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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1905, p. 4

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114 0f Our Esreemed Cu,,tomers and As sociates do we hCartily extend a seasons's greetirigs, together with best wishes for good health and prosperity for the . cominr year Sîncerely yours, Mlodel CUwrocery, Bwavle The 4,1alladiall atesffall BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 18, 1904.1 The day of direct taxation will neyer dawn on the Province of Ontari-Hlon B. Harcourt at Bowmanville. Whitney says the Governmenît sh ould flot exact a dollar from the Niagara Power Co for'the privileg-e tbev possess. Heswrn Desiring to have a full discussion on the piroposeti extension of Agricultural exhibition Zrounds or new gro'unds, at the annual umeeting of West Duiqai Agîlteuilturagl S~evto-day it is ini-t desirîJble thî1'ýA t a prsons in tolvu or coUntry trseiinthe ýsuccess ûf the Fali Fai soud t1u The eo'odfavorte faii, newq- paper, The onrelWeekly Witness, la a better paper 'o-day than it has ever been. Parents are perfectlv safe in ailowing their children to read it Clubeti with THEs STATESMAN at 81 75. If ,-ou have flot seen it Iately send to The( Witness Office, Montreal, Que , for a free saPmp!e copy. George T£remnin, Albert St. Palmer- ston, North New Z-aland. wishes to learn the address of iL- rother iHenry Tremnain, who camne to Canada some 4o years ago from Collrvm pto , Devonshire. Henry if livina' ia; about 60 years of age. Any person koowing the name will oblige by writing to M A James, Bow- xnanvil le, Ont Farsner's Institute meetinLys will ho held ini West Durham as folows:. Kendal, Fab. 22ud at 2 pm ; trono at same date; SaUina. Feb. 23rd at 1 304 and 730op.m ; Cadmus a li .3 p m. Febi %4th anti Nestieton sane ex eniug at 7 30.1 ClnusFeô. 25th PDlegationl-Wm., Channoîj, Oakwoold, C IN. Nash, Tor-i onto. Scýe posters anti advt. As wili be seen b -ri-port of Darling- ton Township Agrictural Society ini another columnu, rnost of the officers and directors are young men, sorne of tbem electeidfor the firE t ime. Every oie of themi l more or less interested ln the success of the Fali Fair, and we expect to see theni aIl activo In promoting lb whien the time arrives. Every -director is supposed to selI a certain number of tickets. These will be sent ont in due time. Caradian Association of Pairs and e Exhibitions' annual meeting will be )ioId in Victoria HllI, 53 Queen St. e., TootFeb. 14, 1.5, and 16, when ap irer -e1ellent progritm wiil be consider-J td. Ail .agricultural tocieties may send three delega4tes, the annual fee belng, si. Sin gle tare for re'urn ticket il 8C0a delegate--3 hold standard certÏàLatog. ,We hope aIl West Durham societiesi Viii en il îcomplimcuttidelgtee Minisors, teachers. tioclors;anti otiter intelligent versons wbo eau appreciate a firat-clasa iborary weekly magazine edif;et bv mien of braina anti up to-date lin ideas, sitoulti subseribe 10 Thte Ont- look, 287 Fourth Avenue, NwYr iCitv. Itilaoneof bte best rvaainac 1Ihougit lu lie U» S. You sitoulti sec it. 'Every elector wbo voted for William Rickard in 1902 sitoulti vole for hlm next Wetinestiay. Ho was ebecitd for five vears anti for no faull of bis aI lite enti of lwo seesionc; heii put to tl.eunexpect- eti ex pense andi risk 10 bis healîh cf runing a winten election campaigu. Wheu ho won the lasI eeoclion fairbIvlho shoulti be given a fulil orm-P veis o ars . This argument aitoulti in ai fairuesa apneal 10 overy elector. Givo Mn, Rickard a full terni. "Cilizons" botter lunltis issue is sug. gestive of a mnalter of considerable im- portance 10 Ibis towu. We shah bc plea8eti if more citiz'ons will make prac- lical suggestions titiougit our columua Sncb correspondooce is always welcome. Be brief abways Don't sacrifice sense for brcvitv. but use as fow worcs as possible te couvev lte meaulng, Seuil along your letters. i etters attackingý porsous shoulti bave the wriler's niame appearing lit the paper, but otitorwise an assumei name las sufficient. We must recei,.elthe namne of the wniber, however. M1ayor Alfred llrgginholtham, Milton, in regpouse te our letter of congratula. lion on itia eleùtIon, writes lu npart as folows: Il alwavs afforis me very great pleasurs te itoar, as I veny frequen tly do, Ihrough the colmua of THE StTArES- mAN of the success of any bo is from our own beloyetown of Bowmauville. If in aav way nsy. present position reflecta crodit upon lte olti, towu, I feel lte dtles of lte office Ihougit sometimes roquiring sacrifices do not altogethor go npaiti, We bave a gooi. live towu, pot very large, but prog-resive. We hsve a very complote walerworks system for fire, protection anti ailitouseitolti re- quiremanîs,untier municipal ownersitip. We bave also carrieti a by a gooti majonily te laite over the electric, bigit plant anti fit up a firat-clasa ighting system. We. believe lu municipal own- ership of public utilities. I wish voit anti the gooti nid town a prosperous 1905. STATS rOF mio, Crry or TOLEDO, J8 Luicâs COUNTY. 0j FANKitJ. ailENEY makeS oath ltaI lie ilthe sepior ~atuer of the firmiof F.J. CaENzY & Co. dng tusines in the City ot Toledo, County and State aforesad, and that sad firm will pay1 the snm of ONE RUNDRED DOLLARS for eclh and every casa of Catarrli thai cannot b. eured liv the use of HALL'. CATARJI CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY, Sworn 10 before me aifd MYt presence, thîs Suth day of Decemiber,: 1A, D. 1886. A. W.,GLEAS ON -S EýALNotziry Publie.- Hztli'gsCatarrh Cure is taken1 iterinally and &cts directiy on the blood and miucous surfvcest Ofthas syem. Send for testimonials, free. r1 J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, 0,_ SoId byxitFamfug .bcontpa . -8 viudictive andi childish per-secution. Since lte foregoing was set i-1 type we ha rve r-ece!lyctid a -second cleb0te r from M r L, scombe lu wticit le acknowledages that payment of ltat account for print. inig isi lite cause for action, saiti payment flot belng justifieti by Cbap. L)2,. Sec. 37, 01nt. Statut'es, 19104, antM i bs couStr'UI- tioni ofbte law we are tiisquaWifed. We think the ci lause 4uolti duies co ver our account and have piaced the case wvitit our abctrMsr.Smen&Bar Estabished ffty thïee years &go and 1904 was our largesî Ment rade durinig ilit peiioti, for whiic we are- very grateful. Hopiug 10 stibi ment litaI liberal patronag-e and wisfhiiug you al! a happy anti prosperous 'New Ylear, TO UNSEAT COUNCIL *tAE. Coula James is lu a-deep trouble. eH le charge i th violating the law. Whal do yen thiuk he has done? Weil, thE indictment has not corne to bandi, bu! Vve are g-ueýsSig aI it Before we tel] bte public what the charge la we 'wisl to state that we 11ave received titreugi 1 he post cifice the Loilowlng- courteOuf lebter fromi Mr Rl. Russ5eli Loscombe, Barrister and Solicitor, Bowmanvitte, Bowmanville 121h January, 1905. Mr. M. A, Jamnes, Councillor, Bowruanville. Sir :-Havingbeen iinstructedto,10takE proceedings 10 have you removeti fron the office of Councillor for the town oJ BowmaDville. 1 fetI that before taking steps 10 remove ou 11that 1 coulti deal with you as I would like to be doue hi' andi wouiti write and ativise you of m% having been so instructeti and that1 intendet 1 proceeti in order that you if' vou feel Fo inclineti may discilm ai once ai right 10 lte office ant hus SaVE annoj ance anti cost8, arn Y ours, R. Russell LoRcombe lb wili benolicedti hal the reason foi >asking us 10, disclaim the office of Coun cillor, or theý implied breacil of thb Statute of which we have been guiltii not stated. Feeling that we shonit know wh-y we are requesteti to disclain sut-h a, responsible office so soon afte >being electedti i by lthe VOice Of thE tAectors, we wrote Mr. Loscombe in. onirin g on what grounis our abandon- lin0f the office is sought and wbo ol our friends la desiring îo confer on uQ sncb a great blessing e This informa- tion will assist uslud ecitiing wiatt0do, 0f course, we know ail] aboutit The 190-1 Couil. paid an accounit froyà THE ST'ATE5QMAýN ofiice for printing- stationery for the maýý of's use Titis lb is claimed las sufficient reason 10 ask us le tiisclain2 the seat or for taking proeetidings to have us rnovetif rom the office. If the electors wisb 1us 10 retire and ailow theni tu contribute 10 the expense, of another e lection to 1111 the vacanci', we, are onlv boo willing 10 acquiesce We were nominated ini Our absence, electeti with- >ont any personal effort or solicitation of >auiv account. We have Do special motive for staying in the office.' But this is anotiter instance of the >thankless trealment oflen meteti ont to public men. Because we wanteti a >certain kinti of officiai bItter paper for lxýe wiie we wereilu'tbe office of mayor and wanteti il nicely printed we itad the order executet in iiiT STATESMAN »office anti, rightly or wrongly, thougbt the îown sitonit pay for it and Iherefore preeentethIe account anti the Council >passeti It unanimously. For Ibis little irregularitv, if ib is an irregularity, we have the peremptorv' alternative pro- senteti to us-"get out" or ho put out. We wonier what, is tbougtt of Ibis proceetiing by the electors who honored >us wiîh two terms as Mayor of this Corporation -an honor that we greatlv appreciaîe--and lu reluru for the con- fidence reposed lu us by placing us in the iigest office in their guIf, we have put forth Our verv best endeavors 10 fil] the Office wîîh satisfaction 10, the rats- payvers antiwitb creditt10oursolves.- WZ have given corporation business first place. whi-neverit was necessary, anti no municipal interest bas knowingly been neglected throngh indiff ereuce or inaction on our part. Almost dailvive biave visiteti lite town offices and officiais and luntthis wav have trieci 10 keep lu close louch with the enlire business of the corporation The chief Officiai cor- respondonce wte have personally con. ducteti eversince oir election froma our owu business office andtin conuection with negotiations anti progress of the 3public works, that -have been carrieti on, the correspondeuce was very large. While the Couucil paid -for the paper anti envelopes, wo have personaill paiti Our o wn typewriter anti postage for the two years anti for some of bte telegrapit- ing, We have nover charged the town a Cent for anty travelling or other ex. penses Soon afber our election wewenî t0 London 10 see if we coult in any way soul or excbange the new chemical engi'le We have matie nianv officiai busi1nes visits to Toronto. Cobourg anti other towns in the interesîs of Ibis cor-, poration, bof oro the uew Town Raillan Publie Library building was completeti, antin luselling lte $5000,00 towu tieben- ture2, the sale Of whicit we personaiiy, negotiateti, ant inl making arr-ange montsý for theaurchiteel, the corner stone layinx, th" epulig -concerts, ant ini -onIsulltations with railwav officiais in ourv endeavor to procure, better railway and postal facilities ,attenini-g municipal meetings anti other gathetrings as the official head of.Ibis Corporatin These tripa costis8much vaînable lim2e anti money, as ait must know, but witatever we have accomplisitet or attemute t 1 acOmplisb for the towa ti.uring the'se Iwo Sears bas been doue entirely at our own expense, as bte records will show. Perbaps noue of our pr.edecessors over gave as much lime, thougitt andi effort C. M CAWKER & SON, Bowmauville A BOOK TC OBILDREYN V Metilcine taI will keep Infant anti I young ebiltiran plnomp, and goond na!ur U ed, wîth.a clear oye and» aruèy skia. la Lta boon not cnly te mottera biii to ho- 'e mauity. Snoh a medicine je 1Baby'e Gwn Tablets, wnich prompt!y cure al the minor ailmeuls of Iîttia ones,, anti 3.makas Ihein eat weil, Iy Weilbanti r sloop webl. Yen can safely take the - würds of the tbouanda of muothers who ýe hava proved the value of these Tablets; Is for Instance, ý Mrs. J. R. Standon, d Weyborp,, N. W. T. bas-" ave n proveti tha great vaiua of Baby'a Own rTableIs in casas dlarrhoea, constlpat- t on, hivea, ane i.hen teetblng, anti I would net ha wlthont tbem." The Tableas raequliy Rond for lta tend areat little baby or the wall grown -chtld, anti they zare guarantel free f romioplates anti iarmteýiB. Solt b y aldruQglets,,orp.ent by ail at 25ca lubox, by writlng The Dr. Willia m'a. Heti- yiîlue Co., Brockviite, Ont. NEWCASTLJ1ë 1 Mr. Mark Allun has been visiting lu rLindsay. Mi;ss Annie Douglas is hie fi om St IMarys anti Straltford. * Mier's Grin Powtiers Cure. Solti by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mr. Jop. Coulson bas rurciased tE e 3BarfettBlock for $5 000. Miller's Compounti Iron Pilla, oui' 25 Lcents- for 50 doses. Soitiby Stoît & Jury r druggists. -Mr. IHoward Rickarti bas returuedt 1 ïIhe Dental Coiboge, Toronto. if your systenineedaIouîng up, lake Miller'à Cortnpouuti Iîon Pilis. Solti by Stott & Jury, druggists. Mr. Edigar Osborne wife anti ebilti have returneti from Saginjaw, Micb. When ciiltiren are pale, peevisit anti resîlessata night tey req ire a dose or bwo of Miiler's Worm Powders Sobti b3 Stott & Jury, tiruggists. Mrs. John Bonatitan, Bowman ville,, wbo bas been visitiug ber sou, Mr. S Bonatitau, celebrateti ber 801h birtidai recently, An ugby famili' 0f akin diseases isthe oue genorally describoti by lte word Eczema. lu ail ils forma it resiats ordinary treatment, but is complotely curoti by, Weaver's Cerale usot inl coninect(ion wiîh Weaver'sSyrup MeasGeo. A. Mitchell of Toronto, aniî ..Allun, Hampton. District Ceu . C R., I. O F., vîsiting the Court oi fýoresters lui West Durham last weekz, anti wbile boere. atdet a number 10 the Court Port Newcastle. Nervous, irritable people are very Irying 10 live witit, we speak feeliugly:, to ail such we recommenti "The D & LI' Emnîsion Il la prescribeti by the leati- iug phYsIcans anti useti in te principal bospitals, Rev. Arltur Browning wbo fell deati in Toronto, Saturday week is well known here. He gol his wife jusb 28 years ago in Juby lasI. She was widow of ýthe laIe W. Rl Bradley, Express Agent anti Liveryman. The marriage took place on lte iawn at lte rear of ber resîdenüce wben lte laIe Wm. Me- Cormack, of Orono, assistedt he grooms., man. BLEEDING, PROTRUDING Pmtns- Mrs. James q-rown, Hiutonbur' Caneton Co., Ont., writes:- I'Isufflered from neariy every form of piles for bwenîy yeara, bot ere ant inl the Olti Countryv anti bave trieti neariy aery remedy. I arn on!lç-loin-, juýtlce 10 Dr Chase's Onîmcent when I saY that I belle-t- il 10 ho the best remed * obtaînable for bleeti- iug anti protruding piles, of wWcb il bas cureti me" Mr.F. WV, Lee -entertalueti young people, .1nday evening. . ,Losinig aide lun conebattrea'todth ie members of Di- vision teo ostors -Tuesday evening.. Congralulalons t10'Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Stainton on arrivai of a-son... .Visitors Miss Wasiington, Bethanv, aI Mn. G Angue's; Mr. anti Mrs. A Hanua, Peter- boro. at Mr, E. Hanna's; Miss Bain, anti Mr. Bain anti Miss Milîson,,Mt. Vernon, Sundayeti at lte parsonage; Misas ae ±tobbins, Bowmanville, au Mr. J. Ese's TUE MOTHERS' FAVORITE O EMEDY for Croup, Bronchis. R Asthn-a, WhooPisg, Cough, Chest Cold, and Hacking Coughs is SYRUP 0F LINSEED AND TURPENTINE. Tlh s is the. Bargain M ontil- The Month to buy. This is the monith of Odds and IEnds and Broken Lilles-more profitable to buyers (Jhan auy other time of yeai.< ? there is any garmnent you eau dlo with iii the lEst below for Men, Youths or BoysI coùe righit away to -cutysand rest assured thiere is a garmient, bar-gain waiting fJor you. M'~W ~ Jnnuary Sole 0fMel Men's and Youth's Over.. ,coats and Suite Janitary Sale prcsas follos : $16 50 Kintis.......25 0 15 00 .... 1150 13 50 1....oc) 12 00 '....... 900i 1o00 .. .6 90 8 50 "....... 59 7 50 . . 50 6 00 ",.,4 90 (Sizes Ruin front 33 te 44) A G*oclTiine to Buy Boys' Clothinlg Boys' 8 piece Saitsl, sizes 28 to 83 Boys' 2 Pieue Suits, sîzes 23 to 28 $6 00 Suits, January price......4 90 $4 00 Suits, January prie .....$3 00 5 500 4t e 3 90 3 50 27 4 450.....3 50 3.00) "3 ......3 25 275 2 25.., 375 .....300 _____......_____ Every Boys'>Overcoat or' Re efer in stoc-k $60Me'Warpofots...$47 at am rdueios.3 00, $3.50 Men's Wor'sted Trousers , 2 60 $2.50 Men's Wa1,erproof Coatsi $1.00 mns Shits 750WoolenAlittsfor Men, or 'B'oyýs ý.. -2. 20 per cent 0ffail Fancey Vesta, Your choice of entire stock of Men's _______________________ Sîjif Bosomn or Sof t Front Colored Catmbrie Shirts. Sizes 14 to 17. 1eFn ht otntcy 480 yds of extra fine White English llnderwP2i' Sale Cambrie suitable for whitewear uat 'JUUJU'JUAsaving of 3c per yd. Men's or Women's go at following Z~bargain lirices 7c and 8c Check Gl ass Toweling, for. . 5 Jc $1 50 kinds $I1:15 $1 125 kindi. $1 00 121c Dark Fiannelette, heavy, for.... 9 1 00 " 75 58 "1 1-9Le ght Stripe Shaker, heaivvy 50 38 40 28 1 yard2wide ........~. ...... JOHNHNMCMURTRV,1 SOLINA GENERAL STORE. ILaving complefed repairs on My store,lItake t!iis opportunit t 10thank, mv many customers for tlieir liuerai pafronage in the p Lst and solicit a con- tinuance of the same. It is alwavs a pleasure 10 have you caîl aI the Farîýers' General Store, -Solina, where we always try to give k-ood velue for your money. I wîsh tmy many tustomers andi friends ail the Compliments Of the Season. B.G. STEVENS, 1.3w.Generai Mgehant. Thie weost End- Hardware' Store A full uine of Cross Cul Saws, Buck Saws, Saw Handies, Saw Blades, Saw Files, Axes, Axe Hiantiles, Axe Wedges anti Spiitting Wedges. This niedic-ine je composed 01 Cail simple ingredienîs of unquestioned And See our Sx-hioled Canada curative power, je pleasant'to the "S rEEL RANGE" andi our Four- taste, weli liked by chiltiren, and holeti "WELCOME NATIONAL can be used wîtlh perfect safety by olti and young> so long as directions RANÇGE" before you buy a Range. arefooed Sold Only by Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and ~ i T Trnfe,25ccentsa bottie; famyily Size, lffllfflff three tîrmes asý much, 60 cents; aI ali dealers. I-111111 l To protect you againït iinitatlions, Ilhle iIIIIIJIUtulnn portrait Pnd signature of Dr. A. W. Cho-a VI h lte famcpus rcçeipt Lboçitautrreo oi26 Bwm vde GOLD MEDALIST-aud Feilow of Toronto Colleg', of Music and late Organ: it and Choir Direct, ir of YOnge St. Mefliodist Chnwrch, Toront, i s prepared te faite a iimited numiber of p ino voice (Soprano oniy) Piano aCTer.Puplis orepared for Musical ex atuinations at Toronto ovriy Toronto Censervatery of Music iti'lorotoCo)llge (of1 Music. Appiy betw,-en 9Pa In, a'nti i, 1rri. at Tait & Co's Studio. Everniors ai "The 0 tagonl" corner iVellington aivîi>n St,.Bowiar villi. Terras moderata. Holi.day1 Se:%ason0i Reatiy for it, and you wil find just witat you wanàt. Make your seleetbion eariy. Every unae je special, but 1 single ot: Fountain peas for one dollar, sent tu any address on receipt of priee.< Higher priceti ones of course. The latest copyright books. A fine assorîment 'of gift books, hymu books, prayer 'books and bibles. -Don't forget the Christmas calentiars., Watch my window. The latest stylo ln eomb anti brueit sels. Collar andi cuif, glove and itandkerchief, antinecktie boxes, at te iowest priees. Fancy Japanese, German and lerencit china and glaeware. Stationery in boxes, very nice. Wall paper, window shades andi pictures at reduced prie. CaýIl anti -inspeet stock. il a r1b9Ul1ockt ~MISSl MABEL A. TAIT, BOWMYANVILLE. ACCOMPANISI' AND PIANO SOLOIST Concert Engageents Accepteti. IB.,.Hazlewood, Ml. D.,C. M., ýBOWxANVILLE. . ONT. OLD 2 M EDALIST cf Trfnity Un-. Giesity, Toronto; Foui y:arq Attenditi& IfB ind ReAinenee ne-x Dnour tu Ex-Mayrý Mcbi',E1gi St. Tclephonse N 18 C. J.HUGHSQN9, For tlieConnty of Durhiam. Sales promptly attended to, and upnreasonable terme. Direct telephione communication on Dr. Tuck-,'er's Line andti hro' lthe Dr. withf Be3ll Une. 3-m WANTEDe". Alsike, Redi Clover anti Timnothy S,, Iwill pay the higbestinar-ketrc auy quantity of the above.- J. B. MARTYN. TIE HIARMONY IMALE QUARTETTE. F. 1. FRST, A. E MLIWLJ Eighth consecutlive stiason 945 Engagements for Concerts. Cintrai esADniversaries anid thdr Eoter- ,hime-us. WuiIl provide the entire prcgro7ma if desireti. Termaiý modozato. drssail communications bu F. H. FROST, B. A., Muager and Condutoa, to-9 a-Ofk BO'w=uVUIO, Ont wa are, li -, [- -,ý '11%ý""- A .

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