.ýÎ Boston baketi bonus are greatly i*« TRMiFoUsE» 189 V ~ 1~I î iproveci by adding a toacup of BEL EVILEich crcam the lasi hieur tley bae ~ T~," 1IIIV~ ~Tiat if you atit a littie sugar te Business Cottege, è j IJ j Ek *n WoUtiS.tc acrl' hihai mns r Lim tîe '->'e astet, it gives a gooti flairer? Z Tralnlng UNEXUELLED '~~~~ Our sole knowledge o! theiPia air oiig cikn r n ~~ ~ ~ % I~~~**** ~~ pie on other worlds anti how far mntfernsattsiittnda + w . t-he-w-ter-I-n--wbh--atluocicîl? _ a uvyvit;; FFnciantiGerait GMî<DAIN17 ,TCY13 ~inhabitants, can 0:1yniyehoguesset by Ifvery Dpunentqz1ý a Speo5laltiy iMEDIN - III companison with animai nature -on thii Ait J. A.eTary f, J. 1 esdeîspiere o us oeipratDEEeEST MINE IN TUE WORLD' uni>dan e cokot la eeplyeilng ai tet us ts a knowiedge of ourselves. ten et en ae. Sre li KNow Tmhvsr" was an oit Greek 4,000 Foot Below the Bottent ! y wîuî jmm,1 t hought. llow te take care o! onie'lsLa.ke Suporior.! ph I Heuoiseraisi Sauce mate ns followsa' oxîn body is noi se simple as sonie thiuk' "Imagine If you rau a gigarntir Ilî'ke, X~Iin erIS O11 wil etiu li hve fo1sme he ushuman nîechanism ista awonderful ioueycomnb foty mlles long iy fif-s-Of w 111-e i C M*1Il(Y il kopi cnti wieiîfo snetare: thinig and requines waichiug. eeun miles breat, surrounteti by Ifkptcvre ainte in use:v 1 One iran wio bas toue more to teaci ;vater ani ponetrated by inutrets o! njonc To j e th e ot funo'ysoason wtha 1teAmeran people how te rare for their mlso! tunniels i0ties o eieow thone no eople who want the uittle sait, sugar, ai-id made inusta.îd bodies tan alatost auly ocien, is Dr. P. V. aniother le rthe tepil of a mile, anti aire ant i lx loto a paste wihl looi Pierre, of Buffalo, N. Y., île Authon o! tie you xiii have somne itio," writcs'Nol BDýT Cutters to drive or juico. I"Common Sense Metical Adviset." He Mrn. Tiedore Ve7aters lu Everyb t he ti Stcwet Prunes.-Wash îwe pouitis sain: It is net tir quantit>' of tice food od' tCi"-own Cutters a n d o! prunes, iput ila astone jan, pour etnwilprtcssrngisthathe agie, est mie riuteî'y la the theus Ioiliutg wtor Set i (fer soule people rau kerp sîneng on a vrry ti ePes iciitcwnt l Slih pitd and repair- C. utile boln a e or, Se Ote mieag-ne 'tr), but it la bow nitîrh foodtla Calîunuet andt Hocia, lis locatet. 'Phis excre ed, 1am arn ly oeatend otoetattend setoilletl tirbellresî aadilyte tilih tvec organ f thcarnetjarte a ot o si lng wtyrendganorof aCitesiblztd bysautboofoot ubelew îleie ebottomlow o!ou LahonehAi her atsaytmeaseýtentider., for lad! itsugar te t s teefre itly ecsa î orenaîy Sîperior, îvihitisefif s o110 lieu- te0 ( tsean twfrhlanhoui. itate. If diseaseocf tirstemaci, orwhlatis imot foot dec1. 'eff i Seilattningie Preston Pudding is veny useful at cahod t"stonînch trouble," prevents proper If the kni!e!fa Cyclops couit eut i nt tils timo cof yoar. 'Pako n leamupfful nutrition tien Cie letant, lirer, lutigs, and the bonoy-comil in tue, lengîtudiai- weîî -toPaifltiflz. cf stonotd raisins, tihe saine quaiitity kidneys do net get prepen foodthtey are aily, as Sr â.ib Lubbock alsci t ecase. o! fleur andi trencle, anti tuice tînt net fet oun ici rot biotd ant in uese- rut an arit's uust fer tle purpoeoofl kiim,ç t quantty of breadcn-unîbs, one onnce queude, irgia te show signa cf tistress. obsit gwa a on nisdcc m.Edo'er . Otwrtly these .vgns mamy h lsevie 'iti -n gin n nst cr ofranidiet peci, andt a qua ter o! a anti eruptiens on kin pale face, sceplesa hr vtilh e-cltawesbatiî Bowrnanvil!e Pound o! saîttutas. Mix ail together nihts, tiret, languit feelings, or, by reasen a breatit c! intustry not ecip.oot hy site ____________________________att twn heatea eggs anti a littie efthCe ferres net beiuig fet on pure blient hose o! nuaay surface ccmnmiîutmtlos, kaciluilk. Place ia a grenset mnoult andt they beromne starved, anud wo recoive a Dozons of levator sînits, sente per- leurs. wrîuag.luthe pain vwe ral neuralgia. paiulrmtiosoi n iruîle, fo bel orihcoReumatîsm, too, s a blood disease. Aftervuluit ho funt picrclug 'the ,.bom ' UiiMutton Pie-Cuit front a sntall years o! practice anti stut>' Dr. Pierce front top te îettnm han thoînw froux sAYneck of ritutten as inaîîy rbops as foandthtinn Alterative Extract, wirl lie im yen rcquiro, lient ib int, anti sou namet "Dr. Pience's Golden Medicai Dia- ho seein cars rarrying men andti mc nl a B Y IL sut wtitpppei aniait.Lay heuncovery I" mate frcnteextracts of several u nitw iitesetci f ex- t hes snwtippeansatLa hnplns'invaiably ppuots ta taieief. incrat inadsh n satr rsen a ponea esystem. hi beipedthCe precess of lnanadtioui,arasntiac oxan -i2-y încdoiesatiprley miabsorption of CIheniatly elements lu Cie tend galienies oerflowing îith ne- In s Isthe tube! faninterestiag Book- att n uitile groi'y. Coi or wiCth ifoet anti inmcaeath te et corpusdirs of Iuliiy; in seine, linos o! airtîills cnt- Of v lotwîiiî xpain ou ssto 1> gotishot ps- anti bake carefiily. theblient, asuweil as eliminatedtheti poisons ltw ici dopmin>'l uaiad Wî i ei uit ttix'iî îi- ro lesYten. N Cmefe0hai ng tleio way lie otie rock, in axxal ened grnvy. îîocîing itlirougl Oa lBusiniess isetbersnsutiteo hurstfor of on withdrawu by mail as ronveni- fia! aches. Constipation causes tirera. Dector bIass iii ihe wails o! the lotos. El- o! as f ourow pît ffce lix r udig-nln. Piece's Pîrasaut Pelleta cure them by cuir. ectr icrnootiveos are laîîlîug trais anelr eni> f 1s ingîle cause. Iaxative antinmut. of uork-cars te the shafts, or aiea skia were oun office. sieeps luvrnandi chop ia fne , mix ac-eun aborieusly puishirg latd-i-nrIve Seat for it. Yoa will it wullî tic saine ijuaitity o! oiopp*t 'L AILP OKE cars lireugi tiarknoo subIvaxit. bhait fnt it interestiuug. beef suot; atirinlut lf the quaîtily BDoira serme o! the sba!ts con bce honi __________________o! fine breaticrumits; season xii T'Pbe are but, a fexv of tic înany trareut pumnpiloos, Pipes aniîrailes moueg a litto elioti. Lino at groasetI ibasin tomptîug nuit tootlie ookies rattating eulandti tînugi the gai- chial Canlaua. wtb ight tact pnstry, f11H wiCi tîls tiat nay ho mate. lunînîuy i.uties lbries se tintthîe miniuers mom have mte rsweet Ici-bs well poutdeti; att a lit-! reekies are ko1ît aiîrnys on haut, dry tunneols, eoeilgîts, autti evieîun île gratiuti îuneg, black peppen, anti antia n - tyo! ways anti kiuids are teicphoec service under'grouund. Nh P r a e tmixture, roi or wtl pastry. 'Plo" a appreriatecu. In tioe passages, many o! thoî i ahot MotaeCroa n c loti ever andttisam for tirco Now a word aibeut cookies ia goît- se deep tint the intenai lent o! pass ioîurs anti a hlai!, ral. Wbeu cuîînletIcIoaci une ticennil mît b le peneptiliy feit, us {î'ormerly 'Pie Canada Permanent anti Baket pig's frir is a tasty tisi. Cet biaprftslp. A oIeo! mon live atnd cnt andti til anti carry tacle, J WesternnCanada iMorigago Corporation) about coepount anti a lai!o ryfîegtrsiade reit ie îî n île butiness of 111e apparcutiy ae TOROTO TRET, OROTO iii tie iixer anti beartin litsces. c«hippot e'nt, may taste as iveli, but oblivious cf tic facitinht th'cy are P -rORNTOSTRET, ORONÔ 1Peel usix potatees, anti rut enchin lut i fot so gendtoinlook au s neeanoroe, eluinre o! the enrthli un isbir ________________________liai!, art-ange round a hakiutg un tin ti is symmetriral. De net cmoud ex onmen succcc'let ii gettiîug le- crt IPut tic f ny onuh ti n, wvi ti rce 'when puiting thitiii ithe pan. Loe e utae tgiîgiesic f MYSTERIES 0F HEREDITY. cioppet îtioîus. Setier soîne sage oaci have reoin te sprenîî a littHo. erer every mirniue. 'Pînusants o! nidm --ovor anti irede igcx'tl seasoueci flour. as il xiii as i hecrmsostxi, anti mon ii thesctow-vs anuitvil- a'cli d Por i a reafas-cupul f wter Ve no touh te ele iex to i a'ges andiergrond, govennet hy aws hos Prof. Pearson Atteiupts te FiatP '~tabekntrpu !iatr e e od ieeeuetl l for their peareful togulalion, anuithti Oui Its 'La-ws. rover Cie top wiil greaseti paper 'Tis w v1lisune a sinooti cniap otite provitiet viii efficient systituso! vonti "If you knevnttsoîuteîy oeey- anti balc unn asieaty oven for' eue anti nî lnt oîiy te the appearnace lirc protectien, saujîntien, drainge îîisff ihiaig about ClI par-enta, yen wtiut.1heur anti n liaI!, o! tle autile, bai tote easte ise, anti ventilation. lie able te predict uvînt tiechcitd Macaroni Stoxv is excellent ither Fîxit Cookics-ie cucp sugar ant Inithîe deopcst minue t re arc OerrT'Pe -cîîuit be." Se sait Prolessir Karl witîî or ititoat nient. 'Pake que one rîup buer crenaineon ie êcap me- tire lumdret miles o! tunnels lighitt n P'earson, F.Ii.S., it lis lecture at!plut anti a hli!o!f-stock xhiri bas lasses, tire eggs, Oune teasi'oou saler- iu port ulthincoandescent, iamps, te l,4!rt (Colie, !ý Englanîl. jheen caiefullIv straineil. hingto tehîe as tissoîx et luineue iuarten cupaPnditan onîite teloplinne service chIc ~eesîu Pnionsoinoc unie bnîk bell, anuitdrop lu bal! n Poundto!f Nialer, ocite ruup raisiuns citppot andti i ailn 'eotral" anti igity insiru- o~idsel,,-nti rakabie Cîetries riý- 1nmacaroni, anuitcooli fin a quarter ofo!eeanttne-iniIf caps cannants, one j monts irsîtitetinlutie, galleries: sn spuc~tig 1îcapeîu'%mentinlareationî te lau heur. 'Pie'uilet a011 stox gcutly teaspooiu ciumnann oeeof! noves, tint a pumaipînan on île e f!ysvcntlho hu clo- f h bi' lt Inlru iilitest lkus)sorbIe-(i; a-lt tonteenre-li,îlteaspuen giniger, fleur foi' leol rau ratil up a friont erontheîoi with ierotuty ie u ua be a coîtat-'thidi tomate soudce, anet shako ovon 'soit toigh. hou anti spnukle' iîth îeug-distauce wine te Chicago, anti tnaits vil viias tian ncctian. One 1 tic lire for a row vmunies. Place ýbrown sigar, cut round anti hake tel lîii hoxv h els te lire la tic niusC o-xamnte ores aunutsaont coui- on n hoi pinte, spriuxîlc grntcd lneit tee qoickiy, as liese cookies boecs of thoe arib. sis', anti espocinîîy îlhe cousincD. ns chose oert c tickiy, broum with l un ua on ii,aîIess oeon 18 moderato ----- W4-11 as parents anti brotuiers. salamaudin, andi serre. - Bake ai cuisp hbrown. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. in J! ac ets o!a mn'sceuio 'Pfecipis leFor .-i Pato: Ceeuies keop best la a sioue Jau', tic r-e fouudtti t have sinilar characi- Boil one.,leluitio! figa a ifh a cnp- weli rovereci anti kept In a co lin.Wusuwsistig yu a cristirs, sait Professer Pearson, h fui or xvtontililiey arc qaito sefi. Ipince., been uset by nmillions of iothers fer rht wsuld ho fairiy safe t tn'tic 'irasuir in oae Poundianti a hall ekisNo .-ie u sgnur cliltron whlle Cetiin,,. Ifdis- 1g mn's own clamacter wns aise sinîl.- o! sugar anti boit sieviy util île iieePinel- sai, coe agg, eue cap tunbeil at augît and inokciu o! y-lut îî'et 'itr, With the ait o! a arge uaîbu'r mixture hecomùes a ticiml î,ste. I iae soan drait, ente-bal! teaspoon sodta.ri g iy pn ofckcilt tling eon c fa- s ofdaramdthe professer arguell a veryshallow tuih witl î eput Fhvor with lermon anti nuîmeg. înt xiiice ad ! uti oge ot"i,-senthun thtif ago hrceitrcudth at nwiebt e cool, Forfrsot og.Deot kt -I et oceani ota bul o' us brkeptin a!amiiv for togetîcra- lftth aper fuom the tisb, rut itetiogi. drnslo'e thing I xvii orelivo lesouts tions, thon tic effsprlng would 1ho ticepaste ie o litile squar-es anîl Ceekies No. 2.-One cap sugar, dpoonr uti suIoreriuîneiavethi e-gn crtain te possess if. îî wns, iere- roll thii n sagan. Panisît Figs: three eggs, oeebal! rap butterne-po-, oasferriirdaeye- ial " fo_ e efoii ssm tpeeiPiclk cier nn<l1,reinoro tic stalîs- 'h alfcp seuincroan, one-inif rap pend upon lu, motions, tiure ln ne 'i te taise an interestinlaone's antes- from oePounti o! hesi figs. Cnt hattermiik, oe eteaspoon soda; funitieaotit ue irieoi 1 ors, cari fig in iwc andi remnore îleheseety te role-tt uiety. regulates lte stoutuncit anti bewels,Th Witi regard te sisiers. Professer rentres. To blesu attf an equi-ai Hickory mut Cookies. - One anti cures Wind Colie, sofiens tic Gums, en Pearson saidthtit aftora eai na- quartity o! walnais, alunouits, anti one-ini! caps sagar, one cap butter, retures Iaflammaintion, anti gi-vos toee ute tien of 2,014 "pairs" e! Si=t.r, hruaisius atîtiforce niltirouighin mc- Ion.e cup sean niik, oe eogg, one ton- _antI ea o te tic iol systemforuset fot a striklng rseniblance o! sus- lïng machine. Flairr xiii Ionien speon soda,. eue cup fiaely clioppeti chilcren ieetîtiug ln pîcasanu te the d, iton te sister. bohou entnîly anti pur- IJuice. Ce-ver the fugs witiî'a thia lirtîmy-nut monts. Flavor xvi tae nilsoifposrptonoscm slcally. 'Pie resoîuîbiance hetwu'u ,I ler o! ibis mixture, roll up like leîuîou. tanteandtiesiti pecition ofac orielma parents anti etispnjng was .5 t fint t a mrellu, and rover ihickiy ixti ony NireCookisOne îmebut- casat ussi l ntt betwern niiw lbraIios on two suistrs .rnua-o tîa. o, îwo (caps scia, en egsun Satos ire i Aiy-l' ents 11i elilbi lo; d -itîntalweu la ut tilittll lvou aa ap! ai , two Soit iy aildmgisturih-fo: brother an-ci a sisier lîoss aiî OSIIODbapoî ami edr n-afouit tr,15w1tr1ld. 1lIe stune anti ask fuir Iat 'Phono ias ne) duieî,r-ence'tequ aISemeh-1ody lins buid aaw use fortaptl enn iiai orooig 1n lso' Soin yp" I anin il t i nugureirae.hotsg Ipntepaigs. tedo! tiï, o riout Mk rnilubsat ___ as regaCrds, he otacec rùt< lî uicu e îoginaebx otn bk a qairkoo. "-i,'4____- ilthtihs s ihlait asla ktde tre Pn ispeset SuVeit Con ekI Oe cp DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED rec wih Jiz--î vý1 -i the iihriqt v'thondi-msý not kuiowo TIetoal4t1 i ducr of ticy provenut te gathicnig o! baiuiir, oeeanen -ili as suzgu', ~spialsa ~ue anrenedth mist cutre ve'- ~aîi i a et sofrel iis e-tîve egis, one cap sw,ýet i cm, two eiseSet îrticn cf thecear "Tiers is oni>' elle -s I)rmiLi,,wilthsiails ltth i heeapla alig odeleo. i-way h cure deaniis, andt iatIdlabY (e-oiutitti porimntiagimsei cx-art ns bie baruing o! pieces o csoishkn tr eo fie-uomalremedles. Deafacus t, Cauued luailau self1 Sont tinte, atid alreaiy bad -grand zinc, often nerommnettfor tic pan- vri, fleur to makc a stiT tdotigi flumed etdi4,Ioq Of the umccc iiloftne lime ilî lciiudren o! is oiginaaisua1ls. 'Pley pose. SOOtonrnte tiRuoigIBll oui anti bale iaquick outn. Esatl ueWieu ibistuîbe 1la inlhsmretj %vOre dyiug off, bowerer, se tint hie eut o! an accumulatien o! seot-is ,Sagar Cokis-Crcam togc'uhen li'c ae win umllaaoni uic Imploed. efe elaranir bat ne dJata to go apen. tccieo ei imc ie. two cups silgar antioe u p buitter; tie restitt, saniseastie leiii immtti'un ea te fîi ]t ua ncosnr, l aite -e tu-rched, table linon ina-gjustly be'hnat no et-eiai'g;w~îsruCai1il ha e8trumysti 'rv-r; iîuu study hbcrediiy oh îlte roaiunityiyl tennetan nabomination. A rmach a ltogotier. Atti ene-baif CUP n1c a*es out f ell, eu ni eiseti by, <tatrri Iy certain wuvs. btter xvny N te mron table clohs sireet mik anduti sdnwcilithen dt "blet lanothing but an iC umedieoaduluoti o!rjThi'c ani117kus llequt-cm,1iltîone teaspeout vota siftoîl xii fleur 1wmeouanfea hile ii giteOluamHndraulDolla, fora ivrestu ,' auîîeomee u el- arna ioseiy anti bea uashet ich o f rmine, was se pleaset -witi Charnier- col 'y 0ir îlos rtexture. - vis aimeCitic] sane Tnll OUINW aiu's Coi hRemetiv, wiich sie badthCe i ' lii o rsee 1k no! pria s t h o k n it t e d g o o s 1 T h t w e n a n y t i g is b y a c c id e n t s c ii f r r e r c h il r e n w e n s u f f r in g c o u g r soCeoeoi o! mate tee saltýi, ais ho nemotiieti 'y front c'uids nti crou, lthiaiduring a the t J Suliiiidio a bOms r 'rT, dean Ciii FPrantus, spotugo w ih aLdding a tab1iespoufuloaci o! vine- fnngtstrescolieia 'Shopepb,3tr Se eônu. S, nut, ie W-50'1 a !f (M tsuîtdsa-, tuxun !oeiliai! pilat wcr, aranti hrown sigrin boîesuvieisi esent le er liehi Ln'uuuuuaomc.nu. ts omro euno sieu nt P iaih ,ý a gOcti p an te ,att fiensa dîfirn pat'lie Satte. lIt ai is11ie o anifet nher. Pus viii anketien inte ha hiciyou oil Ufiai1, o Podl ee anti advisiiig them l iei s ri'atnflyden nti brigit. ally Sait f'-'ter finih? tia -,Frdae by ai4r11 sa. du cougi, andi preparatieris containing many mnilliens-failed tirougl the For Humors 7roform, opium, etc , are used for do-l ai e! a telegrunt for a few Si hu tpurpese, but they do nit cure the minutes. Sl hu 1 jîamberittin't3*Ceagi, Remedv <on In warfare mnore important issues ScrOfuIous Swellings, etc. other hand dees net suppress the than can ho estimatet lai money WEAVER'S CE RATE ,, but retieves It bv removiug frein value are decideti by tic saving o! throat andi lungS tie mucus which min-utes. 'Phono is, penlîaps, ne bet- Cleanses the Skmn trcteth le breathing and aIiav inz ton examiplo than Waterloo, wiepre Beautifies the Complexion. iriainand tc in the thiroat he e niumearivion îlesceno' ,o opensihasecreilofleand effeet- pt onfcio! Bnltaili's lydecided I Cmie.tu, rprtoantpcwn - andperauetlycures theecou flNapoleon*S ft.A-fwmnts i- flyoo h y"',cmltl rdct 'Veh as tlieCceugi. For sale by ailn y atcoiino nn epe- Dil aruC i. ote1 Lgibts, untbyleGemnEprr -ud HELTb Four Re a son 1s -hy-Yeui---houi4--ê Red-Rose-'Pa--ivc- appearrd in AVOIDING INFE rCTION. tbis papier. Ithough thie germ theory of dis- ', i nea iretty well uaderst oed Th"ýey have explaineti th at everyb(ydy, anid ail know the nie-[ ty of avoiding tire microbes of hoid fever, diphtheria anid the -ndcei], seine tiuii seulsar fearfuit of gernis ns aimost te lie emaaifars on the Silbjoct,-yOýt Ce is stilli nîuch p-ilir inr eof hew diseases are spread. et ail gui ndusLasos are spread inj Sanîc aW'V lu sorte the poison ýiveu oil i'y the skia, in others by breatli, in ethûcrs again by thle etioii,, and ira stIl e t hers pr is coiupoeod entirely audt soliely of thre rich, fragrant ,by two or moere of t1icse Sway.s. to0f 1ijlia and Ceylinî; that it is iniade by mo.-n who Il poss3ibile pains shofiti o take-are sizilieti in the tasting andi hlenldin- of teas; that dLcstroy the germs that are i a arcsyivy iur i salasunfrri by the sick, su thait tbicy ý iiI 1Lt, isarci yup iqo;i sawy nfr ' tlieir w ay i e the bodies oi the ý quaility, econorical to use, perfcct]y cdean and pure. 1andi reproduce in tiienili te dis-i ubro therasnwl perin us- e* In order teotitis elle MustA.urbroetrrasn ii perla use vw how the poison N 'ixven off ln quent ais., h citidisease. andi se hoeable nte entrewudy- io iet r prevent its ecape inte the eut- I h totm oi o e iet r Sworl-d. ln seino cases titis 1 peurnd of the ton? By doing se you wili appreciate >wa, but in otheiýs it N net. mere fully the, force, of the raeswîc appear later. 1 ,YP)!ii fo',er the gerîns esCape itehedý:y in the tiischa"ges Ried Rese Tea wili substariitû te very statement n the hewels andth e bhlnIer; andi made abeut it. a a of this tiisease. therefore, oe dijsharges thon Id aiways ho .ted by serrne pou erful disini'oct- T. H-. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N. B. hofore the-tý are I hrew n ýaay. scnrict lever Ihopoison iN giVI ivitb tho tend s.kin that P-ces BRANCHES: TORONTO, WINNIPleC. vy 1ewartl th'ee til ef the discase ii il'cenvaiesceri vO th' ibody thbo sij'k id shoulti be kept rînted, teorttnt the dry ____ ma-y ont fly OIT,anda what is re- ave probabiy resuited inl Napoleon vel at eaclh anointing seiih MIINUTES WORTH MONEY gann h a. hswudhv nÈa ne uconsurahtien the meant a wur inidemiuity of many lqus is contanid ini the muicus BANK RUNS STOPPED VERY 'more millions than oee ares to es- gliud up front the luns and brou- LVRY il uibes. The ',iîcing Of CLVELY Iimse triai on thoeni or fleor, A Few Minutes Delay mniglit Have CANCER CURE A SUCCESS. ~it wiil -dryandi ho blowa itwith thedat, thon, noili- Changed the Fate of an - less titan crininal; it sheutti hobý Empire. Physician's Treatment Resuits in ced jute a special Pocliot 1ocepT-hPle elt adage that "Tinte is Complote Cure. le hici ran ho benht at ni ooy" ils often proveti by instances 3t anw drug-stoce, or iet a papor of an extracî'diuary char acter-snLch "Comploteiy cored of cancer!" dun andtilu'u-,ed as soon as Pos- as, for examipie, the case of the I SuC'h is the remarkahle statement 01. ~~steamrshlip ',Taupier," whicli , went made byý the Countess of Ciancarty, 1dii htheu ic Vepoisorîn i ss ahe soiiuowbat recently. Thli once thoe fanious Belle B0ltori of the in the, nie stujre nifthe brcntlih siwswi isrtadaotmusic hall stage, wbe lias just re- pc ssihly I i other mianauda as tlc im re the slip was wrecked tlie turneti te London frcmi Paris, ac- P verVthiu<. tiîîrefore, that iuaropicyeprThe'Pleues- rompanieti by lier husbaad, says the h ou lin the patient's rocuar-antiý tien of a mnute of Greenwich iu ILno Epes wc.ls. fleur anti mlîiiag Of the Uwill decid(.o, apparEnt1y, wliother the Eariy iast year tlie Coîîatess was in isef-soul betboroughlyit'iusuraîîce 'brokers %ill bave te piay overtaken by tlie most releatless of 1 süo te thelO hoail malaies-cancer. Operatlens nFocteti bofcro a -wol chil is a-oxran enorineous wsum te the own- Pnvain ti te cerne la contact withit. !ors of the vossel or net. weenerfouebthla ai n ue tevs andi boolks sheulti ho It of ton lappens that life ns SentenceSio!Athur Veasrpnoaa- red: anti se, Iolizos the diph- ance policies are net renewed at the presideut of the Royal Coliege o! ia tierms couh fu l l proper time; anti aithough a clear~ Physicians, Irelanti, andth le eminent F*s tiroat-tii 'vPer-siSt there mnentir 15 now alloweti-as an act ofayrseiuss îewr esî- tutcrS fer suverai waol-ehosgraohylaslarge nuber o! lue iii ace io n-srace-coua argse rer o e iiiany t by the Farl of Clancarty con- tiii net h' sent te ,bO ra-suac opnethr r al, urret l ib tis verdict. Twe of lie ,,d te pi t ilh xcll chiltdren.- cases ou record in wîîcîhehavilY iii-j greatest cancer spojialists of the ,th's Com'îauiiioiî sured mnnhave sent their prerniunts day teciaredti tIt the Countess to tlic brat office just tee laie te rouît net live moro than six wveeks. allew of acceptauce, antinlacouise- As a last reseunce Lord Clancarty THE, SIN 01iF TFIN< quence, have bad te sacrifice linge teek bis' wife te Paris, andi piaceti suotlert bre iscwlauhf ibci have been tepesite.l. lier unden the treatnient of Dr. te Snprtreil' emrcy Sudh a case us airn.st impossible Doyen, with the resuit Lady Clan- tmucliabe we eîthey degîcos aw--dysthe lw f i mproveti canty tld lu her owu wocds yeâter- k flnîsaedicrieiatiti anti more-,boneat metbods nuepteti iby day. tes flf ulae gsamntyie ur teiinsurance ronupanios. "When I was placeti under Dr. antistloftric A "IIUN' ON TITE BAN1. Doyea's treatmeut I lad oaiy tlree 1drinks are made adeeti RNeO R AK weeks of! ife left," she saîid. "The sset going, and people woîxre h is a terrible uisfortune-for a new treatment hegan la Manch. Ia he intoienablo lient ivili eeor xod- bank te have te rope wilh a " rua,"- ail, 1 hati twenty-nlu-e inoculations c.- But u intor utc ýr tou Fre Per- Word gees reund tihat su,ýh-aud-such o! the anti-cancer seruma from i bodieup l aclca ant liamya bank ils ia a bat way, anti at once tet-le t hryi h sa nonts, anti sit, ail day andi siocp there ils a rush by depositors te number. aigbt !la an atiluospiere bî'tweeva witlidrnw Cheir moecy,'Tlis experi- "At the enti of the course I was -ty anti ninetY cdegrees-ant 500 oe nce lias been furet lain any rouan- preneunceti hy Dr. Doyen anti his hing ïnconiStoI.t la it. tries, anti h is an emergeacy la coileagues froe from Cancer. Ilere he ratic i aburly ncnsit-whldh the heatis reognize that min- 1aal te waik about, te enjoy as u'eil as barunful. Il is ex- utes are wenuîî milliions. Sonetîîing li1e, neot vory strong yot, but quite ti on tlie grenat tînt cao van- has te ho doue te moottihe domantis cureti of the terrible disease !romr sit anti shivor la coiti roonuis ail of ddositors or aiiay their wou'st whlch 1 suloroti." ionLý, anti maay pensons are fouit foars', anti ail kints of devices bave Dr. Doyen is a French physiclan ay'. g that while a th1iermniietor hoon resortedt at uoee tinte anti whoso dlaims te baving discoveret hoe a. piece eof scientfic appi-ara-antîr the cancer microbe anti a sure me- insrutet o pe0110 oChe f the puosi rem-.a-rka1 ine thotiof troamn, rocertiy aôiO et antil an ac)itoeiwatiinvetgto reatiings de o net uappoa eca tncsrc i tic faci tint the n s iiiapytins ie ho un 1 adc an age saetiticdesperatoý th imsheeefIo eitdsniei-s"droriar.unir 15 T11111 BLACK FORuisT.1 t e eteitu ihyfv t' l lcuîtae, Tbe Black Forest o! Gormiany.a s hfee ee ees cmfrtbie, Ïeîiigthnt the"ra wouit ego famnour fer vcenes, is'hua- Upt ilt-tv igesh uc, ra ic bank ualess sme- dru&tis 0fycar heird tie presýent iage tgo. But, lt is lý1'orgetton hat thing wns doue, andti tat speedily, ian uethotis of living and condurtiug a course is ouly preparing one- ho tomnporarily tuiruet ail the officenSsimple induostries.. This fact w1 for stili grenier suffering, fer la the building liet recel)ti o i-roems, strlklagly exeinaplifietinl the primi- in onteesetmeteciiwt anti pronilseti everlbedv settiemeat tive ways the natives follow la iriak- overhealed kx)dy anti timp under- on the spot. ing icathor and shoos. When a farra- m-oats eue boels the change moîst SAVED BY A RUJSE.ý er kilis his bee! ho takes the bide te 'nry, ant is eaise nexcellent con- hlt1dpstr wr en ls.heoclanrh ilke t on for the chili that prepares tc Wittpstr eebigpcs the loaaanr iowi op h fercatrnbor ucux~na. auuiy entertained, mtuaey wns bol'- for two yoars before he censidors it oj la for evrcat oti lr p ieu ses a. rowe't frcu n ethor hauk la the fit for tlie shoeamaker. Whea tie partly"ronrtue, poupie and Ypart- nihibfîrhood, anti as seen as mnoncy hdte ils loather the sheemaker is in-