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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1905, p. 3

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does't eemserlous but it lu. 1* gred-jIIy orks down ta the. air paâSa,'ge .nd causes. coigestion Con.suýiptîon Cure, the ýLung Tonic, l gs rte a cure coughs umnd colduM. Your money ba'ck. if it doesn't. 25c,1 50c. and_$1.00 THE Foui'OEn 1AR9 BELLEVI LLE Business CollegeP Limited. Trai1ning UN EXÇELLED Bookkeei g; Shothand; 'Tvpewriiing; Office CUr; Telegraphing antI Rail- way Work; Freueh sud Germaa., Every Depuitnîent a Speciaity. J. A.Tousaw, Belleville, f J. Fritb Jeffers, Secretary f Ont. i'resident. Winter is Comnirg. To peoplewh want the BEST Cutters to drive or their own Cutters a n d Sleighs p-tinted and repair- edi 1 an reacty to attend to thei., r wants any time, Speci al attention given to Painting. Wmï. Edger, Bowmanville. which depoîbts may be made and wilhdrawn by mail as conveni- ently as if yonr own post office were our office. SentI for it. You will fnd i t ntereaning. Canda The New and Enlarged EditiCOn Containe NewGaattei~of the We'rlrd ,vth ore hanq2,0i0titic, ,based ont11 E-d ted by W. T. HRIPh.D., LL.D., 2350 vQuAo Pag~ j New ffls. Slo llu»t&izalma hBila Also Webs;ter'z Colleglate Olctlonary with ' iîz6 Pagea. 1400 Iluatraionr. Size: 7xlOx2Y81nlu A Sp3clal Thlu Paper Edtion De Luxe FItE,IlA Test ln Proimnelationt'" iietruc tiveand et ertaiung Also 1l-ustrated paphlet9. Ga C. MLIRRIAM CO. A akris being treated for Ji' drpoba at the Newport anA Cont ospîtal. Four mon- hadi te hioP!bMmdown ut the railway statien. andI le snarled andI yapped like a dog. E s alilish ed 1879 . qw Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronohitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cu-eolone !sa bogie to Asthmaties dCEOENF. le a long tàtablished and standard reedy for the diseases indIeated. XItcure$s Scesse h arr- eirongly ant1septic lu carrhi o0r thie dieasd or, faceescf the bronchiai tube% wth every breail. gi,i) proionged ccid conistant tre.iment. Thooe of a eoom.n tire tentM'Y'. or 8,,,ererq troua chrouute bronchts, f1,1 im.o,,drsu relief f luioncocs rinuliamnc utoonoio the throat j ape cres"iene la euid lb drugismi orert pre- .ê 5 raid on i, ipa bei-ticf o- crsleeI i iudfo froc, ,lu amdboIet Ï, flâwi,IL 1 c WLid, t Lir.ii i seaS A',r-l on.o . SA poor housekeeper can spc dol-L . a poor leaf, The use of je-., Que of thc greate-t_ American nillonuaires a once said t) bis physi cian, IlA million di lais, Doctor, for a new stomach," aud tien But God. ias a Benevolent Purpose in kl es~ ,rau~adlre borniof a keccu appetite, vigorons digestien BTET NG and a good dinner, end Ibis ielongs lur Tlicnose, Ila ,taha rn T bat 11e oethmaly a gond fellow mlho is living on smaill h but he icimanitouta sein chibal tubes, luugs, and air coli are bas t forego tice gnod thîngs of tic talle ail included in thc rcspiratory tract. Yet mran is bei-n te trotible as the nate, grow torpid aind heavy. 13ocdy because bis stoniacherelels. Witlout a Any affection of these irivolves more tai nasrneta spars fj upardJ o. v. 7. and inc boig tus fmilarly la-healtiy stomadli and a, good digestion, our Or less sciously tlic ihole breath- Ceylon ei:ansurcett3 spri yuwîd- h . . tI il en îîsîmîal blood is tibm, watery sud poor, our leart n paau.l'rilsrtole ormtra. vr akg H-e wns a wise poet in loly wri vigorated by tension and ceMPrc5- action is weakl our liver tInes net do ils g apparuintueseForsillustinastp oor materin Eerack lagep wlo lef t us this statfflntin-wiser sion, is if met uxost prolable that duty, and man is miscrable sud uulappy. man whici las disappeared upon re- (orJpateusr)2C, 0. than most people wtlo renýd île the tliid elemntof your composi lIb is condition main is prcy tn lihe gernîs (o aa tauIs, 5.>3c Wdsae ptttik.As njatur- tion, your seul, likewise shahll e of influenza, onusumption, malaria ant ah 1 nioval of fhe f oreign body. TIen, wod rlitt hir.te ilîs that he is beir te. Consuntption t,, an inflaniai eiy conxditien of FOR SALE BY ALL1 aihy ns the sparks bouiid upward benefited by the tension Ot auxiefy, cau le treated'by naturel metheds whbch tire bronchlial tubes is liablo to shut frerin thc anvil when fie hammer de- by the compression of trouble? are as close tn nature as possible. off fihe air frein certain regions of -__________________ scocîds upon îlhe red lot ion do tic GotI thon, is perfecting yooi- seul Dr. R. V. Pierce, chef cnnsulting physi- tire longs, wie e.J ihr sighs and means et lEumianit I pWl-n 110 tiius hanlîmens it, perctcfin4cian eofie luvalids' Hetel antI Surgical 1),writaes Cee. J. aFdîsieî, InttutatBuflo N .,ter aonn upWar'd frem tthc stricken heat.Fa v Our nobiest eleneuu. Youn ailmient Instotuteia Bfdio NuY.tyartaoeu- 'l'k sawek r w-ean tenfai ft icant i derînod Ias isase, ntI atter a long pe- E1îg butte1oe xyThe croptieîî cornes ouf usually in deals lard blews-.hopes are slat- muakes you syinpnt'lctic. The deatl Eriod of experimeut discovered certain roots hest te bren tho through it rather sccsiv- tered, wisles denied, plans frustrat- tint las strioken yffu se sorelY antI herba whicb werc naturels remedies, tlan the nieuth? There are ut len s - .iv crops, se tint from start ed, loe on-ees are lost, friextdsiips tendues yoo to bie kbnI-de-, more teu- andI succeeded bu putting thecm up iu a 1fhreG geed reaseus: First, if puniie to finisihe diseuse may extend over go amiss, slferinig takes possession der te these dearnoetes yoa stili have fore' liat would le easily prncured and the air, tînt is, the fine bains in atueriofî tii-cc m ent s A r s en t erapinu ece tugl ore nI ' cmasont ~il alftady tu use. Thisslhe called Dr. Picrce's the nose strain eutth aiceofw r the .1 ts Ascod t orapifu ert tuIlecmsan ote rasint ith alGoldecu Medical Discovery. t gîvesn pr0 sOtnck is.fotuuateîy not common. upon us, andI at every stroke the tellow sullerers. Tic sorrow et thc fais,- stimulationu ecause it centailesno dst. Second, the air las n longerI Tîcre is iteýod ntewyo sparks fly as tic venry fibres of our msiesderstandiug tînt has severod sîcobol andI ne narcotie. It helps diges- passage te travel te gg't te he!etmc e t xeti to doa in it ayiof beipg cluiver unden the cocussion, yen troni yorur friend will deepen lion andtheti assimilation of sudc lements lungs wlienu inled-cold air is m- ramn xett ln irritatio inauz a tlhle food as arc required for the blond. tnfiug. Third, by virtue et the saine ie nIpoettcbitr rmtb Man is bora te trouble; none et us your nature, andI youu o eal In-a stead of a ced liver oil against whîch n t i s * by bg ydusting tlemi witl oxid of may hope te travel vcry far er very iurdly lefore lew sweet andI lew tie already sensitive stonisel wll declare rfart thii mucousteed brane. Ezinc andI starci or soniîce t er bland leng without feeling it keenly. benattitul a tiing is fiendsip, anrd oe rebellion, Ibis touic bas a pacifyin tc oeth ncu iebae Butitmaesa ret daletdi- ouwill xvonk for atin upon tie sensitive stomachi dr e e-uetin ttis a sked! Poweaî ocnn 1mwî fBrençe to us in oun a k tîougb f YITS ATN E RTO. gives btictheblood the foodI Acments tic uaturally isq, wxxixdo new, ntelayer eoasobetCotton kept in tiss-,require. l i tanshe palient'a IThe maintennce etfite de1Pcnds uo1 Pae ya adaeorsnisetaI lieiwwe nccept tiese b ofvsetil i Tic harp sfrugglc tînt bas ar isen 1nutrition iy enabling ie' srlan Ibopto t0 geiat I1hesive Pate. If f here is mnucl fortune.if you beve tic ie etu\-itihin y'r l, dt wnugdigest and assimulate ntitosfood. It excretion etfarboie aid gs Tcitcling, frequent moiping xmi ih spir- Cod tînt Hi(e is a gianXt Thon, a vr gan inclination, yeur bteh l errcoe'es gastric irrîtlle ilbofciantI sye'p. Eilh îgs iiA ten lucno 1 ois o! indigestion, and irin Ibis wýay fever, îpcosa-ony tciofcmo-ornVuioofe- Vulanofa eity, whro deigtm jr, cgainst yeuî- oerself, 'wll c d e nn igb.scats eacas tc., sr dîu(jriiia t xlnîgtîtis, tlcf tolinalo is us'u P ic ien- swigiugfi inutenoneu hans yer isonan efle tac yn e way witbl. lfortifies lic ioudy aantpovd i xyotat arry away sity e fie p i s mdiîibut liqOnft yeuri, fn r .týie gere's o sumption, sudma- t11pise-)T(1blodis the nie- we I npif onset u teiheunti o urilaraén il buildu u l h is at us doo iîcne t l a-esbeforef lis tim anud if if persists f11tcsprk t u gl gief, en crlaie attlic contcost you haV v wg ,donbealthy flesi.susadpt lc ý 1elstohtvrinltromaoyermdàmyle shalrage aI drave ail yeur tdays on w'ilh s1lew yen tiaf yeu ereto Wheu lie tIruggisl says lbe bas sonie-i parts oethfe lbody ad a trl ýens up intedrremefiiodlneriedyay be b away in impotent wrath, andI then fearseuîre, too igerous, f00 asefie, lthiglaI is Ij ust as good Ilas Dr. Pîercelà t epoisens antI tomns fleniover-ote appdorrlieftiony letined by go1 perlaps, wif h yeurself. Men and Golden Medical Discox'ery, he says se bie. tIc loegs for eliinbation. Tiere- o SORROWiNG- TO YOUH GRAVE. wcnîen are frequeuthy everscruujulus Cause hee bepes le make a better profil,i fore, thc absorption et oxygen is tsnecesaniy elfdoning in ticbut bis on mixtures have net atood lie dopendemit net oîily upon thc longs: ureesaiysefd3nin, n tetest et long experiencenr had lie suce 83 but tic bloed. îIthc hîtter WNTR L 1'InIIU1 IM, howvevcr, yen are Wîse eneugi te ',p nime etreligion., ilu say your tuat Dr. Perce'à nmedicines have haê nichinel bu iicle heboo s INTER NEL Uni 'flING disceru ienevolent îurpese in ail lopcs are shattered, vour wisies de- -E c--puslesicblo- i tInt CutI dotI, andI reverent ergi nued? Fenliaps yoýu ouglt to be inef able te taire up fie oxygen, neo f0 aekaewledge' tint 'Get afflictcth very glatI tintthfe-g are; we sihot- carne forFxard, Auna ncnrhy turjîcd rmalter 10w mon etf it us supplied Thle Poor Stoinach's Taie of Woe. nof wilfully uer wanfenl1Y grievefh lsbghted -niertals do net, as a rulec te chbîîg to Mni-y's bauid, for al- by fie longs.- the hilden f me," yu my tunfbougi sice uns ight years oltI, shel Wiy deoivo need exygen? To pro- Just 110W Hi-o-na ls Needed th c-bdrnetmc,"yn aytuuwisl andI plan fer tint wiiie is l'est1 your sori'ews te joys, yeur blews to fru;l aise esbut y- rcally was i ery siy. tBut thea sicl dure leat, te assistibn thc proccss of for s; o stisied o stb you! rermcnibered grandiuas secret, antI nutrition. Tîcre rai, beceocombus- A h3sao fteya huad benefits, your troubles to advauf- bepes fo God's superior judgmenf. even xx ile sice mns bcing wehcemed tien iitleut ezygen. This if t Iissno ! i er huad ages Didyou s achil ervr tr toshe began te, look about for seme- tint makes the lres et lite hurn, of etople me already showing the li Yeu reahize, et course, tintthf e Catch fie ghowing spanis tiat flew bedv. Wby is deep broafhing valionîle? sslie ueu a ae rete t nres l fe, sieitl dees net l'animer thec mon up so ligi fnom thc stites nuvil? Ail during thc frst paîtrt of tic'Net becaîlse il supplies more oxygen meat-eating, heartq food, lack of exer- meoly te sec tle fircwoilçs play Alas, tley disappeared before they party Auna wns on ticexvtch. Sic otei blood. For tle blood mnay cie overwork and poor ventilation arornîid bs unvil block; he dees if te Ifoîl withiu yeur reaqi, were sparkâ hooked at ecrl ittle girl antI boy le getfiug more oxy gen than, if eau speli 'ýsiekness,"-anat poor healîli. harden Zil fibre, te shapie fIe mass ne more, vaulsied but o blackncss shir ainernear, but sic did nef finit fake up in an onihiaary inspiration. andi fit if for thc purpose lie has in andi notiingness. Se all youn trou- tic uone sIc want cd; so ai hîst sice Iu fart, îîeîîea lit e iii eue long, If the stomach cannot do ils work inînd for if. le if nof venv plausible, hles wîll vanish imb nofuiing'ness if slipped oiut into fhe hllh antI peeped antI maux' arc living te -day with properly, Ili health ia sure to foliow them, te believe tînt tic ail good xiîl childlike fail antI trust yoln round in ail the corners. AntI afttr suri a handicap antI anc welh and al-naa dsion. te eue medicneastre Artiflecer of youn destiary dcsig'e's arcept fhe blow's ot what yen eall a wiile, bunflic very lasi corner, gctting enougl exygen, Tien whyantuldieiotasrnîenth tiese troubles te shape ou, ":adverse fortune,"l -calizc fhiat ticy wlcu-e if xvns dunk because tIc stai- brealle deephy? "Jho grenîcst value stee'aeh, liaI soothes and hbais ail irri- strengthen youn fibre amatI makr yen ai-e sfreugiieCning an-ci t rmnixg your case xx ca up right ovei if, sIc camne et deep breatlbng is the offert upon tatien. coIlgastion snd inflammation lu more tnuly usetul? -cha--acter, mak-ng von sounti antI upon a litile girl about bier own abdominal cirrulat ion. The dia- teso'c rbwi ti ista Yen kaow tînt exorcise hardons teoneamid sterlingfteth coi-c. Ver- age, sitfing quieiiy ail alonie on n plragmi makes langer excurson up- caesfr il sa c rubles.urane- fie muscles ot youn body, retdrs ily, "ma is bei-n te 'trouble," buft sofa. Anua's ci es sparkied, antI sIco lcadimnicotnsnî iscr oralsoa ruls ticto langer antI sfroulgen. Von kuov f eJ i lhe m iai-c us troubles, weuf andI stood fint roxt cof t hc lit île causes a grenier kicod stoply. If the digestion le impaired, the blood tint your hrinaaIse needs exorcise 1l1ke tIc anvilsprs fly nway, van- girl.ETntetcasiton f tI 9mpviheat boesile ih et 'ifs prepen kind or, if il stng- - ish artI be nio more-as troubles! 'I wuvas loekiug ton yeu," sic said. huuîgs affects fIe circulation. Tixere 9oleettous impunities, dekranging the 'W lni's îyoun ne"i i-a uto nf e oe.Tcwbole Systernaud causiug sic!ness andI _________________ Myunm's nud," ait ti ot- lngsne Iouf ae nfacor n fis.sufferng. Ml-o-na, actiuk upou lie OOOOCCOOOC33OCO~ant i sc oosjut vhxt.I aysIccm Atiou csMafohdîîti he o mc, f a renis opbeuifeaitr in aîoxv-stomacli and digestive .organe cures ~ x'fl eueyticpany a mucias ic'Cause ion do't lmeus me." cd toencter, dent h eccurs imînediate- sepe~ee evu ruls od O xperted iesterda'. 0 do." -"'ut mny grandmoi(tior foltI macteo,Il ly. If tien thxe Icant is <lssectod air ahsbîkceat eiriwans Y Fdi0-atIJmt lir aido.'r, Chr-explained Aiuna. "AntIffw'vc gel te oblblie ac tund in tIc ight aurl- andI debility. Q Il ' laîgle. be au utnwas qoio n go iinîxnd aygame'- i, tho fleot-!cie t Ielirai-t. lTh uext place. Ifsou are ekanainlechne I-~DIK V anihyjek fat auim anI Anaeus, ant Imaie evrl1i. 3Zloaxe a ood ecp bratig Il p ail tic air, are th'iatl, h/ýdL tea diseased stomach, se aî seret fenifix ref t fime at tle paii." relîs in fIe iuugs, enfer is the apex et but yen c%ttb crd yIln l- l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i ca ooc heo Infte ai ly wud " u't," 'salid Mauode, andtI ten fIelung xhicI is ius \eakcsf part, Ask Stott & Jury, the rellable drug firwî wnit in tic hall outside, antIdi the o treice loxsered. ' i too timid,l supplies more bleed andI aakes if ne- toeiwelbsSbgurnlene RER FIRST PARITY. cdouiri falk in tic parier. auxd nmy meilen sai-s parties willi sist disense. Agaix. deep breatîing wblci Ml-o-na le soltI. Mi-o-na cost-s1 wear if off, and flcy don't." streugîhons thc respumator', muscles, but 50ec a box. If h does flot h,3ip yeu,1 For a wek AnnaLee bai tho 'feuxTouiinutes lafen Mary put on lier "01"si na ' nw Gad ------4 Fora x'ek Ana ecmd boubtwhite cap antI apron and feek Auna ,slIAn, bko.G and nIaise, if doue propeu-ly, ihps to the price la absoiutely notling. of uothiig but the party. Thc iuvi- t I at.Tcewu great ina telt mue. Move even antI l'Il tell briug tIc thorax bu bis propen pe-1 tatoi ws iefiri elgîIaudmuet,îy tle rb.eangrîmu ra dy ~ou ail about if. sbtbou, and cîxiarges uts cnpacity, gi- - RE1OVING TO PETEPaBORO. lad carrîcd tic rquarc, git-edged gatiered tegetier. anru tlcy seemed 'Canma sYS,'* sice went en, lng île enenîms et circulation ni- eni t t scleol, andI peeped at il once tri be îaviîîg a merry f une pîayig sprcadîng licr fingers andI ceunting respiration freedon te xwoon. illntreal Plant o!fie Canadiau wieî reccoss was beginuingbor games. Four or five ladies werc ssc seeJcoaln borY'9thecm off, lssh ad Ien Uee notice agaui tînt becauseama Gencral Electric -Company. sice gof licr lit fie lunch-basket antI standing neai- itheIoe, grecting tIc Chai-lie do ixhen le uxas discussing E las n gond clest expanion-cî is noe Adsac rm otelsy: joied tIe tîrce girls xvîo xere 1er ucxvcomcmrs, antI wîe eu of th tIings, "grnndn snys tînt wloný evidonce tînt ho las a geod capac- A espti r Montreal plnsf h ays:-a particular frionds. Thon ticre was people are tiiuirl Ift is because tici - - j I note, toc fIhat bornose le TcMnra ln tfeCnd fIe iîîtcmcst, et 1cr tIrcss, namdeuedoatronuen le eei. Sic lbas a good expausion le is nef in Ceneral Elertrir Comxpany, ius au- witi a guimnpc;lier liff le dull pot ti- sais s'poe ail fthc boys ant irl oiinte fateîimself upeanucd il esu ow nArl cents xiilnrrow but fine embroid- UW ~said, 'l'in tee imid te play, antI se tIe fact et bcing a pmopcr brentîer. eantI tic rubpeteovedo toerPet- dry; liern soofhl islc sfockiags, antIdli- U W l'Il sit i - cone- ad - I ieor1notice in tIe flird place tint a ebrbroetcci tpwri slos .it cef tps îx sinytml II uII Pîhave anincetine.' What thon? grand- large long cnpnnty is nef necesar oe-flird gi-enter bu Moufreal flan She wxas te have n mcd rîbbou te mn says. Andthotin sice snys ne mat- iîy an indication cf wîaî c cein-il isinted ut fcrb owre. if is furte tic fIe black mii- bnck freux ho lier______tfou- ow scared yiou arc, tîcre migît mouhy terni "geod ixnr onedottn oe tc r-eî eger little treckled face; antI sic was be souîcbody feelinîg stihi werse, antI an men have wondenod usint flo eylwCs fpwr n Ce cal-ny Cousin Mollie's tiny whîite 1lS is a common expreS- sei go find tintiteue, andtI ell tleni second usmad is. Thf lnennest te fhe tieCocmpany look te effect an etea- fan iangiug about licr neci', fer ah- te let's play games antI ont ibec- f01tn ehv it ead t e ofulhy 20 per cent, lu tlcsc theoghi If uas wiutcer, tans wcre sion WC hear on every crean-er mnybe ifes aerbef. Have 1 île phy siology cif seconr i w d is cesis as conipared wx-tî Montreal. proper utat npat lY. youisen auy popping mnitfees 'et?" 1 tînt it i ttere 4)d iesr' It s finî te ho ais if tetic n ie teej I rk i f a ruan runi una shor-t dasi xx cChanbrlaIn's Stah andI Liver isudnxc.cre asantI nigits' "Mo," sabdnel Maude. "But iîew did find ilere is gient ilood pressxp-e, Tîes passtI nay uetcourse', but 1 l sle ognctotenorr grnn 1',diîamoswîr I as? lis arforbes ani-c cetracied anîxd ifrlse, pnrty ,staî'e-d "xx ensa"antI Iwas Iidiing." aînd the blood 15 torced 1bn-ci upon 11"fi daýy atter to-mnierw" ton a diion can i blssb eede, "y mnuasaid 'pcalyum e he feban. TIt"bs iiri e carlipart et For weakdigestion, beccing or stîntr long finie, lieeir, tfIe memning tIc stairs","lauýgicd Vuxad. "That n long distnce race this condition is elommucliuse Chamberlaini'à Stomai-ý-I carne ni ast wîen tic pnrty was te Your doctor is the best adviser. unas a good Place te fi atI pjeeple'3 tii- preseatibuna less manked degree At- sud Lix'cr Tabîcte andI Sen will gel ho 'this niternoon' ; andI tienr Anima ider flan yeîu arc, sicâ sa1id; nd tîey fer fie man las rouxi for a lime fie quick relief. For sale by ai drugiete. lad lier dinner andtIfried rcstlcssiy Do not dose yourself with &ll i eigif le a boy or maybo f loy mugît bleed vessols ail exer fie body leho- te inke a uap, andI first tling sIc le n gi. AntI if ion wilh Coiue iae îdttsreiv i1NWýRTS know it was "uow," and flere u'as n kinds of advertised remnedies- Enloug- ux no cvw iwere the lady ;loent oftic o ng hu estin ant ticCL G ITS great lurry te get lier ready. Mr wt1 ie ntes s ud xi e iho flotshe cngestionyantheif Ti x'hh tmiy ae nt etcget lus opinion. Mrethari likeIy 1cuis nddlbe pnrtners naîl the rest Oet less Pressure af i ever the body, tins THsE SvÂTESMAN ii u e fîtrnisicd for parler te laienabluok af lier in lionr tic panty. And anuîyuay, Wihhue 'fre- pernitting tIcheut andI lungs te 1905 in connection with theundernamed pnrty celofles. you need a concentrated fat food nmont anxd us mortion wouid teed adnpt tîcînseives te the condifionxs. publications aI the pnice stated: l1lend up,"- saltIfafler, "anxd sonry iuthfey kmcix f thfeir punfy Toron teDaiiyWorld, bal 1904 frnec $3.5)i stoiles te fhe front." Tînt w-ns paît to enrich your blood and tone. folks uvere unden the steix-, antI SINGI(1 'ro-- Daily StAr, doo12.0 et n - <i 1. ue-f0ply 1 e-i tF,îgt-Tcyxvee sal d abouit it. Sic s scared." ot the ohdest and hcst tornale plysi- Iskin ever a wide amen being painful tien, andI office building ut Rcvel i- "Sard" sedUni Cali.Be aure that this picture ciaus andI nurses lu tiec-United andI very sensitive te lie iligîf est stoke, wiich is the leadquarfers et "Wl-ttoe?" iin the form of a label is on States. Pnice twenty-flve cents a toi-tr. ,Tlerc is semetiines also na __________ ______ "Ycs," graudmna wcuf oni. -I ne-, the wrapper of evtry botti, bottle. SoltI by ah inuriggisfs tinongli- leerefm lIde-e beriAu' he rs finsl nrfy;a n tI Mrs, Winslw'sureotandug Sm-f." at prgcssrpdyThea- m e u m o r i f r t p n t y a n t I e n o - jo f ,e t m u l i o n y ( o u b y . u t f e w e n d . B e s n e a t a i - o . T ý i c e u p t i o r : e g i n s q u i t e s u d d e n y ber unsen blli et s firgit cixed Iand- % Ti f-t ~mhe Lhpesra- - i pnepcîf onslisy be mtIe I gularlSgroupeT buf i is i au înay f Ie Buti uiw le ur Cemst IquTe ate rp, acsefdng te ic mne rdcc kiaa toes 'oi.t i n fging te feu1 utl cgt-i ' itl' frn i I _ j ourlbeoe Ilcf',u bt f un ' Trot, nt aoutetmien a nu. f mal-rlvco hlefm bOnet.ut wnitsni t i x îîgoluxo uyouîx se icrase f1 ticrshin i aponaue xat l lt as y'o 1M ousace o ba i-om xil 1 goariicl1)1,, ý1,;t hea ecerd Sc n $.AlDrgltifi esoe cl, l ue îtbmuus snsfcrn sid essîjCUifibon rihllk S j.- 'ca Pie erial Veregos Conceded to, well deserve its pppulail titie, 'the most beautiful magazine in tihe world." FrOm 45 to, 75fine pictures each month, !nany of them in color, and ail of them fot and Iniicdents Tlie very perfection of fine htgrpi reproductioni. Bound wih^slk cýod t harmonie with the color acheme, of 'he The Oniy Nagazlae of the Rind in the WorlM q:. ', Subeription price, $3.oo a year, including lhe SPECIAL CHIRISTMAS NUMBER. Ml ù V"<,. â.e.go ohm -a a Igu1? Pub. Co,.. 4 West 22d St. New York In The Hligli Court of Justice. lot numloer one in t!e firSt concession of the Township of Darlington in the County of Durham lyzig nrth of the Kingston or Grave1 fload except the nortk eiglity acres thereof. -N OTICE je herebv given that Ro',bert &,qMclntosh of the village of Newcastle ln the Connty of Durham, Phyalclan, bas matde an application to the Righ Court of Jostice for Ontario for a certificate of tille to the above mentioned propery entIer "The Quleting Titles Act " and bas urodoced evidence whereby he appears t, bc the owner thereof ln fee free frcm ail incumnrances wherefore any other pgrson haviug or pretendlng to, b&ve any tille to or Interestin the said land or any partthereof, la reqnired on or belore Saturday, the Fourth day of March, now next ensuing, to file a statement -f bis (dilm verlfied by affidavit, at my Chamnbers, ln Osgoode Hall, lu the city -)f Toronto, and to, serve a copy on MEssaLs. SIMPSON & BL AIR at thieir offlee in the town of Bowmanvlle solic- itors for the esaid R )berL MeIntosi ani i. tfault every sech dlaim w'lbe barred, and i ýe tille 0 f flie sa«i(.1Robert Mltohwil be)come ab- Solýee ud inhdefeasible at Laýw and in Equity, snbjýct oiy to(,,tiiereeaios etled oc-he, 051section 0f lie aîdAel, Dated i is twenly seventhi y of Jsnuary, 10 GEO, S. HOLfMESTED," 5 2 w.R efe ee c, fTtis the rniountain division, anad rnew sta- tions are to be bult at several other points on the western lines. A num-in ber of new steel bridges are to be biiilt this year, and others strength- ened, including oue at Medicine Hlat. $1,000 PILE CURE. A Thousand Dollar Guarantee goes with every bottie of Dr. Leonharclt's H-emn-Ioid-the only, certain cure for everV. form 0of Piles. George Cook, Stý Thonias, Ont..0 writes: ,!Dr. Leorihardt 's Hemn-Roid cured me of a vcry bad case of Piles of ove" ten yenrs standing. 1 Khad tried every thing but got no jermanent cure tili I uised Hem-Pnid. I lad 13lind and Bleeding Piles and suifer- ed every thlng. Ointments nd local treatmnents failed but Dr . Leon,- har-dt'ts Hem-11Ibid urodnie per- forit1,y2, )ImRi s a tabletý taken 1i Hter1 nally whlich remnoveýs the cause o!o P1ilee. $1.OO ail Dugssor Theý Wilson Fyle Co., Limitod,Nigr Falls, Ont. BRIDGE GAVE WAY. Thirty Men and Horses Fell to the Ice Below. A 'dospatch from St. Petersburg says: -The suspension bridge spaun- ing the Fo taka River collapscd on Thursday miorciing while a detach- mieut of dragoplas wtuý crossing,; Thirty mon and herses were precipi- tated into the frozen ive r, together, with at nurnber of cabs, wagons, etc. The !ce at t'eat point being eak, the greatest excitemnent prcvaýilcd, but speediix help was forthc'ojmiug, ai-d tic victins ef the accidut wr rescued u ith the exception c(f oe drageon. The chaies on both bnnks broko, anid the bidge fpIl bnedi',- witîs the ishole traffic thereoni at the tire. The terrified cavalry herses ,Juinped over the railings of tIc ridgc nte the ice w hîeh gave, way. The river, is narrox, at that pointl, aid the mca n nagd o scrmblcashoe, with theit- c of iuse of the accident- The Fontaka le a river six uiles long, utiliied with other ,,ater aS, including canais, te drain thg marslbes south of the Nova River. i v jý , 1

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