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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1905, p. 5

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xperionce in xamining yesight. Do not let a novice experàment with your eyes. "A iittie know- ledge is a dangerous thing". Yearà of experieuýe has tauglit as ,be proper glasses to iit for the relief of the varions forms oif de- feetive vision. We make ail examinations free, and when glasses are required nit them a't most reasonable prices. Optician is here at ail times ~and mnakes examina tions ef, r by dayv or niglit., We pay partieular.attention,,to the fitting of fraines and suppiy thein r Solia Goid, Gold Filied or Steel. Rimless Eyegiasses and $8peetaeles a speciaity'. Stott & jury, Tlhe Druggists and Oteas Graduates of Detroit Optieal Ina ti- tute, (higago 'Oplthaimie, Colege and New York Optical School, Olu air Brllsl Sale iS NOon§1. During this month this a .1ver- -isemen- I-' a - ndpresenled at our store willii e eepted as on the purchaqse of flair Brushes to value of $200 at ont' regular o)r as 25e. on 81.0') worthp. Stott & Jury,. The Druggists and Optieians BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 18, 1904. Rev.J7.J.Rae,Picton, luclurod on "Thte Scots Pla aite Worlt's Progmese" ai. the Caledonien Society AI borne ini MJonîmeal. Tbe Wilnese gave an ouI- lino cf te lecture anti saý s " fr. Rae is an ea-rn1fluent speaker, anti wonte inost favorable opinions ef the large audience for thito igit claseanti pratical lylanner linavhich he deali wltb lite -subJect. thoebbcJiLanese, eonEt!ipat-on ta airin unmîkno(wet. il woii ho equallvunnovn a anda l ry- botviused'to ieLxaiQFîiuis,1 Natuiresremed, .cmost fIherbe, b ark1ýs ant ý 1ir mt s. R. 1 i t c hell &CeP. duggikss.keope liew in tok p 9c 5 Miss Floneace b1far, Concession St, East, gave a largo At Hlomo Mosdav afternon la oneor cf Mies Mebel Bor- lanld wbo ae at10 geeparticip>-aieti, o'eAs ai hall. Masses of pîik -roses anticra.îoewere erlieÎta11vdisos ed everi i ranti te pretly toit roorn S presilidu vrbte iseci Butýitart anti Aliia, as -!-v with a char-mieg .a'rngmestof eti eîken d- aera large cluste,- cf dti o m carnaRtions on a mlrr ecntro. avit a brder of eilax 'wtb tdoiligue M :Vise Borland as- sisted Mliss bar lante receplion of ber frientis. Il wes e Most happy social function. atimirebly arnangeti anti suc- *ussfnIllî eared -ont.- Bi-gWa8vages for agents.Men anti womea make hantisome wages selling our houseiteit specialties, every family needtieim. A thorouglly legitimato 'business tbal yen cen start in witboul a cent of empil1,G . Marshall & Go., London, Ont. opinion is dividiti on the moral oed'c of the eitercainm~ins giver, four limes ia lie opera bouse lest weak untio tie auspices of lhe Willing Workers of St John's ciurcit We do not propose te diseuse the amrits ,)r (dmeris. if parents, vant. their dnnxhlters traineci for sage artiste Ibat ist neir oiwn afftirs, Large auldielceS attcudeti anli ine lally flice Kimmigsewas a sucess. Tite- ladies whe porformnstia n e mu ' amountçcf work lu carrying H, ie p roý grem tir-angi deserve credit LinIte zeal anti onergy. Ss('8av3ee ave nentierot i teMme. C. A. Cawker Mise Taml in.Mr. H J. Kitati Mr. A E. MLauglia anti Miss Me aîngve rfeRigs lu hon u-uel acceptable mia- nen, MseArmoUr anti Mre. idSai wcirpantIs Our re-adrns may n et know hvitaia Kriï-l. TIlieprozlram consstet înauiyof tinos antidrle eevenal fte actonrs weming fency costume',s. Abouit 75 p)ansonis asse,,teci. Living 'Whist ila emilitary, 0f cardla call-et by that naine imiwii 52 ladies and geib 1k reýrsent bu cgzds of TORIONTO For Ilb. WiVnter Term .now OPen1 weC bayeza staff of 20 t'ehars, antd (i aoffeýr ativaniages no, ta ha fountdiiiua saliun- important ebïool, Write for parIcýulars anti arrange Cta start t once, Atidress, w. iH. sEHAýW, Mr. Quanîril. Xondal, spo3nt Suîîday with Mr Millon Eliott Mr RobIt. iPerlier, Peherbo)ro, spont Sunday at àM. James Doeyman's. M iss Ma&gie Be-lýl Leskard, bas been visitixDg lier unclo, Mr.W. W. Hienderson. Miss L. Maude Knigbt, le visiting bier sister Mm. Duncan Livingstoie, Barrie Mme. Craig, Dloraine, Man.. has been yisiting bier sisher Mrs. W. E. M1r. Robert Polla-rd. Preston,ý was rocent guest of is uncle M. W. E. Pollard, Mr. Emniest Rundie is holidaying wîlb bis unele âMr. Wes1ey N. Hoskin, Mfiss Ida Asket, Oshawa, la visitin g bier cousin Mrs. James W. Hloskin, Bethestia. Miss M MeFeeters, Toronto, bas been i olidayinoe with bier siter, Mrs. W, W, Henderson. Mr Goo. Palmer, British Columbia, la visitiEig bis ruother, Mrs. W. Iqaac, after '27 Nears> absence. MisesOlveParson, Pickering, le! visiting ber gadohr Mrs John, Hoskin, Oüdeli StÎ. Mm, J. MWConneli, Iii. P'Ptof Win- nipeg, Man , visiheti Mr, Moatb an Sunday last. Sorry te leamo tai'Mmr Richard Weshaway, Part Hope. bas been vory iii tn Toronto from la grippe. Mrs. Thos Osborne, and son Mr. Cephas Osborne, Audley, ecently visit-. ed iber mother Mrsa. Wm. ColwiU.--- We know of a number of cases of supposed cýomsu mp lion that have bemi cureti by Millor's Compoundi Iron Pilla Solti by Stott & Jury, druggists._ "~Christian Patriotism" le the subject of the Rev.D. O. Crossiey's song sermon fnt Sunday night, Special choir M, Sie. Thoir gentie action anti gond offtn on'lte svstom roaily make tbem a per- fect lie pili They please those wbo use tbem.- Carter 'a Little Liver Pille may ho wll termei, "Perfection. " Mme. A.* G. C Brownin reinowing bier - bscriplion to-TEE STATEsrmAN-for490S-- Bava 'I bave been a subecriber for forty years" No one knows btter Iban Ihose wbo bave usoti Carter's Littlo Livor Pis what relief lbey bave given when aké n for dýsssa dizzIness, pain in the aide, constipaioanti diserdereti stomacb. Misa Leta Maynard who spont 'hoi. days ai homo, bas retumned hotee Central Business College, Toronto, te complete bier course No reasonable man expects te cure a cold ia needay, But lie anti Allen's Lung Balsamn will overcome the coid and stave off consuimplion Cougli will cease and luaga ho sound as a new dollar. Mm John Baker, son of Mm. Tbos: Baker, C C,, Solina, bias passoti bis second vear exame at the Ontario Agricultural Colego, Guelpht. Con- gratulations, John. Do nlot dospair of curipg your sick beadache wben you can se easily obtain Carter's Little Liver Pille, Tbey will effeet a prompt andi permanent cure. Their action ta milti and natumal. Mr. andi Mrs John Webster, Fenelon, who are spending apart of their hoùey- moon with frientsisnlu Iis district wore gueste over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs, W. G. RudleBoethsta. A treacherous wind bits ycu ianlte bacli andthie nexl morning on bave lumbago. Rulï well anti of ton witb Perry Davis Painkillor, and.ven will be astonisheti ho fiati out bow quîckly al sorenessa lbanisheti. We were pleasodt e meet laet week a West Durham boy wbo as making-a nrame for bîmsîf iu the West-D. 'Norman Ror, . D.,,L. DS., Wn- nieMan , wb-o bas been visitinz h its parents, Mr anti Mrs Alex. Ross, Oshawa, fermemiy resitient near Brati- loy 'e Sehool lieuse. Darlington. Dr Rose graduateti frcm the MNanitoba Me ýical Cllege aI> Winnipeg imt Sping, winning first-clase honore and the Universitv Bronze Modal andth ie O'Doninell Golti Modal in Obstotries Dr Rose hati a six weeks seige of typhoid fever ln Winnipeg and bas heen eoavaieseing ai bcme fcr soute tîme We aie proudt te ear that a graduateo f Badiev's Sehool Houre, under tulition of -Mr.' C. W. Siomon, i ha- eucceeded la winning sucb igb behner ho himseof, hie parents aad te Darlington township, where lho spont bis boyboti da3 s. Ia nine case ont of every ton that tireti, cross feeling te due te an inactive lîver; te babil of gotting cross wiîl bd cemnlet.ely--eorennie W yotu taure--Vitu Laxative Fruit Pille;thbey cure liver trouble witbout prodning anv bal, ef- fects, because tbey are compose i of lierbe, barks andi fruits. R. M. Mitchell & Ce , druggists, keepe them ia slock priee 25 cents. CALIFORNIA EXCURSIONS. Tite Chicago,1 Union Pacifie anti North Wesernma Lne ruas tirouoeb iret cles Pullman anti Tourisl sleeping cars hoj points ln Califomnia. Pensonaliy cea-, ducteti excursions from Ciicago every aveeli. Lowesb rates, Citoice of routes, Fînest scenery Special attention gîvea , te fammly parties. For mape, illustraheti foltiers anti rates. Atidres B. H. Beînnoît, Genermi Agent, 2 East King SI.,, Torente, Ont. BNFIELD. --M-r. -aad-Mrs- de" 4iegiavo- been visitiag aI Mn, W. J. Ormitoa's; I Mr. C. Campbell, Buffalo, visibtied t home recontly.,.. Miss L McCulloet te homo fom Toronto. . ..Mr. Charles Me- fjulioch bas been engageti as teacitor near Citalk Lak... Mies Laura anti Messrs. Oliver anti Wilfrid Heatlie, Bock, bave boon visiting fiende bore -.,Mme Alox. MeCulloct,, sr., dioti Jan 7th ln bern'881h 3ocar. Site has boon quite feeble for some lime-The ne- mains avre buried tithIe Unionceom- etery Monday anti lite funemal ae largely altenieti. . .. Thte felleaing offi cens baie heon electeti bv Sons of Tom- rance: W P-A Hubbard; W A- Mliss E. Penn: R S-J Beekel;ý A ýR S- Mies Male evl; F S-E Pascoe; Tmeeauner-M.e Lottie MCloh Chuu ip-Klmear Beekel; Con-R, Stacev. A Co-Mis AWotten; O S-Wesley' Poavoîl; 1 S-Missq L Niddrî; P W P- l) IVotbeni; Ogait- Mies M 'jwl. TES,-T TEE .KiDNF'vs-Allow t[be urine la stand lan assve-ssai) for twjenty four boums ai if et lite endi of ltaI îi t cloudeti on taýs lefIa sedimneal lainte boltom aof te vosýe1ol nMay bho suro tet your kiti(3eis ar'e diseeseti. -As e moeens ofipvgmbumlte action o'f il e kitineys anti m1akinit-teom Slong arti ieaitby, tore le sne preparation £0 jPrompt anti nýo e10thorougi as Dr. We have a proposition ta make t you if yon wish te be, successful anld indepen dent. LIt will teli you how yen mnay, ln a few montbs, be holding an excellent business position. A post card will bring you particulars, For tan years, we bave been train- ing young people and placing iheni ia 00o Imnoitions. %le bave a mastery of the business. The Kennedy School ie the only one ln Canada ûanducted ex- clusîvely for stenographle educationi. lis the hast. Seid ustbe card. Apractical knowledge of Gregg Sbortban,d $Bock Keepng, C mercial Law, Raptd Calculalion, $ Corresponde.(ce, Penmansblp, Spelling, ete. ,will open the way to some of tbe REMUiNERATIVE POSITIONS, we bave tae flur. -Our fai iitied for im- parting Ibis knowledge are Most complete, For full particulars regarditg Our care- Grand Trunk Baliwav $vstem, R.AILWAY l IME TABLE. BOWMANVILLE STA&TIOSI. GOING FAST. .Goixan wl..3T mail-... q 2a M,.1 xpr6gg .. .. 50a. Im lEjpruis .... l10I0 , 1 Local .... 'l Mlxe&........ q S85 . 1aseng&e156P. M, Leal......es9P. Mi.Iediat....72 Mlailý,...10ol4 Exprefs .. .110pn., Stiia aly, Tickets ita certain Ipoints çsOlt I ea~aC with speisal liay rates ansieunetdinla anOthler caluma a WilI Dot ha honoreti On trains Nos. 1 or 4. STOTT & JURY. TOwDe2iant4 To SAÂMUEL POLLARD, Beturizing Officer for the JVc .t Riding of the Cottnty of Durhtam. T AKE NOTICE-That parenanlte the evisd Sýtuts ofOntaio,1897, Chapler nine. section onc bundreti anti nioety seven, I dcdeciare thai I bave appciu.tatiPaul Tretlcock, of the Towin cf Bowmenville, in the Couoty a f-Durham, Mrchant, wW-ose Poat Office addrass la Bowmanville, Onteaio, tb be my agent for the pairposes lai saiti sec!týi anti saiti act set out. Datati this fonrteeuath day af Jannary. A. 1). 1905. JOHN1 ý H. DEVITT, To &M E OLR ,Eqie in fthe Jcint 12y of Dr/am RO-, T AKE NOTIC-Thal inpunac *'cf "The , ia Aeito d"R..O 157 Chap 9, 1Ilbaveappointetianti do lbere)y aeppout Jlohn MeNu t'y f fthe Town 1of Bawmliaiilla, lak tha CUonvtoy Darhamr. MIirchant, hs post ffc add-s, e i w3 nvlle taria t ha mny egent for the purposesiseit,ýid scAliau anti Dateat tBw vil asFuQkeeuathday ai Jannary, 1905. ~YA<, IIICRARD. I r A b.ig klot fUresgoode seiling off al about balf prico, soma of tbem at exact. ly bai[ price al Couchl, Jobuelon & Cry" dermun 's. PRy subecriptions now. Expech neXt STATESMIAN on T-cesday. Croekery Bargains nt McMNurtry'H 151% Wood Sale Tbursday, tbis weok,, near Courtice So adyt. G. B. Chocolales, "The lineel ln tbe Landi,"l at Thos'i od's. New wedding boxes-lOveltiy ones -at STATESMAN office. Hlome-made Peanut Crep Sahurtiay anly loc. per lb. ah Thos. Tad's Samaples free, come and soe. writing paper andi envelopos aI Nichoils'. House anti lot wanhedti t buy. Ap- plications receiveti aI THE STATESMAN office. Couritv Council will meet ta Cobourg Tueîdmy Jan. 81sh ineleati of lte 2th at 8 P m The Mason Co, are selling ladies' Comte andi Fume ai startling reductions. Seo tbem Ail kinds of Fume te ho solti ah ceet prico ah M. Mayer's Fur Store, come eamly andi get a bargain. If yeur boy neetis clotbing, buv now anti buy et West End buse. Yeuill save a lot of moaey on a f amily oulfit. Wasb grcasy diaXea, pots or pans with Lever's Dry Scap a pawder. Il avili mre niaya the grease wiîh tise greatesl ease. 36 We especially mecommenti our readers "%o subscribo ta Ithe weokiy Farmer's Ativocate anti Home Magazine' of London,ý Ont. See club rate. - f. Candi, Jolinstoni & Crytierman are mivine one-tird off the- price of aay nai' r CidsCoat antid are selling off some lino,-s at baîf-pric. Laýdies' Fur Coats, IRuifs, Muffs, Ganahiots, Cavls e. aise Men'e comte, cape, gutitetc. le ho sold ah cnett -prico for the nexl month, aI M. Mayer'e Fur Store »U CURE À COLD IN 19,N D&Y. Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE tablaIs AI druggists rg«untbeimoney if il fens tp cure. l?. W. Grave's signature ion each box, ý25ci. ChildrenÇry for"81" Pea Nul Cri8p ut Luttrel's. Frenich Cbewing Taffy at Li4ttrell's. Crowds ÉI lte WIot End Hlouse daily. Den't eougb your life Rway-take,801ý Humnbugs 10 ct$ a lb) on Saturday at Luttrell's. INow, its writing paper and envelopes Youi gel 801 for couglie aItcb Drug Store. Vý'ii Cawker & Tail's China Parlor- Second floor. Deloious Scalti Cream every day at T. H. Kniglit's. Peanul Crisp-Smluarday enly 10e. per lb. at Thos. Tod's. Take Milcbelli's E mulsion (fA~ Liver-it's gooti.V T H. Ka igbt bas seme gond beade of Cabbage for sale. Winter Goots ah bargain prices now at the Masan Ce's. Leave Yeur orders witb T. H. Knighth for fresit fisit overv day. Home matie àaple Cream and Choc- olate Caramel ah Thos. Tod's. Fur Cote. Capsetoc, clearin.- at les than ceet et The Mdason Co's. Writiag paper anti envolopos Ibis woek ai Niebolis', Samplos frac. .Wbon yen reati Cawke r & Tmit's advt. remomber wbab tbey amy are fache. T. H. Knigbt bas fresh it ss evemy day. Loave yoar order witbhlm. Buv your glasses for ainher reading from Mitchell, the Druggisl & Optieian,' Ladies.' Fur Ruffs anti Mufs ah redue eti pnies ah Couch, Jobn8toa & Cry dem. man's. M A. Jameüs ile Goverumenî 15511cmr of Mairriago LicenHes for Durbam Conntv. GetV7Yu r eeof Itle barg(ains lin writing ,palper anti e.nrelopes Ibis week, ah Nichoils' For tbe finest stock of LadTe&' Talon macie Skirts, cli aI Coueb, Jolinston & Cry derman's. Do you aant a new blacki drees? If so take md vantageo f the Sale aI Mc- Murtry's 20% Discount off . Notioubt about i-il yen -wanhtthe bmt bargains yen mush go t10 The asnCompanv 's j anuary Sale. Cugbo, oealds, boars*nnoeg, s"a ther tra aliments are qniakly rýeeed by dresolene tablaIs, ten cents per b=xAUl tiuggists Ladies' Silli anti Cashmere Blouses the laelst tyles, anti spocially gooti value ah Couc,J obnston 4 Cryderman's Now le the lime ho got a bargain in the Fur bine, M, Mayer Fumrier is seiling off his enliro stock et groatly redaceti prices. The ReIt Cottage. Liberty St ,South, Ibis tnwn. is efferet ifor sale' or wîll ho renlti. <I'i& s-m casy home -for some- bodiy. See advt. Concb, Joinston & Cryderman are 4riving greal bargains ila Monýs anti Bov' Over-ceats Secure one wbile thora je a big stock la select front. CLARKE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Clarkie Township Agreultural Society boitille annuel meeting Wetiestimy anti oleciti dth o fliowiag offliceme -Prosient -Gen. Pollard; 181VicePresident- Thos. Cowan; 2nd Vice o deteo Deàlt15cïx. Ditebor,. -A. Tamblyn, O A. Gamsby, j. L. Poavers, H. S, Adam, Jna Dmvev, R. Brown, Norman Allia, J FP. MeMillan, Col. Hughes. HAMPTON. Song service iSuuda.y- oveing was a deci td enecese. 11ev. F. JJ Anderson gave a very intoreeling itistomy' c f the bý mus use t ahbie service andt ieir ubors. Cboir supplieti excellent mus- ic .. ..Mr- Shorwood Runtile, bastion, anti Miss Aima Wightt, TYrone, visibeti at Mm. T. Creeper's Sunday. . .. Annual report of Citeeso factomy gives titis la- formation. Milk receiveti 1,531 .400tbs; Choee matie 139,7081 Its; solti for $i1,- 765 73. time, saVes health. Sore Throat a.nd Coxighe A simple, effective ad safe rcmedy for ail tbroat irritations la faund ia Cresolene Antîseptic T" bets They combine the gernicidal veine of Cresaiene with the sootiag properties ofs liiery elm and licorice. _____Orc. 411DrugigIsta m0 SOLINA. Mise Etina Spry te visiting frîtaris aI Bowmunille. ... Basket social at Divis- ion Fitimy nighti next. Everybotiv woleome- Gooti pogramn .... Miss Hli- da anti Mm Arthur Wetlake visiteti ah Toronto.... Mm. anti Mme, J. Cameron, Zion, visuel Iah Mrm WmTavlor'.... Mr. anti Mme. W. eVemr t1la ath il a- nuel famiiygaheiîgThued 'gm. Jas. anti Mis begartii viied.etia Taunton rLoeotly.. 13Mm. , EWerry is expecteti home from'Englandti h week. lie lande t a lalitax Sundav aflemnoon itaving oncountereti one of lte wvumt voyages te crew of tiie "Par- isia" ver exporicaceti creesing the Atlantic REWEW ! RENEW ! 1 injurious substituteýýs. Royal Baking' PowdeîI butter, fSour and egg -Titis d epartmen t je complote with th of Dinner anti Tea Sets, fine China Cups ,thing to make a]1 for the liberal patron iplimlentsoflthe Seas Respec 4q~ Lampa, etc. We have everi +Titankia-g you f, 44 wish-youm le Con 4f~ The Grocers. 13 Freeland's Photo-s afways had the Iead We are followln& Freeland's- footsieps. -Anci nr -wvork W1111 be just as good if flot better. New Instruments, Newt Ideas. and a New Man. The name SMITHr on your llex-rt photosý wiii41 insure good quaiity and a iasting customer for us. -Suecessor to G. P. FREELAND. htgahr -I', NOW O We purpose.making this the Mos WntýeWorth' Sale ini the history of our business life. Our stock is in good shape and weIl assorted, lbut in order t o reduce it verY hlrgelY We we will offer this month bargàins il oe' tha h iouseth'at will 13e a genuine surprise'to ouipatrons. The Early bird usally gets, the cD ies iwrm. Corne eaLrly and sectire the choicest barga ,ns,. 'W, 1 ASON &SON M'(1- door tr i p1derý zpýr owmatitle r What do You Know?*.ý Po yen knojw that after a Short- hanti or Commercial Course wlth us, i-ou r sure of a position ai MM.0 anti upwards par month as a starter ? Set sa postl th yaur nameaniuatdresoatid we will tllu yen ail about il. DOminion Buins coiIega, LI, 4 hicbmond St., Eat, Toronto. R. D. NIMMO, Principal, ifl~xgJ5iOshwaDec. 301th, te Mr. %E.j Mdre. Roy Dwi~e, a son. L 'viNcsroF-In Barrie, D)ec. 24th, ta Mr rI I >ineau Livingstone, a sonb. Rt5TR5T-I Daijntan De. ithtoMr. anti Mrs. 'W%. L Buttery, s4san, HAY- RVAIO-riRoman cathoite Chiurcb, Bowmviauv!lle. by Rev. F GliPeter- bora, 'Mr. T. J. iHaysý and M1iss Len i ý'vard, both fB mnvle SPRUL-ARSTONGAtthe r'es dene of thebrie'sothr.Gardeiibill, on Dec.28th, )y' ter of Ms ae Armstrong, and Mrîj, Wai ace Sproule. of C;ike. HOUAM-1I.TONlflBrooklilaJan. lll, y Rerv. C. Actalus. Robert Housani. UOshawa, andi Eliza LUiton, of Brooklin. KYL-At Seattle. Wash., Janý 5th, Georgce F, Kyle, formerl3 of Bowmanville. MeCuloh- In Darlington, Jan. 71h, Lillje Murne. reliet cof the late Alex.. McCuloch, in ber Stb, yeur. Coo-At Columbus, J an, 4tb, Thomas Cook, Ia bis 73rd year. STÂNTON-In Ctilary, N. W. T., Jan Srd. 1905, Catharine Gay, ni ut ofthie 1ate Thos Stanton, gei75 years. Royal Baking Powder is made f'rom puDre gcrape 1cream of tartar, and is asPutl-pure Royal Baking Powvder ïssUreswheom food; it makes theÏ best biscuits, caks and ail hot-breads; i, t protects the f- 'il -y fromn the danger of alum and other ,h iargest varlety 4 anti Saucera, Mg~4 Hlappy New Year. 4 Lage in te peet, we 4 ltfnily yours, 4 Tait, i Don't pult off orde-rîn-g the piapryo want for 1905. ' Order to-day. Jms Publishing House receives subscription for every newsvaper ana magazine. Send in or hand in vour order for ail the papers you want Get co new name for TE STATESMAN Ona renewal and onLe new subseription for 81 50. Tbe Designeýr for Fcbruarv contains 4'Womean Who Wear Crowns," "Modern Tea-Room Decoration,"-"The Feminine Sitie cf Rural Life in Pennsvivania," ail are apprapriate andi readabie «'la the Interest of Beauty," andi "How a emnbroidery, maffia, knitting and crochet ie shown, and the fashions give a deciti. ed hint of spring, Standard Fashion Co , 12-16 Vanidarn 8t., New York City, lJ S. DONALD 0. M. CxALBRAITH. Barrister,ý Solieitor, Notary Public,, et c. Private andi Company mon eys t" boan at iowest carrent rates, Agent for The Mitilaud Loan anti Savings Company. Office cpposite J. B. Martyu's store, King, St. Bowmanville. 22-tf T OST-In Bowmanville, un -Woý!. -LJDec. 28th, a pair of rimles glasses and'I neck-tie plun. 'inder wlll please retura toi STATESMAN office and oblige. ll TOUSE TO SELL OR RENT---Fraine hanbose omilJiberty St.. South, belongiug to Estate cf lais Chas. Keith. Apply ta CasAs, W. KEITH, li Caiborne St., Toronto, or ta M. A JAmEs, Bowmnanv)lle, 1-f F ARNI FOR SALE-176 acres for sale being part of the Jamnes Shanti estate. compased of parts of lots 13 and 14, iu the itb and 8th concessions, Easl Whitby,, Apply to JAs. A. BuNs, Raglan, or JoHN SAIDLER, C0l. umus. 48 if. Livery S%'tables to Rent. The property on the' ncrlh side cf Kwug Street known as -TH1E HENDE RSON STABLES." Apply for fuîl information to DONALD G. M. GALBRAITH, S If. Barrister, 1Bowmaavville, Wood Sal1e. U r-NDER INSTRUCTION Froni the U o wuers there wîll bc soldilhy public anicîban on TPhursday Jan. 19, on the premýises known as, Ithe111CR. NICHOLS' EST AT E. the north 60 acres of Lot 26i, Con, 3, Darlingion, about 32 quarter. acre lots of wood. The woad on tusse lots is unusually ivaluable anti there is uixeti timber valuable 1cr building anti considerable elin. The pnriaser8 will bave untîl Aprit, 906', ta remove the woada.nd tumber, sale at one o'clock. TERMS: Appruveti notes falling1 due Deceni- bertt i05, bi a tekn for;t0w purchase moneyà icuta a etwl aalw ed for cash p aymený1tsa, uriber partLiculars eau ha obtained tram the udrigadauctioneer antýi] tl h miatie knownai urnef sale. L A.W. T0LE, anetioiieer. Datatead B a nvl.Jan. 5, 1905,1 R~I Powderi 4 5 CNTS a Pound can ,' L 2'ecents a hall pound cari 1 rs-a vest g;saves On Sunday last 1ev. T. W. Jolliffe, preacbed at Betbesda, Haydon, and TSrone. Neit Sundav ho goess b Campbellford, a former circuit, for Mis- sionary aslnivel'sary. The regular meeting of the Women's Institute wlll ho held Saturday, Jan. 28 at 2 80 p. m. la the Council Room. A report of the Institute meeting at Guelph will bo givon. Members _re- questedt 1 attend. Ail ladies wil bo A LUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. -- -itehm, lndB«i -o-.rting-Pe rnggists refunti money if ,AZO OINTMET fans 10 cura any case, no malter of. how long standing, la6 ta 14 tizys. Firsiapplication gves ease antiresi.-Sc. If your druggîst hasn't il sent inl stamps ana it will bc fcrwardeti post-paiti by laria Medicine Ca., St. Louis, Ma The remains of Mrs Stanton, relict of the late Thos. Stanton, for man-v vears a resident of this section, were brouglit bore from Calgary, N. W. T. ShE5 had been living with hem daugbter Mrs (Adjt.)Mark Avre. Acoldbrought1 on pacumonia and she passeti awav Ji1=. Srd aged 75 Nears The funeral tooli place fro.n the residern"o of ber son-snlaw, Mr. J. H1. Varcue. Elgin St, on Tuesdav aftemnoon ho the cemeterY. Among ltm relatives pressent ah the funoral from a distance were. Mm. and Mme W. H Wiieox, Corfu. N. Y.0 Mrs. D. Wilcox andi daugbter, Oshawa, Mrs Staff-Capt. Ayre. Calgarv, N. W. T, andi NMr. Alexc Rae, Port Hope

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