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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1905, p. 2

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s----- ____________________ --4- * -~ ~ -.- - - - -- -~ It took ,yce--s (cf epimenting to find the bleAid which produced Enby-Blaià' s D '.]fflED A Grape Shot Was Fired Instead of Blank Car-itridge YOUR 1-UIN A LZ? i WHAT ARTICLES WOULJD YOLTJ SAVE l'IRST? Funny Man Who in Rescuing a $2.50 Bedstaed smashes a WVhatla thc first article yofu would Lnv taqv i Do0 Yom wanît to add $320 to yobu r i,ýn-Corp 1e? Tt WM iU otdy reie fw ,lsmbsof yo.r lieue e,r day to nr- u ao e er. Yoli Can ern itýibh a Ctuatn Incumbatuur. A No. , Chaihama I.c,,bor wii hhld r ie te -o egs-ccordimurLe ýüsize off cgg'. , g tchickensh iwa vc1-D, lhtch -users -, il Chian ', Pi rs ultait You se. C)uickemu. arCe ý,ain u deiuuad aumd the supply le alway5s shirt, seflifty cents-1,l eruage pçtic su.cur. If y ou on iy take offegthaches in a year.tha t gives Yoeu an imcome of ~os.Woadîtthat eatu-a amvuueîbc usefutto you ? -75 Besi of alY eu .... -ý NEVER SOLD IN BULK, only in one-pound and two-pound tins and always at 40 cents a poundl. I FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING GROCERS FRON CLUE TO CAPTURE GLOBETROTTING AFTER FAX- OUS CRIMINALS. A Cririnal Arrested Afler a Chase of 25,000 - Miles. A few weeks ago thie certain was, rung clown upon an exciting and Prolon.geR dchase fer an einiczzler. ccl et Sou thampton, for dlrectl1r tic boat touched ther larrding-stagu t ht prisoners were secured. FROM CLUEt TO FAILLURD. Although the oddii ef suecess ein these pursuits generally rest, with the police, the haro sonietimes lddos his porsuers. This astlie case %vithi Stephenson .9nd is accomÏplîces, who made pli with £7 0,000. Thie police were soon hot on the trail, and tie forgers werc tr acked 'to Clovelly. la in irc a ecun UibrappencabS. AbOb 3littleoOpenI chapeli n hhiwOo us " " 01 Or nilel UULI db U -hag ofgrape illstead Of a saIlut Maiesty wos standling, cut. the staff -'st cal i tisisow~ os ing charge was .fired from a gufllof (l f the standards and fairlv h happen., to be buraiag. 'The beonîlg o geo te maodQdte bsrctvnaw f"he verage maa-and w omen, too-gen- belaton-ngle uesoni' ateie i --dtt aca ' idosoft' ierally becones coiisiderably e\'cited, 1ttondnar tihe ors. S 1 ~,palace. ad maes n hcroie effort te save hulluts struck tlhe facacle of th1e Win T t is stýatel J iiiofficial circles th,.t th articles ia uis housoe which are ter Palace n4:tar the Quay Glardens, the grapc was fired frorn one of tile.flot fhiousis'l 1,. e'S hg0 ti afe-s h bue Na musta i' lustouJaiic corps ia tahe 1105 -'-"ours, ilbl the Ohusany greai with al tie accustî,med 'irilliant sa ri.Iqýcjstja t g dne fom lea a'sisi E, ipeor ich-ia onpracticu' on T.IucFiday a leadeR ,sliell toght is t save himself-that is, Thurs'lnv wore the uniform. off thewa ndetUvlttaicga if there are ne women or childrea te famns Preobra ensky Ilegiment. Ileho ua,,,ed, and thea he does his duty lCkdi xeen elh n agaia providiîg, of lcourse, tint ho l<îood l cxcl'et iclth. andis renlly n maa. walied wviti an elastic Stop, andt EN A JAPANESE TEA-I{OUSE. Ncxt in importance te the matter snbatrt niilitary lscarng, and greeti'dj - of saving life cornes tic> question off eaeh reg-irnent xv'th the salutation, 1Amu-sing- Experience of Two War rcscuiag eneas personal preperty and "G mRiorning, îayceblîdrea," to orsodns 0etSfi hefa s.A her whi(i t1(- oldirs adheom ia lhe family :or a precious pl:iR i s teatoian tne, God r. George Kcmnaii, eue off lieandi long-preservedrelie is a lhing hcLti te our Majety," wh%-ilotic wa ýýr corr2spondents who,- wcre detain- ver ff ea rememberecl and saved. bauds p!layed thr' njational antheni. 1ta!inred and oenlertaired la Japan, The tenderucy of nmeat people whea Ia li Sae csi,,lote th bu- writes an arnusing accounit of hus ef- the elaria of f ire is seuildod latheir per:lIcaea impesing Iceu ofi forts te get soinething toecal je, house is te savo lie cash, the valu- Wo sell for Cash or on tinie 15.0 yorj désire - -b - cbtorâ are made with two waUis, terial that ba. be s 4ne in Our lmbryards. »T be are huit solid as a rdc will sta.d any eamm - u er iIi th' Chtl- anI fu bati,h carhuaprQfits for, MANSON CAM1'BELL Co., ITLMITRD D5I'T. 53 CxATuiAm, ONT., Manufacturera otf Chathtam lmcibators anid Brooders Camnpte.dIi Panng M U5, and , CatarnFanitScaces Distributing Warebomuse, t I Muntreal. Que,, Brandon, Man.., Calgary, Alta.. NÇew Westminster, .. Sua Tl!,! OSCOMM bf a Pal, - in hhh palhh wbh il 31-r. 'Iiil- f abhles, et1iil~ rc., ia thee ouse. A BGASI NI.NEW cl'u BiJI ,iBTS Ferseerl îodh te rionr hciDeofahre Toae he pt offi-[h owgrEmraand Grand liera, an Etiglishlhhulý,straitor, Mr. I ool bonideR lana Wil tlîIakoff ar evac1ed capture, the police hmd lest an Open rwn-butacre . tle Du ki, Alcncis ecotcd huE 1press. Xeunan macle us yiinto a tea- important papera or documen 1 o tic scont, andid was not until the Bristol Channel. Thcy macle f or Mil- othr nmembers of tie, Imperial iam- house. 'lie two mea wer'e ushered miay have stored awnî ad offton a EfrsT1905 en aet iiuSAExA-, i man wîo ncos-ieulybetrayed ford IHaven, and bld the iscîves ina niyf.lwn'l oe fra.tcby a girl imb a rola "imply but weînans instinct is te save ni-ticles Fut Them Down.105in connection wuth hndra ler iusband's prosence la _Buenos little cove kitowa as Angle Blay. lad;cs ef houer weering pidturesîluo ast - furnished wilh liree pur- of clothing. publications at the priOsttd irsesitefullv 'orolan Te beggar nuisance is a very TorontoDaiiyWorid, b190 e 35 Ayrcs-the snnctdnry off criîninaîs White ticy ivere at Milford tiere national costumes. At 1 o'clock Phd Iie nasineeocli SAVING PIIOPE1ITY. I comnien one i uhadlc C-rrnoDiySad o20 thaltitey once nmore got on, his was a brig at anchor, bouad for Sa- ithe divitne service boing eenclude.1, vas. ieintî ay uigetsdavor0fthepoice ia ndthelenge oronto Daily Globar,7 s Tererme el al wcre nees1devr o h plc i h track. Front Buenos Ayres tic maluvannai, Tiey teck passage,anad for ticpoce sonr'fo'nrRaI oiers for liatstables, ne chairs, riuo 0 iargeilane e oudb iic 0Iutt eahaemtw Toronto D5 'loe eito 35 ne mirroranno ra-h-faters ogteîs freqom a bornngi h.nî00' fled fo Europe, hunted freinipillar once justice wes baullccd, fer what i -hdtotc olekPlcesigfocibitno bt ic rss owrebuldng O enWocaioui astct iies 0f have . etusi eDh aladEmie47 te post, anR was t aI mt rua tubecame of tîcîn rcmains an n- igfcltc, u h rie oeý!oiy a lntted .m..,.. Off socceas, WîekhrGlob, Ls 1 90l earti after a cltase off 25,000 miles. selvequiaîystery.-'-Loa'don Answers. AN IMPOSING PROCESS-ION, arraugecl la accordance wili tie few v ears ege, whda glass ass more doulîlduo1 i attn nin- ekyMi n mie1 The aniioClsof Scotland ard cansjr'clieslacanonsok0flaapaneseh(taste- 'ostfylylinan ttilanaewaaurfurriturepnio r ma r abnr lolerantete- t TorToronoDDallyNNws Tie nnal offScolaudYardena _____________ ie ldie toe plaes I tlu~ W11~and we toek seats on tic mntting-oninsv recalmai-v f-im1iler isqc' f'n .,,i ,~ ru1~-2O ~,lUbbhuuiîî arc riier ririnla --h-**h. -h-hh. ~DuR!es and gorgeoosly-roboud ciergy Cfewd, wihling anti engc-.r te sae e -, 'h ,,a.Y-ýrTe~~i m d.,! or U:,ý ad snairsargnad hetqestirk." cclieriz, t~ and ]isaccora- ireport connes rem the Mamchrirn!al. Tic calire Icagh cf îlhr1 -'l ethrina aweilhordercd tahu ane, with in stare onte!wocsiecag scmn oe amr' doae25 ofgardE y-sîciir.d eyn:t wttîerrtc, and Ifin arogao lr o!le hlsnùcag i omgovrFmesdoat ~erelake, olensbly or I tc uuliui OipOluI aiordd nîe~C ~Farim, -,îotlRnetbi acompruedcobaraiselalueofftimar, cuiripubic suitnentin us a la cm hriaian nariardbal 904free2 0 'Plie-vcashr.rlther-notes, and, charter-; tat witi tie Cossnck delachruict these the ~populace was i-ssedin edlb mre than oeo eaf, lie gr lmaie a ue f a luains at ~ ny efe mlea ir ere FamivHerald and WekyS1r20 ing a carniage at lie Mansion Hotuse tiat rmiReR the Risticjt-west aoL hou. bmrriîiith-eîiris 15 la ls nf -.,r,.4 U4cf-., al h.i . .b " unh ~'~fan a fnng 1zt t~,- oci,.e- aneIie,"lsiiOa ~ uUit ou11- overy pitairedav-- nthe 1bous, wbich she laid upon lic thoori tbrough n plate glass wtîîdow t1 tehocountry af tihelimeoff the mal PAIN B.AL ong egUîi canlry Tle ;itussian qens iiîe.monumnents, etc. laui for us le ait ou,anad a Japanese tesre eo.Tic glass, aIt at:conaus,, andi mîarly one-fiffti offlie ricncbut lie samne rugit tioy casuaîhica la lhe flgitiug on J aï. 14, a bew ntm'iIepiluen' 1 smnokirug-boxfne.'swriaot$O. ,noale eecasR a eiiu lob t huLrriedly. Witier, ne clp were ever liree hurudred. Tih e -,purt:i11, as an impcsing processiona of Ville we were putting tilabox te A gle, aswr tor ws ncalboutdi00cants. 'Piee cae o ascrlgo as suffr W for afn.i remts kno: bt DteciveForestr, hostaes iaIlieilusia foce opus- priesîs, ci.urisîc-rs, standard-ilyeacora, use, lie girl went out and presentlyRdanger off lire, and off course lie 1ifta, represeiîbod a docrease of alnu umao.,fle wgis flual avse o baR theca<sacinlandu, Ira ckocl thomem d eu1 jan 16 consisteil off 6,000 mmbors of tie Imperint famnily an:Rreturned witi a lacqucied tray olgn f .. ua h paetievnprcet rm ta t t lma te Liverpool. Tiey lad saild f o CsactJbs, witi tonl goa. Ticy re-iGcnorala slewly teck ticir places! holding two very amalnad ahallow' relîlove tie stock. There w salong prvlous corusus, and tie decline ia and It erlaeetedPainmpet creBi Aujerica, witi an urrber oft trima istred in a norti-riasterly direction, o h lnilinof palîmn rn cp lcolorîcas, uns',', ctned Japan table i-, tie conter of lie siop, lad- been attriliired in part tu tie cern-limntifosaeh'alruit. wie ecretysurnuised cou-tirough. Laolunî',vwlou. Tihe nmelieo Rnepror downwards haro lc-bdR. te, wil ail n rsntdlnmn ! o aeb which he cte, wiei. he kcîtnadprCumîen witi coslly lampa and sinlýar: r- tvl cv iotlt mn tanîîd lie bfly. force, wiea ercourîlered Lter, Sp- o, riu, andRthon sicawaîtedi, on lier 1 . -PrIivl ov îotlt. mn ___ p»,ielgreatly faligued. Many .o! GCýlASi CAME TIIE BULLE S. 1 ilicles. Te crowd carried uit bedîlylthemn durirrg thec famnine ycars. 1But, A R UN ACROSS CANADA. ttchsixswr rseRctrd n A i ocesoîoflestnn ne e furt1rtorerera e! fiedis- eut imb lie atreot. anad wiealeySanys tli e 'port,"i ta saIsepartly -CET TH,'EI Fordter booked a passage by tic 1C iineso costum, evcn le queuesa 1eeremeay-,, le thpoiaîivigtnushfriiers .gel if blere, Overturned l a trbtaîut i pedc dua fw a rdeb l 1cso uetiR lopîntehr mnsmatsheR uvrything on it. Tic pro-ltion andl lie conseqiuenl weakcr llhose iho ie cennnd foll.wing stamer. Dils chase ivas a Frein he sorce itisepor d pped tie cross in te atlcr, the E gîlih, u-c, omaRussianpiorws oerlnoerwinuRnhchle s-ule asoi lagbyibet tic ruaI lawmello-"Gct thcree"-rs rhot thefie re n'as over. ion evor, for the inhve on, thtimnaginatton off the peo-. an alevating or eîunilic ee.yO Burgess and EIder hmd Rlien alieRat 1 pane e posilion near lliulurîgtuni, teojned aetsalii(o ho. rTbacrenamsigaRwaidl oeiigt Rie nvrrace isbidig le"i bn uiîiba et ié Ifecotayi.a t 1it< l Halifax, B nud Ne zYrk Isouli-eat off M-ulden. Eleea Jp- off bullets liroug lic winowsbut 1c-t;. but ouirpolyglot efforts te >be Isace ! pepe trnig iple,,as oraîly for týJes homaranoftahe oala ' le t i.c wrad i wlihPort iad they dsmbnealose nere missing alteor the action, ne pallie ocorirc-R, andtI li Metm'opo-fitli ll elicited natiug savea glasses, croCkery, and etieh ms-îr aliabgigcauuiil ehger ntca nmn vas lie queastion for Forrestor te 'rn-cire hundrem worîmon are re- IlItn quicîcly proce-d te blessthie lck t'barrasament anid nayaauoaeîteiriclr a.- R the-Thij- pre ating s-ob- h-igYer thticattu a uind iine Post haste te Buffalo. therîce acrosa Plie British stealiîierBo-,, ry, 'ouid sniic wtusoftI'Nv.'. Yul oerpt sotairàandauR dRoors inîttres-scs, pi- T're sl, halipily, roastmn te l w, il la crep imîg jt i upt Wiere- theY l'ad seltLeu dow' n ',nriis, o.Wenemty a uuia 1, . la-gtnhîai t-sh Def14-e ffbela-Rl'l etivuh-ieii~~l v- -w o-te e-erluuel.This- evil la niat 1 underiio-, eit:su lfeu - cy' -aLjoi nvýibyrv t i I-g an rin -in Iv~lai -lOhu b~ etbc -*L~V~ ie eund tteepr-uier a,~ h aSr~ ]C Gaet luiti ~he~V ni. ai iir ciene lris insea 1t I d, prin i -N f - - zfi -n s 'z- i'z ý- n 4 bIe Iim~ îiriiie'ibu- t e t heR horeI'a2.- e ('hith rise re J i di--'J I ~n ~- I m-su nufecu j-uc n-nnu- i-o nom uspo Pou>. À ia iUliVe tue redandneaiy eldR bth.Tie li buri bînla -nalies" ~r f 4îfinssssaizo r'gga~: ~ndub~ aheac - o ~n~tîclases nin i îiy a Lun~- na ai, w,.a Lt~ t,~, ~ ht- srn~, ~ n,,-i,. -nji.1 -naey-went to--G-oeva,- then- on -tua-lhlrs at llCa ltiscasi. IClhb., -a -115 Naplos, and finally boarded a siip sometirne8 been asserted, n product fer -Malta of civilized lifo If pervades tlie FLAWIN HE ARRNT. wlole world, civilizeR 'nadunuciviliz- I FLAW N THEWARTýNT. ec alike. Il affects anaimala as weli,1 Tie Police aolualiy travelled on ns hunan beinga, auRd ises ai-c net the saine lent, keeping a close immune te it. Lut ifta snet iafce- walci on lie criminals imti nigît tjlieus and noltîransmissible ren ciee anR day, auR whea lie lent toncied ispecies te ano fier. It is netat Malt tby nresî~RCol su ustibutalle te a parasite and conîpanion. But tiero mus n slip. incrcmsing. Thie expenlnata off the The police aI lieeat moncnt wece pasî yenr have Ilt iowrin t ma- depîriveR o! themr prey, for thire n'as dium exereises n curative effec. ',',ieî remdered if uscIeFs, andthie ine,woe froc agaLin. Malta, ion'- exer, refumuiedte barber themi, atud os tic polie, tlîougi harmîcas, were sîîadowing Iluir evîurly puuo,'riet, li Respaîu- they bookced pas§sages foir P' xiz mI nmurt Isasli.f-11 ow,n'1 auit. Ier nas a farcical position!I l'eoff tic' most "wautcd" minaof tlin dlay travelling ou a steamer. ntttu tthir wouid-be capter-s as bel- la w l}ac-ogou-s, anud yot lie-',omd tic pnbal off theo Ian I lut ti he endu-c f - --.--- -~ A substance calleR petrolignite la being ndopled as a inatrial for lie decis of ahips. Il la prepared freni sawdust, mlxed witi certain miner- aIs, anR formeR lie samis, wunder higi iydraulic pressure. Ils valiu- LIEb>pu tuel poic lolo e blitlb ili -i i inflammnable, and is net lippery wben n'eI. "Was her fatier put ouItn'hen yen asked te marry her?" -No; bul 1 n as." it -would be a- world-wide - cala--m- ouaa ity, because the oil that cornes ief safety behi from its liver surpasses al other " That 'Spri fats ini nourishing and life- i,,cedthe Ii e-1'gmade ail the propertie8. Thirty years ago -But, sir, the proprietors of Seott's Ernul-1 patience,"il sion found a way of preparing -Why î ;'Patieace! cod liver oil so that everyone can j" Great Tegu take it and get the full value of patieae ia th ..thiLwitb~uLt.e.clhociirnaUejLhat îiuddlc- abýea1stafbkathe taste. Scott's Emulsion is the aituie-polish!' best thing in the world for wcak, 'ýAh, i 504 backward children, thin, delicate "ai-id ou a people, and ail conditions of r NeC doa'i wasting and lost strength. to o Seuud fou friesa cmpleslbhiiu i SCOTT & B WNCiunSTSR ! 'o n .Toîî TOM0ozrO, ONtT. lots 0' il Or 50c. .iuud $.00. Al dugia o uuIb i, oliIantc w eapon -off djeffne;- and- Nahmi . gîage bas bdijt broken up Lu[t ituztn fryu' u e iaccfI e i1 cipiîatcly te a position unIe sen hundred uialecla Ther Oneoef lie effetfs offte le orsenI auR bowe Ho t I iwurtbc imîid lie counfer. are huair.'ds la Boraco. iwar befweî Russin and Japan usanad boond thtint1hi- c0nc'îî m-t ruilus ,out Iastanler,' - cern- Ian incro-ase lna hm prîce o! caniphor. iîîvariably brougit about by t.le Ifle rma, la n tons tînt Il is net kaown wie diacevered 'Pila incecase tircalens le le so use of cafliartica, ',uh i nl cciiiai.i lazers shiver- the art of making lire, but il, is considorable as ho actnnlly stop cor- a certain amount off i-,,ineuus nlc. you mnust have certain Ibat woman was lhe tirsI tain lidusfries, suci as lie nuxaking After the lit actieon A such mecli- Jnterrupted the barber. malei-malîer. off celhuloid, whici -epends on tic cincs a rosineuis re idue remanilxb- OalVîwe inysago.----" -sulpply eofOapi r.lIîind andti Iis bas a drying ee ct oni * boi j te rae uethe liiling of tle stntuiach aind a! t ire i' ene.g ~Fweddie-Tint cwealure aetually boweîs. o!e nl e ait mn as! h i UtoSSloIRme tb mid rap own business, 1He maRc up bts mn1. te 1 'oducay' headedgirl ff ous inay' know. Oholly-Tie impertinent a mndicine fer aIl atocliau ex -he t1aedde enMiigirl, of-4eaneioursu-- s1d l e-s ITi-rduo orfr ntI ofti erlous if tie proper remedy ingh As if 10 insîrnuate, don't y f irely free Irom all rde' us malt.-'. be not administered. Thie secretive icnow, tint I was la business, Af ier aruci oxperinient 1we s e- e!- smn-iled tie barber, organs must. be put in a thorough ceeded, and te enuotasi e ii-o cliffr- it amiter bofîle?" 'mvekung condition. If you would lîke Peraimbulnhing barbera, siaving ence bcltweea listcaîn' nllm 't!" snna-pod thec ld- to have arelief act as iffrom a charm custemers lm tie street, are fruo un- oir fitslijcned ': t1 îus L .rýoi leiruan. "I wnnt te just use usual sigbts in the side streets off the nanie "Aniti-1111.'l plO C osaîsa, or ccinlipou ori M -Wel1,'ý uniR Mr. IHiflier, angnily,I unR for' dl or cu-or d- cn-u- ics 'I have icea losiuîg -tois wife, "there isa'I a persnaliwili ne pilîll i,-t 1lett ao uvi- Ruiri nsle paît twe Ihie 1wOrl Who regrets beng mai.- come la1er. Ir d"Ys noticed reied more than I do." "Don't le, 50c. Ail rngiats, or 'Pi Wirpn Ceon oltencling churci too sure of tint, till 3-ou hear my Fyle Co.,Liic, lam Fi5 J-SoiR Everywiere. In boxes 25 cents. opinion on thé question." OnSligrl'frCnd and aga!n 1 i 4 4 -T

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