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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1905, p. 6

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BRITISH MNETHODS IN PRiODUiC- Cups of Cho' appies, One Cui, RE1NINISCENSES 0F THE1 ENG- - ---ING SHEEF. of bread cruii, a Couple Of table- 6POOnfuls of butter. Put a lay er of LISH COTRTROOM.t ur NTeigh-bor is thle Man M O^st jin freeds Developed That Are Best aplsoe the bottome f a pudding Jo14aapo, Frmryi InS l), and sprinkle sugar and then Henry Hawkins, TelsTae trict. butter (either melted or in tiny Out of Court c: i~eu of Our Ina il. b is illustrated address on "The dabs), and cionmo'rYuuig ___________________Mutton Brc-eds of Sheep" at the re- thon sprinkle bread crumabs and coto freiju(ie s rd Bry amp- cent Winter Fairs, Mr. F. W. IIod- tinue until you wind uip with a lay er tn omry uleSrlIn~ lw An hol my neighlor?-St. anli every orre, but more especial- ron, Live Stock Commissioner, out- 0fcrbs ]3efo'treqatrkion0fheetkou gre Luke(, x., -«9,. ly in tire iman who needs lus. llned the principles essential to suc- of an hour and brown. in the English Circuit Court for L Thi Ma tb quston ropsedby Ther-3 are three barriers that rc- cesa ubrein iv tck. There Corn inal Pudding.-T'ive clips0f muny ycars, have recently been pub- th0 lamyer aho baid asked Christ tr-0esru fti ose fae adhfu iaue ftorik w cups of boling water, one lished. H tirany Stories 0f bis W ha T hh ulnd.(10 to jît eri etr nal * b oteh od pi f ae live stocki business tG which our peo- cup corn mel (elo , four eggs, xperieces in a long life ou the lif. helernd ow nsevdctl uPrsa rteho-rd frctoo little attention, vz. one-quarter plut moinFý 'c, oncbeach and ns a Iuwyer. lUis father ccýl1fOuIrdedpride of place and pride of cburact- ple pay alspo cefuddby the first arswer of or. There is a pride of race tbat i riv nnaient, continuîty, utilty, andtbl sonful butter, Oie-haif tea-1was a solicitor, but hot-nover owed the Grulilean rabbi reerin bhm. to etrl oty hn howvvr It crossing. spoonful Salt, 1. teaspoonful'any thinig of his sucecss to this con- wh;1 oai anand his Perpiexitv assertion causes other races to bc A ma coMiencing business as an-o.nir euirt intothe u neal ýafleowed £1 Olila yar. 1fhse On'as asilicreased by the Lord's quiet dielan viewhen itl, bred<s stock groiier sbould carefuliy consid- T pr cet., nd 0reatBritait$10, dourtewe l ehasd teemtepln aad avoidod theadtismootb. Briig the iiilk toa hou j ral TRiisetet£0I vi AU w 11H THE STATESto 6,5,8, otî r great duties, to bis God and to bis fests îtseif in injustice and prejudice 120sltd t h pouto f e£5,tes%,ets £01ee e t, aod G prentLh x Ineîghbor. [t wouid seemn as thougb tl ut'r o h hlishi hors os, cattle, slicep or swiiie, and jslowly for aun heur. Beet in the îoad'3. -y thîrd year came, and 19,9,o 51P heceeufinl rtcîgoif seggs, addeetharereîklttufgthe i îgrod1ents1tbcu, to rny greut joy, finding that, I FIGURES SHOWING THIE BUSI- port tu the' United Sae hwc the hostile purpose with n'hichlhe a g(n ebssfr itnto.the best resulLsý? Ie can ony knowl keeping up our beating untilit s oun gmorfathnlohe d ed NSSiOR1-34, p e cet hethton ex Coso ed cep to qe stion and, rea ly Th re is a prideO f position whic b co ndCitio nis. lui ]rit i n o e fi d t at t oro uig by r ixed. Bahe in a co xr- roYte nd îform ed h1dm that 1 S fxty Per Cent. of Iniports Co re port t o ail cou ri esdlnr i CoscY icelstrienti odwiîîiîî to i on- . b frw rea'nOed Ildisb for tl rec quarters of an 1shouid no longer rec-d bis assistance, From the States-Britain00,0,o nrvSerct.ud g th as ,, d be s o fnî e anbo for e are ail hmciii the environ neiis av e hen carefully 1, or.* 000a,000,po t or ,r a t 3 itl ei f t'hos tify hs ei f, l g o f i h aseo r f thsain b o but ai h e stud e l ], an ti breeds eveloped tha A pl and froin that tim e 1 n v r a l aC o n es Second. the e9c r ct .t r' If te nt te sineoffie. ut Apple si.Duuplings.-Oine quart of single firtbin. tl12 Ipirinotnt.u th u t o f t e t x .n t t e ure o f c . B t n i Ioe are best suite i to th e distric1l s. T h e t a i o a n Iftcebc Ono iceson thut the of ligh Staiîon landi it ovcei on lrtih u-mr afnmigto mu four, tu o tablesi oefu s ni butter'[ Mysuccess bas becîî entirely due iyprcet0fteargaee- The principial expottoteUî- Master reiteuatet moretish fstne îvben iviî fua d t ake,(or liaif lard andi bulf butter), one'tohai .ok."tomi traPi t. f teaiiîltrigte etttsson-i niassoe mhoreoier ad frequiently lwett;wesocial, cvl mnn ioney adne osarisfy awhim. anîd n haîf teaspoonfuls '( aig Lari lewîeîth chrne fiscnal tyeo1904na wth hein the exptes sof 103ng r:-Crdg thananotierandsouglut ila se "lior inteilectua1 elevation lot, Iie bas choFen femuies lret inu'the, pof tcr oiie-halfn teaspoouîfethe of suitn unnY asandion se muuîy octas- Meuout cf syînpnthy n'itb those w'b tdi, tîi:t thut are hest suitet t tho saitrn n'sca er194wswt h ntdePrs 110 Ions o mîresaIt l are reatuic uoii lone plae. Case l un adle hmfumons, lne . I States, soelsthe Non' York forait $447,071, iîîcrense $573 rg reruuirefnnus cf biasou antieîurketsst'o-cupnsoidnrît.ona esnsdowg, itiao". .îouih torefus'ofosrof 20.- hehfiscaapveiceeofpeathciThen fiscyls etc., $31f120, inceacountry c o v er b yuh e q eesi n ilia siîreliai ierobe le nh sp ar et 10 0 0 a n d e en 0 ,0 O O g uoi e 's. B u t .8 5 is b 4 1 2 0 trub o nlvesalbrtheboc sg- onideatin s sonob upriand bsarfiymrotthsby adcor-cd, ant i pnch togetbeî' the I . is tesitt nouaetelarge ,$850; 11 aceaef4i, gesetbythequston"Who is îîîy of -eiresconslen itla t ei.tritx e cf sele tien anti the use of [he propertog ed. 3llbrdfr ebocis rnot a ord lu this autoio cn nealito ecourse wtih 1;frisi20,. rlotgbcr?" if U Od s. utîaptesotii ae. o hi esoPeIancakes Spreudth ii.Jell.-Two e hchdo n4beeh 11-jfuct indicates. Oui both sites of the . t 201 n obeu t b Is I PO O PffI Ocuit of a p ) finl d i la S h ro p sh ire o îly S h ro p sh ire ' t t t î ' e c e rity a n ti m o d e s ty . i n tant urnes o u u u tary iiui t f p lcn t on .h u T h ,a s eJ i' e h n -Sc' B I O H I I O T c e p . I n t h e n o r t h o f E n g a n t a n u id a l e p o f u s b t e r1n e ,I. lîe r o t e c - f c u e h r o , $ 9 0 4 6 3 n of piluctîn Tb'le of service1 cups of ntiik, fie eggr, one quart ofi WON'DE1IFUL PECK. tuve tariffs provail Nvhicb are liteuit' creuse $2,054,519 înltn 421 -udiiodb a,,iilcnitd Fiuîally tliere is a prit.ý of chiuâ-t esouth of Scotlailnthte Leicester four; na ut utrat rle otsorg ahrtun po vrho opr nrae$, csiter c tu;erviuî-g of praise audit em-uia- 1 fanliies prevail. Funt runi teabter, to alg buterandot oti -s rpcdo ntt ocs d n.te, iteraionathae, that tPrhe'18 ,9; ofl irl uîgesni only in cdoin, the thiîgs thbat 9cr- tion. It nover assumes the 'holer -i hlicountr'y ive flotthe Cheviots. s!itesbou pdccator1iey ni olbhi.Oe ftete ntibenaltad, o e s a - uth 9,52$1 ,7t)Id itnese$223, tan pIccflcualiy te G o e or- Sthanbrwtheu"ed attitude; let atdv"vnauîtctOeba anti againilu lLea thec, Obighern-duantil more09 riptopray. to give for the inain'. ulotlts';f" anuit'"us not pufied up." barren bill country uc lied the crarnberry jelly on thickly, foît auî-ictîeîits bat stoien a dock; Cottis di-e ctive solely to the neei-s antiFe- !059; silver ore $1,82.S.ices I v t e a c e r e l- e ig i e n , a t b o I t p l c ty t e t l n y r b t n ~ ' r d l s ~ l i h a î rB a n a n F r i t t e r s .- S i z f ai a , i î s " s a y s C o t t , " u îy c l i e n t , T h a t t ir e t a r i ii t h e U u i t e i c ' u e6 7 7 9 ;s i t s n ln ' f lyth geu crtis sthy pyq'uestion ut is qiate Certain bho noublt BLACK FACED1)SHEEP. Cup on i ulik, thrie egg', 0eno cupl bougbt the dock anti puit for it.' States, bowcvei, pc'forins its fuir'_ $437,386l, incrense $189 oa -1lY te Delly. Ail these' nould cati bave exclui-ed the ungodiy and i arr atsnîiunl t-floui', ouîeteaspoonful buking pow-11e 'vas not the' maux to b0 airait os$7,3,i for Conipaatively litie etiernsnasmoraprItertive u-uxs, sui'eulbetter tocson$472-il 7,oincreaseeaur82,764; fr li t e e f r r u r i B ut in C hsis ts view he w s t he toc t o E g an , e d r an ti sa it. M ak e a lii't batte r [of b cbng sked nier . t a e s t i t o h e u i u a Stone an ti m a nluf ac u et e e f are ater ail, not 'ecyv eeo neighbocî ue shouit cenixiisemute antidutt 1 o~ ise o oo.stir lu the bannons, choppet lto "Sec'ond,"sanys Cotit, "my client sboîvn bv the atfthatDon'iont pr 63,S4,iucu'ae$56,Cnt 'lSS FCHRCTI. rescue is net ouly the peer travellur anti so on, each breed hnviaig bitý, ani-, îuitîu n spoon, trop lito:fount it- thirdly, it bat been giveai cent. ef Cunatu's imports n'eue pro- ýaiso exported $788,70wot'o o This ltn'yer anti those lho repuesent- wlîo m.y fu]]illauong thieveq, but thcougliî ucccssiîe agi-s proedetbest, boiiing lard. Duain anxid dc ige muitb ito hmi, fourthiy. it ton' into bhis tucta of the United States, of Co-n-1 tatees tii Cuba. et n'erlevery arrupulouus lu the dis- ovorv 'Oue who bus lest lis n'ay or su1iit isdsuct ht bsplliýcrizet sug-ai. gurden; ifthly, hien'as asieep, antid astta xot el 323Per The principal items0nxott chrg o tes ttisanti etllenilito the mireoef guilt anti been ho pi-tire of the Canudian Hrt iace-O. cî e uioiz- oîoepti t i okt" cut " aiteu b '. iut ,-, tUitet States so'ug eln W ies eiutge o r a o u t c i t idt e s h m .fa r n eir , g e n r 'u ly s p e a in g ? W ith o u t e t u g a r , t î o ta b e s p o o of u ls o f u t- ! T h e ic u a ria b e p a r t ni i is e - S t a , O h t e a u t o p r n e p r t w t 9 3 o e d ret0 h 'îl sotiothe pale Our ncighuor, thien, is utot the man regardi to bis eci î nmeut it h asltor, vanilla or lemon juice uni-iluit- fonce is Ibat Cotit arguec acb pliu Cent. of Cana.0tins exper>lts turing mai.s $1,318,421,trued6405 0theîr synxpthy. Tiuev but g-otteux n'ho sus anti ro au ss us on chosen soînetbiuîg thut rauglut bis! meg to taste. lieut the butteu to n in tiuru 50 n'eli that the jury boo'an 10 ecsntoGetiiýi gan$8,2,d 0! Upofwhoney ne ti1904f relcionentd terGreat Bbei'a1n' grean $485,(of, dcroc 3008 'bai tter -Yly 000 ste 0ftieiii at u vy, butlho thut is clownoanti iancy anti inuirb1et ont as a breei-- -Crenm, anti nou'k the sugar loto it. to ho puz'zlet, uni-ifinaxliv 'it aeuM hile Canai-a, nutn'itbstauîing ,blerbettfs(fwi aaa1xot I e, wonleca ept i;, i steemnklng asif ht is.Fao' qeto hte hr vrwsBritish prefcu'etial tariff, loi-iLleset $20,000,000 to CuetBia) Wlho. then, is our neiglibou'? Wbo0mauu n'io is Most in netti of oui' Tlic nuit impor-tanit priucipleie ýwheu ahl tlecsugur is n'eu uxixed iin. anytuck ut ail. Coti . . . n'as ask- I thon 24 per cent. of hieu' iuîpurts $853,972,, tecrease $7, ; ru are those ne are hount lu love an-i-Isvrnipthy ad uîî cror; lie la the ina cOntinuitx lee gun Liver Pntties.-Chop coluit stewvi- d n'bwetlîon thero n'as auîy pau'ticuiac rnttcotraieents $3.,838,843, terrease 994-Pr hpSuri-iv uxot0 u11Y Oîur,î'iîîdced 'o hsa rt 1a snîcmBiiiimtosliver until qutte fiune. Ai-ltto 1 pt.'lineofiii dfeui e oxisheti to Suîg-pronix jîle etce- xtaishn$4,:'7treue 20- anti these n'vho are bouîîx tot us by herlhtoîyptetîv ciToPiAiirîehvugîa'eivii r, 1 teuspoouî butter, udaf tea- geet" loec-l1 yoar by the oporation of rcrent tac- 971; bn.y $793,627,tres$10 t!P- ofcollpaiiioshipandinteesý h-- Ilwe o tohin anwhut llis eni iroomoits require, bus 1apoon Sait, 1 salItpoon îîopper. Miv "No," soys Cod,-Fl~'ot in purtiru-,iflegisîntion. t i s c f c o î pu î o s h i p u ng t n t ef u et . o n . I l n e o [ o i in i ban t i ,e h p n u it o u t in u e i- dc a i- u , g e n o a - t bo o u g b iY . P u t a e a p in g t a b le - la ; n , c lie n t i s h e t t o m k e a I C I' S lý 9T 7 11 sbe st e $ 1 .V8 , e t h n p g n a e g u e b f c . W c b e i' u i , h il mn e S a b 'h i nt t s f u iflt t hb b c t o n a fa ie r g e n c r t i o u , p r o u c i g t h e sý p o o n.fu i i un e a r b v e r y l i n t o t s h e l e a n l r e n t o f lb a n ti p u tm t lî cn a hi1e c s 4 8 3 3 e are to [canari-ut this if n'o are t a'c h'itat o n; ol--e au'e faînily of the saine bîeti ho- uni-i aie 15 ou'-90 minuteju. Serve leoeothe jury; omnt I abouit bie Ecuieo onadiilin er e$493 e b e ev'th f bhe Chiristian naie. e ig H renîuiandnients, huit îtr rrîn4 i-a'efuil about bot oscoît.murhoIidi h os etee i i h fguefoi etn anti0b00,lio n'ubyoscec1unuig 'igcbftuotgetcuîu niînb fgrefrlutvon$,0000115,472, terreuse $2.5:not Illut fut Our îîeighboc eveu'yîvboue li U' -noix bioodt. t is urot amli iui'e:tuet .{otanoe0fteiaiiti ad$8,000,000 yenrly, Canatas tauninufucturot, $49381, t thi' g to fiat a farnu ouin'iîichîLic DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CUED The jurîy arquittodthe raoi-, i prsfontp ntdSae creau'e $1,961,037; netmnia ciier sheeIu bave been bret for per- Imetkuu'ui lî pe o r-Iept, - .the fisc-il î'ir 1901-amuîlnted to Iaux' thesani, eiult us saidtotefoll5,uxIl CapsËfity or a bumîtret yoars, mer is bv localiappltcatîiuo' au ttey i-ianal ceaei iu' u ndi-viing hula [lie henofut of the $130058,a uas fi e Cu'I-i 1,9an4d m tarino$259 J' 1 e ePi g the Patient iii a arki i ,'u.1this truc of L eic isters lo me, but ap- diseased jurtioum of the eau T bee 13 o uîy - ent.. r it,2î1 - $241,781,li ci a ti a nu u tu e ix r o wi lies to ail brtedubof.British4le81, tiecreases ca9,2!6,eicon anti _Î4 or cplies tobiaiacebteetisacof1lPvera iii-e dee, ad btilv JUPGE'S OMISSION, ot iIutt tae o-ucs steel ant i nanufartursteef$, ii- as. t asben ai tatse sok. il-umet c_ dilto i of h nicucen littirg orthe 1903. 0f this total $65, 166,798 L~I.U bis hofui-o Tubte. aienY is nottuee i infliurneuî'l'opotuliaruties 0f uitiii-uai woth wna iInit ted fr'ee andm.'77,- bas heoux suiisthuttsi--ooittr.h-i-. ou. 557,296, decreas î4463 wearingouf vea'uuabsisubu' tian imla alwaYs he 1cjutigestaie ttourbetnouif xitb i ucb 5437 ')vnertbppaiti dut.. E perta ix î't gissos b5u thatle aicrencatin bg, anti wbeîi it la e'tielv e'oued, Deafnesi statcuiicuitratiier hem- t o credit I the breetir. Wby do ne breet i lienesumit, and uîleîs the tuflmmâtiou ean b te umor One sicg î'h Wnnas cf Caiia(lian pretur e tflic Unitedi NEW CLUBBIN*RT. tbce? Tat beymaypcourothetakeiioctandthiis tiberceatiuret tottuc;oi-mil nttfra eu oae olitcneas. S-tates an'eunt te $66,S56,88ý,a o monditjoij,lietitog wiiI bs testcoyed hrev.3r; i HeOonce oïnittet the numne0fap's ceo f 90,7,oui13pc MEl'PICAL USES 0F LiGriT. greateat quantity of the hest quuiity ciiuccases opt o'u' -i are ',u -' y Catarb o ri-crentusîmpu$i-9-,117t1j or 13per Tufs S'TaATENWil ofrihlorw of xxooi uni-I ntton for feet roui- whieh lsnothing but a2.11iîm iedcouitioËioh-oni-r frein muiat i-f those scutonced t.,a o- e ih h_ reret- s u i h e r o r e get ti a t l lsr, t h e lsw F n - V L J F U C O K P F O .S M E I M E L Y t e m u o n s urfa es, o i- a th ; t h e p r is o m u c u' na s r e a il o t mi n g - y a r . C a r d 's e x p o r t a t e 1 9 0 5 la c o n n e c i n w it h h n e - t "0We wlll give OQue Huudret Dollassfou' aiy anditattrosotthus:- «GetBil. hwaIuhgetr ulcton ttep toflresuts lho obtainet li the Thece con bc no doubt thut feh Boilet Pudini-g 'iLh Prunes.-One.. case ofDean".uucaseby caarîîîbatcannatra mtana-n uhgete ulctosi h nc tit s o n~~~ru eh C p nbgn n c l sc ' n 6e uc re t b y Ia i'd C a tarriu C u re. S end fo r ir " o n E o b n , u t I b v a r - s b i k g , h i u g a l e ru fro n i $ 1 2 5,- T r n o a i W r i a 9 4 f c 3 curec of certain diseuses of the akin f'uts, noita, aidother fuesh antinun- balcup pulviesetugar, tuoeoggs, cuiau', Jree, tdeîitaillxonittet youu' nume lu rny 199,980 m$10t2,86 nterus oronto IlaiyStar,dot20 by exposing theîn to the action cfcookot vegeta1ble foot,rouît aimi some- oneý-fourtb pint of nilk, the saine F110,120,8096, oaOl t0fpisnu' oentit ecsadf 2 oecn. ooneDaIeGoe 7 cuearttsunlight. One might tbing wbicb lisaubsèent frein footd-anount of prine liquou' udft from Sio lyDruggi8ts, 75e . 5OC )rather say "sun dock," for it n'as n'bichbabs boca dried, saitet on boiting), -c i iiuît our', one-liaif cup Take Bail'sIF amilv Pis ior Constipation. tiei. It n'as quite arcitemîtuh, I as- The principal itenîs of import fnoi [ho raau b ihton ft othern'ise preqerv.,d. Sailors n'besei-eut, oeeanti eue-balf pouuit f +---- , x,'niofukyOc udox -c h UittStteaili't 'th'ekxGo',id uiuiirtepat i9 uýrasatth ioe ed fth niv miabake. I ai-n vecy soccy, anti the importa of th6 fiscul yean 1903, D ailianiEpr47 spectrum, andi exon those heyon' it bodiiesliaivo been'roduroti te a mo'st pruries istonet), ome-hlaf tenoýpoon- IIJSSIANS Tiiý-EUST IN lATE. -1' at.tatye n h aug sowasfoios:Amimand$94,-Emir1 (wbicb have ne part in the produc- jptaiibteysuv meoe'nibIfie aiu ix inat î odn'ith tire[rs.'125, t erreuse of $172,296: books oet al e~2O tion of ligbt, but favo-un îan1r choai- 1moat astonishîng rapitiuty n'hen fse-Co tesetuti o ho I as g 1wstaiga ýW eekl1vyWi1tn es17 cai processi-s), nbicb bal bbe most fri-sh fr'uitsandutgr'eenu vegtahies are deî's, [hi-n atdt[o lb bbe augar, egga 1country noUe lunlKovnxo,sanys a wiilt- 1i * nor.Justice'Hon'kins înuseif, a andi priîtetnuatter, $1,553,925, un The 'W4eekiv Sun ,9 te o l pmoduing'bs cum's.atitedt o [hein dictai-y. No îuvesti- (beuton iigbt), mnuL anti Pour, n'hirb or in the St. Jamres's Gazette. The unimînal's i-esrnptioui ef hua is a l es h 1192 rett-fFarming ýWorld 1s tid npouigi ue.sufficuent tcstimuony [o bis for-ce Of 1$6,321,149 (iuucluding $4,874,839Famr Avote20 By means of a spoclul appurutuis. htti gatou' bus Jet show n ju5b 'ha bth s hu een aitet with the bukiog pou-r- cent ay thu'ougli a dense forest antiame' dvct n'breb th bet 0 th su's aisnocessary eicMent is, bot tha t i-loranti-,ait. lIeut I ?rt anti adthbbday n'as oppreasiveîy luot. inu'- I churari er. h n'as sit by an ex-worth of froc cocn), an incroaso of Chritian Guartian, b190 re20 exisa setetantiqeatrieantrivt, uheat uta crsarnt yadibu'lr o Nn -umet Heub- I166,3; dck ninabches, Famiiy Reraid and '0 b Sa 20 n'as abstî'arbet, uni-ithe usefuî raya eis s sbeen cicariy sboîvu by i!- the pr-unes, sesutn tareedan iit m'a tarsr oathen ariu orkwia bi-r ýthi'- $ 1,$9647, an1; cose oan 3,6 wveceýfonuset by a poweu'ful icos uni-ilustrations. ~bsate roat. signt ittir hoftroen't or t Se'M? Nice! ceaanuitcoke, $20,491,361, un in- t1irectot on 'tbe part teo ne r ot, Cauefîîi experlniecnbs have shoix'îst et Asgps onedisbreo o oka ANB DocorFinenant ebcrphsican [at fresb juicea possa sthe pena' 'bn'o arma town [he convecging brnvoent oit rave [ oku,-creuse oh $4,779,429; cordage, $1,- PI A thos-' I et " cd 14 veu'aba [o Janova," on the 'im givin' une five of bis very beat, ýtOn anti Cotton goods, $8,392,28 r m .Cao fClfriM cule nuuy Cases of siin tisease, ilu'x,- haecaal fgo'iî uibjotbî', "17 vensts t[o Shatdowa." Pre- simpiy hi-rmse hy accident I mis- an incrense of $98,624. Of [bis, $6,- suflereti for years fnorhemtnat cîutioig sonie furma of canxcer, ailil lielmntary cenl. Cooket fru~snl cukig fn'ellaoob 0k some'dy eise's 'Ouse cnt pinte- _r00,0010 represemit the vaine of ruw lumbago. Hlewas final tvttt r esýjloii uus. The sanie resuits Pincsapi-sscss'[bisproperty qe1so [-c sen' lotirechkiop0f a bores adhose tfr yo'.Srtrmsaie otniuotet fr'ee. Fm'om ,Great Chambeli' anBtn bc ott uxee out tosho prsucoigtb [u'anXtdt btayso iinn dt on the rond beblintirouîsetme.' A -1n'hich migbt 'appen a'niost te houxny- Bnibain, Canada inportet $6,000,- and it effected a coupoecr.Ti eiebnc lgh u bysuiihtani s o great un extent as do unc-oLet "art pilori biglu iblu htinixrr-'n'u iuntiy. Tiuiru' 'la -seo 'ira? 'J'at's 000 'orb oh înauuufactum'et mottons liniment ia for sale byaitrgss elcGirligbt is more eaaihy con- futucesa. -esonsis aufluug froni oigtnoter-n wt b nv-.'Onkinst" unter the -preferoîtial [anIf. _______ 11rouet antid ahwuys at baud!, uiýbiliounnosare cn'omxterluthe roheaetitthe'ji clut neabe' sn'hhas10riu, hy omi[ting [ho eveuing meua e- Ftiefgea con r, peccet on -[ho top of the 1bat. "'ORKîIYi' '" P-FENCE. IN 4STEEL-AND IRON. VRYLN lboý isvnon' goseraii ustiny cefer-ing uothing loti-n [han four lc a so reo'ciocOCIdy rte- Icle u i Hnyawiý. ovdwr id Tc ilr motofio n te Aýjuir su andut tukýin-g [ho juice of [wonor [btrou t bb ;tat sw yas [liecart n'itb ts sorrie horse camue iromfortahlc lotiginge, anti on unauîylant i ariuftctureý, theceof Ireun [hoe ieioyiso i ooxl oranges, a-,p1n itiiceor Wý,11-,',Leretuintoa nîy ochcasionsyhobrbatttei'rrmo.sThetmanUnitetedStateschon'evecb, ed ,eetetebynscontainseedebutylanfbolievetil[oho t1e Lgt buscuraitive action ini other sainteppne juicororunaneeoenet cass igbbbs,[a aepslenionate biioeriuug. If [owre is babies are fat. If your sltat h osgaio o '[b [oatoiiso h ie-$00 0 u Cauaus importation ion estnine uppeaiginnyu Oýiti excuse [o coat his Wory legs, camern u-os[ey ss1nc [ theofsimilrarnuti lo GroOeat ini- - îublicabtionî lbis htoh Ms 1u'of 0fibbcIunlothet hbody to the sua n Vappur-llt uhenuant'be fou' footK. [bis jo arc houîti [o o b xefialiibu genemai j muz h orsateti y eatuuug aerie i iflacbaby is scrawny, Sots[ asatsii n[omtieorh utig.onmuce ut Aed uay, 1 a ciure- tai. f mel, mi uns imanu- auin K Keheunni-aanu rond.suriptertsing n]luis retcbo qait,lonfac[uoi[h o ,exluin c ai, n'c akandchotasshtni V uucsi enuîpi nt i aple stecdotfri osh fbc et, obut Emfl'~ ~si*o n i*,,, t h "Wbicr wn'n are you goiug?" Isiiili etesrum o h aaaIuo1t$5S384wrt iy"akat h in ti. Galus erveus affections. cr ho' c ae t vndýcaket. i jury, "I bhink î nî,uy congrutuinte lrom the Unmiti-d-IStubes turingteI'uneNuuoonzxvsuna Light eh"fs.ecialcirun bocri but h-aIi'ouothi at. h elhybb ToJmoaTT.el. naktyogninun o.1- n[oe er u nrue0f$,0t16 nr-stn hIlnnklapoai pilesar hepr hn lumaancelvet irom Fronce ar ra blO 15(031DA-XPOINT. 'ai i-mca. it f:ii 23 'l10 30 i l,.rdt's Imiti -liof P' son It is as sweet as cooaiguiuuucnb of aopplea or, ach np-i lis sijaliund-I a-Iuess neaux-t biuuu'cent. 'lhe genuerul tariti on wuxoloens jp eciiart ,i ieuNt T h e n -i rli d C ntii o a u th u ir c f i-îisar, aclin iie n.t . mud rouesa obiarui ao ufportrait ofKil, iLîi- ii3ipr c At-hesaie oaeci- iut fuir ieau-s uiuhxeîoflsc 'i '\ hllidanif thdue ur1seaseoditeos ofWhoeoet hm II h îutcettag-e n- hon[fi heiia ai-h'. On 0one sii-[e î me-bu- otiai dnty cf 16 2390'ceaiii bis euxn largo rcioa boy ndi he 1-qýs de ui) atien in bbceumarket anti hcougbt a li. uiih lrowui, a on c, ',O 0 ent.'on tixine anuitcordage Oas in-renceul'-for - -.p Pen'.to be la the system lb recoiveabg pro. 'The or h hoticiuu a--î-c:hîh iî'oiae.'li-tihe!sil o 0pe'he ti le umftI-hri-eapfu etuhouuîu at eî'em' e uragemient [o teveiop. We 1dfrIresml, PesedNîuuuhv ltJ-Apo iuueî roîsistet uuainly in the tii-hn-J- agunîtAmrian anudtotheu' cordage sun+ ais h lied mne'moitai therapy. jographic fini \\ns fixoti on [hemi lailis bo ue2u5eetho Be ure that Ibis picture I ut bfr hy clr in fnîg bstuaoe .ý et er r o no thefo-moh lbe 1THuhi luae ns asenti wa ;em "Do yoîu kooxu' hum? Tbat's Joia Of Canada 's total expert t[ o lusntipatioui tlireno h. s ii ci niu, oEmulmion you buy. Thoelportrait of lis Majesby nus put Sînilix - couuîtones 19,11 ,3 on mt ii p (ruewenlhc inti-ator'ene tht ~ -upon these fi-st fruits horause _ti-e ftca lOîOn idotae, uifrai i-au 10. teC.îbei taesj ia.Tab, S.Say[ Scoti 4 Bowne Frenuch pensants conusidti[hoe en -îucifineudbcgatQC.HnlonOmta s strictiy up [o tinte. Go eut antiletsCordiale" greabiy tue. to bbc sut lownîad uttuînei-lis bot ii it biihevrhihc:dr-is 1îuain no otypas o i gâe [Ii- ho SiiiillcSt Clout yosU Cali Cei 'Kn. oblesi ftne eisbondi-mou -as bis hall- n'as. lc1' lish u - Ipaon. unCarotiîeul, ,tihuo ~tlîli se; if it terreuses un-t tusappeKin"Do uoi-il tn tu to cam ~ u~g' i sow aabteoh[h ar h îI ornt many xiii emnunate the exaiîpie cf:kLillq "et uP-- oIein.'iiyîîIuo'hmi-i o hloo' ~ îe shows a ssure o f h artat is orno [t hoingeîLous Frnch cultiîator ,anti: "Cneuioeu," li ioîst iwxpîcih kiix' .1' lî roximi"-Aniula ea"tf-u'cAl sure o h oiowet by fuir no- -coo t fruits. ' at'ravr hstewi1 eeY~ hr-bt fit' yn x Seaai 4.0podue poîîu fi sadooer- o ir'-uainhteni"ue 'Fbo court horst îinto l1ungbtii' Coul tiiu--jits, or 'i it m'vi e(' andy relt o er$vin hi-00outh rauu ti-se ' poert rati, tinreusoes, yomiay ex-te5 aroun, ut1the samertes 'xn'kis wnh i s case by (bis doenIiu[t'xanu1i, t.Sul pectrai, abei roud, a Lie saie imepo ntingl ýbi't ohacting. Iagnts forcaCnadca.

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