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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1905, p. 1

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y 'i tRt7nen TERM :-ioe pe ~OuR TOWN AND COUINT FIRST; THE 'WQRLL lu Adanee.BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO, WEDNI ~wêem~ D. NORMANbS -4 4ý5 zwý"y iE = UIN L-y- rHALE PRICE Cbueh Jobstoný & Gterman Are Selling Al La dies Coat AT HALF PRIME Men 's and Boys' OVE RCOATS AT 88>'r DI s COU NT ýD Â'E1tWAPS. M.A. JAMES & SON, Proprietors. IESDAY, FEBRUTARY 8, 1905 EMake Pale OheekaRoSy, Enrieli the blood, strenigthen the heart, inerease the a;ppetfte and Sbuild Up the nervous 3ystfem. There are 50 tablets luý a box Sfor 25e or 5 boxes $,0 Sold only by ~ F.R. ers'ake, The Druggist arn Optician. S Saccessor to1............................ Bowmanville w c L MD B.-N ISKILLEN.4h S Our ears are set for the kringl 0f wed- ding belis ... Don't miss thef Epworth Lesague "Hard time social" lu Son's of STexaperancee Hall Fri.da yevenlngFeb. s»ba i~ 1-Bring along your co ppers3;.admission U LXNOR ssdFlowreceell awtedd ..iitrThe Sweetnesa and Cbanîty of England's Qiueen r s.W o- çnetanda Que lxada hom Dean Stanley termcd "the angel in the palace," Snumber of married popeThurs1day has for over forty years endeared herself to the hearts of the British people evening; Mr. Webster Virrîne at home; eince 1868, when a girl of nineteen in lier quaint, luttle, old-fashioned poplin Mr. Wallace Jardine, Manitoba4, at bisi frocli and shawl, she landed et Gravesend as the bride of the Prince of Wales. Sun cle's Mr. P. Marorey; Mir. and Mrs, Her'early lii'e was passed in extreme plainness and simplicity, because C.Mountjoy with freo n saa f theý. sma;llness of the family income. When she was born, ber father, thený Mr. C. Pascoo at home,; M. nd Mrs. Prince, Christian, lad no nope of 'ver being King of De'nmark, for bis rela. Fred Nichois and Mr. sud Mrs, Adams tion te the reigning king was so distant. He lad nothing but hits niitary visited at W. H. GaY's, p1ay and his wî< fe's modest dowry. The life, lu their borne, the Yellow Palace ai Copenhagen, was pretentious only in naine. The daughters, Alexandra JANUARY WDIC and Dagma, who became Empress of Russia, wore garments of cbeap ma- terial eut in tle plainest style. MrydMs.Jmsgol, ~nton tracetofbich lredls mriae, iswoth yearnterof"temosi beautiful woman a1ce o>n Thu.rsday Jan. 26 aitl~ home In Europe." The future king of England promptly feula i love with the por- ohr. and M Hrs.a es K, fi,!t0,tae whh te hi mwa e etwoen, r ne aehlepaigt ýen their eldest dau ,hter Aei E The simpliciiy of lier early years bas ever clung to, the Queen; thougli 11tleMat-teson, North DakoUr- TI home circle bhas been frer throne, where she bas reigned wiih sweetness and 1 moter _iss 7dit Lea;1kor cauising tc, be raisepd over $250,000,0)00 for cbarity. VOLUME LI1 No. Mrs. Josepi ; botter alter a~ç lre eLangm i asý WbTby Ladoies y oý S Clare Lang.maid is also home iroraï NrAFLE GROVE. Rev. A. C. Crews, Toronto. General Superintendent of Epwort.h'Leag-ues, will lecture in the churcti hore undier auspices of the Leagne on Thursday Feb. Ifith at 8 p m. on "'The Mammoth Cave " Music will be furnished by local talent. Admission 15c; two for 25c; cblidren 10c. Everybody cordially invited. 15-"-),w, FAR1WERS' INSTITUTE. The sugpp]ementary -meeting of the West Dur hamn Farmers& Instizuteý will be held as follows: At Kendal, "Foresters' Hall,," Wedoi nesday, Feb. 22ad at at 2 p nm. At Orono, "Town Hall,"~ Wednesda.y, Feb. 22nd at 7.30 p m. At Solina "Sons' Hall," ThursdayFeb, 23rd, at 2 and 7.30 p. m> At Nestleton, Cartwright, Fridzy, Feb. 21th at 2 p.m. At Blackstock "Town Hall," Friday, Feb. 24th at 7 30 pm, Addresses by the deputation sub'ezta of which are : NIr. C. W. Nash, Toronto, "hmsr 0! the Soul,"' HowPlàuts Grolvp" Ereýd~ ing of Domestic Animais," "The Valuie of our Bîrds,"' "Our Insect PestF," "'Nature about the Farm," "The Enera. les of the Pea crop and how to deal wvitb thora." Mr.: Wm. Channon, Oakwood, "lCulti. vatieo f Corn and Roots," "Making Improvement on the Farm each yo,." "Farm Buildings, "' 'Fences and Drains." Evening subject "Hl-ome Life on thu Fsrm." A good attendance of, farmers and others old and youug is desired.ý Frez and- open discussions. QuestionsP-ad experience 18 requestea by those attend- ing, thereby malking the meeting mutuiz ally profitable. Renewal and memaber, ship requested. God Save the King, A. E. BELLxANý,, H, C. HUuR, President, Seczetary, COUNTIES' COYNCIL. ,rfN ,.~ ~ ~/i~ ~ ,w,~.'~~ 1,, -,. îî, fe% 111011s.ili,,rnuv was given 1 WuPOSule fr Aleuxandra to icave Jangland, IDut a !or,,- tender nssage of ýt irsxhatwre$k,.N t away by hber father and w.Nore a lovely I love and ho poken by ber into a ph'ionograp)h, was sent by special coiîei, ilngton %Tdtiart8wrlgt nldo gown of cream crepe de chene, ih siikj to CopenhagenlIts arrivaI a short timie beforci the aged lady's deaLil made <(Cavan and '-o. Monaln end ___________________________ SOLNA.chiffon trimmings a!ýd carried a bouquetI ber last lours serenely happy, Mnvr> Out o! 2pori i'es The Corner Shoce Store- of carnations. The presents were num- At Sandringham abch led the life off a country lady, fanding bier pleasure 'made by Baker -was , Ci'~ erous, haadsome and well chosen Aft- la bier ehidren, tle, bouse, the grounds, bier pets, and ln ministering acts of Kennedy 12. lu the 1 _______ ______ _ iI~'Not too L ate Mvr and Mrs. Ira Argue, Carberry, er justice lad been done to tle splendid mercy. Serene, gracious aad beautiful, bier lite bas been quiet, though witl rblok(ot alr~ f MnitbaandMr zraArgeast that lad been preparcd, and a few a tbread of sorrow runaing through days o! seeming1y, golden happliness. manville) eatered agai JTo enter for a teîm lu aeyDfepartinentof arm,' visited their brother, Mr. Henry hou~rs spent in social enjoyment, the Bu~ tm codiag to Actor the Parlimnn f Cana, la the ye&jïe;04,b7 w, C. mlik atheD,)partment ofr icultue.Higbest vote : Pake an"our excellent sciiool Argue .... Mr. T. Baker, C. C ,aitended bapp~ ope amidst a sbower of rie, Kennedy 10, Trebilc T H BCounty Council sessions ai Cobourg.., etc. cfPlefi staogfinsi ar et ihsiecn E '~INj LI Mr. XiIl Ellis, Bowmanville, visited ln ravstana red nDr BRIGHT PHOTO STUDIO. MR, R. BEITH HONORED, laswt aecats Mr W. H. Gorrill Suaday. .. Mr. Arthur ligton, Real and Brock, tle bride est points with Baker îu W and Mrs. Vitue vîsited ai Mr. R. ,. goiag away in a suit of gray ladies' cloth Lean, (Port Hope) in ih ar S Sot's..., Mr. J. G Langmaid ladl a iriinmed wtl satin, Mr Fletcher in- We are pleased to announce 10 the The Canadian Horse Breeders' As- anis: Donaldsca 7, Kend1, eei w ~~ c a ri n_ - ~valuahle colt kicked recentîy ..tSo end eunn olsbrei o people of Bo wmanville and vioiniy thaiocaonedls tanlbqet 7, Trebiicock 5. Adormn iinx L.1 U fnm here itend lepia ai .. .SomeDakota wiih bis bride about the middle Go .Sih eenîypu-ai the Walker House, Toronto, Feb. 2, morning g an of Merury when over 200 horsemen anda W Terce aspne Wdeda taxument and basket social ai Tvrone afw Terc a ehrdyngt ..Eio n er- Feru.y.hased the photogi apb business from guesîs pariicipated. This funtion was oDgwihKn * Thusday igît.. . Eiior ud Mr M. Mn. Geo. P. Fneeland ln THis STATIrs- especialiy 10 honor Horsemen who have rncing 12 i. n ney etwgstl o!TORON7TO A. James, Bowmaaville, visited friends wo itinction ai île diffenent Unitedrecig1luwoosihatDn 0 oeWdedy.. w nfain tmAN Block has b en maklng extensive wudi naidson stnuck9su Tnbcck7 P r c sFor the Wiinter Term now open w ere edesdy.. .. wo niiaton a States slows îlhe past 3 ear. Dr. Andnew baye astn1'fffl etacherg, and cai offer Division last week sud a coniesi wiîîCNYOlIG improvements ard changes la the gai- Sihpeie fe utc oieCouncil adjounned foi selfirhc advaiitagee ,not te be founc lu a smali un- soon foilow .. . No services ai Eidad on .1Sit- ibe ferjsic et e esamne 8 eatered foixmrlei GBflE AT CHANC E important sehool. Sunday owlng 10 Quarterly services ai Perhaps you think vou can. Itisbor. The reception aud openating feasi a very complimueany and eulogis- wiîh no deelsion. Tefiacoeswa Write for particuIars and arrange te Hampton.... Mr. Wm Wesilake nes- stated on authority that 4 oui of 5 per- rooms bave been thoroughly eleaued, tic address was read to Mn. Beith, gedtbeewe in Men's He-avy Rubbers start ai once. Address,1 ceived a gash unden lis chun caused by sons would make good sin-ers by papered and painied ihrougbout, île Grahamu Bros, aind other wînners. Iananeywed t e leienBkrsdKn W, H. SHAW'I, a small irnse whichlile was cutrlng sinik- proper training: Whatmore pleasure. former finlslod lu green sud tle acxnowledging île mêtny nices hiugs 15edy9, e îl larwno oeo roldo ,0, derglr$2.50 quired a couple of subites.. - -Mn. Non- maxi or young woinan possebs ta also been re-arraaged and a aew -rai Graham have spolcen for île Clydes- voe dn wt 1.95 ~~~~man Muttons Bowmranvllle, spent vocal sud instrumental music, especiaily ing window leen put in, whieh wiLth îhe dale class, Mn. Beith mrade îhe speech Poedigitîlbunssou ___________...............Suuday lere.... Womnau'sInstitute will tle former. -It gives delight 10 tle lain.iew instruments installed will enaIle o! the eveuing, surpassing aav prenious Baker said tle Inispectro rsn - ~ho pobtponed until Thunsday Fol 23rd dividuai at ail limes aud even more to hitu 10 turu out work quieken. 1te btter effort lu lIai lino we lad ever heard Inîecabrsu wildtadrs Felt and FeitNot long a-ro a man wno was alwaYs one's.Inoends, Wbat is ilene lIaitînil s sd antage a.-d on blontesi notice. ahuri makeHo e se ornathe la!eb1 Dr.uSmihl h cross sud tired anivedl home smili us ietepwro u'?Wa lvn hruhkoldeo h audience nesponded several limes witl 10 know how many oie sldoue jotfui~; l e~plined10 li deltheed po awe lIi 18 re are1so0divinehtographie business we believe lho wiIl generous applause, He was given a of refuge erected TeA dra Lined Boots. Iwife that lis liver trouble was cured nt yas île pwe oingnd Tirere ae1000 ntun u woik t twiliiplease ail Who yen hearîy iîeception oun ising to neply, by Jan., 1906, eacl ony e0 rc lasi through Vito Laxative Fruit Pisa.e i usu orBumaii may favon hlm with ihein ordens The ail standing sud singiug "JolI.y Good bouses o! this kiud. Lecm ocae Next FzH thI e!lnes will be __________________ R. M. Mitchell & Co . druggists,' keeps wbo should le devoting a portion of roos are ail comfotablylbeated se lIat FFellows", "He"'s a Datsy" etc. We with the Council. S'0 a togv mweih dearer. aenwatiiella stock; pni ce 25 cents, these long winter eveuîugsto eultivatlng customers may depen4i ou being weli wene highlly pleased 10 take partinlutîe ornmeni grant, if $1600V epxdd ibm .voice under a-good teacher. "a usod wheu ihoy cal.] nom samples o!feeîo.I a 0l 2 e et !cs pt chance to capturve a 'Pair o! the Gîivetus a youug mac or woman cf one o! ibm nwili ever rgrtth b is work se eble8n n il Teadessi ergr fa t,0.TeeCu g"ta ,rduetP ,od elementary educatton, and we eau adm rspn nviegctre ifeu reg een we be leve 0 on animny pnilevio utueifa îgîîgiig yu au le îo'sThearess sad W te regard uthe b$16 ,000.Thes Cntiewrdneo or ~~ ~ i sixgmeths prghi. kilul saîar Trnurr hhn onesi and persevering effort b ruade tnsdin netesv us ,sin- otnmnalosdms dthle 11lesiit scinsluîl ouirt]udh orlgtgrapher able te earli as au nitial UII ÔWIU to acquire sktll in sn n.Ou.r esa- t s x nîv usnss you, from a country __ aigb" o uld o e h le a o u uuuîu sing 1ýlig.'pictune framiug aînd ail wbo desfine any, ono-îweýlfth of île populationu us tue befone. The gaol Pnpiyoudl $ W ar kepin upthe sizes $40 or $50 a mentit. est advice 10 tle youth o! ihis country tlimefa thi'3 lne wiil neceive lis lest UiedSat udsanig huîe ruade imb a bousee!rfg.H Weae 'epiguWe have been doing this for tan - 15 1 devote a rdasonable amoui of ntdSae, n in gi of Our poputar ]!e-no---rn- yas w r en vowbte la STATEMENT 0F 1!ECEIPTS AN -lr--imeanf one 0learnnhKo sTug snd MNnaes1)gv imatilodr eea ubro xiiosa hs 5ars I onio rneEw Weariue- evr e are DAir, neetr bnavdees.ersto -iv ima4ealÂresraf.otbu 45-a acrd rve-îbu-ltes. Te curibut-e oet Wearig BOOs. vr bnes ec ac 0c produci; wyo e PENDITURE FOR 1904. 10 begia now. We say begi gn now be-fexibtosatths Iwent the materiai, W rite for fl par- cause au opportunity is sfforded jusi sboweafrs, sb ei of the re suint las greTeld tmaetepo y7 LOWEST PIC-ES IN OSHAWA. tlculars. UBI SHOLA OUT now that may net continue for long. aoneafsae of th se o ize u l u acrp ens.fThehln o ed 0pv l A. M. KF.NNEDY, E. R, 5nw, ULOCOL coR. Mn. John Maywood of Toronto wlose soouo!îlerlases ro acuallv wi nso le oe . H sidaueCone Principal. Secretary. JAis. ]sr, 1904., îlper n hsppe iia ýte board, 53oMaButis.î budeee e alo idr ,% EEIPTS. manvilie every'Stra and las en your Hackne-, s at St Louis.- unes sud iu île town. And StiII We Sing y To ndapparsintnspper îsis Bw. TCaho ............. $ 129 14 g le hlu îll R minte l nse 1 oa.Tehlocl "Donation J HM eoil. _.............. 0 0Schac aptlhl ors . g,ýd 1 SAAWIEF EC. stated the prissentbudigcudl I"Sale cf Carpet ....................... 4 00 oacptlhl frsnî~,adOHWAWR EC O si' renovateci so as aet os "Legisiature Grant 1901 ........... 33 lasfor)is ppils oruso!fîereefdin Our Cheerful To'wn Grant 1904 ..................48oo oo ingersin this isrcî le is r3pociibyar sA smeeting o! île Board îDrcif!reuJ Z56 4instruction 15isoceodutin îlte ors o! île above Company the onicer. EXI'ENDITURE. mto Euh b h mr anoswere reappoinied as follows; Preàdidt By ai RD ialdoe Siey . 5E 2 roeoa leachers. Prom tle testi fisîMtayor F. L. Fowke, Oshswa. Vice MissMcas, ......425 002mantl atisfM. aio exp re co tbose Pros3ideut, M. eAJames, Bowmianvilie; Sr f l . .. . 0-e 9 ____________hl___ , MshWl, ... .45o eooaetisaein pesse bitm hos Ayer's Che~rry Poa over Seret.,y, L. K. Munton, B.A., Oshawa; mel-,............ 69..Miss Jewnc, ...... ... 00002e hv .ke l,. ,.ro hm e 60 years ago. They USe h t Managîng Director, T. H. Everson, S ( ............. 50M189 Armicur-, .,,... 300 00 have on on.nce ini reeommeuuîng him da more than tver. Thev Oshawa; Directors,J hn Currie,Oshawa; Mis iîdug .. .2e2et onreadors. W aen I~r R. E. Osborne, Bowmanviile. l e- fe Mse ilto 2 ................40 "Miss Hall, ......e.. 200e0now t10 benofit by teaching c! si.nin[S Ve y wiîh "MISS Morris, c........209 O96 Il1îîMdîThse Company will b rho it Chld's---------------------------.Miss Hancock, "..... IÀ 72iu the pubieQecoo, twbgau shîyeiti vrylstwre enîn u ghgn e rity lreadyW ne- generaiery y iwi ernciegi Bo' la 1to 5..o*..........60 ,,MissTrebiler tck, ....- opsy oun slsne o! the taxes for oempley- omre ttepi an5amrir-B hgeef T Vanstone, Janitor sa'ary ...4050 2 a g a capable music leadher to e - .îemne l nc u amr . yinfu f, pr :, J yler et, Iea. '..... 65 00 lessons once a woek to tho childreu £ C . saine sbould pae hibm rders, wats caareea Meiii3 Rbbe Boos. 25 obaud o mm eraorwt- Prictlug ............................ 75îte preseut staiffsud the money paid 10 rely upnItfr cldoughs, o1le? Govenuimeni lu aising île tarf tald"hesifo WegtRubler Boots.. 1 98 bsdyo r Cme rcoiaoseitio a ,Interelit ac ........................... 83 8 cherit wolu inour opinion bronhî,c smpo. on wine, pnices may go up for ami 'Wheret 9 M usWenaeeighfa ito t Fuel ac ............................ 486 04 9 ui e cîicnu pIn Address tle compauy ai Oshawa forit s 4500 and upwards per minth as a *' surauce.,................ .......234 00 leoa desinalle change. Thene ile Te ou el e hwI Y sCloth Top Rubbers..115 starter ?Cash onband .............................. 09 eadher too mauy ounîteei'ablic scboolvi elYUhwi circulan sud prices. allowed to romantb cu ils came and addres~, aud we wîîî$te6l 14 staff for the number of pupils atnig el n~mdins Cloth Top Rnbber. . 90 naieand usaddosal, wwltellu yalmasgv l hlnuiniut 1* eybSeuhfAUCTION SALE. as o @ apoiI Ke'sWaerrcf veshea i35 you ail about l anecseou o vey enI aillmenrud imentse o! mui sic h.nI ooe ake op 4 Rrcbmocd St., EOasthToron1o.5la er;ae obt o e ros iîtentA onthe Japns , ~TuEtSDAX',Feb. 14-Mn S. J. Beacock, 000o 11inio pUiIs3 s iO ,U. tined, cross feeling is due 10 an inactive - consîipaîbou ,uC411A uToi. yrtie Station, C. P. U., wiîî Es1011aile!f HOOd's fl S 8L C Q j IR. D. NiiiStl , Eiast.Troto ax atb rit ofPi tly re lver qallyunown lý Jju Cana if o.,ÂTREtc.,ivala.lsto.ofegilondCld B u n sÛ " E . ompepa.leteiy evercome if you tale Vito is atmgoet utk-Wi .h oud odale maies6, hi,,h clsss drivens, Short Renioves *vryteoo trube iîon prduiu ayla e. ad se VteLaaive Frit Pille,à" brus sud cboico dainy cowe, impie- co ia d',.thoEs troule becauotbeyr composoade, d' "d o! Nalunesrr1med comDposed o! herbe, ý F Imonts, etc A Store and 1/ý5 o! an Acreuo N-, sa'a heha a.brbe4, arle sud fl ruits. R. 'M. Mitchl ansd frttis.R.8 l Miîh&1e2__ o! landd vi1l ha ,0id at île sam imkUn, PttusoiI ______ I. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~sàc Mte.dugs ep hn u lc;dugsa ep lu l tc;pie2 ~Sl i12 e'clock sharp. be bUlg. Mfor hoî*cm3 prices25 cne.- - cenia', leJOoaxtoor. 5 aunan

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