DURNDISýTRIC(T DIVISUN. LCI OFL VCNY - i - Uave more Up to-date bmprovements and give users better service and more satis- faction tnan the ordinary. One in your I o re would save you much time, laboi' and worry. Churrns, Faefory MiIk Gans, Creamer Cin, Straner Pais and Pairy Supplies. We in- vite your carefui inspee ion. Ouir price3 Ire 1oW. Phone 66. RJeE&eoa Opposite New P>ost Office. althougb such advertisemetits or Fub- The Gaa~ian St&ten -all seriptions-are pa-d for at-tire-usuaî- rate out of the moue s of the municipal cor- poration, but this shai l ot app v to auy BOWMNVILE. EB, , 1951 ei son wbo bas ent ýred into an agrec- BOWMNVILE, EB.8, 1C5.ment or cantract with a municipal'"cor -poration to do at a ~pecified rare ail or the greater part of the prilting required T~IATCOUNIL FISCO. bv ueh corporation ectrieztic term of - rsuch agreement or contract and no t.ucb mlember of c<ýuil shalh vote wherc his We shall not attempt to chase ail the! own account is in qyio Uofl. wiid stories set afloax, by the clique in town who has been cauHing us trOuble ovrer recenit municipal eleccions. The Ki.gsEo J. B U-,ease's[rno îtý ic2 case of Perc3 vs, James to wbich refer- jtg.rnwsIcesofos1 o2 ence waS macle ln Our lazt issue bas been rby the recount on Saturday withdrawa from ho Hlig'h Court tbrough the advice cf counsei for both parties, Mr. R. L. Bordea. late leader of the as the.' considered the judgmneut woulrl Opposition, was eec'ed be acciamatini flot be satlsfactorv and the c",t, '(;uld on Saturda-y for Carlton couDtv.Liberals be considerable False rumors 4lotpaing him thc honor of eciection with-' arreet on charge of perju.ry were îo:rci- out a contest. ated last week and the culprit biig out_______ on $10,00 bai, ! No such charg-e w&'s Mr. R. L. Borden said at bis election laid, beeastbcrItwas noarr4 id flOSaturdav that every progressive man bai torelase i wa a ui l~sedwben called upon must corne forwýard falsebood whic.n we have trilced to the andl tako some share in tic public lufe f zang and was circulated from The N~ews the country even at the sacrifice of bis office ,wb-ere 80o uof the 'dolat roptstsinclination andl personai interest, dehight to congrega,ýte. ______ fi bas been Prgued lu despatches to 1IriTe.,[ual meeting of tlie Canadian the ~ ~ ~ ; -,rno oi ..teMr 1A~oî for the prevenition of Cou- F'nîethat the Council cu' ifnotacZ* up 'wbelein luOttawa on the ~cp M. Jme' rsi atonat Satu. eh next. Tnie atternocon will ~a'we7 se,ion tb-.u wa ~be dvo~to the routine business of '~pcil ssc6~yli te oni r r.thoA~ocîtinIn the evening ai s tta~'s u lctre itlbe olior',v Pr. AUamý ~c4oaiin tere ud be ovenor-eneal liipreside op eputounw;rran--teýJ ePcSe in~ A SMILE IN EVERY DOSE. ifsg:, Courtasuitto tabing -- action to ,protect hlm fromn the spitefulj If your fifitîe ones are cross, pe3Vish attacýk about to be macle (uPOilhlm and fretful, give theni Baby's Own tbrough a desire for revenge. An,-the" Tablets, and they widl soon bseneertul, course open, to thic mayor and <'utcil smiling and happy, Worricd mothers was this: As soon as the special meeting wimo use thîs medicine will find tbere's to consider Mr. Brock's resignation ad-J as mileiluevery dose. M)rs. N. Natbieu, jourued and wbîle ail the members Nosbonng,Ont, saxs: "Before 1 ha- were stili there, the mayor couldihave g-an usitig Baby's Own Tablets my called tbn to mneet fortbwith in orner- littue one was alwavs sicklv and cried geacy session as bas frequently been day and night. But the Tabluts bave donc by f ormer councils to considor some regulatod bis stomach ard bowels, givea special business. Tilis course was sug- hlm strength, and ho is now gond. gested by Clcrk L3ile at the tirne, but natured and growing flnel." Mothers was for ovosroasonis not taken. ne.ed not ha afraid to use this medicine - The Newso course defends the cSun-1 it is guaranteed to contan n op'iate or cillors for tbeirtreatmuntof Mr James' other harmful dru,,sud mav bd given resignation., but tbls conclusion is or- with perfect safoty to a new bora babe. roneous, as was also the despateb in tbe. Solci by ail medicine dealecrs or sent Mail and Etnoire on Saturday. It is a post-paid at 25 cents a box ny writing matter foir regret that mon so unac'q- Tbe Dr. WVilliama' Medicine Co,, Brock-i Uaited with ordinary procedure sbould ville, Ontario.1 be exal ed to office -1 Sons of Tesnperance District DivisiOfl wilij butîlr nt Nal Goon Tuf sdayv FeJb. 14 19 .' Tiin G. W. P. is exi'ect- eci ', hopreýsent. E',ection of olficers. Each D:vi-ion iîs oxPected te send fui, numb-,er o! deliegates. Good programme Fît evenx'ig tession UOpenii3 session NI. MUNDAY. N. C. RUNDLE, D. W. P. District Scribe, $10 WASHI 1NGTON EXCURSION $10 GOING FRIDAY FEBRUARY 101H1 Tickets only $10, froru Suspension Bridge or Bultallo to Washington and ruturu Via Lebigli Valley Railroad. Speciai Excursion. Tickets gond 10 da5s * Stop over alowed at Baltimore and Philadelpitia on retura journey. I lekets g-ood ou ail trains încluding "Bl3ack Dianiond Express." For Tick- ets and further particulars cali on or address Robt S. Lewvis, Canadian Passenger Agent, 10 King S~t ,Toronto. Guide leo Washington Free The Lehigi V aileT district routes t0 New York and Philadelphia. 5-2 w A GREAT SCHOOL. An educational ii.sti ution wbich can show an actital daily attendance of 468 students gatLered lrom aIlI parts of! Ike Dominion, andi whose graduates are eagerly soughit for bv business firmq, may reasonaýbly ha îermed a great sehool. Tbe one business training ehool iu Canada wbich enijoas this standing is tihe Central Business College of Toronto, The catalogue issuied by this vvcll known school is an irteresting prodiiction and may hp, had on-application to te Principal, Mr. W. IL, Shaw, Toronto. TYRO-NE. Mr andi Miss McBurnev, Perrytown. were receut guests Df Miss Bessie Davoy .. .. Miss '-Pirley .vorrison, Bow. tranvilie, visiteci at Mr. Robt. Alcul- leu -h's .... Anotber octogenariau bas pased awav ln the person of Mrs. Archibalci Noble wlio sank into rest Friday Fob. &rd. A itrge circlo of acquaintances t'olloivcd ber remains to Betbesda Cemetery Sunday 5tit. Sorrow- ing frieuds bv tesyrapathy of ail, lu their bereavement,. . .Evurybody corne to the Sous of Temperance basket social 'rbursdav 9-Lh when visiting divisions wiil assist lunlthe program.... Qnarteriy services were bold Sanday tocn sermon baseci on Psaim 73, 241 was preached by 11e. T. W. Jolliffe, Bow man ,ilie.- Pastor L. S. V Whî assisted by Mr. Jolliffe,dipsc Sacrarucut. The meeting- was well attended and evident-? o4oyed b3s tbose rceut_.. Sorry tb lea;u (f the sickness of Mrs. Wight at the Parsourige who mis houa underdotr cars. Hope soon 10 learn o! bier cýmplete rc-coveîy.,.. Ser- vices at Haydon, and the nuli; Suidav were caL-celci on acco:uot cof MrP, Nobles funeral, 1JELMTON (OIe CL Coiincil mý, et n. 2Sz, all the mcm- bers prosout, ReePascne preýsiding.- The Ileeve reported itaving transferred the sumoef 1 5003 iront fba geraI ac- count btthe savIngs Bank Departinent Treasurer acknowlodged receipt of $51 on Mr. Stacey,'s check, aiso $4 50 from Coun. McILaughlin, r6fuad on road job.I M. L i aw adgised cou-ncil to malie effort to procure a grant from County Council 10 aid lu opsning up certain roads and 10 buiid bridges on boundary betm,.,en Counities. No action. Clsrk was authioiized 10 give notice of meetings to bu held lu sacit division on theo lSib Februarv for the purpose of nominating pathmasters, pound keepers and fence viewers, and also to order a quantity of flat cedar and plank requir- ed for repairs on bridges sud culverts. Collector Williams returned his roll, itaving collected amount thereof except- iag 81).58, wbich was aifowed. By-law, (No. 622,) for appoiotment of assessor was given its soverai reatiings and vassed, blank being fii'sd iith M. A. James' rerignation o01 bis seat Ir the Towni iCouicii was aceepted by Gouuacil M'A m,.dht and the mayor ba-s fixed wdedyFebL 15 at 1.2 o'ciock, noon, forILotýiînatlon uto flil te vacaneCY. CouDçÀ1il-Romi, Feb. 6, 1905. Regiar Letn eld on Moûday eveainig la8tî 1NMa4yor A. Tait presidlng. Minutes niý lait, meeting rEktî, and on motion ou rnd The Clerk anuounded Mr. Brook elected by rcciamation. Application was recelvel froin Joi Fletcher, applying for the position of Nlght Conutable. Gareitaker of Hall and pnmping enaglue. W. Pointon, applying for position of Night watoh. Charles Goodman, appiying for po- sition nf Night Constable, Caretaker ni Hall and Engineer. T. Perey, app'yiniX for. position of A.es't Eazineer, or fireman of the Fire Department. Jani 'sMeLean,James MoConnachie, S. F. Hill, f ýr position ni Assesr. M. A. Ja.mes, tenderlng bis rfs!gna- tin, which, on motion wasa&ceotesl. W. A. Windatt, ackno-wiedging re- ceipt of Resolution presented to hum froin the Càuncii. L Froin HolpilaI for Sick C hildren. asking for asisrance.,% ,î mtion, $10 was granted. The Audîtora' Report was preaented aud refe'red ta Finance Uommittee. Coua. M&son, Chatrmau of Finance Golawitteae, pregented Report rectim- mendiug payaient nf accouits anioant- lng ta $545 25, as followe.-R,)ade and Ste., $79.06; Fire D.Lpart., $153 21; Pub. Prop., 8104.60; Poor Relie!, $39 58; Police Depart., 83.75; Co)ntin- gent, $20.30-,_Printinqr, $49 '25; _Lra Hall Building. $65; Town Hall Build- ing accolant, $25. Moved by Cou, Cornîsh, That the Clerk lbe instructed to write to Chiid- ren'a Hospital Toronto, te aecertain on whet .erma an orpha chiid could ha admitted froi te rowo, Gon. K nZ presented Report frein Fire and Water 0Ommittee, recoin- msnadlng payment o! acconte Cour. Clemns, Obairman of Roada and Streets Commttîee, reported var- bally ru the purchate of a uew Fire tein.. Coun. Magon asked Concil ta intro. ducs, a Lty-la,. for lita appointment of Town Officers for the ye ir 1905. Coun. Corfflsh asked leavu to Intro- duce By-iaw for the regulation of tran- aient trade license. O.i motion of Coai. Cornisli sud Clem3ns, Coun, Bri-ck was appointeci on sllma Comniuitees sa arranged be- ginolng of Concil. Coula Magon read a copy of a pro posed agreement between the Durham Rubtsr Cr. tmd the bown cf Bowman- ville, grarnti- raslAtsuoe to the former, and nîoved, secondsd by Coan. Kitig, that Chî cunl pprove of the Ra!es- ment$ beë.rlni date o! Feb. 4 h, 1905, mad eu h-,Corporation of the town 31 owmani l udthe Durhamt Rnbbr Gowhic le xisc1nd by the anýd hao -îiÀ e M1ayor and Cierk be and is hereby intu ted1 affix lthe Beal of the Corpo1ration and Bat their signa- bures to sald ag7&realmeut, Carried. Movsd b'y Coun. Maion seconded by Coun. Wna, the legai flrm of Mesmrs Simpson sud Blair be authorizad and lnstructed by the Mayor ta prepare the necessary By-law ta carry ont the objecti and intentions of lthe agraement bearlng date3the 4th. of Feb. 1905. sudj muade bstwee,ýn the Corporation of the town sud the Durhami Rubber Co. and on titis beig prepared titat the Mayor do cali a Speclal meetIng te consaider saine. On motion. a grant ni $100. was made te the Home for the Aged. In replv tu a commiunication froni the Dominion Gcvernment afiklng for deed nf ]and for Roadway adjoiing new Post Office Building, on motion the request vwao granted, the Govern ment to be aýt the expeane of te deed and paesing B3y-law. Moved by Coun. Cornlsh sec. by Il 4 West End flouse, West End flouse. if Feb.15h Ends w The -Big elearing 1Sale at McMurtry' s. 20 per cent Discount off ail Silks Plain or Fancy Silks, ail shades in every different kind of Sllk Sthat is popular and mruch used $1.09 Siîlks 80C. 75o Silks 58e. S50e Silks 40c. 30e Silks 24c. 20 per cent Dis coant off ail Men'Furfîshîngs Shirts, Coilars, Unuucrwear, INeckwear, Braces, Sox, Mufflers, Nigh t Robes sell at -this Î-tore tili -Feb, l-5 kwth- a vigof -20-- ceats -o n -e e3iy dollars worth of poods bought. 20 per cent Discount off ail Dress Goods No matter what piece of Dress Goods you choose upon (except rem- nants already at î- price) yen xii save 20 cents on every- dollar invested. *I $100 kiads 80c. 75,-. kinds 58c. 5Suc kinds 40c. 30c kinde24c. 20 per cent, Discount off ail Furs Every Fur Grarrnent in store must move out Marked right at first I with an extra inducement of 20 Der cent Discount off regular price ought to clear out the entire stock, Clothing at Reduced Prices Tll Feb1 i 5th !1only1 SUTSAND OVERCOATS $13 50 kinds $0,00. 12,00ki(1.0 . -1 O kids E .$7î kias $5,0. oys bits, Reefers antieOvereoat s Fat Bargaîi cs Footwear Barg-ains, Lace Bargains, Embroidýery aginLie ale, Blanket Sale, whieCto ae E lighest price paid tor Prodiace. BOWMAVILLE, - lIAI I lAI * *MISS A1T