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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1905, p. 5

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RimlessE y~ ---Eyeglasses and 99t These gootis are popular because o! their neat, baud- e smeappearaucc. They -are almosi invisible, andi fot expnsie.Tiey eau be matie Up either with soliti gold, S godrle or nickel trimrnings. Our Optician adjusts them s htthey are resilul to tise oye, comfortable to tise nose 4q adbecoming ho tise lace. Double Vision - 4~Eyeglasses and Spectacles. Thees 'will be Iound a great comfort 10 those who have 4Q 10 woar differeut glasses for distance anti reading, as it 4î saves ail cisanging of spectacles. Both distant asnd 11ear Svision are perfect with thîe saine spectacles. Our Optca 4î nlakes a specialty o! fitting these and guarantees perfect 4ý satisfaction. If yo)u require spectacles we wîll ho gladti 1 tel you ail we know about îisem. WE EXAMINE EYE- f SIGHT FREE, anti when glasses are necessary our charges are very moderato. 4î~ 4~Graduate Opticlanst and Dru-agists. DO WMAN VILLE, 4î~ The superiority of Dr. Pitcber'a Back- eche-Kidney Tablets over other forais of tratmentis due to thse fact tisat they arc the Prescription of Dr. Zina Pitcher, thse famous specialist-were used 'successfully and tested in private practice by hilm for enany years before they were given to the public at large. They contain expeissive specific ingredients net found in any other Kidney reniedy. Is it any wonder, then, that they cure lumbago, diabetes, gravel, Bright's disease, uric acid in the blood, ( rheumaiism, neuralgia, dropsy, irritability of tise bladder, anîd Kidney troubles of old Y e0ple and children when other remedjea Read what-Mrs. W. Martin, Orange. ville, Ont., has to say . 11Some trne ago I bad a gond deal of trouble with my back, due to a cold that aettled in tise Kitineys. Xwas also troubled with dizziness and beadache. I start-ed taking Dr. Pitcher's Backacise- Kidcey Tablets, and by tise line 1 hati Ysed oie bottie the backache, headache 4md feetings of dizziness bati ail disap- psared. I. consider the Tablets a gond pm icine.", ýDr. 1Pitcher's Backache-Kîiney- Tablets r6 Soc, a bottle of 5o chocolate-coatesj tbes, old by druggists or sent by mal. TeDr. Zia Pitcher Co., Toronto, Ont, Armual Meeting. T 1à-E anual general meei f the C Ssîaeb:i-,-!qders of Tise Hamit,m 1,for tutu ,Ceee anumlntring Co., Liite, i ul atbe Twc Hi Lpon, on Sari dayi, Peb, 4-us150. t 2 vock p M. for thepu r-s of elecl.brg a, 1Board of fliectors tri air' e for4th-? censui;, -y ear andth ie transactioii of sac-b tiser bîssine- a may properly coine before tý.e F. L. Eî.rlîs. Secrdatry. DattiaiIlapinJan iStis 105. 4 2w- Decide Now To, ta Re a course set Ocr callege ai d and to fdll a responusib andi Iremucerative position Our catis fer f *skilled offIehelp are greater than we eau snpply. Toronto Ontario Hfas the epttatin frgivrg tbeBEST lnboWh commercalan îhOrhw ti edtiat Oýi rses r'cmP t andi ire arracceêdtometherui meuts of - doa4en ufisofl tbo~ k 1ngComsnr et aAr.î.n- meie, les' Law ctrssrir , rsînsd~ e. sîelliiug G ~~ baud ati YTy Spew t riirgr ou iy taught b 1reieic i e-r-rc indivi disu, t s ntt Grad TunkRailwav Svstemn. RAILWAT TIME TABLE. BOWMANVILLE ISTATION. CfoInG FAST. GOING WEST mit ....... 920a.m.1 Express .... 5.02 a.m îlgxpen -1o10 m 1Local ...... 7 57 ' Kxed ...... 359 p.m. I Paesenger..1 36 p. M, Local ...-6 49 p.m. 1Mxeti.... . 7 23 Mail... ::10 24 p.m. Express.11.40 p.m., Snnday only,' Tickets to certain poits soiti Iu accordane with special haliday rate.s announced inl another columu wili net bc lonored on trains Nos. 1 or 4. SToTT a JURY. Town Agents BOWMAN VILLE, FEB. 1, 1904.1 Purse founti. Enquire n TE STATES- NAN office Mrs. P. W. Concis visîleti ai Mr. S, P. Hooper's, Toronto. -Mr- Bynon S. Vanstone, Torontýo, Spent Sunday ai borne, 'acrament will ho aimInistemed lu tht Methotibsi churcis Sunday. Mr. Percal Crag o is attentiing Cent- rai Business College, Toronto. Miss lreee Borland, Toronto Junction is visiting Miss Winnie Joues. Miss Mitdilelon, Torouto, was eent anuesi oie Mrs. (Rev-) b. Muuroe Mrs. T. B. Waldmon, Belleville, bas been visitiug IHrs. L. B, Williams. 11ev. A. C. Cmows lectures ai Maple UmIove Peb 16, Beserve tise date. Mr. Metlanti, Toronto, sponi Sun- day with bis cousin Mm. John Metlanti Miss Nellie Riches, Cambray, is visil- ing friendinl Port Hope anti Bowmau- Ville Miss MeNal, Port Hope, is visiting Miss Florence Hoar anti otiser frientis la town. Miss Edutis Richards anti Miss Elva Jamies, Oshsawa, speul Sunday witb relativesisere. Mms. John Hbgginbotbam. Zion, 18 v.i4ting Mrs T. C. Langmaiti anti otiser fri-inds lu Iown, Miss EtiltisTbompson, Uxbridge, is visiîing hem brother Mr, Clame Tbomp- stou, anti cousin Miss E. A, Aluin, M. A. 1Dr. anti Mms John Hoskin anti Miss Carpmael. Tise Unie, Toronto, bave gone ou a voyage 10 tise Medterranean, Mm. J. Harry Alexantier, Toronto, spent Suntiay lu iown. Ho sang a solo lu Tinity cisurci s unday oeoning most acceplablv. Senator anti Mrs. Puiforti celebrateti rl'eir silver wetiding aI Brockvilie. Tise Senatom prosentodth ie bospîlal wilh $10,- o00 to buitti a nurse's home lu honor o! MNrs. Pulford. A lady in Western Ontario lu renew- ing hem subseiplion to THE STATESMAN sas : I value tise paper very mucis Il if; a letter to me every week. Sory olti Durhsamawas tiefealeti Tise urimar y class o! tise Melhodist sinday Scisool hadt isir annual sligis- ride on Tuesday aitomnoon. Tea was sors-etiaitishe chamois on their returu anti ail bati au enjoyabbe lime. Preparatory ici moving, Mr. Cari B. Kent, wili ho aitishe now Post Office on i bursday, Pritiay anti Saturdav Pois 2, 3l anti4 front 280 until 5 p m. 10 issue keys, take paymeul anti grant mceipîs for boxes. MIm. anti Mrs, E. L, Porli, Kingston, who have been aItishe Queen~s for tle p atlew tiays,reinmned home Tisursday. Dumring their stay lu lowu several din- ners andt heatre parties were gi% on bu iheir isonor.-Toronto Glbe. Miss May Vanslone outerlainodth ie members of Excelsior Sewing Circle at "'Codar Ouif" Salurdav eveninS bu honora!f ber guest Miss Louise Hanson. Toronto. Tisey hati an enjoyabie lime. Tise folowing represntaiives bave1 been elected as members o! tise Quart-1 s-nyv officiai Boardi o! tise Metisodi-tl cisurcis: Messrs. W. Tmowiu- J. M.1 Rrimacornbe, T. E. bigginbotharn, 1L. Morris. T C. Jewell, Jas McLean ant i John Helîjar, jr. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES. 1tri g, îtoi, .Bleedingý or Protrtiitt--Piles. -rrg -itereuni ocyif PAZO (IINTMENT leist cqure acy case, sue malter of bow long stan1dingr, in G to 14 days, First application ýZtvce sse airest. 50e. ifyour drggisi has't il senti.50ueil, stamps eue il will be forwartled paSt-paid by-Paris~e.4icne Ou., St. Louls,kMq a g AUCTION SALE. TuNSDA,& Feb. 14-NIr. S. J. Beacock, Myrtie Station, C. P. R., will seil ail of Ihie vaiuable stock of registered Clydes. dale mares, high clasa drivers, Short horus and choice dairy cows, impie- meuts, etc. A store and 1/5 of au acre of landi will be solti at tse Saine lie. Sale at 12 o'clock sharp. ýSce bisý Giso JACKSON, auctioneer. 5 2w. DURHAM DISTRICT DIV ISIIJN. Sons of Teniperance District Division, will be held at NMaple Grove on Tuesday Feb. 14, 1905. TiseG.W. exrect- ed to be present E!ection of officers, Each Division is expected te seud full number of delegates. Good programme at evening sesbion. Opeuinu- session 10.80 a. m. M. MUNDAY. N. C RUNDLE, D. W. P. District Scribe, Mrs. C. Artisur Cawker is visiting ber sister Mrs A, Bingham. Miiler's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. Miss Allie Iloskin is visuting 1eIrs. H. A. L. Anderson, St. Marysý Great stock sale at S. J; Beacock's, Mjrtle Station, ou Feb. 14. See notice. Triuitv cisurcis bas bad a new furnace installed andiî now comfortably iseated. Tise W. C. T. U. will moat at MrG, Mason's KiDg Street, on Tuesday after- noon Feb.,7 Mr. Wm. beard and daugister Gert- ru5ýe May, Cedar Dale, viiited bis father receutly. Mr, and Mrs. W. Hislop and Miss Olive Hislop were recent guests of Mr. J. Cooper, Whitby. Mr. Fred R. Folev gave an address at Medcaif St. Methodist Churcis E L, C. E. Fridav evening. Bey W. L, Williman, bas resigned tise pastorate of Mill Street Presby terian Cisurcis, Port Hope. Levers Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder le a boon ta any home. It disin- feots antd cleacsaet, the same turne. 35 Trisiey Uuarwii UhV sted. bu uy tue Hlammony Maie Quartette ait te anni- versary on Suntiay January 6tb. Miss Getmude Cawker 16 visiting friandinl Toronto Miss Editis Free. landi officiated as organist most accept- ably in tise Methotiist Churcis Sunday. Mr. A. L Brown wili preackin l the Disciples Ciurcis Sunday. Morning subjeot: "Thse world 's neeti and the Church's weakness."1 Eveniug on: "Tsmee Brave young Men." Tise Georgetown Haraldi says: Bey J W. Pedle-y gave bis popular lecture on "Mrs. Wlggs of tise Cabisage Patoch" -a lecture whicis was full o! spice andi instruction." Hear hlm lu Trinily Churcis February 6tb. Mr. S J. Beacock, Mvrtte Station, was guesi cf bis fatiser Mr. John Bea- cock ibis week. Mr. Beacock is having a large stock sale ou Feis 14 It will bie a splendid opportuuity 10 buy soma thoro breti iorses anti cattie. Lazy oid sorop, paînful and tiisfigur- ing, wiii not linger long after treat- ment with Weavem's Cerate bas beeu be.-n If tise cerate srnart reduce il witb sweet oil or lard, anti cleanse tise blooti with Weavem's Syrup, Tise Caruival aitishe Skating Rink Friday evoning provitiet gooti enter- talument for lise.% oung people. Tise lancy Costumeti Ladies and Gents creaîed lots of fun. Tise prizes were awarded as foltows: Best Costumed Lady, MISS Arvilla Cox; Bosi Costumed Gent, Ernest Andirews; Faucy Skater, Miss Dustan; Comie Group, Arthsur Etiick. Boy Joues, Taiberi Hunier; Comie Costume, M. F. Hooper; Gents 2 mile race, Hubert Higgiu botharn. Tise Frost Wire Fence Co . of Hamil- ton, iselti a convention of iheir ropre- sentatives and agents aI ihoir beati- quariers on Jaru. lotbis,11h anti 121h. lise objeotwas 10 hav e thera tiscuss witis tise members o! tise Company points o! iuterest anti givis suggestions. A successful and Instructive meeting was iseld, lise proceedings enutiing wîtis a tieligisiful banquet and excursion to Niagara Falls. Mr. C. J. Mouutjoy, F.uni'skilleu. is tise represeulative in this vicinity of Ibis progressive comnany. BABaY ECZEmA-"My daugister was nffiicted with eczema from whau three wesiks old. lier entire face anti beîd were raw, antd she W as iu awful tiistress When doctors faiied we began thse use o! Dr. Chase's (Jinimeut wisich bas en - lireiy cured ber anti sie bas nover budt -tisa east sYsmpton of lise trouble since."' Mr, Patrick Sullivan, Welland Ave., Si. Catisarines, Ont. A mosl enjoyable cvecing was spent with "Bobisie Burns" attse Epworlh League lasi- week. Mm. H. J. Knight's solo 1 Scots wa ha" was eutisusiastically heartily received Mr. j B Fairbairu P M., gave an exceetiingly, fine paper dealing witb Burns' poetry anti Scottiss cisaracteristics, witis amusîng incidents In bise life of thse poet anth ie people. Tise Misses Cawker. Oshawa, rendereti an inu- stumenlal duet anti a quartette "Plow gently sweei Afton" by MiQses Mande Wright and Stella Mason andi Messrs'A W. Pickarti andi A E Skiîcis A bearly eoie of tisanka was accordeti Mr. Pair- bairn and tisose contributiug the musical selections for tise very interesting even- ng lbey had given. Il is our sati duety 10 chrouiclo lise leatbsol Mrs.Harris O Moi kbey,Toronto setter known bore as Notle Sandtons, siso passeti away aitishe Western Hoi3pit- alou Wednesday aitishe age of 28 3 ears [)ece -sed was tise eldesîtidaug hIer o! Mdr. and Mrs. James Saunders o! Ibis town andi was weJi known anti un- versally mospected having liveti bore nosi of ber lite She was a member of tho Melisodisi Cisurcis Choir anti ber sweet voles as been beard very olten n ibis town lutiseserviceoo song. She w as marrieti laît Dominion Day to bier now sorrowing husband Tise lunerai ook place Fmiday from tise residence of tom brother Mr Arthur J. Saunders, 374 Ossington), Ave , Toronto, 10, Prospect Ceîiietery Our sincere Syra pathy i exprtssuid ltiste bereaveti iusband, parents, brothers anti sisler na this sevene affliction. Mr. anti Mrs. qauntiers. Mr. J.- H. Cmytiermmn, Mm. C A Joisns'on anti Miss Miltired Gfrigg ittend tih ie funerai. Sore Tbroat and Cou.ghs A simnple, effective andi sete rcmetiy fer ail tisoat irritationsilafoundinl 1Cresolene Antiseptic Tablets Tbey combine tihe germicidal value et Cresolenewith the soottîing poperties af siippary einu andi licerice. à" AU p rie<gS.s 00O Couceb. Jobustork & Cryderii ar seling ail their Ladies' Coats at hbal preand Men's Overcoats at onto thir4 ofteregular uricanRIAare mainz hiL reductionlilu the price 0! f ai kîlas Citdren Cry fý or v0."i Pay subscriptions now., Pea Nut Crisp, at Luttreil's. Frencis Ciewinzg Taffy at Luttreii's. Don't cough your life away-take801 Os sters-in 1.Unk or by tiseplate ai ThoF Tod's. Buv your Poul-try- supplies at F Murdocis. Humbug-s 10otýs a lb on l3aturday a Luttrell's. Ladies Mauties ai haîf price at Th( Mason Co's. New, its writiug paper and envelope at Nichoils'. You get 301 for cougiss at Mitcell,1' Drug Score. V Try tise home made Maple-Cream a T.hos. Tod's., 'Visit Cawker & Tait's China Parlor- Second floor. Hum bugs, Saturday only,1Oc per Il at Thos Tod's. Deiicious Scald Creana every day ai T. H. Knigbt's. Take Mitclaell's Emuision of Cod Liver-it's good. V T il. Knigist bas some good heatis ol Cabbage for sale. Great reductions ou winter goods at Tise Mason. Co's. New wedding cake boxes-loveýly ones -at STATESMAN Office~. Leave vour orders with T, H. Knigisi for freis fisis every day. Blood ineal, Meat meWl,,' Ovster sheil, Mica grit, at P. Murdock1'h3. Trv Hershey's hilk chocolate lu 5c and 10c cakes ai Tisos. Tod's. Home-made Humbuga LCtc per lb Saturday ouly ai Thos. Tod's. Sampies free, corne and see, writirag paper and envelopes ai Nichoil.- Writing paper and envelopes this week at Nicholîs', Samples free. When you read Cawker & Tait's advt. remember what they say are lacts. T. H. Knight bas fresis flsh every Ia.Leave jour order wîth hlm, Stock-taking remuants are being sold at bargain prices at Tise Mason Co's Buv your glasses for winter reading from Mitchell, tise Druggist & Optielan,' bouse and lot wvanted. to buy. Ap- plications received ai TnE STATESMAN office. Pratt's Poultry Food, PratYi Stock Foodi, Ppatt's Lice Powder . P. Mur. doch's. M A. James is Government îssuer of Marriage Liceuses for Durham Countv. Gel your sisare of tise bargains lu wrlting paper and envelopes tbis week, at Nicisols' For tise finesi stock of Ladies'- Tailor maoe Skirts cal ti aiCoucis, J obuton & Cryderman 's, Stock siseets close Feb 151h ai Me. M1urtry's. If joui wani. clotbing values muy before tisat date. Ail kinds of Purs b 1be sold, ai cost price at M. Mfave'-'s Fp Store, corne early and get a baârgain. Ceugis, ,colds, boarsaeneas, ra t ou,,thrat afiments are quicklyr ,elieved by Cresoiene tablets. ton cents Pei box. Alé1ruggists Ladies' SiIk and Cashmere Blouses th latesi styles, and ,spocially gooti 'aluea aICouch,Johnstpu & Cryderman's A big lot of Dress gootis selliug off ai about hall price, some of tisem ai exact- vy hall price ai Concis, Jobuston & Cry- erman '5. Now is tise lime to get a bargain lu th Fur LUne, M. Mayer Pin Fier is seliing off bis entire stock ai greaily reduceti prices. Tise RelIt Cottage, Liberty Si.,Soutb, Lhis tonu is offered for sale or wili be rentod. Ibis is a cosy home for somae- ody. See advt. We especiall v recommend our readers 'o subcribe btiste weekly Farmer's Advocate andi 1-ome Magazine of London, Ont See club rate. if. Ladies' Pur Coals , Ruffs, Mufti, launilets, Cas etc. also Men's coats, .aps, gauntiets, etc. ta be sold ai cost )ice for tise next monts, ai M. Mayer's Pur Store For tiese itt 15 days lu Fobruary -tise vest Endi Bouse will put on a Big learin- Sale in each Dopariment irougiout tise store Blankets, Ciotising et Purs nt extra low reluctions lu )re. Our cilizens siucerely sympatisize wiib êr. Geo. Downey anti family lu' the evere hereavement wiic came btiseir mme lasI weok and romoveth ie wife nd mother Mrs. Dowueybas been sick> or along lime frona parahitsa nt is )ore ber tuufferings verýy patieuîly anti hown great Christian fortitutie. Tise umeral service on Tuesday wvas conduet- î by ber pastor 11ev. B H. bayden, ýiA , who spoke lu stmoug lcrmsof ber right chriQt.ian carcr ise pa-. API>BENTICES WANTED to k-larn rilinery, Apply teo HADDY & Cos Central Millioiery, Bewmauvilie. J)LAIN CO0K WANTPED-No wash- ý- i og, evenings aniund ay free, comfort- able room; $Io Mas, W. J. BuRNS, Oshawa, or te BUIaNs L& C0., Cerneýr Sisoe Store. 4-2w. P-rOUSB -TO SELL OR RENT--Fraine .1. ouse oit iberty St,, Souths, beiongîng to Esiate of late Chas. Keith, Apply to CHAs. W. I(Bi rit,lil Colisorne St., Toronîto, or te M. A. JAMES, Bo.vnanvIlliv. 51-tf. FU ARM FOR SALE-176 acres for sale - betrg part of tise James Shacti estate. composeti of parts nf lots 13 -and 14, in tise Ils and 8tis concessions, Ea-st Wbitbv. Apply ta JAs. A. BLa-Ns, Iaglan, or Jemq S nLEa, Cet. qmbus. 48-tf. DONALD G,. X. GALURAITU. Blarrister, Solitor. Ntary Public. etc. Private anti Ccmpnjany mnoneys to boan at lowest car-rent raies, Agetfor Tise1liiandi Loan ani avnsC payOfceopp)oite J. B. Martyn'e store, 1Kg, st. IBO s'oeanVlle, 12-tf ~j Etse ARS-InBowmanville, Jan 218t, 10Mr r4anI Mrs. Wm n. A. R-ichards,, a daorghter, jg ÀAra-1nbowaviJan, 2b eMr. ofandi Mrs EaPrrY Allun, a soc. MÀR5RET-Il Cboug, an.23ýrd, te Rev. anti Mrs. A. Ma.rgare*t.ii, agses W~n-n eaw, e. 5t.the Wf fJ, Webb, of twins-son aandti soghej. PannY-Im Ostiawa. Ja'n. 22nc, Us Mr. and ,Mrs. J, P. Purdy, a daugiter. S1SIsON-OourTcE-in shawa, 17an. 251h. Iby 11ev. Robt. Burns, Finsste Viola. voungest dauglster of Thismas Couruie, aui) C eeu Simp- *son, ah i osb8awa. P.1M(COLL-L&iPP-In Brigiton, Je.q1 )y Rev. T. j. Edmison. B. A., B .,Zel ,- asecond daugister of Mi- C. ALppntise Brigtston Ensign. anti Willia.Li eldeat so -ýn of Mr. H. Wallace McCoîl. 18 OKE-PAYNE-111 Cobourg, Jau. 25is, by 11ev' H1. T. Lewis, B. A,, Mr. Cecil T. Oketi Mise Violet Pa3 ne, Toronto, formerly of Cbug BS FLETCIHER--NOBLE-Oti Jen. 2tltb. ai tise reelti- once of tise britie's f ather. by Rev Robert Leask, ccciii of tise bride, John Rtobert Fletcher, Mat. 18 teson. Norts Dakota anti Amelie Etta, eldesi ,Idaugister of James Noble, Hampton, oct. it DIBD. SOUCHil Bewmanvilie, Jan. 28th, Frank -M. Seues Owsîss-In Oshawa, Jan. 29, Elizabeth Hindes. reliot cf tise labe John Owens, of Rf. M. R Welsi Fusiliers, anti dau gister of thse late Fcederick Ricties, early tesidens (if Toronto. itMERK.EY-.At tise Western Hospital, Toronto, Jau 25tis, Helen (Nellie) Saunders, beloveti Ivile of Mr. Harris O. Merkiey, aged 28 years. d Eîdesi daugister of Mr. James Saundere, Bow, -manville. HurgrE-In Toronto, Jan. 22cd, William Lewis Hunier, formeriy eofilOwmanvsile. i.COWrrs-Iiî Millbrook, Jan. 2lst, John Cotten' Ntwtocville, BftowN-Ic Arisair, Jan 22nd, Mary Riordan, helosed wife of Thsomas Brown, formerly of SOshsawa, in lier 66tis year. FixKE-In Oshîawa, Jan. 23rd, Mary E. Orr, r eliet ef Martin Finkie, ageti 78 years. LEDINGAM-Iu Montifore, Manitoba, Dec- 27th, et tise, home oftlber soit law Mr. A. Rawsoc. Elizabeth Ledingisam, formerly of Darlington, anti mether of Mrs. A. MüLean, Oshawa. GoolsEELsw-Near Therubury, Jan. 191h,r Adamt-Gootifellow iu bis 75tb year. Faber of Mr. C. A. Gnodfeliew, of Tise Kystnne, Whitby. TO CURE A COLI) IN ONU DAY. Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE tablets Aldruggîsls refondth ie money if it f ails te cure. E. XV. rove's signature is on eacis box, 25c. JOHN MAYWOOD. John MaYwood of Toronto, Vocal Teacher. has 8ecured thse Assemblv Room of the Hlgh School, Bowmanville. K~i which to teach Singing and will be here every Saturday. Voices tested f reei. 4-tf Livery Stables to Rerit. Tise property on thelnorth side of King Street known as PlIE HENDEESON STABLES.' Apply for fu information to DONALD G. M. GALBRAITII, 5 if. Barrister, Bowmarsville, SmaII Farm Wanted 10 to 25 acres wanted te boy or rent just ont- side Town of Bowinanville. Send full pariien. lars to A. B. C., Lock Drawer 7, Bowmanvilie, MISS MABEL A. TAIT, GOLD MEDÂLIS-and Fellow of Toronto Callege of Musie andi laie Organ- i andi Choir Dîrector of Yonge St. Metisodist r Olurcis, Toronto, is prepared to take a limniteti numbr o puilsin voice (Soprano only> Piano andi Theory, Pupils prepareti for Musiccal ex amninations ai Toronto UUniversity, Toronto Conservatory of Music andi Toronto College of Music. Apply between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ai Tait & cols Studio. Eveninza a*'Thse Ociagon" corner Wellington and Divistan Sis., Bowman ville. Terras moderaie. What do Yoll KnowY Dýo yen know tisai after a Short- haudl or Commercial Course witis ns, yon are sure oi a position at $4500 anti npwards Per inonth as a starter ? Send ne a postal. with ycaur name anti address, andi we WEI ton you ail about it. DomiinfB usiness caileueg,1L. 4 Richsmondi St., Easst, Toronto. R. D. NIMMO, Principal. âgf'Not too Late To ,enter for a ielm in any Departmeni o T our excellent scisool of TORONTO Fer thse Wiiiter Terrm now open we have a staff of 20 teachers, and caq offer advantagss net te be found 1 1 a smail un. important Scheel, Write for partlenlars aid arrange te start ai once. A1daess, W.I. SHIAW, Principal. Give ns a Yeung Man or womau of good elementary eticcation, and we ean in six mintbs produce a skîlîful steno grapher able to sare as an initial salary $40 or $50 a mOnts. We have beets îoing this for bec 3-sars ; we are doing t new. better th ian ever before, anti hetter tisan anyene else. Business mec waut oui produet ; wc wavt tisematerial, Write for fucll par- tilelars. Ak. M. KENNEDY, E. E. SH1AW, 1Principal. Secretary. 4 CENTS 45- a pounde can 'AT ALL GROCERI: 25 cents a hlf pound can Royal Baking Powder is made from pure gyrapel creamn of tartar, and is absolutely pure. îwyaî IBaking Powder assures who1esomeaý food; it makes the best biscuits, ca-kes and ail hot-breads; it proteets the 'family from the danger of alum. and other injurious substitutes, Royal. Baking Powder saves time, buterflour and eggs; saves health. 4' China This departn of Dinner and Toi Lamps, etc. We bave ove Thanking yo. wish yon ail tise C( Mr 4î~S4~ 4î~ e 4 4 4 J 'i 4 4 I saves 1Department, (Seeoncî Flooli.) nent 's complete wt tise largest vaiety ; Setý, fIne China Cups and Saucers, Mugs, erything io niake & I bppy New Yoar. u for the liberal patronage in tbe past,' w ,omplimenîseofthe Season, Respectfully yours, The Gtroeers, 1ou*tnanbhtle. t A nice cdean up-to-date, place to, have Photos taken. W. have it. One of the FinleSt Studios in Canada will be found here. And our photos will be second to none. Our studio hao ail been re-modelled and is now coniplete and ready for businems 1 Geo. Smith, Successor to G. P. FREELAND. Photographer. I UA JAU U RY SToc Ta Qi)al 8 -NOW ON We parpose rnaking this the most uoteworth3 a eiithe 1 Iistory of our buiess life. Oar stock is -lu good shapetr and well assorted, bat in orderto reduce it v'ery Iarge'l.ywe) we wiIl offer this month bargains ail over the h onse, that wiIl be a genuine surprise to our patrons. The Ea.rly bird usua.lly. gets the choicest worm. Corne oarly and sectire the choicest bargains, Or-ýrscue M~letakmi .az au . Mext dooirto Standa~rd Bank, Bowmanmille] --------------- Bakî 4w mAi p 1 l Il 1 1 .

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