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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1905, p. 6

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f Mfuet D'ear Signature of See Fac-ShmIie Wrapper BIlow. Vory amlai ama ~etake as Gel FOR HEADACHo FOR~ DLlONE$. ýFý 110 SMPET$-$. F01 SALOWSKIN. GURF $i i( MADAGHE, ADVERTISING RATES. The Canadian Statesma l published every Wedaesduy norning at the office 26 Statesman Bllock, King Street, fLewnanvilie, Ont., by M. A. James, Editor and Pnepnetor. Subscription $150 per nnum, or $1.00 if paid st-lctly in advance. Advertising rates, tranient adIvetisiing, ten cents per iue. 1trýt insertion; five cents per lins sacS sýUbsequent Insertion- Contract rates ou DENTISTRY. . CBIONNYCASTLE, L.D.S., D. 'S., 11oe. Graduate' in Dentistry of Toeronto University. Offie:-Over Cen- tral Idillnery. ntanefirst deor West o1 Big 20, flowmanville. Ilinster, Solicitor and Conveyancer. Office: BlîeakIeY Block, King Street, Eo)Wianville. Itoney te boan at reason- able rates. 48-lyr. ROBERT YOUJNG, V. S. 0 IFC IN HORSEY'S BOK opSite Town Hall Entrance, where he wiii Se foond from 8 a.m. te 1) p.m. Niglit calis ut residence, direct- ]y opposite Drill Shed. 17-iy. 3fARRIAGLE LICE-NSEýS-M. A. .1 James, Issuer of Tiarriage Lic- enes lesidence: Centre street. SIMrISON & BLAIR. B. . SMPSNK. C., CHAS p B3LAIRý Barrister, Solicitors, Noturies, -t'itc, up-stairs, K'n ilis. Solilitors fo Private monsys boan- üVL ,. £xackstock on tise frsî Monday of crismentis, ut Orono 211d Nonday, ahl day, and ut New- castle ilit Wudnesday from 2 p.rn. Offce:-Tempera'nce St., Bowman- ville, reaLr of Hligginbotisam's drug store. DEN ISTR Gradualu Of tise Royal College o! Dental Surgeons, Ontaria. Office:-0,12POsite T.'s office. VITALIZE-D AIR. MOAL O! al Sizes, lthebestlminced ln Amerlos. FLOU R. Made by lthe Best Known Miones in Manitoba and Ontario FEED O! uvery kind and description British Columibia Cedar Shingles Try tise Old Reliable Firm f.o! JON GILDBERT & SON, who)iesale sud retail dealers inu Grain, Seede, Flour, Con! and Britishi Columbia Shingles. Second 10 Noue, Goode deliveredi prompîiy in ail parts o! the town. Largesl Stock- Pneus tise Loweet ~Jno. Gilbert & S"jon King St. West. 1dowmanville ROIJ1A0Ž'ORTHE D.AI[RYý- By the terni roughage a, s hure used We lean to include foddcrs, stox or, silage, roots, and hay of ail kinds. Aichougli we shall treat separately wu do flot mean that tbey should bu fed thus, for ail of thei are best !od in connection with othur rough- ago as we ll as with grain. We place ilage ut the head, for of ail the coarse fecds for the dairy cow this seems the most ideaL. The cow likes it, tbrives on it, keeps healthy, and yiclds a liberal supply of milk. This is ail Jhat could bu asked. Silage is rich in carbohy- drates but not in protein, hence it is best fed with clover hay, which is a protein food. Though the cow which is useà to silage doue weli when fed on it alone she will do butter if other dry fend is fed with it. The amount to be fed depend-. upon the maturity of the corn when put in the silo, well matured fodduer allowing of a srnaller food. Thirty to forty Ponnds daily pur cow should bu suf- fJcient. Tests at the Vermont and Wiscon-ý sin experiment stationsà show that while silage contains thu camle, amount cf nutritmnt asdry fodderý mnoro of it sceornei t, bu digestible and the milk returaus from its usc we1re Thu belief thut ukroasagle cows is inferior in quality bas littie foundation. Truc there is a slight odor to milk from ýilage f-(,d cows but it is not objuctionable. Tlho but- ter made froin ut is not taiitod undi of goo'd qnallty. Corn etover, or tihe matured stalks is bccoming more and more esteem-ý cd as a food for dairy cows. When shrcdded, a great part of thse mater- tai wbich was formurly wastud is naten. If the smaii and impurfect ears are luit ia the foddur %Nhen huskuc d by hand it,- fecding value willl bu muchincreased, ta fact many suc- cessf iii growers of beuf cattle food the corn unhusked. Thse sowing of corn so thickly that it i not ear and culiing it whilo g reen and uc for fodder gives a tender food mucis rulishedby the dairy cow. Thse fodlder muy bu putý in thse silo or cured in the shock, but in citisur case it us doubtful if as murs nourishiment is sccurcd as if thse crop wure sown thianer and -luit until thse unis xverc nearly matnrcd. l'en to fiftcun pounds daily is a good, ration. Clover hay haernch te comimendý it as a food for- thu dairy cow, and as _yet nothtng 'bas been found, te fully take its place. Buing vcir no in protuin it is tise best rougi!, ma- tonial to food with silage or foddcr iknown. Thse whifïi s objection- ablu for hre is not noticud by COu s. LS ýbeing a legumu and hav- Lng a jLago root systera gives it an addional -alue as a fertilizer. Timiothy bay can not bu reco m- muended as a dairy food. Its nutri- tive value is lusz than that of clover whilu it cost ie greater. It would Ibtter bu soldi te buy nover -whaee 4y kecépinig 3 oas Sotses chut .np in tise latter wilb net grow, or grain of a _dnnk s table you muy porrnanuntlyl corne kiîud. injure their eyesîght. Alfalfa mnakus, very palatablu hay Expernisentt liav e madIe eean tîsat if igitly curefi. It is of considen- i s net necsseasy te gninti grain able autrient value and nicis in pro- for herses lîaving goed tectis. Wheai loin. E normous cropa 'are somectimes animais arc worked isard and have raised but tise'plant is diffiiont to ol asor inelatsemddio cur prpery ad vii isrdi stndtise day te fced, ground grain wll tise norisera iiter caverai ycurs in prove advantagcous. " successioun. It la just as accessary te gi-vu pro- BRoots are bss désirable for tise per attention to tise -eeping o! feeding steer tisan for tise dairy cow, ponltry, te tise groxving of grain or as tisey tond te feorra a mono watory tise caring for and lsaadling of a carca.-s. Tisis la net se detrirnental tarai ns it te surcessinlly te runaa to tise dairy con as geed recuits businese-isonse, a grocery, a dry- frera tieir fceding ta Jersey and Eag- goods establisisment or a batik. land attest. A root ration takes Those Whso succeufi best apply tise no-ý lise place cf siage xvherc tise latter cesr abjlity, noue and attention la net te ho had. It is probable, te supply ing tise aueded wants,' se isoxxeven, tisatishe silage is moe as te have profitable 5eturns. economîcal. ITise foods led *liens duning tise; Mangels ase tise niestecenomical - xvnter sisould bu an assortasenti of root te nasse Ion feeding. They sould g-ui ot acbac e t-igrt alw-ayc bu s liced or pulpeti. Buta- gainspoviest or uan egg o iei. aTie bagas, carnets andnungar beets arc beet 0 f ese aneai, te eMt, nTse rcsrand mueS relishcd by tise dairy n' coLa. Tise bulk of al w interi COW~~ grain feod shýi-jîfi bu oats anmi Iet EABM ~sTES. IIf huslefi oats can ho provided, tisuy FARM OTESare btter. If a liberal suîpply of Ilta s sated te hoe very difficaît te w huai oats and cern te funniisef, differeaittato htu ea huttes coaitain- o orr non ourho he itigmuchand ittl ino,,5tre. honwhole, ration corn, andi fefi tuo h lise .nosture lias iseen properly in-lesa'ogteitrt l p- corporatefi, batter mmv coatain mach Ihi~aiot ielxr t~ilpo mor thn sxten pr cnt.witoutvicie a g-cded ug ration se far as tise mor tian ixtunpurcen. utisatgrain supply le concernefi. If they betag recognized exccpt by special are t'oî properlv isouseî, sacS mnethode. grains ration is net likel-o b Ti rnetisods emploî cd te groxx ng w arn "nouglit for tisons. Micro corn crope for tise caniniiig factosy are os- beating grainu of senie klnd nutst essetially tiese aine as tbosc prac- bu pscî ided te o rae up foi-tise lack ticef byýtise market gardencr and tise of coinfoit and sbcltuî. fruit goeve. 'Tise preparation of 1 - __+- _ the land must hbctisorougistie a'-- EXTr.A FOR CONFEI plicatiosi e! fertilizer-so sisoud bu En gîtis Vicar Exacte Fine for 'Use -EXTRE NE CASE 0F Tise VicLr on tisessHnlSssx RVO 8 P OST ATIN Iniviand. bias issued ailultimatum NERV US- PRÜ TRAJ IO onthestibjeot of throwing confettit at ,- ddi.g,. If the custom le pur-j Astonishing results obtained sistu inlaise state, an addtienal1 bIy the use of Or. Ohasels fivu shillings will hc cbarged for1 4es-ve Food. tie cloanere' labos aftes tise con- Mute. MxiutS, Se, Woodsbec, Essex Ce., fut esoer Ont., witei :-" Wisen Iisegan tise use et Dr.1 et sowr Cses Nerve Food I was confined te nsy bed i utfe ntise Via:o! liergese h1 il A 5Oc. Bottie of Le.quozone and Giel-i t ta Y7ou a T 1 That Toolt ICa nadeîa By Storm. A year ago. MOONEY'S PERFECTION C R E A M -~SODAS wer a theory. To- day they are the most de- ightfU cracker facts in aCn- ada. Last JuIy, the first Moone>s Sodas went out to tempî lthe appetit of the Caruadian people. Now>, many tons a day are baked to satisfy the demand. There's no resisting the fresh, crisp, crearny deficious- ness of these perfect soda crackers. Perfection Cream Sodas Alt your Groeers N"ew 'nct Causes Aïally hange'S. Owic totheeha ge renly madIe ila the Aesnet ~t a great dtal will depend on Vie worDrt the Asses- sora. The vaiue of landej and build-, ings have now ta bef entered la the Rol sepa-ately. We no*te tathat at îPs leSt nseeîinz theýPoet îRope Town Cotin- cil appoioted two Asaos REAL PlRO-PERTY. The Municipal World for Jannary has an extanded r,,ft3ïnce to the Act. With the excopbîon pf minerai lands, it s'ates, ail reai proVierty la to be au- seseat ite actuel valIue in t he munci- palîy in which It lien, sud lu the case of ctiles anti towns in the ward lu wIlîtch it lies. Ino semIsng landI having any buildings thereon, the value of the land and buildings la ta be aacertaîned separately and so entered In the asss- ment roll; the vaiue of the buildings la te ba the amount by which ',le value of the land is thereby lncrensed. Ia mak- ing an amssrsment of land and build- inge the ausseoaor should firet value the land and afterward3 determine the val- ne of the whole property, the differ- encs being the value of the buildings fir amaient purposes. This bas no referevce ta the cent of the buildings and eau be eafliy underatood wbon the prices paid lor farine wIth aud wîthout buildings are eousidered.- Speciai pro- vislon i, madefor the' valuation of farm lands oz blockis of more thau five acres lu towns, vIilages sud elties. lui town- ship, ]nad ié to be waeaad aga!nFt the owuers snd ccuplerm.' Non-resident owuers Who have given the neee'xeary noticeare to be aasassed as residant. lu eltieo, tovus zand villages, resideat audnou-res'!denb owners are ta bW au- sesied lu th e saine way. The seedions reiating ta this are new, as are &]so thnse referring tot marrled women, wbose husbands are to he entered ou the roi, and trustees, executors andi guardiaus, who are lu the sne position as ownera. A& tenant now includes oc- cupants and persousna nponesion o b- er than tt e owuer. BuSINEss ASSESSMENT. The amamsment of pf son*i property lhas been abolished, and every persaa cecupying or using land, for tbe pur- pcsà of any business la heroafter tu be aîesed for a aum calied Buisiness As- ses,ý ment, ta be computed by referencs tei the assssd vaiue of the land so'on- cupied or asesi for the purp se of buoi- nome. This la a p31nonil a es ment, the tex on which ils ta b pald by the person engazed lu the business The rate of businessasessment la a flxed oas. vef--i . ou 25 ta 150 par cent. -e~ 'inr.This la the oo t s. ~ ~. e,~ of tbPe sw 1,w. People Well,. Mrs, Wm. Carter, of Markdale, Ont., who thanke beaven aud Paine's Cel1ery Compound for ber restoration ta health, says:- "After my baby was bora 1 took grippe, and was -in a veryv weak con- dition of health. My nervous svstem seemed ta bc broken down aud I h ad convulsions several times. 1 frequently ost use of my limbs, J had severe night sweats, was eleepless, despondent and verv nervous. I thougbt at timos iwas going to lose my reason. At st 1 became sa weak that 1 could hardîr nove myself in bed. Aftsî a course of treatment by able doctors, J was atili suffei-ing, and ou thebiik of the grave. 1 wai strongily advised by a frièai to nake use of Paine's Celer 'y Cornnound Tao gratify the desires ,of mv famiiv I used this medicine. lu a short time appetite aud eeep were better. Aiter use o! the second bottie I was sa amazed ad pleased with mv improvements that Idecided ta continue the use of Paine's Celere Compouutid. I arn appy to state that the use o! six botties bas comiplete- ly restoreri me tao uew life and usefuti-1 i5ss to mnv tamnity, I slncerely thank Gbd aLd Paine's Celery Compound for ny wonderfti restoration." Ak for Eczema-Eryslîseias 'I~ubercuiosia We want you to know about Liquo- Èone, and the produot itself can teit you more than ne. So ne ask you to lut us buy you a bottie--a fuil-size botte- ta try. Let It prove tisat it doe výhat medicine cannaI do. Seconisat a tonlu It le. Learu tisaI It does kili germe, Tii-n you wili use il alwaye, as we do, and as millions of othera do. This offer itaulf shauld convince you that Liquozone doe as ve daim. 'We would certaialy flot buy a bottie a-nd give ilta you If there was any doubt of resulte. You want those resuits; you want ta bu -wel and to keep well. A&nd you can't do that-uobody ca- WlIthout LlquoOone, We Paid $100,000 For the American rigs t ta Lquo- izone. We dld this ealter teeting the product for twa years, tisrough physi- siana and hospltals, alter proviug, ln thousands of differeat cases, tisat Liquozane destroya, the cause of any germ disease. Liquozone Las, for rûre thani0 years, been the constant subject of scientifie and chemi cal research., It la rot maden by compounding drug,, inor witis alcohol. Ils virtues axe derived Loily from gas'-largely oxygen gas- by a procese requirlng immense appa- ratus and 14 days' time. The rest le a Liquld that does nisat oxygen doe. It le a uer-vo food and blood food-the Moet heipul tbing ln the world to you. Tise Jausuarv Housekeuper be_-iua the ThoMentrcâl Witue3s, a TMIuY uew year weil witb an unuualiy at- tractive number. 'f ho iuleresting Grea~t Nowzp3poi'. fiction sud praclical deparîmeuls trest o! sucis varied . ubjects ais tise Winter lise 'Witnss f Dai lyand Weekiy] gives Laundry, H Iints t o r tise Jauary ail tise neusa tnisit wortisy thse altreaeu or Hlostuss. Heips for Home Dressmakers, har average reader litkespo is ref*dorswell Doiicious Holiday Cakes, baud Kuit îas!rmed on 0ii assbj-cts of iterel. The Articles for tise Boy. Tise ousekuep cable, tisa isiegrapis &udthse teirpisone, te- eraTools, New ways with with C)ysters> getiser wilis an avec lnucreaging sîiff o! coin- utc, ubiibed y Tie Hoseke puépîent editors snd rcporlerp, ailunuits te etc Puliged y Te IouskeeerMalte its newsa ctnumns sec-sud te noue. Corporation, Minneapolis, Minu, Suxt1 The 'Witnetàt' editsrioàl pages are acknow- cents a suar. led4ed by Ras readoes on alt aides ta be bits Tise Delineator for Fubruarv, witis a farcasd fut cible. beautiful art caver aud a vanied table Roliable commaercial selve sud qiotatýýons o! contente. is a moat attractive numuber. o -tiîý moaey, stock and prodace markelts Someof he arlySprng Btwzàýarcare teatuces Ihat makee h of great value in Someo! tse arlySprig s~l~aretise woild o! commerce, finance sud agrinul- sisown, sud o! furthe interest to women t lue. rs tise cipt ou "Tise Makiog Of a Tise 'Witrsemî' op&eI depatoeect3, sch gestion. Tise, deparîment "lGoodi frein Readers, Boy.' Page. Ch:lýirer,' Cor- - ,uoks'" whieh discusses tise forehead, Der. Qaînîra. Agricultural, Hooturai, and Mre. Thodore W, Birney's con- Veinsiy, 1'iuit-y. Pets, Medicai, Legal, tribution on '-The Mistaes o! Mothers'" Neumisinatie Cisesoe, are aisly wondact- sue tisr iems speialv hepfu. Tse d by apeclatiab4 aut large expertse. tffeting s we oter iems specallyelpfl. Teme et valuable privilsige ta Witneitq readerc. Buttenick. Pubiishing -Co., Butterick mlan1846 tise Witness waa ut&,- ted by tise Building, NuwYork City, U S. lais Joisn Dougall, sud bis sun wws toa up- Tise Càaai an Mia'ueetsa-,stise ply tise Domninon o! Cjanada #ith tise hast possible newspape-. Th8iseWtte'a as grown Ndw Year wilh a neus serlal, tisa @aesa since lissa-,But il bas never ontcrown tise o! vshic1i are laid lu thse war o! 1812, prnciep'os tisai are, se te say, engraved on Ic v te enti:ld "Tise Builders,' a wroat its corner alune, &]p, tille for a atory o! thsonse ho helped J A ne-sepaper pabliebesl on ise Witueeo wivb tisa futt onso!Canada. G. linos needi lise înppoti tst>5 'irisaare M. LBroa, sCrudisutraolle o! svuliîug to pay ils eubsecriptioa prnice for tite M. Erwa m andla trvelerOf ressua1 htisil; vouatatily foeg alutise là- note, write, luterestinLgly of Curacas, tersatIf !ils suisecribers wmach teveune frein West Itian Islands. The elltor re. pernicloaq advertieeomeuts, tc. tisaoite, views tise new life o! Sir John Beverley public sieuâ acet -errd 9 cftiseir read - -Roblusa. James Joiusonurites o!f ar-.W@ and-rs sud i -t a tdr or tisia h"- turbiae. Dr Dàmondconrîtrtes fore Chrisimas tise %itrieis refu-e I iver tu- turbies, r. Damondoautrb-uta vionsand toar iandred d- liars fur thiscuer- ons cf is fâmons habitant p'uîfls. rien ef anuadvertizement calcuiated tois-jure Cy Warman's satire IlDog Est Dog' iti anissonibers, sitil intereat tise p3ople of tise West, Professor Cappon'a article on "'Roberts sud tise Influences o! Hlm Time." la Tise Cs-istian Standard Bay: I" Tise tisafina o!s melecf fur o tie sane estiAvenue Cairait,Buff4!o, liasseur- the ira of seiez f fur o th ca e ailtise serie. s c! B. EH. Haydeu o! Bows- abje3t. Thera are tise usuiai short ruauvite, Oet., as pastor. He uili com- atonies, poees au 1 departuientse. Tise tuee bis usork ou Susday, Jeu. 29 Br(,. national tans, whIl hbaîs given Hayden preaeised Surdty, Jsu. 8, to a dlatlnctlveneis t Iis publication, was erowed h-àrse sud hied a meesting ail tise neyer more lu evidence tissu in this ioliowiag week and again Sundsay,,Jan. 15, issue, afier ec h ho sSereesived tise usanlious PER FEUT CONFIDENCE. Whene there uîseto 0bu afeeling o! uneasiness anti worry iu tiseisousebuld wisen a cisilti showeti symproms o! croup, tisere i now perfect confidence. Tbis le awing to t;ie unifonin suece3si;o! Cisarbenlain's Cougis Remedy lu lise treatmeat o! t iatisuase. Mire,. M. I Bueford, o! Poolsviiie, Md., in speak- lag o! ber ex--perience -i-atise use o! tisat remetir saya: 111 have a antoido! confi- dence in Cisamberlain's Couis Remedy ton I have sised t w it perfect- sucese My ciL'd Garland issubjeet 10 au-venu attacizea!o croup anti il alwaYs gives isim prompt relief." For sale by ail drUggists. Tise Cunty Council of Northsumberland sud Dunisim have taken cff tise lees of rad couuiy pupils atfending their owa ItigIs 80eisoa ls ad ty &amach have iucreaaed tise mýiutenna grant in iheir bigis sciool boarr. Itlais ttouýist isy tis emîts tisaI tisey ustîl ba able ta retain more o! tiseit owsa papiS'. Catarris Canuot be Cureti. wicls LOCAL APPLIÇ.AIONS. as titey cannoi reacste scat ofthtie diseuse. Catarrinsablood or colistituios51 Ossease. ac nd nrder te cure H youa must take internat remedies. liai] '? Catarris Cure la taken tîstenally, and acta di- rectly on ths ecod asa mocous surraces. J-al'a Catarrs Curetas not a quack mediaino. It was prescnibed by ne of tise Seat pisysicians in tis country for years, and is a regular prescription. It ia composed of tise buse teauca known, erm- Slned gîis tise brai' blond purifIera. actiag di rectly on tise maucoua surface . Tise purlect combiisatin o! tise twe i ngredients is wisat pro-, dries sucis wondënful resuite in cturit.g Catarrs. Send for tesiimouulals free. Callo!tishe songrega-,iou and aeeepied tise sains. Ha is s gras personal usorkeansd bas eulsared iim.eel!bctahis young and aid F. E. B. We huard a man sav tise other moru- ing tisat lise abbripviation for FebruarN -Feb.-meane Freeze every body, and tisa: man looketi frozen inisi ulster. Lt wae apparent Ibat bu needéd Ithe, kinti of warmtis htisasv, tise warmlh tisat ru;aies ! rontisuati to foot, ah ovun tise body. We couid have tl ism- from personai kuowledge tisat bood's Sars'tp anusl gives permanent warmlhis.t in- vigoratetise blood sud speeds it along- Ibrougis artery sud vaiu, sud realv fits men andi wamti, boye and girlim, 10 eajoy coid weather anti resisltishe aI- iseksof disem-e. Itgivestsenigst kinti o! warmtis, stinsulatos sud streagthens at tise ame time, anti ail ils henefits are lastiug. There may bu asuggestion lu tisis for Sou. Thse Salvation Army is bieiging out eaty unlise sprtag. a Itirpe umter cf en- igrents, Lthsmartied salu gle, ta work on frm?. Tisera are a Ce ttraisie citais o! ycuug meu, aud farmens sud otisers want- ing ielp durin4 thie coming saRan wPufl1 do useil tb cimmunicei suiBg. Hîsi- ail, ?0 Alberit Bf., Toronto, Whio uili rua- piy uccoasay information, appliication forma, etc. Farce piâfroinToronto te fam irhaddreaaes by tise Govrînment you ~ C -hae.i orn nci what It can do. In Justice to yoýurself,pea, aceept it to-day, for it piaces you uxn- der no obligation whatever. Liquozone costs 60c. and $1. CUT OUT THiIS COUPON for this offer tmay fot appear again.. F111 out the blanks and mailil to rhe Liquopone comnpany, 55$-564 Wýabash Ave., Chicago. My disease is........... ....... I have neyer h-led Iiuznbait if yon will supply me a 5oc. botiLe free 1 wili take it. Give fualadeswiepany , = ciior hopital not uiglluan up ie2 s 1 RECEPTION TOURI. DEVIT ~ Owlng 10 tthe bad state of thse roadib ou Wednesday sveuing o! last wetik, Mr. Davitt, thse newly elected membtr for West Durham, wae unh-let luto tawn, go a meeting w&es'n for ln thse Oonservatlve ~tsle RoomN, ou Frlday evenn regentatives were preseut f i' t o! the rlding,-from the ahe s Seugog, on the nonth, ta l c Lake Oettrio ou thse sauts h qO s sprlnkltng o! LiberaleIs:hr~ ped lu to joie lu congratulations. Mr. Davitt, on e ntsrnn the hall was reeelv, ed witis uproanicus applause. Aftor a general handehake wlth thse uew member, the meeting was cailedl to order by Mr. John M4oCoanaebie, president o! tise Bowmanvlll'e Confserva-ý tive Atsociacion, who atter congrataulat- Iug ail piraient on the splendid vlctary, c-fliedou Dr. Bonnycastle, ecr-:tusry o! thlie West Darisam C~srale&sio- elafion, who waa !foiiowed by A. Tait, Msyor o! Bjwm-anv lis; James Gais, editor of Tira NEwns, sud A. Bairber, seeretary o! the Dtirham iCountýy Con- servative Assoclailôn. Mr. Devinus as tise nexr. e ak er, sud on rising usas geeteud wt,' I a Jolty Good FtElow." He thankel thse eleeto -s, bath Rsorm andCnera tive, for Ibe support ihey hid gi-ven hlmthrougbout t ecmplan sd ne- fearrrd la the victory ihrougisoubthlie province, Otiser épeake,-rs uere. lD G. M. Galbraiths, riat.e, ani Meurs, L, A. W. Tel', Fred Lovekîn, Capt. King, Dr. J. C. Devlitt, S. Devitt, George Mayard, sud M. C. Uslbrsi b, Tise meeting ciosed suish cheera for tise Klug, Whitney, aud D@vl.t. A notable f iature o! the eiecton usas tisat tise old banner rnuuicipality Cart uselgit, wher thse meuiber reaides, but- voted thse R form unclt of Dar- lingbon by aven tO0 votes. MUr. De-vîlt'S eompio'e majo)rlty ie 131. WIIEN YOU HAVE A COLD Thse first action wisen you have a coi i1 should bu ta relieve tise luage This la best aceompiishcd by tise frue use c! Chamburlaio's Cougis Remedy. Tisi Remedv liquefies tise.tougb mnucuù auud causes ils expulsion from tiseair celle of the luage, produces a fu xetrto sud opens tise secretrone- A Lorapiutco cure soonfollowq. Soldhy afIruggUiîs PECULIAR CLOCEK. Onu 0f'tise most remnarkable ,f oris of clock in thse w orld te a oc'çfk fan maîsufactured by a Swiss - jxulr The clock conssts o! twlevebae ioged like an ordinary fani. Tisa numýber of tise hour ta arkd ron-, oe to t aiv 4tise enid o! cacis of tismo lea es. Tise fan iasIepica starts at six o'clock aaid expads ru- gularly for tweleixomur, when it suddcni.y closes np and starts ahi over again. Tise half-Sons' is indic'at- ed by tis e ai of tise fan Seing oaly halîfextendod. A PAIIOII. Couit tisat ay lest Wisose low desreîsdiîsg sun Sues nothing doiaig aud ne oae donc. Ger-m DI*seasese These are thse known germ diseuses. Ail thal nedicine eau do for tisese troubles le to help Nature overcome the germes, and sucis recuite are idi- rect and uncertain. Lîquozone attacke tise germe, wiserever they are. And, nisex the germe which cause a discase r are destroyed, thse disease- muet eud,1 and Yorever. Thisleine-vitable. Its uffectsi are uxhllarating, vitaiizing, Fevers-G1il5tenesu nos~Ue pnrifylng. Yul it le a germicide 5 so oorrhea-GieeC 'GWoiueu's Digeages certain lisat we publiis ou every bot- Ain diseases that biegin wtth fever-ait indjam.. tie an offer of $1,000 for a disease matloyiI5arhuiicetagieus déaSea-aiL. Eurm that it cannot MIL. The reason in neGrvous deabiliaultr latsa erma are vegetables; adaemlasn htn rg e o Liquosne-like an excesof axygen- is deadi-y to vegetal matter. Tiscre lies the great va4ue ofIliquo- .50c, 7Bottie Free. zone. Ilte is e anly way knowa to ili If you need Liqulozone, aud have germe in,- the body wllhout lcillig the ne-ver tnled it, picase send us this tissue, too. Any drug that kilîs germe coupon. Wu nill then mail you au or- le a Poison, and Il cannaI bu tak-en la- dur on a local drugglsl for a full- turnally. Every physian kuons that size bottle, and we wnul pay thse drug- medicine Ie aimost helpiesseila any giel ourelves for IL This le our free germ dîsease. gif1, umade to convince yon: ta showr Absceass-AntSnsl& Bronclltis 14100(1 Poison o3ýwcl Trsubues Dandrufi-Dropsy Dyspeesia La Grisu Liver Trouilles M a la - es a ;- Malny ienrt o.te Sdin Diseuses Stomaels Troubles Tbrcsat.'i'rm, hies 1heavy and the constant tilling of athe soul with cultivators and hoes bduring the growing season is neyer 3to be neglected by the man who la- -hors to reap a good return. 1,German butter makers have a pro- cess of glazing butter with a coat of melted sugar. It is stated that the butter so trcated keeps fresh for a much longer time than ordinary butter. It is carefully worked and washed and put up,,in one-pouîd( lots and placed in a cool roon. it is then glazed by painting the surface' with melted sugar, using a SOUt brush and performing the operation very quickly The hot sugar nieltsi the surface of the butter and with it forms a kind of a varnish which pro- tects the surface against the air. If there is any one rule applicable to all successful farming, it is in the odsaying that "Whatevcr is wvorth doing is worth doing, well." More, intensiv e farming and a more exact know ledge and practice of the best iniethods in every branch arc nceý" This be obtained by watch the agi icultural papers wvhich are ways ready to give the melhods lowed by the most successful farlli and by the specialists ineeb~a of the busines. asv, by stud3 ing re- Sp-ertî ûcthe agriclultural colleges an-,'i the experiment stations, wbich arc sent frc to ail who ask for them. WVe say study thn, and wed o not miean that ai! that they conta-in isi to Le-acceptod as à guide for the future work. Think about thern and see whether they are adapted to the soul that you are w orking or the crops you are growing.;ý LIVE STOCK NOTES.

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