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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1905, p. 5

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I i I IT, OIST ed. .11. RIT. Un- tendtnr cs Jtal. Mayor s arn. O .84 îlou k. i ce frr Ollr Hair Brilal Salemis Now 011. During this monih thîs -aiver- tisement If eut ont and presented atocur store wil be aecepted as on the purchase of flair Bruehes to value of $2.00 ut cur regular prices ; or as -25c. on $1,00 worth., S1tott & Jury, The Druggists a nd -Optieians O'Th. wonderfuî'ly rapid cato! Dr. Fâtcher s Backiache-,Kidîuey Tabletîs in cur- ing the severest kidttev, bladdcr and nrin- ary troubles,.makes titose affectcd rejoice. Sucis diseases andi disorders as lame or weak back, swelling et the feet, pufflness under tise eyes, grav c, brick deposts in the urine, scalding, frequent cails during the day or nigisi, pain in tie joints, urie acid in lise blood, drowsiness, iseadacise, rapiti Iess of flesis, habituai constipation, liver-torpor, weakness of lte urinary or- gane in children andth ie ageti are ail quickly rclievcd. andi permaneuîly cured. Mn. E. Dawson, Main St., Kincardine, Ont., *iays. '"Hard work and& constant stooping, togetiser with expesure 10 celti, brouglît on severe backacise and Kidney trouble. Tise seci-cîlens %vene thick and ecanty. Nothing reîieved nieutil I gel a boille of Dr. Pitchers Backache-Kidney Tablets. Tisey soon stopped tise pain andi soretlesi. lThe Kidney action became normal aud bealthy. 1 ans exceedinglv grateful, snd gladtet add ibis testimnony to lhe expr-essions3 of goodwill 1 have beard etheirs giveutrne te."* It is neo wonden D)r. Plîchens abcî cure >o well -- isey aetise presci ptionI of a Knespc alisd Cotain ingr- dientfs net foui in commen kiuy pilis,i &'t eli duggrîsor by al'Tise Dr. xperienco in xamining yosighta Do not let a novice experiment 'with your eyes. "A litile know- ledge is a dangerous thing". Years of experience has taught us the proper glasses to fit for the, relief of the varions forms of de- fective vision. We make ail examînations free, and when glasses are required fit them at most reasonable prices. Our Optician is here at ail times and makes examinations either by day or night. We pay particular attention to the fltting of frames and SUPPlY them in Sold GoId, Gold Filled or Steel. Rimless Eyeglasses and k~ Spectacles a specialiy. Stott & Juryr The Druggists and Opticians. N~ T1 Graduaies of Detroit Optical Insti.. tute, C2hicago Ophihalinie College w and New York Optical Sehool, id we publisbed it lu good faits. It ruts oui tisati i l untue, that na sncb )cai function came off and tise parties aeeraed are very indignant over its ublicalion. We are very sorry too ia ws were misled luto publishfng an aauihouized and ntruiliful report GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES.' tciig,, BIînd, Bieigor Pordn le lgijsis red mneyr 11,ýif PAzOO[el N TM11 Is te ure aniy cae,ý, ne malter eof0 ln silut 5oc e nstaineifiaa it wîll bu forwardedt tpadby !"rtM~ilu eS. oi'M - I EXACTL'Y !~4LF rVÇ~ Grand Trunk-Railwav Svstem-t RAILW,&79TIMB TABLEe' BOWMRANVILLSTÂTIOtI. G*0180 WÂ5r. Gosse WUsT Mail ........ .zM, 1 Express .... 5.02 a. Çn lUxpus ....101> s oua.2757 t Local .... p.m. 1 Miied... 2378 Mail ...1024 Express .::11.40 p.m., Sunday only. Tickets te certain peints sOld in accordance -il"h secal huliday rates aninneedin anothet .o.1m. il, net be benereti on traîns Nos. 1 gI sTTw & JuaY. Town Acents 'BOWMANViLLEF, JAN. 25, 1904. PurefoUnd, EnUuire ati ESTâTB- 7ANý office Miss E. Quantrill, Keuldali, le viSihinyg MissLaura El lie il. Mr. Cecil Glass, Kendal, receatly vis- Lsed Mr. Milton Ellioli. Miss Irene Bray, Eufield, le visiting ber aunt Mus M. A James. Miss Rhoda Vaucos bas resnmed etudy at Central Busines3 Colege, Toronto Mrs. Sulas Williams and infant, Sol- ina, are guesteeof Mis H. Jeffery. Mise Beva Doit, New Touk cily, le visitig ber ncle Mu. T. E Biiggin- botham . Misses Marjerie and Geraldine Caw. sur, Oshawa, speni Sunday at Mr. J. J. lason's Mrs. Chas Hooper, Toronto, vi.sited 4rs, J. B. Martin and other -fuiends .ere lasi week. Mus. John Brant- Toronto, aud MISe Nellie Brant, Wbutby, are visiting Mrs Tbes. E, Osborne. Rev. Dr J. H. Bazlewood. Hamilton, was guest o! bis uephew, Dr. B. J. lszlewoed, ou Monday. Miss Grace Tuemeer, Penetauguish- ens. is visiting ber sister Mrs. Fred. Foster1 'Norwood Place." Dr. and Mrs Erst G. Dowuey, bicago, 111 , are bers called by the 111- ese and deall o!f bis moilier. Mr. T C. Jewell eniertained hie Sun- ay Sebeol clasand a few other friende Veduesdav evsuing, ail tboroughly eu- )3ying ihemselves. Fire destrovsd William Wade'e apple touage building, Brighton, and about MO0 barrele o! wiuter apples. The 3torage was iusured for $100O. Mus. A. Davis, Woodetock, who was -aled bers to attend the funeral o! ber mether, the laie Mrs. John Collacoti, and lier ncle, the laie Chas. Heuey, le risitig relatives. The John Mackay Limitsd will re. Dulld. the milI ln the Spuing. whicb was sstreyed by flue se ibat farmeus wiill ot be deprived of a market fou ibeir arley, peas and oais. We wsrs favored with a cail recenîly ,om Dr. 3 H. Ellioit o! Gravenhursi Sanitarinin who' had been lectuuing on ibercul'osis before the sindenis of Ana rbor Medical Colleg-e, Mu. A. L Brown will pusacl inl the Disciples churcli Sunday Meuuing. ;bject. "The Devil's Lie"; svenlug mbject, I"Everlasiug Punisbment". Bey T. W. Jolliffe will preacl in the [ethodiet clinreli next Suuday niera- îg and sveuiug Rev. D O Cuossley wiII pusacli annvereaus' sermons in the Uetbodist Tabernacle, Belleville, wbsre së was a former pastor. Trinitv chuucb aniversary-Suday Feh. 5: Rev. W. Bipkin will'pueacb aI Ia. m andl7p m. Mouday 6th, Rev. J.W. Pedley, Torento.. will lecture ou Muis Wiggs o! the Cabbage Patchi." 'lekets lue. Eveuybody invited.' To gel relief from ludîgsiou,bilious- iess,constirsation or torpid liver 'sithout listaubiag the stornach or purgiug thse )owelp, take a few dloses o! Cauter's Lile Liver Pille, tbey will please yen. Mr Norman W. Creeper who bas men with Mu. P, A. lladdv, grecer, for :wo pasi yeaus. lias accspted a position s the wliolesale coffe and epice bouse' )f Messrs. 1 odd, Hunier & Mitchell., To- 7ont Norman le a buight bey end fe wisbhlhm evsry, success lu bis uew iuation, TisaI tired, languid feelinz and duli radaclis leverv disagurecable, Take ivo o! Carter'e Little Liver Pille before tirin, anld yen wiIl find relief. Tbey iever fail te dio geod,- 11ev. D. O. Crossley's sông sermon ou ,huistian Patriotism *was hearci by a .uge cengregation -Sunday niglit. 3os by bimseif sud Mu. HB J Kaight 11h choir cisoruses added 'interesitet he musical service Miss Jennie Me- eau t'ook tise sole part lu the authein rry nicely. Yen are suspicions e! a cure ailtusas- iy! so are we. Thatisewhv we doa't Maggsrats the virtuso! Vito Tonie )ut we do dlaim positlvely ihalt it is, a BOWMAN VILLE MAI4KET8. FLouaR f blbe1'a........82 50 te $2 90 WHE.&, Fail, bush . O.U0 () l 1O0 îî Spring...... 0 f i 1 Q) 'i Red Pifle.......09"1 v) ,î Goosle ....a00 0 85 BARLxy, îP bush, No. r ... O040 () 42 ' i il 2 ... 040 1j040 if l 8.,..O00 038 fi fiTwo roed 001, 0 ' O40 DATE,white.........0 30"il0 31 RYE, tle. ...0 00il,0 70 BUOKWrHEAT Il.............O00 -fi Q 48 PEA, lackeye, f bush.Q0Q00 fiO0O0 if Canadian Beaniies Q0Q00i 0 60 fi Mnmmey ' 0 Q0OUilî7Q0Q ta Smah 't 0Q60 'i Q 60 Il Bine 0' 00 0 O60 CLOVEa SE£[).........o oo00 o 00 TimoTify SmED .........Q Qg0 0OQO dujiERa, best table, Vjb Q Q0 fi O 18 POCTOBS, V bish .......Q 0 o ife(O 5o Et-" tion .... 7QO0îil7 51) Sowe Thrcéaât s.ndCosh A isimple, effective and ssafe rcmedy for a91i iroait ir'ita i fomxid ini Crosoine IaptcTe.bkts hey combine tb enicala4eoCrseuwh the bvooting propcriiýW of .lippery emAinti.rce Il.4 Dugst 0 Coucb, Johnstoni & Cryderman wil s811 the balance of their Ladies' and Misseil' Coats ai exacily half.prle. Every farment is new, boughi for this season s trade. Big reductien ln the price cf Men's and Beys' Overcoals as well as in ail kinde o!fPurs. A big lot of Dress goode selling off at rabout half price, soins o! them at exact- ly bai! rie ai Couch, Johnston & Cry- derma p'i. Pay subscriptions now. New weddiugcaksboôxes-loively Ones -ai STATESMAN office. Home-made Peanni; Crlsp Saturdav only 10c. per lb. ai Thos. Tod's Samples free, corne and seis. writing paper and envelopes ai Nicholls'. Stock-taking remuants of aIl kindseno our centre table Ibis week. The Mason Ce. If ven want the beet fiting suit pro- curable lu town ]cave your crder with The Mason Ce. Ail kinde o! Purs te be sold at cost price ai M. Maver's Pur Store, corne1 early and gsi a bargain. Iu every corner of the West n Bouse vou'll fiud soins bargains ci luterest te belp lightenJanuarv Stocks. Lifebuoy Soap-dimiufetan-îi strongly recommended by the medicaI profession u a safeguard againat infections diseaaes. '. We especially recommend our readers te subseribe to the weekly Parmerls Advocate and hlome Magazine of Loudon, Ont, Ses club rate. t!. Coucli, Johusion & Cryderman are giving one-third off the price o! any Lady's or Child'e Coat and are seliing off saine hues ai haif-price. No muan sbould put off buying au overcoat If bo really neede Oas wlien he eau gsi sucb startii1g bargains as the West End Houes are offering. Read ad. Ladies' Fur Coats, Ruffe, Muffs, Gaunileis, Cape etc. alec Men's coats, caps, gauuilets, etc. te be sold ai cost price for the nexi monili, ai M. Mâayer'e Pur Store, The Mascu Ce, ar4e already receiving carpeis and inoleums for spriag. Tbey expeci a large sale, Ses the fics nsw patterns in their bright and ligbt new carpet rocin. 1 tbink so mncb of your paper thai 1 caunot ibink -of doing withent. Ih le like a letter 10 me every week, Mre. A.gnes Barrie. The .Fsbrnary Peauson's Magazine centaine an article on "The water we buy as selid food." It centaines oins tacts ibat perbaps few people think about. Pearson Publisbiug Ce., 2 te 20 Aster Place, New î ork City. Bey, T. W. Joiliffe, oe e ime pastor e! the Meihodist churcli boe, alwaye receives a warm welcome by bis eld frieade every lime be returne and we are sure a large number ef people wili turu ouite hear hlm on Suuday nexi. -Campbellfordllerald. Big wagss for agents. Mca and womeu mate bandeome wages eelliug our household specialties, every family neede thein. A ttorougbliv legitimatel business ihat yen canstan lun witheut a cent o! capital, G. Marshall & Cc., London, Oui, Citizens generally will regret te bhear that Rev B H. Haydeu, M. A , wbo bas been the highly esieemed pastor o! the Disciple cbnrch ef Bowmauville s iÜce June Isi-. 1900, gees ibis week te Buffalo, N Y., as pastor cf the Forest Avenue churcli o! ibat iiy Rev. Mr. Hayden pyeached there on tue 8th and 151h last. and eveuings between The calI was unanimone and hearty. Tbey had been writiug hlm over twe menthe past, ase sme bad kuowu bun and hie works wben he was State Evaugelisi of New York, but bce was not se desirous o! leaviug oucemmunily and hie maay friende boe as to hasts» lu the malter. The chnrcb te whicli le gees bas abouti two hnndred mnembers, bhas a good building and ne debi We join hie îuaay friende u inte wisth at lie mav lin'd as warmi welcome lu the hearis and homes o! tbe people of tbe Bisou ciiy as lie has received among ibose whom ho beaves boe. TO CURtE A COLD IN OSE DàY, Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE tablets Ail drnggists refond the money if i f ails 10 cutre. E. W. Grove's signature 18 on eacli box, 25e.> Tihe regualar meeting of tihe Womeu 's instiîtwte will be held ùSalurdav, -Jan. 28 at 12 lu the Council1 Reoin. 'A report of the Instituts meecting ai Guelphi will be given. Members re-, q uested W0 attend. Al ladios will bc woeoms, CALIFORNIA EXCURSIONS. The Chicago, Union Pacifce and North Western Lins ruas tbro-u&'h firet clase Pullman and Touriet sleeping cars le points lu California. Per9onallyý con- ducied excursions frein Chicago every week. Lowest rates. Choiceso! routes. Don'i put off ordering the papers yen want for 1905. Order to-dat'. Jamei' Pnblisbing House receives subseription fer everv uewspaper -ana magazine. Send lu or baud in vour order for al Ibe paperts.yen want Get oes new nains for TEE STATESMAN Oae reuewaland oes new subseription for $1 50. DONALD 0. lM. GALBRAITH. Barrisier, Solcitor, Noiary Publie. etc. Privale and Company moneyÊ te bn si lowesi current rates. Agent for The Mdland Loan and Savings Company. Office -opposite J. B. Martyn's store, King, St. Bowmanville. 22-tf J1OISE TO SELL OR RENT-Fraius bouse oi Liberty Si., South, belongirg 10 Estate of laie Chas. Keith, Apply to CHAS W. Kxrrss. il Colborîîe Si., Toronîto, or to M A. JAàIEs, Bowmanvllle. lv F ARM FO0R SALE-176 acres for sale being part of the James Shand esiate. composed ef paris of lots 13 -aud 14, ln the 'itb andi 8th eucessions, East Whitby, Apply 'o JAS. A. BURSî, Raglan, or JOHN SADLEiI, Col- umbus. 48-il. SmaII Farm Wanted 10 10 25 acres wanted to boy or' rent just ont. Bide Town of Bo wmanville. Seud fuil particu. lars te A. B. C.. Loek Drawer 7,, Uowmanville. 4 tf. Annmî2I MpAf ino- Iand Mrs e. 1 rf Wm. Sîacey,G )r 1 iiWsi FRAIL LITTLE ON«Se The littie Oni-S ee frai]. holà uipn 111e is glight. No symptorn thia iincicates any of the litile ailments of childhood should be allowed to pass for a moment without proper attention The little aliment may soon become a serious one, and then it may be 100 late to save ta precious litile life If Baby's Own -Tablets are kept in the house, thie danger - f serious trouble can be ayerted, and the minor troubles promptly cured. An oc- casional Tablet to the well child will prevent illness The Tablets are abso- luteiy- safe and contain no poisonous soothing stuff -they give children healthy sleep, simply because they banish the cause of sleeplessness Mrs F. B. Bishop Lawrencetown, N. S., says.-"<I have found Baby's Own Tahiets just as you irepresent them -the ver-y besi medicmne ifor young childreni" You can get the Tabiets from drugt b mail at 25c. a box, by writing te r. i liams Med- icine Co., Brockville Ont. JOHN MAYWOOD. John Maywood of Toronto, Vocal Teacher, bas secured the Assembly Boom of the High School, Bowmanville, in which to teach Singing and will be here every Saturday. Voices tested free. 4-tf. GRAND CARNIVAL. A granýd carnival will be held on the skating rink Friday evening Jan 27. Prizes will be offered for best costumed lady and gent, comie group, fancy lad 'y skater, and gent 's 2 mile race. fland ii attendance, Soeebills for particulars. Prizes on view in T. N. Rickard's win- dow Children Cry for "0. Pea Nut Crisp ai Luttrell's. French Chewing Taffy ai Luttrell's. Don't cough your life away-take 0 Humbugs 10 ets a tb on Saturday at Luttrell's. AIl furs and winter goods Lt bargain prices just nfow Lt The Mason Co's. See their advt. Now, its writng paper and envelopes at Nicholls'. You get 801 for coughls ai Mîtehtll's Drug Store., V V isit Cawkeg, & Tait's China Parlor- Second floor. Delicious Scald Cream every day at T. H. Knight's. Take Mitchell's Fînulin o! C Liver-it's good. Î T H. Knigbt bas sorne good heads of Cabbage for sale. Imeave Your orders with T. H. Knight for fresh fish everv day. Writing paper and envelopes this week Lt Nichoils', Samples free. When you read Cawker & Tait's advt. remember what they say are facts. T. H. Knight bas fresh fiSh every day. Leave your order with him. .Buv your glasses for winter reading frorn Mitchell, the Druggi8t & Optieian,1 Ladies' Fur Ruifs and Muifs ai redue ed prices et Couch, Johnston & Cryder. man 's. Bouse and lot wanted to buy. Ap- plications received at TEE STATESMAN office. M A. James is Government issuer of Marriage Licenses for Durham Countv. Get your share o! the bargains in writing, paper and envelopes this week, at Nichoils' For the fiassi stock of Ladies' Tailor maue Skirts cali ai Couch, Johnston & Cry'derman 's. Gougha. coda. hbarsenes, and other thront ailments are qnickly relheved by Cresoieue tabiets. ten cents Der box, Ail drugeil Ladies' Silk and Cashmere Blouses the latest styles, and specially good value at Couch,J ohusto n & Cryderman's' Economizing housewives shouldbuvy Blankets now. The West End flouse are offering them at cost price. As low as é2.10 Pr. .Now le the time te get a, bargain ln the Fur Lino, M Mayer- Fiîrrier is sellinig off fis entire stock at greatiy reduced prices. The Keith Cottage, Liberty St ,South, ibis town. is offered for sale or wilt be rented. Thits is a cosy home for some- body. Ses advt. Couch, Johaston & Cryderman are giving greai bargains îa àMen's and Bovs' Over-coais Secure one while there ie a big stock to select from. RENEW! RENEW! 1 CosTIN- In Oshawa, Jan. 17, Frances Curtin, aget I63 years. BuuNssyr-Iti Tcronto, Jan. 201h, Alecia Barreit, wi!e o! Mr. Alfred J Bennett, aged 30 years. Interreti ai Bowmanville.' DowNîa-In Bowmaîîvilleoîs Saturday, Jan. 21si., 1905, Emma àJown Downey, belovect wife ef George Dowriey, ageti 55 years. STtyrT-In OroneO Jan, 14. Margaret MeNeil, beloyed iwife of Mr. italph Sînit. agen.54 years PAr.ItaE-At Newcasstle. Jans. ]5,Sarah Henry relieoth e laie lHenry Palmer, aged 88 years WILSON-At tire Bridge Street Methodisi Par- sonage, Belevil, e. Jan,. SSII,. Ilauah Eliza Rtoterts. wife o0121ev. J. P Wilson, B. A. HîzINàtsý-ln Haldrmaudti Owtisip, Jan. 18, P-aît Hiomaît, aged 80years. FoLEY-At Wlîitby. Janoary Cils. Mary Me- Crohan, releci os tise late Timolhy F oley, ageti 95 years. VîcKRs-At Whitby, Janu'y Oib, Ianrtah Lloyd. releet oS the late Joseph Vickers, ageti 83 years. CAm5'EL-At the homne et'ber sîster, Mrs, IScoît, Port Perry. Jan. iith, Miss m. M. Camp- bell, formerly oS Toroît b. p LAIN COOK WANIED-No wash- îrîg, eveniungs and Sandays free, comfort- able reom; lo.0MESs. W. J. BURSe, Oshawa, or te Busses & Co., Corner Sboc Stor'e. 4-2w, j.ivery Stables to Rent. The properly on tbeSuorti sbde ef King Street knewn as -~THE IHENDIRRSO,' STABLES." Apply for funll in formation to DONALD Gý M. GALBRAITH, 3 t. Bar rris: er, twaîvl, What do Yoll Know ? De You know that after a Short- han U or Ijommercial Corse with us, yen are Sure of a position at M4500aund npwards per month as a starter? send us a postal, with yonr Dame and address, and w e wlll tell yoîs all about it. 4 Riehmond St., East, Toronto. R. D. NIMMO' Principal, SZ Not too Late To enter for a ierm tin any Ilepartmcut of our excellent sechool T IlH E f TORIONTO Feor thie Wiîîter Term niow open we have a staff of 20 teüch,ýrm, and cal offer advantages noc . b e fonde in a .,riali un- important scihool, Write for, particulars and ar-range to start at once Address, WV. H. SH AW, Principal,. indepen dent, IL wîil tel yen how yvn may, in a few mionihs, 0e holdýing an excelesit !businessposition). -A postcardwill bring you partivalars, For ten years, we bave been train- ing' yonng people and placlng them n I god ositio ns. We have a mastery of the business. The Kennedy School is the only ene in, Canada e-ondnctud ex- cuieyfor sienographi, edncalion. it is tire best. Send rns theeca'dC. A practieai knowiedge tif 1 regg Shorthand, $ Book Keeping, Commerciai Lawv Jiapîd Calculation $ Correspondence, Pennianship, Spelling, etc. will open the way to some of the REMUNERATIVE P OSITIONS mwe have to (fer. Our facilitie., fer lin- partîng tbis knowiedge are most eomplete For full jiarîlculars regarduîg oui carse fli andS system. lic courses w rite NOW ti IIIIIUC YI'kiUiI, BITII4AMERICAN' IE annal ggeneral meeting o!, ile I I& J T srirehldci , ofTheHampton Butter 'toti _c.ese auacu gCo., Litei, wll belheldl EI L lt 10e To n Hall.filampton. oîsSain;rday, FbO L 401 ~ ~~ lit a ococ . for thie purp-seof Toronato, jtîi etstîgyer d oetfisatin o scboteM Datedý litpoiJa tt156 4w W/91 wder 4 5 CENTS 45 a pound can AT Aý (IROCIE 2'*'5 cents a haif Pound cari Royal Baking Powder is made from pw grape cream of tartar; is absolute] pure; lias received the highiest praiý from ail authorities on food at hog and abroad; is used daily in millior of homes throughout the world. Royal Baking Powder is the most ecý nomical thing in the kitchen. '~China 4î~ Tis edepartmen o! Din'ner and Tea S Lampe, etc. We have e ver'ý Thanking you f wish you aIl the Con 4î~ U4lçi :econd F1ocr'.> nt is complete wlih the £argc-,z varieytý Sets, fine Chb3a Ciips and S9ancers, Mugs, ,ytlnng to malte a Hlappy New Year. for tihe iberal patronage in t.he pas1 we mpliments of tbe Season, RespEctfully yours, <et40f& iTait, The Gtuoeers, g wrnvle Freeland's Photos always had the lead We are following Freelànd's footsieps. And, our work 'wi be just as good if not botter. New-Instruments, New IdeasL, and a New Man. The name SMITHIon yoir nexi photos w-11 !n'ure good quality and a lasting eustomer for as. Successor to Gâeo. Smnith, G. P. FREELAND, Photographe., JANUA R Y Stock Takhinig Sale We purpo33anIakiaû1this tà'3 îtutiW rbSl in history of our btïsiness lifé. Gar stýcli:is in go -d s'-;1 and well a ssorted, but in order to reduce it very largelv we wiIl offer this montib&rg&ins e&,l ovr the Il ouse wiII be a genuinie surprise teon!'r patronls. *âThe E trly bird u3tially gets thq choicest worm. C(- early a~nd secure the choicest bargaîns. G-rocers d.ue mine a keD.&Z C&Smb. S7W. ASON&AO -In Darlinglon, Jan. 151h. 10 Mr, Stainton, a son. sOre'ne, J an, 19th, 10 Mr. aud Mn. * Oshawa, Jan, 15th, ltewlfe of ef a daugbter. .In Cedar Dale,. .Ian. 15th, thie wîfe0 Pu 5 l y .- '-4UM ED. Slarsa-RonjE-In Tyrone, Jan. 201h by Rev. L. S. Wîght. B. A- ,B D,, Mr. Samuel and Mses Lillie GraeHodge, both of Darlinion. GIREE14wY-ELLIOTT-1w Osha'wa, by Rev. Robt, Barns, Jant, 151h, Mr. John Greenaway of Crystai Lake, Mtan., and Mrs. Emily EwllIit, Toronto. 1 by 11ev John W. Stephen, Miss Jennie M Coombes, Plymouth , England, andi Herbert J. Armitage, fermerly of Claîke. DIKD.

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