbe as limer fs tseposmcitrstfnd (aue ai$6,-01cuiex-pnieio nd atblm e u p'- Sre ally Sotiers.218.s8)amcouxîstrtb mineore m a s- "i-atu'ie. pfleu ios G...'.u.e....as8E5p4n4.21 Tlstnarsc tes ixai cuiurl iPa b metiecatiresaun It hiras ei ied inn-tislanuia aat olr uoPoi" ln e! tmbor on a ofr ande pirn-bure 'T o arotounulan: 1'Tes.- 'Sreulual a bas te astI-r, a Att ed Pulixet f0atd' Sleeping excepteti.- Oui cf ictai nproprsn-tia off mn-isîn-progra anivec prtl-erui Otc vr h0 f eeu c ~ropi-etrs irruli e n-htimRa i Sth-nibarl is witboun dollar o ebiCstlniaat rxtninAa chuIxittuui N-1-i'aily.i c xtnddo perodeity yal e. If r-'aesuToftthefpro-'r taxainir s but$72oJuricWokat SiTisPsoitnh Canci., i i -leisa 82739200latire incseE up 10 $700.Act, xIntutigr. Li vircalda-c o isuli etir a n tno evo rine 1872, ras sirsast lseirfîErsCf;abt xreAcin ...s'.ie5 tnovoti roua Px'viucial ~ninol o sino e n a ihil o!ries atî e o iidcsaai~cngpresAot$>6o lIwyAtar tucîîxgliabîlues lnesuil' paabl, hiinns prtoccritirei-linasoffAoxiieiie. in lns lruliitreîdnirerict o itionprovne -vinsc umaa-nnitteuilny.Aut$69oCvlCoeane svi a iair tctis lierasrption'c u: i ff aia haro ho n stiarnlnd- hi orspettta is a rotrac Aboasi$489ofOntariînhi.; r ticfoon a asorc ofî-ene orf0asutunIa oci-cnap neropitibuofoý,i pniran an riailunpulcoras Aot$36 o Cuza o <ii tsa-'to eieani tsa pipcc, ae~Ïi~tsuipirc a.sîbou'ux mc'ool r aceqlalaWoodnien ss cluî. $593C heaies,,on Crcwn Lue ruailîto! liti heslidIresoitn-tmilios cvcmla tebrait'h. lamn e5uhaiagtis buts Ahci 180on otiir the'uha pistole, n 4iud c h ctiotn.i o! cbcedt lsstar ,Lef uxi oassas e, -uei s tr ai Buibout$1.33O Ilnhî renil %xîixsie o-of RESV PAFrMpcn ' an iixen ntabals, nans ené Abcut $3908 onltclmnos x Prt'teit I,), at wthuuicip-aaluiwiics. -a. ollar iîii o. , Act.____ __p ntib irentiuios 'Fait-tr t'timtireor, nriix- -si <n ýl'rînrtîuto (oVî'neliving Aî-.~bout $802 on Daîrne aosn- thîttV t ut 1matîpix ledixa w,,x ,f i,,mipayable.. vn B 1 T 8 '8N uin gs.m uain oc Tor Tly urr aP..rLy rai l'ailtres. tenidinar b' eîoustm-tos telfe1 - "ai sestcymm eosfronsm e ior- o d ci !theIc ltre xuî i-ies ! on-eFsla neouýi jusi 11h,,,kiatti off logs tiscu fIion; i1flie :('pi oîtto f thier pl- i antotd. Ticy eagLnlyncc-pied. Tise Ic u'0 afe r'cîtioî,nu itthPar-ois'Iiti' deler-f os niotet failunexnteoes'tîcir iiole ca- ianti seizedt tc"polif s" cf a n-ced tees', bisou'aie n oiuncla- o thre con-- Ibaron ixug, ati ov ihcousît ho pre- fi'y asl.iag forpublic confidence. 1, ducet b' bri-tian--anti fi-ding. and Sisalfise peopi e.g! Ontanlo fn-ko la- jtiey rarrieul il,'messnge tte ic li Io t, iis servýIcea iu*'-tirai fails in ci-as fto ise aumea' cf 1251-000 or presentiarg an nnicptabhe policu', anti I ore. îvlrc attu'aded in t district tînt isas fn-liedai-h inies? Pi-emier meetings lunst 'ekr. 'Fiseeruli vas ]Ross et Tempile banrquet. soyaa eauears ln tîro saipixint- ian f ireshort, fat l- bu' se Jos-, Outa,'io's eItcooCMic mnli'to et eau fires, jusi ticeki ýta rnlO Arorgecot otpaietA- urt w ixanlis foi'Je(Bin i- ssmxc- slii 88te xn-rci l'rohnofnisîeese A, 19f------------18 2tI.nekf isora y te ncra m Ar org s e ainfeinlee ins S>libu n den- .nAylus 89 o aief-pes rom5 $,77,52 i 19-------------19.9182f0$2,3.82lx 90. S S ivrg atptpict n oun'ldts aîo'Pi eo- eus 4ezz74 1)1i-.txu--Sead'Prospety' UiadO' -Set- entifru Metlic(s-Tie Work of Wltto l'aVis, tise Frineora' Initinites, tica Traveiag Daiu-y, anti the IReorgànJzt- tion et Eati l'ans, 'Fie tmate anti navigatioan'i'n tell tiroir emma story offishe nonuit of lire- extenssion off an-nicuhtural educ1ýa- f ion nxon- the faminers off (latanlo.« When -tise Aineran tariff dtstroy eti the iatley nmarkset, anti mxiscmu"in- fant induistries" took thc att,,îrtioius o f tise Poderal GCernrmoni, to icw titmadrantage of tise t ber classeýsis syînpatly of tise kint-le.autetipid clan nvus foi' 'tlepoon l ar'mer. "Lt nvns teservet.f-ils fara wasmort- n-an-et,iris sons weu'c flckiln- to tise jprofessios or to tise i titeti St-tes, ianti Iis landivas losing its fferfility eut lis valaue. itn'as about tiis uie Ihat lHon. 'Jisa Dry dcix Ire- causse Mialisto cof Arclue for. On- tarlo. it sxalu x saud it li h i aro er-tien islai to hliai amore fair te adu c ler alun-le human agn-cryt tue ot he happy rer errai of circuns- jstaîrues lin wiristise farnieraof this 1Prov ince fiai iesnseli os to-dray, says 'J'ie CGlobe. With tise UalftdStates mar'ket cio-edt te oui' barO3', anti wîatis tise eu'tility of tise soil rvarrin3g titoni uninterruptiti nrains Cultiva- tien, tireeule toei' openr was fo pre- mioto inixet farmiung andi stock-rais- inn,-. witis fhe Brillish miarket as tise objective. M.D1î'yaleuîse oi ewerk, asît Inter licnis esîte by tho cc operation of tise Lih1eral Gomernaîxoîitai 0f- tanma, te amIýue tise change, anti honv sorcesrfuh his efforts ixetc everybotiy knomîr. La short, fie nviole d'an-c- tes' of tie Ontario lion- nas ci-un-et andtihtc auality e! Cammadman rieeso anti butter raisodti fa nconssnîridian- position. Lookian- backis itishe lei- ters qîtinlatise repor'tscf tire Liuxeau cf Lndiustries, reports off, sas', fifîeaen ers an-o, we fiat surir mdl- kxoinxpeuk-pn-ckers as the o Ponaans off Hasilton,sayang-, Waedo mmct siip au to the Binisistiaîket," anti atidian- thnt tloy couit net cosapete wius the wvestern ion-r. Siiiarly, thse report sunsarizor tise opinion of tie faraxers thcms-elres la 1889, tint (h,-j Ontsanie iscc raison mna.- nover ceupole on equai terissagainrru the cheppin- foot of tise nei F1.ts. Abouit tisis tînse lbaniy t b ig drop, frons 6 (,cets a b'iiin 1882 t-r 4- la 188. At t1s rnOctil, tse oit ia offshrit, lis haon ra'x, snn, loîýkt îronas Duisn-îhoenc-i lu' anx i idlaine- fies '-in. Bryen icel lie, t-naiiy in bn ta ratpaigus for lurrror irn-thre qîsality off' tise dtii-3a' mi ini-Pro- tiurts cf tise 1n Fase- rosu 1891 tb 1898 tIre 'îranelii'g duiry'madean- nnai. tours. O! course, it Mus met rviil ridicule by tisa, Oppositionr press, mise cahod t if"Drytn's cireur.- Un- injureat bu' aie jeers, Prof. 1ixnas rirai lus vay, andtI icutauts of fafrsets andtthisr nincs uccoinet inspiration fer, scientitit deis iang-,nrixict bIas since h'.en madnte se utoteiaile. Mean- fiase tise Lns roîs Associtons n-nria to Se pernerfiul sîn-oiare for the piorooironlf h-t'ncrv nçtiscl-, nd theo isusoest th e cepai-inesiftaooini tieni. mitîu grn-ats ofi$4,00t0 ncis, tise secrian- off n-oct spakerts,nmi tise distribution of reports of tfie me,ýetings te 80,000 frxt w, ida n-" et ie cntioxnoff oîl igistesnsint. 'ro n (aUjffiay I cls realso openet naý -t'- ejhnasiSmaiuuanal npep (ta oiseCrin-ln f oaIl2,20 ta-mu' iss oî itrn- epn-conditons 1 anout farisc oseir iprotisinct[ nau" i inf's $7 -h $269154te atnd b9, at iinet ouae f ries tdoUtttV tou pt'ox th hpî a s nok sas lesx tentt e incîrUswaste a usorc min he spetoncfato isurti aaid at'v thenuis'sutn3iuts ar nsmirtes tise tb-in lsaofrp n orts an abulins' offe nisose nîrThebutter. Pair oinimden;,ni:tie Hat ueph honiatmnt s'3'. 'FîteoWnt-a uxhucae and pfo ucooanplial iie, wusî t atnias ,ecsarVt t) aiish one 'lIemstern ,Ot f e ý«,,,,: Týrdy . _,)ý 0 Oxajand ti,- nesw building, whj<.h tutfparprdy.os4 xvii b ocupedat UttaWa f e epoydiî.udn xQr i ha' culiliination of courage- Mnhy wo d.....$2,0 onus private and public effort. Armount 1nvestedl in Pulp Di aWork bY theiniseixes and 'Works ....................... $1,600,O0 ~ e fstin ino te woiegenra Spanish River Pfflp and Paper Milia. scherrmothe Perîners' and Woînen ' Aontixstd......,0,0 1nsil1its have nccomplislied much in iii Th Workstpanisi...R..ver00,00 tho<litn f agriculture. Prom aiTh okatq)n.sRi, roroftwelve m1eetings in 1885 a capacity of 110 tons p>r day, and the, am- s ntiue have grown it is expected will be rnnngea'IY te 837 m 'tnslast Itar, with an next sea"on. The mý-iiil probably attendcancIe of12d, V2.wlile ftae Wo- eÛmPloY 30mrn, nlu gtboae at men's Isitîe , establi'shed onîy work in 1the woods, anid wiliconsume three or fo)ur years kago, .had last 30,00 ordao! uipooperyear. year 90mfetings and ;anattendanco Of 44,6i9-. Skilled agricu Iturîsts, OtroFr a~n ytm bredr uad lhomte-makers give the During tho semon of 1903 there lectures at thesermeeltega ,Tfielir ad- was e staff cf 270 ire rangera o,-n ds'esýss'are estatemnits çcf Len duty ,-244 o of wurtoon duymo and woinîe wohaedeiedtei cnednda her. trouh ettl- knowtlede fý, rem texperience, aad in emn ingdeveometantour imparting it thË e ive the impreII -s-' ist tr l thre is n greater degree sien that what they haýve done o h1- of danger item fsre. Tet-i rang- ers camx do. ers wera on dity vaiong the lineofo 'The succes u. the Ontarlo live the Temiskaming and Northern on- stock comipeting at the Pan-Amieri- tarie Railway during- itu construc- can Exposition at Buffalo lu 1901 tion. was the lleat tribute that coli be L t is satisfactory tc r>cord that, paid te the quaiity of stock raised thanks to the xigilance oi thfala krge a ti kept la th7s I'îovince. On thât force of mon, the summner of 19)04 Occasion the pooto of pri7ea passe witýlit any serlouis otr won by le tokw s asfollows:Of 1 , on the Cro'wnd)emain. Ontario, $Z,979; ýaIlCaad,$7674;1- taJiteti Stat1es, $7,956. The tniumphsi HOW L T SPFLEADS. at St. Louis diuring the pre(sentyeari are stili fresh in the public îmmd. lIn The first Package 0o! D r- bon- the improvenient off Ontario live hardât's I-tosu-Ilcit (tho tain1îi l ic stock Mr. Dry den, himself a prac- cure) tîsat iras put eut t te a tical breeder andi noteti stcck-raiser, san-ail towrn ini Nebros' a. has taken a keen iaterest, anti the it cureti a case of Pies hat was grants te the various breeders' asso- conelîlereti hopeless. ciations andtihie securisîg Of 10w;'PThe n's sîeati nuoi although this freight rates te thse west for maie was onlv two years aire the denrald stock are sainpies of practical steps proniptet-'i D. J, S. L(o-nhardt, of aleng tisis lino. Liicoln, Neb., the dxivrcrr, te pro- HeIen~ he Ir<st Eame , pare it for generai use. Now it is Thse reorganlization of the Ontario buing Seant te ail par", of tihe oriti. Fruit Growers' -Association two Tt iii Ce oaluy Case of Piles. years ago, and placing Of the execu- 'There is a moith's tr('atniMent in tive work in connecion thereaith chsbx mo>re dire,_ctly undr becare of thse Sul for $lOîi ltIsbsltgur dernrnt, 'vas nso nscxhas, B.ui aoretts, i,tise preseat eegteaa-lal O orchEtas1. thie dairionrt tisDpapo- su aqeil nntti, antLdisuibte4i UHh.1 XPt bunilefruit, iee nihoniey iA, tespateli meut show, thc sucess o0f 1ýhiihlba,,de-' At 1ho uer l madttIisat it tcaaopraet nIaifs \rssxe The ýfruit oxperim'nt tal nurmxm-Derbyshire poiah'd euttia i. bcring fans tecn, iindfu"n district s amouait of ehloir matie in C ana la of.i t fieProvince, a ax ng an cei- 1904 nus ilO,0ifa'l boxes less tlis Ii lent work in titerînînsag tisevarie - 9Wtýhieri lco a as tics o! fruit bort suitod to eac tzis su e, aseigl, bttr. fils a1sub grade of soul, alttude anticlirsate satanial- iereas'la Ixtter. 'a -90 There bas ais,) bc,ýa .c,,îsidjeral)je de_ Canada oxties i cd velopmexut, an<'o-opoarl.ive work n cf tise lutterc'mdt.r ala fruit, in gradiné,,, p&cking emi slip- $7,500,0t00, which i asan i res ping. PortPuer plans are noter con- of neaniv iý2,(00000 eer 1ý9). Th( siderationu for t he eniargelnenal'cf this total exports cf chiscs, butt ',' anti vai1nabl4o Pi-]d cf usefuIness. ibacon for the year anieuntcti to E ,îîc.tlon is. tAsaiseiarailt. abOut n,0,Ou , adeereasecof An energetic inter, t lins been tais-! , , r'hd 'o agoycue en l hoimp'ox&aîet o mi farsby 'e luctic ns ini tie price of eheere, andta spc-ccml otîrinoWn as th,'ani bacon. Superintendeat offi Fall Pairs ap- Prof. 1loirrtsen spolke a -d ~tuca- pointeti. Mtr. 0.C. t'Ceelnaa per- tien anti rgani7atiois. at athe fornxed this wcrk prier te his acm- course of hij-4romanis gnave milabar- ceptance cf thse Pre-siti'ncy of the ers some, excf'Ileont ivice. Tie faet Agriculttural Coie, and it jr new that Deninank got $l50,O)more la cisaxge of 7i. Il. [3. C n.Ts orlnttr g aibaofrn aros nati c mptîrns hd, thedisoo in I1387 t $4,46 la 1)0 teyarco seqlïîi'ed te give reasasfor (dri-n of ticijusL iq7lglt t d to il-Ieiu tiecisioens. Tt is Î intendeti arnd.dict 1bar tnpmerely a hOuîaean tI reduce tise numbner cf f aiî'a andti, O ni apoetise quality of echd. Scores,____ of Maî eýxiibiticar bave pî'cliteti byý tsrin piograssa.andtitlîeaw 15 n'BARRACK-ROOM BIJRL TEý). pro ouaeo mc emlitin fax os' o! a: generl aoption ol tbe nlew pollcy. i Northwest Mounted Police Lose a Thie grants cf ti le Gcrci'aneat te-! Building. wurti the advauc"nsont of agricultus'e anoltthis vent te o ,~0.TheYr ýA lacLeod dtespatrils sas s: A ana- are s-o gý.ne1'oils anti se reil plaeed tecna ndi No. 2 barracîs r "f o by à1r. IDryden aud hi§ piekti staff tise Nîarthn- ri t ousted l'oeisco isese of experts that they go far te keep rrcre lindon Wetaoeudayr euniag Il ' (loverinaet in its dteservedly Nc o n' s la sin he b-i1ti- -, t 11 higis place'feo' an adminîistrative re- tinip. The crigirs of tho Pro jr ý,a crd, wviidl is never dhaleaget by îul.steru,. Tt is tisengbt. honor-eer, its opponeats, anti wsichwxiii standlîxat flic oucl store la tihe i-nateon ceiapar.ison witis thet cf any State být-:ri tte lire. which %ias -dîPover- or Province on thre coatinsent. i il sisoîtiu before 10 o'ciek. 7, Tvo Oiîtria'.,Puiwooi Icusî'y Ixurs latu r thse bull-ding cex1ýl)psoti. No. 1 b"snk oin, aii"ift is- lise Ontarlo To ry party, unos rtha Whi-tneiy leaeraship, lias nmiousl'1 at- tantl, \n axdwui ie ltr. P taeked c-e l ulpolPw i onxenTIt en- liceat cvou a cked oui liv i teret inbte by tire ULiîCini Adxiils- n. iio upî fraur n'u h t "Iicî, tsuspori g tisenssoires eb- tiraeeibidsg. Mayoftr strurtC;(,istsza;Iireactionarie.s. otiuosesrfueteathstte Uinnlin a'uxdc ogareigooppssrtioe tieecetisaI the follcxng tangible e% :sare sisorrî as pa'ecf of thoaTOUABPU BSY RL e I Tonxtcf tiseANDelaiUpSlicyAla thi

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