Couch. Johnst0 & eGryderman are selllng ail their aý,dies' Coats at hall ~ ~ ~ OTJ~DS !price and Men's (0vercoateaia ontj third _________________________________________ ff the regular priýe and areînahin bi reduction in the jrce of al l inis of WELL89 furs. :~R s N& 1MPROVED BUTTER COLOR Childrecrptons ow. / Mkes the True Golden June tint that Guarantees Prize Butter. French Chewiné Taffy at Luttrell's. The argst nd Bst reaeris an Darie Inthe orl Us ILDon't cough YOur lufe away-take Soi,, TueLarestandBes CrameiesandDaies n te WrldUseItBuv your 1ýoutry supplies at p. Murdoch. LOOK FOR THE DANDELION TRADE MARK.- BEWARE 0F SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. ubg10tEsI oSardyt _ _ _ _ _ __ _ E j Luttrel's. Now, it8 writing paper and envelopes ~ at Nicholis', _____________________________ You get 301 for couglis at Mitchel's New Mlunicipl Act is discussed on rug Store. -0an inside page, 'Visit Cawker & Tait's China Parlr- Creani Tnffv-l0c per 1lb Saturday Second floor. Sonly lt Th,-s. Tod's. Delicious Scald Cream every day at R i m l e s ssJoneaDon, ilsviitig ber sis- T. H.Knight's. mlin !C~ AQVstug friends in Kendal. T. H. Knight liassome good l3eads cf Mrs. Herbert R. Tilley, Toronto, is Cabbage for sale. gueBt of Mrs. W. E. Tillev. Cream Taffy-Saturday ünly-10c per )r~~ Try a hot Bovril, clinof Coco& or an Ilb. Lt Thos, T:od's. OytrStwa To.Tod's New wedding cak-ehoxes-lovely oes g4i ,es e n d ý Miss Werry, Dundalk, is visiting hl er -at STÂTESMAN office.r àoqv grandfather,'Mr. John Beacock. ILeave rour orders with T. H. Knight 1 4ÎMontreal Witness' advertisment for fresh fish every d1ay. 8 should be rend. Sec inside page. Hershev's NMua Chocoloate in 5c and ~.-i.. 1ev. T. W. Jolliffe conducted the ser- 10c cakes at 'lhcs. Tod's. CVvices at Salem &ad Providence Sunday. Blood meal. Me(a.t meal, Oyster sheli, Th4îo d r o ua eaue o hi et ~ - S A etter from Mr.W .Rickard on sore Mica grit, at P. àMurdochs.b eV somne appearane. They are almost invisible, and flot cmagindesishlortnet Samples free, corne and see, writing à Sweek. paper and envelopes at Nicholîs'. si 4 2 xpensive. They can be made up either with solid gold, C Reiption to Mr. J. H Devitt, M. P. Writing paper and envelopes this ti 4~gold filed or nickel trinimings. Our Optician adjusts them ýb i ., from The Nbws, is inserted on an week t icholis', Samples free. so that thcy are restflul to the eye, courfortable to the nose mnside page . hnyura akr&Ti' dt andl becoming to-the face. Yv Mr. Milton Wigeht, Providence, is remember what they say are facts. 'W sîting his sister Mrs, H. A. L. Ander. evA.CCeslctrsaMple soM ndt!Mrs.JoFrrEeme Grove Feb. 16, Reserve the date.,pl 4 ~Double' Vision be. Buvr.oardglasses fororwinterllrsmeieg e ?5V 1 were ~~~~~~recent guests cf Mr, W. Bvorlse o itredigr eressa dS e ta ls ilas LbryS.-H from Mitchell, the Druggist & Opticiali. te yesMr. and Mrs T .M utyae House and lot wanted to buy. Ap- These will be found a great comfort to those who have visitinz friends in Gaît, St diffren glsse fo disanc an redin, and other western points,.~ Pratt's Pouitr~yFod Pratt's Stock ai to wwear dfeet lse ordsaceadIaina tMr. Leo and Miss Edith Cole, Genev FoodPatc1tePodra .Mr saves ail crianging of spectacles. Poth distant and near were guests o! Mr, James McLean ad dh' ' n P mr.P, vjIisin are perfect wi th the saine spectacles. Otir Optician ther friends over Siinday. M Ah'. JmPl Gvrmntise 4ï makes a specialty of fitting, these and guarantees perfect ~ Miss Mabel A. Tait. F. T. Coli. M.,o!M ArriagesLis enser nDisurn 4ï satisfaction. If you require spectacles we will bc glad to S took the pipe organ in the Methodist ountvag iene orDra teil é knw abut tem. £ EXMINEEYE- chuh Sunda%, andi her playing was onv teilyouailwe nowabot thm. E EAMIE EE- admired. Get youî' share of the bargains in S[GýIiIT FREE, and when glasses are ilecussary our charges nMna vnn h ebr fwriting paper andi envelopes this week, STE STATESMAN Staff gave their Forea- Ncols mnMrNomnSB.James. a ve- A fulli une of Ganong Pros"' G. B. ~ Spîcasant surprise in view of his air- Chocelates 9-The finest in the Landi" at ~mproacing marriage. Miss Aileen V. Thos. Tod's. C'Kess reati acongratulatorv- address For the finest stock of Ladies' Tailor pe Stott& Juy, ~macleSkirts call Lt Coucha, J ohnston &c Gr(.,iaduate Opticians Piedmont ciock in --enonyx vraiaet u eaug t tio ho and Drugygists. BOWMANVILLE. token o! their goodwïies on- this Oc* ery and Wedding cake boxes at TuEaio 4î cason Mr.Jamessuitably replieti STAIZSMAN office, s thanking them for the beautiful gift Aikiso!r. tbesl acstb andtio wishe-, so kindly expresseti. lkid lu tobsl acs b gû od .eglr eei price at M. Maver's Faer ltore,ý courne Tnefarî rguarmetig o! Bow- early and get a bargain. Wi manville Astronomical Society wag held snaTiTASMNt orbet li. Grand Trunk Hailwav Svstem. l h ihSchool Manday ee,,ng fins i5 ay o arona t A~rua Metig an 0t. r. . . ras, . AILWA'T TIME TABLE. showed how the sun 's mass ls caîculateri new subseription for 19ý05.' Sn~ ~h~fTeaarltn uterani a~r~BOWMANVILLýE STATION. anti Mr. J. F. Thompson gave an inter- CoUgig, Colds, hoarsezlcsparland tler throat Bc HFI nîI tnErl r eei~ o the GOfl4G ErAT. GoixG WEST esting talk on Solar Physicq, The fi1ents are quei rl .ive by Cresoene B Citese ianfaeurtg CoLt.te, wl b il .a,..... O2iL.m, Expres...5.02a., papers presentfid and the genera dS- aes.eonprbx drgît la the Towil 1010 j oca.'b ' ussion which followed proveti very en-, ais ikat Csmr lue i ec 45 aîo nSan-a.FbMxd i8 pm a5fgr. 'jo aleand also very pof ta ethase the iatest Hv an v'd s-'illy goo.d Oîtntlg y" randthet tnsret-nn f ~eh îîar Mil . 024p.m Ipresent. The next meeting willbe helti vailue LtCouch,J ohuston & Cytier a i ' ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 1'v - .ta aypoery .n eor xpes.10a.n Sna _l, la the Librarv o! the Righ SeoolMon A big lnt oÇ Dres >off t ai F. , Fua SereUry skeetcra 1CI point10;'d -ac inaodthiwdy i i' - Fb.2ihbout hait prico, some b tem at exaýct_ ao Dat d a Ha ptc ~ t-~ ~ ~ 42 clu uP wl nùL bc h nor o trains Nos.lor M r.,L B W iliam s of this tow n lias ly hait price a t Couch, Jo .s on- - S-, lý 1ll4. returned ta tbe turbulent sea of derman's. C 5TOT & nav.Tow Agets ouralism, haviDg purchaseti the Brace- o.steun aztabrani brigeGaete ra M. uoan the Fur Line, M., Mayer Fiirrier is 'Ci ~AMarshaiU, tefeated Liberal candidate selling off bis entire stock at grcatly Decid t~ow ________________________in ast Dominion election, Editor Wil* reduceti prices, a iaros matie a big success of Events Th etCoagLeulS.Suh Y ýOWMANVILL ampbellton, N. B., and with the in-The Kewn.ih otte ier.s t.,Saor th, Y 'ru t, k-ure a iiincS Lt - 't &lege a--_ I3WM(V1LE, FE B. 8, 1905, igraing air o! the lmetropolis a! Mu~ s- tw.i fee o aeo ilb i _____________renteti, Thisis sy e 5orsme 01 "lnd prepare ia ili responna,'eandîa will give the corstituency a localeayhm fosm- remon-iverative positioOur c!lis for paper wvýorthy aof liberal support. We bocdy. See auvt. v skiltdoffce elparegretertha J Miss Eva E'Iwards, Oreno, lias been Iregret ta lase such worthy citîzens as Mrs, Alfred tIcMTag-gart anti son [ce seaduoffc hlp artsitre .ter îhino ire Mr. anti Mrs. Willams tram aur town Carman, Wbîtewoad, and Miss Florence ge Î, ~Miss Pearl Johnson, Ilaveloek. is vis- but wish them success in tbe new anti Welch, lroadview, are vimiting Mrsp J rs. Jas. A. Wyllie, Toronto, s visit- The Excelsior Sewing Cirle met n We especially recoramenti our reaters tin __________________i îng ber sister Mrs. F. J. Manning. Wednestiay evening at Norway Cot. ta subseribe ta the weekly Farmer's mi aro ml, otHp, l î-tage the home a! Mîsies Allie anti Ad- Ativocate ant i forne Magazine Of de Miss Maro ml, otUpe, i-die Cawker.Th Toot, jtaî. iting bier cousin, Mrs. Will Mathews. h young ladies dis- Londan, Ont. Sec club rate. t!. , I Ms.Fre Fste, NoWood Place, Fpenseti wth their sewîng on this accas. Ladies' Fur Coats, Rufls, Muifs, Yc lia î'e jpuati.. 'u- gvin ut BOT s vsiinghertaturMr.Tha, remermusicetc.'iwards the close a! the caps, gauntlets, etc. ta be solti Lt cast op ho bamth C1atlroerearai Sot h gapleasansuprise was sprung price for the next month, at M. Mayer's w: ad r e arrncetitutmu t th. t-et-ire-Registrar Lfor East Nortbum- Mion taspeol in ay i m o er in s oc higam s a nit, C p t. as e' ot, S eduatti,,O~rcon se ae meteti, r.lliam Walee th ter r Ania beEo. oe ! hermebesMis ea r toeapanttiMaonwh u ie a hr prochng RILEASOiAIO NvIE Svealen-so amoes bstes have brlni a ucee tehae . . arigewa sowre ît fnc rquss av beniaint trnin i b' ok ei g ontcaAI th Msllory, M. D handkerchiefs framn the members o! the rfe, a esaaepngaeate h mete,!4aînssL'.î. Ptta~stP, Mr. W.J. Weatberult, cheese maker Cîrcle. The recpient sibawed ample appleaanc ero th isnoiile rothe 1 repî'ene Setîg , thg Sh.î with Mr Stevens of Darlington Union evidence of!lier appreciatian. The secuteti. 1Y ORDER. lt ,y taeguht byxî' À,,e .ed 'cacera Cheeose Company, gave us a cali an bis pleasant oventog was brought ta a close s ESTER AY TIMEway home ta Bètbany. by ail joining hands anti singing "She's CLFRI XUSOS Mr 'W. J Cooper, Welland, Man., Sanolgoo Gri"ani.ud~n flntsoi Ctaoe i'.Miss Lillie Uislap, Broklin and Miss Col Indîvdual nGrruyoîNewcrast, wr ec The program 0f Bawmanvilhe igh The Chicago, Union Pacifie anti North- WT.7,BROOkS, 0niss G ry, Newcaslewee cntsehool LiterarySocietvFrîday atternoan Western Line ruins througph flrst elasa;. J. aadben hvîg a mcflinnennnnasben trmo i tat mi wî.~a is a unique feature ta Mr. Cropslev's. Bqker, Jas, Staintan, C. Stonhouse, H. J in the amai of ny back, constant dm11 million shares at 81 each, andt at Mr- îninistry anti-the crowds that came te J, Werry, Gea. White. At a m1eeting Te achiug over rny kitineys. that 1 was de- John W. Ke.ys, son of Mr. W.- L. Kevs, bear the gospel in soîîg attest ta the o! the direetors helti at the, close these RO, presseti anti unit for anything., It diti not Bowmanville, wbo visiteti bere last pleasure and profit-tieriveti. The officers were elected -I. L. Brown, Pres; l pans off as formneriy, but began to affect tummer, bas been eleteti presitient of trustees o!the cburchbave been mak- R. Burns, Treas; F. L. El is was Te-en- ie, finy kidneys ; the blatider was aiso atlect- the COMPaLy. Congratulations John, ing somneimproements. To meet this gageti as Seeretary; F. T, Allun, Aud- eti, causiug frequent inclinîatious to-urin- ýanti mai' your ail1 wells ail prove expense anti some other elaims they itor, and T. Welsh as butter anti eheeser kte. Aller [ began nsing Dr. Pitcher'n "gushers."eqrtiaot$0wic su L mar...Aiu eraarviagr iiic kacheKi dney Tabe ts a1ithose troubles rqie bu 10wihsmwsmkr.. ubro u ilgr dîsappeareti. 1 have bat no rernedy that ' hursday evenineza number o!frientis mare than eontributeti. attendeti the funeral o! the late Mre. T. ected so proriptiy befare. Tbey caused of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H Jordan sur- Rab oins in Bawmanville îast week. De- Pu. incouvenic e wbatever. 1 would n _ -imised.tibm by assembling ai their ceased was Icr in any years an esteemetid liave knawn that I was takîng medicie1 home. After ail were comfartably resident o! our village anti mir deepest were it flot for thec beneficial effects.' J odrwschedat r esmpathy is extendeti ta the amihy in 'Ci la purchasing Dr. Pitcber's Backachc- E anriraia tdesai Miss SOr. NThr-O&a nd C'OUgaha thb s-88o! a kinti anti ioving Christian mur Jde y Tablets seC thlat Dr. Ftbr' lrence Ucynolis rmat(ie the pres-,enta- A smle ffeutËI.e ad sfe renEdy for aIl tath - mothefjr. Desa eleves four ss'! ,îàit potatand Sigpiatureaxr* onthe PAÇINIZ. t'lilo a amchir'wih asutal ~Messrs. MýyranI, Levi, Matthew antical * P ICe -ça box or 4 boxew forj.j.* , , cnakdedth eeingwsîev Cenin AtsptcTblt on Rolbbitsndt w agtrMrsm j kinis, î.eaoaî~iogroperiest îPpOry im auj iitorice ihaniMiscor ebia IT STWEà-Io Clark, Jan. 291h, to %Ir. andi Ure. Johnî Stewart, n son. - Mr$. ErnCG.larke, a n. Stt t.a PEÂrîî-In Orano, J an 2end, tau M-.. av dMFOR Frank Peate, a son-sill-bori,_____________________________ EFC DMCBRFlymK,-In St. Louis, Jan. 26t1i, tile wte of Dr. JaRs Ment-tan, of a danghter. .- CarLTFR-In East Whttby, Jan. Slst, ta Mr, ' an rs. litm. Coulter son. " r 4OM MCKOWAN -ln Dundas, Jan. Sath, ta UMr. and 1,,J ,,, YIG Ut-s. Gea. E. MeKowanj,Paimers±on, a daugûter. D YS YBNG Guy-BRAirÂs--Near Braukli, by Rai'. C. #ASY TO USE, BRIGHTES N ET Adanîs, Feb. 2r.d, William C GnY, EFast Wbitby, AKSORTH 'D A ND," T MaýNEs-HfIWi-At Moeaîf St. Methodisi i rgît n eaes AEN TES parsanage, Oshawa, Alu.rSOtS, by RedvDeaoei, utu.Feeick Minet-s and Ut-s. F. Ilewîs, i e__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __r_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZCHALLaS-In Darlington. Pcb Stb, Ilaseîua, betaved i fecf Ut-, John Chala, aget 43y ear. NOBL-lu Darlngean, TeS srd Hauuiah Miles, reliai of the lte Archtbald Noble, aged 86 years. Raaatss--mn owmanville, PaS. lat, Mat-y Ann Cisyton, relitt he laie Tos. Rabbins, Hamptaon, in lier 7Oth y car-. FOWLER-1l1 Kalsmazoo, Mleh., Jan., iud, 11ev. Samuel Mille Fowler, aged 87 yeas . T.- H. Knigbt bas fresb fiali every las. Leave your order wit h bim, Anniversary services o! Trinity Cong- regationai chut-ch were most successful. 11ev. W. Hipk in pt-cachet two excellent et-mens Sunday ta verv large congre- zetions. The choir with Miss Edbth E'reelanti arganiist, rentiereti a siDlendid nusical service anti were ably assistet by the Harmonv Male Quartette in the evening. Mr. W, J. S. Rickarti, Miss thargaret Chimie anti mrs. R1. D. Davidi- aon t00k the s,)bo parts o! the anthem, bhe former also singing a solo at the t'vening service. Mootiay eveninz the but-ch was aR-ain filledti t overflowing ao hear Rev. J. W. Pedlev o! Toronto, eture on 'Mîs Wiggs o! the Cab'oage ti attention o! bis audience wbhe ben relaîtid the humorous, pathetie, ant in- îresting incidents in the hife -o! rs ý. iggs, the "'Apostle o! Sunsbîne" as e callet iber. lie drew mani' whole- i orne lessons from ber chat-acter that t-e wortby of imitation. Pâstor Hipkfn 3esiied anti Miss Tamblyn sang a solod ýreviaus ta the lecture.' Prûreets $60 Lever's V-Z (Wise Headi) Disinfectant aoap Powdar is better thati other pawdara, is it is bath soap anti disinfectant, 34 TO MUSIC LOVERS, The Home Treasurv o! Sang fat-r anadians now beiug iniraducedt to t-be )ople, is a vaa-t reposiiarv of ttŽ-e 1oicest mehotiies bv the world's most mrous camposers. 'it is juat fresb lt-rn be pt-ess and bas no rivalinlut-be world dmusic. It is the greatest collection dmusical gems ever publisheti. Th is îperb volume i beautifily illustrated )' an exquisite gallary af portraits of nowneti mnsicians throughont th~e aorît. These are accompanteti with an 's iring biographicai sketch o! caca, tis ediýe& by the cuhttreti tea cher anti nusican, Pt-af. D. 141;orIs late af loston, the musical '"Heb" o! Amlèec.- 3radIe.-Garrc'.tsoîi & Co. of Brantforti, ýe the publibe-t-, àr. J. W. Lent is heir t-tp.teseftattte la thi,4 vuiouîv., Il loyers ai music will wtisb ta see the ascinating anti papular volume wben Pcala. We have Ibis week ina aotb"rý 'ticGle ativisea young peapleta bearn ta P anit ibtis 1'Teasury o! Son- o annins sa Most appropria te mmmc fmeor anv home wbm're there-are oungfaut or evýen the obaer folk as it ontaias so many i Id favorite sangs anti lîost of new anti popuiar hoine airs. tdilne Patti writes- 'I1bave exaruineti our beautiful ".à.reasurv a!fîSonmg",anti id ib a cbarming collection cf iovely ongs, ich lu chat-acter aid pleasing lu îrtety." This book bas twa excellent ,atures, it is a collection o! the very ues from the best sang vvriters, anti is pecialhy atiaptet the wants o! Il e ome, the abrine of ahi that is baby anti otd. So suitaible is it for use at ail [es aotd by ail pet-sons that ut will iae the fire< de mat-o than ever a elight anti the home gatherings a enuine testaIl ime, as the Editor states ou shoulti have the World's Sweetest ,ngs anti you shoutti be e-lad af the ~pattunitv ta procure. it at your home ben Mt-. Lent calîs. GIJARANTEIED CUIRE FOR PILES. EIehiiig, Bllindi, Blecding or Pratruding Ples. nggists refnd money if PAZO OINTMENT Lat ta cure auy case, no matter of bow long àuding, lit 6 ta il days, Fit-st application 'ves csae anti rast. 50c. If yoir drnggîsthasa't , end 50c lu stamps ana it will be fot-wardad ost-psîd by' %ris MetlPeina Co., St. Louis, Mo Ul t ILIeRY APPRENtICES,- il. wa fdlt Sprieg. Apply ta Miss Sti, ruer Milllnery St-are. Bawmsuville. 6 il I PPRENTJCES WANTED ta 1lest-n millinary. Apply ta IA DDT & Ca entral UtUiner>', Bowmauviile. TO CURE A, COLD IN ON£ D&Y. T'ake LAXATIVE tIROMOQtUININE tablais it druggisîs refondi the mauey if it lails t-o cure. E. W. Grovc's sign atuire is ao, aaeh box, -95c.i ,I OUSE TO SELL OR.RENT--Fraine hanse ai, Ltbeîty St., South, betonging Est-ste ai laie Chas. Keitli AppIt t CHAS. KIftH, ilCaiborne St., Troronto, or ta M. JAMES, Bawmanvllle. 51-tc. ÀIARNM' FOR SALE-176 acres for sale batng part of the James Shanti asiate.- nmposed af parts of lots 13 and 14, in the 1th id sth concessions, East Whitby. Apply ta s. A. BoRaçs, Rlaglan, or JOaN SADLER, Col- nbus. 48-tf. DONALD G. 1M., GALBRAITH. Barrister, Solicîtor, Natary Publie. etcý 'svte andi Company rnaneys to lan at lowcst rrent rates, Agent for The Mitland Loan i Savings Company. Office opposite J. B artyn's store, King, St. Bowmanville. 22-t! JOHN MAYWOOD. John lMa.xvaod o! Toronto, Vocal cacher, bas secureti the Assembljv 'oni o! the btigh Sehool, Bowmanville. which ta teaeh Singing andi will be 3re every Saturtiay. Voicits testeti îe. 4-t!. MISS MABEL A. TAIT, - OLD -MEDALIST-and Fellow o! W* Tot-outo Collage of Musie sud tata Organ- suad Choir pirecto- af Yange St. Methodiat nurch, Toronaîto, is prepart-at take a limiteti .uber oi puptis in voîce (Sapi ana auly> Piano tidTkeary. P'iiptis rearit-r MujSicalex ninaiou i6 ,ToroI,îto Uiversity, 'I'aranto onervatory aI Unste andi Tariont olaet %pybewn Sa. u pm.a tt-& Os Suio vnnst"u ca~ 4q~ 4î~ This departui of Dinner and Tes Lamps, etc. We bave eve Thanking you wish you al! th e C( iDepat (Seeonc Fzloats.) ,nt is comp'ete with th aSets, fine China Cupi a eryting to make a H Lfor the l'beral patrana 'mplîmen.ts- of the Seaso Respecti Tha Grioeerts, 13 te largest variety 4 and Saucers, Mugs, 4 Eappy New Tear. 4 agem the pi st, w mn, 4 !fully yours, 4 Ta0%t Is quickly (Ietected lin KJNCORA CEVLON TEA Sold in Air-tight Lead Packages- 25Mc, 30e, 40e and 50c per lb.- Archie TaitBownIanvl A ni ce cican up-to-date place ta have Photos -tkeL,. We have it. On e of the Fînest Studios ini Canada will be fond here. And our photos will bc second ta none. Our studio bas ail been re-modelled- and is naw complete and ready for business. Successor ta G. P. FREELAND, hutorp her.> Stock îTéaking Sale 18 N.OW ON We purpoema.king this the înost noteworth Sale in the history of our basîias life. Our stock is in go.,d shape- Ind well assorted, but ia order to, reduce it very largely we, we will offer this month adi -U ir t!-13 àouse, ta b a will be a, genuine surpriîe to ouir patron.. The Ea.rlylbird u3ually gets thq chi-iceit w rm. 11-1 e ea.rly and sectire the choieest ba.rgains. Grocors duei11s temn ~an COasb lexDort ~~dr ak,~wavle