KO LO NA0 18 for sale by ail Leading Grocers r0ae THE FOUNDED P1889 B ELLE VILLE Business Collège, Tral -iiiig-UN EXCELLEU Bcok keepng; Shorthand;,Typewrftfng* OfieWî;TeIegraphîng< and iMalt- way Work ; Frenchr and German. Ever'y Depar+,ment a Spattalty. J. A. Touu9w. Bellevlle,f J. Fritb .ieffers urretarv' jOnt. lrestdent Winter les Cornirîg.1 ttterr energres teotspatchintr he lc prib-eners te J a.,pari, placing theri wounded In hospitals and clearinagi tire way for a tbÏor'oigh tnt estîga- tien of tlif-,speils of war. Confused reports reaclir ep(ice of ;iho condition cf.the citybuildings.i Lt n-as saai on Thursdaytir-t Gen.] Noi ll-retur-n te Tnkio at pr-e-1 Sixten surývivors of tire tirî de- tacbmnt c f Japancsen-ho atternipt- ld te1blck ir entrance of Port Ar- i ul by si11king stoite-ladon1 steaml-i rrs fitiri I hal e l arn ex! cd te 0trive outSasebo on Thrrsy.TireI fate ef tireir 70o enpaio s Nin-1 SPOIrfi OF POlIT ARITHFUR. S'-uYs squto-ca ws liopeless. Tile Ùiniresitatingly- n-dtirat ire con- sideresi a proxisioràilpeaco weuld ShortlY ire pt-obable, Jateam retain- ilng Port Arthrur, and thes' erritcî-ies n-hidi sire iras occupresi. Russia, meauwirile, the Admirai said, n-ould preP-ar-e nfuxnilefet for a fu- ture effort, SIGNWiIC(ANT LîEMARK. -A ulsath) tehie London !l;aily Mail froin Odes>sa says tirat thre dû- Parture of a reginient fron t tiat citV foi, tire.Par last, whiclt bad been ixed for Jlan. 18, has hien post- poned until Feb. 12, mlicirte its surprisýe. 'Wien the colonel iufoinred( b is oilicers of thre fact, ire said hie 1A dîathfr-ontL.odn says: Tel-' '" ý ultV w wter thicey olt egý7ranis froru Tekie asisi te t'ire list uiesrecat l. e-f spoili taken at Port Arthrur, aA given ount hy tire Japanese Legrationi. iIYVSI AAA ,225,000 rounmds of amali an iant- n-iunîtion, 60 terpedoes, 1.588 ex- Rameor That thre Kinig amd Queen plosive ch-arges, 960 amm-uanitien I Are Corning. nagcns"ndicartas149SOtS cf tels'- gt'aph and telephorte appar-tas, 14 A Monltreal despateir says: Maor seai-chligirts, ani quantities cf Laporte said on 'lhirtr.sdy tint late- swocds, ,pistes-, andsi etreidltîrig tools. t ta remnrked thnt tlic cap- titrs disprocie tire iclea tint n short- age o cintioic cntributesi tu To people who want the inPsrLSncoi vie trEC-sJAs. BEST Cutters to drive or A cPaicOIfimENgak,.Iau their own Cutters a n d soya: Tic steiaancn-a aga ansi Suan- ki lhave arriveS mm awtthlu1,600lias- Sleighs p-tinted and repair- slan pnisonens cifn-ar ans i fnty offi- ed, 1 arn reacly to attend to ces.AU tire piisoîters bave beei qtarto.ýrod ai Inasa, a village tianvlt., their wants a ny time. nuiere lias aIso been pa-paiesi a ioclg-. lgr Gn.Stoess. alto uti a upca ttention givýen 1 frc" rixe ulexi Saiondlay. Wiv ni. Ea r. tanin-à z ryuecîi-i uroiter- vi, t Latire ine cf an interesting Booko- ]et whiclî explains our systeem by which deposits rnay be made and ivithdrawn by mail as'conveni- ently as if your own post office were our office. Send for it. You will Elnd it interesting. -(t'-ery Tc Canada Pet manent and, TOR NT S' TC , 5zONT 'CBI 14A GLJC T HotikeperArrste uonChýarge of A dsaei rmWinnipeg says:- A sesatin ws caused in police t irIces on Wc-dnesday niight by the arest of oeeocf the pruprictor-s of a1 lead1i ng, bot ci of tho city çr tire charge o stealing a diarinnd, val- U,üd ati$ 250, from a guest. LHe was admÉttted to bail, TEN MILLION GOLD OUTPUT. Ex-Governor Congdon'h, Estimate of Yieid in Yukon, A despatrir froin Ottawa says: Ex- Covernor Cîgowho ta here,i sta tes that tire gold output of the Yukon dui-rig th~~etrreni nar e.- itng Juine 3bth will total tein miliiorl 7phooping Cough, Croup, Rronchitis Ucugh, Crip, Alra Diphheria CsREr.r2n' li18a long etabiisbed rand stnntard retordy for tise dLsases Indrzrtod. IJr corus tirwosthse airrn dorod îtrorgiy autIsptic to carried Oer the tttseased sur- facers o the bronchlai tubes with v-'ey brcath, ,ir prolong ansditconstant ýtretent. Thore of acos tive teudoncy, or ouffrerois chronir bronîbitis, Èr imanediate relief front cougia or tonîoid comditis o thse tIbrot. ; j Vapo-Oosolno SOMi i) r drggs r ot Pr- fit nudnaboteer Crootns ir. Son,11 or 'I frto-tiorae oie Lrus iitC. a. ,Agents,8S. iiS-Joins t. Mdon treii and i - - - - trope on a P c tas Ru- i -a seta culr , the cotîsunnioct-t'nlnto, ing a series o l-rIs.ý_ hleevoa A -les 'afci rin St Penthesla-g tirs efici-ts, of tire pouitrshaiiig-l j ailesi te prevetît thien. Tire circotiar pretîlets tuaitithe violations u-tll continua, as China la nable te bal- "fit lier obligaionsu. In trese ciocutîîl sta"Fnces RIStitas-rn-serxes the figit te net la han (unninterests nospctiurg ('itas cit'aliuy. 'Ple cir-cular ro.'ncii-ieuutiy raIls fie attion o f tirs' poîxers le FCue aiiLirisacgi-1 Itatiotu tn C'hn-, nichi s ha ito c-ceabri a serietus s iltuaition, JPiSNJ5 0 WTELL Fil11 ti 1rre ai he r-ct eult ofiu n- rene s'n'as c-i ul uexpeesi. lt 'iressnîf colas cotegir hic e uniro d eIcbi onu M. Aur. H.'a Iropei iof N-agausi, accu ceas-s'a<n-1 late cîîraud eai atnrdctrgfoiuin- 01I oftins o mrn-ett l pe sa îiglît 0f ire tîrilers nhoue l i nuoco uneîld te Rulesatran otiitmtres -11yige- thvete r I ie a andkt, tutiiel lit- loeg-tfsasfileaîng ilzn Cl MANY S NE-l lflTSi. A siesjsetIchi frnTokie say': Csi mataisr- aa oa f the, laate. iinvy, wîte is live-stgatiitg tht eul mr IRussiao un'a isaul' or-t Ari- tiri-las tlIs.evet xi Lirai tbeciui crs IDjidut, ltsbcyvit, andilZalîlaca. n',irllî md iillurtoe iîuureoil foi', n-are ail sit.tire la-iyi pari-eutiv by h isttauslatîs trinsehe' anc- thie aIer fuie hy Japatos shIa Counmiuadcn-Tarinia ira aise lorateil ite toi-poulie sat cl stro', cis ccd lte gnîiîbistirat rc IlE CALL (IL' Il X'FI C ESr A sies-uataci Cri-ciSt.Pstrbr. saya: Tile Aditrlty iras nte pgi- tire slighite-t official c-onirmtion' s- ire reportolcf hue a-c ocfre d unI lojostv-'tsky' s 'qunu ni-eu Onu tirs conttran-y, thc officiais poiît caluîly te ir th r,-iarto'utis b 'ini nîîad oi raiiferc- t' le squ't di-i witIltac sivisici I i c tii--IPacifie- Lijsi euîy n-il] tnt t itnîtle Fu-ce-n -alr;s. Tire taiqs-tar i uer brieastr- Pimai nus LItent has item ci-draI e rp tir a nntel ci cao- fc-r fîÀ,- slîtîîa nunreai-elîiîrg tnt' 0 icatiy fcr ea. The NewAgr!cuituremutli cn dUtdupen business prîiples î. l old tinats it Èd ititseent sqoe nceLs- Wsary te pursue tirese buies e- rz, q R tirosis; in filct, wit.irthe rsrrouni3(- N f ings theon existent, tirere n-as 11e * * ~ chancýe te do se. In our ton-s ani R m L ~Cities il einecirah.nt and thre. manu- factureriras aIse basi te changze ii See specli instruct'onlS to 1n1Aitirois -,f blusiness. 'CThe efar;ruer is womnen with each box. jusi 41s rulticir anctrrasw4tire Thoas eec in in t')OýWn n-ire nlikes bos Prprdon1y by TumzCeh nil'tdure is nnf Helen5, Enrland. fadee M feld everywhere.la CMnaa mcd U. e. trril' ton-n f'rnds it ns'cessary te Amesicca. Jn boxes, ýý5 certs. 'ae iekinsi cf gooss thettire con- surn0 (IiteIrs it toi alto eue of Ithe conIditions to-day traItirhe fana- o PENING 0F PRIA E Ier sheuld pro-lace n-bat litis custom- ersvaut. We musat considet- abhat EARL REYISSPEEC diB o trirs hast capiable of pr- THLGEYS E CH FROl'O-ducing, and THE TRONE.WOJiK ALONG4 TIAT 1ANI. Provincial Autonomy ta ire Grat- (rcw tire crops and l keeptre rive edlta thre Northwest Ter- Stock thn;t tirrive best wn-irer nrive. ritor-jes. 'Lhý" mnfcurrm tproduce A despateir tram Ottam a sax s:-rbs ýý rls Tire oiirlcpnn f Palriiarnet fer inistance, are flow i-titiwith prac- teck place enrThursday.Tire n-catit- titally tic0n-nsts' cf material; even or n-as auytiing but pleasaut. Tirýct- tisnt sloi îssd. In oeeof thes'best tuent Faglisir genjtlemeniiuitiýitnattrtand thie IPýublic' W rks lieÏ>artmieat tng is seen in the great stock yardIs tirai there uns niai-y irîtbnbility of hasi a hards tiisue cf it i clearinîg 1cf ('hica-, ahere airsolutely everv Xi'ng L-dnard atd Queeca Alexandr-a tire' nalks oiu Pnîlirur-ient bil, iefr,.toPart cf an ani tal ig toi-ne i 'tot a visiting Cattada next soummer.LHe itire'ice-regal party atrivesi. 1narketable produ'-t. So tire fariner nAdted tirat Iras a ruriner tc th,ît <f-Tire Xice-Ilegal cnt-tiaee as ne itsenver to couveart te a pre- feet net gel abroad lire wotld net cenpam i dfrein (tevet-anteait Hetîse fitairle use aliris products. 11(s' have speken for- publication jîîst tetthe Patiiariiet't IBi'(idigs sud stouidse sc to it that tirere k tio j ~bnck by aru escoit cf tire Prince -s waateleu tailner n-ce(1, cmi iet. As far os ien en-, ronc erLouise tiragoca (Guards. Tinxirnas fonce-., IOr lucareleas cultivatIen. iiclhiîg d bten deislc. n uar(l of hoiuer frointhtie Cotera- Tc irefimetý bas, peira, tiisce- i r-(,enei-al's F'ont Guards ai the at ius speater pr-cl latts te tacet tiran DESTROY PAGAN S11RINES. 1Ottawa Field IBotter-y fixai n sainte iat other- ma rcif iehocl' fi-oui N epeatPojint. 'Plie txtetistnce a->I 1<idttes'e-srv n-aste iTwvo Tirousnnld Siulis Fou-,nd la itr tirh -ae Ciramber, despilote ire-Nl -Ag-rcUtîire îustir e c Ciao"Juju" tloaOuifavnrable neatîse', n-as lre.l oe inon stieitliepinpc TireLetîicî lSiy Mil lii isinsi at-i Grey ldlivoretiie folmdltig Tr escidro os1ler h caTei ioiWet Arîr.w~ tSUl ('11 '011-i1init a, fontagni) tîra sr uc io h t e lîtsi tr - aii rit icIoia dl Jtii, thra c tu S tt-e ' I 5 ari',k' I-,et t-ie Itu b Nigt-it f m-c Jt jt liuo-'slîeca-- (iiil"ieir cftir. lc-s~ f ton 1 'l ir t cf ottirnian-fo ire have btuefao 1)vl lacr "l i iu 101re b on ho vtiblcu g t cls tai ti nu.midî iani of ù%îist of irJ; p îî tpi iGn t i- ce)fc'rth e t. tie îyf tir.- h 'l 5 OIe o f ii- e ge ll'h( a e Ii i init eienvtal Cle-Ktgltaptîit tt llions-ne ifoit he-m - - c40.î 1 ii'ovr200 klî i ng proi to-ttgdsel ci',lo cf (le- ii- P,5 t O iecaeîis-mnbv r~ tai, eatlartialanifxei1 tr 'C tra, anS i-nsiblelviu- asi d-iina oir nila-itst of tre Sae i e~~ îeasae ii birucieillP11irilrsaio tlmA gon-t,etir1',s aittr pisio treplcew-ate tet'li-ectt isMa sl9ii ir sîtiuî' o-eu-,015-tie irestn î,,ijdtre.a e1abe IC, I oigo a beîi7t ec bras c' rtc nmIsteg-w no ne Oys lraîgeî jndeltiel ui ierilnecome Ibave rntre I fi-,it (aniif u n- pay usnt ' iwatact'p-cipînai f caid ailf hehcla.: msr y n eig clld p i 1 't pla~b's nt ti iroc fîiirh, tn-iiicf Oi n te,nlacee wIcutsI It in lve-i i its MntIL in theas t il fOriistebedn i ir conectd n-Ir 'buh jt ~,- tosionesai t en heiiste f-ieÉ -. i wi-c arasosi Tu seondsirii' to trtv sornîtn1 tbavrcting 1ja. Îit7tOfn-c -k cf lire futie nii snIne aedcf nur a crie' aîJiîit-jII tpeol i Iaitcxci-n of tc.,duiig scale, y s t a r uo t aic art- .i înc l loLItehnt-e s nyfri he UîleiEt dc ri nc'o t 'art -s at-ohve sfon bTh ise ft-oredtlandUtitsiStts ats er'nil ' iyede ' î-în ofa-t ar-ere Whai rrataoui tbu, fir neiyalia im cetici5 str etîr .ttnnbenaocseo 'Cotti-lyC00liinricnaietteser-îîtîîs aesatleiert u di- il l ' wlrk cf tiris n-cri Is tilr is' itîtet trbeis secdak tint olpile osvn- agleers crîlingscý n e1, Lr dn]l'or ai-siab(, I w ýas tercssorv te t rai- on-st tic exist r bette iiilts Borain 'i 011,1, fa PIIs arUIe V I LT naiN lsfCre l en s rSîi 0 Si- bu -tib'ouie tse inie cf c -ý iIl sa- Tiie-is11 11 tue pla1 ,cotatoobutrres I l 1110er-o Ial ni - I tsIrban Who aus etlia patcirti ariîecl'iaud 1n-s rnont mi pst'epe, ut-liose char: etha -e, f -a-ranle etetei lii ait [larg inea ellitiscrbe i l-ttc pr Oaprtî nt fii- of 'ightolr ttta onapi-bise le bis bu'otss Llalokilf('tterin e, 1757'î"etl i tenîi- fuhri uaes tf dî sao uOtro w vaiaîlatîs. cf ttir eg'sriti h(,- toi u I iAiEUIî- i itrE. oin LE S R - T ivalls befoe il;-woitostireufarta, wiii tireomr ast sire itas -- taducftirtDeiiiplnacelt h ii -e-bas a ia ut Ife<-"et- n-ci irasout tt A coiît"-e cf coker-V lesetetis i ci-I-c-ut yea-s basat'b.rlti ilietease-,atl A i b a aitroted peuplemi, w tbe carCeae orp-atci tiis'îirnr. ir a1t- nlrg iet ttal iras iiictly l'tti - » L0 j ti ý îasît ai yean bt-' igtre lai-calegeai - -iIîs aNs î t etedageit t1n57,'rbbc onretord. 'tc r-aveline--utare ati; vuc-'s Yo - sau[190,interîta but b-t ;a h lijifsivlsto Ceai tin-e ix potionls t iegrnerfatfiobir.W ilte iritghe rolinvertire habitants of the ne'ghitirenrtiwespctl11ýiuigpt l(Icîl ,\1t1rc !a -efamnt - e ,su ls faei tiredr-uiîe r sa r'iiî aa. cs'ifley or f Icctifncne il t tra e ic t i n c u ieîl 'tiuutts ts tin 1e wo1i - cri crtit-y t tt urg te ansite',ltrt ci e o a il, r t iic(il, ot Atcfthienîatts'sadjacntoet iresI Tr bte i -ir a aiiufOe - biinatv line x lt meu ue Ut1t)sysuars aic- taimie 1 tlote-si. ire m ar- - il i la ai-isitheotesiis.i n-ire rcarc, hon- ten niais e ib tîmeoi (onuOF POweILIOEE.tflo liertnanîuti. - isirsî Tire rapii rouxtItiIi flaiv c ppîafîn yaratonuprdoctheuanig t GIR (oti f (lu Nerin es-Jgte an(!i-itora car' totfon otn-traif thta,si upn-kl sic ced..timti tieandeusestttîiî-s, s hie ut iti c cel.eeithe cru ue - neshahIheur ic niuea aihe l i la j Aà taCao' teancannenate -- iait rîil ansi aieme ' -~ ~~~~~~~~~~~t( tiimnieaketu na uttea itz er e t -cof naier- nantcui. l m il do i-ess sayu' -s an laalysas 'hyryuteaaswetgil eni lii-eatBufflo N Y. el liiai yur Th etiîgai gorati n pCssie P, uaiS +garatoa duainac tio ofeter TI iasira, loîîgorpolyr caatefaliy goug over m aeasi clSn E mt ltt terNsoi ie ofîcroisîîî ,tîoustei io -Ie sal esi a binpiceltrP' i-. Aun CO assity e-saentabappîneus andsi 1111 erOi tois trov incuiltesiiollg- tAt"(ad ob' -'Tîts t;jaials iexpert sa, 1c wtrat lateradrheidearc theforbils foTht' sli"pniye auaiat Io ubat sueir'e lif-tbtglitnîny orte u and Ic-rd moa i o omlot cnesttions,-' u ratimiio nrik l ws l'ss'dtit - a uelIaIîîw nyfuiercheîales t- \it - fi- -rcos es and goii rey sti-_ nyo l e r say 3tirlc Is-irCet iitat1 3 latng aIstiiu , - gos i btos -ae rertoet e me.hll'i have 15- uTh( -t-iir,, aii-iîtî rfi t heit t,1thePiii I -eI costtiircr ot ba otfk ysudsyendsit-o lce(to aeth ie of tatonalcf C'l'ire re ltoe, anowre t anwie i - tuta Dr.i iit tII5al hCîagIuIir1 5'O-mc:aaulanon Tiere ro Buf-lto, NsY.!tal ni Ilf ota r e tsuii ' t: vi i-edoretn, I tcranuu],nd roerlc-rt-tur Iull u -and tofe-ig me jr $yoo fer drs oi , a aac eterha iml Wcakriss, aF Licbau. oosistho Ui u t i , x 1fati. do.si eenailet oathinesandcfcure, Sect ios utt ieiî., drgteC chp l natua ia anoa i-r ri re c-. - --il iueSett-oanyheoey "FI av orite - -Ien sud yen ll -ko t-bat bousIo i t cur ierta e. Ilb tîa l to. P ifrhIs u'"n i ls rt" sseilt a i e nid se e m a te a m er n-unvo iont re I 1roiriag c oîrt ae co. - W h1 (ayl'ip rt e s n I lits-y ta m l u n ex urim en t.1 meuicie -hii rag cueS rmi. is I outslla " tiý arpesi tre te a-ouer.nie; Y, 1110141V. i qs'aj. 1101P oe I ert I rna a d uca ilti l nuu cantie ' a Sute swp ian y -tc-o-,Iis.e-u-mfrO rlîg laie t II i IIîcirod uer formebine r tlutnîy-i inatsl" I ?- e t'ul,ýnis , otîr -a resglutd taae. 1 hav u le mt't oîîd br r-asîîeî it tx t is rliu Houisehold utensils can be made to look as good as new by vmshing in a suddy solution of Sunlight Soap. They will shine and glitter thus hlîgto make the homle bright and invitimg. Sunlight Soap means less than halE the labor required in washiiog wvitli con- mon soap-and makes everything'spotlersly clean. Sunlight Soap is made of pure ojîs and fats> contains no ingredientinuron to the hands or clothmng. ASK FOR THE OCTAGON BAR Su1ktSoay. Wksk' he &ÇIotzes W4Mc-and zwon't Ienjnrec He Iats LEE'RTHR M ED OOT Cali Early and get first Ghoice frein our Large Stock, AS TO STYLE yeui rely im- plieitly upon Our fuis We carry littie over from season to season. What soursea ber-e bu tire atest dci eioprnent iiP Fur Ensbioas. AS TO VALU ES--Ibis lisa fur store. Oui- Puces are RIGiIîT pr-ices Yeo a eonomye Wns-lc ly andi jrdicicusiy bere, Famous for Y'ine Furs for 1 lôrtsr Y e ar s L DIES' Fashimnnabia Onîtts andi other Purs. Newest tiinga lu Muifs, Ruffs, NecEaarfs, Gauntiets, Mita, etc. GENTLEMEN 'S Overcoats, Mink or Muskrat Linfng. Trim miug o! 0(1er, Persaa Lamb and Other Purs. Gentienren's Fur Coato, in Racoon or other fura. Everything inIGents' Firtishiugs:, Shirts, Lira.wers, Coliars, Ca lEs, i es, Socks, Gloyes, Mtec sl@B Uring yotrr Frr for Impairs. Manufràcturing Puirrier. Ihowmanville DO0N'T READ T H1, Every Day is Bargain Dacy At the People's Fuel and We are Btill handling Best Brands Canadian Cements, Britishi Columbia iRed Cedar and other good Brands Cedar and Pine Shingles, Pine and llemlock S Lumber, T)ressed ani d ressedl, Doors, Sas8h, Bid and odng ~ Cei, Careoi~!fard adSofitWo, on, Sawed and I la ba rrels and saeks. We always aim to ie h O etvalue ,ai. reasonable pries. 1Hihesýýt Cas Pico S paid for GXrain and Seuds, Kirg St.t, 0 wmaviye T heàÛ - nc , OiveraTypew r Ir The (ý PKi Standard Visibfe Agent~s Wantd- I O Write fol'Gr ur pecial ofr CANADIAý,N OfVER TY, Ëp E IýIý1TERG , 'M i