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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1905, p. 4

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election of a warden. -Several oid xnem- bers are ait-r th-e office, -but L ai faIâir. -to it should -corne to Thomas Baker-, the senior reprdsentative of Division >No. 6, Durharn. Dari ington pays more Into tixe couties -treasu y every *'ear than-anv other municipality and»a Most- entative-f rom Darlington hbas e-ver been warden l'bis ia why we elaim that in fairnessa 10 the -muuicipality---the otice should be given 10 Mr. Baker. A reason .-for il corning- w West Durham -is-tbat an East Durham man-IMr S. E Ferg- uson, Cavani-held it in 1903 Ail the unprejudiced memxbers wiii admit tbat Darlington abou!d recoive the honor that is due -the township Stronger, perhaps, than any hof the foregoing reasons fis the fact hat Mr. Baker is well qu ritied to 611 the office with satis- faction to t he ratepam ors of those united counttes and with credit te himself and the people of Divi-ion No. 6 who have elected him fur several yearà. Mr. Baker is a capable couticillor of long ex- perience, a proz'ressive tarmer and stock-raiser. a straiirhtforward and sllccessful business mani, an intelligent and hiighly respected citizen, so that in every iense ha is qualified and worthy of the honcr and responsibility that awaits some ore of the representatives froîn this count..One thtng that hould be a beip t,)Mr. Bak1,er l,ý that he is well liki 1w is colleagues of past counils. 'We î1(ipe for these reasons tn see3 Dar- ]inglton tw hpand Yi.Baker bonor- ed wiîh ihe Wr*'srply the Counties1 r rn -lurtani taxes -one 1hairt- -u threeýî Visitorg- -Mr-.-andMrg. -i ynoldw,-oI quartera iof the eounty -rate -from rate- in&i-at Mr-w T.- Blythels;-Mims Lena andi pa~orstaxbui. Mr. Wili Moore;, liampton, aI t. W.ý f Whtisyouropiionabou leisiaionIL aod' Mia EPower, Clarke.-at- for armes, Mur.opiinaouk garAethevMr, Thos., Powers. ...Miss- Blackburn receiving -the -c-mslderation -that theirwiltkchrefNo2sho. important itlderests1 warrant? When Your Joints are Stili andi your Agrltxeiniititn -mu scles are sore- from- cold or rheir- ïraising, dairý ing anti kindred interests, yaurself, Perry Davis' Painkiller will to be now and wiil continue to be the take out'the sorenes and fi yen right greatest industry in the- country,--a-nd lu a jiffy.-- Avoid- substituteî. consequeiAlY should alwayshave flraI c.nsideration. - That which is-producetiTROE from the soil contributes wealth andi benefits net only te the producers, the îfarmers but te the whoie country as Recent visitors: The Misses McLaugh- weIi Prom my stantipoint the one lin, Gorrie, at Mr.A Staple's; Mr. andi great object to be sought after andi oh. Mrs, Rundle, Port Perry, with ber tained by ail Legisiatures is the pros- mother Mrs S. Virtue; Miss Brumweil. perity, well-being andi happinesof the Scarboro, guest of Miss Minnie Werry; masses of the people, mentaîly, moralîy, Miss Robbins, Bowmanville, with Miss physically and financially-a condiition Ethel Curtis; Miss Alice Creeper, Ham P of things which ail the people would be ton, at Mr.Sam Bîngham's . .. Congrat- good consumers, with the country on- ulatious te Mr Sam Simpson andi bride joying such general prosperity as wouid (nee Miss Liily Hocige> wbo were linited enable every citizen te share ail the iu the holy bonds of wedlock Friday necessarles of lite andi some or the com- maruing 201h by 11evý L. S. Wight, B forts and luxuries. A. ' B D., andi left the same day for The témerance heir bomerne uManitoba.Former Thetemeracoquestion is a great frienis were please te t greet, Rev«.J issue of this campaigu. What is vour G. Browu a former junior pastor who position, Mr Itickard, on this questionP occupieti the puipit Suuday morninx. J I am wbere I have aliiays been.i i Mostsensible people ivant te know have helpod to forward everv temper- the reason why. Well, the reamon whv ance m ovement couing befora the elec- Vito Toic bas cureti so manv sovere lors of Ibis country from my % outh up cases iR because it boiuds up Ihe tissue t0 the present time. i have no r-eason of which the human bodyý ism1-11. il i s for taking- back or changing wlaîipt a natural tonie, composed Jof! herba, bave said in the Legislature and on the 1barks ani fruits. R. M. Mitchell & Cà., Flatform aI the great Llberal1 Covn~. : druggints, keep it in stock. i W. MltUhflI,l..I rA M. Wiltilms Fies ae Osistant Dread Let rm got--numb-Doctv. saJd nervous *xhmustl.n- RemaMrkabl, -c-ure by Dr. Ohm»s',Nervo Foodc. mit. Cm»S. S. CEtAvitb, Nerth' Gover, ont.. *tÎtes: 'lI do net hesitate te Dr. ChaWs' Nerve F~ood and would not begrudge âfy dollars for the good it has doue vas. wlîh severe pains la My rlht shoulder and auab. nese ln my left ana. 140 tongue cari teli wbaa I1e#«. ered. The doctors said tb@ trouble was frou the afes of noava g 1héI d t six boxes bI this dredicite My heahth waase greatiy improved that 1 <et mous ERS CIVIN anid 1 used inIn l tensy bight boxes with the resui t that 1arncornplty cured. Y dCni feel tirat 1 can Ue teg enaug t'ord% in t rconrmending tins medicine to all wbo suffer as I did." - 'Dr. Chase's Nervt Food 80 cents a box., Te proteet Tou eAainsi imitationls thre portrait, and ýignatve. of Dr. AX W, Cba2'ztise fameus% reipt bo.k mau r, ur s s«yh9 o M I Bowmanv .1 Roffloinher v aie ntrr Te West Bd Hardware Store Carrnes A fatli lune of Cross Ont Saws, Buck Saws,, Saw. Handies, Saw Blades, Saw Files, Axes, Axe Handies, Axe Wedges and Spli tting Weclges. Cal And Soe aur Six-holed Canada "SrIEEL RANGE" and our Four- holed "WELCOMIE NATIONAL RANGE" before you buy a Range. Sold only by Phone 26$ Bowmanvîie,è. Valentineë--s Special 43rgais offered in al lines of Faney Gootis. For satisliactory correspondence youl want to use the proper thing1 in note paper and envelopes. My varlety of everything in Ihis line is great, and prices right. The new books obtained as they are pubiished. A special line Sce my Leader Framed 011 CJhromo at $1.00. [ G.J. UGHSO OrnAuctione For thC ounty of D Sales -promptly attende.4' up>On-reason&ble terms. ---]-i>rect telephone cmuiu Dr. Tucker's Line andti lio' t withý Bell Une WN T ALsîke, Red Clover and Timot I wili pay thre highesî imarket p any quantity of the -above. J. B. MAR~ THIlE HARMONY> QUAR TE TT E. Hl. FRtOST, A.E VIeLAÀU E H. J. KNWIGIIT, W. J. S. 1t[Cj EigWth o seceeason 19o Engagemients for, Concerts, Tea3s, Annîversaries an titer talvumets. Vil provide the progrom iTiei ed.'ris mou ~,MIfl5geraiîd tondui

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